Naaz says: October 3, 2015 at 1:43 am
Thiz is naaz from india hyd i love a hindu boy and he ALSO LOVE ME VERY MUCH WE BOTH want to marry and spend our life with each other,but the prblm is in my home i cnt tell in my home also ki am loving a hindu boy.i dnt want any fights and issues. – Naaz
View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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i support to u naaz…
Extremely good news for the fanatic Mulsims of the world! Taliban times for the Hindus has begun!
So Hindu leaders are preparing themselves to lead the broadminded people towards the steep downhill path which the Muslim leaders have adopted for their community!
Hindus live across all continents but have they created any law and order problem because of faith? Open-mindedness, magnanimity, ethicality and graceful acceptance of modernity are the pillars of Hinduism. That’s strictly the reason as to whichever place Hindus travel they don’t carry the baggage of fanaticism and are able to adapt themselves extremely well.
If Hindu leaders move away from that path then they would end-up handing over a freethinking population to the clutches of a cult!
No admin, she s not pregnant.
But y should i marry hr?
V don’t evn love each other.
you are saying just as it is . i dont know why, even after sexual relationship you want to ignore her. . and she too i hope so… even though in Islam sexual relationship with unauthorized person(means excep married person) is completely prohibited…
One request to you is please tell her to contact in this forum. . . we want to talk her. . my heart is broken when i saw like this messeges. . .
Really shame full !!
but m a brahmin , hw can i marry a Muslim, wht Will society think?
Actually you should have thought about these before having sex. Yes, Brahmin and Muslim do not match in a married life. Do not marry unless you two could think of raising children in two faiths.
are u prophet mohmammed coz u sound lyk him. Its not his decision to make and who are u to make thing ryt. Do u consider urself allah or wateva. Its kind of immoral to say lyk dis anyone i lyk a muslim grl and m a hindu nd m gonna rock it nd ur allah wont be able to do wrong if he knws wat luv is or his prophet understood. wat if the writer of quran was a stupid fellow. on qurans sayngs u challenge the things followed by people since thousand centuries dats kind of so lame u shld be ashmed of urself by making such type of discrimnations .But at last we all are human we all have feelings or u hv smthig different doo tell if u have one but i dont think so .Just because of false believers lyk this world has turned into hell . Lyf would have been a lot easier if there were no religions it sucks . U cn refer history wat religions have done to dis mother earth. she doesnt discriminate wats inside her lyk u fools do on name of religions. So f**k it all nd i m GONNA ROCK nd u can’t do anythng about it coz m free .Let people live there live’s y do allah have so many restrictions jst to pass a single lyftym on this planet can’t they live lyf they want to . religions are only made to divide people and make them suffer as u revealed the restrictions on LOVE. I think allah jst need slaves to follow him not to liv and luv people they care for.Not every person is same nd monsters are found in every religion. If u are opposing Love then mind it my frnd u are opposing the creator of this world and u. i dont knw who it is but m sure he does not discriminate people on religion lyk u do. Nd for the couple if u luv each other thn run away from this filthy world of religions coz its weak without luv .
To admin
The girl with whom i had sex has started blaming me, saying that i ruined her life and all.
We didn’t do it on purpose and it just happened.
she too is equally responsible since it was a mutual sex.
Now i am more tensed and don’t knw wht to do.
you are a boy you can complete your life normally
but what about her …????
she is the loser side not you
sure one female of your family will get the same fate
just wait ..
tit for tat
or else you have to correct the status
do not listen to such dirty justification ..(mutual sex )
i told you have good Conscience
we do not expect from kumar any clean words as he hates islam too much
So wt shud i do according to u?
Are you ready to marry her by the special marriage act without conversion?
Is she pregnant? If yes, you are in deep trouble. Find it out.
To Momeen,
u told
” Mr. 305,
You’ve revealed to the world the name of
the girl, location, the course she pursues
while at the same time concealing your
Nice way of feeling guilty! ”
I revealed her name because ppl on this site won’t be able to find her on any social networking sites.
And i never mentioned the location.
At the same time i concealed my name since it is unique and ppl wud find it much easier to identity.
To the exclusive attention of the great humanitarian called mac:
This punishment is a state-sanctioned barbarism and not some rogue mobs indulging in thuggery!
The humanitarian who pounces when Muslims are affected by nonMuslims, here is a case of 74 yr old man waiting to get 350 lashes by the world no:1 Islamic govt!
Now, brush it under the carpet!
Admin y don’t u make a post of Mr 305
Mr. 305, can you write us at We need to confirm some facts, thanks.
Dear Naaz,
You have to be bold to make your future blissful.If you soccumb to the parental
pressure, you will repent whole life. Get married with them and feel free of burqa,restriction of movement/profession, oral talak, become 2/3/4 wife of muslim husband.EVEN THE SO CALLED MESSENGER OF GOD WAS A RAPIST OF GRAND DAUGHTER LIKE CHILD, RAPED HIS ADOPTED SON,S WIFE, SODOMIZED TEENAGE BOYS.
Islam is a religion of terrorism,hatred, violence, murder, rape,bomb blasts, kidnapping, bloodshed,discrimination,killing, sexual evils, brainwashing innocents, and other thousands of evils.Islam is a danger of humanity.Plz come forward to break the islamic shackels of evils.
One more fake name created by gang of chand osamani,kartar,kumar,momeen etc. .
I am not jobless bro.
Y do u think its me.
Just simply kidding bro. .
