Muslim Girl in Madly Love with a Sikh

Saarah says: March 10, 2016 at 10:46 am

Hello Amina, I am also madly inlove with a Sikh boy, we have been together for three years and would not want anything more but to be together. I am a Muslim and he is Sikh, I would really like to talk to you since I have no one to talk about this with. My heart aches. -Saarah

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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  • September 23, 2016 6:43 pm

    Hie i am badly in love with a muslim girl and even she loves me alot but the problem is rleigion and her parents wong accept our relationship if she will tell to them she now that.her parents will only accept if i will get convert and now she wont me convert but i dnt to get convert me happy to be a sikh and i dont hv any pblm if she is muslim ,even my parents wont get ready but at the end i willConvince them.and now she wont that v should get separte so v can move on because relgion problme but eve she have dreams to marry me only but only relgion is coming please suggest me somethingh rather of getting convert i can marry her

    Reply at

  • aman
    May 6, 2016 8:23 pm

    hi madam, madam i badly need ur help i want to merry with one muslim girl. bt im a sikh .. from last three years we are in relation.. we cant live without each other … bt her parents want she
    merry with her cousin.. if i merry with her thn government give security to us

    • May 7, 2016 8:04 pm

      YES, if you live in the West or country like India, you have right to do that two of you (as adults) wish. Government will protect you (only so much government can do). Your sikh community will also help you.

      Instead of all these fights, why don’t you try to learn of reality of life. Is your Sikh parents ready to accept a Muslim in their Sikh home? Likewise, the Muslim parents wish to give their daughter to a Muslim only and that is natural. Are you ready if they ask you to convert to Islam?

      Are you both financially independent? If yes, we recommend to spend a few months/years to convince two sets of parents. If not, then go marry by the special marriage act.

      • July 5, 2016 9:09 am

        I love a shik guy form long time but today he satightly said that i won’t marry you afsana i have a problem with my famiky which i won,t tell u at all.but it,s true that i love you a lot and i will do it forever. I won,t forgot u but i won,t marry you..sometimes he just telling lie with me and after long time he said me i tell it you surprised to see it and he wanna to transfer our relationship become a so soo confused. And today when i calling him he also avoiding me to talk about and also flatting some girl,s but whn i asked he just denied it he also wanna to get rid from me.but also told me i love you and i miss you at all.what do i do just breakup with him but i know that after some days he will calling me and also telling in a dilemma.. Give me suggestion,what do i do ???????? am also denied other,s boys and marrige proposal for few days ago he told me to getting married and yes he,s also younger then me..why and what did he do that i really don’t know..he didn’t tell anything from Bangladesh am a muslim girl and he,s indian shik guy.

        Reply at

  • Harmun
    April 25, 2016 5:46 pm

    Hey Sarah,

    I hope you are well. I know that right now people are either
    applauding you or condemning you for not following your faith.
    These “issues” about what is written where do not address the
    logic for why these rules were put in place and whether or not
    the merits of those rules still apply.

    To follow anything completely and without doubt is not the mark
    of good principles. Doubt can actually enhance faith if dealt with
    understanding. I hope that you overcome those challenges you face,
    not through just faith, or just logic but a marrying of both.

  • April 23, 2016 12:28 pm

    Hi Sarah,

    If you two agree to marry, you can, who’s stopping you? The parents (both sides) will always be against because they care about their religion name, etc.. I am a Sikh, and if I find a girl who loves me from the core of her heart, be it muslim, christian, hindu, or any one.. I will accept her. Because, its hard to find someone who will truly love you . If you can forge about religion altogether then of course you can be with anyone. Religion brings barriers. Inter-caste/faith marriages last, only if the love from both parties is strong. Anyways, who am I to decide, I am just a common guy. you decide what you want, and go after it with full force. I wish you all the best.

  • ahmad noor
    March 23, 2016 8:26 am

    I really do not know what to say …
    but sara it is not right to say (madly in love with sikh)
    Didnt you have any idea about muslim -non muslim relationship ???
    What can i say ??
    is it western life style which we are following blindly ??
    or anyway it is the muslim parents fault not to learn kids even the alfabet of islam ??
    if we put religion aside anyone can marry anyone can imagine what kind of life we are running after…….

  • Happy Singh
    March 18, 2016 5:05 am

    Several years ago, I remember sitting outside an Italian coffee shop, and making eye to eye contact with a Mediterranean girl who sat with her sister at an adjacent table. She was wearing a beautiful flowery dress, and she looked very attractive, especially when she kept smiling at me. I soon learnt that she was a Turkish Muslim, but it didn’t have the slitest effect on me. Another time I was in Bahrain, UAE, and I saw an Arab girl in shorts, and she smiled at me and gave me the nod. There were all kinds of Arabs, in traditional dress, western dress. Since then I have been thinking about marrying a Muslim girl, they seem to be allright

  • March 12, 2016 5:01 pm


    Hi Saraah, you know it well that it is against what is written in the Koran and what your parents will normally accept. How are you planning to get around these issues? Alternatively, are you one of those just proud but not radicle Muslim and is financially independent to manage parents and Islamic community? Are you expecting the Sikh to convert to Islam? Sikh-Muslim marriage life with equality is possible provided you are clear for what are you expecting. Get back to us and we will discuss more. Thanks.

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