Muslim girl: I am in relationship with an Italian Catholic

Alia says: June 10, 2014 at 1:33 pm

I am in same situation. I am in relationship with a Italian catholic guy. we both are serious about each other. My parents are looking for guys for me. I keep rejecting guys my parents shows me for arrange marriage. I don’t think my parents will allow me to marry him. My family are by heart muslims. Can anyone help me how to convince my parents? He don’t wanna convert. He thinks a guy who is born with his religion and converts for a girl, how can I trust him that he would be faithful with me. I think he is right the one who is not faithful with god can’t be faithful with me. I think jew, christian and muslim are different branch of a tree. -Alia

Admin says:
Dear Alia,

If you are in the West, this is relatively easy. If you are financially independent, just go get married in a court and done deal. Later, parents will get around, especially after having children.

I am proud of your boy friend who declined to fake-convert for marriage. Honest guy! Bravo!

Why you said, ‘I think jew, christian and muslim are different branch of a tree”? If he was a Buddhist and equally decent human being, you would say he is not good?

Alia, first you two have to decide if Jesus is a Son of God or just an apostle? Koran said not to be a friend with Christians (5:51). Are you planning to take your children to church or madrasa or both for education? We would like to hear from. Thanks. -Admin

Alia says: June 11, 2014 at 9:43 am

I know in quran it is written I cannot marry him. But are you sure if allah is accepting it or not. Allah always accept he prayers and fulfill his wishes because he has a pure heart. First of all we have to be best human being that will make us best muslim. I pray from my heart and I listen to my heart. I am not sure if allah accept our realtion but I am not sure either that he don’t. If you are by heart muslim but you hurt people by saying they are christian or hindu, but what if allah likes that person because he is nice human being.

I am not against islam. I have converted people in islam. People got influenced by me and my point of view of islam and they have converted. I am not proud at it because allah choosed me for that. but i don’t think anyone of us knows what allah is really accepting. I always tell have a pure heart and help others allah will love you and help you. It always works with me. I just wish people understand this and stop fighting on the name of religion. Allah sent us, he made us, and we all are allah’s kids. how can we hate someone? If we hate ALlah’s kids, Allah is hurt. I never force someone to convert because its useless (fake-convert). If my boyfriend wanna convert because he wants to then I don’t mind. Neither I or my boyfriend think that jesus is a God. We both think he was a prophet. And our kids will be raised good human being and will get knowledge of both islam and christianity. They’ll decide that they want most probably If they want we want them to be hafiz. I dont mean to hurt anyones feeling. If my words hurts you I am sorry. But hope you understand. Jazakallah chair -Alia

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • mac
    June 22, 2014 7:59 am

    Alia how are you and what about your love, what you going to do now, but what you said about your boyfriend is appreaciable as you said he believes jesus(peace be upon him) as a prohpet and also believe mohammad(pbuh) as messenger and he also believes in one god, then according to qu`ran he is muslims, tell him

    • June 22, 2014 11:14 am

      Are you going to ask a Christian to change name to some arabic name and convert to Islam and accept Muhammad as close to God in his Shahadah? Can he not convert (Muhammad exactly same as Jesus, nothing better and not as the last apostle as Muslims would like him to believe)?

  • Raesa Sing
    June 12, 2014 9:00 am

    Both ISLAM and Christianity is Abrahamic Religion……Both e Fake Religion……Modern Terrorism starts from Christianity……ISLAM is the Flag bearer of 2nd Round Terrorism…….Both religion is full of Terrorists…….Proud, that , I came out from ISLAM, an So called ” Abrahamic Shit.

    Raesa Singh ( Fiormarly knows as Raesa Khan.).

    • mac
      June 12, 2014 12:06 pm

      todays modern world is shaped by bible and qu’ranic teachings otherwise we would hav been at that hindu vedic age where women were burnt in the name of sathi pratha and rape with out punishments as mentioned in rapists hand book vedas and many more. Look at todays world map most of the countries are great abrahamics faith followers that originated frm middle east and just look the language of bible and qu’ran i.e. English and Arabic the official langugae of UN but look at the language of rapist murderer hand book vedas gita ramyana(written by dacoit) sanskrit is DEAD no one speaks in sanskrit your regime is over oneday the whole world will be abrahamics, yahoooo!! Good news no hindu player in world’s biggest event fifa wc ha ha ha

      • alia
        June 12, 2014 9:19 pm

        Mac i like your comment “purpose of islam is love” i wish everyone understand this.

      • June 12, 2014 10:13 pm


        Your parents (or/and religion) has taught you to hate others. You hate Pakistani Muslims, Sunni, Christians, Americans, Hindus, and what not. This is just too sad.

