Farah says: March 28, 2013 at 3:08 am
Hi Admn.
I have been reading this site since long and did not interact at all.
Having gone various texts here, I find high appreciation for our muslim sisters boldness and frankness to point out evils of the islamic religion.
I am from a asian muslim country and presently in Newzealand working in a transport company, where some Indians are also working. I am in love with a Marathi boy who is in my company as Manager(logistics) about 2 level up than me in heirarchy.
What I have noticed that (most other) religions teach peace and equality to all persons, whether male or female. But in Islam it is contrary.
Islam teaches violence, murder, killing to non believers, kafirs, including kidnapping, raping, fatwa against women of their own religion. Kuran is full of sex abuse, violence, lying and creating terrorists in the name of religion and tempting them to have 72 virgins. IS IT A RELIGION NOT ALL BUT AN IDEOLOGY OF SHAITAN LIKE PROPHET, RAPIST AND MURDER.
Some of muslim guys say that Islam provides equal opportunity and euqal status to women, which is not at all true but misleading and illmotivated. In the worlds of islamic countries millions of women are forced to prostitution business, displaying bed sheets with blood stains this is a really shameful attitude.
I have told my parents that I shall not marry any muslim but marry my Hindu BF, who has not asked me to covert but willingly I shall convert to Hinduism. Islam is a religion of horny and sexy people.
Thanks to this site for enlightening our muslim girls to break the evils shackles of Mullahs and Imams. -Farah
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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fake people with fake post.i know lost of hindu guy who marry muslim girls and they r happy.regarding prostitution as u said,in Mumbai shiv sena people kidnap and sell women in sex racket areas or red light aread.u should be knowing this.
I m siddharth. The greatest religion is buddhism you should read about bhuddism you will realize the truth.
Its not about harming anyone.
Its about love and peace.
Budhhism is very modern religion but its first religion invented on dis earth
really you should read buddhism
you will love it
Me 29yrs.by profession advocate in love with a hindu guy 32 also advocate.
Our parents are against it, but observing cruel and discriminatory
practices, I am determined to marry him only and even ready to leave them for ever.
Some relatives apprached me and threatened me. I lodged case against them and now knowing that I am advocate, they are keeping silent.
From this blog, I just want to invite positive comments from learned writers on secular grounds.
The seedbed for our joy lies not in what we are doing, or ainiurcqg but in what we are being. True joy is a state of personal wonder and power that comes from inside out. Our most creative and innovative work happens when we are working with a sense of joy that transcends space and time and empowers us to be the best we can be. When we are working and living with our joy, in the flow of positive purpose, we also touch the true success, abundance and satisfaction we desireSadly, joy is something that we often forget to access.
Marathi once….Marathi Forever…no matter what.
Jai Bhawani
Jai Shivaji
Jai Maharastra
Orange Flagship shall always be our PRIDE
Like it or not…Hatred might has spread since ages..but i have some muslim friends and last year,i’ve got a crush for a muslim girl and when i’ve told my friend about it..he simply said : “you’ll have to convert into muslim after marriage.” then WTF..am the man,she should enter mine..but that day i realize something…muslim guys even though they can be judged excellent and decent fellows in every society..it’s compulsory for them to have that little side of racism…there’s a quote saying: convert the world in islam by preaching or by sword..am i right the muslim guys?
In most cases, Muslim will not marry unless you convert. This is very effective way Islam is being spread. Choice is yours!
Islam comes neighbouring country.Implements his religion.Multiplies Itself.
Overthrows countrys religions.
Gets ready for next target.
Their is a similar organism that follows the path
Hello This Is Sanket(Marathi)
Whether or not you are muslim or not. You have a right to marry any one who love.Every religion has something to teach.
In my marathi religion.Many muslim girls married to marathi people live in peace,not even have to change their religion from muslim to marathi.
Sanket, how about from Marathi to Muslim for their Islamic Nikaah? You mean they did not had Nikaah but only a HIndu ceremony for the marriage?
Are you in any love relationship with a Muslim?
I don’t Mind marrying In Muslim Style.
And We Marathi people always treated muslim girls,adn boys equally Regardles of Hindu people who protested againsts muslim.
Muslim style marriage (Nikaah) means you will have to take an Arabic name, change your religion by Shahadah oath and raise Muslim children. Read it here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2643 , so are you ready for all these? If not all, how many of these? After marriage, would you be a proud Marathi-Muslim? If not all these, then you will only FAKE-convert to Islam for Nikaah, but remain a proud Hindu?
You said, “Marathi….treated muslim girls, and boys equally”, how about if you sister has to marry a Muslim boy, would you expect her to remain Marathi-Hindu or convert to Marathi-Muslim?
If I wanted to marry muslim girl.I can marry in Muslim style ,But I will remain an Hindu.Even If their father or relatives force me to.
.Second I dont have any sister.
Mrs admin you are right.A muslim staying In my locality always seduce marathi girls and dosen’t allow his sister(Three) to even talk to us.
Third Read history of shivaji maharaj a founder of maratha empire.
Is also termed as Muslim eliminator.
So we marathi are always against Muslims directly or indirectly.
You have made two contrasting statements, “I can marry in Muslim style, But I will remain an Hindu”. You have to pick one of two, both are impossible!! Wake up.
Go tell her father that you wish to remain who you are (a Hindu) and still wishes to marry your daughter. Let us know how it goes.
hi sister ,
you have taken real descition.do not need to talk more because you have adequate knowledge about quran , hadith and islam.
Terrorist Zunaid,
It is absolutely true that you are born out of mutta marriage, as such
your mind is negative and against female community. Why any one should change her name, when her husband has not even suggested.Your mother suffered so much in islamic religion, even then you are not changing your mind frame, like terrorist.
I have found your comments, all negative, baseless and false.
Learned muslim girls who know your past history, has exposed it and
given befitting replies to you.Even then you are not mending your ways.
Admn and Satyen too have pointed out your mentality and prejuidiced and biased attitude towards females.Perhaps your mother is also fake.
You should also change muslim if you hate islam and take some hindu name
To know about islam vist
Admin and satyen is spreading hatred againest muslims like you
@junaid- do u have anything new to say, wherever Muslim girl wants to marry there love, for you its fake, I think we all know, can you try something new to say, we are bored…and what’s with copy paste your stupid comments everywhere, do u have job? Or just spreading false Islam is your only job?
Yes, where are intellectual Muslim boys?
How come they are reading but ignoring the discussion here?
Why this site is attracting intellectual Muslim women only? What we could do to make Muslim-boys talk here?
Dear Admin,
I don’t think there is any need to persuade Muslim men to speak here. Junaid is a classic example of the mentality of Muslim men. If someone ever questions you just call them liars, and if possible kill them. In true flowing of Muhhamad that’s what the religion teaches the men to do anyway right!?
If anything, Juanid is just proving the stereotype that is held against most Muslim men. I say most coz I have had the privilege to know some Muslim men who don’t fall under this category
Another fake story. She is actually a hindu. To know about islam vist
if you hate islam change muslim name and keep hindu name and donot use muslim id
junaid you are right, these hindu gyus are constantly spreading lies, they are getting paid by a extremist,racist organisation RSS,VHP
i have found many hindu guys under fake muslim name in facebook
hindusim is a corrupt,bisaed,evil religion, they cannot put forward what hinduism has to offer for humanity or what it has put fowarded so they keep on bashing islam, hinduism has no answer how to treat a rapist, what property a women should inheritate from her father, what should be the status of widows( sorry, they had one, burn the widows with dead husband)
Thousands of hindu girls and boys are converting to islam,christianity , so their hindu organisation RSS,VHP had to start a movement named ” Hindu Revivalist”, Soorry hindus, every year more than 70,000 people leave hindusism.
muslin always take info from there Islamic sites which is always fake info its is just 1000 yrs old barbaric religion,
Where ever Islam present they spread violence against other religion
they lied 1000 times for Islam and these people against democracy,freedom of woman