One may love his/her spouse/lover, country and religion. If everyone starts giving a top priority to own religion over the motherland, what would happen to the country? If your interfaith spouse/lover gives a first priority to his/her religion and not to you, what would you do? Please join here for a debate on priorities of life.
Sam says: November 6, 2013 at 10:40 pm
Why are your frustrated Md, Zia ? This (India) is a secular / democratic country, so you would be a communal minded sick person to ask her (Sabana) problems in “light of Islamic Laws”. In India the light is Indian law, constitutional rights… so use that light to see her problems, this is not a Muslim country for you to show your Islamic laws. -Sam
Md.Zia-ul-Haque says: November 16, 2013 at 7:45 am
I once again say that first I am a Muslim and then an Indian. Similarly a Pakistani or an Arabian is also first a Muslim and then a Pakistani or an Arabian or anything else. Not only that, a Muslim has to love Allah and Prophet Muhammed(S.W.A) more than he loves his Parents and/or wife and/or Children or anybody else whosoever it is. This is what Islam says. Pious Muslims who Ruled India for centuries were also of the same view/opinion but India never fell apart.
I know, not only it will be difficult for you to swallow this truth of our religion but also some of your anti Muslim illiterate readers will also join you to criticize me or the Religion. But I don`t bother/care as like any other devoted Muslim I am also first a Muslim and then an Indian. My answer/response/comment is made from Islamic Point of View. I have no other option and can`t deviate from the tenets of my Religion like ignorant hindus some of whom have already modified or are modifying the religion and the religious scriptures. If some goes against it then he/she is out of religion. –Md.Zia-ul-Haque,B.Sc, LLB, Alim(Cal), Advocate, High Court, Calcutta And Supreme Court of India; Ex-Asst Director in Charge,Legal Cell, EIA,Calcutts, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt of India; Ex-Asst.Director in Charge,Law Cell, Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property, Calcutta, Govt of India; Ex-Genl Secy (Central Executive Committee). All India Export Inspection Officers` Association. Only person in the World who is a qualified Alim i.e Moulvi(Passed the Alim Examination conducted by Madrasa Educational Board, Govt of West Bengal, India) with degrees Science and Law, 12/A,Phul Bagan Rd, Calcutta-700014
Nidal Malik Hasan gave a priority to Islam and went against his motherland. He is a former United States Army Medical Corps officer who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting on November 5, 2009. At his court-martial on August 6, 2013, Hasan admitted to the shootings. A jury panel of thirteen officers convicted him and recommended Hasan be sentenced to death. Hasan was born in USA to Palestinian parents who immigrated to the U.S. from the West Bank.

The loyalty dilemma in 1947: Brigadier Mohammed Usman was in the Indian Army during Partition. The newly formed Pakistani government wanted all the Indian-Muslim officers to move to the newly created State. Brigadier Usman was offered the ultimate prize, to be the chief of Pakistan ’s army. He refused. He and his family were Indians first, even if he would now be fighting his friends and fellow Muslims. A prize of Rs. 50,000 was put on his head. July 3, 1948, he was killed while leading a battle in Naushera. Many now know him as Naushera Ka Sher (the tiger of Naushera). –Seema
InterfaithShaadi salutes Brigadier Mohammed Usman.
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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Dear readers,
Mohd.Zia Ul Haque is like an empty vessel making much noise.Vessels which are empty make a loud sound when struck with something. But filled vessels make less sound. This is true in the case of people also. Some people are very talkative and go on speaking continuously. But others may be serous and talk less. Those people who go on taking for hours together need not be taken seriously. They are most probably empty-heated people with no sense in their talk. They do not give much thought to what they are talking. Such people are devoid of action also. They are most probably empty-headed people with no sense in their talk. They do not give much thought to what they are talking. Such people are devoid of action also. They usually boast that they will do this and that. But those people who talk less are different. Every word they speak is actually meant and hence to be taken seriously. Such people put forth a lot of sense into their talk. These kinds of people are usually clever and are capable of performing everything they say. They would not say anything if they don’t mean it. They believe more in action than in words. They are like filled vessels which make less noise.
This is an open fact that he belongs to prostitute family
“Muta Marriage” is a short term contractual relationship, lasting hours or a few days, where the man gives something of value to a woman and they “marry” and engage in sex for an agreed length of time. Once the contractual time expires the marriage is over and they go their own ways. This is legalized Islamic prostitution. Men get satisfaction and women get something of value, be it money, or clothing, or even a Quranic recital.
Narrated Abdullah: We used to participate in the holy wars carried on by the Prophet and we had no women (wives) with us. So we said (to the Prophet ). “Shall we castrate ourselves?” But the Prophet forbade us to do that and thenceforth he allowed us to marry a woman (temporarily) by giving her even a garment, and then he recited: “O you who believe! Do not make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful for you.” Bukhari: Volume 6, Book 60, Number 139.
Temporary “Muta” marriage is practiced today and often arranged by Imams and other Islamic leaders in Europe (the city centre’s where Shia Muslims cluster), America (Shia parts of Dearborn, Michigan), and of course in the Mideast. The most common victims of Muta marriage are destitute widows and orphaned girls who are sold to old men. These females are driven to extreme means to pay rent and feed themselves and their children. These females are abused by both the men who purchase them and the Islamic leaders. Muhammad’s system allows them to be abandoned and then exploited rather than responding with charity and compassion.
Sunni Muslims do not normally practice Muta marriage. But many Sunni Muslims today are ashamed of what Muhammad did because they know that Muhammad allowed prostitution to satisfy his men’s wants. And that’s the same story with Muhammad again and again. Like Felix and his bag of tricks, Muhammad always managed to pull a “revelation” out of thin air and change the rules of the game. If one reads the “Sirat Rasulallah”, (“The Life of Muhammad”, by A. Guillaume), one will find that Muhammad allowed, then disallowed, then allowed, then disallowed Muta marriage, etc. several times. Muhammad’s rules and religion depended on circumstances suting to male not on God’s will.
Dear Interfaith lovers,
Why any intelligent and educated non-Muslim girl should marry to a Muslim guy knowing that the Muslim guy could exercise his Islamic mutta rights for extra marital sex? Read Islamic views and Mutta practices approved in Islam. Put yourself in Mr. Haque’s wife’s position, are you ready for it?
