Can my Muslim husband take a Hindu wife?

lola says: November 14, 2014 at 1:18 pm

Can my (British-Christian) Muslim (Egyptian) husband take an (Indian) Hindu wife if she converts?… He cheated me with her now that he has been found out he says he will divorce me and marry her. He says I forced him to it! Because I found him out when her previous boyfriend contacted me with the story! -Lola

lola says: November 15, 2014 at 11:41 pm

He is Egyptian I we married in Egypt, i am Christian revert muslim, he moved to emirates with his job, he met this girl, I suspected something from the beginning, but he denied everything, I believed all was well with us, we planned our future, he came home on his vacation everything was fine with us, he went back to his work in emirates and he changed, said he was gay! he said he had met someone he needed to share his life with etc etc ..

things became heated and nasty! name calling accussing me of things etc etc…then he threatens me with divorce…after a few weeks of not speaking I see pictures on facebook were he had the woman in our family home having an engagement party with my MIL arranging it ..I was not informed of anything, it was all behind my back!

He has told his family she is a virgin and will convert to Muslim soon… she is Hindu and she is not anything that he has described her to his mother, she has cheated also her future husband also with my husband. This woman is a none believer I am so hurt that my husband has been taken by her,

2 weeks after hearing for the first time he got engaged to this woman I confronted him on line, he denied again he was engaged but he admitted that he had divorced me in the courts on that same day he supposedly had the engagement party…he has left me with no money for food or to pay my bills I live in Egypt too

My feeling now are as like I have been murdered by my family, everyday feel my sould is dying, the people I loved and called my family have thrown me in the gutter, I trusted my husbands family as my own they were my blood also, now they know they are guilty, they wont admit they was wrong in not telling me the truth of knowing my husband was preparing to divorce me in my absence which is what he has informed me he has done….

I am guilty only of accusing him of having an affair he tells me I drove him to it, I know my heart instincts was telling me the truth and her was all the time sleeping with this woman in Dubai, and her fiancé living in India found me and confirmed my gut instincts ..with proven evidence he was with my husband for over 1 year,

my husband has been living 2 lives…I don’t know what to do. We have a house together in his name and he now wants it sold so he can marry his Hindu fiancé…..I believe his family are searching financial security through his commitment with this woman and this is why they encouraged the engagement… I can not have children, we had spoken of him maybe taking an Egyptian wife later on, but he has never wanted this in the near future, but my mind has allows been open for this later on if he needed his right to having children..

I just believe he is wrong, he has made his family believe this woman will change, he thinks she will convert, he tells his mother she will live in Egypt …I KNOW THIS IS NOT TRUE SHE IS LIKE THE DEVIL HERSELF, she drinks she smokes and she is very popular with the opposite sex all proven facts, he believes she is an angel yet he has been sleeping with her within our marriage as well as he sleeps with me at the same time

I am now heart broke that I must have done something in my life to deserved this badness to me for all this to happen. I gave this man his future I thought he deserved a chance, so I brought him to the UK got him a nice job in Dubai were we can live nicely taking each day by day, as soon as I was out of his face he was miss directed by someone new..

I need help I don’t know what to do! I lost them all his mother, his sister, his brother, and him, TO THIS FAKE HINDU WOMAN whom has plans to finish her work in Dubai and return to India were she will settle with someone of her own kind ….Lola

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • November 22, 2014 4:36 am


    You are blind supporter of Mohamad, who married his son,s wife, raped 9 year girl in the name of marriage. Islam can be used by male for multiple wives in various practices, 4 wives at a time, through mutta marriage, through halala practices and by divorcing by oral tripple talaks.

    Lying is allowed in Koran on the pretext of Islam.Even sodomy is practiced in madarasas in the name of teaching koran to the kids.

    • Mohammed
      December 24, 2014 6:24 am

      Hey go out..
      first check wheather ur religion correct r nt

  • mac
    November 18, 2014 2:39 am

    Admin, you are wrong here about islamic double standard , i told you earlier don`t say anyting which you don`t have any knowledge of. I said earlier that as per islam, her husband is guilty not she. or do i have to quote from quran. Again specificly telling you, stop this, you are not doing a godly work, you are playing a conspiracy game and who ever god you beileve in is not gonna be happy by your this behaivour.