Dear Riya Roy,
It will be automatically perished with the passage of time. It has already started. Even the Prophet predicted the end of it search google. Also in Bible Prophecies. There’s a saying You reap what you sow.
riya i can sware that you are hindu
islam is the only true religion in the world
simple ..clear ..unique god ..unique creator to whorship
nazz is muslim even if she dose not wear burqu
even if she dose not pray 5 times
let ram or krishna control what hindu boys and girls do during holi or
navratri Festivals
after that let the so called riya talk about islam
To Ahmed Noor:
On Oct 7th, you said:
“it is the secularity of muslims which caused all their defeats
real muslims can not be defeated easily ..but secular muslims …yes”
On Oct 10th, you’re saying:
“islam is not a strange religion in india we lived together hanreds of years peacefully”
If this is not opportunism and cunningness, then what else is?
How beautifully Muslims reveal their true colour!
Taqiya at its best!!
cz handreds of years islam was ruling not secularity and all nonmuslims all around islamic world lived under sharia rules which respected their privacy and religions ..we do not need for secularity to live peacfully with nonmuslims but secularity is imposed by british and west colonizing
“cz handreds of years islam was ruling not secularity and all nonmuslims all around islamic world lived under sharia rules which respected their privacy and religions”/
Your statements from the blog:
Sep 7th, 2015
“by the way all muslim nations now were pagan or christian as per their previous religions before”
Sep 25th, 2015
“we gave nonmuslims 3 choices 1-islam 2-tribute 3-war
as this the real true allah religion to all humanity”/
How mush shariah has respected the privacy and religions, you’ve explained brilliantly!
We’re greatly indebted to you for exposing the honesty of taqiya!!
“we do not need for secularity to live peacfully with nonmuslims but secularity is imposed by british and west colonizing”/
Every time you puzzle me as in which planet you reside?
Name the Islamic countries where nonMuslims live peacefully and as equal citizens!
And that’s a long way‐ can Muslims at least let majority to live in peace after they choose to move to Western countries for selfish reasons? Muslims motto has always been, ‘our land is our land, your land is also our land’!
But an iron‐fenced brain can never perceive the truth!
Make hell of everyone’s life on earth and wait for a ticket to heaven!
when islam was dominating from atlantic ocean cost up to chinese border muslims dealed fairly with nonmuslims ie if tribute was put on their rich ..also zakah was put on muslim rich samewise ..but no forcing on islam ..otherwise you are not hindue now talking with me !!!!
and maney times i said that .. takiya is used when your life is threated (for example by your p.m MODI) but not for cheating non muslims
takiyia is badly used by your beloved (shia ) against us
Only a cult-enslaved brain can so brazenly brush aside such serious discrepancies in one’s own statements.
Has he answered a single question that has been raised?
But he gleefully continues to explain how ‘fair’ Islam was to other faith followers, while his own previous statements repeatedly prove how cruel the rule was that nation after nation was forced to convert!
Its his birthright to continue to dwell and hallucinate in his planet Cult!
While the West’s brain is hunting for ways to create enclaves in the Mars, only Muslims can be fighting on whose taqiya is better- the Sunni or Shia’s!
By the way, as for my ‘beloved Shia’: Shias will remain dear to me as long as they remain a minority in any Sunni majority nation but they are no better when they form a majority!
Very easy for you to jump over truth..
who called for russia to occupy afganistan
who called for us to occupy iraq
who called for jew to occupy palistine
why do east and west support (your beloved )shia to destroy 7 muslinm
countries (even your MODI supports them)
they buy cheap oil from their gulf slaves and humilliate us at the same time
all these fact you simply jump over as if they are not exisisting
it our right to fihgt them every where but even though 95 % of muslims prefare political or demcratic way to change this rabbish state
what else do you want …i do not know !!!
and you always talk about enslaving
yes be enslaved for our creator and be aware of his punishment
after death ..this will behave our chracter and personality
not to do dirty deeds against ourselves or others
it is much different from chrisianity enslaving to pope
or shia enslaving to ayatullah priests
both steal followers money ..dignity ..girl honors ..announce holly wars the name of allah
and you know very well the enslaving in hindusim or buddhism
ok lets forget all these religions
your humanity is running after the western unlimited free open culture
this is what we call enslaving to lusts and desires
getting nearer and nearer to animality
cant you see that it is the worst kind of enslaving ..or not ??
it is a matter of time just wait and see!!
(i) Muslims can occupy Christian, Hindu and Jewish lands, implement Sharia laws and go on a conversion rampage but others should not even touch their lands!
(ii) It’s perplexing as why Iran has been given the nuclear deal: Shias are no different from Sunnis in religious supremacy and oppression when they are in a majority; West hasn’t learnt enough!
(iii) When people do not use their brains but become prosperous just by natural resources then that individual/ community cannot command respect‐ Gulf cannot manufacture even a drop of oil without West’s technology! This does not mean in any way that Muslims’ intelligence is inferior but its simply that they have used their entire aptitude only in hunting ways to enter heaven and discovered the ironic ways of attaining heaven: religious supremacy, fascism, intolerance, hate, polygamy, paedophilia, sex slavery, jizya, dawah…..
(iv) /“what else do you want …i do not know !!!” / Already, the entire world is at awe at the sacrificing and magnanimous qualities of Muslims!!!
(v) If a Hindu argues that caste system, sati and status of women/ a Christian claims that supremacy, apostasy and women status of their respective faiths are not ills but pillars of their faiths then they are equally cult‐enslaved.
(vi) Yes, Sunni Muslims honour women in the best possible ways: paedophilia, polygamy, sex slavery, rape victim should produce four male witnesses, a woman’s testimony is valued only half that of a male; Holy wars: so only Shia Muslims announce holy wars/ you certainly land here only from other planet!
