Muslim girl in love with a Hindu but engaged to a Muslim

ramsha says: July 4, 2014 at 5:16 am

Hy iam a muslim girl in love with a hindu bt from about last 3 years. Iam engaged now with sum muslim guy by my parents wish im not happy.

I was ready to marry my boyfriend and he was ready but his mom refused he backstop. now he again came to me and saying that he wants to marry me I luv him alot and he says he also luvs me alot. What should I do. I mean can we live happily? -Ramsha

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • July 11, 2014 8:39 am


    You did not reply about above queries.

    • mac
      July 12, 2014 4:49 am

      and you didn`t answer my question

  • July 5, 2014 9:50 am

    Dear Ramsa,

    What is the profession of muslim guy whom you have been engaged?
    Similarly what about your Hindu BF, is he well educated and good earning hand?
    What about your age and qualification?
    While analysing all issues, it will be easier to assess the comptability of guys?

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