Muslim-Hindu Wish to Marry Each Other

Durga_Puja_celebrationkittu says: March 10, 2015 at 1:17 pm

Hi.. I am also having boyfriend from past 1 years.. he is Muslim and I m Hindu..we started our relationship with a known fact
that we will not be having future but as time passed we came so close both emotionally and physically.. now we want to marry each other but pretty scared to convince parents…how cud I even tell them that I want to marry with 1 Muslim boy…they will kill us…help me!! -Kittu

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • soni
    June 20, 2015 7:26 pm

    I have the same situation like kitty but the difference is of one month . i broke up with him now because in future it was not possible for us to stay together. And now I am feeling very bad

  • Sajid khan
    June 7, 2015 2:46 am

    mac bro you are always right whatever you said in the above comment is totally right i agree with your comment.

  • June 6, 2015 6:44 pm

    Hello everyone,i am a 15 years old muslim guy and i love a hindu girl,she knows much about my belief in islam,i don’t follow any one religion,but i respect and follow every religion,i says it to my heart,i want to propose her and want to tell her my heart feeling,but i have a fear that ehat will happen when i propose her,i have fear that may be she will ignore my proposal because of our different religion,i know her better that she also respect other’s religion and her too.but i am not sure about this so plz tell me what i do?i want to keep our relationship continue till to the love marriage,so plz tell me how i propose her?i also don’t want to force her to convert into islam after mrriage and i told my parents that i will marriage to a girl of some any other religion and they also did not angry on my behaviour,they well-known that what type of a guy i am?so plz tell me the way what i do,how do i propose her?

    Reply at

  • kumar
    March 17, 2015 10:17 pm

    i think it is not good but not more bad.

    this decision may hurt your parents.
    parents is more important for me and i think also you..

    my suggestion is that please obey your parent .they never thought bad about your life.

    jindgi to chalti rahti hai per use kaise jiya jaye ye tm pe dependent hai.

    in other religion this type of case occurs today is marriage day and tomorrow is TALAK day.aur duasari bat ye hai ki culture nahi samajh paoge mean relation.

    probably this type of relation is known as kingkrtayabimud relation inwhich girls patent is more hurted.

    so please take your parents suggestiom


  • March 17, 2015 8:01 pm

    i have the same condition as kittu !!! but i m hindu nd my partner is muslim!! we r in relationship till from school life…but we love ech other alon with fear that one day we have to leave each other bcoz how could i convinced my parents nd how she will !! what can i do??? i doesnt live one moment without her, so when i think about my future i get depressed always…why there is no any single way to achieve my love succesfully!!

    Reply here

  • March 12, 2015 7:09 am


    The day you marry him, your bad days will begin. You will be forced to wear burqa,not to move freely, eat beef and do not mind if he brings another wives upto 4, as allowed in islam.

    Remember you are trapped for sexual purpose only. May be you are forced to indulge in terrorist activities.

    Be aware of him. If good sense prevails, disassociate your self. You will not be allowed to revert to parent religion and even if you tried, you will be STONNED TO DEATH.

    • mac
      March 14, 2015 5:32 am

      Dear sister Kittu,

      Ask yourself how many muslim girls you know who wears burqa and if they wear burqa ask them did anyone forced them to do so.

      Ask your lover whether his mother,sister wears burqa, then you will come to know that Shagul is lying, trying to stop you from marrying your lover. Shagul is jealous about the fact that a hindu girl is in love with a muslim boy. Shagul is RSS inspired person, whose motive is to create hatred in society in the name of love jihad, but they behave opposite way when they see muslim girl having hindu bf.

      If muslim girls are not allowed to move freely then how come you see muslim girls in schools,colleges,streets……

      Eating beef or anything is a choice and in Islam eating beef is not compulsory, there is no beef in Arab countries, does that mean they are not muslim? Islam donot forces anyone to eat anything. You can be a perfect muslim whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian.

      Shagul mentioned about 4 wives, tell me sister Kittu do you know any muslim men having 4 wives, do anyone of your friend`s father has 4 wives, even ask your lover how many mother he has..guess what answer will be one

      In islam marriage is solemines by nikah, nikah is contract between husband and wife, in nikah nama(marriage contract paper) wife can put forward any condition except going against Allah, in that contract it includes the issue of 4 wive, if in nikah_nama(marriage contract paper) you keep condition that husband will not be allowed to take one more wife, you can make condition that husband can take one more wife but with your permission etc…so its condition…its not that in islam men will marry four times and women will just sit wand watch…during nikah all the conditions are covered.

      Lets see what Glorious Quran says about polygamy.

      “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].” – The Noble Quran Chapter 4;Verse 3

      In the same chapter Allah says that it is not possible to treat two women equally even though you want to.

      Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.” – The Noble Quran Chapter4:verse129

      First of all, 4 wive is not for enjoyment, its for orphan girls, to take care of them, secondly you have to treat them equally. Now if a husband marries going against his first wife`s wish or if he marries secretly will he be able to treat them equally,justly, the answer is NO, so the fear that these people are giving you in this website is complete non-sense. Husband had to take permission from his first wife for another marriage. Now its upto you whether you permit your husband for another marriage or not. Obviously not, then where from the question of 4 wives come as mentioned by Shagul, which again goes to my first question that do you know any muslim who has 4 wives.

      Shagul also gave you fear of terrorism activities, now tell me is you lover terrorist, do you know any of your muslim friend who is terrorist. Its upto you whether you fall in trap of their(Islam haters like Shagul) childish comment or not

      • Aakash Mallik
        March 14, 2015 8:04 am

        I agree with brother mac….

  • March 11, 2015 9:00 pm

    Dear Kittu,

    You did a smart thing to reach us within one year of relationship; most other youths come after 3-10 years later. We have experience in helping 500+ youths just like you and thus InterfaithShaadi will be one stop of information for you.

    Reading your post, we assume you are in the West. If this is true, you are in much manageable situation.

    It is wrong for your parents to stereotype your bf just because he is “Muslim”. Ideally they should look into if he truly loves you and not a religious fanatic at all. Do you agree?

    Before we go through more details, first tell us if this is true, “he truly loves you and not a religious fanatic at all”. Tell us what signs you saw in him to make a judgment about him. This will help design strategy to convince your parents. We wait to hear from you, thanks.

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