Saima says:June 21, 2013 1:14 PM
I am a Muslim female from British Pakistani background of Sunni school of thought and I have been married to a sikh guy for 3 years now. my younger sister and 2 friends and 3 cousin sisters, are married to Sikh guys too.
My personal view is I believe Muslim women and Sikh men are better suited to each other as all the relationships i have come across like mine the Muslim woman is really happy whereas others I have seen where Muslim woman is forced or expected to marry a Muslim guy often are very unhappy and get divorced within a year or less.
I think we as Muslim females should really open our minds instead of going with the flow and marry a Muslim man just for families sake or what our religion allegedly expects us to do.
More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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Thank you Saima for sharing your beautiful story. I am so glad to see that Muslim women can marry Sikhs and be happy. I am currently dating a sikh guy who I am madly in love with. It is so hard to see life without him. Because of our religions, we decided to take a a break. His family would never approve of me because Im muslim and my family would never approve because he is Sikh. I have so much respect for Sikhism and he respects Islam. I started learning Punjabi and he’s learning arabic. I really really wanna be with him and nobody else. Please share your input
Assuming two families agree, how are you planning to get married? Islamic Nikaah, Sikh wedding or civil wedding?
IF our parents would agree, I think it’s only appropriate to have both an Islamic Nikkah and Sikh wedding. It’s such a long shot because of our family/religion.
Do you know that no imam will perform Nikaah without religious conversion of the Sikh? Why Sikh has to convert? Are you willing to convert to Sikhism, if no, how can you expect him to convert? Talk to him if he is willing to convert as a must requirement of your imam. Alternatively, are you willing to marry by court and keep both religions out of picture? Let us know.
Hey Noor, I am punjabi dating a arabic girl aswell can you please update me on your situation if it doesnt bother you? I am learning arabic aswell !! what a coincidence
Hell and curse for those Muslim women who deviated religion and for Iblees sake married non Muslims. How these criminals will face our Prophet and GOD Almighty Allah on dooms day.
Hi Saima,
Any way to contact you to get more information about how you both got married?
I am a Muslim girl going out with a Hindu guy for last 5 years. We are really confused about
how to get married and the problems we would be facing in the future
Would be looking forward to your reply Or any way I can get in touch with you
Reply at
Hello saima.can i get some gudiance from you
sara what u need to ask tell me as my sister is also enjoying a hindu bf
Hi readers,
Pinning down a reason for why some Muslims practice polygamy today is more difficult. Let’s be frank, it is highly doubtful that the majority of men engaging in polygamous marriages in the 21st century married widows and decided to do so in order to protect these women’s children from injustice and exploitation. And while the numbers vary from region to region, we see women throughout the world being educated and employed at much higher rates than in the distant past; they are increasingly becoming self-reliant and less dependent on a husband for financial security or for the welfare of their children.
These changing social conditions make it difficult to identify and explain why polygamy is justified in modern Muslim society. While my personal understanding of how and when polygamy should be practiced leads me to conclude that the conditions of modern Muslim societies do not meet Quranic standards, the Quran reminds us that “there is no compulsion in religion.” If Muslim laypeople and scholars agree that polygamy remains permissible, although certainly not the ideal setup, today as it was centuries ago, they are free to pursue it.
Having established the original reason behind the permissibility of polygamy, we turn to how Muslims practice this unusual marital arrangement in modern day society, as opposed to the why. In order for a polygamous marriage to be successful, I firmly believe that each party must enter into the union knowing precisely what is expected of him or her and what he or she will give in return.
Whether a woman becomes one of multiple wives because, as Qayyum points out, her biological clock is ticking, her career consumes her time or because she believes the arrangement will eliminate a man’s likelihood to cheat, she must play a role in the decision-making process through which this marriage comes about. Technically a Muslim husband may take on a second wife without the consent of the first (although the ethics of this executive decision-making can be debated), but it is also perfectly within the rights of a Muslim wife to stipulate in her marriage contract that her husband must seek her counsel and consent before taking another wife and if he fails to, it constitutes valid and legal grounds for separation and/or divorce.
This is the sort of pro-active, pragmatic approach a woman must take if she plans to enter into a polygamous marriage, but most Muslim women do not insist on putting these sorts of key protective mechanisms in place before signing their name to the paper.