    • November 18, 2014 7:19 pm

      Mac, educate us about today’s laws that apply to Muslims in India and in Egypt.

      Can a Muslim male “legally” have more than one wife? Ignore buts and ifs for now; tell us in generality by answering YES or NO.

      Further, if a Muslim husband says talaak, talaak, talaak to his Muslim wife, is that marriage contract considered null and void? Ignore buts and ifs for now; tell us in generality by answering YES or NO.

      • mac
        November 22, 2014 12:54 am

        So you want answers in YES and NO, then first answer me whether you were partial in this site by putting one sided topic, YES or NO , if you answer this then i will sk rest of the qns and then i will ans your qns

        • November 22, 2014 10:53 am

          Answer is NO. We are here to preach interfaith marriage with equality where both couple should have rights to raise family in two faiths, 50-50%. Now tell us if that is acceptable to Islam?

    • November 18, 2014 7:32 pm

      mac, let us clarify on “who ever god you beileve in is not gonna be happy by your this behavior”.

      We are not fearful of God, we are not here to make God “happy”, we have never ever asked God to give us something (not even a candy!), we do not believe we MUST follow a “book” and we do not dream of AFTER life (or Moksha). However, if you believe in all these, we do not have any problem with it.

      Still we could say we (and you) may be better (hope!) citizen of this world compared to many Hindus who goes to mandir every day or many Muslims who are performing namaz exact specified five times/day to make God “happy”. We believe, it is not those rituals important, but one’s karma without expectations of fruits.

      Our own conscious is our God. We do that our heart and mind (God sitting in there!) guide us to do in a specific situation. I hope it make some sense to you.

      • mac
        November 22, 2014 12:56 am

        thatswhy you keep on saying its a GODLY work, now i realised what GOD means to you, lying is a god worship according to you, ok, then keep going

        • November 22, 2014 8:47 am

          Keep dreaming of the Judgment Day in you grave, while rotting for 20,000 years and still waiting! This is nothing more than your faith. Good luck!

          • mac
            November 22, 2014 10:19 pm

            ha ha ha now you took U-turn, this is what u r doing, every time either u come with tolerance type of comment or j-day comment to divert the topic

  • November 17, 2014 6:47 am

    Again Mod.Haque writing as Pakhi Begum? Why do you try to hide yourself in the different name. In the past blogs, you have mentioned as Pakhi as Haque, a self appreciater, boaster.

    • November 17, 2014 7:23 am

      Mr. Haque is now a Amicus Curiae of Supreme Court of India. This is a very honorable position.

      SHAME ON INDIA for picking such people at critical positions!!

      • Pakhi Begum
        November 17, 2014 10:35 am

        Yes, by becoming Amicus Curiae Mr.Haque is minting money. Good bye to you and this blog for ever. Take a bowl and beg from door to door. You are not fit to hold the present position

        • Dilip
          August 26, 2017 5:40 am


          We dont need you like cheap whore person. Better you stay there and dont come India for ever.

    • Pakhi Begum
      November 17, 2014 10:29 am

      No Inhuman no:
      I am Pakhi Begum.But I do report to my mentor Mr.Haque with whom you can not be compared in any matter/manner whatsoever. Bloody beggar, uneducated illiterate and uncultured.

  • November 17, 2014 6:34 am

    Has any muslim male been punished for multiple marriages? There is a lot of scope for horny people in Koran.

    Even if he is found guilty, he will escape on the pretext of expansion of islam and multiplication of muslim population.

  • mac
    November 16, 2014 1:14 am

    Don`t leave your husband, show him quranic verses thatr accoeding to quran he is a big sinner and according to hadith, he deserves death punsihment, if still he repeats then he is not muslim, that means he doesn`t beileve in quran, also as per, quran, divorce is not as easy as descibed in this site, you can also seek help from islamic helping web sites

    • November 16, 2014 4:56 pm

      Mac has a good point, he cannot divorce you the way he is claiming. Go talk to the imam who married you. Go talk to a local mosque and church for help.

