I am a Muslim Girl Married to a Hindu

Rabia is an author of an upcoming book “An Infidel’s Diary – Memoirs of a Muslim Girl.”

Rabia says: January 26, 2016 at 10:48 am

I am a Muslim girl married to a Hindu guy and the only thing I can advise to you after reading your sad story is to leave this oppressive Muslim man, find a good job and stand on your own two feet. He will bring nothing but trouble and oppression to you. Please don’t think of suicide or anything like that – God does not like those who take their own lives. Rabia

Rabia says: January 28, 2016 at 2:48 am

Dear Admin,
We are settled in Europe and my husband is an agnostic who comes from a Hindu family who converted to Islam (well, fake convert if that’s what you want to call it, but is really a Muslim at heart as he does NOT believe in idols. I consider myself a practicing (well, semi-practicing) Muslim who has always had a very strong Muslim identity.

As for kids, we have discussed it a lot and I told him how for me, idol worship is a non-negotiable as shirk is the biggest sin in Islam. That being said, I realize that the kids will have Hindu grandparents and when we visit India once a year or so, we will have to sit in Diwali puja. As long as my kids don’t believe in that, I am fine with that happening once a year just to please the inlaws.

And to all my judgemental Muslom brothers out there, let him without sin cast the first stone. I have only turned to Allah for guidance, and he has guided me rightly. I had many doubts, as any person would, but when you find your soulmate, and Allah confirms on many occasions that this is the right man for you, by putting you through tests, you stop believing the mullah types and understand what Allah and Islam is truly about. -Rabia

Rabia says: January 29, 2016 at 7:15 am
Wow – an interesting interaction indeed.

Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversations on this site and will
Be leaving you all on this note. I admit I purposely instigated and challenge you guys, but my intention was to make you think and question. I myself can pray in a dargah or church or mosque, and am open minded enough to be like Dr Kalam and other progressive Muslims. As for the supremacist attitude – yes, I do believe Islam is the best of the religions out there. But at the same time, it is also the worst: it has been so held back by so many factors (male only scholarship, refusing ro advance with the times and still living in 7th century AD mentality…) so I don’t know if I only follow Islam – I follow God the way I understand him and feel him. Why can’t the Hindus be peope of the book when they have amazing knowledge like Rig Vedas? Think about it for a minute…. Many fatwas are very strict but they come from a period where muslim-hindu interaction was 0 or limited. Again, I understand why indians share a troubled history with the bad Muslim invaders who turned their temples into mosques. But we need to learnt I coexist, if we can’t we are doomed to lose many more kinds to radicalization of the ISIS, VHP or RSS sort.

Rabia says: January 28, 2016 at 9:27 pm
Thanks for saying something, Admin. Very nice to see that peope will stand up for me when needed. And I want to ask that brother, is there not a person breathing and living who is typing this right now? Yes. So it is not a fake story. Really look forward to what you guys will have to say about my book when it’s finished.

Tentative title: An Infidel’s Diary – Memoirs of a Muslim Girl.

Likes? dislikes? PS: that’s sarcasm, not an infidel and never will be.-Rabia

Rabia says: April 20, 2016 at 8:00 am

One last thing to add: I unfortunately wasn’t lucky enough to meet those amazing & good Muslim men in my adult life before I met my husband. Had I met a wonderful Muslim man educated enough & understanding & kind enough for me, I would have probably married him. So you misunderstood my point – I never meant to say that no Muslim guy is as good as my husband. I cannot claim such things since I don’t know all Muslim men on the planet – lol! And you probably read my comments where I mentioned having male and female friends from all religions, all my childhood friends come from Muslim cultures, brother. Some are now agnostic, some are atheists, and very few, like me, still believe in God & Islam. Sadly, this is the reality of today’s “ummah”. And it’s up to young people like you & me to change this cycle – don’t you think, Mac? -Rabia

Rabia says: May 4, 2016 at 3:05 am

Admin, even though my parents were secular & liberal, I was always a little protective of myself – at one point I became a bit of a nun, if you will – because I observed how some boys treated my girl friends while I was growing up, which left those girls in a very bad shape after they felt used physically & emotionally. My mom always says that smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, so I tried to be as smart as possible to avoid the same headaches that I saw my friends go through. But of course, like everyone else, I had my heart broken. Since you inquired about their religion, those were Muslim guys. Honestly, you can barely call them “Muslim” in the sense that they weren’t practicing Muslims, and I highly doubt that they believed in the strict rules of their own religion (they didn’t even know about such rules, and neither did I, as they had never read the Qur’an) since they were complete womanizers out to have fun, something I suspect they are still doing today. They just happened to be born into Muslim families.

So during college I didn’t date anyone to be honest. I went for dinner with 2-3 people but that was about it. I did have guy friends, of course, so the Muslim men I met were usually my friends with whom I socialized in a group for the most time. For me, it was very clear that my future husband had to be Muslim because even though I am not very conservative myself, I wanted to have an easier time raising my children & be a good follower of my religion. I guess that saying is true in my case; God laughs most at the plans we make for ourselves, doesn’t he? 🙂 -Rabia

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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  • November 13, 2020 12:30 am

    from the Internal network is a must—we have not seen a single legitimate reason why this should not be the case.
    Evaluate the firewall rules between your

  • October 31, 2020 5:19 am

    entific knowledge in not actually education in islam.
    because, islam tel

  • October 31, 2020 5:18 am

    girls wheather its interfaith or same communal relationships later on they(parents) object

    • October 31, 2020 10:55 am

      This is an excellent point, ” later on they(parents) object”. If any one in interfaith relationship and your boyfriend keep telling you that I am different and you don’t have to convert, please, please, go meet his parents earliest possible and tell them this is what your son believe in. Let your boyfriend tell the same thing to his parents in your presence. Truth will come out.

  • October 10, 2020 12:03 pm

    according to islam education is that thing which a man used to improve his/herself and knowledge about islam to protect our religion ..

  • October 6, 2020 7:41 pm

    you can make your own decigen except of preffering mullahs etc..

  • October 6, 2020 7:39 pm

    hey liked me. If you stay quiet about liking / loving a girl for too long, this is what happens: someone else who sees her and likes and and wants to make her his wife w………………””
    1) you have told us that .you have l

  • Rabia
    March 27, 2017 10:04 am

    Just pasting something very crucial to share in case anyone comes across this thread:

    Admin, I understand you have your own views based on your experience with conservative Indian Muslims, but here’s a little more information so that you may also become more educated in what’s ACTUALLY going on in today’s Muslim world/community and the debates we’re having in our community.

    Marrying a non-Muslim for Muslim women is seen by most Muslims as “haraam” but in reality, any educated scholar of Islam will tell you that it’s actually Makruh (“Makruh”, in very basic & simplistic terms, is not as bad as “haraam”, but translates as “detestable”)

    Why? Because the non-Muslim husband may put a condition that the Muslim wife should leave her religion and convert, see the below link where it says that “the main issue for past jurists was coercion on the Muslim woman to convert.”

    Nowhere in the Qur’an does it EXPLICITLY forbid this, and just like men are allowed to marry from People of the Book, so should women be. Another reason for this is because traditionally, in male-dominated societies, the children follow the religion of their father, so when a Muslim girl marries a non-Muslim, she and her children would – according to most – be leaving Islam.

    Read this link and see the view from a : http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/junaid-jahangir/muslim-women-marriage_b_15472982.html

    This scholar quotes directly from the Qur’an… unlike the close-minded people with an opinion. Listen to scholars of Islam please, NOT hate preachers parading around like they’re some scholars….


    And watch this: “Can Muslim women marry non-Muslim men?” by Muslims for Progressive Values (youtube channel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Kcp2W9V3C4

  • February 22, 2017 8:30 pm


    How would you address if someone says, “YOU DID NOT MET YOUR HUSBAND BY CHANCE BUT BY DESIGN. In your childhood, you were very clear that you are not going to marry a Muslim guy from Pakistan or Saudi Arabia who is performing namaz five times a day. When you saw this moderate pluralist well cultured “Hindu,” ha ha, this is the one to convert! If that guy declined to fake-convert, then dump him and look for the next ….”

    • Rabia
      February 23, 2017 6:52 am

      Admin, I believe you are quoting something you wrote to me last year where you had said these very same words, that perhaps “YOU DID NOT MET YOUR HUSBAND BY CHANCE BUT BY DESIGN. In your childhood, you were very clear that you are not going to marry a Muslim guy from Pakistan or Saudi Arabia who is performing namaz five times a day.”

      If anyone says something like this to me, I will laugh because it couldn’t be further from the truth.

      No matter what you may think, I was never looking for a Hindu or any other non-Muslim, and like I said before, I always wanted that my future husband come from a Muslim culture, a Pakistani or a Saudi would certainly be acceptable because I had met some guys from these countries and would consider them husband-material – now if only they had expressed an interest first (I am old-fashioned that way).

      The guys I met from Saudi were too much into drinking & partying, and a girl like me would probably not be suitable for a guy like that anyway 🙂 Plus, they would probably prefer to marry an Saudi girl. In the case of Pakistanis, again…cultural difference or simply them being too shy was what probably broke the deal.

      My husband coming into my life was what I would consider utter coincidence if you don’t believe in God’s will, and God’s will if you believe in it like I do. We complement each other and if I did not believe that we were soulmates, I would have never gone ahead with this marriage knowing what kind of problems it may bring in the future.

      I hope anyone who has questioned my intentions and thought I was a “love-jihadi” is satisfied now.

      • Admin
        February 23, 2017 7:23 am


        In our survey we found 45.2% of Muslim girls (probably cover mostly American born and highly educated) in America marry to non-Muslim. When 45.2% already getting married, means there may be many more who may have dated but decided not to marry outside Islam. In spite they know Muslim girls cannot marry outside their faith, why so many get in interfaith relationship to start (against 24:30)? There is no follow up but do you think most will make their spouse fake-convert for the Nikaah (for 2:221)? We hope you will shed some light on high rates (what ever that is; will increase more in the future) of interfaith marriage in the West by Muslim girls in your book.

        • Rabia
          February 23, 2017 9:43 am

          My book is in a diary format – like Bridget Jones’ Diary – so it reflects on many issues from a young Muslim girl’s perspective. I will definitely incorporate some of these ideas & pinpoint to why so many Muslim girls are marrying or dating outside the faith today, but it will only be my observations & opinions. I am sure some of those girls did want their spouses to convert truly, and some of those spouses did convert. Some of them may be coming from more liberal families where intermarriage was allowed due to secular mentality, or perhaps the nikkah was enough to satisfy them. But you are right; many people also marry non-Muslims and do not expect conversion, both religions co-exist under one roof.

          If we follow the strict interpretation, even Muslim men are technically not allowed to marry non-Muslims; the Qur’an just says that they can marry women from People of the Book BUT the conversion criteria is there for them as well! It is our society’s patriarchy and misogyny which has led to people claiming men can do X and women cannot…

          • February 23, 2017 10:58 pm


            You said “or perhaps the nikkah was enough to satisfy them,” how can you have Nikaah without conversion? Do you know any imam who would do it?

            On your point, “both religions co-exist under one roof,” is this not beautiful? Most probably our book title will be; Interfaith Marriage: Respect, Share, Equality. We hope more Muslims will learn respecting others (in marriage).

          • February 23, 2017 11:12 pm

            45.2% of Muslim girls are not marrying to a non-Muslim by chance but by design. Which modern girl in the West is dreaming to marry a person performing namaz five times at a local mosque? Which young Muslim girl is proud of talaak practice? Which Muslim girl in the West is proud of a polygamist? Were you? Do you think 2:223, 2:228, 2:282, 4:3, 4:11, 4:15, 4:34, 4:35, 4:24 and 24:4 are interpretation errors; and Allah will never say so as it appears? No wonder why you opted to go for a Hindu, a very smart girl indeed! Remember this same saga will be repeated for your own daughters, and you will be joyous then.

  • February 20, 2017 9:09 pm

    Hi Rabia,

    You wrote, “they are scared for their lives.” We are also scared!

    We wrote these in our book, do you think we may get in trouble from Muslims? Be honest!

    A) “It is notable that refugees and immigrant Muslims in Christian majority nations demand religious equality but most Muslim majority nations have created laws to marginalize Christians and non-Muslim minorities.” (context)

    B) “The Second Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image – any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who reject Me.” (Exodus 20:3-5)

    Compared to the above, Jesus stated the Second Commandment as, “And the Second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Further, Jesus added, “There is no commandment greater than these (love thy neighbors).” Unfortunately, Jesus’ followers continued to highlight and repeat God’s seemingly exclusivist messages while writing the Bible. Later, in the Koran, Allah/Muhammad added even more severe punishments for unbelievers.”

    C) 24:30 Say to beliving men to turn their eyes away from temptation and to restrain their carnal desires. (Muslim men are not supposed to look at a woman with carnal desires. If they (Muslim boys) see a girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze. Also read Islamic Khalwat (close proximity) law in Malaysia in Chapter II, Section 15. For a “true” Muslim, interfaith love relationship is not possible unless the objective is love-jihad. To ask for religious conversion for marriage after years of romantic relationship is an ugly form of proselytization.)

    • Rabia
      February 21, 2017 11:56 pm

      For my respose to your question: ”
      We wrote these in our book, do you think we may get in trouble from Muslims? Be honest!”

      Please see my answer in the above entry. I think you may face criticism from Muslims for sure. But I highly doubt anyone is going to declare a fatwa against you for writing your opinion about minorities in Muslim-majority nations.
      I face a bigger danger of that because I have used the word “infidel” in my title and other stuff I will be writing about.

      Are you scared repercussions like a fatwa? In Salman Rushdie’s case it was different – so you will be fine if you don’t go that far and claim that Prophet Muhammad wrote/invented the Qur’an (which I would never do because I believe in the Qur’an, even when I may question its interpretation and application in today’s world)

  • February 4, 2017 9:13 am

    Writing book is very challenging step. People will critic every sentence and even one misinterpreted statement could throw the boat upside down. We have made this statement in the current version of our book. Let us know if we should modify, delete or keep it as is?

    “It is notable that refugees and immigrant Muslims in Christian majority nations demand religious equality but most Muslim majority nations have created laws to marginalize Christians and non-Muslim minorities.” (context)

  • January 29, 2017 9:51 am

    admin says: January 28, 2017 at 12:45 pm
    Two questions:

    1) Are you Shia or Sunni? Don’t evert this question by saying I am Muslim!!

    2) We wish to be a Muslim today. We will follow allah 100% as per Koran. We will perform namaz five times a day in the direction of Saudi Arabia. Only our small wish is–we will never utter “Muhammad” word. Tell us how to proceed being a Muslim. Thanks.

    • January 29, 2017 9:52 am

      Rabia says: January 28, 2017 at 5:32 pm

      1) why do you have a problem with the answer “I am Muslim” instead of forcing someone to classify themselves as Sunni or Shia? What if they are neither?

      What if they truly don’t believe in any distinction, are not sectarian in any way? I simply follow what my heart tells me is right.

      If you really want to get into facts, my family comes from a Shia background (they didn’t know any specifics of this as religion was suppressed and not allowed while they were growing up, I never ever heard my grandparents or parents say “we are Shia and we believe in this…) Like I said, I don’t even think they knew what the difference was as they weren’t informed about religion at all. I was only taught that there is a power out there called God and I should pray to him in bed every night so that he makes my wishes come true.

      I was raised in a Sunni country so my upbringing and knowledge of Islam came from Sunni sources. It makes more
      Sense to me but that doesn’t mean I think the Shia/Ismailis are doing it wrong or going to hell
      (Many sunnis will tell you that they believe the Shia are very sinful – I don’t believe this as I think only God can judge us)

      2) By praying 5 times namaz, you would already be following Muhammad ? namaz as Muslims do it today is a sunnah (practice of Muhammad): in the Quran it only mentions 3 specific times in a day when a Muslim should pray. Muhammad was the one who showed people how and how many times to do it, how to wash up before a prayer etc.
      The short answer is no, you cannot not be a Muslim without accepting Muhammad as the shahada (declaration of faith) includes accepting him as you ever messenger.

      BUT you can still be a Muslim and question nonsensical things that entered the religion and are now attributed to Muhammad years after his death by people claiming he said or did them… See my answer at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11940#comment-405193

      • January 29, 2017 10:08 am

        Based on our limited knowledge and experience, we found that Shias, Ahmadias and other minority Muslims are more open minded and adaptable in interfaith marriage life. Sunnis, on other side, are more like mac (who don’t consider Shias as Muslims). Now we understand why are you open minded. It is good to be proud of what you are but not consider others as sinners. Keep it up!

        We (admin) want to be a Muslim and understood Allah part but explain us what do we do with Muhammad? You said that what we also understood, “you cannot not be a Muslim without accepting Muhammad.. includes accepting him as you ever messenger.” Okay, we will “accept”Muhammad as one of many many “messengers.” Further, based on our limited reading, found Jesus life to be much impressive and not Muhammad’s time (brutality, killings to Jews and having many wives). Is it okay we keep glorifying Jesus, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, etc along with “accepting” Muhammad? If not that, are you saying we have to mainly glorify Muhammad and others should be on sideline?

  • kumar
    June 13, 2016 3:57 am

    Dear Rabia

    Are u done with your book.
    If done, jus let me kno where can i purchase it?
    Me and saba are eagerly waiting for your book.

    • Rabia
      January 26, 2017 6:14 pm

      Dear Kumar,
      It is taking a lot longer than I thought to finish my book – it’s a fun but difficult process 🙂 it may take anywhere from 6 months to another year. I was absent from this website since May 2016 so just seeing some of the new posts and replies.

      Don’t worry, you will definitely know once it’s published.

      Have you and Saba continued your relationship? I think I saw somewhere on the forum that you are living together in another city in India? Best of luck with everything and hopefully you will make your relationship work.

  • sayeed
    June 10, 2016 12:29 am

    I want to ask one question here , how can any human being pray or worship an animal, carved stones as god . Don’t they sense to understand.

    • June 10, 2016 7:38 pm

      It is called “fatih.” It is not that stone statue they are praying but use a medium to see Allah through it. For example, Muslims use black cube Kaaba as a focus point, even Allah is in all directions.

      Let us ask you one question, can one become a Muslim if he/she wishes to follow Allah but does not want to utter a word “Muhammad”?

  • May 14, 2016 12:25 pm

    In response to:

    We hope this forum is to test your views that should go in the book. Every one will challenge you for what you say in the book, it is better we challenge you before you finalize the book. This way, your book will be (close to) perfect.

    We see you as a moderate Muslim who is a progressive thinker. Islam needs reform and we hope there will be 1000s more Rabia and writing their books. We would love it but mac and Muhammad may not want Islam to be a progressive (because Islam is already 100% perfect) religion, but want us all to go back to Muhammad’s time. So we hope they will get involved here to correct you (if they feel the need) before you finalize your book.

    We are certainly looking for your book and reading your views on this–need and justification of your husband’s (fake?) conversion for nikaah. We found a total hypocrisy in what you are saying and actually what you did.

    We agree to “a perfect Muslim (who on earth actually is?).” If you put it this way in your book, many proud Muslims may find this statement offending to their faith. Muhammed, do you agree to Rabia’s statement?

    We are happy to hear this “Everyone just registers in court nowadays,” we believe, this is the best way around instead of fake-conversion. Why to make lies and deceptions a foundation of married life? Rabin, do you think this civil wedding is a good idea for a Muslim-Hindu couple? If you (or your daughters) have to redo it, would you still (fake?) convert that Hindu?

    Who are these “for close-minded people who think in black & white terms”, who? Between Rabia, Admin, mac and Muhammed, who are close-minded (following only back and white) and who are open minded (grey and sort of back and sort of white are okay)? For a Muslim, marrying to a “MUSLIM” is a must, there is no negotiation and there is no grey (civil wedding) in to it. Rabia, explain to us how are you not a strong proponent of black or white? Even for your children, you wish them to be only Muslim (100%), and not some Muslim and some Hindu. We would say–why not have your children teach Islam and Hinduism (mix black and white) and let children decide their own faith as an adult? Do you worry that your kids will not accept Islam if given side by side with Hindu faith? Do you worry that your children will be confused with two faiths?

    Will you, one day, let your sons and daughters date Hindus? Will you expect them to convert those Hindu guys to Islam? How long this conversion saga go on? …till no Hindu left to convert?

    We recommend you expand pluralism (black and while okay; all faiths lead to salvation) and exclusivism (only one faith is true and others must be converted; pick one between black or white) ideologies in your book. Are you a pluralist or an exclusivist?

    Mac and Muhammed, do you consider Rabia a “true” Muslim (who is ready to perform pooja with in-laws)? Do you consider her husband a “true” Muslim? Are Allah’s messages in the Koran very precise and clear (like black and white) or there are mix-messages and Muslims could interpret the way it works one?

    Let us expand on why we pick on Nikaah and not on Suddhikaran (water sprinkling during the Hindu wedding; purification). Hinduism is a pluralist faith and Suddhikaran guy/girl can still practice other faiths without considered apostasy and threats of death fatwa. Can you say the same thing for Shahadah? Can a “Muslim” pray to Lord Krishna and Jesus and not considered apostasy (punishable by death)?

    On “I don’t believe in forced conversions”, this is another hypocrisy. From very first day you knew that you will convert this Hindu or will walk away from the relationship. After falling in the love (a trap), the poor guy is told that “convert or else out.” Further, probably the Hindu was told that you can continue to be what ever Hindu (even I will do pooja) and he does not have to be 100% Muslim. That confused pluralist Hindu who thought he is “adding” Allah to many Gods he has, not that he is “removing” all other Gods to follow Muhammad’s ideologies. The bottom line—the fact is he CONVERTED. It does not matter how Rabia achieved it, be that enticement, education, taqiyya, lies and deceptions, force, sword, gun point, threat of leaving love, etc.

    If you say you are a pluralist, then your (Muslim girl’s) life will be easy, no conversion, can do pooja, can still be a proud Muslim, children are taught both beautiful faiths, etc. However, if you wish to say that you are an absolute exclusivist (Islam is only truth, rest are fake religions), then you will have tough time explaining in your book for your desire to marry only a Muslim but like and dated non-Muslims. What would you say if someone says you did LJ, how will you explain?

    There are a lots to talk to you, but lets hear what you have to say. These discussion will help shape your book.

    • Rabia
      January 30, 2017 3:50 am


      I just saw this old message from May 2016 and you have certainly raised a lot of questions to me and Mac and Muhammad (are they still active on this site?)

      I cannot answer all as it will be like writing a book here if I answer to every Single point you raised, but some of your accusations are very unfair so I feel the need to address them.

      Firstly, you already know from my posts on day 1 that I am a pluralist. I was raised going to churches and dargahs with my mom (we hardly ever went to a mosque) and I lived a fairly secular lifestyle where the only “religious” thing I did was have Eid dinners with family/friends and pray to God every night. When I discovered Islam later in life while growing up, it was a completely personal spiritual journey where I learnt and started practicing my own faith, of course not without flaws. Believe it or not, my mother was very scared when I started praying 5 times a day at one point because she thought I would become too religious and that is against our family’s open minded accepting and liberal nature.