Muslim women tend to be unaware of their rights in a polygamous marriage, while men are usually ignorant of their responsibilities. According to verses two and three in the fourth chapter of the Qur’an, polygamy in Islam is permitted in the context of social welfare, so this arrangement is less about demanding rights from one’s wives and more about treating them with special care and consideration.
Yet, many Muslim men use this so-called “right” to multiple wives as a means to excuse themselves from the monogamy that Islam actually implores of them in favor of polygamy. This sort of self-serving attitude leaves many women in these unconventional unions in a state of neglect, emotional distress, and without the comfort that Islamic marriage is supposed to provide.
My hope in contributing to this discussion is that more Muslim women, whether considering polygamous marriage or already in such a relationship, take a close, hard look at their God-given rights within these unions and assert these privileges to ensure that they are as happy and as gratified as possible in their marriages.
Gulnar, you would be a foolish one to think that polygamy is fine, if everyone is equal in the eyes of the So Great God, then the freedom to marry more men should also have been given to women, this was an older culture as well, its called polyandry…
As for women being fine with other women in the life of their partner, it would be better to leave such a cruel religion which encroaches on the rights of women, and kicking a man like that who has no respect for women, rather than taking a shallow position in a household.
I hope you can start standing up for yourself and other women, and get out of this cage of slavery of mind where you think yourself as lower than a man.
Hi Tenali,
You have rightly pointed out about the truth of video to creat terrorists. This is common practice in almost all madarasas.
It is rightly said that islam is not a religion but a criminal
and cruel mindset against humanity.
Hi Sukhvinder,
This video was really disturbing. How can god be so partial towards only a small group of his own creation ( i.e. male believers ) and discriminate against all others? In this website there were so many comments saying Islam granted more rights to women etc. How come no one came forward and criticized the views expressed by this Mulla?
It is high time for Muslim women to become aware of the reality and push for reforms in muslim society. If reforms are not possible, returning to their original roots may be the only option.
I found this video of a Mullah who was explaining about Jannat to his followers. Is this true?
Reply at
Hi,i was reading this topic and a question was made for me.i agree that the person must decide for its future and dont let family sake or sth like that dont interfere to the person decision but what can a girl do who is born in the family in which she cant get decide what she wanna for her future(for example marry to someone who she loves)what she must do to get rid of these obstacles.
As always Admin has pointed out, you can take the following course of action:
1. Get a good education.
2. Land a job that can provide you a steady source of income.
3. Don’t marry before youhave accomplished the above two goals.
4. Latter after step 2, make it clear that you will marry with a boy of your choice.
5. Take help of other similar people of your family/friends.
very much thanks for your nice answer.but the point is that must try much in this way and by help of god will get done INSHALLAH.
Dear sisters,
The day of the FGM(Female genital mutiliation) is considered an important event but it is kept secret from the pre-menarche child, and then sprung upon her once the necessary preparations have been made. Senior female members of the community, relatives, traditional birth attendants (TBA’s) or occasionally healthcare workers may be called upon to carry out the procedure.
No anesthesia is used while this very sensitive part of the female body is being brutally cut and manipulated, except when the operation is being performed by a health professional who has access to anesthetics and who the required knowledge in their use.
The age at which female genital mutilation is performed varies from country to country and according to the type of mutilation being done. The SUNNA is generally the type that is performed at a very young age and may be carried out soon after birth, during the first week of life or at any time before the Menarche. In the case of EXCICION and INFIBULATION when more tissues are to be removed which entail more manipulations, the child is allowed to grow older so that the tissues intended for excision are also given a chance to grow. This gives the operator a better pinch or grip. According to the findings of our survey, it was found that the usual age when Excision and Infibulations are performed is between seven and nine years of age.
Instruments and Methods
The Instruments
•Any sharp cutting instrument such as a knife, broken glass, razor blade will do, or the operator may have somehow acquired medical instruments like a scalpel, forceps or scissors.
•The instruments may be new or may have already been used for other purposes and/or on other persons.
•Sterilization is seldom known nor performed by these traditional operators.
The Sutures
•Regular surgical Catgut, Silk or Cotton thread.
•Domestic sewing thread.
