Muslim Man with Roman Catholic Girl

Shazaan says: March 1, 2015 at 9:53 pm

I am a Muslim man seeking in finding out how the rules in Roman Catholic Churches and Islamic mosques in Kerala consider mixed marriages as I am in love with a Roman Catholic girl. We are near the age of marriage and the state of acceptance from the church and mosque in India is vague for us. I am aware it is permissible to get married in Islam to a person by the book, but I want to know the Catholic Church side.We have been strong-hearted with each other however, time is ticking and we are serious on taking the appropriate measures to make this marriage happen. Where can we start and how do we approach this situation if matters gets worse? -Shazaan

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Also read if in relationship with a Muslim: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Christian-Muslim marriages.
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  • Sheba
    April 9, 2015 12:58 am

    I am in a love with a Muslim guy.
    we would like to get married..
    can you tel me the ways and solution for this,

    • April 9, 2015 7:23 am

      Can you tell us more about your love? Assuming you are a Christian, are you willing to convert to Islam and raise all children as Muslim only. Watch this video and get back to us.

      This is an open forum where you will hear all sides of stories. This way, you are in change and could do what is right for you. Do not get trapped to other one-sided web site or advisory. Be smart and open minded.

  • March 4, 2015 7:25 am


    Yes, a Muslim man can marry a girl of book. Thus we are sure you will be able to find an imam who will conduct your Nikaah. Is the girl asking to have a wedding in church too? The church will ask you to sign this pre-Nuptial agreement that children from this marriage must be baptized and raised as a Christian. Is that okay with you?

    How religious are you? How religious is the Christian girl? Was she churchgoer in her childhood? …and now?

    Did you talk to two sets of parents? Are they okay with your marriage? Are you financially independent (good education, good job)? Let us know more details that will help us help you.

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