If your Muslim lover claims he is different than Mr. Haque, ask him to marry you by non-Islamic marriage. This is the best insurance against an Islamic fundamentalist.
If the intentions are noble, can’t these people be helped without marrying them?
At that point of time it was not possible for several reasons.
However, I am now seriously thinking to establish a home for destitute women at Calcutta and therefore request you to kindly guide me so that I may,by the GRACE OF ALLAH, Succeed in the matter.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Please don’t collect non-Muslim women to proselytize and use for sex. Leave them alone. Treat them like you would treat your daughter.
There are many Muslim women are being given Talaak very day, why don’t you help them?
If you really want to help, stop this mutta practices for your sexual pleasure and, like Tenali said, start helping poor without expectation of sex in return.
Honorable Bill Gates is helping millions and not expect sex in return or religious conversion. This is Godly work.
Why Allah will send Christian Bill Gates and Hindu Gandhiji to hell and will consider sex-maniac Mr. Haque for heaven? If Allah is fair, because of your muttas, he will send you to hell fire. Mark our words.
Why your wife and daughters are still hanging on you, even they know of your Muttas? We wish to talk to your wife one day.
Is there any Muslim woman who is proud of her husband’s multiple muttas (like Mr. Haque)?
Shame on people who pretend to help others but are cunning to lure poor women for sex. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU!!!!
We wish your parents stayed in East Pakistan and never returned back to India. You are not the kind of Muslims India need.
The worst is you are justifying your immoral (Mutta) act by your religion. Why any one should respect that religion you are trying to propagate?
We personally know thousands of Muslims, but none of them is like you – – – luring poor women to sex and for your personal gain. So if you wish Islam to look good in others eyes, be like others great respectable Muslims we know.
You are bent upon to accuse or find fault with me. From day one I have been apprising of the fact that I have accepted wives through Muta marriage NOT FOR ANY FUN OR PLEASURE but to help needy and helpless non Muslim women who were compelled to become prostitutes after being driven out by their non Muslim cruel husbands who want to follow Lord Krishna who had more than 16000 wives. What do you say about Lord Krishna? I have also told you that proposal for Muta marriage always came from the helpless women of the town with child driven out by their hindu husbands and that they were compelled to take up prostitution as profession for survival. Shame on your saffronised narrow thoughts.You have already seen that I have told Mr.Tenali about my intention to establish home for destitute women irrespective of any religion and therefore instead of criticizing my noble work you should have had offered help and cooperation.
Only fools, biased,communal and prejudiced persons will compare me with Bill Gates in any manner whatsoever. Despite my limited income, infrastructure for home for destitute women is being set up.
You always talk about humanity therefore you should have had offered help and cooperation in such noble work. By the by who are you to advise me whom should I help and whom not.
As you have very angrily asked me to not to proselytize non Muslim women (which I had not done in past by preaching Islam) I have now taken vow that I will revert at least 1000 women in to Islam.But certainly not any one to be housed in my proposed HOME FOR DESTITUTE WOMEN. Till then good bye to you and this blog.
Like there is a Magan law in American, Mr. Haque should be banned from going close to any women (other than his wife and daughter).
It is not going to be a “HOME FOR DESTITUTE WOMEN” but a factory to make prostitutes our of poor women.
Do any reader living near 12/A,Phul Bagan Rd or Sir Syed Ahmed Rd, Calcutta-700014? Help reach us to Mr. Haque’s wife and daughter. In a month of so, we may be in the area and will ask neighbors and contact her. We must find out pain and sufferings of his wife and daughter due of this sex maniac.
Is there any Muslim reader proud of Mr. Haque and his Muttas?
Is this Mutta practice something part and parcel of Islam or this kind of act considered shame in Islam?
I appreciate your ambition to start a house for destitute women, but I am not convinced with the means. How does a mutta marriage help a woman? Can you pls take couple of examples and explain for the benefit of readers?
Hi Mohd.Zia Ul Haque,
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic revivalist movement founded in 1889, and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community its oldest and largest organization, whose membership includes tens of millions of people and spans 200 countries. There are 74 chapters in the United States; the New Orleans chapter, which includes Ahmadis from Alabama and Mississippi, was formed in 1924. They built their first community center in 1970, but opted to demolish it after Hurricane Isaac caused massive damage. They’ve spent the past year building out the new campus, which features spaces for prayer, conference rooms, several lounges and a library. The center is open 24 hours, and welcomes people of all cultural and religious backgrounds.
The New Orleans chapter president, Mobashir Ahmed, said the Ahmadi community is growing.
“Every year, the community gets bigger and bigger, in Kenner and across Louisiana,” Ahmed said. “Our membership now is roughly 100 families, about 250 people.”
The chapter’s vice-president, Mobashir Solangi, said the community center is a place that provides a safe, positive and supportive cultural and religious space for Ahmadis across the Gulf South, many of whom settled here after fleeing persecution in their countries of origin. Many Ahmadiyya Muslim Community members come from Pakistan, where the government declared Ahmadis non-Muslim, and has for decades violently suppressed them.
“We have a growing community,” Solangi said. “We believe in America, we are loyal to our country and we want our children to grow up feeling like this is their homeland. A lot of us come as immigrants, and [the community center] is a place to keep our identity, keep our children in line with our culture, our values and our community.”
Indeed, for 28-year-old Kenner native Sadiha Ahmed, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Center has helped her understand her own identity. Born in the United States, Ahmed’s parents immigrated from Pakistan 35 years ago.
“It’s interesting being a first-generation American. We struggle with our identities. We are not looked at as Americans by Americans, and we are not looked at as Pakistanis by Pakistanis,” Ahmed said. “But having a support system – elders to help us maintain our traditions and younger people who understand these struggles – that’s why it’s so important to have a Muslim community. Being here, we have religious freedom, and we have a community center to call our own.”
Among the notable speakers at Saturday’s dedication ceremony were former Lt. Gov. James Fitzmorris, and Kenner Mayor Michael Yenni and Jefferson Parish President John Young, both of whom issued proclamations commemorating the new community center. U.S. Attorney Kenneth Polite, and his predecessor Jim Letten, were also in attendance, as well as FBI Special Agent in Charge Mike Anderson.