  • lola
    November 15, 2014 11:54 pm

    we were married in the family home as i describe in the muslim way…with the Iman conducting our vows…then in the MOJ in cairo is also registered in the uk…i have no funds for lawyers he has left me penniless ..alone with no support from anyone…were was legally married for 6yrs…to this day there is still no proof he has legally divorced me…he has only said in words as fair as i know!

    • November 16, 2014 5:06 pm

      As per UK laws, you are married. However, if he does not own a property in UK and live in the Middle East, there is very little you could do. You are helpless and at mercy of ….?

      Keep in mind that even you return to UK and settle there, even after 20 years he can claim you as your husband as per UK laws (unless you are formally divorced in UK). This is a legal mess for you. Keep in touch here and someone will guide you to a right direction.

      Can your parents in UK help? Don’t hesitate to reach then out, after all they are your parents.

  • lola
    November 15, 2014 11:48 pm

    ps….his family refuse to acknowledge me or speak with me….they say I am the bad one in all this…I really don’t know what have done, i don’t know what i am guilty of…the only thing he can say is that i was not supporting him in his future, because i would not sell my house in the uk which is my family home not just mine…just the same as his family home is not sellable……yet i gave him his world he travels allover the world now, something he could never do without my support in making this for him…

    • November 16, 2014 4:57 pm

      Smart, don’t sell your home. One day, you will need it for your bread and butter.

      If you were in UK and was a Christian, how did you met each other? Are you a British passport holder?

  • November 15, 2014 8:49 pm

    Dear Lola,
    We are sorry to hear that your husband is fooling around. It must be hard to learn of all these. Which country do you live in?

    To your specific question “Can my Muslim husband take a Hindu wife after conversion”, answer is NO. If you live in a country where non-Sharia laws are followed, he cannot marry a second wife till the first marriage has gone through proper divorce. Even according to Islamic laws, he cannot add a second wife (after converting that Hindu) without permission of the first one (at least theoretically).

    If you live in a country where Sharia laws are being enforced or if you had an Islamic Nikaah in India, YES, he can talaak, talaak, talaak you any time. However such talaak, talaak, talaak is not valid if you are currently in the West (or if you had Special Marriage Act 1954 marriage in India).

    Go talk to a lawyer/attorney to protect you. Also consult women support groups in your country. Do not fight alone, take help from others.

    • Pakhi Begum
      November 15, 2014 9:48 pm

      I have told my mentor Md.Zia-ul-Haque about Lola’s helpless condition and that he has promised to give relief to Lola. Now it is up to tell Lola to contact me (through this blog)or my mentor whose e mail id may be given to her if you think better.
      Pakhi Begum

