afrin says: June 18, 2015 at 9:11 pm
Hi am an Muslim women who have a relationship with the hindu man since from 5-6years before that he got married ahindu woman who has 3 children from him .But now he has only relation along me. There is not any talking or sexual contact with his wife and if that women want her husband back, what would be my right? As we are happly living what would be further problems plz give your suggestions -Afrin
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Hinduism is a religion made by British, the name Hindu was given by Muslim, infact there is nothing called hinduism.
Afrin….U r on the wrong track…..that man is using u and relishing ur body…thats all….the quicker u realize this the better it will be fr u
All my readers…i m so so sorry fr nt being able to respond to any comments….
the good news is….i am an IITian now…and in a few weeks time i’l will be settled in my college…then i will be regular again in IFM with equality……
Mashallah Bahi, that`s good news, Keep it up……….
What does that mean? Which IIT school?
You are now on a way to be a movers and shakers of this world. Now we will treat you like an IITian, meaning more responsibility for each word you use here!
Aaksah, a reminder, we asked you to write an article on plight of your family migration from Bangla Desh. Cover it like a journalist. Include emotional factors and also deep root cause analysis. Take interview with lots of others in such situation and read a lot on it. Write a quality that Times of India would like to publish. Show your IIT skills to us. Get back to us by August 1, 2015. We are waiting!
Okay admin…and thanku so much for ur wishes…..i wont be disclosing which IIT coz that would be risking my safety…i hope u dnt mind…bt yes..i m a mover and shaker of the world now……
sure…i would do a story on my migration….actually i went out of touch of IFM for a long time so that commet might have got unnoticed by me….
thanku again …
Why mullas and maulvies are not punished with 100 lashes when they resort to hundreds of mutta marriages of poor girls with Amir of gulf countries?
Why Amirs are not given 100 lashes?
Shagul, even Family members of Royal Family faces death sentence for murder, who many Indian politicians got death punishment for their grave crimes, not a single one, how many rapist in India got death punishment in past 10 years, answer is big Zero
Murder case: Saudi Prince to get death penalty soon ( )
Prince handed death sentence for murder ( )
Saudis behead two for raping minors ( )
And there are so many such cases.
shagul mutta temporary marriage is haram in islam only shia allow this kind of marriage it is forbidden in gulf countries &other muslim countries except iran
shia percentage is less than 8% in islamic world
if you know any indian working in libya let him ask libyans about their first king idris he was very religious along his 16 years of ruling he never execute any libyan for political opposition the man he execute was only his nephew for murder crime and that was very hard to him
Dear afrin, you are a muslim women, a muslim is not supposed to have relation with wife or husband of another person, this is one of the great sin in islam after shirik, though many scholar say hurting/mistreating parents is second most sin, some scholars say murder of innocent is the second most sin after shirik, so whatever may be the second most sin in islam, the zina(fornication/adultery) is one out of top 5 sin in islam if not 3. the punishment for you laid down by Allah swt in Qur’an is 100 lashes on your back[Quran 24:2] and if punishment are to be taken from hadith then your punishment is death for cheating another women who has 3 children, for you it may not be sin but in the eyes of all it is a sin, a huge sin. Also you have lost your chastity, you are not a chaste women anymore in the eyes of Allah, and now if you die in this state of unchaste life, hell is waiting for you, so you must repent to Allah and ask for forgiveness and stop this sin from now, this is the time of ramadan and you should take this opportunity to bring yourself in right path and in path of Allah, who knows what will happen in which moment, today we are alive, tomorrow we may die, today thousands of people are alive, next day those thousands of people will be no more in this world, and in those thousand it could be me , it could be you, so watch out.
This word Ramadan comes from the word Ramad which literally means `burning`. Imam Qurtubi said, “It was named Ramadan because it burns sins of people with good deeds” [Tafsir al qutibi , v2, pg 271]
This is what Allah who created you has to say about what you are doing now:
“The woman and the man guilty of unlawful sex (adultery or fornication), flog each of them with a hundred stripes; let not compassion move you in their case in a matter prescribed by Allah if ye believe in Allah and the Last day; and let a party of the believers witness their punishment”. The Noble Quran ch24:vs2)
Allah tells us in the Noble Quran Chapter 17 Verse 32:
Do not even go near ‘zina’ (fornication or adultery) for it is a very indecent thing and a very evil way!
And since you describe yourself to be Muslim women, means you consider yourself to be muslim, then you must know what who is a muslim, Allah in Quran tells us who really is a muslim in Chapter Mumeen(believer).
The Noble Quran, Chapter 23, the name of this chapter is The Believers , means those who believe or those who really are muslims.
“Certainly will the believers have succeeded:
They who are during their prayer humbly submissive,
And they who turn away from ill speech,
And who are payers of the poor-due,
And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)
Except from their wives or those their right hands possess, for indeed, they will not be blamed –
But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors
And those who are keepers of their trusts and their covenant
And they who carefully maintain their prayers
Those are the inheritors
Who will inherit al-Firdaus. They will abide therein.
So sister Aafrin, you can clearly see Allah mentioned guarding Chastity(i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts) except husband/wife.
You can read more here :-
But it`s not over of you, if you didn`y know about these rulings laid down by allah and you were ignorant then you have hope because Allah tells us in Quran
“Allah accepts the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and repent soon afterwards; to them will Allah turn in mercy; for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.
Of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil until death faces one of them and he says ‘Now have I repented indeed’; nor of those who die rejecting faith; for them have we prepared a punishment most grievous”. (4:17-18)
So Allah clearly declared he will not accept repentance,mercy after your death, this life is test and all repentance,forgiveness should be here, so if you continue to do fornication after knowing this then no hope for you, but if you repent now and move on from this haram relationship then you will have forgiveness,blessings of Allah.
Also since he is Hindu and had a wife legally, so court will not grant any right to you as in hindu marriage act, there is no place for second wife,if he was muslim, he was bound to give you full right, many hindu women suffers from this who marry a man who already had wife, coz later court doesn`t give right as second wife is not legal, so first he has to divorce his hindu wife legally and then he can marry you, best for you will be you convert him to islam and then maryr him, if not in the eye of Islam your marriage will be illegal means in front of allah your marriage will be nothing but illegal relationship, only relationship accepted by allah is Islamic Nikah.
Think twice before taking any step coz now your are not in a good situation according islam as well as Indian Penal Code.
Better for you to disassociate yourself from him. Let he go back to his wife and children. You should make it clear to him.
We do not feel comfortable you being in this situation. He is already married and this for him to be in relationship with another woman is not right. Further, legally, you cannot marry him till he is legally divorced. Further, he has 3 children and that will be a liability for you all your life. You have raised another important point, what if that “women want her husband back?”, simply, that is a good possibility. And after all, they are married so can have it. At that time, you will be no where. Sorry, we don’t know what else we could say.