        Actually, Europeans are getting away from churches and their intolerant Abrahamic teachings and becoming more pluralist. Even Americans are now saying “We are all Hindus now!” Hindu Yoga is very popular in every town in the west. People in the West really admire Buddhism and become followers of it.

        For Islam, so many are deserting it, visit Further, 45% of Muslims (including 45.1% of girls) in America now marrying outside their faith. So don’t be in delusion that Islam works for every one.

        Education is the key. Once people start thinking critically, they realize the beauty of pluralist and tolerance to others. For this reason, telibanis don’t like girls going for higher education.

        Education by schools and by internet is the key. Better days are ahead. Education will bring an end to Abrahamic fundamental teachings of intolerance. Good days are ahead.

        • mac
          June 14, 2014 4:44 am

          Admin you again targetted me personally, when there are so many RSS paid guys in the fake muslim names said bad things about islam, some of them called me `kuttee` , product of `mutta` etc , where you were then. and when did i say i hate pakistani muslims, sunnis, hindus, americans, christians , are you mad or what ??? Yoga is a ancient practice discovered by ancient rishis and those rishis were not hindus, they didn`t worhship idols, they found this from god by meditating. All americans are now hindus is just a vdo , nothing in reality, even a muslim can do yoga, i also do, does that mean i m cult(hindus), so by your definition you are christians as you do internet, or may be you were muslim as you did maths, or may be muslim now coz you are now wearing a mechine made cloths, yes clothes are brought to india by muslims as hindus(cult) used to wear dhuti and saree, people also fly by aeroplane and that aeroplane or finds its destination by using magnetic compass and that magnetic compass is also invented by muslims or may be you are a muslim as you may play Guitar or may listen music that as sound of guitar as Guitar is also invented by muslims

        • mac
          June 14, 2014 4:46 am

          45% are marrying outside their communty and most of them marry by converting bf to islam and don`t forget muslim men also marries outside community by converting them

        • mac
          June 14, 2014 5:14 am

          faithfreedom is a satanic website, let them leave islam, no problem for true practising muslims, let them enjoy nudity in world, it is not easy to get into heaven

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 10:21 pm

    John Esposito

    “Islam stands in a long line of Semitic, prophetic religious traditions that share an uncompromising monotheism, and belief in God’s revelation, His prophets, ethical responsibility and accountability, and the Day of Judgment. Indeed, Muslims, like Christians and Jews, are the Children of Abraham, since all trace their communities back to him. Islam’s historic religious and political relationship to Christendom and Judaism has remained strong throughout history. This interaction has been the source of mutual benefit and borrowing as well as misunderstanding and conflict.” (Islam, The Straight Path, Oxford University, New York, 1988)

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 10:00 pm

    PUSPOSE OF ISLAM IS LOVE , I don`t know why people so much misunderstand islam , is it beacuse we muslims don`t follow our religion accurately, are we only busy on external things like showing that i perfrm namaz(yes namaz is must) or keeping long beard, i don`t know but our beloved prohpet of entire human being said that:-

    1. “You will not enter paradise until you have faith; and you will not complete your faith till you love one another.”

    2. “Allah does not look at your appearance or your possessions; but He looks at your heart and your deeds.” but HINDUS do look at apperance like brahmins have fair skin so only brahmins are superior and these and that …..

    3. “He, who wishes to enter paradise at the best gate, must please his father and mother.”

    4. “The perfect Muslim is not a perfect Muslim, who eats till he is full and leaves his neighbors hungry.”

    5. “Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.”

    6.”Conduct yourself in this world, as if you are here to stay forever; prepare for eternity as if you have to die tomorrow.”

    • alia
      June 12, 2014 9:22 pm

      Mac it seems like you are muslim. Have you been in any situation like me and many more who are facing issues in there marriage because of religion.

  • Alia
    June 11, 2014 9:43 am

    I know in quran it is written I cannot marry him. But are you sure if allah is accepting it or not. Allah always accept he prayers and fulfill his wishes because he has a pure heart. First of all we have to be best human being that will make us best muslim. I pray from my heart and I listen to my heart. I am not sure if allah accept our realtion but I am not sure either that he don’t. If you are by heart muslim but you hurt people by saying they are christian or hindu, but what if allah likes that person because he is nice human being. I am not against islam. I have converted people in islam. People got influenced by me and my point of view of islam and they have converted. I am not proud at it because allah choosed me for that. but i don’t think anyone of us knows what allah is really accepting. I always tell have a pure heart and help others allah will love you and help you. It always works with me. I just wish people understand this and stop fighting on the name of religion. Allah sent us, he made us, and we all are allah’s kids. how can we hate someone? If we hate ALlah’s kids, Allah is hurt. I never force someone to convert because its useless (fake-convert). If my boyfriend wanna convert because he wants to then I don’t mind. Neither I or my boyfriend think that jesus is a God. We both think he was a prophet. And our kids will be raised good human being and will get knowledge of both islam and christianity. They’ll decide that they want most probably If they want we want them to be hafiz. I dont mean to hurt anyones feeling. If my words hurts you I am sorry. But hope you understand. Jazakallah khair