    • lola
      November 15, 2014 11:41 pm

      He is Egyptian I we married in Egypt,i am Christian revert muslim, he moved to emirates with his job, he met this girl, I suspected something from the beginning, but he denied everything, I believed all was well with us, we planned our future, he came home on his vacation everything was fine with us, he went back to his work in emirates and he changed, said he was gay! he said he had met someone he needed to share his life with etc etc ..things became heated and nasty! name calling accussing me of things etc etc…then he threatens me with divorce…after a few weeks of not speaking I see pictures on facebook were he had the woman in our family home having an engagement party with my MIL arranging it ..I was not informed of anything, it was all behind my back! He has told his family she is a virgin and will convert to Muslim soon…she is Hindu and she is not anything that he has described her to his mother, she has cheated also her future husband also with my husband. This woman is a none believer I am so hurt that my husband has been taken by her,
      2 weeks after hearing for the first time he got engaged to this woman I confronted him on line, he denied again he was engaged but he admitted that he had divorced me in the courts on that same day he supposedly had the engagement party…he has left me with no money for food or to pay my bills I live in Egypt too…
      My feeling now are as like I have been murdered by my family, everyday feel my sould is dying, the people I loved and called my family have thrown me in the gutter, I trusted my husbands family as my own they were my blood also, now they know they are guilty, they wont admit they was wrong in not telling me the truth of knowing my husband was preparing to divorce me in my absence which is what he has informed me he has done….I am guilty only of accusing him of having an affair he tells me I drove him to it, I know my heart instincts was telling me the truth and her was all the time sleeping with this woman in Dubai, and her fiancé living in Indai found me and confirmed my gut instincts ..with proven evidence he was with my husband for over 1 year, my husband has been living 2 lives…I don’t know what to do. We have a house together in his name and he now wants it sold so he can marry his Hindu fiancé…..I believe his family are searching financial security through his commitment with this woman and this is whythey encouraged the engagement… I can not have children, we had spoken of him maybe taking an Egyptian wife later on, but he has never wanted this in the near future, but my mind has allows been open for this later on if he needed his right to having children..
      I just believe he is wrong, he has made his family believe this woman will change, he thinks she will convert, he tells his mother she will live in Egypt …I KNOW THIS IS NOT TRUE SHE IS LIKE THE DEVIL HERSELF, she drinks she smokes and she is very popular with the opposite sex all proven facts, he believes she is an angel yet he has been sleeping with her within our marriage as well as he sleeps with me at the same time…I am now heart broke that I must have done something in my life to deserved this badness to me for all this to happen. I gave this man his future I thought he deserved a chance, so I brought him to the uk got him a nice job in Dubai were we can live nicely taking each day by day, as soon as I was out of his face he was miss directed by someone new.. I need help I don’t know what to do! I lost them all his mother, his sister, his brother, and him, TO THIS FAKE HINDU WOMAN whom has plans to finish her work in Dubai and return to Indai were she will settle with someone of her own kind ….

      • Pakhi Begum
        November 16, 2014 11:00 am

        Can you give me the address of India where the parents of the girl stay.
        Pkhi Begum

        • November 16, 2014 5:12 pm

          Great idea, can you find out any and all details about that girl from India (Facebook, names, town in India, phone number, etc)? Make all information public right here. Pakhi will contact her relatives and get that girl out of your life.

          • Pakhi Begum
            November 16, 2014 7:19 pm

            I am just house wife but by virtue of being an Advocate my mentor goes around every parts of India. He will try to help Lola in this hour of need.
            Pakkhi Begum (Previously Mitali Mukherji)

          • November 16, 2014 8:15 pm

            Never say “just house wife”. You are valuable member of this society, in the future, delete “just”.
            Instead of saying “I do not work”, the house wives should say, “I do not work outside the home”.

        • Dilip
          August 26, 2017 5:38 am


          Oh.. you converted are now agent of Islam? so need the address of suffer to convey her to stay in islamic religion, You are doing by grace of your husband who might be threatened you triple talaq if you will not actively participate conversion. It is NOT your fault, it is islamic hypnotism fault.. A hatred religion and you are some cheap mentality women doing this hatred job.

      • November 16, 2014 4:51 pm

        Sorry, the husband is (was) Muslim in Egypt. We hope you were in UK, then different sets of laws apply.

        How can he give you divorce in your absence? Is that possible in Egypt?

        Is there any legal option you have in Egypt if he has given you talaak, talaak, talaak?

        Should you consider getting help from a Christian church in Egypt?

        • Pakhi Begum
          November 16, 2014 9:38 pm

          Church people will not help Lola as she is a revert Muslim. Wrong advise has been given by you.

          • November 17, 2014 7:30 am

            Lola has suffered a lot due to Islamic double standard favoring male by multiple wives and quick talaak laws. Now she should keep all her options open.

          • Dilip
            August 26, 2017 5:34 am

            Mithali Mukharjee/Pakhi,

            Why are you saying “reverted”, you knows very well that islam is came to light just 1400 yrs ago, before that there is no single word of Islam. Please mention “converted” and what my point is those who converted to Islam are more radical mulsims (see in google) and they are useless. DONT KNOW WHEN YOUR HUSBAND WILL GIVE YOU TRIPLE TALAQ..

            SHAME ON SUCH LADY

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