Reply at
Hi bastard Ahamadiya
See my comments made in “first generation American Ahamadiya” blog. Since you are a swine and and a blind follower of a former British agent G.M.Kadiani I am therefore not all interested with your wife or daughter. Don`t try to lure or entice me with their photograph.Send them to a brothel if you need money or want get rid of them. I am happy with my family by the Grace of Allah.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,B.Sc, LLB, Alim(Cal)
Advocate,Calcutta High Court and Supreme Court of India
Dear readers,
In today´s world, when terrorist attacks and suicide bombing has already turned into potential threat to global peace, a valid question is circulating in the minds of the people on the influence of Sharia Law on Muslim mind, in giving them instigation towards Jihad and killing Jews and Christians for attaining heaven and 72 virgins.
Many a times I said, any religion promising 72 virgins in exchange of murder or genocide, is for sure, religion of bad taste. I always fail to understand, why a man should turn mad for getting 72 virgins? Is it not a kind of mental perversion? Moreover, when Qur´an promises virgins and all comforts for men in the heaven, it completely ignores the rewards for women. Why? Any special reason? Does Islam consider women as mere tools or something even worst?
Clergies in Muslim countries not only narrate the comfort in heaven with tunnels of wine and 72 virgins, who will get back their virginity after each of intimate intercourse, but also gives promise of Gilman [young boys] for those men, who loves homosexuality instead of regular physical relations. Isn´t it too much?
God is not that selfish or wrong-doer who will only give virgins, young boys and every other comfort for the men in the heaven while completely ignoring the mere existence of women.
In Muslim nations, especially during Friday prayers, clergies will describe thousands and millions of years in hell for those, who will oppose Sharia Law. They also narrate imaginary stories of repression on Prophet of Islam by Jews and Christians. I heard many a times during my childhood how graveyards of Muslims were destroyed by Israel and luxurious hotels were constructed on them. Each time, when I asked my father about this, he used to say, “Do not trust these words, look into world realities”.
My father has great influence on my mind. Because of his personal interest in literature and global issues, I got the opportunity of reading the Holy Bible right during my childhood. But, I had to wait the touch the Holy Torah, almost 40 years, because in Bangladesh, Torah is a book of taboo. No one dares to utter the very word Torah, although according to Qur´an, if anyone will ignore Torah and Prophet Moses, he or she will no more be a Muslim.
Why Bangladeshi clergies made Torah and Jews a serious taboo to the innocent and mostly uneducated people? When I got the opportunity of reading Torah, I immediately got the answer. Anyone, who will have the opportunity of reading the Torah, he or she will immediately get the window of intellect opened to make judgments over various divine and worldly issues, including many criminal interpretations of Qur´an as well as false propaganda by the Muslim clergies.
In recent years, several Islamist and ultra Islamist groups are continuing their efforts and even notoriety demanding establishment of Sharia rule in Muslim nations. With 150 million populations, where more than 84 per cent Muslims, Bangladesh regularly witnesses such actions of various groups, mostly demanding Sharia law to replace the existing rule of law as well as democracy. There are many Islamist groups like for example, Hizb Ut Tahrir, who openly denounce democracy and electoral system, saying it is the “law of satan” [law or evil]. Some major political parties in Bangladesh too, such as Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, Jatiyo Party etc are demanding Sharia law. Even just before the postponed general election in 2007, present ruling party in Dhaka signed a secret treaty with a notorious Islamist party named Khelafat Majlish, with the promise of establishing Sharia law in Bangladesh.
In recent time, political Islam is backed by the demand of establishment of Sharia law. Crook Islamist leaders believe that, it is the only easiest way for them in capturing power by giving the promise of 72 virgins to innocent and mostly ignorant people, in accepting this rule, although most of those people are not aware at all, how basic human rights are greatly violated in many of the nations practicing Sharia law.
If we look into, for example Iran, where Sharia law is in practice, social perversion is increasing even faster, but now under the veils and turbans. In Saudi Arabia, most of the homes of normal Arabs or even the palaces of Kings are nothing but worst center of various forms of intimate perversions. Arab Muslims mostly do not bear any respect for women in their mind. The only thing they pretend to respect females in public is because of stern punishment, and not for any other reason.
And, we all know the cases of intimate Core mutilation of women in several Muslim countries in Africa and elsewhere. Before any women reach her age of 10, femalecore are mutilated so that she loses the sense of any intimate comfort in entire life. By doing so, the men dominated society turn the women into mere intimate tool of comfort for them. Nothing more!
Core mutilation of women is also conducted under the garb of Sharia law. In fact, Muslim men use this law, for total repression of women and seizing their basic fundamental rights as well treating them as almost sub-human beings.
Mohd. Zia Ul Haque,
The issue of divorce among Muslim women has taken a dangerous turn because clerics are out to exploit them in the name of Halala. When a man divorces a woman three times, she goes to a cleric who tells them that the couple can be reunited after Halala, which means after the woman contracts another marriage, at least for one night. Hence, these one-night brides lose their dignity in their houses and often fall prey to psychological diseases.
The clerics have set up the Halala centres in London, Birmingham and other cities where divorced women are exploited. But real Ulema oppose this trend. Though all prominent clerics condemn exploitation of women, they do not highlight this issue because it could lead to disrepute of the Muslim community. The community is already facing a tough time due to child sex grooming and other such cases.
In some cases, men divorce women three times in one go due to anger but later they realize that they have made a wrong decision. When they go to clerics to seek a way out of this problem so that they can be reunited, the clerics tell them that their wives have to contract a second marriage before they can be reunited in a marital bond again.
The women are then hoodwinked into marrying the clerics and spend at least one night with them. The clerics agree to let them go to their former husbands in the morning but later they change their mind and demand huge sums of money to honour their agreement. They sometime keep the perturbed women in their houses for many days to quench their lust.
These women fail to get their dignity back when reunited with their husbands but they have to survive for the sake of children and family. They then suffer from psychological diseases. Some clerics have opened Halala centres in their houses and their agents bring divorced women to them. They sometimes gift these women to their friends.
I ignore your response/writing and shall react or deal with same if and when asked by Admin. Meanwhile clarify as to why those christian traitors opposed India`s Independence which was achieved jointly by Muslim Hindu freedom fighters.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Thanks for appropriate and effective advise
Hi every body,
The islamic evils are spreading fast in UK. Every body should be aware of it. Mohd.Zia is also a product of terrorist, as his mother was the kept of a Al Shabab group of terrorists in UK.