    • June 11, 2014 9:07 pm

      Wow, while trying to proselytize a Christian, you fall in love with him. Now if that guy don’t convert (we hope he remains firm) you are not going to be happy after marriage. Don’t think it will be easy to raise a Christian-Muslim 50%-50% child. If Muhammad is important to you, you rather separate from your bf now. If you truly believe in Allah and ready to keep Muhammad at a distance, then follow what you wrote, “..christian or hindu, but what if allah likes that person because he is nice human being.” Beautiful, Allah loves ALL. Be a pluralist if you wish to get into an interfaith marriage with equality.

      • alia
        June 12, 2014 9:13 pm

        Mohammed (s.a.w) is important for me. I don’t know if i am right or wrong. If i am wrong its ok i am ready for punishment after life. I wish i do something great in life that allah forgive me for all sin. And allah forgive those who are nice and honest. I wish allah do some magic and declare that we can marry other religion and stop killing each other if someome wanna marry in other religion. Insallah allah will forgive all of us who married someone in other religion because they really love them. Ameen.

        • June 12, 2014 10:30 pm

          You are educated and smart. Assume Allah is right in front of you and He is telling you that “alia, I have made you smart. Now do exactly that you think that I (Allah) wish you to do.” What would you do? Instead of listening to other middle men, just use your own brain and follow your own instincts. Good luck!

          • alia
            June 13, 2014 1:29 pm

            My parents wants me to marry muslim guy. I know my parents love me and they have done alot for me. I am in this world just because of them, but i cannot leave my bf for them. I cannot leave my parents for my bf. everyone in my life have special importance. And you are admin u should look everyone’s point of view and then respond accordingly. the successful person in this world is the one who can control their anger. And thanks for the website. Thanks to you and other helping me to face the situation. May god bless you all. Jazakallah Khair.

          • alia
            June 13, 2014 1:32 pm

            If allah tells me that I say I’ll marry him as u are allowing me. Just convince my family and i’ll ask him to always be there for me and i love you allah .

          • alia
            June 13, 2014 1:34 pm

            I never give importance to money more than relations. For me relation matters more than money. It seems like you are hindu admin. I am indian muslim girl living in usa.

          • June 13, 2014 4:56 pm

            We have created this web site NOT to decide for you, but to stimulate your mind for interfaith marriage complexities. Allah has sent you to us to get educated. Further, Allah has inspired us to do our karma (to help you) without expectations of fruits (no money {actually spending our own money}, no fame {we do not want glories and thus admin name only} and no reward {what so ever out of our hard work of last 7 years!}). Further, we do not have any gain out of your decision to marry this Christian, some other Muslim, a Hindu, an atheist or even decide to stay single for life. Thought we will be happy if you are happy after 20 years down in your married life, if we helped you in any ways.

            There are 400 other youths’ experiences here for you to learn more. We fully trust you as a smart and educated girl to make your own decision what is right for you. Let us know if you have any other specific question. Keep in touch and let us know what you finally decided to do (that will help us help others).

    • mac
      June 11, 2014 9:14 pm

      Dear sister Alia, why would your words hurt me??? its your life do what ever you like to do. for me i follow this line from qu`ran sura 109 “lakum dee lukum walia deen” which means to you your religion and to me my religion. So i have no problem with others being christians or jews. You said he doesn`t believe jesus(peace be upon him) is god then problem solved , this in the only main issue we have with present day christians especially catholics, then he is 90% muslim , if he accept mohammad peace be upon him as another and last prohpet then he is muslim, shahadah is just a saying, main thing is believing from inside(soul), you said to me that allah loves good human being sister when did i say allah hates good human being, allah only said i will pardon every sin but will not pardon shirik thats it, and when did i say to force conver him, i said show him thsese facts and he will surely accept islam, you said you converted many people to islam, will you share how you converted them to islam when you are denying allh(sa) saying from qu`ran by marrying a christians as he is, which qu`ran doesn`t allow but as you said he doesn`t believe jusus(pbuh) as god and also believe that jesus(pbuh) as prohpet then i think there is a high chance that he will accept shahadah becoz what he will say in shahadah will not go agaonst his belief as he doesn`t believe jesus as a god, in shahadah we have to accept this allah(god) is only one and mohammad(pbuh) is his last messenger then what is the problem of him saying this few words.