(vii) Free sex culture is abominable but religious supremacy, fascism, intolerance, hate, polygamy, paedophilia, sex slavery, jizya, dawah, blasphemy, apostasy….. are demonic. The former is consensual immorality of two adults while the latter is cruel imposition of dominance over a meek population/ I consider the latter a million times more vicious.
(viii) Just waiting to see: if kafirs like Kailash Sathyarthi, Anand Kumar(Super 30, Bihar) and Rajinder Johar(Founder, Family of Disabled, Delhi) will all land in hell because of their polytheism/ Is God a warlord to reward his cronies or a Universal Supreme Power who would judge strictly according to the virtues/ vices and never according to one’s faith, sect and race‐ I’m eagerly waiting!
you are history ignorant any land dominated by muslims and their sharia
never happened to it 1 % of what is happenning now in afganistan -iraq-palistine (and now coming syria-russia)
havnt you ask your self (even one time )..why india with hindue majority did not bear british colonizing one handred year ..but accepted muslim domination handreds of years
no comparison between muslim behavior with non muslims humiliating
dirty behavior of british or other west ..ask you grand father who british dealed with indians ..(spacially when they noticed the caste system )
about yor beloved shia
you do not loved them as they are minority as you said
but cz they are nonmuslims in islamic cover ..(outside cover )
the west know that very well
that is why they are more flixible with them in iran -iraq -yemen -syria
my duty as muslim to expose this fact ..using the net
Totally waste to Read the given website..
This shows how much you guys hatred for islam but still saying we respect religions..
shame on you !!
Mr. 305,
You’ve revealed to the world the name of the girl, location, the course she pursues while at the same time concealing your identity.
Nice way of feeling guilty!
@Mr 305
I too live in Karnataka.
wer do u live?
Answer my question.
Did i harm anyone.
or did i hurt anybody’s feelings.
y did u block me admin
We have no reason to block you
Continue… Please.
रामायण में सभी राक्षसों का वध हुआ था लेकिन????
सूर्पनखा का वध नहीं हुआ था
उसकी नाक और कान काट कर छोड़ दिया गया था ।
वह कपडे से अपने चेहरे को छुपा कर
रहती थी ।
रावन के मर जाने के बाद वह
अपने पति के साथ शुक्राचार्य के पास
गयी और जंगल में उनके आश्रम में रहने लगी ।
राक्षसों का वंश ख़त्म न
इसलिए, शुक्राचार्य ने शिव
जी की आराधना की ।
शिव जी ने
अपना स्वरुप शिवलिंग शुक्राचार्य को दे कर
कहा की जिस दिन कोई “वैष्णव” इस पर
गंगा जल चढ़ा देगा उस दिन
राक्षसों का नाश हो जायेगा ।
उस आत्म
लिंग को शुक्राचार्य ने वैष्णव मतलब
हिन्दुओं से दूर रेगिस्तान में स्थापित
किया जो आज अरब में “मक्का मदीना” में है ।
सूर्पनखा जो उस समय चेहरा ढक कर
रहती थी वो परंपरा को उसके बच्चो ने
पूरा निभाया आज भी मुस्लिम औरतें
चेहरा ढकी रहती हैं ।
सूर्पनखा के वंसज
आज मुसलमान कहलाते हैं ।
क्युकी शुक्राचार्य ने इनको जीवन दान
दिया इस लिए ये शुक्रवार को विशेष
महत्त्व देते हैं ।
पूरी जानकारी तथ्यों पर आधारित सच है।
जानिए इस्लाम केसे पैदा हुआ..
असल में इस्लाम कोई धर्म नहीं है .एक मजहब है..
दिनचर्या है..
मजहब का मतलब अपने कबीलों के
गिरोह को बढ़ाना..
यह बात सब जानते है कि मोहम्मदी मूलरूप से
अरब वासी है ।
अरब देशो में सिर्फ रेगिस्तान पाया जाता है.
वहां जंगल
नहीं है, पेड़ नहीं है. इसीलिए वहां मरने के बाद जलाने
लिए लकड़ी न होने के कारण ज़मीन में दफ़न कर
दिया जाता था.
रेगिस्तान में हरीयाली नहीं होती.. एसे में रेगिस्तान
हरा चटक रंग देखकर इंसान चला आता जो की सूचक
का काम करता था..
अरब देशो में लोग रेगिस्तान में तेज़ धुप में सफ़र करते थे,
इसीलिए वहां के लोग सिर को ढकने के लिए
टोपी पहनते थे.
जिससे की लोग बीमार न पड़े.
अब रेगिस्तान में खेत तो नहीं थे, न फल, तो खाने के
लिए वहा अनाज नहीं होता था. इसीलिए वहा के
????????????????जानवरों को काट कर खाते थे. और अपनी भूख मिटाने के
लिए इसे क़ुर्बानी का नाम दिया गया.
रेगिस्तान में पानी की बहुत कमी रहती थी, इसीलिए
लिंग (मुत्रमार्ग) साफ़ करने में पानी बर्बाद न
हो जाये
इसीलिए लोग खतना (अगला हिस्सा काट देना ) कराते
सब लोग एक ही कबिले के खानाबदोश होते थे इसलिए
आपस में भाई बहन ही निकाह कर लेते थे|
रेगिस्तान में मिट्टी मिलती नहीं थी मुर्ती बनाने
को इसलिए मुर्ती पुजा नहीं करते थे|
खानाबदोश थे ,
एक जगह से दुसरी जगह
जाना पड़ता था इसलिए कम बर्तन रखते थे और एक
थाली नें पांच लोग खाते थे|
कबीले की अधिक से अधिक संख्या बढ़े इसलिए हर एक
को चार बीवी रखने की इज़ाजत दि..