A prominent British Muslim commentator is being protected by police following concerns over his safety following the release of a video by Somali-based terror group, al-Shabaab, which singled out several British Muslims for having criticised jihadists in the aftermath of the Woolwich murder.
Mohammed Ansar, a filmmaker and journalist who has spoken out against extremism in Islam and the far right, said police visited his home at midnight on Wednesday, concerned for his safety after Shabaab released an hour-long film, The Woolwich Attack: It’s an Eye for an Eye.
Other British Muslims named in the film have also been contacted by police and offered security advice since the video’s release, the Guardian has learned.
Narrated by a man with a British accent, wearing a black mask and a camouflage jacket, the Shabaab production praises those behind the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby, describes the Woolwich killings as “a new and terrifying reality” and incites others to carry out attacks in the UK.
In the film, the jihadist group, which has also claimed responsibility for the bloody Kenyan Westgate mall attack, singles out specific British Muslims, including Ansar, who have distanced “themselves from the mujahideen who carried out these attacks” as having “mutilated the teachings of Islam”.
Holding an automatic weapon in his hands, the narrator tells people to purchase knives: “Do not waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. If you can’t afford to get hold of one of these then certainly a simple knife from your local B&Q will do the job.”
At the end, the narrator encourages others to follow the example of the Woolwich killers and not to let the security services put them off.
Released to coincide with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha, which ended on Tuesday, the film also identifies 11 British “martyrs” who have died fighting for al-Shabaab.
One British man, named as Talha from Tower Hamlets in east London is shown calling on others to follow him: “I call upon you today all the Muslim men in Britain, especially the people of Tower Hamlets who are in the city I was born in … I call upon you to come to jihad, and raise the banner, humiliate the disbelievers, cut the necks of the disbelievers.”
The video appears to have been made before the attack on the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, Kenya, as there is only one brief mention of the “suffering of Muslims in Kenya.”
Ansar, 39, who has four young children living with him at his home said police were now regularly patrolling his residence and were making contact by phone every hour.
The journalist, who has features in a documentary about the former EDL leader Tommy Robinson that will air later this month on BBC1, became a prominent figure after condemning Rigby’s murder the day after his death but says he has never been the subject of an explicit threat before.
Ansar said he was alerted to the video before a plain clothes inspector and a uniformed officer arrived at his home in the small hours. “If they [jihadists] are going to start targeting British Muslims and set fanatical extremists against them then that is a frightening new dimension,” he said.
Usama Hasan, a senior researcher with the anti-extremist Quilliam Foundation, was another of those that featured in the video. He said he had seen the film on Wednesday when it was released and was not surprised when police turned up at his home at 9.30pm, warning him he could be in danger. “The video is idiotic but also chilling in many ways. This guy has a British accent and he is using the language of fascism about the deaths of kuffar [non-believers].”
The imam and broadcaster Ajmal Masroor said the authorities had also made contact with him after he was also named in the film. “Extremism in all its forms is nasty and has a self destructive property … the truth is moderation will always prevail,” he said.
Scotland Yard said: “We are aware of the video and we are assessing its contents and looking into it.”
• This article was amended on 18 Ocrtober 2013. An earlier version said Mohammed Ansar had made a documentary about the former EDL leader Tommy Robinson that will air later this month on BBC2. He features in the documentary, which will be shown on BBC1
You bastard chistian pork eater churchil
Bastard tell the readers why you christians had opposed India`s Independence. Do you know that you are the love child of my cook Lakshman? Your prostitute mother did not tell you but she did tell you that she wanted to revert to Islam to marry me.I refused because I hate christians who are always traitors.More for the reason that you bastard had opposed India`s Independence. Your ancestors were converted to Christianity out greed to get special favor from Christian Britishers. Alas India got freedom by the joint movement of Muslims and Hindus.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Your father Lakshman`s ex Master
Dear readers,
Mohd.Zia is a number one rascal and bastard of Kolkatta. He is a notorious person in his locality. His mother and sister including daughters are now engaged in prostitution business. He was a boy
in Madarasa sodomized by the maulvies in the name of teaching
Koran, a most evil teaching book of the world.
He is talking all nonsense,being a a son of pig and bitch mixture of cross breed.
Don`t be angry. Ask your mother Kamrana as to who got her married with Munna who was freed from jail by me only. Your father Munna was jailed for twin murders. So don`t be a criminal like Munna.
Darling Imrana, can you tell me who is behind you girls whose mothers were my former wives or known to me and got help from me. How is Munna? What is he doing now a days?
With blessings
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Mr. Haque,
We understand you may be kidding by saying your marriage to Sima, but we are wondering (if you don’t mind) how many marriages you had total (including formers and long before) in this life?
I could not and did not hurt the sentiments of those women. It is/was my greatness,knowing fully well that they are/were prostitutes and/or women of the town, I had accepted them as wives through MUTA marriage and that they were also satisfied with me but their are children are very much and are after my blood. Ask their children to forgive me.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
You seems to be blessed by Allah.
We are not clear of your message, please help. So, how many Nikaahs (regular) and MUTA you had (total ladies/wives/former wives) in this life? Also, how many total children you fathered? Thanks.
Yes, Definitely I am blessed by Allah, Panjan-E-Pak and Allah`s Walis(Friends of Allah).
So far my marriage is concerned I have only one regular marriage. Regrading number of Muta, it is so many that I don`t remember properly. However go on watching this blog and record/count whom do I recognize.
I don`t know many child I have/had out of Muta marriage because some of my former wives had eloped with other person(s) in pregnant stage.However, ALMIGHTY ALLAH HAS BLESSED ME WITH ONE DAUGHTER AND ONE SON OUT OF REGULAR MARRIAGE.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
How does the Muta works? You just get married for temporary fun, then give taalak? Was your wife aware about your Muta relationships?
Don`t be so fast. You will come to everything very soon. I am very much upset as the children of my ex wives and the other women(once helped by) and their children are joining together and abusing me in this blog. May God forgive me.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
You did not answer our question.
It is not that I have not answered your question. You have seen some of my from children from muta marriage are denying me so I am myself at fix what should I do now.
Admin, will it be possible for you to ask these children to be present in your office along with their respective mothers so that I can prove the authenticity of my claim.I will all expenditure, Air gare, food lodging etc. Imrana should also be their along with Kamrana her mother.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Are you loosing your mind? You are a respectable Muslim authority, and why are you talking like this?