      • June 11, 2014 9:41 pm

        Millions have been killed on this issue, like mac described, ” ..jesus… is (not) god then problem solved, …., if he accept mohammad”. Yes, your boy friend does not believe Jesus as a God, but as a Christian, he would like to teach children that he is a Son of God.

        Alia, don’t get trapped in fight for Jesus or Muhammad. If Muhammad is very important for you, just separate from that guy and spare pain for both of you.

        • mac
          June 11, 2014 9:48 pm

          OUR BELOVED LAST PROHPET OF GOD SAID “”Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.”

        • alia
          June 12, 2014 9:03 pm

          Why this relation can’t be for our love. Why are we taking as religion issue isn’t he human being?, allah made him and all of us, we all have two eyes one nose and 2 ears. So whats the problem? And my main idsue is how to convince parents

          • June 12, 2014 10:25 pm

            This is great that you believe in humanity and not in man made silos of religions. Try to convince your parents. Let us know what are your parent’s concerns? If not as we said before “If you are financially independent, just go get married in a court and done deal. Later, parents will get around, especially after having children.”

      • alia
        June 12, 2014 8:57 pm

        Yes he believes mohammed (s.a.w) is a prophet. And he respect him. And i am not converting neither he we both respect each other religion and stand with each other. But my main problem is how to convience parents?

        • October 25, 2014 1:03 am

          I have the Same Problem..i am A christian And Loving A Muslim..My Gf Loves me too..we Are In A Relation from since last 2 years..and i am 17 now..after 4 years she’ll marry A muslim..I dont Know Anything BuT I love her truly And I Believe In AlLah(Pbuh) And Jesus(pbuh) too..So Why All these Problems Are Droping Infront Of us..SoMetimes I thInk of Suicide buT i doNt Have The GuTs..Just I Know This I’ll try My Best And I’ll Pray..we Should marRy in Court Then EverytHing WilL be Ok…Nobody WilL underStand B’cuz For UnderStanding Our Feelings 1st They Need To Love SoMe 1..They Need To Know The Pain Of Love,Distance And Tears..

          Reply at

          • mac
            October 25, 2014 1:27 am

            there are two type of christians, ones who beileve that earth takes 1 month to orbit the sun, the problem with muslims believe and christians beilef is that of jesus pbuh literal son or metaphorical son, so if you believe that jesus is god than sorry according to muslim faith you cannot marry her, but as per court yes you can.

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 9:15 am

    John 16:12-14

    New International Version (NIV)

    12 “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 14 He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.

    Read crefully this line “He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears” and prohpet mohammad was illeterate so it was not possible for him to make entire qu`ran, mohamamd(pbuh) only said things that was said to him by god with the help of angel gabriel so this line “he will speak only what he hears” varifies mohammad as last messenger of god and mohammad also made us muslims respect jesus(peace be upon him) more than most of the christians and this line “He will glorify me” is also verified. So show hi this things and he will surely come to islam

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 9:08 am

    The Holy Spirit Promised
    …6″But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7″But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8″And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment;[John 16:7], jesus peace be upon him is not the final messenger

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 8:53 am

    Dear sister ALIA, click this link and you will get a clear idea of three branch of a tree

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 8:43 am

    remember one thing never worship jesus(peace be upon him) as god , jesus as divine means he was borned to a virgin lady mariam(mary), by divine we don`t mean that jesus is to be worshipped

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 8:35 am

    tell him to read original hebrew version of bible or revised standard version of bible, he will automatically convert to islam becasue the only main issue we have with present days christian especially catholic church is that of jesus(peace be upon him) as a son of god or messenger of god, we beleive that jesus peace be upon him was a son of god in context to mean that jesus peace be upon him was DIVINE but not the begotten son, they believe that jesus (pbuh) was begotten son and they also say jesus is god. and don`t say jews,christians muslims are branch of a same tree, actually christianity is the corrected versin of judaism and islam is the corrected version of christianity, click this link [ ] and see how we are more closer to jesus(pbuh) than most of the christians and see this to your bf and realize him that becoming a muslim will make him better christian and more closer to god.
    If he still donot agree then i don`t know but if he allows 50-50 teachings from both the religion then don`t worry your children be automatically be a better muslim and thats why islam allowed muslim men to marry jew-christian women so that 50-50 teachings will not harm our religious belief but it has to be the teachings of jesus(peace be upon him) not church but islam doesn`t allo muslim women to marry a jew-christian as men are dominant and will not allow islamic teachings but if your bf is open minded and rational and allows islamic teachings then okay, also islam allowed marriage to a jew-christians(religious) coz it will allow exchange of both faiths ideology and finally leading her to islam, you also share with him about islam and show him how we follow jesus(peace be upom him) and respect him then he will also start to love islam.

    MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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