अब समझे इस्लाम कोई धर्म नहीं मात्र एक कबीला है..
और इसके नियम असल में इनकी दिनचर्या है|
नोट : पोस्ट पढ़के इसके बारे में सोचो. #इस्लाम_की_सच्चाई
अगर हर हिँदू माँ-बाप अपने बच्चों को बताए कि अजमेर दरगाह वाले ख्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने किस तरह इस्लाम कबूल ना करने पर पृथ्वीराज चौहान की पत्नी संयोगिता को मुस्लिम सैनिकों के बीच बलात्कार करने के लिए निर्वस्त्र करके फेँक दिया था और फिर किस तरह पृथ्वीराज चौहान की वीर पुत्रियों ने आत्मघाती बनकर मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को 72 हूरों के पास भेजा थातो शायद ही कोई हिँदू उस मुल्ले की कब्र पर माथा पटकने जाए
“अजमेर के ख्वाजा मुइनुद्दीन चिश्ती को ९० लाख हिंदुओं को इस्लाम में लाने का गौरव प्राप्त है. मोइनुद्दीन चिश्ती ने ही मोहम्मद गोरी को भारत लूटने के लिए उकसाया और आमंत्रित किया था… (सन्दर्भ – उर्दू अखबार “पाक एक्सप्रेस, न्यूयार्क १४ मई २०१२).
Can anybody help me regarding this.
Y aren’t u replying?
Why dont you marry her if you feel guilty? Ask her about your proposal but it should be without conversion.
i am a brahmin and she is a Muslim. she is a meat eater so i can’t marry her.
Are you in love with a Muslim? Is she in love with you? The meat is a minor point, the Muslim will want you to convert to Islam, are you ready?
no admin,
We just had sex that too not on purpose.
What do i do now?
pre-marital sex is haram in islam and it considered as zina which is top most sin..
Your focus should be your life long goal, not short term issues.
Can you make her happy as a husband for next 80 years?
Are you ready to convert to Islam?
How will you raise children?
To fi
even if it ws a mutual sex, I am upset aftr the incident.
Didn’t you find any other girl to have sex with?. Now that you hv done it forger about it, was it your first? if not why so hue & cry?….You cannot marry her as both of you will be killed. So a very difficult question…to answer. And I know muslims girls like Hindu guys a lot secrectly…
sepate blog for his sexual encounter while teaching electronic subject to Ms Shaikh.
Why dont you make a separate blog for the experience of Mr.305 of Banglore
to invite more comments on this particular issue?
Mac, Mohammad, Ahmad, Aakash, Pakhi and Ziaul Haque, associates of terrorist group will not like definitely.
even the incident is painful to me ..i have never thought of any revenge
your brain is too small ( as usual) Massey
the problem is much bigger than revenge
the problem is about the ignorance of indian muslims and their upbringing
200 million can be islamically educated among hindu majority and secular western culture majority
m a brahmin
how can i convert to Islam?
islam is not a strange religion in india we lived together hanreds of years peacefully
if you are afraid of your parents you can convert secretly
islam is the true religion to whorship one unique god unique creator to meet him after death to face our deeds good for good and bad for bad
islam now is most fast growing religion around the world
Mr 305 suppose that girl is your sister ..
would you accept this situation for her ???????????
you have a good conscience as i see
You will accepting a religion which is on the verge of being collapsed world wide…Think again…it has already started….The World will soon revert back to Sanatan Dharma….at least most of them…mark my words…Read World News on Sanatan Dharma in Russia, Europe etc you will get to know….
wt do i do now ?
should i take hr fr a check up?
Admin this is KUMAR
U are very much biased.
u r always in the favour of people like mac (whose other form is akash).
U don’t mind if ppl like mac hurt others sentiments,but if ppl like us express our suggestions u just block.
U HAVE BLOCKED ME ( I donno for wat)
and ryt now m using my friends email to txt.
I would find a better interfaith site which not biased, in future.
So this is my last message.
To bye admin.
There is no reason to block you. We have not blocked someone in recent days. Please come back.
I’am from Karnataka.
I live in a muslim area. There are more than 100 girls in our area. They stare at me whenever i go in front of them, But i never gave a damn since i have too much attitude. I got a proposal from 13 Muslim girls, but i nevr accepted. My mother owns a Girls PG next to my house whic hs about 27 girls. These PG girls always smile at me but i never react since i want to maintain dignity infront of my parents. My mother shouts at me saying that i don’t mingle with people.
four days back my parents left to Bangalore as they hd to attend my cousins marriage. I couldn’t go since i had my internals.
The next day, a man came near our girls PG and started behaving in a weird manner. Itseems he ws masturbating looking at the girls. Immediately i was informed abt this matter by a girl named SHEIKH (who stays in the PG)
Since my mother was not at home, i had to take up the responsibility. Therefore i called the police and filed a case.
I gave my contact number to shaikh and she texted me that night and thanked. The whole nyt we were busy txtng. First tym in my life i WS so much impressed.
The nxt day she requested me to teach her electronics (since she was bad bad in electronics) and i didn’t mind it. So therefore she came to my house and i taught her. More than studying, she ws speaking about movies serials And so on. We became much closer. Later she thankd me fr teaching and returned to PG. On the third day (ie. yesterday) she again came home to clear her doubts. I was in my bedroom and i told her to come in. Later i locked the bedroom (i usually lock the door of my bedroom while studying or teaching someone). It was 8pm and i kept on teaching her. The time kept on going and she started getting closer to my body. Ultimately i was turned on, we both started kissing each other, i just lost my control and finally we ended up having sex.