      Now about the forced conversion business: I would have still married my husband in court (like we did) even if he had not agreed to do a nikkah. You have portrayed me as this cunning person whose only goal from the beginning of her relationship was to trap the poor clueless Hindu boy. You said my poor husband was left with no choice when I must have given him an ultimatum – convert or I will leave you! What a ridiculous thing! I am surprisef you would even think I was a love jihadi after reading all my posts here so far. I acknowledge that many other Muslims may be doing this to their partners, and you are probably so used to seeing such people that you assume everyone’s has the same agenda.

      There is no hypocrisy here and please read further to see why:

      My husband was not even a believing Hindu when I met him! Do you not remember the earlier posts when I mentioned he is a scientific minded person who was agnostic when I met him and questioned (still questions) all religious things.

      You should have heard the way he made fun of his own family (not to their face, of course) for believing in and praying to gods. I was shocked to meet an Indian like this because my good friends who were Hindus were all devout and even if they didn’t really practice much, nobody would openly say “I don’t believe in idol worship, I think it’s all made up”

      Coming back to the conversion conversation, when we started dating I had an open discussion with my then-boyfriend now-husband and told him that if we get serious in the future, which we already were from the beginning as we had an inexplicable bond from the start, I would like to do an Islamic nikkah in addition to the court marriage. From the start he knew what I wanted and I wanted this because of my own religious beliefs – I don’t have to justify this to anybody whether they believe it is right or wrong.

      At that point he inquired about what a nikkah would be and I explained him everything that happens in a nikkah. I also knew we would do an Indian marriage (so-called Hindu wedding) and I had no problem with it – My family and I are perhaps too open minded for an average Muslim and we don’t see how it’s a problem.

      I also mentioned about my belief in Sufism. While I do follow my own religion to an extent, my current worldview is shaped by baba’s teachings and if you remember what I said months ago, “I am not sure I only follow Islam; I follow God the way I understand and feel him.” There are 2-3 people (Sufis mostly) who I take spiritual advice from as I find their philosophy to be the most open and kind and focusing on loving God instead of spreading fear and preaching hatred like many preachers do nowadays. I feel that is the pure form of Islam, what it should have been from the start, before it got corrupted in the hands of people.

      So please do not make incorrect assumptions about me – others may have been love jihadis but I had never heard of this term until I read a newspaper in India!

      I am still against forced conversions of any kind – nobody forced my husband. And one thing that please me is that when a Christian or Hindu youth in love writes asking for your guidance on how to convert their Muslim boyfriend/girlfriend, you tell them to accept their spouse as they are, get a court marriage, stop this obsession with conversion. It’s nice to see that you are giving the same advice no matter to which religion the person is from. Many others may have supported Muslims converting into other religions, I see this new trend in India with the “baby lao beti bachao” campaigns of Shiv sena/RSS types of groups.

      For the record, I am against love jihad and also the reverse “Bahu Lao…” campaigns which say that Hindu s shouldn’t try to marry and converted Muslim girls into Hinduism to balance the numbers since so many Hindu girls are marrying Muslim men and adopting Islam.

      Instead, I say: live and let live! If someone voluntarily wants to become a Muslim/Christian/Hindu (genuinely), let them do whatever they want – it’s a free world! Whether they are doing it genuinely or for their spouse – that’s nobody else’s business. But everyone should be honest and open before marriage about the kind of expectations from their spouse; I won’t go into details but my husband definitely led me on a little before marriage (he claima he didn’t about this himself) what kind of things his parents would want me to do. So first year of marriage, we had some minor adjustment issues with my inlaws. Luckily now everything is good and we are a happy family but a small example: 3 months after our marriage, my mother in law apparently asked my husband if he eats beef, he lied and told her he didn’t. Then she asked if I eat beef and he said “she doesn’t like red meat much but yes, sometimes she does” Then she told him “tell her to stop eating beef, she is married to an Indian now” and my husband immediately replied “I will never tell her such a thing, she can eat whatever she wants”. My inlaws exchanged a look and haven’t mentioned this ever since.

      I found out about this conversation (I wasn’t there) months later and was a mix of angry/sad and proud of my husband standing up for me. Hence my advice to ALL youths: discuss all expectations before marriage in order to avoid disappointment in the future! Anyone marrying into Hindu household; ask if you will be expected to keep karwa chauth fasts, or anything you may have a problem with. Anyone marrying into a Muslim household, make sure they will not force you for anything like burkas or whatever else they practice in the name of religion. It’s very important to know exactly what you will be marrying into, especially if you are going to live with one side’s parents.

      I was definitely misled in the first few years of my relationship as my husband hid from me how conservative his family was – so if we are talking about deception, I have a lot to say about that too, Admin! It isn’t just Muslims leading Hindus on, it all depends on how the individual is and I know my husband was scared to lose me so he didn’t want to reveal all this at first, cannot blame him….

      I have seen many Muslims on this site who claim that you are anti-Muslim or anti-Islam; I think that (hopefully!) isn’t the case. You just question evil practices attributed to Muhammad and believe him to have been a questionable person with a bad past. But please do not judge everyone by the same stick: we are not all love jihadis with an agenda to convert everyone.

      Plus, think about this: why on earth would anyone choose the harder path and date a non-Muslim, when they know it will bring problems later on? Why not just stick to s Muslim and make life easier?
      The answer is: life can be unexpected and sometimes you just fall inlove, and that’s something we cannot control!

      Some of us peacefully coexist with our spouses practicing another religion (or not practicing at all) and sometimes people convert from Islam to another religion; and nobody will kill them, punish them in any way. I personally know a few people and since they don’t live in shariah-law countries they have never faced any problem. It all depends on where you live and your surroundings.

      • January 30, 2017 9:02 pm

        Incorporate all these into your book, we (and this world) would love to hear all these thoughts.

        It is clear in probably 95% cases that the Muslims will want Hindus to (fake)convert for Nikaah. If not, they will walk away from the relationship (no compulsion but pressure, pressure, pressure). Later, they will want their children to go and convert other Hindus when they are adults… this saga will continue till no more Hindus left to convert! Our position is Muslims should follow Koran 24:30 or don’t dream of following 2:221. We are all out to end this evil practice of BBS (religions labeling). We hope you will teach your children to take “Hindu” as is, not to expand Islam.

        What would you say to a rarity, Neha? She wishes to remain Hindu but there is tremendous pressure to (fake)convert. Why Muslims cannot tolerate Hindus in marriage but love to (fake)convert them?

        • Rabia
          January 31, 2017 10:41 am

          I will definitely incorporate these thoughts into the book, thanks for the support & encouragement! I hope it turns out well and people like it.

          As for Neha’s case, she is in a tough spot. Earlier her husband and her had an understanding, even her in-laws seemed to be understanding of her Hindu identity (their child was even given a Hindu name, which is unusual in such marriages if the Muslim’s family is devout) but now I see that she recently wrote how her MIL wants her to learn namaz!

          You already gave her good advice: move out of husband’s parents’ home, get a separate flat so that the pressure decreases. Love them from a distance and stay strong!

          It’s up to the husband to stay true to his word and the original agreement he and Neha had about teaching children both faiths. Neha should tell him to be strong, and to resist all this pressure. He would be going back on his word if he caves in to some aunty’s pressure to convert Neha – it’s wrong and unIslamic!

          My children will certainly learn many things from my culture/background but I will also make sure they know about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc so that they can be global citizens with an open mind. What they choose to believe when they grow up is totally up to them – nobody can control a child’s mind once they are adults and start questioning. I would just want them not to become atheists because they will live in a society where atheism is very widespread and I would like them to at least believe in God even if they don’t do/practice anything else. I think it’s important to have some faith, but the rest is up to the individual how much faith they want to include into their lives…

          Just like my husband went from being a Hindu being raised in a conservative Hindu home, to changing his views once he started becoming scientific-minded and learning about Darwin etc. in college, slowly questioning practices like idol-worship, and just like I went from a very secular irreligious family to learning about Islam by myself, my children will also discover faith and their relationship with God on their own.

          Admin’s reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981&cpage=1#comment-405373

    • Rabia
      May 7, 2017 12:20 pm

      Admin, you wrote a question that hasn’t been answered:

      “Mac and Muhammed, do you consider Rabia a “true” Muslim (who is ready to perform pooja with in-laws)? Do you consider her husband a “true” Muslim? Are Allah’s messages in the Koran very precise and clear (like black and white) or there are mix-messages and Muslims could interpret the way it works one?”

      What matters is not whether Mac & Muhammad consider Rabia & her husband as “true” Muslims but whether Allah considers us as true Muslims.

      When we do things to show off to the community, it’s something very sinful in Islam that those who think like Mac & Muhammad can ask their Sheikh about: Riyaa.
      Do you know what this is, Admin? The Salafi shaikhs speak about this…

      —————————-(copied from a website https://www.google.com.tr/amp/s/wannabescholar.wordpress.com/2008/04/18/showing-off-riyah-the-hidden-shirk/amp/

      Riyaa is showing off and can include the desire to seek praise or a reputation. It includes worrying what people think of oneself. Showing-off includes one’s deeds for someone else’s sake when they should be done for the sake of Allah (SWT). Ibn ‘Abbas said: “Riyaa is more hidden than a black ant on a black stone in a dark night.”

      Rasoolullah (SAW) said, “What I fear for you the most is the minor shirk, that is ar-riyaa. Allah will say on the Day of Judgment when He is rewarding the people for their actions: Go to those for whom you did riyaa for in the world then see if you find the reward with them” (Ahmad).

      Rasoolullah (SAW) said, “Shall I not inform you of what I fear for you more than the maseeh ud-dajjaal (false messiah)? It is the hidden shirk (riyaa). It is when a man stands up for prayer, then beautifies his prayer for another to look at” (Ibn Majah).


      Mac and Muhammad may have their own views on what’s right and what’s wrong, and they may even be proud of me for reverting someone to Islam but question my intentions (like “why would any Muslim girl ever even consider dating a non-Muslim when there are so many other good eligible Muslim bachelors out there?”)

      Now Mac, who was so supportive when I first joined the forum, probably thinks I’m not a true Muslim anyway because I was born a Shia 🙂

      For them, I’m already an “infidel”, aren’t I?

      • May 8, 2017 3:27 pm

        This Shia, Sunni, Ahamadia, etc is making Muslims weak. Middle East is burning due to such inner conflicts. It is time to accept diversity rather than being exclusivist for own ideologies. We will extend such view and also include Jews, Christians and Hindus as Allah’s son. Why not?

        • Rabia
          May 10, 2017 4:25 am

          I think the Sunni-Shia divide in itself is sad, but the hatred the Ahmadiyya receive is actually beyond being mistreated for being a Shia. I don’t think the Muslim community (the ummah) will ever become “inclusive” to minorities sects the way you suggest it should because the scholars/imams would not let it. And the main question is also “my Islam is right and yours is wrong”, and everyone who is a staunch believer of their own religion will say this, whether they are Hindu, Muslim or Christian or whatever else.

          The same way, Hinduism will never be a caste-free religion/society – those things are too entrenched into the culture & will take generations to get over and honestly I am a pessimist now when it comes to these things. We are doomed to live in a world of intolerance.

  • April 20, 2016 9:26 pm

    Rabia, you said‘ “I unfortunately wasn’t lucky enough to meet those amazing & good Muslim men in my adult life.” Can you explain it why? You said your parents were secular and you were in the West. As it is common in the West for youths to date in colleges and after, tell us how many boys you dated (meaning go out for a meal at least once, one-to-one with some intention of knowing each other more; but don’t have to be any more than that)? Of that, how many (%) were Muslims and how many were non-Muslims?

    • Rabia
      May 4, 2016 3:05 am

      Admin, even though my parents were secular & liberal, I was always a little protective of myself – at one point I became a bit of a nun, if you will – because I observed how some boys treated my girl friends while I was growing up, which left those girls in a very bad shape after they felt used physically & emotionally. My mom always says that smart people learn from other people’s mistakes, so I tried to be as smart as possible to avoid the same headaches that I saw my friends go through. But of course, like everyone else, I had my heart broken. Since you inquired about their religion, those were Muslim guys. Honestly, you can barely call them “Muslim” in the sense that they weren’t practicing Muslims, and I highly doubt that they believed in the strict rules of their own religion (they didn’t even know about such rules, and neither did I, as they had never read the Qur’an) since they were complete womanizers out to have fun, something I suspect they are still doing today. They just happened to be born into Muslim families. So during college I didn’t date anyone to be honest. I went for dinner with 2-3 people but that was about it. I did have guy friends, of course, so the Muslim men I met were usually my friends with whom I socialized in a group for the most time. For me, it was very clear that my future husband had to be Muslim because even though I am not very conservative myself, I wanted to have an easier time raising my children & be a good follower of my religion. I guess that saying is true in my case; God laughs most at the plans we make for ourselves, doesn’t he? 🙂

      • May 4, 2016 9:47 pm


        We hope some of our discussions will be incorporated into your upcoming book. These are good social realities and people should know it.

        Our survey shows that 45% of Muslim girls marry outside Islam in America. This also mean many many more may have dated to non-Muslim at least once. So what you did is just normal.

        What ever Muhammed is saying is something theoretical and, as far we know, far from truth in the West. Personally we know many Muslims but none like that described by Muhammed (unless they have two faces; one to show us and another when they are in their own community).

        In Western (and Eastern too) colleges, Muslims and non-Muslims date who ever they want to and without religious boundaries. Even most religious and conservatives will fall to the trap one or the other times. This is a fact of our life. So we will not use your statement “those were Muslim guys” to bash Muslim guys. Guys (and girls too) are out to have fun, at other’s expense. It is the individual that has to be smart enough not to get trapped. Your mom’s advice was very true–learn from others bad experiences.

        What do you mean by “God laughs most at the plans we make for ourselves”? Explain to us why you went for a date with a “Hindu” guy (now your husband)? What was quality and culture that his “Hindu” parents installed into him (that you did not saw in other “Muslim” boys) that you got attracted to? [don’t tell us that is was him who approach you and you were very innocent–please don’t be irrational]

        • Rabia
          May 12, 2016 6:27 pm

          Admin, you are making assumptions that I will be telling you a story where my husband approached me and I was the innocent victim of his advances. Why would you assume I would lie or twist facts?

          Attraction didn’t happen in a one-sided way for us; we met and were instantly drawn to each other, and as they say something just “clicked” like it never did with anyone else before. At that point, we were too youngh and neither of us thought too deeply about religion etc. We didn’t think ahead or plan ahead but from the start it was clear that this would be a long term relationship if not something more… Plus our cultures aren’t too different, both cultures emphasize family values, so I guess that was one of the reasons we got along so well and could understand each another

          I will save the details for the book – and yes, will certainly be incorporating a lot of what we speak about in the book. Should give you guys a treat for helping me so much – lol! Maybe we’ll celebrate together one day if my book does well!

          You must have met a lot of people who lie and twist facts, so I understand where the assumptions and skepticism comes from. But by now you know me well enough – we are online friends & interact regularly – so you should know that I always speak the truth (everyone has their own version of the truth but I basically speak my mind as I see and have experienced things) and being this upfront and open sometimes gets me in trouble. I don’t know how to be more diplomatic (though i should learn!). I am sure your Muslim friends are being genuine around you, but as I have seen even with my Hindu and Jain friends, my generation becomes a different person when they are around their families or religious communities. The guy happy to eat a cheeseburger and steak daily becomes a devout Hindu when he goes home for 1-2 weeks for diwali so I guess everyone feels that pressure around their own people. I used to find this quite amusing and silly but I understand and respect it now. It makes their family happy so putting on an act is ok I guess. I would never do it, and luckily my family was as open as it gets so we never feel the need to pretend around each other.

          So I would never be irrational and two-faced because this is the very hypocrisy that I criticize with people from my community as well as with many Indians I meet. Everyone is allowed to have as much fun (or as little) as they want as long as they are honest with the person they are seeing. Growing up, I saw many guys take advantage of girls and sleep around after giving false hopes to the girl that they were serious about her, and the girls naively believe that at a young age – then after getting what they want, the guy goes home and marries the good virgin girl his parents picked out for him, leaving the girl heartbroken and depressed. Girls use and take advantage of guys in different ways, we cannot say from my example that guys are bad and girls are angels, because that’s just unfair and untrue to generalize.

          But my point in mentioning this “having fun” subject and “womanizing” thing is that its a pattern I have observed a lot with men from my own country as well as many other guys including desi men (again, depends on the person, but you should see the way some people act when they study abroad and have freedom for the first time)

          Everyone is only responsible for themselves and it shouldnt be anyone’s place to judge – it is a free world, after all! It would just be nice if there as less manipulation and more transparency and honesty in today’s fickle relationships. I am beginning to sound like my grandma now, so time to sleep! Goodnight!

          • May 14, 2016 12:00 pm

            You are too smart to fall in trap easily. You clearly knew what you wanted (Islam). You were clear to convert the guy, be that Christian, Buddhist or Hindu. Probably you found that he is pluralist and easy to convert, that may have been a “click” for you. We do not believe it was by chance you had that “click” but by design.

            Tell us if that guy said “sorry I will not convert,” would not have “unclick” that love in a second?

  • March 24, 2016 10:06 am

    Rabia, we are puzzled by your this statement, “Rabia says: March 24, 2016 at 4:50 am: Sounds like Sid had anal sex with a Muslim guy.”

    That guy Sid may be nothing, but you are an inspiring author future author. After your million dollar book publication, what would you say when some reporter will ask you to justify your above statement?

  • Kumar
    February 9, 2016 1:00 am

    Wer can i get ur book . Is it available in the market.

    • Rabia
      February 9, 2016 2:55 am

      Kumar bhai, the book is being written right now & inshAllah I aim to complete it by end of 2016. With God’s help & blessings, I will need to find a publisher or self-publish. It will come out as soon as I get time from all my other chores at home. Stay tuned – I am sure you will hear about it from the lovely supportive Admin.

      • March 24, 2016 10:10 am

        We cannot wait to buy your book and promote it here on this web site. Best wishes!

  • February 8, 2016 7:16 pm

    Hi Rabia,

    We must congratulate your parents to teach you humanity and love and respect for all. Don’t divert from such beautiful teachings and become intolerant to others and make this world hell for others to live in.

    You are on a right track by following your instinct and brain. You do not need someone or some book to teach you literally what the next step in life you should take. Similar to like Jesus said, follow advise of only those who are 100% perfect (and sinless) and follow a book that is 100% truth.

    We have learned that there is nothing perfect in this world; even the beautiful moon has spots in it (chand me bhe daag hai). All those are guiding us are telling us based on their own circumstances and life experiences and not all 100% advises are applicable to us. Best is to listen to all and then use your own brain to take that is applicable to you.

    As we understood, you are already blessed by a nice husband (a Muslim). If you are already blessed by a happy married life (that is rare to come by), don’t mess it up to please some intolerant people or a religious leader.

    In your upcoming book, express that your heart is telling you to write without focusing on what others are telling you what you should write. If you are writing what others are telling you to write, why people will buy your book and why not buy others books? It is important to be original in the book, be truthful. Best wishes!

    • Rabia
      February 9, 2016 3:10 pm

      Thanks for your encouraging words, Admin. Don’t worry, I am very clear about the original & refreshing perspective my two lead characters in the book are going to represent. I have already built the main story around them. I just want to use some additional characters here & there, it’s more authentic when these characters are based on real people. Hence me asking for aakash’s help.

  • mohammed
    February 6, 2016 11:11 pm

    I dont know when people makes a mistake but blaming to the Religion, Religion perfects on their place but people makes their own culture without religion but only namesake is with the Religion, Its Really So unjust

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 9:27 pm

    To mac u told “many Hindus misuse Muslim girls and upload videos/ photos on Internet. Usually Muslims do that stuff.

    Can u give proof in order to support ur statement.

    • mac
      February 7, 2016 1:01 am

      Even today morning, when was going through Hindu-muslim relationship, i came across to links and many other comments.

      Here in this facebook page, there are so many sex maniac comment towards muslim girls. https://m.facebook.com/Hindu-boy-Muslim-Girl-920814124626330

      And then these blogs

      Found this comment “Muslim men can’t face it that Hindu boys are pressing their daughter’s, their sister’s, their mother’s, their cousin’s boobs and are getting blow jobs from these Muslim girls, so these animals turn violent.”
      Here : http://hindusamhati.blogspot.in/2012/09/is-it-crime-for-adult-hindu-youth-to.html

        • mac
          February 7, 2016 1:13 am

          What is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hwiuA8055U

          The most important thing about above link is it`s comments, i request every muslim girl to read comments made by hindu boys there.

          • Kumar
            February 7, 2016 3:22 am

            All Muslim girls are not the same.

            I too had a friend named Ifra in my 10 th std. She was my tuition friend and was 2 yrs elder to me. She wanted me to be her boyfriend just for time pass sake and not marriage. She hd also expressed her sexual desire. From that day onwards i kept away from her. Later i heard that she used to have sex with her neighbor ( named Rahul ) 3 , 4 times a month. Right now i don’t hav a single clue about her.

        • Kumar
          February 7, 2016 3:09 am

          From were have u got those fake links

      • Kumar
        February 7, 2016 3:12 am

        I am not willing to open these links since i don’t feel its safe.

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 9:22 am

    To Rabia sis

    I donno wt mac is saying. I never told Rabia to convert. Wer hav i told u that. I just asked her y her spouse converted?

    Dear Rabia, u both cud hav practiced ur own faith aftr marriage. There was no need of conversion if u truly loved him. Being an educated girl i never expected this from you. Wt was the need for him to convert ?
    If at all you loved allah so much, then u cud have married someone from ur own community.

    I too have a Muslim girl named saba. I too can convert her to Hinduism if required. But i won’t since i loved saba from heart and not for convertion purpose . convertion is not more important for me than love.
    We have also decided to bring up our kids in both faiths. She sees everything in me. Even if my parents opposes our marriage, i will definitely marry her in temple against their will.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 11:53 pm

      Hey kumar, don`t you understand english properly, i said you recommended in your comment that if saba is educated, she must leave islam. I used the term `recommend`, first know what it means.

      Here is your comment which i was talking about : https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981&cpage=1#comment-373750

      Kumar says:
      February 3, 2016 at 9:34 am

      Sister i have many friends with Muslim girlfriend, indeed i too hav a Muslim girl. They are not as religious as u. Have u read the Quran ? Do u believe in all those stuffs written in Quran ?
      In Quran it is stated that a non Muslim must be stoned to death, if he rejects to accept islam.

      Being an educated, do u feel its right to impose ur laws on others ?

      It is also written that a Muslim man can rape a non Muslim women especially Jews.

      When eating pork is considered haram in islam ,Don’t u think rape has to be considered haram ?

      Faith on islam is fading day by day. The world has started hating islam. Educated Muslims are turning out to be terrorists.

      Do u want to be a part of Islam even after knowing its demerits ?

      • mac
        February 6, 2016 11:57 pm

        Kumar wrote //They are not as religious as u.// isn`t it bullying rabia for believing in Islam.

        // Have u read the Quran ? Do u believe in all those stuffs written in Quran ?/// same thing, and it continues

        //In Quran it is stated that a non Muslim must be stoned to death, if he rejects to accept islam.

        Being an educated, do u feel its right to impose ur laws on others ?

        It is also written that a Muslim man can rape a non Muslim women especially Jews.

