Muslim: Hindu Father is Giving Trouble

Ali says: August 20, 2017 at 4:45 pm

I am in love with Hindu girl Since 7 years. I am Muslim. We are in Medical Profession. In short, my family is ready. My family belongs to normal middle class but from her side her father is not agree & he is politician connected. I am affraid if I go ahead for marriage. His father will give trouble to my family in India. I am out of India. Except me all are in India even my gf, both families. Too much marriage talk for her & she refused. Her father said he doesn’t allow to marry with me. He said he will commit suciside or kill her (just talking).

I do not Understand what to do next? Please help me out & give best solution. -Ali

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  • mac
    September 4, 2017 7:55 am

    Don’t marry her, marry a girl from your Muslim community. Problem solved.

  • Dilip
    August 26, 2017 5:23 am


    Why cant you convert to Hinduism as your ancestors were Hindu?. If you are true lover, then dont changer her faith, rahther change your faith

  • August 21, 2017 5:24 am

    i came to know about this forum through a friend of mine. i saw here many boys and girls are on the same page where i was three year ago. i met my husband during the summer camp and fall in love with him. it was typical hindu-muslim story. i had to convert so as to marry him. and yes islam only accept the nikah, not the special act. its been good so far , there will be some instances where you will uneasy but eventually everything will get settled. dong get blind in love, see if partner truely loves you or not and then decide.

    Reply at

  • Rabia
    August 21, 2017 12:43 am

    Dear Ali,
    This is the difficulty all interfaith couples have to go through at some point in their relationship. Your girlfriend knows her family best so she can decide if this is a good idea or not, but how about asking her aunt/uncle/mother/brothers or someone who is on your side to intervene and try to convince the father?
    Maybe he is worried that you will convert his daughter, or maybe he is concerned with his political reputation as well (what may happen if people find out that she married a Muslim)

    It’s always best to try to get as many allies as possible because those people – especially from her family -can help convince her father. It may not be easy – it takes months or years sometimes to convince parents.
    More important questions to ask are whether the two of you will lead a happy married life. Make sure you and her have conversations about how to raise children etc and that you understand each other well when it comes to this.

    Best of luck, write back and let us know the details so we can help as much as possible.

    • August 23, 2017 6:04 pm

      Rabia, is this not a time to give us this “worried that you will convert his daughter”? When will Muslim improve and stop love-Jihad acts (not follow 24:30 but 2:221)?

      Have you read our book?

      • Rabia
        August 26, 2017 5:51 am

        Admin, I am currently busy with some work but will order and read your book asap! Looking forward to it!

  • August 20, 2017 8:44 pm

    Hi Ali,
    We have changed your name and deleted some personal information for your privacy. We hope that is okay with you. It is important for us to protect you.

    This is sad! What his problem? Is he (father) concerned that you will make his daughter a Muslim? Are you going to ask her to convert? Let us know what you want and we can discuss more.

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