Muslim girl with a Digambar Jain

insiya says: November 24, 2014 at 4:50 am

Hi Haseena, I have somewat same story like you

JainsI am involved with a Digambar Jain guy but here my parents are ready for my marriage but his not .. saying that I am muslim and can not be accepted in Jain society, Now my bf is like he can not leave his religion and his mother .. our relationship is in trouble now..
can you tell me how was ur experience with dealing with society and Temple ? even I do not like Non veg and I am a believer of Non violence
Request you to reply. -Insiya

Also read: Jain-Muslim marriage, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages,

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  • January 9, 2016 6:50 am

    Dear Insiya,

    I happy that u r so much in luv that no barriers matter.I am digambar jain married to a non practising Muslim I have not convereted or changed my name post marriage. As the admin rightly said inter religion marriage there is alway sogud n some bad n lots of people telling you how u ll fail be strong take in only the positive and ignore the negative. To make thinks clear to u me n my husband got married in court under special marriage act. I wont say it was easy being from a family who are strict vegetarian they almost had a heart attack when they found out I wanted to marry a Muslim, luckily for me my husband was a very responsible n educated guywho loved me and understanding my views on vegetarianism quit non veg, didnt believe in God but never challenged my belief. Took me 2 years of constant fights n telling me to leave for them to finally accept him and agree for our marriage. Note I was stubborn wanted to marry him under special marriage act but only with consent. His family took time n finally 3 years after marriage they accepted me and held a reception only thing I was told was to lie that I converted n had a nikaha a day b4 reception. That was the least I could so for them, I love both my family I believe in 1 God u chose the name u call him with, I dont agree to a lot in Hinduism, Islam, jainism, Buddhism or Christianity, but no God or religion ever told hurt any one physically or emotionally, in india we are blessed with freedom to religion so if you truly are in luv speak to him explain how and Wat u feel n what u think but do try and understand his point also. Jain families are rather close knit with all uncles and aunts having a say about u. So have patience and courage may the God u believe in give to guidance and strength to overcomw thos situation but alway remember what ever happens is for the good. Reema

    Reply at

  • Rajsingh Rathod
    September 7, 2015 12:04 pm

    •••Keep it simple guys.
    •••I can call the almighty by any name. It has no name. Which ever name you give for your convinence. Is OK. I can go to Gurudwara, Temple or Math, no restrictions. Why because I am Sanatan Dharmi (Indian religions other than Islam and Christianity).
    •••Could you Islamists do that? Nooooooooo.
    •••All the rules of Islam are made for increasing the number of believers.
    •••It is less a religion and more a Political Club with millions of membership.

  • classapart
    June 12, 2015 5:40 am


    I am a proud Jain. I can vouch that no other religions is so tolerant towards other faith and community as we Jains are. I do not have any problem with any religion or faith. I have friends from all the religions but one thing I noticed is my muslim friends are not very tolerant towards other religions. They don’t like going out and are happy being confined in four corners of their house. They don’t like it that you go out and enjoy life. Why is every where in the world only Muslims are fighting for land and other things? High time to think amongst themselves. They will suppress a women to any extent. Heartless creatures. You don’t to JANNAT by praying 5 times a day or blindly following ISLAMIC activities. Your place in JANNAT will only be decided by your KARMAS. Killing innocent people and forcing people to follow Islamic rituals wont do any good to anyone. It should come from within and not forcefully. And please stop misleading and marrying people just thinking that will increase MUSLIM population on this earth. No one is permanent on this earth. Do good karma.

    • mac
      June 12, 2015 6:16 am

      To classapart, so spreading hatred against one community is good karma for you. huh.

      Muslims don`t enjoy everything you do coz they have religious obligation like you/jains/hindus don`t go out and have beef party with friends, we won`t say jains are close minded that they don`t eat beef, we will regard as it is you belief and we don`t find any problem with it, same way Muslims have certain restrictions, buy it is you who is intolerant and not willing to tolerate belief of others, otherwise you wouldn`t have find objection on it, you would have regard it as their belief, infact you are criticizing it, if i start criticizing jains for not eating beef, will that be fair?