We like to know what is right and wrong thing to do in Islam, can we go back to our muta question raised?
By virtue of being an Advocate I am still in active practice and as such how can I be out of mind or loose mind. I am made to say all those unpleasant things my some your illiterate anti Muslim readers.
Admin, put up the question(s) once again to enable me to send you quick answer
I feel, your comments do not reflect your maturity & stature. Pls remember there will always be people with different opinions and it is not practically possible to change their opinions with aggressive comments in the blog. Hence instead of responding to personal comments, why don’t you stick to sharing your knowledge about Islam and leave the rest?
Mr. Haque,
You are the eyes and mouth of Islam. Youths in love will look at what you wrote and will decide if Islam is right for them. What ever you write will stay here for years to come. Here, ou are leaving a legacy behind for the future youths (Muslim and non-Muaslim). You cannot change your character based on the person who is replying, you are what you are. So, stay on course.
This is what we asked you last, “How does the Muta works? You just get married for temporary fun, then give taalak? Was your wife aware about your Muta relationships?”
Muta is a temporary marriage for a limited period and may be extended from time to time or for a longer period.This may also be converted/turned in to a regular marriage.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Thanks Mr. Haque for explaining.
Now can you answer the rest of unanswered questions…. So, “you just get married for temporary fun, then give taalak? Was your wife aware about your Muta relationships?”
It is absolutely wrong to suggest that muta marriage was done by me only for temporary fun or pleasure as there is and will be always some valid and effective reason(s)/purpose for all my acts and deeds.This can be verified/clarified from the mothers of the child I have named in this blog. Please don`t drag my life partner wife here.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Any estimate on how many Mutta marriages you had, …2, 20, more …? We understood you don’t remember or did not keep count of it, but an estimate will help.
It is nice of you that you are willing to help community women and are generous to them by Mutta marrying them. Can you elaborate more on “always some valid and effective reason(s)/purpose for all my acts and deeds.” What were reasons to marrying women? Was it their poverty, some of those women not happy with their current marriages, attracted by you, helped those women by giving free legal help in return of mutta marriage, …?
We really appreciate you educating us about Islam and its approved practices, thanks.
I hate to advantage of anybody`s poverty whether he/she is a Muslim or non-Muslim. Anyway, I think some of or all my ex wives` children have come to know about my presence in this blog and that they are using filthy language against me. Let me count how many of them come to this blog and then only I may be able to furnish you the required/desired information.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Mr. Haque,
Why are you avoiding answering our question? How many mutt marriages you had? Give us some estimate if that is 2 or 20 or more?
Why you do not like mixing the discussion of your mutt with your regular married wife? Do you feel Mutta is shameful and disgraceful practice? Alternatively, are you proud of your mutta marriages? Do you feel the new generation of youths should continue it?
Yes, I refuse to disclose about my Muta marriage but at the same time I should may it clear to you that it is neither shameful nor disgraceful if done for specific reason and constructive purpose. When you read this answer please remember Lord Krishna, Justice Gangully, N.D.Tewari. Asa Ram his son and others.
Is your wife aware of your mutta relationships? Did you ever cared how she will feel about it?
How would you feel when your kids follow your footsteps of mutta relationships?
I don`t hide anything from my wife, my life partner.
My answer with regard to Muta marriage if for all Muslims not excluding my child. For specific reason and constructive purpose anyone can do the same but certainly not only for fun and pleasure.
Mr. Haque,
You have a wife at home but you are having sexual relationship with many other girls under the cover of Mutta and pretending to be helping poor and needy???
Is this not extra marital affair?
Is this not legalized prostitution?
Have you every try to feel pain of your wife? Probably there is not a single lady who would wish to see their husband fooling around (sorry to put it bluntly). How would you feel when your son-in-law will do the same?
Are you sure you are proud of your mutta relationships?
Is this something we should be teaching to our young generation?
No body told you so far that YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THE SOCIETY?
Once again I make it clear that I had never more than four wives including my regular wife at a time. Kindly also note that most of my ex wives out of muta marriage did not renew the contact as they got men having more money. Therefore I am not at all fault. I have never married for fun or pleasure and that every time proposal came from women only. As your Lord Krishna holds record of having more than 16000 wives so nobody could say anything to me knowing that there was fair reason and purpose behind my every muta marriage.
Why are you shy telling us how many mutta you had…. is that 2, 20 or 200?
Where your most mutta Muslim girls? or most were non-Muslim girls?
Do the mutta wife has to convert to Islam?
We hope to hear from your wife how much painful it was for her to see a new wife for you every other day? Can you ask her to blog it here? We hope someday she and your daughter will read all these.
Why any intelligent and educated non-Muslim girl should marry to a Muslim guy knowing that the Muslim guy could exercise his Islamic mutta rights for extra marital sex?
Hi readers,
After a long gap, I am back again here.
My request to muslim sisters to please not to get misled by so called
Alim, which is nothing but an another face mullas, maulvies and imams
who are responsible for pathetic conditions of muslim women throughout the world. They themselves enjoy a lot at the cost of so called religious rules and torture and insult muslim women.
Be aware of such rascals always.
I am not illiterate like you or your forefathers or ancestors who,being socially and economically back ward and/or handicapped, were deprived of basic education whereas I had my primary education in England and that by the Grace of Almighty Allah I am the only person in the world today who is a qualified Moulvi(Passed the Alim Examination conducted by Madrasa Education Board,Govt of West Bengal) with Degrees in Science and Law. That apart I was a Class-I officer in a Govt of India organisation but your parents, most probably run a grocery shop and so you are jealous.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
One in two Germans considers Islam to be a thread. 50 per cent of Germans are also convinced that Islam does not fit in in Germany. 18 per cent of Muslims in Germany and 25 per cent of those polled in Turkey also share this opinion. This is the result of the new “Religionsmonitor” from the Bertelsmann Institute, whose numbers are present exclusively in the “Welt am Sonntag”.
It shows: Half of the population do not share the view of former federal president Christian Wulff, that Islam is part of Germany. Also internationally Islam is seen as a threat: 76 per cent of Israelis, 60 per cent of Spanish, 50 per cent of Swiss and 42 per cent of US Americans judge it to be dangerous. But also Judaism is seen by 19 per cent of East and West Germans as a threat.