        When eating pork is considered haram in islam ,Don’t u think rape has to be considered haram ?

        Faith on islam is fading day by day. The world has started hating islam. Educated Muslims are turning out to be terrorists.

        Do u want to be a part of Islam even after knowing its demerits ?///

        SO read what you wrote above, Do you want to be part of Islam even after knowing its demerits, so you mentioned few points which you presumed to be demerits of islam though you didn`t back it up with reference. And then you put forward a question to her that why she is part of islam when islam is filled with such things?

        And you are the guy who is lecturing on how you will allow your children to learn islam and gf to follow islam.

        HAH HAH HAH

        • mac
          February 7, 2016 12:17 am

          //There was no need of conversion if u truly loved him.//
          so you are the one who will decide what is true love, what if she loves her husband too much that she wants to take her to janaah, don`t say jannah doesn`t exist, say so, if you can prove it logically.

          //Being an educated girl i never expected this from you. Wt was the need for him to convert ?//
          First read properly what she wrote, her husband is not fanatic hindu either, he is agnostic, from my personal experience i am saying that agnostic Hindus are some of the best personalities that i have come across, though there are some assholes also in that category.

          She is educated girl, so how does that imply that she will not introduce her husband to islam, because she is educated, she was able to transfer proper enough information about islam to her husband and thus her husband doesn`t believe in idol worshipping, the oldest superstition still prevailing today, so you see being educated she has successfully dragged her husband from ancient myths and superstitions.

          What was the need to convert, because islam requires it, because she follows islam.

          Why don`t you people involve in theological debate on islam and hindusim instead of beating around the bush?

          //If at all you loved allah so much, then u cud have married someone from ur own community. // So you are basically trying to say your gf saba doesn`t love allah that is why she is marrying you, i.e outside from her own community, then how come she is muslim?

          //I too have a Muslim girl named saba. I too can convert her to Hinduism if required/// yes,yes ofcourse you can, like i said foolish and slave mentality, dham hein to rabia jeise muslim ladkio ko convert karke dekhao

          //But i won’t since i loved saba from heart and not for convertion purpose . convertion is not more important for me than love.// if you really loved her, you wouldn`t have made her disobey her religion/god in the first place.

          //We have also decided to bring up our kids in both faiths.// expect for that what i quoted you earlier below about your opinion on islam. So please tell us what will you teach your kids about islam, that it is religion of terrorist, founder of this religion was a child rapist, the followers of this community are mad though i didn`t choose to marry from my own community :-). So here is kumar, best dad in the making who will teach his children these things, okay okay you will not teach these things, then why you said these things when you were referring to islam?

          //She sees everything in me.// muslims are supposed to see everything in prophet muhammad pbuh and in allah.

          //Even if my parents opposes our marriage, i will definitely marry her in temple against their will.// ohhhooo so nice, you will marry in temple, why not in mosque? Equality where are you ?

          • Rabia
            May 7, 2017 2:49 pm

            Mac, this is true what you wrote below. I did want to introduce him to faith because back then I thought everyone needs it, whether they practice it or not, but when you speak of such things you get labeled a “love jihadi”, a term I hate which I came to know of just a few years ago. Like I had nothing better to do with my life than “love jihad”… I had enough on my plate, believe you me…

            “//There was no need of conversion if u truly loved him.//
            so you are the one who will decide what is true love, what if she loves her husband too much that she wants to take her to jannah”

            Heaven and hell are also right here right now… and there is no guarantee that I will end up in jannah, there is no guarantee of that for any of us, but let’s hope we all end up in a good place 🙂 do good, spread good and avoid bad – simple recipe for happiness here and in the Hereafter!

          • Rabia
            May 10, 2017 1:38 am

            I do believe in Hell & Heaven, I have said this to Admin in previous posts as well. I wouldnt be a Muslim if I didn’t believe in these things. And of course just like you do, I fear God’s punishment, and ask His forgiveness.

            When I say “heaven and hell are both here” and quote the poet Rabia, the point is not to say that we only have one life and there is no heaven or hell. The point is to say that we need to be practicing good and avoiding evil because it’s the right thing to do, not because we are excited to get a cake (Heaven) in the end. Even an atheist, who doesn’t have Iman the way you & I do, wouldn’t go and teach his kids to steal, to kill, etc. right? If he did he would be a horrible person.

            So I was saying this to make a point, you are also free to believe what you want. But before criticizing please make sure you TRULY understand the point I was making. Allah says to do good and to avoid evil – and if you are lucky, He will punish you in this Duniya itself without leaving your punishments to the Hereafter.

            I do agree with you that this world is our testing ground. I hope that we all pass that test InshAllah.

          • admin
            May 10, 2017 6:12 am

            To Rabia’s statement:

            We have seen atheist and religious, both, are equally honest and have created troubles in this world.

            Actually, most religious are most fanatics and going and bombing and killing others.

            This is a “hook” for making and keeping people to “Islam”–to convince them that there is a Judgment Day and punishment after. Those who don’t believe in are “free” to think other ways. Best wishes to your AFTER life. We don’t give a damn to your AFTER thinking. Enjoy your heaven in your AFTER life, we are enjoying heaven in THIS life!!

          • Rabia
            May 11, 2017 9:06 am

            Admin, you are very brutal with your statements nowadays, it confuses me whether Mac is more against my beliefs or you. Probably you, it sounds like.

            You said:
            “We don’t give a damn to your AFTER thinking. Enjoy your heaven in your AFTER life, we are enjoying heaven in THIS life!!”

            Great! Enjoy by all means 🙂 I am also enjoying this life while keeping in mind that I will be rewarded or punished accordingly when I do something good or bad, in this life or hereafter. You call it “karma”, we call it Divine Justice (God punishing or rewarding according to your deeds)

            Not everyone has to agree with the way you think about religion/Afterlife. This is why we say “live and let live.”

            I am sorry to say this but you definitely have a bias against what you call “Abrahamic religions” and Islam in particular, I guess being an Indian Hindu I don’t blame you. You also see all the intolerant Muslims frequently commenting on this forum so you hate Islam and see it as an ideology as opposed to a faith/religion. Abrahamic religions do require conversion so that also makes you dislike them, again understandable concerns.

            Hopefully you can differentiate between us because Islam is not a monolithic religion and what you see as so-called Islam is sometimes just pure hatred and intolerance from circles who haven’t grasped the core message and values of the religion. Who am I to talk, I am just expressing my viewpoint & sadly don’t have a beard to back up my claims… people won’t take you seriously unless you have a beard and being a man always helps.

            To Mac and others We are “infidels” destined to go to Hell.

            I wont be enjoying any Afterlife it seems because I am already destined for Hell, if certain preachers are right.

          • admin
            May 11, 2017 12:02 pm

            No one knows about it is Judgment Day, reincarnation or just nothing. This is a matter of faith (not truth) and all faiths should be respected. We just expressed our views, not yours.

            Is your statement “Abrahamic religions do require conversion” universal? We have observed the same on this site that all Abrahamic starts dating with all pluralistic and secular talks but ultimately they are exclusivist and ask for conversion.

            What would you say to this Suma? https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12281#comment-408756. Yes, you will see our frustration, but lets see what different you would say.

        • Rabia
          February 27, 2016 2:09 am

          Brother Mac, I consistently get made fun of and bullied by my friends and family who are very secular because I don’t eat pork or drink alcohol. So I am used to bullying and elhamdulillah Allah has given me the strength to deal with bullies since a young age 🙂

          • mac
            May 9, 2017 12:59 am

            Heaven and hell are not in this world, this world is in between, this world is a place of test, if you succeed you end up in heaven if not then in Hell. Allah has given us free will, unlike angels, so you are free to believe what anything Mrs. Rabia. If heaven and hell are here what about the guy who just died in his first day? What about people living on street and dying from hunger ?

          • May 9, 2017 3:59 am

            mac, tell us about “what about the guy who just died in his first day? What about people living on street and dying from hunger ?”

    • Rabia
      February 8, 2016 9:18 am

      • February 8, 2016 6:38 pm

        Hi Rabia,
        Yes, you committed sin, however only who has never committed sin has rights to call you a sinner.

        There are all type of sins, one by you and the other this “.. while in custody, Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group”. Which one of these two is worst?

        • Rabia
          February 9, 2016 12:29 am

          I agree with you 100%, Admin. Only God has the right to judge & punish according to one’s deeds. And the story you are referring to is rape, enslavement, savagery at its worst. Any sane person can see this & we are all appalled at this. This is not what our faith teaches us.

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 9:02 am

    Recently i was not active on this site bcoz of my health. I met with an accident and was hospitalized for few days.

    U don’t know how mad saba went that time.
    She didn’t even write her internals. Whole day she used to cry saying that if something happened to me shw wud die. During that time my parents had doubt whether v both were committed, but i convinced them saying that she is my friend.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 11:48 pm

      Kumar, good to know that you are safe and sound. I pray for a long life of yours. I Pray to Allah that in life ahead you never face such accident again.

      //U don’t know how mad saba went that time.
      She didn’t even write her internals. Whole day she used to cry saying that if something happened to me shw wud die. During that time my parents had doubt whether v both were committed, but i convinced them saying that she is my friend.//
      That is why i said she is foolish,slave minded. And you are lying to your parents. If you can lie to your parents who brought you up from the first day of your life, who taught you how to walk,talk,etc and you are lying to them for a girl who you met few years ago, then you have the mentality to lie even Saba when time comes.

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 8:54 am

    to mac

    // You cheated your muslim girl
    friend saba, you initially made fake
    promise to her that you will accept islam
    and then later took U-turn when you
    realized she is in deep mad love with you //

    How many times have i told u i didn’t cheat. I didn’t kno the rules of islam that time. I had never guaranteed her saying that i wud convert. Even she had told, if possible she would convert. But i didn’t want her to convert. And she is fine with me being Hindu. U don’t have clue how much she loves me.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 11:36 pm

      //How many times have i told u i didn’t cheat.// Just by saying you didn`t cheat will not make you a saint. Your actions will speak whether you cheated or not.

      // I didn’t kno the rules of islam that time//
      This made my comments on you even bolder, that you hate islam, so what are you doing with a muslim girl, tell her that you hate islam, you don`t like it, have you told her that her prophet is child rapist as you earlier said this about prophet of islam in this website?

      You said you will raise your kids in both faiths, so you will allow your child to follow a rapist child molester, then what kind of father you will be?

      My above statements are not direct, these are my indirect statements to point out how absurd it is when kumar says he will raise his kids in islamic faith also.

      //I had never guaranteed her saying that i wud convert. //
      So now you added a word `guarantee`. I hope you understand the meaning of word `guarantee` because earlier you failed to understand the meaning of word `recommended`. When you tell someone that i will convert to islam so accept me as your love, if this is not guarantee at that point, then nothing in the world can be considered as guarantee, then there exist no concept of guarantee if i am to believe you what you are saying, and even if you are true, how does it make any difference to admin`s problem with interfaith couple revealing their intentions lately, coz muslim girls also donot guarantee their hindu gf about anything except casual conversation

      //And she is fine with me being Hindu.// This is the point, coz you didn`t tell her in the beginning that she is going to get a hindu husband, you took her into illusion that she is gonna get a muslim husband as you told her that you will get convert. She is now in deep love and she has no problem with you as person, coz she will not choose a random hindu guy from street now, meaning now it is not about you being hindu or not. It does effect in the beginning and there you lied to her.

      //U don’t have clue how much she loves me.// and i don`t need to, why should i care for a foolish girl, why? I am only stressing this issue to draw a correlation with admin`s argument when a hindu girl comes for advise. Mac doesn`t give a shit to what an unknown girl saba does in her life coz it`s not my business.

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 8:45 am

    To mac

    I called ur community a mad community.

    I wud not apologize for calling so since it is a fact.

    The word ISIS is enough to describe ur whole community.

    Now don’t give me lame reasons saying isis is not related to Islam.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 11:12 pm

      //I wud not apologize for calling so since it is a fact.//

      AS if i have asked any apology from a liar like you. Do islam needs certificates from liars like you?

      //The word ISIS is enough to describe ur whole community.//

      Sister Rabia, you can again take note of his statement, he is clubbing all muslims in one boat for actions of isis, isis hardly comprises 1% of total muslim population.
      Well, then who does such generalization, a bigot does such generalization, in this case kumar is anti-Muslim bigot, and this is the guy who has muslim as his gf!!! rabia does it sounds familiar to what i originally in the beginning said about kumar?

      //I called ur community a mad community.
      I wud not apologize for calling so since it is a fact.///

      kumar will you show me or give atleast five legitimate reasons which apply to majority of muslims as a citation of the fact that you are referring to?

      Facts are supported by numbers, where are your numbers in support of this claim? or just like you do always, fire in air and then run away with tails between your legs, LOL 🙂

      //Now don’t give me lame reasons saying isis is not related to Islam.//

      Why you are so worried about that, coz you know if i show isis is not real islam, you will not be able to counter reply, so trying to stop that door in the beginning, but i will grant you that privilege. So here it starts:-

      1.Isis militant Ali Saqr al-Qasem publicly executes own mother in Raqqa after accusing her of ‘apostasy’

      Now lets see whether Islam approves this act of ISIS or not, so lets directly jump into Qur’an.

      “Worship God and join not any partners with Him; and be kind to your parents…” [Noble Quran 4:36]

      “Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say, “My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.” [Noble Quran 17:23-24]

      “And We have enjoined on man [to be good] to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him and his weaning was over two years. Be thankful to Me and to your parents, unto Me is the final destination.”[Noble Quran 31:14]

      From above verses we see, it is even sin to say harsh words to your parents forget about killing, while ISIS killed mother. Even if for religious reason, even if your parents are irreligious you cannot harm them as they are the one who brought you in this world.

      Allah in Quran mentions forbidden list, first Shirik and then comes the mention of kindness towards parents.

      In this way i can give numerous examples of ISIS not being Islamic.

      Most of people who are fighting against ISIS are muslims, most of victims of ISIS are muslim, yet you say ISIS are representation of whole muslim community, well, then it`s the bigotry and hatred that you have filled in your heart towards muslims and islam which helped you to reach such foolish and stupid conclusion, and i very much know you will not be able to reject my above assertion, so i am now expecting personal attack,abuse from you to divert the above topic, please mr.kumar do it.

    • Rabia
      February 27, 2016 2:13 am

      Kumar, terrorist and extremists are not believers in Allah, the Merciful. They are a cancerous cult who serve political purposes. Go on YouTube and watch what all these organizations are about, don’t tell me they are about Islam because educated and half-sane muslims know that these Boko Harams and ISIS/Daesh savages are not one of us and they will, inshAllah, be in the lowest depths of Hell when Judgement Day comes. Allah would not forgive even hurting an ant, do you think He will forgive these people???

  • Kumar
    February 6, 2016 8:39 am

    To mac

    u said

    // supports right wing hatred group like RSS,BJP,Bajrang-dal,Shiv Sena, etc //

    Were hav i told u that i am a supporter of RSS, BD,SS ?

    I had approached them for help initially ,but they didn’t help since saba saba wudn’t convert.

    By the way, wt is ur problem if m associated with RSS
    Rss doesn’t ask its supports to slaughter other head like ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS)
    they don’t burn girls for speaking to boy.
    they don’t shoot girls for playing in rain.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 10:47 pm

      So in all those long comments, you got only one point to counter. If you are not a supporter than it`s okay, i apologise and i withdraw my that statement but before that, let us do more debate on this.

      You didn`t approach any islamic groups, you didn`t approach any Christian groups, you didn`t approach any secular groups, you didn`t approach a good hearted hindu organization, but instead you approached a right wing fanatic organization like Shiv Sena which is vehemently anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim, slaughtered muslims on streets during Bombay riots, raped muslim women on streets and you approached such a group to marry a muslim girl, that speaks a lot itself.

      //I had approached them for help initially ,but they didn’t help since saba saba wudn’t convert.//

      It means you plan was to convert saba with the help of right wing anti-Muslim groups like shiv sena, wow, the more you speak the more you expose yourself. So Sister Rabia, here you see, kumar to marry a muslim girl went to shiv cena, just google role of shiv cena during bombay riot and you will get to know who they are , no less barbaric than isis.

      Saba wouldn`t convert so you didn`t proceed further, but wasn`t you the one who was suppose to convert, okay you changed you mind, then again, you said saba told you to convert herself to hinduism, but you said you told her not to, and here you are saying saba wouldn`t convert. It means unwillingness to convert to hindusim came from saba`s side.

      //By the way, wt is ur problem if m associated with RSS// it means you are not a secular, rss is anti-muslim, anti-christian, anti-dalit, anti-communist fascist right wing nazi marati brahmin supremacist organization. If associated yourself RSS makes you proud then it amplifies what i am writing in this blog from past three days about you. Sister Rabia, you can take note of this point of Kumar, coz you know very well who are RSS mindset people.

      //Rss doesn’t ask its supports to slaughter other head like ISLAMIC STATE (ISIS)//
      You are telling this as if I am supporter of ISIS, and rss in india responsible for many blasts and beheadings, burning people alive and what not, you name it. Just Google, Praving Togadia once said behead those who convert Hindus to other religion. Hedgewar/Golwakar the founders of rss were supporter of Nazi Germany who are responsible for the world`s massive human genocide ever recorded, this is the organization which was declared fist terrorist organization in independent india.

      //they don’t burn girls for speaking to boy.// they did burn girls for no reason during riots.
      They did brave girls to give false testimony of rape.

      //they don’t shoot girls for playing in rain.// they beat girls for marrying muslim boys.
      They rape women when they get chance during riot instead of saving them.

      • Kumar
        February 6, 2016 11:00 pm

        try to understand wt i am saying. When i approached SS for help they wanted her to convert, but i was against her convertion as i felt religion was not a barrier in our case.

        • mac
          February 7, 2016 12:50 am

          Ok, then.

          But she can convert to hinduism, coz Quran doesn`t gave any option to muslim men/women having mushrik husband/wife, whether she officially leaves islam or not, technically she is out of it. Quran refers such people as munafiq(hypocrite), i.e. those who follow Qur’an selectively. Even if such muslims pray five times, still they will not be considered as muslim, you may say i am making this up, or other people also might say mac is saying too much coz how come a namazi muslim can be a false-Muslim. So here is the verse from Quran:-

          “The Hypocrites – they think they are over-reaching God, but He will over-reach them: When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, but little do they hold God in remembrance; (The Noble Quran, 4:142)

          So if you notice, above verse, it mentions prayer going muslims, it means allah to give definition of munafiq, choosed the best way to describe a one to remove all doubtfulness. Like many muslim girls and boys do after marrying mushriks when they come to know that it was forbidden in islam to so so, they then say well we believe in islam, we believe in prophet, i have read girls saying she keeps roza, performs namaz fives times a day….etc..etc.. Actually today because of ignorance on islamic knowledge, any muslims are confused between i.e believer and unbeliever, since they think they can`t be unbeliever as they believe in islam, so they are believer and oneday goto jannah, while some thinks that though i broke this rule, but since brekaing this role doesn`t make me unbeliever, so i am still muslim, but they don`t know there exists a middle term which alah has given in Quran, which is Munafiq, Allah describes in Quran who are munafiqs:-

          Those who knowingly break rules of Quran, unknowingly braking rules of Qur’an doesn`t make one munafiq but later if if you come to know, you should ask allah for forgiveness and stop braking that rule form there on.

          Is there any punishment for munafiqs?
          Yes ofcourse, Allah describes in Quran
          “The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them; (The Noble Quran, 4:145)”

          Because the knowingly disobeyed Allah`s command.

          “The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding) with each other: They enjoin evil, and forbid what is just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten God; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are rebellious and perverse. (The Noble Quran, 9:67)”

          But Allah can forgive munafiqs if he wills

          That God may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites if that be His Will, or turn to them in Mercy: for God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (The Noble Quran, 33:24)”

          But it`s not me to judge, it`s allah who will judge, but he as given quran as guidance so that we don`t become hypocrite/munafiq.

          “And God most certainly knows those who believe, and as certainly those who are Hypocrites. (The Noble Quran, 29:11)”

          “This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear God; (The Noble Quran, 2:2)”

          And if anyone fills he/she might be munafiq or munafiq after reading these verses from quran, then it`s not over for you , turn to Allah today and start correcting yourself as per Quran to avoid punishment of Allah. BUt you can`t wait for allah`s forigivenes saying allah might pardon me, no, allah says you have to change yourself, as allah says
          “Because God will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls: and verily God is He Who heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:53)”

          So don`t think you saved saba from wrath of her religion by not converting her to hindusim and allowing her to rpactice islam as quran clearly says even a muslim performing prayers can be a hypocrite muslim(which he/she will if he/she disobeys Allah in marriage or any other big events of life) and hypocrite lies in the lowest depth of hell.

          So pray to allah that he gives us hidayath and for that we have to open our heart and follow life by his guidance.

        • February 7, 2016 8:11 am

          RAbiA .
          Sorry i can’t say you sister.
          As you said you marriage a non muslim man.
          1)islam gives permision to muslim man to marry only muslims girl or a girl who is (Ahl -e-kitab and don’t doing shirk) and her convergen is neccessary…
          1) accordning to islam a muslim woman can marry only muslim man.. it’s confermed by avery sect.
          the reason is .when a muslim man marrying with non muslim girl then,actually a non muslim familly is adopting islam. their children will be muslim …. etc..
          BUt , when a non muslim girl……………then actually girl is moving away from islam ….there is only few chances that their children adopt islam …..
          i will pray for your batterment . but you did very wrong. being a muslim ….after this i can say that.. may allah show you right path. but now it’s very late.. but never be a hopeless..

          • Rabia
            February 9, 2016 12:41 am

            Ahmad Kamal, have you read all of my comments on this website? If not, please re-read & you will see what my husband actually is. Bahut afsoos ki baat hai that you are from Pakistan & have such a closed mind. Most of my Pakistani friends are not like you, thank Allah for that. I highly encourage you to study Islam from Al Azhar University, or with scholars of Islam (not hate preachers & hate mongers, which are toooo many in the subcontinent today). You have no obligation to call me sister or anything, I don’t feel upset about such reactions anymore, but until you are also called to Allah’s house in Mecca & Madina to go on umrah or hajj, please don’t be under the delusion that you are a better Muslim than me or any other brother or sister just because you think you follow the Qur’an perfectly. The Qur’an is not under anybody’s monopoly, and neither is Islam, and neither is God.

          • February 9, 2016 7:55 pm

            We loved this, “The Qur’an is not under anybody’s monopoly, and neither is Islam, and neither is God.” we hope you will include in your book!