      You want muslim should dis-obey his religion and do what you like but will not cross your religious limit, eat beef and then comment on muslim, else you will only be regarded as bigot,nothing else.

      And about killing of innocent people by muslim, same way again here you apply your hatred, Muslims are also being killed by Buddhist in Myanmar, In Palestine by Israel, but we won`t blame this to all Buddhist or Jews living around the world, we understand that all Jews or Buddhists are not killing muslim in Palestine or Burma, but since bigot,hater like you have mental problems who like to bash whole community of people. Last summer 2000+ innocent Muslims were killed in Palestine, in Myanmar, rohingya Muslims are already eliminated, they are now in middle of sea hoping other country will seek refuge to them.

      So if you want to speak against injustice,inhumanity,killing of innocent people, then be fair and open and condemn all sorts of evil woks whether done by muslim or non-muslim, but whom i am taking with, haters like you only love bashing one particular group of people.

      • Mohammed
        June 12, 2015 10:44 am

        thats what he is telling mac bro.

        vouch that no other religions is so
        tolerant towards other faith and community as we Jains are. I do not have any problem with any religion or fait
        but he has problem only with islam not other religion by misunderstanding islam. .

        he he he 😀

  • human
    December 30, 2014 9:36 am

    Can you please provide your mail id or something? wanna chat with you

  • November 27, 2014 8:58 am


    When you will be a good person, realizing and accepting evils of Islamic religion like females like field to be ploughed in any manner,
    their testimony is half, 4 witnesses needed to seek justice against rape, keeping 4 wives at a time, only virgin wife needed to bleed on the wedding night and displaying blood stained bed sheet before all family members, sex with dead wife, mutta marriage, halala.

    Madarsas used for jihad, human bomb, raping and sodomizing kids like you were victim.

    When you will leave to appreciate blood shed, murder, kidnapping, bomb blasts killing innocents through terrorist activities in the world?

    • mac
      November 29, 2014 4:57 am

      Massey, when you will be a good,honest person and realise the truth.

      in islam testomony is half, in other religion there is no testimony for women, islam atleast gace this right to women

      you lied, there is no need for 4 eye witness to prove rape , watch this video and clear your doubt

      its a complete lie that women needs to prove virginity on weeding night, you are tagging islam with different cultures, muhammad 10 wives were widowed, only aisha ra was virgin, does that make any sense to you and those others like you that in islam women needs to bleed in weeding night.

      Sex with dead wife , lol, you again lied, there is nothing like sex with dead wife.

      mutta marriage is a lie, there is no provision of such marriage in islam.

      halala , well halala is to protect women, you people misterpreted in wrong way, just like you did with 4 eye-witness,jihad etc

      madrasa is for islamic education, if in any madrasa terrorism is tought then it is not a madrasa any more.

      who said i was victim, you made that up LOL
      what kidnapping,etc got to do with islam

      will you speak truth for once!!

  • mac
    November 27, 2014 1:06 am


    admin says:
    November 25, 2014 at 7:17 am

    Explain context..”admin when he said its not a bad thing women are born sinful”. We do not believe in original sin, no one is born sinful. It is your bad karma on this life that is sin.”””

    that means you don`t beileve in gita, good, now you are becoming a good person

  • November 25, 2014 8:08 am


    Every body knows in what circumstances your mother accepted Islam.
    Knowing very well the evil practices prevailing in islam against humanity through out the world, you are manipulating facts and always aiming at Hindu religion even other religion writers have pointed islamic evils. Dont try to be a smart manipulator. Admn. has rightly pointed out your attitude a number of times.

    Covertly aggressive people are among the most manipulative personalities. They use certain tactics to accomplish two things simultaneously: 1) conceal their aggressive intentions, and 2) invite you to fear, be doubtful, or optimally, to concede or give in. And there are a handful of tactics covert aggressors tend to use more frequently – tactics that are generally the most effective in manipulating others – especially neurotics. Recognizing these manipulation tactics and knowing how to respond to them are the keys to personal empowerment.

    I can’t stress enough how capable the more skilled manipulators are of using just about any behavior imaginable to accomplish their aims. This is especially true when the manipulator has a “good read” on the character of their target of manipulation.

  • November 25, 2014 2:59 am

    Now Mohammad and Mac, will not digest this life story of Insiya.
    They do not want to see any muslim female living gracefully and restriction free life. No doubt both are mutta product and blood
    flowing in their veins does not want natural justice to a female.

    • mac
      November 25, 2014 3:09 am

      Idiot, you old bully, i never forced any girl to beileve in islam is this site, its you hindu guys who are doingg evil in this site under different names, its you who says don`t marry muslims where as there are plenty of examples of hindu women living blissfully in muslim housu including my mom, i know you are an old bully and commenting here with a new name, you people are all anti-women, i got proof from admin when he said its not a bad thing women are born sinful

      • November 25, 2014 7:17 am

        Explain context..”admin when he said its not a bad thing women are born sinful”. We do not believe in original sin, no one is born sinful. It is your bad karma on this life that is sin.

        • Mohammed
          November 25, 2014 8:04 am


          check this out :
          1.Women are fickle minded. Never
          believe them. Friendship with a
          women is just like friendship with a
          wolf. (Rig-Veda)

          2.Woman is the source of sorrow.
          At birth she makes her mother
          weep. At the time of the puberty
          she makes her parents weep. At the
          time of the marriage she makes all
          her family members and relatives
          weep. In youth she commits lot of
          blunders and brings bad name to
          the entire family, relatives and
          Varna. She tortures the hearts of
          her parents, husband and other
          family members. She is called
          ‘DARIKA’ because she is source of
          sorrow to all.
          (Aithareya Brahmana)

          3.Women are liers, corrupt, greedy,
          and unvirtuous. (Manu II 1)

          4.A girl must be under the care
          of her father . . . in youth under the
          care of the husband and in old age
          under the care of her sons. But she
          should never be free and
          independent. (Manu V. 148)

          5.Killing of a woman, a Shudra or
          an atheist is not sinful. Woman is
          an embodiment of the worst
          desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and
          bad character. Women should never
          be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and
          V. 47, 147)[Make this bold]

          6.Women have no right to study
          the Vedas. That is why their
          Sanskars are performed without
          Veda Mantras. women have no
          knowledge of religion because they
          have no right to know the Vedas.
          The uttering of Veda Mantras, they
          are as unclean as untruth
          is.” (Manu IX. 18)

          7.All women are born of sinful
          wombs. (Bhagavad-Gita IX 32) [Make this bold]

          8. None of the acts of women can
          be taken as good and reasonable.
          (Manu X.4)

          These are the status of your womens admin
          Shame full admin. .

        • mac
          November 27, 2014 1:05 am

          didn`t you say that there is no bad on gita ch9 verse 32

  • November 24, 2014 7:18 pm

    Parents always come in the way, even you were Jain. They do not understand the reality of today and still wishes their son to pick a girl of their choice. But have patience, it takes time.

    We are glad your parents are supportive. Are they okay if you marry to a “Jain” and go settle in Jain family? Do they expect you to have Nikaah wedding? Are you okay with a Jain wedding?

    Jains are very strict vegetarian and believer in non-violence. It is good that you do not have any issue with that. What is your concern with their temple? Can you clarify? Have you visited a Jain temple? Tell us if you will be okay following that faith, at least partially.

    Is he financially independent? Does he have a good paid job? How about you for job? Do you live in India? Get back to us, thanks.

    • insiya
      January 22, 2015 1:00 am

      Hello Admin

      sorry for late reply.
      But by reading all these bullshit replies from so called Religious People I do not think i should discuss my personal life here

      It would be good if you can email me,
      and also is it possible to get Haseena’s contact email ID ?

      • January 22, 2015 7:16 am

        Interfaith marriages are always touchy and very sensitive. On one side, youths have newly found love and on the other side there are deep rooted religions. However, if you ever marry interfaith, you WILL have to face all these criticism in person from both sides of families.

        Take this web site experience as a training ground. Take what you like it and ignore the rest (no harm done). At least on this web site, you could chose to reply and ignore the others, you will not have that option in your interfaith married life. We wish you the best, for what ever you decide to do.

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