Muslim: I Love a Brahmin Girl

Waseem says: January 14, 2019 at 11:42 pm

l loved a bramhin girl and she also loves me. The thing is my family is accepted my proposal but they put one condition that she must be accept in Islam. She doesn’t want to convert. Will you give any suggestion for me. -Wassem

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  • Khan Hussain
    January 17, 2019 10:49 am

    Bro conversion is his/her personal and own decision and that must not be for sake of the marriage
    Secondly if she doesn’t convert then what will you do?
    And are her parents ready to accept you as who you are?

  • January 15, 2019 7:40 pm

    Hi Waseem,

    What is her concern not converting? If she does not convert, are you going to dump her?

    As per Islam (Koran 24:30), you are not suppose to fall in love and Allah is already upset for it. Probably you are not the one who perform Namaz five times a day and read Koran for life guidance. Is that true? If so, how important you have that she follows Islam and give her being a Hindu Brahmin? Are you asking her for conversion only due to please your parents? Let us know and we can discuss more.

    • Gokusan
      January 16, 2019 1:53 am

      Stop lying. Islam talks about involving in premarital sex ,if they have not done it then it is well and good.Without conversion Islamic marriage is impossible and he will be commiting Zina if they marry and keep relationship without conversion.

      • Massey
        January 16, 2019 3:44 am

        It is a fake and misleading text posted to convince non islamic readers,
        Basically it is deceptive technique through takiya doctrine to increase islamic populations for anti human activities like terrorism,bloodshed etc.

        • Gokusan
          January 16, 2019 4:53 am

          First of all we who are Sunni Muslims do not believe in Taqyia as it is haram to say lie. Shias do that and they are negligible . A

      • January 18, 2019 7:53 am

        Hi Gokusan,
        You blamed us to be a lier. What did we lied about?

        Explain us “Islam talks about involving in premarital sex ,if they have not done it then it is well and good.” Are you talking about Koran 24:30 and its interpretation?

        What does Koran 24:30 means to you?
        1) We believe, like Zakir Naik said, Muslim men should lower their gaze when they see a Hindu woman. Believing men should turn their eyes away from temptation and to restrain their carnal desires.
        2) Muslim men can date Hindu girls, look eye to eye romantic way, talk about loving each other but not touch her/them.
        3) Muslim men can touch/hug (and kiss?) a Hindu girl.
        4) Like you said, can date but do not “involving in premarital sex”.
        5) Okay to be involving in premarital sex but not marry till convert.

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