  • mac
    February 6, 2016 5:29 am

    In reply to Rabia`s this comment //Brother Mac, my teacher who taught me religion used to say (he is a scholar of Islam and firmly believes its the best and most perfect way) that since Islam is God’s perfect religion, and Qur’an his perfect revealed book, it has the capacity to change and evolve (meaning be reinterpreted with the changing times). A Hadith from Hazrat Ali – quoted by a practicing Sunni Muslim by the way – says: “Don’t raise your children accordingly to your own generation, raise them according to their own generation. You are right, that’s the fault of Muslims who listen only to their imams who are stuck in 7th century norms and mentality and don’t encourage ordinary Muslims like us to go and seek knowledge for ourselves. Agree? Disagree?///

    Ofcourse you are correct unless you don`t have any intention to change meaning of the verse to suit your agenda. Reinterpretation of verses, of course yes. But can you reinterpret and say today kafirs donot exist? Can you reinterpret and say today Mushriks donot exist? Can you reinterpret and say today munafiqs donot exist?

    verses will not change, different aspects of understanding of those verse will change with respect to times and conditions. Are you trying to say that since verse 2:221 was revealed in 7th century so we should scrap it into dustbin, sameway why not scrap verse 24:5 into dustbin because today we have CC camera and DNA testing, we can check whether really a girl had sex with another man by dna testing instead of relying on 4 witness. Actually that 4 eye-witness verse was revealed not to punish girls, but to save them from men destroying their image by raising false rumors, because producing 4 eye-witness is impossible which means no men should spread rumours about another women so moral of the verse if eternal, sameway moral of the verse 2:221 is eternal no matter in which country you live, islam is as such that a muslim boy and girl cannot have non-muslim wife/husband(unless chaste people of the book) , if they have, either they will shift away from islam to save their marriage or their marriage will end up in a divorce.

  • mac
    February 6, 2016 3:33 am

    To kumar: You cheated your muslim girl friend saba, you initially made fake promise to her that you will accept islam and then later took U-turn when you realized she is in deep mad love with you and then told her your real intentions of not accepting islam and now that she has no option as she is in relationship with you for too long, infact you were abusing islam,muslims,prophet while you were the same guy started relationship with a muslim girl saba saying you will accept islam, is there any big of a liar than you?

  • Kumar
    February 5, 2016 9:00 am

    My dear Rabia sis

    Don’t believe the comments made by mac blindly. He doesn’t have any respect for girls. He uses words like foolish, lusty, slut, bastard, bitch and so on ,to describe females.
    U may not know much abt him. But the regular users of this site will be knowing his stupidity. He can’t see Muslims girls living happily with hindus .
    In his earlier comments, he has also insulted mothers of Muslim girls. If a Muslim girl truly loves a hindu guy she will never ask him to circumcise.

    In my case, case neither i have problem with my gf nor does my girl have problem with me. But this mac is posting fake things like “I am cheating a Muslim girl, playing with her chastity and so on “.

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 4:27 am

      //Don’t believe the comments made by mac blindly. //
      I think Rabia is smart and educated enough to filter my comments or admin comments or anyones comments, i don`t think she needs your advise, you better make another lie to put infront of your muslim gf saba after marriage when she gives birth to a child, because at that time you will bring new lies to make your children follow only hinduism not islam.

      //He uses words like foolish, lusty, slut, bastard, bitch and so on //

      No, i didn`t use words like slut,bastard,bitch, you liar , I only used words like tiny headed,Salve mentality,foolish,lusty. That`s it, I didn`t use slut,bitch,bastard. Why should I insult saba`s or Aliya nusrath parents by calling them bastard?

      I knew there will be reaction in response to my those use of words. Lets read again what i said “Unlike tiny headed slave mentality foolish lusty indian muslim girls(not all, only fringe) , Rabia is not uneducated in Quran” Here is my that comment : https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981#comment-373760

      If you notice i didn`t say those words about all girls, i said `not all, only fringe` , i hope you understand the meaning of word fringe, do you?

      I used the word lusty for that girl Aliya Nusrat,[not for your foolish,tiny headed saba] whose bf is a drinker and a hindu and is using her for sex, you said you informed her about this, still she is continuing her relationship with that sex maniac guy, if such girls are not referred to as lusty, then who else qualify for that term?

      I used the word tiny headed,foolish for saba. Why? Because had she been a smart girl, she would have seen through you lies and your colour changing, she would have asked first this guy kumar told me that he will become muslim, so i accepted his proposal hoping to get married with a muslim guy one day, but now that i am in deep love, he is saying he will not become muslim, it means he changed his mind, a smart girl will ask question to her bf at that moment, and will find out eventually that the boy whom i loved is anti-islamic and thus i choose Allah`s path, not the path of an anti-islamic guy like kumar, why i say anti-islamic, because you called prophet muhammadd(peace be upon him) a child rapist.

      Why i used word slave mentality, because so many of your hindu bf has married muslim girls in temples but not in mosques, girls who have salve mentality towards men follow blindly the culture of husbands, that is called patriarchy.
      At least girl don`t having a slave mentality will do marriage in both mosques and mandir.

      Since i described all those girls in one sentence, so these three words slave mentality, foolish, lusty appeared in one sentence, that doesn`t mean i called your gf a lusty, if you notice i darkened the word lusty when i referred to that girl nusrath(i repeat again, she is nusrath, if not, you tell me what she is?)

      Why i said all these, because you were trying to guide sister rabia how islam is bad and all these anti-islamic stuff in one comment here : https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981#comment-373750 and that she should leave islam(you recommended it)

      So i told you that Rabia is well educated in other subjects as well as in islam and she knows the difference between culture and islam(which she said to harjeet) and she is well aware of anti-islamic propaganda(as it is quite clear from her comment when she talked about ayan hirsi ali and their ilks) unlike the slave mentality,foolosh,lusty muslim girls that you have met in your life and fooled them.

      Mr. Mac didn`t describe those muslim girls as bastard,slut or bitch, so i ask you where did you get those words, because i didn`t use them, it means you have those words installed in your brain and thus putting those words in my mouth to make your argument against me. It is your friend who is using a muslim girl for sex, not me. It is you who started relations with a girl be lying, not me.

      //He can’t see Muslims girls living happily with hindus//
      you are right, put not fully, i can`t see Muslim Girls and Boys marrying Non-Muslims as I am a Muslim. I don`t want to see people going into hell fire, if they wish, it`s their wish, i will not force them to stop marrying non-muslim coz it`s not my right.

      //If a Muslim girl truly loves a hindu guy she will never ask him to circumcise.//
      If a muslim girl truly loves a hindu guy, she will introduce him to Islam like Akash`s muslim girl friend did, like Dr. Shaikh doing, like many others whom i know in my real life.

      //In my case, case neither i have problem with my gf nor does my girl have problem with me. // ofcourse she will not have problem like i said foolish and slave mentality and that alia nusrat is also not having problem as she is lusty otherwise why will she love a guy that too from other religion despite knowing that guy is suing her for only sex.

      • Kumar
        February 6, 2016 11:04 pm

        U hav made such abuses in ur past posts. I feel a few months back.

  • February 5, 2016 7:59 am

    The basic problem with Mac being MP is that he does not want any muslim girl to live blissfully after marrying outside islamic faith. Because his mother converted due to doctrine of taqiyya applied by his father, he wants all religions to accept islamic evils.

    • Kumar
      February 5, 2016 8:29 am

      mac is a man filled with full of hatred .

      • mac
        February 6, 2016 4:30 am

        Dear harjeet, the basic problem with mac is that he doesn`t want muslim girls jumping into hell fire, but if they wish, they can jump, they jumping to hell fore will not drag me to hell or heaven, but if i don`t inform them about quran 2:221, then i am sinful, my duty is only to inform muslim boys and girls about islamic rulings on marriage with a non-muslim.

        • mac
          February 6, 2016 4:32 am

          Kumar said mac is a man filled with full of hatred, says a man who supports right wing hatred group like RSS,BJP,Bajrang-dal,Shiv Sena, etc.

          And yes you are right, i am a man full of hatred towards hell

          • Kumar
            February 6, 2016 8:09 am

            Then wt abt ur terrorist groups ISIS , LET, MUJAHEDEEN, BOKO HARAM, TALIBAN and so on.

            Now don’t tell me they are not Muslims.

  • Kumar
    February 5, 2016 6:19 am

    One of my friend married a hindu boy a year back, he was attacked by the ppl of so called mad community Islam. U must go through the link admin


    • February 5, 2016 10:01 pm

      Thanks for sharing. Of course, the law allows youths to follow their choice (at least in Indian and West).

      • mac
        February 6, 2016 4:41 am

        Admin, same way laws allow people changing their faith, why you have problem when hindu girls and boys convert to islam?

        And why you celebrate when you see muslim boys or girls being converted to hinduism?

    • mac
      February 6, 2016 4:39 am

      //the ppl of so called mad community Islam.///

      kumar, what you are and what is your community, you started relationship with a muslim girl by lying, your another hindu friend is using a muslim girl like a toy for just sex, that speaks a lot about your community and when people like me defend my community from monster,evil you call them mad people, then so it be, we don`t care, we only care what allah thinks about us.

      And please educate us about your community, tell me that mad community islam allows caste system,female feticide, dowry, dev dashi, isn`t it ?

  • Kumar
    February 4, 2016 8:25 am

    when saba doesn’t have problem, wht is mac’s problem?

    And about my friend who is hitting on Muslim girl just to fulfill his sexual desire. I too condemn his act and i had warned that girl ( aliya nusrath) about his ill intentions. But wt can i do if she herself doesn’t have problem.

  • Kumar
    February 4, 2016 8:20 am

    When we both got committed ,i told her ”
    either you convert or i will “. Neither did i
    promise her saying i would convert to
    Muslim nor did she promise me saying
    she wud convert to islam . At one point i
    told her i wud not convert and she didn’t
    have any problem with it. I also her it is
    not required for her to convert. We both
    wud follow our own religion after

    wer did i cheat her admin?

    • mac
      February 4, 2016 5:45 pm

      //when saba doesn’t have problem, wht is mac’s problem?//
      that is what i exactly meant when i wrote that tiny headed foolish lusty muslim girls have hindu bf, what i mean by that, i meant if saba was smart and intelligent, she could have easily caught your lie, if you can change your mind now, then oneday you can change your mind for leaving her, as you said earlier in your blog that you loved saba coz she is so cute&beautiful, beaty fades away with time, saba being your age, will look older than you when you both cross 35 mark. If she was smart and intelligent, she would have realised that if this guy is changing his mind now that too about serious topic ‘islam’ then he can change his mind anyday.

      What’s mac problem if Saba has no problem?
      Mac’s problem is with Admin. Admin should have also no problem with those muslim youths later revealing their lovers to convert as because of ignorance they might have fallen in love with a non-muslim but later they came to know requirement of islam for such marriage so they asked their partner to convert and partner convert, then what’s the problem of admin and even you, like dr. Shaikh, Akash, and many others. Akash converted to islam via his muslim gf, you and admin had problem, dr shaikh wanted her hindu bf to accept islam, admin and you have problem.

      //And about my friend who is hitting on Muslim girl just to fulfill his sexual desire. I too condemn his act and i had warned that girl ( aliya nusrath) about his ill intentions. But wt can i do if she herself doesn’t have problem.//
      the point here is not what you did in that situation, the point here is a hindu boy is pretending as lover infront of burqa wearing beautiful muslim girl.
      What you did in this situation is appreciable but you are not quite different than him as you also started relationship with a muslim girl in deceiving manner.

      That muslim girl aliya nusrath had no problem with her hindu bf using her for sexual purpose, that is what i exactly meant when i wrote ‘tiny headed foolish lusty muslim girls have such hindu bf’.

      If you really wanted to save alia nusrath and break her relationship from that drinker hindu boy, then you would have informed her family members, her parents, her brothers/cousins, if they know they will surely take preventative measures, but i know you will not do that, and you will show excuse for not doing that.

      The truth is you hate islam and you have muslim gf, you started your relationship with her by lying.
      The truth is your many other friends have married muslim girls in temples.
      The truth is your friend is using a burqa wearing muslim girl just for lust/sex.

      Kumar above said that //At one point i
      told her i wud not convert//
      admin, this is what i have been saying, that one point he told her muslim gf that he will not convert, it means before that point, it was kumar will accept islam, that is why saba started the relationship in the first place.
      The question is why at one point, why not in the beginning.
      Admin hope it is clear now.

      • Kumar
        February 5, 2016 6:05 am

        She is not lusty u idiot. Have control over ur words. How dare u call her lusty. She stayed with me in goa for two days (even nights). If she was lusty,she cud have told me abt her desire those nights. but she didn’t. She is madly in love with me. she is not dumb like other muslim girls (mac’s mother ,sisters) She wud die in my absence. Love is blind and she feel i am an exact match for her.

        • Rabia
          February 5, 2016 8:13 am

          Kumar, watch Ishaqzaade if you haven’t already 🙂 Men will always try to spread rumours about women who are doing the wrong thing and trying to break norms and traditions… I myself was a very traditional and good girl until I realised what was wrong with imposing something on someone. Slandering a woman’s character and calling Her “lusty” without proof is a BIG sin in Islam. Without those 4 eyewitnesses, those brothers or idiots would surely experience Hellfire for slandering a woman’s reputation without knowing her first 🙂

          • Kumar
            February 5, 2016 8:38 am

            Dear rabia sis

            This man mac has been insulting my saba from a very long time. You donno how much it hurts me. Just look at his comments, he is calling a girl lusty without even knowing her. This shows how cheap he is.

            So Rabia sis,
            never follow what this man says. He cannot see Muslim girls living happily with non Muslims.

          • mac
            February 6, 2016 4:50 am

            Kumar, why you are so worried about me influencing Rabia, she is educated girl, her brain has the capacity to filter what to take and what not to take, why you are so worried, is this is the reason why you kept your gf sabaa out of this website?

            I am not forcing people to believe in what i write. What I write if influence people, then it`s my credit, why you are so worried?

            // I myself was a very traditional and good girl until I realised what was wrong with imposing something on someone. ///

            But sister Rabia you first said you come from a liberal background.

          • mac
            February 6, 2016 5:10 am

            Sister Rabia, by now you might have read above already read above whom i called lusty and why? If not read here : https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981#comment-373988

            About 4 witness, yes you are right, it`s from Quran verse 24:3-5.

            Quran 24:3 tells that such boys or girls should be lashed 100 times who are unchaste/adulterous/zani(in arabic).. Verse 24:5 deals with the misuse of the verse 24:3 because men might accuse falsely girls to punish them, the verse was revealed when Ayesha(RA), wife of prophet was falsely accused of adultery, to deal with that situation, allah revealed verse 24:5 which asks men to produce 4 eye-witness. Glad to know that you are aware of this. Many anti-islamic people misquote this verse and say that islam asks rape victim to produce 4 eye-witness, they say in islam a girl has to produce 4 eye-witness, and you might have read such comments even in this site from anti-islamic gang and admin never confronted those anti-islamic people but he is quick to defend hindusim.

            That is what i exactly told to kumar that rabai is not uneducated in islam, so better if you don`t try to bully her by writing against islam to make her leave islam, and btw this guy kumar says he will let her muslim wife saba follow islam while here ranting against rabia to leave islam, so this is clear indication of what kumar is and what he will do to his wife. So is kumar truthful when he says he will allow his wife to follow islam while here bullying rabia to leave islam.

            Now sister Rabia, i didn`t go to authority to punish alia nusrat(whom called lusty), so i don`t have to produce 4 eye-witness, i am not trying to prove anyone about it, now you might say even i shouldn`t accuse anyone without proof, yes, that`s true also, but i said so to kumar coz he himself knows the case of alia nusrat and he is the one who told us the story of alia nusrat.

            And , sister rabia you earlier talked how islam is 7th century mindset, but just above you used 7th century mindset(i.e producing 4 eye-witness) to defend girls, in todays world , using modern technology destroying image of girls is very easy, make a fake video or them or in the name of love capture video with your muslim gf and then upload it in internet, so here is the perfect example of how 7th century and 21st century are not the criteria to judge something as you have clearly noticed how 7th century verse is still relevant today.

            Also suddenly you seems to start believing in Quran(verse 24:5) while ignore verse 2:221 by showing this and that excuse. So here again we see like said earlier also that we choose to follow what suits us and blame 7th century if something which goes against us instead of changing ourselves.

        • mac
          February 6, 2016 4:45 am

          Dear Kumar, calling me mother or sister dump will not make them dump, you have to give reasons.

          And i didn`t call your foolish gf sabaa lusty(i explained above why sabaa is foolish, which infact she is) , i called that muslim girl alia nusrat who is being used by a drinker hindu guy just for sex and she despite knowing doesn`t leaving that sex maniac guy, isn`t it lust then what?

          // She wud die in my absence. // a muslim only dies for allah, not for a mushrik guy.

  • Kumar
    February 3, 2016 9:34 am

    Sister i have many friends with Muslim girlfriend, indeed i too hav a Muslim girl. They are not as religious as u. Have u read the Quran ? Do u believe in all those stuffs written in Quran ?
    In Quran it is stated that a non Muslim must be stoned to death, if he rejects to accept islam.

    Being an educated, do u feel its right to impose ur laws on others ?

    It is also written that a Muslim man can rape a non Muslim women especially Jews.

    When eating pork is considered haram in islam ,Don’t u think rape has to be considered haram ?

    Faith on islam is fading day by day. The world has started hating islam. Educated Muslims are turning out to be terrorists.

    Do u want to be a part of Islam even after knowing its demerits ?

    • mac
      February 3, 2016 12:57 pm

      Sister Rabia, Salam wailaikum, let me introduce you to this guy kumar, he is hindu and her g/f is muslim name Saba, his another hindu friend has muslim g/f who is beautiful and wears burqa, kumar admited in this site that his friend is in relationship with that burqa wearing muslim girl just for sex but that girl doesn’t know and she is in madly love with the guy, this is what’s happening in south indian state of Karnataka where chastity of muslim girls are destroyed in the hands of hindu boys….and about kumar, since you had some clue about his friend, well kumar is not much different from that, he started his relationship with muslim girl saba promising her the he will convert to islam, for that reason she accepted his proposal, and when he realised that sabaa is in deep love with him which she can’t broke now, he told her that he will not convert, and even here you can read his anti-islamic rant, and his gf is muslim! He hates islam, propogates against it, will he encourage her muslim wife to follow islam? Now probably you got another reason why verse 2:221 was revealed.
      His other friends are also marrying muslim girls in hindu temples, wallah shirik at its best.

      To kumar: She is religious and believes in quran, so you have problem, but are you forgetting that you are a hindu and believes in Ramyana,Ram?

      Unlike tiny headed slave mentality foolish lusty indian muslim girls(not all, only fringe) , Rabia is not uneducated in Quran, you might not have read her reply to harjeet, if not scroll down and read it. So you cannot lie about quran to Rabia to make her denounce islam.
      There is not a single verse in Noble Quran which indicates ‘Non-muslims must be stoned to death’ . I challenge you to show a single verse.

      No, it is not writen in Quran that muslim can rape non-muslim women especially jews. You must be reading fake translations in anti-islamic websites.

      Not just eating pork, but drinking wine, gambling, lying, robbing,etc all kinds of evil things are haram in islam including rape. Everyone knows Islam is the only religion which gives death punishment to rapist while in so many hinduism text books, we don’t find a single incident of rapist getting punished. That is why india traditionally had no punishment for rape, i wonder did they even knew what is rape before the coming of muslims to this part of the world.
      About islam fading day by day….
      Islam is a religion which stands of its feet i.e. QURAN. It doesn’t change as per the requirement of imperfect followers, islam doesn’t need people, people need islam for their salvation.
      World has started to hate Islam…
      Islam is being hated by haters from beginning, more than 30,000 books have been writen against islam and prophet muhammad(peace be upon him), but still islam is going strong. So many anti islamic haters converted to islam, google dutch anti islamic film maker converts to islam, from him i got to know how anti-islamic propaganda is going on, i forgot his name, his friend is the head of anti islamic party in netherlands, sameway so many members of EDL converted to islam who once participated in anti islamic rally, one such convert is my fb friend, she and her husband converted from christianity and judaism to islam.

      I now want to ask you two questions similar to what you asked to sister Rabia.

      //Being an educated, do u feel its right to impose ur laws on others ?//Being educated, do you feel it is right to trap muslim girls by lying?

      //Do u want to be a part of Islam even after knowing its demerits ?//
      before you ask her this question, let me ask you a question, you are part of Hinduism even after knowing its demerits. Why?????

      • admin
        February 3, 2016 8:06 pm

        On this point, “he started his relationship with muslim girl saba promising her the he will convert to islam”, we do not know details about what Kumar knew when he promised her gf that he will convert. Hindus in general are pluralist. When a Christian or Muslim approach them that please accept Jesus or Allah, they do not have any reservation accepting one more God (Allah or Jesus) along with their many other forms of the Ultimate Reality. However if the Muslim (or Christian) has a concept of conversion as 100% Muslim and 0% Hindu, yes the Hindu (or non-Muslim) has right to break the promise when realize the truth.

        So we have a question to Kumar. When you told your girlfriend that you will convert to Islam, did you really know what you were promising? Did you know at that time that conversion to Islam is like what mac described? Did you know what Koran has to say for Hindus when you said the first time that you will become a Koran believer? If not, then it was your (Kumar’s) ignorance and not that you lied. If Kumar clearly knew what he is promising and then change his mind after trapping her, then that is cheating. Let see what Kumar has to say.

        mac, we are glad you gave up idea of dating that Brahmin girl, that is honorable (one Hindu saved!).

        • mac
          February 3, 2016 10:16 pm

          Dear Admin, again you came in defense of kumar, by saying this and that but you never apply same logic and reasoning on non-hindu boys, especially muslim boys, being an admin, why is this partiality?

          I and kumar had personal chat on facebook, when the issue of Akash [who became muslim and have muslim gf] , kumar told me that Akash is lying, he will not convert, then i asked kumar how you know that, he told me that he did same with his muslim gf saba, i asked kumar why you did this to saba, kumar replied me that else saba will not accept him, and he further told me that when their love got deep, he told her that he will not convert, religion doesn’t matter,etc…

          Point no. 1 , muslim girl saba accepted kumar assuming he will be a muslim when she gets married with him, she accepted him assuming oneday she will get married with a muslim man.

          Point no. 2 , Muslim boys initially don’t know about the verse 2:221 of Quran which requires non-muslim girls to accept islam to validate the marriage, so later when they ask their partner to convert to islam why you have problem?
          Or when the partner converts , why you have problem?
          When you don’t have problem with what kumar did.

          Just like you said that a hindu has the right to break promise , sameway a muslim has the right to break promise if any he/she had made,
          or he/she has the right to ask his/her partner to accept islam as he/she might not have made any promise in the first place, so he is not breaking promise, still you have problem, but a hindu breaks promise, you then say he has the right to do so.

          I stopped relation with my ex non-muslim gf and didn’t start any new one after i came to know about the verse 2:221 of Quran, that makes you happy that a hindu girl is saved. So you are saying i did an honourable thing, but i am still unmarried, the loss of muslim girls from our community, like what kumar is going to do, like what’s kumar friends did, Rabia, Dr.Shaikh,Jainab,Samim,Salma,etc….
          will eventually require mac to marry 4 hindu women to fill the loss !!! 🙂
          So Admin, don’t think i am done.
          Even now there are two hindu girls around me, if i just give lil hint to one that i am also interested in her, then admin you know another hindu girl is not saved. So unless i don’t get married with a muslim girl,dear admin don’t celebrate. And more i see muslim girls with hindu guys, the more will be chances that i change my mind and marry a hindu girl instead of a muslim girl.

          • February 4, 2016 9:17 pm

            Several points to discuss with you:

            1) Illegal use of Facebook: You have made a facebook site XXXX that we believe is illegal. Facebook does not allow fake names like “macXXX” where other facebook users do not know who the mac is. Further, your site is listed as a community but your site is a one-man show and “mac-community” is not any registered organization.
            2) Breach of confidentiality: You said “I and kumar had personal chat on facebook” and now you are going in “public” on this web forum to disclose all “personal” discussion you had between two of you off-line on Facebook. It is illegal and unethical to disclose someone’s personal confidential information in public. Before disclosing his information, ideally you should have asked to Kumar for his permission to disclose such personal information. Further, you are using Facebook for such illegal activity and Facebook’s name could go bad. If Kumar complains this to Facebook, they could shut your facebook site down for illegal name and unethical practices. This is not InterfaithShaadi’s problem but you should know confidentiality laws and learn to respect others privacy.
            3) Conversion practices: We believe this conversion business for expansion of certain faith is wrong and it should end now. If two people get in love and wishes to marry, they have to learn to respect each other’s faith and their upbringings. Kumar, nor her gf, should be asked to convert. If his gf wishes for a Muslim, she should look for a Muslim to start with. What Koran says is Muslim’s problem and not Kumar’s.
            4) Cheating? We agree 100% to you that it is wrong to promise something then retract. However, when a boy and girl get in love, they go blind. They show rose gardens to the other without realizing reality of life. Sometimes promises made in blind love are unrealistic. For this reason, we have made this site to educate people like Kumar and his gf. Question is did Kumar clearly know what it means to be a Muslim (and 0% Hindu) when he promised her?
            5) Don’t play with own your life: mac, you said “eventually require mac to marry 4 hindu women to fill the loss”. Our humble request is – don’t marry to someone for agenda other than a true love. Marriage is not a game or a battleground to get even with Hindus. If you marry to someone who you don’t truly love or had love-jihadi agenda, it could bring deeper troubles for you later in life. Yes, your dad was successful but don’t assume today’s girls are naïve or will be submissive as you wish. Good luck! Keep us posted for how it goes. Rabia, what do you think of mac this strategy to get even with Hindus for what you did (“kumar friends did, Rabia, Dr.Shaikh, Jainab, Samim, Salma,…”)? Do you feel marriage could be successful if done with some hidden agenda?

          • mac
            February 4, 2016 11:29 pm

            Admin, like you always do, and you have been doing this to me and mohammed bro from past two years, i.e when ever you find yourself in difficult situation you take U-Turn and divert the topic or stay silent. Here you did the first one.

            Instead of dealing with what kumar did you are talking about how it is wrong to expose kumar`s personal evil deep to trap a muslim girl, nice going admin, but we see through it, we can very much see through your tactic to hide boys your community.

            //What Koran says is Muslim’s problem and not Kumar’s.//
            wah isn`t that intolerance, it means no matter what Quran says, if kumar doesn`t like it, he can breach it and you guys talk about tolerance and interfaith marriages and living together in same home following two different religion!!!!!!

            Sameway, what Hinduism says isn`t problem of Muslim boys/girls, it is problem of Hindus.

            Had i made that statement, you would have made a whole long comment against me how intolerant i am.

            Hypocrisy and double standard at its peak.

            //Question is did Kumar clearly know what it means to be a Muslim (and 0% Hindu) when he promised her?/// Question is also do muslim girls or boys(like dr.shaik or any muslim man having hinfu gf) know what it means to be muslim having hindu bf/gf when they started their relationship?

            About my personal life: You advising me not to marry 4, thank you admin for that advice.

            Since hindu guys are marrying muslim girls in huge numbers, then inevitably it is creating void in the hindu community, where will hindu girls go, it is unfair that they remain unmarried through out their life, so to take care of them, to make them happy, mac is ready to take burden of 4 at a time, do you have any problem?

            //If you marry to someone who you don’t truly love , it could bring deeper troubles for you later in life// Who told you that i am gonna marry someone whom i don`t love?

            If people in the west can love 5 women legally without marrying, then why can`t i love 4 women at a time marrying?

            //Yes, your dad was successful but don’t assume today’s girls are naïve or will be submissive as you wish// believe it or not, the most kattar hindu girl in our class once told me that Islam is the best religion, because i told her many aspects of islam, i explained to her what is islam, meaning of muslim,hijab,etc…and then she told me oneday that she likes islam, for her it is the best religion and she accepted that hinduism is loaded with flaws which she doesn`t like, and she was the best student i our class. So don` worry about mac.

            But i can assure you that you are safe, you can take long breath coz i have yet not decided, but if this trend of hindu boys marrying muslim girl continues, then i assure you that one day i might come with that news that i am married for the 4 th time. 🙂

          • February 5, 2016 9:58 pm

            mac, what you do with your life is your personal issue and preference, including polygamy, talaaks and muta marriages.

            As we have have seen, if you marry to even one but intelligent and educated girl (from any faith), she is not going to dance at your tunes. Even one will give you enough headaches and you will not have energy left for more (or money to raise more than 2 kids). These days marriage works out well only if you are willing to take some and give some, not “there is only one way and that is mine!!” Best wishes.

        • Kumar
          February 4, 2016 7:51 am

          When we both got committed ,i told her ” either you convert or i will “. Neither did i promise her saying i would convert to Muslim nor did she promise me saying she wud convert to islam . At one point i told her i wud not convert and she didn’t have any problem with it. I also her it is not required for her to convert. We both wud follow our own religion after marriage.

          wer did i cheat her admin?

          • February 4, 2016 9:16 pm

            We love the bottom line “We both wud follow our own religion after marriage.” That is our fundamental message to all youths in love.

          • mac
            February 4, 2016 11:10 pm

            Dear Admin, how will both follow their own respective religion when marrying kumar will violate her religion in the first place?

          • February 5, 2016 9:48 pm

            It is youths in love has to define how they will mix two. If one thinks they cannot mix with the other(100% vs 0%), then that exclusivist should mingle with their own community and not look out side.

          • February 5, 2016 9:52 pm

            Kumar, did you talk to your parents? Are they willing to accept a Muslim as their daughter-in-law?

          • mac
            February 6, 2016 5:13 am

            Admin, you said ” then that exclusivist should mingle with their own community and not look out side.”

            What if that exclusivist is told in the beginning that he will convert to yours in the beginning, if that excluvist was informed in the beginning, that excluvist wouldn`t have started relationship in the beginning, so?

      • Rabia
        February 5, 2016 8:20 am

        Salaam alaikum, Mac,

        Have you heard of “ghar wapsi” and the new “bahu lao, beti bachao” campaigns? I find them most amusing in India 🙂 VHP and RSS at work to save the Hindus from being trapped by Muslims or Christians.

        It is not OK to lie or deceive, but that being said it’s also possible that people will change their minds after marriage. Again, it’s not up to me to judge because people are cunning and they may have had bad things in mind even before marriage.

        Eagerly waiting to finish the book, so will be going back to my cooking now. Can’t multitask as full time housewife and part time writer, can I? Masalaama!

    • mohammed
      February 4, 2016 10:09 am

      // In Quran it is stated that a non Muslim must be stoned to death, if he rejects to accept islam. //

      I dont know where you have read this bro kumar? Show the verse i will belive, There is no such verse at all, instead islam says There is no compulsion in religion

      You are keep lying to us, firstly u said u gave promise ur girl friend saba for converting initial stage, now u say u didnt promise, what a game u are playing with people hearts,

      // It is also written that a Muslim man can rape a non Muslim women especially Jews.

      When eating pork is considered haram in islam ,Don’t u think rape has to be considered haram ?//
      Again you are lying on this statement also, I dont know where you have read like this lying stuffs, show me the verse if you are truthfull

      // Faith on islam is fading day by day. The world has started hating islam. Educated Muslims are turning out to be terrorists. //
      Ha ha ha, why u are joking, Today islam .is the fastest growing religion in the world, do u belive in media? Those media who stops people for accepting the truth by brainwashing like this forum admin who is brainwasher for the people

      • Kumar
        February 5, 2016 9:37 am

        To Mohammad

        Bro wer hav i told that i promised saba regarding convertion. If so please let me kno.

  • Momeen
    February 2, 2016 10:34 pm

    Ahmed Noor,
    Thanks for the title of Islamophobe;
    I would be extremely honoured being called an Islamophobe and fighting tooth and nail against paedophilia, polygamy, sex slavery, non‐payment of alimony, murdering of apostates and blasphemers, jizya, dawah, shameless one‐sided proselytizing, crushing of all other faith followers, advocating religious fascism… rather than being an Islamoholic and supporting and promoting every barbaric and ruthless activity for the carrot called ‘Heaven’.

    Ahmed Noor, you must be a very good father who has given the daughters good education; but there are thousands and thousands of very young girls who’re being married to anyone between twenty to ninety‐ you’ll not question the barbarity! You’re hanging for a seat in the heaven and you’ll support and promote every devilish activity for the carrot!!

    I’m against slaying cows and so I’m not even an exMuslim ; come on, Ahmed, by that logic I don’t qualify to be called a Hindu either! I’m absolutely against milking of cows and argue that milking is more cruel than slaughtering. As an Arab you might not be knowing the usage of milk in temples. I’m completely against usage of milk for any purpose!
    So I neither fit here nor there! But anyhow you’ll definitely enter heaven since you wanted to win the kafirs by slaughtering that animal which they consider as holy!

    And finally the scholar of the forum has correctly identified my Brahminical background‐ my brother always says the same: either in my last birth I should have been a Brahmin or before conversions my ancestors would have been Brahmins! Well sir, its just myth that only Brahmins love India and Hinduism. There are millions of lower caste Hindus who love the nation and the faith from all their hearts. I don’t know if I’m a higher or lower caste Hindu but I do know that I don’t belong to that class who categorize and hate because of faith!

    By the way, I’m just arguing in a forum! Tarek Fatah and Tufail Ahmed Elif are shredding Islmaism in international papers, so they’re also Brahmins! Zuhdi Jazzer and Raheel Raza who’re tirelessly calling for the reformation of Islam must be Jews!!

    Heaven Goers and their hallucinatory world!!!

    • mac
      February 2, 2016 11:00 pm

      Is it fault of Ahmed Noor that girls are getting married at premature age?

      I never said lower caste Hindu people don`t love India, dare you to show where i insisted that…

      • Hanna Khan (former Momeen):
        February 5, 2016 7:18 am

        Shall we look at some of the scholar’s responses for my grievances in various blogs!

        Momeen: “But I feel it’s far better than the brutality of getting a 10 or 11 year old married to someone between 20 to 90 as one of the four wives and pushing the little soul into hellfire! The former one is the free choice of an independent woman‐ though its absolutely unfortunate, but the latter is the treatment of a little girl as a commodity to satisfy the lust of a scoundrel with religious banner!

        Jianab’s post:
        Let’s examine your approach‒ would you marry your ten or eleven year old sister/ daughter to someone anywhere between twenty and ninety? I know, definitely not! But there are Islamic nations where such atrocities happen quoting Quranic texts and I don’t see a word condemning the barbarism! They are holding The Book which you consider as sacred and committing the heinous crime!

        An extremist in the forum openly advocated ‘muta marraiage’! In spite of being an Islamist, Mr. Noor had at least the audacity to question and condemn him! Rich Arabs are targeting poorer nations, enter into marriage contract by paying the parents and commit the monstrous crime by quoting Quranic permission- a google pundit like you needs any proof! An underprivileged girl’s body is everybody’s property, whoever can afford buys the commodity, uses, squeezes and throws in the dustbin!

        Heroes are those humans, who are fighting tooth and nail with those demons, not the cunning predators who shun their responsibilities and justify the demonic criminality to enter heaven!

        //Reply of Mac: What pedophillia, there is no pedophillia in islam, don`t cook lies.
        Sex slavery- another lie, no such thing in islam.
        a rape victim shd produce four male witnesses to prove the charge— another lie, no such thing in islam.//

        How much more can he be a ruthless defender of the demons?

        Definite HeavenGoer! Born to spread such unadulterated truths of Islam!! So we have to assume that eight and nine old girls wantonly reach men and crave for the disgusting, demonic lust to be satisfied and the men, with all magnanimity allow themselves to be brutally raped by these cruel kids, in halal way by a marriage contract!!!

        The humanitarian scholar chose to ignore!

        “Islam made it lawful for a master to have a number of slave-women captured in wars and enjoined that he alone may have sexual relations with them”.
        Mohammed Qutb, Isalm: The Misunderstood Religion, p:40

        “Islam does not prohibit slavery but retains it for two reasons. The first reason is war (whether it is a civil war or a foreign war in which the captive is either killed or enslaved) provided that the war is not between Muslims against each other – it is not acceptable to enslave the violators, or the offenders, if they are Muslims. Only non-Muslim captives may be enslaved or killed. The second reason is the sexual propagation of slaves which would generate more slaves for their owner.”
        ‘You Ask and Islam Answers’, Dr. ‘Abdul-Latif Mushtahari, the General Supervisor and Director of Homiletic and Guidance at the Azhar University, pp. 51,52

        “Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don’t you enslave their women?”
        Shaikh Saad Al-Buraik, a prominent cleric of Saudi Arabia urging Palestinians to enslave Jewish women.

        The scholar chose to remain silent on the subject where stalwarts of Muslims preach how sex slavery is part of Islam.

        Rape victim: Hudood Ordinance was in Pakistan till 2006.

        So, it has taken six months for the scholar to say that he is against paedophilia. I’ve been bombarding about the barbarity taking place in Islamic nations with religious banner and neither you nor your bro deemed fit to condemn it, rather you justified by saying that the baby born to the child bride gets a father.

        You both belong to the same category: neither you nor your bro will get your sister or daughter married before 18 or 20. After all, some little girl is raped by some devil with Islamic banner, what’s your problem? As long as your girls are not affected, no problem for you.So your dual goal is achieved! Your womenfolk will be well educated while at the same time supporting and promoting child marriage would ensure that you don’t tamper with Allah’s account books.

        I’ve already said that you are a double faced man with a forked tongue.

        //”I never said lower caste Hindu people don`t love India, dare you to show where i insisted that…”//
        Now what should I call this? Cunningness or craftiness? “lower caste Hindu people don`t love India”/ I’ve clearly stated, “millions of lower caste hindus love India and HINDUISM”/ you’ve diplomatically removed the word “Hinduism” from the statement. So you agree that “lower caste Hindu people love India and HINDUISM”!

      • Hanna Khan (former Momeen):
        February 6, 2016 9:31 am

        Reposted as comment went into moderation:

        This is the first time you’ve raised voice against paedophilia. Even now, you’ve not condemned paedophilia’s full-blown curse. You’ve carefully added the word ‘premature’, so, now we need to assume that as soon a girl begins her menstruation she is fit for marriage!

        Shall we look at some of the scholar’s responses for my grievances in various blogs!

        Jianab’s post:
        //Let’s examine your approach‒ would you marry your ten or eleven year old sister/ daughter to someone anywhere between twenty and ninety? I know, definitely not! But there are Islamic nations where such atrocities happen quoting Quranic texts and I don’t see a word condemning the barbarism! They are holding The Book which you consider as sacred and committing the heinous crime!

        An extremist in the forum openly advocated ‘muta marraiage’! In spite of being an Islamist, Mr. Noor had at least the audacity to question and condemn him! Rich Arabs are targeting poorer nations, enter into marriage contract by paying the parents and commit the monstrous crime by quoting Quranic permission- a google pundit like you needs any proof! An underprivileged girl’s body is everybody’s property, whoever can afford buys the commodity, uses, squeezes and throws in the dustbin!

        Heroes are those humans, who are fighting tooth and nail with those demons, not the cunning predators who shun their responsibilities and justify the demonic criminality to enter heaven!//

        Mac vs Momeen Blog
        Momeen: “But I feel it’s far better than the brutality of getting a 10 or 11 year old married to someone between 20 to 90 as one of the four wives and pushing the little soul into hellfire! The former one is the free choice of an independent woman‐ though its absolutely unfortunate, but the latter is the treatment of a little girl as a commodity to satisfy the lust of a scoundrel with religious banner!

        //Reply of Mac: What pedophillia, there is no pedophillia in islam, don`t cook lies.
        Sex slavery- another lie, no such thing in islam.
        a rape victim shd produce four male witnesses to prove the charge— another lie, no such thing in islam.//

        Yes HeavenGoer, only by closing your eyes to the brutality unleashed on girls and women, you can definitely enter heaven!
        How much more can you be a ruthless defender of the demons?

        Perfect Islamist, you’re born to spread such unadulterated truths of Islam!! So we have to assume that eight and nine old girls wantonly reach men and crave for the disgusting, demonic lust to be satisfied and the hapless men, with all magnanimity allow themselves to be brutally raped by these cruel kids, in halal way by a marriage contract!!!

        As usual, the humanitarian scholar chose to ignore!

        “Islam made it lawful for a master to have a number of slave-women captured in wars and enjoined that he alone may have sexual relations with them”.
        Mohammed Qutb, Isalm: The Misunderstood Religion, p:40

        “Islam does not prohibit slavery but retains it for two reasons. The first reason is war (whether it is a civil war or a foreign war in which the captive is either killed or enslaved) provided that the war is not between Muslims against each other – it is not acceptable to enslave the violators, or the offenders, if they are Muslims. Only non-Muslim captives may be enslaved or killed. The second reason is the sexual propagation of slaves which would generate more slaves for their owner.”
        ‘You Ask and Islam Answers’, Dr. ‘Abdul-Latif Mushtahari, the General Supervisor and Director of Homiletic and Guidance at the Azhar University, pp. 51,52

        “Their women are yours to take, legitimately. God made them yours. Why don’t you enslave their women?”
        Shaikh Saad Al-Buraik, a prominent cleric of Saudi Arabia urging Palestinians to enslave Jewish women.

        The compassionate scholar chose to remain silent on the subject where stalwarts of Muslims preach how sex slavery is part of Islam.

        Rape victim: Hudood Ordinance was in Pakistan till 2006.

        So, it has taken six months for the scholar to say that he is against paedophilia. I’ve been bombarding about the barbarity taking place in Islamic nations with religious banner and neither you nor your bro deemed fit to condemn it, rather you justified by saying that the baby born to the child bride gets a father.

        You and Ahmed Noor belong to the same category: neither you nor your bro will get your sister or daughter married before 18 or 20. After all, some little girl is raped by some devil with Islamic banner, what’s your problem? As long as your girls are not affected, no problem for you.So your dual goal is achieved! Your womenfolk will be well educated while at the same time supporting and promoting child marriage would ensure that you don’t tamper with Allah’s account books.

        I’ve already said that you are a double faced man with a forked tongue.

        //”I never said lower caste Hindu people don`t love India, dare you to show where i insisted that…”//
        Now what should I call this? Cunningness or craftiness? “lower caste Hindu people don`t love India”/ I’ve clearly stated, “millions of lower caste hindus love India and HINDUISM”/ you’ve diplomatically removed the word “Hinduism” from the statement. So you agree that “lower caste Hindu people love India and HINDUISM”!

  • mac
    February 2, 2016 9:59 pm

    Everyone watch these two videos.

    One is muslim boy beaten up for saying ‘allah’ .
    Another is muslim boys beaten to death on street in south indian state.

    And then there are people always crying out about tolerant india, there are people in india saying they are afraid of calling themselves hindu(anupam kher) while truth is muslims are beaten up for saying allah.
    There are people lecturing muslims to become peaceful, tolerant while muslims are beaten up for saying allah , beaten to death on streets and what not.
    [Note: I no way meant above 2 videos are representation of all hindus or what they think, it is fringe activity but that fringe is not that fringe as Modi is the most popular]

    • Momeen
      February 2, 2016 10:41 pm

      Exactly! That’s the truth!!
      What is fringe activity committed by thugs in inclusive nations is mainstream activity committed by state machinery and bulk of the population in Islamic nations!!!

      But cultenslaved brains can never identify the rot and the root cause!

      • mac
        February 2, 2016 10:59 pm

        No wonder you failed to grasp my previous comment. Narendra Modi is the product of RSS, bajrangdal who beat people here and there are also product of RSS, infact they all believe in `Hindutva` ideology(not hinduism). Why groups like Barangdal not banned despite numerous examples taking law in their own hand, terrorist plot, beating people for no reasons?

  • Momeen
    February 2, 2016 9:35 pm

    These are those superior human beings who have upheld the true essence of faith;
    These are the people who prove to be the beacon of hope;
    These are the brothers who make us to believe, there is light at the end of the tunnel!


    Islam would be one of the finest faiths if the followers adopt the authentic sense of Brotherhood!

    • mac
      February 2, 2016 11:09 pm

      LOL 😀

      So this guy momeen believes islam will be finest faith if muslims start donating for Hindu temples. Mommen, Islam doesn`t require actions of muslims, the quran defines islam, and islam is still the fastest growing religion, most converts to religion are actually to islamic faith despite having so much anti-islamic propaganda in media,news,movies,everywhere.

      About muslims donating for hindu temple, muslims are doing this for centuries, they don`t need your certificate, history is evidence both Hindus and Muslims came forward to support each other in their respective religious cause and sometimes contrary took place too.

      The Mughals which you hate so much and label them as bloody gave donations to thousands of hindu temple. Muslim rulers help rebuilt hindu temples which were destroyed by hindu rulers, e.g Tipu Sultan repaired one hindu temple which was destroyed by Marathi warriors.

      You are a man of ignorance for top to bottom, you read too much fake histories form Internet.

      oh you are fan of Tarek Fatah, that joker who dance in the tunes of indian fascist Sangh Parivar.

  • mac
    February 2, 2016 6:13 pm

    Dr. Shaikh is a muslim lady having hindu bf, her full name is Shameena Shaikh, she is a doctor and her bf is also a doctor. Here is her page https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10328

  • mac
    February 2, 2016 5:55 pm

    Sister Rabia, did you read my replies relating to why hindus are not considered people of the book,etc?

    And ya about this website, it’s lil weired if you are used to facebook or social media, but guess what you can keep track of new comments better than facebook pages/groups. In this website, a new comment may be made at the bottom like you did many times if you give reply the comments lying at the bottom, sameway you can make comments at the top, to check recent comment, click comment tab at the right top corner of the window, a list will show recent comments. Clicking hyperlink from there will take you to exact reply that people gave.

  • Kumar
    February 2, 2016 8:23 am

    y did ur husband fake convert

    • February 2, 2016 8:43 pm

      Her husband is an agnostic, not circumcised (we assume based on what she wrote about circumcision) and going to do pooja for Diwal when they go to Indiai. We do not know if he believes in Muhammad and perform namaz five times/day. We can’t wait to read her book, hopefully there will be more info there.

      • mac
        February 2, 2016 11:18 pm

        TO kumar: Because her husband is not like you, you cheated your muslim girl friend saba, you initially made fake promise to her that you will accept islam and then later took U-turn when you realized she is in deep mad love with you and then told her your real intentions of not accepting islam and now that she has no option as she is in relationship with you for too long, infact you were abusing islam,muslims,prophet while you were the same guy started relationship with a muslim girl saba saying you will accept islam, is there any big of a liar than you?

        • Rabia
          February 5, 2016 8:25 am

          That’s very misleading and very majorly sinning… No religion can preach this type of misleading and hypocrisy!

          • mac
            February 6, 2016 5:15 am

            But that is what Kumar did, that is what his another hindu friend is doing with a muslim girl named Alia Nusrat.

  • Momeen
    February 2, 2016 7:26 am

    Scholar mac has given his most humane explanation: Islamic invaders came in and pulled millions out of casteism.

    i. Right sir, agreed! Your ‘religion of peace’ pulled millions out of casteism!! Why do you stop with that, continue and finish the rest of the story: and pushed them into the death knell of ‘my faith is superior’, ‘my Holy Book is real’, ‘Muslims are a cut above’ ‐ so, from casteism they have moved to brutal cultism!

    ii. From North to South, West to East ‐ was India a country? Nope! Definitely not! India was not a country from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh and Kahmir to Kanyakumari but Bharath was a Hindu entity from entire Afghanistan to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. As Islamic serpents crept in we lost our nation and people to the cancer and today all the three Islamic nations are fighting the cancer.

    iii. Just because they were smaller kingdoms Muslims invaded? So, your cult can occupy, ravage shrines, loot and convert weaker kingdoms? Now all the Middle Eastern Islamic nations are only mustard size when compared with India or US. So if India or US invade the tinier nations, occupy and push their faiths down the throat via jizya, dawah and rape, I hope you’ll stand with your same logic and support India and US, Mr. Honest!

    For the non‐cultenslaved population:
    There is no God superior and no Gospel perfect. Hinduism has had its own share of unethical practices but as time progressed it absolved itself of the abhorrent traditions. Christianity and Judaism are in no way inferior in establishing, ‘only true God and Gospel’.
    But these two exclusivist doctrines evolved with time and today most of the Christian nations are among the most inclusive nations.

    If all these faiths had been hanging over to every word of their Gospel, then today they would have also ended up one and only as parasitical cults.

    But a cultenslaved mind coupled with cutthroat character can neither see the truth nor have the humanity to empathize.

    To the HeavenGoers:
    God will bless paradise only for those ruthless humans who squeeze under their feet differing belief‐sytems!

    • mac
      February 3, 2016 12:05 am

      //Scholar mac has given his most humane explanation: Islamic invaders came in and pulled millions out of casteism.//

      Not just me, every mainstream historians and intellectuals believe that way and that is the truth, which one will people pick(before the formation of `Modern` Indian Constitution) , equality in the name of god or inequality in the name of god????

      ///i. Right sir, agreed! Your ‘religion of peace’ pulled millions out of casteism!! Why do you stop with that, continue and finish the rest of the story: and pushed them into the death knell of ‘my faith is superior’, ‘my Holy Book is real’, ‘Muslims are a cut above’ ‐ so, from casteism they have moved to brutal cultism!///

      dohhh now that you have no argument left, you are putting words in my mouth, actually he wants to hear these things from me to bash me further.

      ///ii. From North to South, West to East ‐ was India a country? Nope! Definitely not! India was not a country from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh and Kahmir to Kanyakumari but Bharath was a Hindu entity from entire Afghanistan to Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. As Islamic serpents crept in we lost our nation and people to the cancer and today all the three Islamic nations are fighting the cancer.///

      You better get educated, there was no concept of nationalism in that time, and Bangladesh and southern part of India were never part of historical `Bharat`, the `Bharat` territory ended in UP,bihar in the east to Sindh, and don`t forget, bharat was also a conqueror, he extended his territory, after his name the occupied territory got the name `Bharat`, Bengal came with Hindustan(or Bharat) during the reign of King Akbar, o boy you seriously need a proper history class, too much reading of pseudo history from internet has infected your brain. It was British who annexed North East part of with India, if you were one nation, will you understand the language of Mizo or a Naga person?
      And if you consider Afganistan as part of akhand bharat, then babar came from samarkhand which is in afganistan, so if bharat is not invader, then how come babur was invader, also babur was invited to fight along with him by a hindu king Rana Sanga.

      ///iii. Just because they were smaller kingdoms Muslims invaded? So, your cult can occupy, ravage shrines, loot and convert weaker kingdoms? Now all the Middle Eastern Islamic nations are only mustard size when compared with India or US. So if India or US invade the tinier nations, occupy and push their faiths down the throat via jizya, dawah and rape, I hope you’ll stand with your same logic and support India and US, Mr. Honest!///

      No, they came here to free people from slavery and many hindu kings invited them, mughals came to india in response to invitation from a hindu king Rana Sanga. It is because of Muslims that today there exist a piece of land known as India, the architect of this vast India was King Akbar, much credit goes to British as well for expanding it further. it is because of the muslims and British that indians learnt the concept of equality, treating other peoples with dignity, use of toilet, shoes, soaps, modern cloths, educations, now no hindu women faces the curse of sati pratha, dev dashi , there was no punishment for rapes..and so on..today lower caste and higher caste study in school siting side by side, was it possible in the in the india before Muslim/British Invasion?

      //For the non‐cultenslaved population:
      There is no God superior and no Gospel perfect. Hinduism has had its own share of unethical practices but as time progressed it absolved itself of the abhorrent traditions. Christianity and Judaism are in no way inferior in establishing, ‘only true God and Gospel’.
      But these two exclusivist doctrines evolved with time and today most of the Christian nations are among the most inclusive nations.//

      Again misinformation, Hindusim didn`t progress, the texts of Hindusim are same as it was 1000 years ago, Indian laws donot allow such things today, now you will say credit goes to hindus for changing, may be, may be not, because it was amdedkar, an ex-hindu who drafted indian constitution, and on the issue of hindu women getting right to inheritance, ambedkar had disagreement with nehru and on that issue ambedkar resigned from his law ministry as nehru donot wanted the right of inheritance for hindu women as he felt that Hindus were not ready for that reformation , so here we have, you always talk about islam not getting reformed, while truth is muslim women has right to inheritance from 7th century while in 20th century most liberal Hindus fought with each other on this issue whether it should be implemented on india or not, so get your head checked properly before you compare chock and cheese.

      Yes Christian nations are inclusive, but most of the bombs directed towards civilians which killed millions of people were also directed from christian countries and is still continuing. It was Muslim who dropped nuclear bombs in Japan, it was muslims who dropped bombs in Vietnam,Iraq,Syria,Libya,Afghanistan,………

  • mac
    February 2, 2016 5:32 am

    Sister Rabia, incase you didn`t read my reply posted way below regarding the issues that you raised like why Hindus are not considered as people of the book,etc, here is the link to read those replied https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981#comment-373404

  • Mohammed
    January 29, 2016 8:01 am

    I dont know wheather Rabia has learned from here or not surely brainwashed by some people

  • Momeen
    January 28, 2016 10:26 pm

    You’re a liberal in the eyes of Muslims but for the rest, an usual Muslim apologist.

    While some points you’ve made are highly commendable, your supremacist thinking slashes all the ethicality.

    I’m just wondering if an individual raised in a liberal family exhibits such a chauvinistic attitude how would the children brought up in a radical home be?

    • mac
      January 28, 2016 11:50 pm

      Power of Islam. That’s it, no need to wonder mr.momeen. 🙂

      It is the power and beauty of Islam that it can convience people coming from all walks of life. Earlier you people had argument that islam convince people from poor,uneducated,illeterate,misogynist background but now that you saw a person that too a woman, that too from liberal background talking about islam and exposing evils of present india giving contrast to what prophet did in 7th century to abolish such evils, and this making them wonder!
      It is making them wonder cause they have done so much propaganda against islam to create an atmosphere where being educated for a muslim girl meant only speaking against islam or muhammad peace be upon him, and uplifting indian or western culture, moment any girl deviates from that narrative, it makes them wonder what did they do wrong that girls like Rabia exists. Well, mr momeen, you people did nothing wrong, it’s just that Rabia is educated in Islam.
      Sister Rabia, proud to have a girl like you, though there are millions of girls like you, but they are afraid to speak up coz they think others might think them as backward for speaking about islam in positive way while there are tiny fraction of women like Taslima Nasreen and her ikes who are very vocal,media gives them attention, non-muslim anti-islamic boys consider them as brave,educated…….

      Why Islam convince people?
      Because people prefers android phone over old symbian phones. Isn’t ? People will obviously choose phones having more memory,more battery capacity, more megapixels in camera, less price, isn’t it, same way when people study different religiion,cultures, they end up praising,converting or reverting to islam.

      • Momeen
        January 29, 2016 2:52 am

        So the tiger/ cat is back!!

        Now Rabia ‘sister’ is amazing after she took you to task on Islamic lessons and the second most important thing is she has assured that the children will be given Islamic upbringing!

        Cunningness is your way of entering heaven, not mine.

        To refresh your knowledge, I’ve already said some of her points are highly commendable‐ she does not hesitate to introspect; she has perfectly labeled the community as ‘laughing stock’. I would add to it: ‘hatemongering stock’!

        For you, religion is ‘one and only mine’ club; for me faith is universal powerhouse!
        I can go to dargah, temple, church and pray without discrimination; a hatemongering, cunning brain which always calculates on how to increase the population can never understand the depth of faith!

        Rabia unlike Dr. Shameena Sheikh has so far withstood your indoctrination onslaught; read her posts properly before you begin your cultenslaved sermon! She is against some of the fundamental Islamic faultlines which has thrown the community into the dark ages.

        And to Rabia:
        Though I’m absolutely against your supremacist tendencies, I appreciate the valid questions you’ve raised! One more vital point: If interfaith couples fail to sow broadmindedness in kids, how much hatemonger, extremist the children would become, you can learn from this site itself!

        • mac
          January 29, 2016 5:26 am

          So you are in situation which forces you to name call me that too drawing analogy with animals!

          //Now Rabia ‘sister’ is amazing after she took you to task on Islamic lessons and the second most important thing is she has assured that the children will be given Islamic upbringing!// exactly, and no need to highlight sister as it is evident here in this website that i call every girl whether hindu,muslim or sikh as sister as islam taught me this.

          //Cunningness is your way of entering heaven, not mine.// the idea of cunningness run contrary to the idea of islam.

          //To refresh your knowledge, I’ve already said some of her points are highly commendable// when did i mention that you didn’t said her points are commendable?
          My reply was focussed on your remark on Rabia being brought up in a liberal home still following islam which made you wonder.

          And on the issue of laughing stock, it’s her opinion and i respect her opinion, we may debate on this, we may agree to disagree on that note, but that doesn’t mean we disagree about islam, she pointed one of the wrongs of muslim not islam, every society is laughing stock in front of other, it’s a relative concept. Take for example, governor of Arunachal Pradesh recently cited ‘cow slaughter’ as complete collapse of law and order in the state while it is legal in that state, for him cow is holy so it made sense to him but others laughed at him for such ridiculous claim. Poverty,corruption,unemployment,malnutrition,illeteracy are not issue for him but cow is an issue and he is siting governor of a state.

          I never questioned your faith, don’t know why you lectured me on what type of faith you have.

          //She is against some of the fundamental Islamic faultlines// what is fundamental and which fundamental aspect of islam that Rabia is against of. So far i don’t see any comments from Rabia against any fundamental principles of Islam. Oh i forgot since it gives you pleasure of seeing a muslim girl commenting against islam, since rabia didn’t do any of this, so you are forcefully driving your point.

          • Momeen
            January 29, 2016 6:27 am

            Dear sir,
            You’ve covered each and every point, good!
            Relation of animals is to highlight character, a regular forum visitor knows how you roar on others’ mistakes while going mum on Islamic atrocities on both Muslims and nonMuslims.

            Cunningness is contrary to Islam: but advising all Muslims in relationship with Hindu men/ women to convert to Islam/ in moral world its called utter, cutthroat and shameless cunningness.

            Liberal family children: So this is how a cultenslaved brain perceives! What is lament for me is jubilation for you; what is parasitical cult for one is religion for other!
            Don’t worry, keep on hammering her with your Islamic heaven/ hell doctrine, she’ll definitely turn around just as how you capitalized on Dr.Shaikh’s wavering attitude.

            On my faith: Everyone in the forum knows that you’re a perfect Muslim; you duty is to impose on others your cultenslaved dogma; never can you accept or respect others’ faiths or beliefs. I shared my view on faith because you’ve directly addressed me with your post about the greatness of a cancerous cult!

            Rabia’s views on Islam: I can point out other remarks where she has taken a correct stand but I do not want to since I never know when she’ll do a Dr. Sheikh and begin to say, “I’ve done my own reseach…..”;

            Don’t worry mac, as I’ve already told you in Jainab’s post, you’re always the winner; a satvik nation was invaded, bulk of the population converted, bloodied partition followed; all this I know is by the power of Islam.

            Ultimately again you’ve proved one point: you’ll never fight against the evils that are inside the community, but only point fingers at those who are trying to fight the cancer. A constructive Muslim would be like Zuhdi Jasser and Raheel Raza, but in your view they would be destined for Hell, for they also call for complete reinterpretation of Quran.

            OK, HeavenGoer, proceed!

          • Mohammed
            January 29, 2016 7:45 am

            Bro mac, why u are wasting time by replying to irrespective and illogical people who never understand Islam, . Allah has sealed their hearts and maked them deaf and blind..
            As Momeen is consurned, He is not a muslim at all, he is a hindu guy who mislead peoples here by brainwashing them for Islam. .
            Like this people wont succeed in their life.,

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 9:37 am

            Yes mohammed bhai you are right, starting conversation with momeen like people is the mistake in the first place itself, because they are 0 in knowledge about islam and they never bother to get educated about Islam as they know it will make then ‘unhate’ the religion. Momeen never bothers to debate on factual basis or on the theology of islam, instead he relies on his stupid talking points like personal attack,cult,cult,slave,slave,etc.

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 10:00 am

            //Relation of animals is to highlight character, a regular forum visitor knows how you roar on others’ mistakes while going mum on Islamic atrocities on both Muslims and nonMuslims.// still defending your insane analogy.
            Regular forum visitor knows that i from my side post nothing unless any one forces me to do so. When someone tries to justify bigotry towards muslims citing examples from here and there, then i show them examples from here and there to show that the bigotry is not justified just because some examples exist on your side too. Today I did the same when i citied example of governor of Arunachal Pradesh, you amplied Rabia’s ‘opinion’ that muslims are laughing stock for XYZ reasons by saying the are hatemongerstock. I donot go mum over violence, infact i am the one who is consistent of condemning violence whether it is organisation or any state. And this group is for interfaith marriage purpose, so i only talk on this unless someone diverts me. It’s you guys who bring offtopic stuff here and when i saw offtopic stuff from other side to counter your original offtopic stuff, you say i only talk from one side, that’s not true at all. And finally there is no islamic attrocities, as is against attrocities, it is the fault of individuals not islam.

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 10:07 am

            //Cunningness is contrary to Islam: but advising all Muslims in relationship with Hindu men/ women to convert to Islam/ in moral world its called utter, cutthroat and shameless cunningness.//

            That’s your definition since you are against islam. Since this group is about interfaithshaadi so my advise will be on this topic. And changing religion is not crime. So advising people to choose right religion isn’t crime, i have never bullied christian or hindu girls, only those people who has connection with islam with their marriage, i comment on such post. Advising people to follow right religion is not cutthrot, to prove that you have to enter into theology of islam, which you will never do infront as you know why, coz you tried earlier, but you couldn’t succeed.

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 10:14 am

            //Liberal family children: So this is how a cultenslaved brain perceives! What is lament for me is jubilation for you// but that doesn’t make any sense coz it has nothing to do with the topic here, it’s just your opinion. Your above statement is the perfect example of fanaticism that you label others as cultenslave that too using your own irrational analogy of what is lament for you is jubilation for me, even if that’s true, then that fact doesn’t make me cultenslave or anyone else, it only reflects fanatic thinking of yours.

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 10:20 am

            //what is parasitical cult for one is religion for other!// so islam is parasitical cult for you, aren’t you the same guy everyday lectures on bigotry ? 🙂

          • mac
            January 29, 2016 10:52 am

            //Don’t worry, keep on hammering her with your Islamic heaven/ hell doctrine, she’ll definitely turn around just as how you capitalized on Dr.Shaikh’s wavering attitude.// then why don’t you come up with alternative which stops modern girls like Rabia or Dr. Shameena Shaikh from believing in Islam, infact you should ask yourself why they believe in islam if it is so cancerous? Why dr.shaikh or girls like rabia educated in best of universities(with no mosque around) end up believing in islam? See you are again coming back to the point which i always keeps on repeating that you can’t tolerate people following islam, otherwise why should it bother you so much if Rabia or Shameena believes in Islam?

            //you duty is to impose on others your cultenslaved dogma// No, my duty is to inform others about Islam. Let whom accepts it, and let who reject, it’s not my business. My business ends in informing people.
            And islam is not dogma, a person having no knowledge about Quran will say islam is dogma.

            //never can you accept or respect others’ faiths or beliefs.// do you accept or respect islamic belief? Questioning others !!!

            //I shared my view on faith because you’ve directly addressed me with your post about the greatness of a cancerous cult!// because you in the first place wondered how Rabia believes in Islam, i gave you the reason, instead of attacking the reasons i gave, you attacked me personally.
            And Islam is not a cancerous cult, again it shows the honesty level with which you posed your previous question whether i respect others faiths or not, oh ya i do respect people having different beliefs,faiths.

            //Don’t worry mac, as I’ve already told you in Jainab’s post, you’re always the winner; a satvik nation was invaded, bulk of the population converted, bloodied partition followed; all this I know is by the power of Islam.// it’s a historical fact that nation,nationalism is phenomenon of modern century, it didn’t existed in 8th-10th century. So your notion of satvik nation is just a vague notion,nothing else. Yes bulk of the population were freed from caste discrimination. Forget about partition, first give me date in which year there existed(before the coming mughal,british) a one nation from western border of pakistan to eastern border of Arunachal pradesh? Then we will talk about partition.

  • mac
    January 28, 2016 9:31 pm

    Dear sister Rabia,
    Salam wailaikum….

    You were after people for quickly judging you while it appears you judged admin immediately without realising who he is. I am on this website from early 2014 and let me tell you who is admin and what this website is all about. Admin is an Indian Hindu settled in USA ,he is not a muslim, your prejudice quicky made you comment on the ummah based on admin’s remark though he is not muslim in the first place, so hope you realised you can be wrong in many ways despite studying in best universities.

    • mac
      January 28, 2016 9:38 pm

      About Momeen, he is not islamic either. He clains he is ex-muslim but my guess is he is a jingoistic brahmin hindu from India worried about spread of islam in india as his many comments in other pages of this website suggests. More you read more you will get hold of admin and momeen. About Harjeet, well Harjeet,Chand Osmani, Kartar, Massey, Human, Winston etc are different names but they all post same type of comments , and the comments are anti islamic. So it was just to aware you about what’s goes on in this website.

    • mac
      January 29, 2016 6:09 am

      And about Momeen and others like Harjeet. Momen claims to be an ex-muslim, though my sense predicts he is indian brahmin just worried about spread of islam in india and around the world,especially in India. If my that assumption is wrong, which may be, then he is surely a nationalistic indian having right wing mindset.
      Ask him, he has no problem with the spread of Hinduism,Sikhism,Jainism or Budhism but no no for Islam and Christanity which is a mindset of wing nationalist of India.

      And about people like Harjeet, well less said about their gang the better it is, i say gang cause Harjeet,Chand Osmani,Kartar,Massey,Human,Satyen,etc are all same people under different name, they all have same talking points that islam is false, muhammad was pedophile rapist, islam is anti-women,evil,etc and most important thing about their gang is that they never reply after you give them reply to their initial comment and the reason is they learn that from their master organisation RSS/VHP about anti-islamic talking points but those organisation never teach them real truth about Islam, so when you present them real truth about Islam, so they don’t know to react, that is why Harjeet will never reply you back neither will he ever reply to any real islamic talking points.
      I introduced you to this website as you got confused who is whom. .you thought admin is muslim. Forget about you, when i first to this site, i thought admin might be a female 🙂

      • ahmad noor
        January 29, 2016 10:36 pm

        bro mac
        i discovered that he is not even ex-muslim when he replyed one post blaming us for slaying cows

      • Mohammed
        January 29, 2016 11:40 pm

        Yes bro, Admin hides identity here because his fearnes that he can exposed when he lies

        • January 29, 2016 11:52 pm

          Which country are you writing? From Japan, Germany or America? Why don’t you disclose all your personal information, if you feel that is important. We are not asking you for your personal details, but your views on interfaith marriages are important for youths in love. Focus on what is important.

          Remember, we have blocked Kartar from the site for certain unacceptable practice. Be mindful of it. Have you ever lied on this site or use different names to blog? If you want Rabia and all others to disclose their identity and personal details, then probably this site is not for you. Please take this note seriously, we don’t want to loose you. Got the point?

          • Mohammed
            January 29, 2016 11:57 pm

            yah . .thats great.. because of hiding ur identity people wont judge from which faith u are from and does ur explanation justifies between interfaith lovers is equal or not. . .atleast you can allow us to call u by ur half name, like rabia,ahmed noor, me, mac etc,.

          • January 30, 2016 12:02 am

            What is mac means? Tell us.
            How do you know that Rabia is a right name (not that she should disclose true name)? Actually we request all youths in love to use pseudo names for their privacy, it is their views and situation more important, not names.
            Which country are you blogging from?
            Have you ever used different names to blog on this site (think before answering)?

          • mac
            January 30, 2016 1:13 am

            Mohammed and Ahmed Noor bhai, i was talking about momeen not admin.

            Though muhammad have a point that admin being admin is not being an admin instead he has become apologist of Hinduism, well i have no problem with that but since you are admin, so expect more neutrality from you.

          • Mohammed
            January 30, 2016 3:13 am

            Why u are turning around your talk, people can identify with the help of either by pseudo name which u have given or they had tell their background story from which faith they are belonging from,

            for example, In the case of Rabia, people identify she is a muslim or by read her story
            In the case of mac, mac already said his background
            In the case of me and ahmed.. the name itself enough from which faith belongs from
            but what about you? The name ends with admin and we asked about ur back.ground several times but you hides that too because of fearness..

            Though u as a Admin, your reply should be in the neautral in this interreligious compatition and you should know the knowledge of all religion to main this site,
            but what u are doing..you are just favouring only to the hinduism always because we know that u are a hindu person
            Is this your equality admin?

          • January 30, 2016 9:20 am

            Mohammed, we asked you https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10981#comment-373389 (see bolded) and we will follow it up later.

      • Rabia
        February 2, 2016 6:09 am

        Thanks so much, brother Mac! I didn’t know much about this site so it’s easy to get confused and feel lost and bombarded with questions from all ends 🙂 And not sure who Dr. Sheikh is, never heard of her, but I am sure I can Google her. My attitude is not wavering, but I definitely do think we need to rethink and reform how we perceive what is religion and what is cultural dogma. Islam is a lifestyle, just like Hinduism claims to be, and we live it as we know it to be right. What’s right for Rabia may not be right for Mac, and what’s right for Mac might not be right for Rabia. But at the end of the day, everybody is Muslim. So let’s keep an open mind to listening before we judge, and let’s stick up for the ummah, all men and women. No need for any bad comments – it’s against our culture to curse and insult.
        PS: Must admit I have done my share of this in the past when I was angry.

        • mac
          February 3, 2016 12:25 am

          Sister Rabia, Dr. Shaikh is a muslim girl who came to this website with same story as yours i.e. her bf is also a hindu and they both are doctor by profession and she is devout believer in Islam(Quran) unlike many other hypocrites muslim girls.

          I totally agree wit you that Hindus hate muslims for mughal invasion etc, but point is , are those hate justified?

          Is hate against jews and americans for actions of Israel and USA justified?

          if no, then why same not true for muslims.

          Do people hate Christians for British rule.

          Actually it is not the fault of Hindus,they are misguided by people who actually hate islam, they don`t want to see spread of islam in india, most of those are Brahmins and they want to convince lower caste people that islam is bad that-is-why they paint muslim rule as evil to justify their hate.

          You talked about Hyderabad, it was good, but now that sanghs are making in road [Note: Sangh refers to RSS,VHP,BJP and all their likes], they are making hindus hate muslims, earlier Karnataka was such a peaceful state, ever since sangh git hold of that state, it`s now often in news for communal tensions, mangalore has become the hub anti-Muslim crimes.

    • Rabia
      January 29, 2016 7:15 am

      Wow – an interesting interaction indeed.

      Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed my conversations on this site and will
      Be leaving you all on this note. I admit I purposely instigated and challenge you guys, but my intention was to make you think and question. I myself can pray in a dargah or church or mosque, and am open minded enough to be like Dr Kalam and other progressive Muslims. As for the supremacist attitude – yes, I do believe Islam is the best of the religions out there. But at the same time, it is also the worst: it has been so held back by so many factors (male only scholarship, refusing ro advance with the times and still living in 7th century AD mentality…) so I don’t know if I only follow Islam – I follow God the way I understand him and feel him. Why can’t the Hindus be peope of the book when they have amazing knowledge like Rig Vedas? Think about it for a minute…. Many fatwas are very strict but they come from a period where muslim-hindu interaction was 0 or limited. Again, I understand why indians share a troubled history with the bad Muslim invaders who turned their temples into mosques. But we need to learnt I coexist, if we can’t we are doomed to lose many more kinds to radicalization of the ISIS, VHP or RSS sort.

      • ahmad noor
        January 29, 2016 11:19 pm

        who told you that islam is against female education ..my 2 two daughters
        finished collages at the same time wearing veils ..also islam is not against female work or employments ..espacially in sectors where female is needed more than male ..ie..doctors teachers nurses ..but on one condition ..that is work under DECENT CIRCUMSTANCES ..DO not tell me when any girl work with males wearing indecent dress laughing with one man and joking with the other one ..AND AFTER ALL THAT SHE CAN PROTECT HERSELF !!!! ARE WE BLUFFING OURSELVES Rabia ????
        Also do not believe that temples had been con
        Also do not believe that temples had been converted to mosques but when any geographic area in india converted to islam sure these temples would be converted to mosqus ..same as it is happening now in U.K just think Rabia …if muslim rulers of india in the past wanted to convert all india to islam by force ..no power could prevent them
        but islam which decides clearly that no forcing in religion

        • Rabia
          February 2, 2016 6:14 am

          Brother Ahmad Noor, I was being sarcastic! You get sarcasm, right? Islam’s message is a powerful enough message of faith that it does not, and SHOULD NOT force anyone to convert, or, revert. That’s against the Qur’an. But if you see the way so many Hindus view Muslims in a bad light because of Mughal invasions in Rajastan, for example, or in whatever history books they read, they don’t like us very much, especially those like Aurangzeb. In south Indian states like Hyderabad, for example, it’s not like that because those Hindus view Muslims as the people who brought them universities and culture.

      • mac
        January 30, 2016 2:43 am

        Dear Sister Rabia, in your above comment you addressed many issues, few are just rhetoric not backed up by evidence. You will realize which issues you addressed were just rhetoric and which one were real after you complete reading my this post.


        Dargah is the identification mark of grave of saints who once lived on this earth and spread the message of islam(peace) to the people of sub-continent specifically saying. Those saints never prayed to any dargah, instead the grasped the message of islam and spread it in simple way to naive people. Most of converts in India are because of these saints, but islam haters claim islam was spread in india by force, if so then there wouldn`t have been single hindu today left in india while fact is Hindus constitute vast majority of the population of this part of the world. With course of time people made dargah the main focus instead of learning lessons from the life of those saints.
        I would also like to add one more thing to disprove the notion of islam being spread by sword that some people have today by seeing groups like ISIS,BokoHaram, is that Muslim rulers(specifically Arab) ruled Spain and parts of Portugal for more than 600 years, still those countries have christian population of more than 90% and on the contrary Indonesia which has the largest muslim population was never ruled by any so called muslim ruler ever. These two contrasting examples are back and white truth that islam didn`t spread by sword at one hand and Qur’an on the other hand, and this rhetoric of sword at one hand is such a stupid rhetoric which was coined by anti-islamic people of few centuries ago, but sad to see because of intense hate towards hate muslim making many people to believe in that rhetoric, the reason why such rhetoric is stupid is because if a man has sword at one hand and Qur’an one the other, then who how will he ride the horse?

        Many social studies textbooks for students show the image of an Arab
        horseman carrying a sword in one hand and the Quran in the other conquering and forcibly converting. This, though, is not a correct portrayal of history. Historian De lacey O’Leary states “History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.” There is no record in history that shows people being forced by sword point to convert to Islam. When Islam spread through countries they would set up private churches and synagogues for the non Muslims they were governing and because of the good treatment they had received they themselves would convert. If one considers the small number of Muslims who initially spread Islam to the west all the way from Spain and Morocco and into east from India and China one would realize that such a small group of people could not force others to be members of a religion against their will. It is also interesting to note that when the Mongols invaded and conquered large portions of the Islamic empire, instead of destroying the religion they adopted it!

        Islam has always given respect and freedom of religion to all faiths. The Quran says: “God forbids you not, with regards to those who fight you not for [your] faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; for God loveth those who are just. 60:8)


        • mac
          January 30, 2016 3:45 am


          Many people today cite ISIS as an example blowing up ancient historical sites, demolishing ancient churches,temples etc to prove their point. What they fail to realise is that if real islam was like this then such ancient sites wouldn`t have existed in the first place, because those same places are in the hands of muslim from thousand years and when initial islamic caliphate was in full swing, those places weren`t destroyed, that is why today those place exist, unfortunately isis has destroyed many, American forces also destroyed many ancient sites of Iraq but no one gives a shit to this as it doesn`t fits the narrative which fits them i.e muslim and islam hate.

          Sister Rabia, it seems momeen and admin`s ranting on you is getting over you that you are back paddling from your original position, e.g. earlier you said you believe in islam and believes islam is the best religion, and people like momeen puts label of `supremacist` on you, which made you write two opposite things in one sentence that you believe islam is best of religion but also worst, literally this cannot be true as two contradictory things cannot be same at the same time, one of them must be true, it cannot be both, let me give an analogy, if i say i have both short and long hair, can this statement be true, no it can`t because i cannot have short and both hair at the same time, either i have short hair or long hair, both cannot co-exist at the same time, same way islam cannot be best or worst at the same time for same person. I forgot you gave reasons for such statement that since islam consists only male scholarship, 7th century mentality and so on.

          See Islam(Quranic) came in the 7th century, so it will be in 7th century, if you deny that and modify it as per 21st century then it proves islam is not the perfect religion and thus there is no difference between islam and other religion.

          I am well aware of the fact that within islam, there is so many scope of modification with time, which is internal not the whole modification of islam as a whole, and since islam gives this scope, so you cannot blame islam, you can blame individual muslim nut not islam.

          Male only scholarship is not necessarily the criteria to judge any religion to be worst of best, the ingredients of the text is the criteria to judge, there can be religion which has both male and female scholarship and still not best, and if you are not aware, all of the prophets of god were men not women, does that make the islamic theology worst? Also let me add one more thing, most of the islamic knowledge coming outside from Quran are from female source, more than 50% of hadith relating to prophets life comes from Ayesha(RA), without Ayesha(RA) half of what we know about prophet vanishes. SO it means people in that 7th century new formed islamic society of Arabia listened to a woman about religion. Isn`t it?

          European civilization are also based on ancient ideas, it comes from Greek philosophy, ancient Roman rules and so on, today punishing someone for adultery is considered barbaric,old 7th century idea, why? No reason, the reason is that west doesn`t punish people for adultery, you can have sex with any married woman aka adultery was made legal in Roman empire, so it goes even back, goes beyond 7th century but on the other hand polygamy aka legal relation with another women is considered as immoral,punishable crime in western world, lol 🙂 Extramarital sexual relation is absolutely fine but you can take another wife legally, you can have even 100 extramarital relation, no problem, but legally married with two women, then it`s become backwardness!!!! So sister Rabia, these 7th century, modern century etc are works of people who push the idea of clash of civilization, it is not the criteria to judge islam, doesn that mean i am trying to say there are no legitimate modern thoughts, of course yes there are modern humane thinking and most of them are protect in western countries, no denying that. But to use silly reason like islam is 7th century blah blah is a silly way to criticise islam.

          Am I denying that many wrongs that muslim women faced or facing?
          No, of course not, because of lack of islamic knowledge old cultural practices are returning into lives of muslim in the shape of islam, e.g. in Pakistan, many people think there is no wrong in honor killing, they feel it is islamic, fact is it is not, it is their cultural thousand years old practice. Many people in the west seeing them seriously believes that islam allows honor killing.

          Another such practice is FMG which is practiced in african population and kurds population irrespective of religion but islam haters every where bash islam that islam makes women cut their genitals while truth is even in Saudi Arabia women donot face FMG.

          So sister Rabia, you have to realize we are in a middle of clash of civilization where they will through untrue rhetoric towards you(i mean islamic values), and way to counter them is by going in to details/theology instead of taking their untrue stupid talking points as fact.

          People have tendency to take side, when it comes to religion, they side with their religion, when it comes to person to person , people side with their family members, same goes for race,nation,country,states,etc. Same way humans side with their gender, men blame women and women blame men, so today there are many so called scholars who try to suppress women, they never talk about women rights in islam, they only talk about women faults, this and that but they donot have monopoly over islam, it`s just that their fatwas are single-handedly portrayed in mainstream media which makes it appear as if they these misogynist preachers are only spokesperson for islam.

          So one hand we see in 7th century muslim accepting a woman as their religious leader while today it is rare, so it is not the fault of islam, it is the fault of muslims that they became ignorant about islam,lost sincerity towards islam to please the non-Muslims, because closer to the source, accurate any information is, same way7th century is the closest point to real islam if you draw a timeline,and there we see muslims learning from a woman.


          • mac
            January 30, 2016 6:13 am


            Now about Troubled history of India and Bad Muslim Invaders.

            You cannot use the term India with context to Muslim or European Invaders as it will send wrong signal, because there was no India when Muslim invaders came here. It is because of them that there came to be a untied land, before that it was different kingdoms fighting with each other. Marathas were fighting with Bengalis, Rajpoots were fighting with Panijabis, same scenario in south india also.

            Since you mentioned bad muslim invaders, so i will talk only on them, one name that stands top is Mahmud Ghazbi who is responsible for destruction of Somnath Temple, which admin mentioned in his reply to a muslim girl in Gujrati Muslim girls with Hindu post(i think), where i think you Rabia also commented.

            But Admin didn`t know and most of the hindus don`t know that Ghanavi came from Ghazna which is in todays Afghanistan, if his intention was to destroy hindu temples, he would have destroyed many temples which were nearer to him, instead he came across 5000 Km away to Somnath. While coming to Somnath, same man destroyed a mosque, so same muslim who destroyed a temple also had to destroy a mosque in the way to somnath. The army which destroyed Somnath temple had 12 generals, 5 of those generals were Hindus, their names were Tilak,Sondhi,Parzan,Rand and Hind, so no what? Hindus hate(not all hindus) muslims because in medieval times muslims destroyed hindu temples, no will you hate Hindus for destroying hindu temples? And here comes the core issue which is even if all of the destroyers were muslim, still it doesn`t justify hate towards todays Indian muslims because you don`t know whom to hate when you came to know hindus were also responsible for destruction of Somnath temples, even saying hindus were responsible for destruction of somnathtemples sound absurd and insane , but why it is not the same when admin says muslims were responsible for destruction of somnath temple, btw why it is insane, absurd because when you are saying hindus were responsible for destruction of somenath temple it means you are blaming Hindus without setting timeline of which age`s hindu, same goes for muslims, when you blame muslims for destruction of temples, which muslims are you blaming, that particular muslim who was responsible for temple destruction or present Indian muslims??

            Also, approx 35% of the soldiers which destroyed somnath temple were Hindus.

            Though Aurangzeb was not invaded, but they regard him as invader, he is also regarded as one of the worst anti-hindu kings who destroyed hindu temples, but they never tell you that he also ordered to demolish muslim mosques, aurngzeb gave donations to so many temples, infact hindu officials in his reign was highest. Jay Singh, a Rajpoot Hindu was one of the major general or chief of army of Aurangzeb. if he was anti-hindu, why will he trust a hindu as his chief of army.

            Maratha Army fought with Tipu Sultan who was infact a muslim, when maratha army invaded tipu`s territory, they couldn`t defeat tipu sultan but on their way back they destroyed a hindu temple, so a group of Hindu army demolished a Hindu temple and a muslim tipu sultan repaired that temple.

            Once Aurangzeb gave death punishment to a pujari of a temple. The reason for such punishment is because the pujari of that temple raped one hindu women who who went to that temple along with other women, when that pujari was brought to aurangzeb, he gave death muslim, no surprise aurangzeb gave death punishment to rapist as he was a muslim. But anti-muslim haters will not tell you the full story, they will tell you a muslim ruler aurangzeb gave death punishment to a pujari of our temple, which is true btw but they are using manipulating the story to justify muslim hate. And today we see women crying in streets for justice of rape victim, thousands of women came on street after Delhi gang rape incident took place to bring a law which punishes rapist to death, though we know none of the rapist got punishment after that and thousands of rape occurred, while in aurangzeb rule, the situation was not like that. So from this you can conclude what was the situation of women or hindu women in todays india and aurangzeb`s Hindustan.

            So Medieval Indian History cannot be a justifiable cause to hate Indian Muslims or blame Indian Muslims, one have to use his brain and sense to figure out facts from myths.

          • Rabia
            February 5, 2016 10:58 pm

            Brother Mac, my teacher who taught me religion used to say (he is a scholar of Islam and firmly believes its the best and most perfect way) that since Islam is God’s perfect religion, and Qur’an his perfect revealed book, it has the capacity to change and evolve (meaning be reinterpreted with the changing times). A Hadith from Hazrat Ali – quoted by a practicing Sunni Muslim by the way – says: “Don’t raise your children accordingly to your own generation, raise them according to their own generation. You are right, that’s the fault of Muslims who listen only to their imams who are stuck in 7th century norms and mentality and don’t encourage ordinary Muslims like us to go and seek knowledge for ourselves. Agree? Disagree?

        • Rabia
          February 2, 2016 6:18 am

          Repeating my answer to brother Ahmad Noor,

          Brother Ahmad Noor, I was being sarcastic! You get sarcasm, right? Islam’s message is a powerful enough message of faith that it does not, and SHOULD NOT force anyone to convert, or, revert. That’s against the Qur’an. But if you see the way so many Hindus view Muslims in a bad light because of Mughal invasions in Rajastan, for example, or in whatever history books they read, they don’t like us very much, especially those like Aurangzeb. In south Indian states like Hyderabad, for example, it’s not like that because those Hindus view Muslims as the people who brought them universities and culture.

          So Mac… that was sarcasm to make a point 🙂 Now I need to run – have a book to finish & publish but this site is so interesting that I cannot help myself 🙂

    • Rabia
      January 29, 2016 7:23 am

      Pride and prejudice… Such sad things. I am glad to see I was taught a lesson, if that’s what you were planning to do. I certainly learnt and apologize if I offended any of you. I always welcome a good debate but don’t like people telling me they know better – who does – because they listened to some Zakir Naik podcast. Knowledge is a good thing, we all need more of it, but cunningness – which is not a way to get to Heaven but a strategic tool to get people to think – is perhaps not. In today’s world, you cannot be innocent and naive like before, especially not as a girl, and not as a Muslim girl married into a Hindu household. As long as you are true to yourself, and Allah, or whatever God you believe it, and you practice goodness, you will reach a good place inshAlah. Have any of us died and come back? No. One of my best friends, a Muslim guy from a Muslim culture, stopped believing in Islam when his girlfriend died for 10 mins and came back to life after numerous efforts by a nurse to save her life. While she was dead, she didn’t experience the “purple light” or anything. Like the famous poet Rabia Basri said, set Fire to heaven and freeze Hell over because we spend too much time worrying about Heaven and hell and how to get there instead of enjoying the moment.

      • January 29, 2016 10:48 pm

        This is our mantra too, live present and don’t worry about the AFTER life. The Judgment Day is only someone’s faith and not truth.

        • Mohammed
          January 30, 2016 3:16 am

          we have logically proved the judgement day

        • ahmad noor
          February 1, 2016 11:30 pm

          i want to tell you that prophet muhammad (pbuh) before 1400 years ago
          had said in hadees books (you can check the original copies written 1200 years ago by your self)that : before the judgment day (which you deny) you (muslims) are going to fight the jew and defeat them
          now tell me before 1400 years ago no one can imagine that jew will be collected in palestine as israel state cz they were scattered all around the world at that time and till 1948 ..that proves the pophecy of muhammad (pbuh) first …and second is that the judgment day will come after

          • February 2, 2016 8:56 pm

            We understood “going to fight the jew” but when will this “and defeat them (Jew)”? Israel (Jews) is prospering and much better than surrounding Muslim countries. You are certainly using a brainless logic to prove your point.

    • Rabia
      January 29, 2016 7:38 am

      And dear Mac, don’t worry, it was pretty clear from the moment I read the words “Is this not Love Jihad?” from Admin that he was a non-Muslim. I won’t be fooled too easily 🙂

      • mac
        January 29, 2016 9:44 am

        Still your that comment contained ingridients which suggest you misjudged admin.

  • January 28, 2016 8:14 pm

    Dear Rabia,

    Glad to hear you are highly educated and from the West where you have liberty (most times) to speak and do that your mind guides you.

    Explain to us “… married to a Hindu guy”, did you really married (Nikaah) to a “Hindu” or you converted the Hindu and married a “Muslim”?

    We see many “convenience” factor in your story. First, you have clear understanding of Muslim guys as “oppressive Muslim man”. Probably from your childhood, you decided that you are not going to marry the one who is performing namaz five times a day in your local mosque. Probably meeting this Hindu was not by chance but by design. It is sad that on one side you do not want to marry a Muslim but will not marry if this Hindu don’t convert to Islam. Is this not love-Jihad?

    On one side you are lecturing on Islam like XYZ “as shirk is the biggest sin in Islam”. How about marry to an agnostic? Further, “we will have to sit in Diwali puja” is any thing more than taqiyya? Will your Allah be proud of you for all your lies and deception and fooling Hindu parents-in-laws? Is that you learned from Koran or from your IVY league college?

    Explain to us why Ganesh pooja is idol-worship but praying to kaaba is not. Ganesh is some shaped stone structure, just like Kaaba. Hindus don’t pray to the stone but to the Ultimate Reality using Ganesh as a medium and like wise Muslim don’t pray to the cubed stone but to God. In Mumbai, there is a Ganesh visharjan (departure of the physical form) festival to educate people that the physical structure and God are separate entities.

    In this world’s history, two most idolized human beings are Jesus and Muhammad. How it matter to Allah if you use Sai-baba or Muhammad-baba as a medium to reach to Allah? Do you feel if one is better than the other? How does it matter to Allah if you also use other babas like Ganehsbaba, Buddha-baba, Jesus-baba, Mary-bibi, etc?Before pointing a fingure at others, remember there are three other figures being pointed at you. Being from IVY league school, explain us why Hindus are idol-worshipper and Muslims are not. We will be waiting!

    • Rabia
      January 28, 2016 8:52 pm

      Dear Admin,

      I expected more from you. We started this interaction in such a friendly note and it quickly turned into a finger-pointing game, as it always does when I try to engage in conversation and dialogue. This is why I now officially give up: inshAllah one day we will meet in person and maybe have a conversation and I can explain it all to you the way it makes sense to me. I can only tell you one thing: only Allah has all the answers and since none of us have ever died and gone to Heaven or hell, we cannot know what happens after the soul leaves the body. Sorry to sound so blasphemous, but me and Allah communicate at a higher level than most of you wil ever understand. As Allah says in the holy Qur’an, he declares war on those who declare war on his friends (the awliya).

      You are probably thinking “who is this madwoman who thinks she is someone special? Has she lost it?”

      Who told you I went to an Ivy League school? You want to spread false rumours about someone you don’t even know? Point fingers all you want, that’s what the ummah is best at nowadays and it’s the main reason we are losing so many hearts and minds to atheism, Christianity and other religions. But please wait for the book, inshAllah I will answer all those questions there. Allah knows best.

      PS: There were no mosques where I came from, religion wasnt allowed there.

      • January 28, 2016 9:16 pm

        Sorry if you felt that way. We just pointed out some holes in your story. As a matter of fact, we love your many many of views. For example, “only Allah has all the answers and since none of us have ever died and gone to Heaven or hell, we cannot know what happens after the soul leaves the body”, “me and Allah communicate at a higher level than most of you wil ever understand” etc. We love it and it should be that way. We will never say “who is this madwoman who thinks she is someone special? Has she lost it?”No, you are simply expressing yourself and both man and woman has equal rights for it.

        Further, we agree to “nowadays and it’s the main reason we are losing so many hearts and minds to atheism” but don’t agree people in West are moving to Christianity. Actually Christians are becoming more pluralist.

        We will be waiting for you book and hope to meet you in person.

        If you are wring a book, don’t run away from this forum. This is a true test for checking your views. After your book, people will say all sorts of bad/wrong things, might as well find out before publishing the book. So, keep going on this forum. This forum is exactly for people like you.

        We are also in process of writing a book and would love to share with you when ready, so stay connected.

        Explain this: There were no mosques where I came from, religion wasnt allowed there. Do you mean China or Russia. So sad!

        • Rabia
          January 29, 2016 7:58 am

          We could all use a little pluralism 🙂 yes, would love to stay in touch and read your book. Love and Noor-e-khuda and peace to all from cold Europe.

          • January 29, 2016 11:02 pm

            If you do “Diwali pooja” or go to a church as a part of being a pluralist and for respect for your in-laws, that is something honorable act. We have many Muslim, Jew, Christian and Buddhist friends and attend their festivals and have dinners routinely. Likewise they reciprocate it. Luckily, none of them are exclusivists like mac and Muhammad and we thank Allah for it! If all Muslims were like Rabia and our friends, the Middle East will not be burning today.

            Rabia, we are glad you are out to change mindset of intolerant Muslims (and ultimately improve the image of Muslims). We are sure your book will be a big hit, we can’t wait to read it!

  • January 28, 2016 8:03 am

    The muslim girls marrying outside their faith are relieved of various islamic evil practices like (i) Burqa (ii) oral tripple talak (iii) halala (iv) no fear of 2nd, or 3rd or 4th wife (v) prove virginity on the wedding night etc.

    • mac
      January 28, 2016 8:09 am

      First of all Burqa is not Islamic and second thing is that it is not evil. You are wrong either way mr hater harjeet.

      No oral triple talaq in islam.

      halala is to protect women from divorcing their wife for random reasons.

      no fear of 2nd, or 3rd or 4th wife, you are right, but fear of having 5th,6th,7th,8th….may be 50th mistress from her husband, while being a muslim women, she will have no such fear as muslim men aren`t suppose to have mistress and also that 2nd,3rd,4th wife depends on her, her permission.

      prove virginity on the wedding night etc., liar, liar, liar no such thing in islam, and etc stands for all the evils of indian culture and tradition which you are so proud of.

      You butthurt RSS agent

    • Rabia
      January 28, 2016 9:05 pm

      Dear Harjeet, my parents are educated enough to know what’s culture and whats religion:
      I would have never been subjected to these “evil practices”. And I don’t want to start an argument but ignorance in ALL religions will lead to evil practices: there are villages in Haryana and Punjab who are still burying female newborns just like they did 1400 year ago when Propher Muhammad abolished it and brought light to his people, as Dr Naik would say. Let’s honestly call out the bad practices and hypocrisy in our communities – we can make this world much better place to coexist if we learn more about each others religion and understand
      It better instead of insulting one another: I don’t like it when I read online peope calling each other “cow worshipers” and the other side calling the Muslims “terrorists following a pedophile”. So much ignorance I want to cry again and again. Allah is ashamed of us all…

      • ahmad noor
        January 28, 2016 11:32 pm

        May be would never believe that in jordon the religous muslims are the highest level of education with high acadimic degrees ..may be you will never have a chance to visit this country ..i am telling you this fact
        and if you have any chance to check this truth by any way ..do it please
        the traditional picture in india and even in pakistan (as i think )
        is : high educated muslim = non-religous muslim
        that is why we say that islam in mid east has cut a very far distance compared to islam in india …but believe me we do not blame you
        that is why we saw in this forum muslim hindu love stories which we never dreamed of in mid east or north africa

        • mac
          January 29, 2016 4:44 am

          Brother Ahmad Noor, most of indian muslims are religious, it’s just that the irreligious are out spoken coz the religious are busy in daily prayers, helping poors, taking care of their kids, wife/husband/parents instead of vomiting on internet, you can take me as representative of my community as i come from muslim majority part of india. Not a single of my relative(as far as i know) is atheist. India has produced many international orators like Sheikh Ahmededat or Dr.Zakir Nayak.

          • ahmad noor
            January 29, 2016 11:42 pm

            Bro Mac
            irreligious muslim is not nessecarily an atheist ..irreligous muslim and also secular muslim may beleive in allah and prophet (puh) but he dosenot pray or think that islam is the right solution for all humanity problems ..this truth i have been learnt from practical life
            this postive feature in those muslims encourages us to guide them to the right way of islam

          • mac
            January 30, 2016 1:15 am

            brother ahmed noor, i never meant irreligious to be atheist

          • Rabia
            May 12, 2017 8:17 am

            Mac, I just discovered that there are lots of fatwas against Mr Zakir Naik that you love and follow. Admin, kindly e-mail this to Mac privately in case he no longer visits the website. At least one misguided brother will see this.

            Mac, see this too: http://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/zakir-naik-unfit-to-preach-muslims-shoud-avoid-listening-to-him-darul-uloom/story-uyLibblyU8av4Y79r2kIPI.html


            (a) In August 2008, Darul Uloom Deoband, India issued a fatwa stating: “The statements made by Dr Zakir Naik indicate that he is a preacher of Ghair Muqallideen (People who reject Imams of Fiqh., like Salafis, Ahle Hadith, etc.). One should not rely upon his speeches.”

            (b) Similar Fatwas are issued by many other scholars including Deobandi Mufti Zar Wali Khan, founder of Jamia Arabia Ahsan-ul-uloom, Karachi, Pakistan

            (c) Yaha Al-Hajoori, the famous Ahl-e-Hadith scholar condemned Dr. Naik in many of his writings and declared him Kafir.

            (d) More than 20 Fatawas of Kufr were issued by the Shariah Board of America against Naik. They say Naik has gone astray as he is not a scholar but is involved in Islamic teachings without authority or any knowledge to do so, which is dangerous to Islam. “Naik is known for discussions on comparative religions. He is not a qualified Aalim-e-Deen, therefore his comments on fiqh have no merit. If it is true that he condemned the fiqh of the Imams, then that in itself is a clear indication of his lack of understanding of Shariah.”

            (e) A Fatwa was issued by Darul Ifta Jamia Binnoria, Pakistan, regarding Zakir Naik not being a certified Aalim of Deen.

            (f) In November 2008, Lucknow, India based Government appointed Mufi Abul Irfan Mian Firangi Mahali issued a fatwa-e-Kufr against Naik, describing Naik as a “Kafir” (non-believer) and stating in the fatwa, that Naik should be ex-communicated from Islam. He argued that “Naik is not an Islamic scholar. His teachings are against Quran. In his speeches, he insults Prophet Mohammad sallallahu alaihe wasallam and his family members and glorifies Yazeed, the assasin of Imam Husain Radiallahu anh.
            If after seeing all this information I copied from the internet does NOT change Mac (and other like-minded Muslims’) minds about Zakir Naik, I don’t know what will. I don’t know the man enough to pass a judgement on him, but I would be very very careful before listening to him knowing what I know now.

            I feel so sorry for Muslims, Admin. I don’t know what it’s going to take for us to stop listening to hate preachers and dividers, and to actually seek advice from real scholars of Islam. Even education may not help. I want to stop being a pessimist but every time I see an ignorant Muslim comment on something, declaring the other side “Infidel”, it just upsets me.

        • Rabia
          January 29, 2016 3:48 pm

          Brother Ahmad Noor, yes I totally agree. Met some Jordanians myself.

        • Rabia
          February 2, 2016 6:30 am

          Brother Ahmad Noor, you are absolutely stating facts… In fact, inshAllah, if my book does well and becomes a best-seller the way I hope and pray it does, I want to do some good with that money. It’s not right to be boastful, as Allah ordains us to give in secrecy to charities etc. But I do have big dreams, and with God’s blessing they may come true in the future. I hope you keep me in your prayers.

  • mac
    January 28, 2016 7:34 am

    Dear sister Rabia, i guess i agree with most of what you wrote here in this blog, but on one note i strongly disagree and it`s because of Islam.

    Since you are a muslim girl married with an agnostic hindu, so what your take on my this post :- https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10068

    Please suggest some more points if any in your mind.

    I totally agree with you on the issue of jahilliya among indians and many wrong practices, since i am also from india and i see those everyday, many will take strong offense to my and your statement but it`s just fact, starting from open defecation to female feticide which are unmatched to any corner of the world.

    Since you said you are not from india, then i am guessing you might be muslim of Middle-Eastern or Pakistani/Bangladeshi descent.

    You wrote you are smarter than him because you went to some of the best universities in the world, i disagree as many smart people in the world didn`t attend best of universities. 🙂

    Nice to hear that you came to islam with your try as you were brought up in a liberal family, so now it will be very hard for anti-islamic people like momeen to brainwash you into against Islam.

    I didn`t understand what you meant when you said your husband converted to islam but is an agnostic, agnostic is a person who neither believes no deny in the existence of god, such people according to islam aren`t muslim, a muslim is one who believes in almighty creator. And rejecting idol worship doesn`t make one muslim, many people donot believe in idol worship but associate partners with allah, e.g. many muslims believe in islam but also believe in the divinity of many saints when in islam, believing in the divinity of prophet is blasphemous. Also first in one comment you said since your family is liberal hence they are accepting a non-muslim while in another comment you said your husband is muslim. So i am in doubt whether your husband is now a muslim or not, or was he earlier an agnostic hindu, if he is muslim now, then why you said your family is accepting a non-muslim as they are liberal? Don`t take it otherwise but i am just confused.

    You wrote ///And to all my judgemental Muslom brothers out there, let him without sin cast the first stone.///

    Well, that concept doesn`t exist in islam as it is from bible, we are to follow Quran not Bible, and another name of Quran is Furqan, or Quran is Furqan, meaning it is the book which has the ingredient to judge good and bad and muslims are advised to guide others to right path, a ideal muslim isn`t supposed to let others go in the wrong direction, so when another muslim points something wrong(Islamically) , he/she isn`t judging you, he/she is just following another aspect of islam. You can search what is Furqan in islamic context.

    And the context in which Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) said that to people in that time was in completely different context than what you assumed or most of people assume without realizing the context, he said this to Jews who tried to put him in criminal state under Roman occupation of Palestine, as in Roman occupied territory of Palestine, it was illegal to punish someone for adultery, but according to the law of torah adultery was punishable to death by stoning, when jews of that time brought a person accused of adultery and asked Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) for his judgement, Jesus(Peace Be Upon Him) was in a sate of `heads you win, tail you loose`, because if he had ordered to punish the person accused of adultery, they would have informed the roman authority that Jesus broke the law of the king,which would have put jesus behind prison, while if he had said to leave that person as per Roman law, they would have said this Jesus cannot be their messiah as as per torah, messiah will be someone who will re-establish the law of torah, since jews at that time were trying to prove that jesus is not the messiah so they played many trick on him. It was one the few tricks that jews played with jesus to dismiss him as messiah, another such trick was about paying tax to roman empire.

    • mac
      January 28, 2016 7:51 am

      Now without getting into prolixity, lets get into main point of this whole issue which relates to the link that I posted above and to your future kids.

      From Quran Chapter 2 ; Verse 221
      “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.“

      IF you read again the dark lines above, you will notice that Allah donot reject the idea of marrying a non-muslim guy fully but Allah puts a condition that he has to accept Islam, read again it says “donot marry a non-muslim until the believe” ,
      the verse also states that “even though the non-muslim guy might please you“,
      it means Allah is well aware of the fact that many muslim boys/girls will fall for non-muslim boys because of their personality,wealth or what ever thing that pleases but Allah goes onto say that a believing slave is better than a non-muslim, literally this verse might sound insane,offensive,rude but it has deep meaning which i will explain below. The verse also says that they invite you to hell fire, this line also has deep meaning and this is the most important thing about the whole verse 2:221 as this is the reason why Allah forbids you from marrying non-muslim men/women.

      If your husband is not muslim by heart, what does it mean, it means he is not gonna be with you in heaven for eternal life, he will be thrown in hell fire while you in heaven, will you accept that situation, can you live happily in heaven while knowing your husband and offspring burning in hell fire?
      This is the first case.

      Second case is, when time will come to punish non-muslim guy for his sin, he will point finger towards you that you didn`t guide him to islam, then Allah will also through you in hell fire . I think this second case doesn`t apply on you because i think you have invited him to islam but the first case is very much related with you.

    • mac
      January 28, 2016 7:55 am

      Third case, which goes back to the Quranic line “they invite you to hell fire“
      You said to please your in-laws you will allow your children to do shirk, while in islam, even to please parents we can`t do shirk, there is no negotiations on that, whether if you do it by heart or not. You may disagree now, but you may do a research on this.
      Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) didn`t do shirik to please meccans, he reasoned with them, fought with them, but Allah didn`t gave him permission to do shirik to convince meccan mushriks. When you allow your children or when you yourself involve in shirik(puja like diwali etc) you validates their shirik while duty of every muslim is to discourage people from doing shirik and encourage people towards monotheism. And since your are their daughter-in-law, so you cannot make them unhappy every time, your marriage may break down for this, same goes for you husband, since he is not practicing hindu, so you are not gonna face this problem, while many girls do. That is why Allah tells us that they invite us to hell fire since as wife your duty will be to please your husband,his relatives which in turn will make you sinner,thus Allah rejects the idea of marrying a non-muslim even though you still remain muslim i.e you didn`t leave islam but married with a non-muslim guy.
      Otherwise Allah would have perfectly mentioned in that verse of Quran that you can marry a non-muslim if you remain as muslim, but Allah says the opposite, he says you can marry a non-muslim if that non-muslim becomes muslim. Read verse 2:221 of Quran again.

      Coming to kids, most of, all most all, kids of such interfaith marriage, especially Hindu-Muslim become confused about god,faith,religion as they are brought up in mixed way, and eventually they become polytheist meaning though they believe in Allah but they also end up believing in Rama God, Sita God, Hanuman God, Cow God and so on…technically making them a polytheist(mushrik), which btw doesn`t violate the tenets of hinduism as it is polytheistic but violates Islam.

      Duty of every muslim is to invite people to Islam, else it is sin, and when you become member of such family, then it`s bigger duty on you to bring them into islam, atleast your husband and your future kids, as Allah is all knowing , all merciful, he is not gonna bully you for not converting an extended family member from your husband side but if your husband and children die in the state of un-belief then sister you have problem in here after for sure.


      • mac
        January 28, 2016 7:59 am


        To please them, you have to accept the divinity of cow,rat,snake,monkey,shiv ling(p*nis of shiva),Rama,Sita,Ganesh etc which will make you technically a polytheist, if you disagree with them, your relationship with them will break, but as you know it is better to keep Allah happy on you than some other human beings who are not gonna be with you after your death but Allah will be with you after death. So marrying a non-muslim is easy but then keeping yourself in fold of islam through out your life is very difficult if you want to remain as muslim, that is why Allah for your goodness disapproved such marriage with ultimatum, meaning if your relation with non-muslim husband,in-laws stays good then inevitably your relation with Allah will break down and the ultimatum is that you convert your husband to islam and ensure that your kids grow up as a muslim not confused. Duty of muslim mom is to guide his kids towards jannah not towards jahannum.

        • mac
          January 28, 2016 8:03 am

          Now read the verse from Quran again which talks about marriage with non-muslim. Quran 2:221 “And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.”

          Hope now it makes sense.

          Thanks. 🙂

          • Momeen
            January 28, 2016 8:07 pm

            Dear Rabia,
            Mac, the definite HeavenGoer has advised you perfectly well! He is a devotee of a great humanitarian, Zakir Naik. These two great Muslims will lead ordinary Muslims to heaven while Dr. Abdul Kalam must be reeling in Hell because he believed in equality of faiths. For Zakir Naik and his devotees, Allah is a warlord who would reward the cronies with Heaven while for Dr. Abdul Kalam and his supporters, Allah is the Most Merciful who would reward only according to your deeds.

            Any normal individual could understand who follows a faith and who follows a cult!

            For all those non‐cultenslaved Muslims who want to contribute to make Islam, a humanitarian faith:

        • Rabia
          January 28, 2016 8:36 pm

          Brother Mac, I don’t have to accept the divinity of anything to please anyone. Assuming you speak
          Urdu or Hindi, hum dil ki shahzadi hai, marzi ki malika 🙂 I am only answerable to myself and my Allah and having studied Islam and the Qur’an in depth with university professors, I am perfectly perfectly aware of every single verse you are quoting. I am sorry I mentioned education, I was being boastful And it was an impulsive response to what that dude Ahmad wrote about Indian girls having small brains. Women don’t make decisions by brains, we make decisions by the heart. It’s you men who are the thinkers in the family 🙂

    • Rabia
      January 28, 2016 9:19 pm

      Dear Mac,

      I read your article with great interest. I disagree about circumcision being a must-must, It is sunnah not fardh, it obviously is a requirement if you are a proper follower of Islam, but it’s recommended, not required. Allah isn’t going to send your son to hell for not being circumcised.

      And why would I be cremated if I am a Muslim? I guess you come from a cultural background where women usually did the compromising and changing of their identity: I am not that kind of girl. I was very clear about what was important to me from the start and I think my partner knew that. See, any same-religion marriage also requires compromise and I think we as the umma have gotten so lost in the details – did you know there is a fatwa on whether or not you can eat mermaid meat? WHEN HAVE YOU SEEN A BLOODY MERMAID?!?! – that we forget real issues in our community. Extremist recruitment, people being radicalized, girls running off to Syria through Turkey, Qur’an teachers abusing little girls and boys, poverty, wars… These are REAL issues. Whether or not chess is haram or halal, or I can eat mermaid meat or not, are not real issues. No wonder we are a laughingstock…

  • mohamed
    January 28, 2016 3:26 am

    This is nothing but a fake story. .

    • January 28, 2016 7:43 pm

      Mohammed, if you don’t like does not make Rabia fake. How do you want her to prove that she is a breathing and live human being?

      • Rabia
        January 28, 2016 9:27 pm

        Thanks for saying something, Admin. Very nice to see that peope will stand up for me when needed. And I want to ask that brother, is there not a person breathing and living who is typing this right now? Yes. So it is not a fake story. Really look forward to what you guys will have to say about my book when it’s finished.

        Tentative title: An Infidel’s Diary – Memoirs of a Muslim Girl.

        Likes? dislikes? PS: that’s sarcasm, not an infidel and never will be.

        • January 29, 2016 6:55 am

          Great title.

          With what ever going on in the West, this title “Memoirs of a Muslim Girl” itself will catch people’s attention. It is time the West change views about Muslims but at the same time Western Muslims must show that they are also true tolerant to Western values. We felt Muslims wants others to change but how far they are willing to change for others? It cannot be “give me, give me” but mine is mine!

          We will certainly buy it the first day and write critic on it. We hope your message is going to be different than mac (read), Muhammed and Ahmed. If not, we will write … there you go!

  • January 27, 2016 9:51 pm

    Dear Rabia,

    A Muslim girl with a Hindu is rare in many secular countries and almost impossible in Islamic countries. Which country are you settle in?

    Are you planning for a baby? What will be the name of child (Arabic or Dharmic?) and what will be his/her formal religion.

    We do not know how other Muslims feel about you believing in Shirdi Sai Baba. Any one other than Muhammad baba (or Mecca/Madina baba) is no no for Muslims. Do you consider yourself a Muslim?

    • ahmad noor
      January 27, 2016 10:38 pm

      If this story is true …..you can immagine what small brain some muslim girls have in india to acuse and reject a complete religion for one or two dirty behavior muslim guys

      • Momeen
        January 27, 2016 11:04 pm

        ‘A complete religion’ which incorporates, justifies every rogue and ruthless activity as part of faith!

        Cultenslaved people are pathetically delusional that they fail to differentiate between moral and immoral conduct!!

        • Rabia
          January 28, 2016 2:56 am

          Brother, are you talking about Hindus? I agree there is a lot of jahilliya in India and Indian culture, and a lot of very wrong practices.

          • Momeen
            January 28, 2016 4:35 am

            Yes, I was talking only about Hindus who are justifying paedophilia, polygamy, sex slavery, non‐payment of alimony, murdering of apostates and blasphemers, jizya, dawah, shameless one‐sided proselytizing, crushing of all other faith followers, advocating religious fascism…

      • Rabia
        January 28, 2016 3:00 am

        Salam alaikum, brother. Even though you have insulted me, I want to reply to you with love and compassion because that’s what my Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would have done, as I follow his sunnah and The Qur’an. Firstly, I am not an Indian girl and was raised in a very liberal family – hence them accepting a non-Muslim. I came into Islam completely by myself after many experiences and became very religious at one point. Secondly, I am most likely smarter than you as I went to some of the best universities in the world. Don’t mean to be arrogant, but you asked for it. Thirdly, matters of love are decided not by the brain but by the heart. I wish Allah guides you as well. Masalaama!

        • Momeen
          January 28, 2016 4:40 am

          Matters of love are decided by hearts, YES, but matters of faith are decided by birth. When you’re so convinced that you’re a true follower of Islam, why to marry a Hindu? This is called as ‘Stealth Jihad’

          • Rabia
            January 28, 2016 8:27 pm

            The proper term they love to use in Indian media nowadays is “Love Jihad”, isn’t it? Lol… I will tell you why I married a Hindu – because nobody in the Muslim community had the courage to tell me that they liked me. If you stay quiet about liking / loving a girl for too long, this is what happens: someone else who sees her and likes and and wants to make her his wife will come, treat her well and impress her, and steal her from under your nose. My biggest problem with many muslims I came across was that they were in one or the other extreme: the secular Muslims were too secular for me and the religious Muslims… Well, let’s not go there.

      • January 29, 2016 11:10 pm

        You are certainly a male chauvinist!
        Don’t marry to an educated girl, she will make your married life hell (or will change you).

        • ahmad noor
          January 29, 2016 11:51 pm

          i do not like to talk about my self ..most of girls in my area and in mid east are educated and collage postgraduated and at the same time religous girls and most of them beleive that islam is the right religion for solving humanity problems …but you are talking within indian picture only

          • mac
            January 30, 2016 1:34 am

            Todays Middle-East are not the middle-east of 70`s, except few civil war effected countries, most of others countries have way higher literacy rate than india.

    • Rabia
      January 28, 2016 2:48 am

      Dear Admin,
      I won’t give country details to remain anonymous but we are settled in Europe and my husband is an agnostic who comes from a Hindu family who converted to Islam (well, fake convert if that’s what you want to call it, but is really a Muslim at heart as he does NOT believe in idols. I consider myself a practicing (well, semi-practicing) Muslim who has always had a very strong Muslim identity.

      As for kids, we have discussed it a lot and I told him how for me, idol worship is a non-negotiable as shirk is the biggest sin in Islam. That being said, I realize that the kids will have Hindu grandparents and when we visit India once a year or so, we will have to sit in Diwali puja. As long as my kids don’t believe in that, I am fine with that happening once a year just to please the inlaws.

      And to all my judgemental Muslom brothers out there, let him without sin cast the first stone. I have only turned to Allah for guidance, and he has guided me rightly. I had many doubts, as any person would, but when you find your soulmate, and Allah confirms on many occasions that this is the right man for you, by putting you through tests, you stop believing the mullah types and understand what Allah and Islam is truly about.

      • Momeen
        January 28, 2016 4:37 am

        Another Heaven‐Goer!!!

        • ahmad noor
          January 29, 2016 11:53 pm

          islamophobia !!!

      • February 7, 2016 8:56 am

        i am totaly shocked after reading this
        “”I will tell you why I married a Hindu – because nobody in the Muslim community had the courage to tell me that they liked me. If you stay quiet about liking / loving a girl for too long, this is what happens: someone else who sees her and likes and and wants to make her his wife w………………””
        1) you have told us that .you have lot of knowledge about islam …
        you can make your own decigen except of preffering mullahs etc..
        2) show me single statement of Quran in which all these things are allowed to muslim men or weman ..
        3) islam does’nt give us permision to talk with (na mehrm ) ….
        4) islam never gives us permission to see any (na mehm )….
        5) then whow could you axpect all this..
        On the otherside :i am from pakistan i had many muslims friends rejected by muslim girls due their high level of atitude and aducation ……..
        6) infect today no one know the real meaning of education ;
        according to islam education is that thing which a man used to improve his/herself and knowledge about islam to protect our religion ..
        7).. but all this scientific knowledge in not actually education in islam.
        because, islam tells that, a knowlede which we get to earn money or to fullfill aur dailylife needs is not a education is actually a skill …
        8) i request to please save your female children atleast ,,, it’s very very wrong…..
        may allah forgive us.

        • mohammed
          February 7, 2016 10:10 pm

          its the parents responsible for both muslims and non muslim to proper educate their child and secure their for going on the wrong track and bring into right track,
          Firstly their parents joins their child in the insecular institution where boys and girls wheather its interfaith or same communal relationships later on they(parents) object on that relationship,
          And whole responsible becomes to their child , society and oll gives punishment to them(children). . why?

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