The doubt about the compatibility of Islam and the western world is sharper in East Germany than West Germany (57 to 49 per cent), although fewer Muslims live there. Older people and those with lower levels of education are inclined more strongly to perceive Islam as a threat.
Can you tell me why Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today?
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Regarding present population of muslims throughout the world,
99% are converted including so called Alim Mohd.Zia, whose
family about 300 years ago were forced to convert to islam.
The converted muslims are most dangerous against humanity.
Mohd.Zia is also one of the most criminal types of person of
Seeba my child,
Every child born in this earth is a Muslim but because opportunists and characterless people like your father/forefathers/ancestors new born baby become non-Muslims swines like you.
Yes, I am hard core criminal and a terrorist now.I have killed your father but I don`t feel sorry for that. Ask your mother why have I become bad. Your mother is responsible for this. Your mother Seema got married with me but had eloped with your criminal father. I loved her so much that I had to kill your father and got your pregnant mother whom I had driven out from house after your birth.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
As desired by Allah, entire system of Nikah has been narrated by Prophet Muhammed(S.W.A) to Muslims and we just follow that same. We always Pray to Allah seek blessing of Prophet Muhammed(S.W.A) for our benefit and satisfaction
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Ali & Advocate
Nikah or marriage is just a contract where consent a is must from the bride.
Service of an Imam is not required to perform the Nikah. All these things are optional. In Muslim marriage, Den Mehr(Marriage Gift)has to be given to the bride and that the bride has to give her consent to the Nikah in presence two witnesses.
Some people give the gift(Den Mehr) at the time of Nikah and some people give during the life time.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Why should Idol worshipers (of all concerned religions) keep that practices continued?
Let me try to explain even I am not a supporter of idol worshiping, I don’t oppose that practice.
All of you idol worshipers! This article will really help you to stay on your practices, and of course it’ll enable you to answer if you are asked by some terrorist typed guy. Either you belong to any religion, this will be beneficial.
1. Idolatry has become the identity of your religion. If you offer your prayer before an idol of Jesus Christ you are known as a Christian. If you offer your prayer before an Idol of Ganesh or Lakshmi you are considered as a Hindu. This consideration is global. So idol worshipping is your religious identity.
2. I agree that there is only one god ( if it really existing) and when you offer your prayer through that idol you really worship that (one god that said) only. The idol is used there as a tool ,as a medium only and has nothing to do with your faith. But because in last few of hundreds of years your community has become habitual of this practice.
3. Idol worship enables you for worshipping. When you go before an idol, you start to feel that you are ready for worshipping. You feel a divine emotion that is a most neccesary content for worshiping. Otherwise idols are idols only and can not do any thing good or bad to you.
But in last hundred of years passed, your community has become dependent on idolatry. Take it as a starter only.
Thank you
Reply at
Love Guru,
Do you know that mud from the house of Prostitute is a must to create the image/idols of goddess Durga,Kali,Saraswati and others?
Therefore prostitution can not be abolished/eradicated.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Dear Mulla chacha jani
I love you
Chacha jani! This is a ritual and I think this is performed in some coastal areas of WEST Bengal. In my personal opinion taking mud from a prostitue’s house and making a statue of that material for worshiping,this is a kind of stunt of giving them an honour(perhaps a fake one). And I am thankful to guys those are doing such good work. Otherwise you know, what is the position of a prostitute in a white collered society? Prostitutes are used for fulfilling the lust only. Just pay and have fun,that’s why they are always ignored and dishonoured. This was a good man behind starting such riual that allows a prostitute to participate in a social or religious affair even indirectly. The founder of this ritual just wanted to give an importance to prostitute beyond her profession, because as you know ( god that said) is equal to all. And chacha jani a prostitute is always a prostitute first then a hindu or muslim or belonging to any religion and always considered as rubbish of any society.
Chacha jani! profession of Prostitution is practiced in all over world from the ancient time. This is the one of the most ancient professions in all parts of world. Even it is practiced those places too where idolatry does not existed.
Thanks and regards
For Islamic MUTA marriages, they recite Allah and Muhammad’s names. They don’t recite the names of goddess Durga, Kali, Saraswati and others.
Prostitutes also have faith and rights to pray Allah/Isvar/LORD God. Prostitution is not selective practice of one particular religion/region.
It is a social evil and should be eradicated. Crores of girls and women are kidnapped and forced into prostitution against their will. Parents who loose their daughters only know the pain which can not be felt by Admin who never opposes prostitution.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Why you said, “who never opposes prostitution”? We are just saying that please don’t take away rights of whom so ever from praying who ever one desires. Allah is for every one, SHE (God) is not for a selective few. Allah loves every one. It is the people who discriminate others, take advantage of others and suppress less fortunates. Prostitution is an evil practice and we should do every thing possible to eradicate it.
Before making any observation/comment you should learn and know the subject properly. You have no authority to furnish wrong information.
Kindly note carefully that neither the Holy Name of Prophet Muhammed(S.W.A) or the Name of Allah is required to be recited during or at the time Nikah(Regular Marriage or Muta). UNDERSTOOD Mr. ADMIN. DON`t COMMIT SUCH GROSS MISTAKE IN FUTURE PLEASE.BUT UNFORTUNATELY YOU ARE UNDONE BECAUSE YOU LOOSE YOUR SENSE TO CRITICIZE THE GREATEST AND FASTEST GROWING RELIGION.
Before making any comment, at least on Islam; you must learn and know the subject matter thoroughly as you have no right to furnish wrong information to you readers.Kindly record it in your computer or in the general knowledge book of your children or grandchildren that neither Holy Name of Prophet Muhammed(S.W.A) nor the Holy Name of Allah is required to be recited during or at the time of Nikah(Regular Marriage or Muta Marriage). When you have no right to mislead your readers at the same time don`t be ashamed to make free consultation with me in such matter(s).
So far prostitution is concerned it is a social evil and should be eradicated. Crores of girls and women are kidnapped and forced into prostitution against their will. Persons who loose their daughters,sisters, wives, mothers and others only know the pain which can not be felt by Admin who never opposes prostitution.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Thank you for clarifying a fact that Muhammad or Allah name is not being recited/used while Nikaah marriage.