Now i am regretting to have done this becase one thing is that i broke her virginity another thing is ,i am brahmin and it is a sin to sleep with a Muslim.
wt do i do now?
wht if she becomes pregnant as we didn’t use safety measures?
She is not agreeing to take pills since it causes side affects.
My parents wud be returning back i nxt two days.
Wt if my mother gets to kno ? She will disown me.
feeling frustrated
Please suggest me ur opinion..
HAHAHA…first clear your doubt that it is a SIN, first it was a mutual sex. So feel free..and first time doesn’t really necessary that she will be pregnant. Ask her to go for self-test. And Hare have taken the task of liberating these women from the shackles of slavery..
convert to islam and marry her …..islam is the future religion around the world not destroy her live and her religion
the future religion is being raped by Putin’s Russia….and ISIS pissing in their pants….crying for help.
ha ha ha bro. if Muslim boy loves Hindu girl, here girl convert’s to islam. if Islam girl loves Hindu boy,boy converts to Islam, great law and great practices to follow. shame on us, even in 2015 we are hearing forced conversion, conversion for marriage, shame on India secularism. it’s really shame.
hello admin cud u plZZ help me.
If a mob of Islamic fundamentalists had murdered the father of a member of the Indian Air Force on the suspicion of eating pork would the BJP have called them anti-national Muslim terrorists?
If, so, why don’t they use the term anti national Hindu terrorists for the murderers of Mohammad Akhlaq?
Riddle me that.
If the SIMI can be banned for its links to terrorist activities and for its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that Muslims can live by Muslim codes of conduct…
… why is the RSS not banned for its repeated links to terrorist activities and its stated mission to rid India of unwanted foreign influences so that all Indians live by Hindu codes of conduct?
Riddle me that.
My response to Mr. Mac from the blog
“so i am not responsible for their deeds,”
Yeah, I know how much a responsible person you are! A true fighter for the victims! For example, you screamed standing at the top of your roof as how innocents have been demonically attacked in Haji Ali, Dadri and Mohd. Akhlaq’s cases!That’s absolutely true! Every one knows about your concern for India and how your heart bled that your motherland might end up as a talibanised, intolerant and parochial society‒ the entire nation should be indebted to you for your commendable service! Nothing could be more dishonourable to India than the majority involving in violating the rights of the minorities! That would collapse the very foundation of a virtuous nation!
But… wait a minute! Wait a minute! There is a peculiarity in the approach! There’s definite pattern emerging‒ whenever Muslims are affected by other community members the tiger roars at the top of his voice but when Muslims are victims at the hands of their own community members or when other faith followers are attacked by Muslims, the ferocious tiger becomes a domesticated cat and runs fast hiding himself inside a bunker!
Let’s examine your approach‒ would you marry your ten or eleven year old sister/ daughter to someone anywhere between twenty and ninety? I know, definitely not! But there are Islamic nations where such atrocities happen quoting Quranic texts and I don’t see a word condemning the barbarism! They are holding The Book which you consider as sacred and committing the heinous crime!
An extremist in the forum openly advocated ‘muta marraiage’! In spite of being an Islamist, Mr. Noor had at least the audacity to question and condemn him! Rich Arabs are targeting poorer nations, enter into marriage contract by paying the parents and commit the monstrous crime by quoting Quranic permission- a google pundit like you needs any proof! An underprivileged girl’s body is everybody’s property, whoever can afford buys the commodity, uses, squeezes and throws in the dustbin!
Heroes are those humans, who are fighting tooth and nail with those demons, not the cunning predators who shun their responsibilities and justify the demonic criminality to enter heaven!
wer was Allah when Muslims wer slaughtered in Gujarat?
All these time u cried muslims r terrorist n nw u asking where was allah when muslims were slaughtered in gujrat, who slaughtered muslims in gujarat?
superb said bro !!
we love your statements !
Mac and associates,
Where is Allah when ISIS/ other terrosit groups have rendered millions homeless, raped women, killed innocents, destroyed many cities in Iraq, Syria,Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Nigeria?
Why in the name of Allah thousands of terrorist groups have emerged globally?
Where is the judgement day for them?
Despite innumerable evils in the islam, why you people glorify it?
Are you ready to marry 6 years old sisters/daughters/cousins to terrorists of
50+ ages?
Then where is your Ram, why he is not saving them like he saved people from Ravana, why Ram never came in this age, unlike your religion, in our religion god doesn`t need to come here and there, god`s presence is every where, and to solve the struggle of humanity, god has set responsibly on humans and on the basis of this he will judge people on the judgement day. If god wants he can solve all problems, but if god does that where is the test of humans?
@akash: where ws ur Allah when Palestinians wer slaughtered like goats?
Don’t u kno that almost all mosques wer destroyed in Palestine,but still ur allah ws helpless.
Allah Bhagwan is a matter of faith, not someone out there who is going to protect you, just because you are carrying certain religious label. The Judgment Day / incarnation is another faith matter and not truth. Best is to do good karma in this life and hope for best. Lets respect all for their faith.
Akash, how much you were hating others faiths before you met your Muslim wife? How much poison she has managed to install into you now? Do you believe Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Christians and atheist are going to get hell fire on the Judgment Day? Do you now believe only Islam is truth and all others are fake?
