Muslim Girl Wants to Marry a Hindu

Sadia says: February 15, 2016 at 3:17 am


I am a Muslim Girl wanting to marry a Hindu man. I want to do both ceremony’s to keep both families happy.

Is there any way the Nikkah can be done without the person converting?

Please advise. Thank you. kind regards. -Sadia

Admin says:

Simple answer is NO! The Islamic Nikaah is not possible without Shahadah conversion of the Hindu. If you are in the West, you may find an imam to perform fake-nikaah for a right price but you have to think what will be religion of your children. Read all these recommended articles. Why can’t you marry by secular way? Can you? -Admin

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • sheher
    June 2, 2016 11:23 pm

    i am in love with a guy from past 5 years. now ihave told them that i want to marry that guy but they have started crying and started doing emotional blackmail. i dnt want that guy to convert as we both respect eacj other religion. what to do now

    • admin
      June 5, 2016 7:50 pm

      Sorry to hear the pain what you are going through. Sometimes, guys are out to just have romantic time and not serious for marriage. We hope that is not the case with you. Before we guide you, can you clarify: 1) what is your religion and what is his? and 2) who “they”, what is the reason for crying and what are points of blackmailing? We may help you steer through your current issue. So, get back.

  • Rabia
    February 29, 2016 1:49 am

    Sadia, Nikkah cannot happen without the person converting to Islam, is the simple & correct answer. However, matters of love are more complex than that. Some people do “fake nikkah” but before that the non-Muslim has to convert (say the Shahadah) because the imam will not perform the marriage unless both parties are Muslims.

    However, do think very hard & have honest conversations with your partner because nikkah is the easy way. Many girls are promised something before marriage by their smart spouses & after marriage the reality may be a bit different than what you expect from your partner. Men are quite cunning nowadays, so do have an open conversation about children, their religion, etc if these things matter to you. If you are secular, ignore my advice.

  • February 21, 2016 9:47 pm

    It’s Pretty simple really…A true Quran believing muslim will not dare to marry a Non muslim and if someone accidently happens to fall in love with one then the only way out for them to marry is by the non muslim converting to islam(Not by force but understanding and logic) but in secular environs that prevail in countries like India you can find many muslims manipulating the religious guidelines to unite with their non muslim partners through various means like Nikaah plus Hindu/Christian wedding,Hindu wedding where the muslim becomes a Hindu momentarily or even officially(Rarity),Special marriage act wherein you can become Husband and wife of each other keeping your religious identities intact(Most popular among inter-faith couples),Arya samaj wedding,strict Nikaah where the non muslim lifepartner accepts Islam and the implied understanding is that it will remain the only religion to be practised in the household and passed on to offsprings[Only Happens where the muslim in question is really serious about his/her faith]etc..What is the position of those muslims in Islam who have chosen to live with non muslims as spouses(without conversion),are they even worthy of being called as muslims anymore that is something only their creator knows though reference to Quran and Hadiths make it quite clear that islamically such unions are not recognised and akin to Adultery(Zina)…Muslim men are permitted to marry Non muslim women from the people of the book i.e Chaste christian and Jewish women but if there are ample choices available among the muslim community the consensus among the scholars is that this practise should be discouraged and to be resorted to only in the most extreme of circumstances because it robs off and deprives the believing(Muslim) women who have the first rights to marry Muslim men.

  • February 21, 2016 11:58 am

    Hi I’m a 25 year old male from India a muslim and I love a girl who is in Malaysia and she is a Hindu.we want to get married and she wants me to convert to a Hindu.I know that I can’t marry her if I am a muslim and she a Hindu in Malaysia. Is it possible for me to convert to a Hindu in India and then getting married to her in Malaysia?? Will there be any problem in Malaysia if Im already converted to Hindu in India??I know it sounds crazy but I know this girl since I was a kid when I used to live in Malaysia and I love her very much and I want to live with her.please help us out and it will be great if u could leave us a suggestion as well..

    Reply at

    • mac
      February 22, 2016 5:21 am

      If Malaysian authorities find you that you converted from muslim to hindu, then your game in this world is over in Malaysia.

      Why don`t you both discuss about islam and Hinduism and then decide to marry, or else leave each other

  • ahmad noor
    February 19, 2016 10:26 am

    sadia :
    to do both ceremony is not the issue meaning to say that even you marry according to both religions …this thing dose not legalize your marriage
    sister do not think that we muslims are stone minded and against love (within the decent values ) but this love has to be inside muslim society
    i do not understand how muslim girl falls in love with who think that her prophet is a fake prophet and the quran is not from allah
    is it love or instant admire?????????
    see the western society values …without religion …is that what you hope to your personal life future???

  • Kumar
    February 16, 2016 3:52 am

    Marry under special marriage act

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