It was a wrong assumption based on the fact that (almost) all religious marriages in all faiths are done with some sort of God’s name, presence, blessing, reciting, confirmation of God’s commandments, etc. Sorry for that wrong assumption.
If Allah and Muhammad are not part, in what so ever way, of Nikaah, then is Nikaah considered a religious ceremony? Is Nikaah just a marriage contract? Why one needs Imam for Nikaah, if not it is a holy religious activity? Explain us what is Nikaah?
As always said, we value your contributions and help to youths in love.
Let’s discuss an interfaith marriage!!!!
This is the main theme of this portal.
In south Asian continent In laws family is always heavier on a bride.
In laws always think that they have bought a bride for their son,even its a love marriage. Their expectations from the wife of their son are always high. In within religion ,within cast even in an arrange marriage, the relationship of a bahu and her mother in law is mostly disputed. Not only religion or values they fight on many issues. Religion may be another issue but they fight. And at the mostly issues brides does compromises as well as sacrifices.
In laws impose their family values upon their bride and expect from her that our values are superior than those of your family.
I have seen an Arya samaji family pressurising their bride to leave idol worshiping,even they don’t like their bride singing aarti( a devoted song sung before a statue).
These things could be seen in many countries including China ( in Buddhist and communist family too).
Strange thing is a traditional Hindu is ready his daughter to marry an Aryasamaji while knowing that his daughter will have to compromise with her values. But problem starts when another cast or religious family is before him. Why so? Because he thinks it will be a loss to his community. And obviously his eyes will let down in religious community he belongs to.
If a mishap or an accident take place on a pilgrimage place of any religion and hundred of pilgrims die, than they say it was a God’s will. Is it not a loss of a religious community?
But when it comes to daughter , such values become dangerous. If any how such marriage takes place, Terrorism starts in In laws family.
Yes this is a terrorism asking some one to leave her/ his faith or values. This is a terrorism.
When Afzal guru attacks on parliament of India it was considered as an act of terrorist and he was sentenced to death.
When Dr.Zakir naik and his company and many others of the same mentality, attacks on someone’s values, is it not a terrorist act?An attack on any bodies faith is equal to attack on constitution of India which gives all civilians a freedom of staying/practicing on maternal values.
It is about Arya samajis too and with those Christian missionery too those are asking people to leave their faith and choose a new one.
And girls are soft target. Because after marriage they have to sacrifice and compromise with their values. They have to go with husband’s family or In laws house.
This is not love. If your spouse is asking you to change your maternal values, it is not love. It is a terrorism he is doing.
Love means to get ready for sacrifice by both persons those are in love. Love means not such expectations from your be loved once. And best ritual for such marriage in my opinion A registered marriage under the marriage act.
Excellent point, “If your spouse is asking you to change your maternal values, it is not love.”
We call it love-proselytism. if a Christian asking Muslim to accept Baptism for marriage, or a Jew is asking Christian Bar Mitzvah ceremony for their children or a Muslim is expecting Shahadah for marriage, this is wrong. We highly recommend NO BBS.
If a Muslim strictly follows Shariat Law then opportunity of love marriage is not at all not all not all possible. Under Islamic law marriage of boy or a girl with a non Muslim girl or a boy does not arise at all. One can very well walk out of religion and get himself or herself married under some other act.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
You said, “If a Muslim strictly follows Shariat Law…”, we thank Allah that most Muslims don’t follow Shariat Law and don’t follow your ideology.
Heaven and hell are right here. India is a heaven but if you think it is hell for you right here, sorry we can’t help you.
Why are you sympathetic to Pakistan in most of your writings? Why are you on this side?
You are a man of “book”, we are free thinkers. We will do that is logical and rational.
We are glad there are only a VERY few Muslims like you in this world (a few example, Zakir Naik, Osama Bin Laden, …)
Dear Mulla chacha jani ! A person plays different roles on different issues, different circumstances and offcourse for different rights. Like a father at a time, husband on another time , a neighbour on different occasions, a relative on another time and so on. So announcement of such statements is foolish and nonsense. You may be an honest Muslim at time and a dedicated Indian on another issue. but calling yourself an Indian Muslim is best noun in my opinion for a person who is a qualified an intelligent one like you. There is no need to clarify yourself before anybody. Call yourself an Indian Muslim proudly.
When in India I am Indian. When in Russia and take the citizenship I am Russian and so on. But every where I am a Muslim.
Miya mulla chacha jani!!
If someone changes religion his nationality not changed. If an Indian muslim get converted to another religion his nationality remains same. There is a big difference between citizenship and nationality. Citizenship may be by choice if possible but nationality is by birth only and offcours it occurs some emotional attachments.
You are talking about Russia Dear mulla chacha jani if you get a Pakistani citizenship they Pakistani will call yourself a MUZAHIR even you are a Muslim. In Pakistan you will be a Muzahir first than a Muslim second. None nation will allow you to share their confidencial and secret things.
I am not imposing that you should be an Indian first than Muslim second because both have different shades and cannot be mixed up.
Very first thing that is most important for a person in world and life is his family ie children wife and parents than the basic needs like food a home education and medicine to be filled up. When a man goes out from home to earn he does not think over religion. So dear mulla chacha jani it is proved that being Muslim and being Indian are two different dimensions of a person and both things are parental and does not come into the way of practicing another.
And dear mulla chacha jani!!! Practice of Dharma ( Deen that said in Arabic) does not happens by arrogance or by force or by superstitions. please just check it in you.,
We appreciate your well written comments. The citizenship issue may be misquoted, but there is so much depth of wisdom in your writings, like “Practice of Dharma (Deen that said in Arabic) does not happens by arrogance or by force or by superstitions” …very true!
Fakar se kaho k tum Musalman Hao.
You will be happy to know that in cooperation with some advocates belonging to both the communities(Muslim and hindu) I have decided to give free legal aid/help to the women who are betrayed by their husbands and or boy friends. This may kindly be made known to all your readers.Pl. send your suggestion so that more and more women get the benefit.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim and Advocate
I need your response/reaction/advise/suggestion/views/comments as one reader has said that I am against women when large number of readers have said I am hindu hater but while giving legal help to the women we will not see her religion.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque, Alim & Advocate
It is honorable that you are willing to help to battered women from all faiths. You are a good man.
