(Muslim) has given up on me because of my (Hindu) religion

Rena says: January 22, 2015 at 2:25 am

Hindu GodsI am a hindu girl who has been dating a muslim guy for 4 and a half years now. He was never bothered by my religion nor me his, i was respectful when ever he had religious things to do and i was never forced into doing anything and i never forced him to do anything for me religiously.

All of a sudden he has become the religious type and even though he loves me he does not want me anymore. I always knew it would be difficult. His family love me and i love them i am never disrespectful towards their religion. How can someone all of a sudden change and say they don’t love you anymore because of religion, when he wasnt religious to begin with?

Even his mother is hurt by what is happening, she is happy her son is practising his religion but unhappy with the fact that he has hurt me completely when i have done nothing to offend them.

Although i am a hindu, i am not so religious i do what i am told as it what i was taugh as a kid and it stayed like that. I want to marry him and at one point he wanted to marry me to, but now he doesnt unless i become a muslim.

I dont want to lose my religion, but i said that i will respect his religion and do what i need to as his wife by doing both as much as i can, and if we were to have kids i woukd teach them both religions as well. His mother is upset but she knows how much i love her son, she can clearly see that this is not some young love fling and that it is true love that i have for him. She is sad, but she understands that you cant ask a person to lose their religion but she has seen how much i have done for them and their religion and she knows that i would respect it as i do my own.

I am willing to fight for my love but it seems as if he has given up on me and religion is the answer. -Rena

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • July 5, 2015 6:48 am

    I thk u shud think practically n take ur decision..he is nt a rite Person..he is doing love jihad..m sayng dis from my own experience..u r an educated gal..first be independent n den take a mature decision of leaving him asap..stay blessed

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10091

  • Arjuna
    January 30, 2015 1:06 pm

    Dear Rena,

    You have taken a mature attitude and have offered a middle way so that both you and him can bring your children up teaching them both religions.

    It is not clear whether he is being stubborn because he wants you to convert or he has lost interest in you. Sometimes, some men will spend a lot of time with a woman, even several years, but without intending to marry her. I dont know if your guy is the same but he could be.
    You should be honest with yourself and look at the clues that he will have given which will betray his true feelings, in ways that you may not have liked to notice or admit.

    If you think that he is genuine then you should try to convince him to be fair and not force his religion onto you. If he was genuine, then he will hopefully accept that.

    If on the other hand, he has been using you, then you should be wary, for even if you converted and married him, he may not be happy and may not treat you well and you will be in an even worse situation.

    You say that all of a sudden he has become religious, but he may simply have become more serious and seen his earlier years, that he spent with you, as just a passing phase.

    Many Muslim men think this way, and spend some time in their youth having a good time, usually with non Muslim women, and then they settle down with a Muslim woman. It may be painful to admit it, but that may (or may not) be the case with you also. You need to be better at reading the signs and not be carried away with your emotions.

    I wish you happiness with him, or if not, I hope you get through this difficult period and find happiness with someone else.


  • Kafir
    January 22, 2015 11:19 pm

    Dear Rena, Your story is nothing exception. This happens in almost all such love affairs and hence it is called love Jihad. He does not love you more than his religion. So, don’t expect much from him.Hinduism was the religion of almost all Muslims in this sub continent once at a time and so tell him to return back his fore father’s religion to wed you. Don’t leave the great religion of your fore fathers for the sake of your temporary emotion.

    • Mohammed
      January 23, 2015 3:24 am


      If u dont no the knowledge of religion then keep quiet.. y are going in the wrong way with lies of people..
      why he doesnot want to give up his religion like her then. y u are pulling him. .
      say logically. .

      • Kafir
        January 23, 2015 8:21 am

        Maha mad, Don’t teach me anything. The world has nothing to get from uncivilised Muslims . Islam is the religion of hatred, rape, murder spreading terror all over the world in the name of religion of peace ( ?Piss). So, none can be advised to embrace this religion of uncivilised barbaric people.

  • January 22, 2015 8:56 pm

    Dear Rena,

    Sorry that you got into a very painful situation after wasting 4.5 golden years of your life; especially when you are not at fault.

    You said, “All of a sudden he has become religious.” Do you think events like Charlie Hebdo contributed?

    Can you ask him what this mean “…unless I become a Muslim”? Can you list his expectations?

    Here, it is a matter of education and we can help. Get back to us.

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