He already said and we have already proven you of judgement day. its not only belive, its also truth
what is reason behind if only doing good karma? is there?
what will you get if you do good karma?
if you dont add judgement day ur good karma is useless. . Many people die in todays world with their bad karma, who will be the judge to give equality to all
let see. . its a dream or its a fact !!
Keep dreaming !!!
go to (muslim sahih al hadees) book this is the 2nd reference of hadith in islam
all prophit statements in this book had been collected 1200 years ago
the original copy is still kept in documentary centers
one statement (hadees) of prophet muhammad (p.o h)
says clearly that before judgment day (muslims) will fight the jew
and you will defeat them …
still the final battle between us and the jew has not come yet
but how our prophet knew that the jew will establish (israel)
gew at that time (1200 years ago ) were scaterred around the world
this proves 2 importatnt facts :
muhammad is true prophet
and judgment day is near
go to (muslim sahih al hadees) book this is the 2nd reference of hadith in islam
all prophit statements in this book had been collected 1200 years ago
the original copy is still kept in documentary centers
one statement (hadees) of prophet muhammad (p.o h)
says clearly that before judgment day (muslims) will fight the jew
and you will defeat them …
still the final battle between us and the jew has not come yet
but how our prophet knew that the jew will establish (israel)
jew at that time (1200 years ago ) were scaterred around the world
this proves 2 importatnt facts :
muhammad is true prophet
and judgment day is near
You should have been asking d sam question to kumar nt me. Very dissapointed wid u dear admin.
Admin, before asking Akash this question, you should have asked same question to Chand Osmani, Shavana,Shagul etc.
And it was kumar who started all these who btw has a muslim girl as her gf.
This is what Kumar said
{{{kumar says:
October 5, 2015 at 10:39 am
Plz don’t marry a Muslim man. Incase u marry, u may be his 5th, 6,th or 7th wife. Do u want that to happen?
Another name for islam is terrorism. Most of the Muslim men don’t respect women.
Don’t u kno, two days back a man in UP killed his four year old daughter fr not wearing scarf.
So do u want to be a prt of such a community?
Nowadays 90% to 94% of Muslim men are involving themselves in terrorism groups like ISIS, LEt, taliban and so on.
So wht i feel is that u must carry on ur relationship with hindu guy of urs.
Ur well wisher.}}}}
Link of the comment of Kumar >>>
this was the comment of kumar while admin is basing akash. what a hypocrisy
kumar says:
October 7, 2015 at 9:05 am
@akash: where ws ur Allah when Palestinians wer slaughtered like goats?
Don’t u kno that almost all mosques wer destroyed in Palestine,but still ur allah ws helpless.
and where was your krishna or ram when muslims dominated india handreds of years ???????
kumar it is the secularity of muslims which caused all their defeats
real muslims can not be defeated easily ..but secular muslims …yes
you will never understand ..too much for your mind
Ahmad, try to explain it to us, please.
To mac and akash
m not communal, but on reading ur comments i feel like hating islam.
What if v worship idol,
do u have any problem?
“Islam says worshipping idol is a sin”
So what r we supposed to do?
If its return in Qur’an, then its better that u follow. Don’t try to implement ur stupid laws on others.
By the way u ppl r followers of rapist prophet who didn’t even pity 6 yr old kid. Wt else can be expected from u ppl.
and mac i told that 94% of Muslims r terrorists and remaining 6% r gud. My girlfriend comes in the 6% category.
yes i mean wt i say
Mac bhai askd 4 proof, can u prv that 94% muslims r terrorist? If nt as mac said, u r a LIAR.
Not only Islam, Vedas,Upanishad condemns idol worship. Use ur brain, think if u can create an idol frm mud, den wat is the point in worshiping it? Can idol save u? Idol even can’t save himself dat is why ganesh is thrown in river, it sank, wheneva u kick an idol, it breaks into two, when ibrahim alahisallam destroyed all d idols in the temple bt kept the big main idol intact(their main god like u hv shiva), when villagers came n accused ibrahim(a.s) fr destroying those smaller idols(smaller gods), ibrahim alahisallam then replied them that ur main god is in front of u, he saw when the other idols were broken in front of his eyes, so ask him, since they couldn’t come with better argument, they bcame musalmans, d crux of the story is that whether idol of main god shiva or smaller god like ganesha, both r same, both r just idols n both r false god, real god is ohm. N b4 u talk abt muhammad s.a.w. , first see what ram did with sita, parvati did with shiva, krishna did with gopis.
ok i agree that idols won’t save us
Now tell me whether allah saves u ppl?
if so, don’t u remember wt happened in Palestine, Syria and Pakistan ( 150 students killed). Where ws ur god Allah that time.
keep chanting allah allah
lol :p
Did Ram,Shiva saved those hindus who were killed in Bangladesh?
Where was Ram when muslim invaders took control of hindu land bharat for 800 yrs?
Bt u ignored 2nd part of my argument where i said can idol save himself, if it can’t what is the point in idol worship?
What is left in Islam if “Muhammad” is removed? Why you cannot perform namaz or take shahadah without uttering Muhammad? Why Allah needs a gate-keeper Muhammad? Why are you idolizing a human?
Your wife has certainly brain washed you to hate all faiths. You are talking about Krishna, but tell us how many girls Muhammad slept in his life? We have an estimate of about 30, can you search and let us know truth?
prove ur point with valid authentic source or else its lie !!
Admin, before asking Akash this question, you should have asked same question to Chand Osmani, Shavana,Shagul etc.
And it was kumar who started all these who btw has a muslim girl as her gf.