You said, “large number of readers have said I am hindu hater”. This is probably because of your strong conviction that Islam is only a true religion and Muhammad is, lets say, next to God. There is nothing wrong with you carrying that belief, if that makes you happy. We are happy for you if you are happy.
However, you should know that there are some 5.4 BILLION kafirs in this world. The number of kafirs will increase next year, for sure. Many of these kafirs are happily living wonderful life, many times better life than their counterpart believers in Muhammad. Now if you keep rattling that all these kafirs will get Hell Fire on the Judgment Day, others will simply smile at you.
Allah is all powerful and could kill all Kafirs in one second or take away all money from kafirs and pass it to Muhammad-believers; but Allah is not doing so for some good reason.
Let Allah do his job and we do ours. Lets enjoy this world “as is” (the way Allah has kept it today, with happy and prosperous kafirs in it) and respect others feelings too.
Being Muslim and being Indian are two different dimensions of a person who got the both things parental (by birth). Imaan wale sabke liye Imaandar hote hai. aur be imaano ki koi jaat ya mazhab nahi hota.
So this discussion is foolish. where I m Muslim first or Indian first.
Dishonesty has nothing to take with religion. Any one of any religion could be dishonest to nation or even community. Only personal interests and greeds make a person dishonest.
And please chacha mulla ji what do you need to explain what are you first? Don’t you known that religion is a personal practice and being Indian (nationality) is a international and diplomatic practice. In your own country who Will ask you what is your nationality? When you are abroad this question may rise. but not in your own country.
I never answer to any hypothetical question. But mind that only Muslims and Hindus took part in freedom movement.All the christians opposed India`s Independence. You better ask those christians whom will they support if there any war/battle/conflict between U.K and India. christians are habituated in answering hypothetical questions.
What do you say about those Hindu Govt Officers who were caught for being ISI agents.
Muslim Personal Law,By the Grace Of Almighty Allah exits India. Now we will oppose any type of change/infringement. If you ask me why then you will have to sit with me across the table to understand the reason my dear Mr.Tenali.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
If we cannot discuss the things in a forum, what chances are there for its success in a face-to-face discussion?
People are not naive now a days. They will not believe just because I said so or you said so. They will question all the beliefs and get the answers themselves. I hope they got the answers for the statement ‘ I am a Muslim First, Indian later ‘. Bye!
This thing can be discussed face to face in a forum but not through website. Why are you not making any comment about those hindu officers who have been arrested for being ISI agents.Excepting a valuable comment from a learned unprejudiced person like you.
In 1971 Indo-Pak conflict majority of the Muslims of East Pakistan
supported India a hindu majority democratice country. Were those Muslims right or wrong. Pl.offer your comments.
I am proud to say that I am a Muslim first then an Indian.If a Muslim changes his/her nationality or citizenship then he or she may not loose any thing but if he/she converts to other religion then according to Islam he/she looses the opportunity to enter Paradise.(I repeast according to Islam only). Kindly verify my statement from a person who is well conversant with Islamic Law.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
There are Hindu’s who are not loyal to the nation. If the Hindus are loyal, India would not have seen so many invasions in the last 1000 years. Also, I have not seen any claims that a person is Hindu first and Indian later. My personal belief is every one living in this land is an Indian and I expect them to be loyal to the country. There are other identities like religion, region, groups, tribes, gender, professions etc. They are all secondary in nature.
Mr.Tenali,No clear cut comment
What will you call those hindus who have been arrested for being ISI agents?
Whether the hindus and some Muslims of East Pakistan did the correct/right thing by supporting India during 1971 Indo-Pak Conflict? Please response
As desired by this website, i take the privilige to join the debate: “I am a Muslim first then an Indian” as stated by Md. Ziaul Haque. After consulting an Imam of a mosque I have come to know that in the light of Islamic/Shariah Law, Md. Zia is perfectly alright in claiming that he is first a Muslim then an Indian. Let us take the argment in an alternative way- eminent jurist Shri Ram Jethmalani and former Indian Home Minister L.K. Advani are no doubt Hindus and came from Pakistan. When in pakistan, they were hindus first and then pakistanis for the reason that in India, they are Hindus first and then Indians. If they go and settle in USA, England or any other country ,then also they will be Hindus first then the citizen of that country.
May i request the administraion to kindly post the photo of Md. Zia-ul Haque?
Couple of questions .
1. If India is in a conflict with another Islamic country, who are you loyal to? Would you be willing to fight with another Muslim from an Islamic country?
2. If there is a civil law which is in conflict with a religious law defined in holy books, which one takes precedence?
Mr. Tenali,
You don`t know that during the past Indo Pak conflicts hundreds of Muslims were killed fighting against Pakistan. It is therefore quite natural that Indian Muslims will certainly shed blood and sacrifice their lives to protect the sovereignty of Republic of India. Muslims and hindus joined together to drive christian Britishers out India and achieved Independence but unfortunately not a single Indian christian joined the Indian Freedom Movement as they were converted to christianity out of greed to get special/extra favor. I am sure that if there is conflict/battle/war between any christian country and India then these traitors will support the christian country.
Official Record says that till today not a single Muslim responsible Govt officer has been arrested for being Pakistani Spy but unfortunately several Hindu senior Govt officers including a diplomat posted in Pakistan have been arrested for being ISI Agent(S). Muslims are much loyal to the Govt of India than a section of hindus.
Islam teaches to respect the law of the land. But we don`t like infringement in our Personal Law.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Mr.Haque – I am aware there are several patriotic Muslims who sacrificed their lives for India. I am also aware of some Muslims whose loyalties are not the same. So let us not debate the contributions and limit ourselves to theological points.
– In a hypothetical scenario, let us assume there is a conflict between India & Saudi Arabia in future. Per your statement, you are a Muslim first and Indian later. In this conflict, whose side would you take ? If you take the side of India, are you not contradicting your statement that you are a Muslim first?
– If Islam teaches respect for rule of land, then what is the need for separate Muslim personal law? If there is a conflict with rule of land, would you advocate following rule of land or Muslim personal law?
History says that almost all the hindus and a section of Muslims had supported India during Indo-Pak conflict in 1971 in erstwhile East Pakistan. Kindly let me know whether those hindus were just and proper in supporting India or they were wrong in doing so.
What will you call those hindu officers(Govt of India officers)who were arrested for being ISI agents. Please give clear cut reply with reasons.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate