Should a Muslim agree for baptism of her children?

Aafrah says: January 13, 2013 at 7:15 am


I am Aafrah from an Arabian country, studying in Sao paulo, Brazil and also working here for the last 7 months. I am in love with a Christian boy and like their life style and freedom to the women and therefore wish to marry him. We both work in the same company. My parents wants to marry a muslim guy from Saudi Arabia, which I dont like due to so many evils against females.

I have met his parents and they are ready to accept me as their daughterin law. I like libral environment and a working women too and dont like restrictions like in Arabian country, not to get identity card, no driving vehilces, sex with dead wife, domestic violence, talak any moment and so on.

Though I shall not be chaning my religion, accepting genuine rules of the islam but kids shall be grownup in christian teachings and religious parameters.

Please guide, whether I am correct? I have read here from some muslim males, that marrying a non muslim shall lead to a hell fire. I dont believe such stupid arguments? -Aafrah


Admin says:

We agree to your point of marrying to someone who is open minded and respects women. Add to it, the person who you marry should not be a religious proselytizer and an opportunist.

Wait! We have a concern. Are you jumping from a frying pan into fire? it seems, you are tired of Islam and thus got impressed by the Christian. You said, “kids shall be grownup in Christian teachings and religious parameters.” Why? Why you have to have such one sided pre-Nuptial agreement now?

Why not keep the option open till you have a child birth. Tell your in-laws that you will decide when you have a child, but not now. Meantime read what -raising a child in Christian environment- means? We LOVE JESUS’ MESSAGES, BUT NO THE CHURCH’S.

Baptism means conversion to Christianity and a commitment to repudiate former practices (of Islam) and to live with Christ FOREVER. Is that your intention? By agreeing to baptizing your children now, are you being a victim of religious proselytism by churches?

So, tell your bf that you will teach Jesus’ messages (three chapters) in the Bible (along with Koran) to kids, but not the messages of John, Paul and rest after Jesus’ death. How come Paul and Peter’s messages are better than Muhammad’s?

Lets assume you don’t mind for baptism of your children and willing to raise them as Christians. That may mean you will be visiting a Church every Sunday with your children. Like McKenna Smith learned from her church, some day, your daughter may request you and your relatives in Arabia to be baptized because all non-Christians will go to hell. Like wise, some day your son will write like Jane Tou, “I mourn that my (mother) is not a believer. Since my (father) and sister and I stake our lives upon the saving work of Jesus Christ, my (mother) has never quite felt like a part of the family. Perhaps this is the sword to which Jesus refers in Matthew 10:34 (Jesus: Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword), a sword that cuts families apart not because they do not love each other but because some love Christ more than all things and some do not love Christ in the slightest.” So, we highly recommend you to first decide if are you ready to denounce Islam and start believing in the Son of Allah, Jesus? If you are not ready for that step today, delay your commitment for “kids shall be grownup in Christian teachings and religious parameters.”

You said, “I have met his parents and they are ready to accept me as their daughter in law.” This is great. Wait, it is non-conditional love for you or they will accept only if you agree to raise children Christians?

You said, “some muslim males (saying) marrying a non muslim shall lead to a hell fire. I dont believe such stupid arguments?” Then tell us are you willing to buy into McKenna’s teaching that Mahatma Gandhi will go to hell? How church teaching any different than what is taught in Saudi Arabia, in using “sin”-factor to scar people?

If you want to find out truth on if your boy friend and his family/church really love you for “who you are” and not “what they could make you into”, then tell them that no BBS (here no Baptism/Christening). Let us know what they reply.

We are simply saying to keep your options open and take your time to decide what will be the religion of your children. What is wrong in keeping the option open to teach children from Bible and Koran? At their age 21, let children decide their own religious fate, fair? -Admin


Satyen says: January 25, 2013 at 2:33 pm

None except the God can salvage from the sins we commit. The God is so impartial that He/She cannot allow only a few prophets to be our guardians and the God has to carry out their recommendations.We all are just judged by the God based on our deeds. There is always a second chance given by the God to correct ourselves and hence no permanent hell or heaven. So, don’t afraid of any prophet or his cult. Why are there only male prophets? Is the God so partial against the womenfolk? discard them all and attach yourselves with the God who is all merciful and omnipotent. Stop this shopping around the stores of various religions. Free yourselves from the slavery of the prophets and those running the business in the name of those prophets. Only thing acceptable from the prophets is their sane teachings and their moral behaviour in their lives. Unfortunately, at least one of the prophet couldn’t even have a good moral life which is expected from even a layman! And that Muhammad is hailed as prophet and those running their businesses call it a religion!

I personally love Hinduism because it has no prophet and if there are manifestations of the God, they are both males and females. Everybody is free to reform it as and when required. No fear of hell fire etc. Those who have concern about the translations about the Vedas, are free not to follow it. It’s as simple as that. Hinduism doesn’t need its followers but the humanity needs Hinduism as the way of life. Secularism, if defined as treating all equal, is the product of Hinduism and not of Christianity/Islam or some other religion. The whole world is coming closer to Hinduism, consciously or otherwise. -Satyen

WHAT OTHER MUSLIM GIRLS WOULD RECOMMEND TO AAFRAH? Should she sign up or commit now to raise children Christian only? Or, should she keep that option open now, and potentially let her children decide at their age 21? Please share your views.


Also read:

Text book on How to convert Muslim Students to Christianity (a must read),
Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a must view video,
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage,
Do all Christians go to Heaven?,
Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video,
All religions are not same,
A fundamentalist Christian,
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
A Jealous and Angry God,
Circumcision: Science or Superstition? ,
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating

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  • raj
    December 23, 2015 12:12 am

    Here is say only one word Jesus is the Lord and the Salvation. Dont be confused read the Gospel the New testament. In quran it says Jesus was’nt crucified and not dead, its appeared to be so. instead of Lord Jesus they have put another man, and the substitute was killed.

    Question No. 1 . What was the reason of substitution, who was that person died on cross

    Question No. 2. It directly states islam god cheated / or deceived everbody there . And these people calls the deceiver a god. justification required.

    Question No.3. Gabriel told good news to Mary and Joseph about Jesus 600 years before to muhammed the false prophet and pedophlile ….and again gabriel shares the same to muhammed? Y …. Quran is man made book. here is say and challange any muslim to stand about this verse … muhammed lies to Hamsa and do intercourse with a captive girl. And then he was caught by Hamsa his wife among multiple, muhammed says i will not do again … Immediately he continuos his intercourse with captive girl. And when hamsa asks him then muhammed reveals a verse saying that “allah given him permission to break his oaths ” Can a god encourages the lust. shame on you muslims and feel pity on u all……………………………………..

    • December 23, 2015 12:58 am

      Mohammed, is there any truth to this?

      • Mohammed
        December 23, 2015 2:53 am

        There is no proofs that he was given in the above statements. . and i will call him as a great lier

        • mac
          December 23, 2015 3:58 am

          he is calling muhammad pbuh as pedophile then his god is pedophile as per same logic as his god impregnated mary, mother of jesus when she was 9/10/11 years old, so raj please tell us why your god impregnated a small child instead of a young mature woman of age above 18 years old

    • Mohammed
      December 23, 2015 3:50 am

      Dear raj

      // Here is say only one word Jesus is the Lord and the Salvation. Dont be confused read the Gospel the New testament //

      In the complete bible there is not a single verse of jeasus(p.b.u.h) where jeasus(p.b.u.h) himself says iam God or he says worship me ..

      // In quran it says Jesus was’nt crucified and not dead, its appeared to be so. instead of Lord Jesus they have put another man, and the substitute was
      killed. //

      Islam is the only non Christian faith which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
      . No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). We believe that he was one of the mightiest messengers of Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) of Almighty God. We believe that he was the Messiah, translated Christ. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day
      Christians today do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead
      with Gods permission. We believe that he healed those born blind and lepers, with Gods permission.

      Surah Nisa, Chapter No. 4 Verse
      No.157 which says
      “ Wa Qawlihim”
      “They said, the Jews (in boast)”,
      “Inna Qatalnal Masiha Isabna
      Maryama Rasool Allah”
      “That we killed Christ, Jesus, son of
      Mary, the Messenger of Allah”, “Wa
      Ma Qataluhu Wa Ma Salabuhu”
      “They did not kill him, Neither did
      they crucify him”,
      “Wa Lakin Shubbi ha Lahum”
      “but it was made to appear so”,
      “Wa Innal Lazinakhtalafu Fihi Lafi
      Shakkim Minh.”
      “And all those who differ therein
      are full of doubts”,
      “Ma Lahu bihi Min Ilm”
      “with a no certain knowledge”,
      “Illati Baa’zzan” “with only
      conjectures to follow”,
      “ Wa Ma Qataluhu Yaqinaa” “for a
      surety, they killed him not”.
      This Verse of the Glorious Qur’an is
      so explicit, unambiguous, making it
      very clear, that the Islamic viewpoint
      is “Wa Ma Qataluhu Wa Ma Salabuhu”
      “they killed him not, neither did
      they crucify him”. “Wa Ma Qataluhu
      Yaqinaa” “for a surety they killed
      him not”.

      No one can be more explicit, more unambiguous, more unequivocal than the Qur’an in this Verse saying that he was not killed.

      let me firstly clarify tha we Muslims, we do not consider the Bible to be the word of God. The Bible may contain certain portions which we may consider it to be the word of God. It contains the word of
      the Prophets, the word of the historians. It also contains absurdity.

      even there’s not a single Verse any
      where in the Gospel which says that
      Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was resurrected. In fact if you read, its mentioned, if you remember the
      story, that after the alleged crucifixion when the disciples, they meet in the upper room, Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) he comes, its mentioned in Gospel of Luke Chapter No.24, Verse No.36, he comes and he says to the disciple,

      “Shalom” in Hebrew which means
      peace unto you.

      Next Verse Gospel of Luke Chapter
      24, Verse 37, says,
      “But they were terrified and
      affrighted and supposed him to be a

      I’m asking a question, why did the
      disciples think Jesus (Peace Be Upon
      Him) to be a spirit? Did Jesus look
      like a spirit?

      Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) did not look like a spirit, when he comes to the upper room after the alleged crucifixion. So why did they think that he was a spirit? The reason is because they had heard from the hearsay that their master Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) was put on the cross. They had learnt from
      hearsay that he had given up the ghost that he had died. They had learnt from hearsay that he was dead and buried in the grave for three days. Hearsay, hearsay. You know why? Because they were not eyewitnesses.

      According to Mark, Gospel of Mark Chapter No.14 Verse No.50 it says, that

      “All of them forsook him and fled”
      In the most crucial juncture in the life of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him)
      when he required them the most. All the disciples, 100%. All of them

      according to Mark, Chapter14 Verse
      No.50, they forsook him and fled.

      All of them forsook. So it was from hearsay. Therefore they think and they thought that he was a spirit. But Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) to clarify their doubt, it’s mentioned in the next two Verses in the

      Gospel of Luke Chapter No.24 Verse
      No.39 and 40 Jesus (Peace Be Upon
      Him) says, that
      “Behold my hands and feet, it is I myself. Handle me and see for a spirit has no flesh and bone”,
      As you see me have. And saying so
      he shows them his hands and feet.
      He tells them behold my hands and feet, it is I myself, what has happened to you? It is me, your lord and master Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him), why you’re frightened? Handle me and see, behold my hands and feet for a spirit has no flesh and bones.

      What was he trying to prove by showing his hands and feet? Was he trying to prove that he was resurrected, was he trying to prove he was spirit. He was trying to prove that he was not a spirit. He was not resurrected.

      Next two Verse, Gospel of Luke,
      Chapter No.24, Verse No.41 to 42, it says, that
      ”They were overjoyed and they wondered.”

      They thought he is dead and now they are happy that their lord and master is alive, physical with flesh and bones in front of them. They are happy. Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) yet to confirm them says that,
      “Do you have any meat here?” And
      they gave him a piece of broiled fish
      and a honeycomb. And he took it and
      he ate before them. To prove what?
      That he was resurrected? To prove that he was a spirit? To prove that he was a physical body. He ate and he chewed in front of them. A piece of broiled fish and honeycomb, to prove that he was not resurrected,
      he was not a spirit. But he was in flesh and bones, a physical body if no resurrection, no crucifixion, no Christianity.

    • Mohammed
      December 23, 2015 3:57 am

      // here is say and challange any
      muslim to stand about this verse … muhammed lies to Hamsa and do intercourse with a captive girl. And then he was caught by Hamsa his wife among multiple, muhammed says i will not do
      again … Immediately he continuos his intercourse with captive girl.And when hamsa asks him then muhammed reveals a verse saying that “allah given him permission to break his oaths ” Can a god encourages the lust. shame on you
      muslims and feel pity on u all…………………………………….. //

      i dont know where u got this statements , a big lier. .
      Jeasusp(p.b.u.h) says in
      Gospel of John chapter 16 verse
      “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
      How be it when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of
      himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me”.

      The Sprit of Truth, spoken about in this prophecy referes to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

  • February 9, 2013 9:13 am

    What Zahid will tell?

    He is the blind follower of Muhammad, a great culprit ever born on this earth. He must be burning in hell fire slowly for years, tarnishing the image of Allah, the great, and sinfully declared himself his messenger?

  • Satyen
    January 25, 2013 2:33 pm

    None except the God can salvage from the sins we commit. The God is so impartial that He/She cannot allow only a few prophets to be our guardians and the God has to carry out their recommendations.We all are just judged by the God based on our deeds. There is always a second chance given by the God to correct ourselves and hence no permanent hell or heaven. So, don’t afraid of any prophet or his cult. Why are there only male prophets? Is the God so partial against the womenfolk? discard them all and attach yourselves with the God who is all merciful and omnipotent. Stop this shopping around the stores of various religions. Free yourselves from the slavery of the prophets and those running the business in the name of those prophets. Only thing acceptable from the prophets is their sane teachings and their moral behaviour in their lives. Unfortunately, at least one of the prophet couldn’t even have a good moral life which is expected from even a layman! And that Muhammad is hailed as prophet and those running their businesses call it a religion!

    I personally love Hinduism because it has no prophet and if there are manifestations of the God, they are both males and females. Everybody is free to reform it as and when required. No fear of hell fire etc. Those who have concern about the translations about the Vedas, are free not to follow it. It’s as simple as that. Hinduism doesn’t need its followers but the humanity needs Hinduism as the way of life. Secularism, if defined as treating all equal, is the product of Hinduism and not of Christianity/Islam or some other religion. The whole world is coming closer to Hinduism, consciously or otherwise.

  • January 25, 2013 8:56 am

    Aafrah: Think about WHY men are nicer to women in Christian Lands, & reconsider finding The Father Spirit of Light/Love as they have. Your intended partner must love you very much to want to rescue you from what we see as deep oppression in other lands. Make up your own mind about What God Is Like. Christians are grossly misunderstood, I’m certainly seeing that in the ‘advice’ I’m finding here. We believe Hell is only for fallen angels, not humans, & that we have a most certain choice not to ever go there! God is our RESCUER and the meaning of “Jesus” is “Savior”! 😀

  • zahid
    January 16, 2013 1:20 pm

    No muslim children can not be bapatised. If you baptatise children then they will not remain muslims and will go to hell fire.

    • January 16, 2013 7:36 pm

      Wait, the Christians are promising that Jesus will salvage all baptized people.

      Tell us who is right, christians or Muslims, Jesus or Muhammad?
      We wants to know who is right!!

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