This is what Kumar said
{{{kumar says:
October 5, 2015 at 10:39 am
Plz don’t marry a Muslim man. Incase u marry, u may be his 5th, 6,th or 7th wife. Do u want that to happen?
Another name for islam is terrorism. Most of the Muslim men don’t respect women.
Don’t u kno, two days back a man in UP killed his four year old daughter fr not wearing scarf.
So do u want to be a prt of such a community?
Nowadays 90% to 94% of Muslim men are involving themselves in terrorism groups like ISIS, LEt, taliban and so on.
So wht i feel is that u must carry on ur relationship with hindu guy of urs.
Ur well wisher.}}}}
Link of the comment of Kumar >>>
if our prophet is sex lover ..why in age of 25 he married 40 year age woman and styed with her 13 years
in his last 10 years in al madinah he married either widows or women by whom islam is embraced by nonmuslims exccept aysha the only vigin wife
from where you got this figer 30 admin
mac, agree that most of statements are inflammatory and not truth, for example, “Nowadays 90% to 94% of Muslim men are involving themselves in terrorism groups like ISIS, LEt, taliban and so on.”
mac, as a matter of fact, most of Muslims we know are not like you also. They respect others and others way of praying to God. Unfortunately, you have learned intolerant ways like “there is only one God and that is MINE”. This is sad.
Hi Naaz,
Me also muslim women mrried to Hindu guy on my own associaton and love with him.His all support enable me to be a S/W engineer. With regard to your problem,muslim parents will never allow their daughters to marry outside faith.But even then, if there is a will, there is a way with strong determination and commitment. Are you financially independent? Your Hindu BF,s financial status? both of yours commitment and loyality towards each other?
maturity of age of both of you? Will your BF,s parents accept you?
If you could marry him,I am sure, you will be free from Burqa culture, fear of oral tripple talak, fear of polygamy, fear of undesirable restrictions etc.
There is no problem to marry him under special marriage act provided he fulfills requisite criteria of your aspirations in realistic terms.
good finding, and good advise sister, all the best, and god bless you.
bro sat,
He is no 1 anti islamic person who comments lie in the site various names. .
dont go with it !!
Dear naaz, my wife is muslim, i was once hindu, we got married in august dis yr, i converted to islam(only true religion), you should suggest islamic books which u can buy frm stores or through internet n introduce him to islam, hinduism is confused manmade religion so hindus r nt loyal to their religion, der r so many illogical false beliefs in hinduism, so a hindu always looks for btr spiritual guide, so guide him, guide him to islam, i can assure u hindus like islam as i was a hindu.
look brother iam a hindu guy but desperately want to marry a muslim girl……but the problem is that her parent will obviously against us what can be done in such situations………if you have any idea then tell me
Dear MJ, i was in exact situation of urs as her parents were against our marriage, months aftr months passed away bt was unable to find a way, then i converted to islam n things got easy, we got married in august 16 this yr, n nw she is pregnant.
d prblm of her family vl nvr end as dey vl nvr agree marriage wid a non-muslim as it is prohibited it islam for a muslim women to marry a non-muslim , either u hv to convert to islam or forget her as hr parents vl neva agree. I wud suggest u to read some islamic books dat r easily available or read islamic website, if u think u r conveincd abt islam, then convert to islam n marry hr, if nt, it almost impossible to get hr, few muslim families donot show ny concern whether their son-in-law is a muslim or non-muslim n dose families r nt serious abt faith, bt in ur case, it looks like dey r serious abt rlgn like my in laws
First congratulations for the good news of being a father.
Are you willing to follow Akash? To please his mother-in-law, he converted to Islam and made a hell to his own birth mother. Akash’s own parents are VERY sad, not because he married to this girl but because he converted (when there were other options). Probably Akash don’t give a damn to them. So are you willing to dump your birth parents and adapt your in-laws as your true parents?
Do you know his parents is sad during conversion?
in many post you suggest muslims to take hindu boy/girl friend at that time their parents wont be sad ah!!
good admin, appreciated answer. when there is a love why conversion of religion, come out get married under special marriage act, respect all religions, and respect love.
My mother is nw happy wid me as a muslim. She is also learning islam frm my wife. My mother got impressed by islamic teachings. She saw us practicing islam n talking abt it. I hope she also convert to islam.she acknowledged that by far islam is best religion n nw she motivates me to follow islam deeply.
Dear Akash,
Thanks alot to expres a Real knowledge of islam. we need like you person in this site to stop misleading and mis spreading lie on islam which is posted on the site..
In the name of Relationship equality admin and his followers like the gang of chand osamani,kartar,kumar etc. is mis spreading lie on islam..
Now admin,
what you are going to tell about this ,
now dont create any other misleading comment here !!
We are happy if your birth family is also happy.
You got to know that if she was a Christian, today you would be talking about Jesus. If she was a Hindu, nothing would have change for your faith. You have not compared Buddhism, Judaism, …. but you simply learned Islam because of your lover. That is okay, but we wish you dont learn to hate other faiths. God is not patented by Muhammad, and every one has right to be proud for what works for one.
Dear MJ,
You have reached to the right site. There are about 400 youths right in your situation and you could read all on this site. One problem with Muslims is they are love-Jihadi. First, they get in love without informing you what is on the way. Later, when you are trapped in love, they will say, no you convert. We hope you do not get trapped in this love-Jihad, unless you are willing to dump your parents, Hindu relatives and friends and adapt Islam 100%. Is that your intention?
Plz don’t marry a Muslim man. Incase u marry, u may be his 5th, 6,th or 7th wife. Do u want that to happen?
Another name for islam is terrorism. Most of the Muslim men don’t respect women.
Don’t u kno, two days back a man in UP killed his four year old daughter fr not wearing scarf.
So do u want to be a prt of such a community?
Nowadays 90% to 94% of Muslim men are involving themselves in terrorism groups like ISIS, LEt, taliban and so on.
So wht i feel is that u must carry on ur relationship with hindu guy of urs.
Ur well wisher.
i am witnissing ur anti islamic rant frm past few months. On 1hand u lv a muslim gal n on d other hand u hate muslim community, wat does dat mean?
Be happy worshiping false menmade god, bt don’t say nything abt islam widout knwing it properly.
To Kumar:
You said “Plz don’t marry a Muslim man. Incase u marry, u may be his 5th, 6,th or 7th wife. Do u want that to happen?”
lol, have you seen any indian muslim having 5th,6th,7th wife, Naaz you are a muslim girl, so your father is muslim, so is your mother the 5th/6th/7th wife of your father? do you know any of your relatives who have 5th/6th/7th wife, you are also a muslim girl, did your parents taught your brothers to marry 7 times as said by Kumar? If not , then kumar is lying here and you shouldn`t believe him at all, actually this guy kumar is a liar and trapped a muslim girl by lying and have nothing to say, have no argument, when ever he brings any argument, he fails to defend it, so now just saying bullshits that are randomly coming out of his mouth, when ever he opens his mouth, such false things comes out of it.
He then said “Another name for islam is terrorism”
Now dear Naaz tell me, you are a muslim, have you found in any islamic book that islam means terrorism, if islam means terrorism, then how he is having a muslim girlsfreind, ask yourself, are you a terrorist, are your parents/brothers terrorist, if not, then this guy kumar is insulting you, you shouldn`t listen to such a guy who insults your family.
He then said ” Most of the Muslim men don’t respect women.”
Now kumar where is the statistics for that, i will argue that fanatic hindus like you do not respect women, that is why they call women as cow, don`t they compare cow with women, what will happens if anyone call anyone women as `hey you cow` ?
And a study found that muslim country UAE ranked number 1 for women respect, you can google it.
Talking about a muslim man killing his daughter, this was a bad act and i condemn it, but thave you seen in hindu gram panchayat the panchayat many times give verdict to gang rape women to punish her, just google, you will find mainstream media links not fake links.
Then kumar said “Nowadays 90% to 94% of Muslim men are involving themselves in terrorism groups like ISIS, LEt, taliban and so on.”
I don`t know where from kumar got this statistics, if 90-94% muslim men are joining terrorist groups, then how come so many muslim men in india,paksitan,bangladesh,indonesia,malayasia,saudiarabia,iran,etc, you see kumar is trying to say all muslim men are terrorist except those who are like him, that is why he stressed percentage to 94%, if we assume there are 16000 terrorist in the world , then it only comprises only 0.01% of the muslim population, what about rest 99.99%, look this guy is calling your father,younger cousins,brothers,uncles,etc terrorist, if not then whom he is calling terrorist, as members of all the combined terrorist doesn`t even make 0.10% of muslim population
Naz, As your would be husband is a Hindu, I suggest you to accept his religion as yours.Moreover, you must know that all Muslims in this Sub Continent were Hindu at a time and were forcefully converted to Islam by Invaders, your ancestors were Hindu. So, what is the problem of returning your fore fathers religion. If there is any problem, you may contact local Arya Sammaj/ RSS for help. They will provide you all sorts of help including safety and security.
yes,answer is supportive.
You are a big lier ..kafir if we wanted to force all india to islam
you would never see any hindu majority as you see now
1400 years of islam age no one scolar agree to convert non muslim any where to islam by force (la ikraha fi eldeen) verse 256 : 2
shame on you !!!!!!!
First read this from your Mullah:
Than you for reaching out to us. You have raised a great question. Read all that mac wrote (above). Now your mullahs will also say the same. If you believe them, then you should end your love. Further, as per your Mullah wishes, you should also marry a Muslim guy who is performing namaz five times a day. Even he may not be educated, it should not matter because you are trying to please Muhammad. It is time you have to decide who you are and what it means to you being a Muslim.
If you are a progressive thinker and believe you do not wish to live your live as was run during Muhammad’s time, then you have to bring a change in today’s Islam. Convincing your parents will be very difficult or even impossible, so be prepared for it.
We hope and urge you please please, now dont be a love jihadi and ask the hindu to convert to Islam. Simply dump him and forget all these love dream or go and get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954.
Do not underestimate his parents. Do not listen to him but you go and meet his parents and tell you plan for marriage. Also define all your expectations as a Muslim daughter-in-law to those Hindu parents.
Are we trying to be difficult to you? Hindu-Muslim marriages are always difficult and we are just making you realize the reality of life. Best wishes.
practically there is nothing called love jihad ..simply cz if muslim marry hindu to convert ..who will marry muslim girls and boys ??
second to convert any hindu you must convince him /her of islam before love story starts not make him/her muslim cz of love story
when we say that hindu must convert to islam ( with out full conviencing
practically there is nothing called love jihad ..simply cz if muslim marry hindu to convert ..who will marry muslim girls and boys ??
second to convert any hindu you must convince him /her of islam before love story starts not make him/her muslim cz of love story
when we say that hindu must convert to islam ( with out full convience)
is not the right way to deal with them but we call for that to legalize this kind of marriage
that why we as muslims the most important thing for us is to be a muslim
may be not pray ..yes may be not eat maet yes all other details comes second priority ..important he believes in islam
if his love is true he will do sure
otherwise it is youth emotional feeling ..
not need to disoby yuor religion for that