•Vegetable or nylon fiber pre-selected by the operator.
The Needles
•Regular surgical suturing needles
•(round bodied or sharp and any size)
•Domestic sewing needle.
Approximating the Wound
In some cases, instead of suturing together the raw edges of the wound, these are held together with thorns that are inserted on opposite sides of the wound and then laced together with thread and left in place for seven days or until the tissues of the wound have had time to fuse together. This type of infibulation is often practiced by nomads and agro–pastoralists.
Condition of Hands
•No gloves are worn during the operation.
•Hands may or may not be washed and in any case wet fingers are slippery and should the operator have difficulty in pinching the skin being removed, it is not unlikely for the operator to wipe his/her hands on the thighs of the child or even on the sand on the ground in order to dry them and thus improve dexterity!
•The operator allows his/her nails to grow as they are used as pincers during operations. Rings, amulets and other hand ornaments are rarely removed, as these items are not recognized by the traditional healer as likely sources of contamination.
Clothes and Bedding
Since bleeding will occur and since there will be some secretions for some days, the family usually finds an old mat or floor covering that can later be discarded.
Sometimes sand is placed on the mat under the buttocks of the child in order to absorb blood and other secretions.
In the case of more affluent or educated families, they may be more likely to be aware of the risks of infection and usually such families would have clean sheets and also gauze pads to absorb any blood or secretions from the wound.
The Operation Itself
The child is made to squat on a stool or mat facing the operator at a convenient height that offers the operator a good view of the parts to be handled. This is important for the operator is often an elderly person whose sight may be impaired and who may find bending over difficult.
Understandably, it is vital for the child to be held as still as possible in order to avoid inflicting cuts other than those intentionally being carried out for the purpose of Infibulation. For this, adult helpers grab and pull apart the legs of the little girl. Usually, two persons grab one leg each and also hold down her hips; a third person holds back the head and torso. To prevent kicks, the child’s legs are held back by tying a rope to each of her ankles which is then tied to her thighs thus keeping each leg in a tightly flexed position in what can roughly be described as a modified and forced Trendenlenberg.If available, this is the stage at which a local anesthetic would be used.
The element of speed and surprise is vital and the operator immediately grabs the clitoris by pinching it between her nails aiming to amputate it with a slash. The organ is then shown to the senior female relatives of the child who will decide whether the amount that has been removed is satisfactory or whether more is to be cut off. After the Clitoris has been ‘satisfactorily’ amputated, and also after the female relatives have ‘ululated’ to let those outside know that the business at hand is progressing well, the operator can then proceed with the total removal of the labia minora and the paring of the inner walls of the labia majora . Since the entire skin on the inner walls of the Labia Majora has to be removed all the way down to the perineum, this becomes a very messy business as the child who is by now screaming and struggling is also bleeding profusely making it difficult for the operator to hold with bare fingers and nails the slippery skin and the parts that are to be cut or sutured together.
It needs to be stressed here that it is important for the wound to heal by first intention not only to protect the child from a repeat operation, but also mainly to preserve the popularity of the operator who would otherwise acquire a bad reputation and also would lose future potential clients if the wounds that she handles do not heal well. Having made sure that sufficient tissue has been removed to permit the desired fusion of the skin, the operator pulls together the opposite sides of the labia majora, ensuring that the raw edges where the skin had been removed are well approximated. The wound is now ready to be stitched or for thorns to be applied.
If a needle and thread are being used, close tight sutures will be placed to ensure that a flap of skin covers the vulva and extends from the Mons Veneris to the Perineum and which, after the wound heals, will form a bridge of scar tissue that will totally occlude the vaginal entroitus. A small hole having the diameter of a matchstick will be left un-stitched in order to permit the flow of urine and vaginal secretions. If thorns are being used, an equal number would have been inserted into each side of the labia majora, and a string would then be used to pull the thorns together and thus bring the raw edges of the labia majora together. The string would be wound in the same way that sports shoes with hooks are laced. If the female genital cutting is being done by a person who has some knowledge of dressing wounds, they would apply regular medical disinfectants.
After the stitching, a raw egg is broken over the wound, which is then sprinkled, with whatever herbs, sugar or concoction that were prepared according to the dictates of the local custom, or the practice of the ‘operator’. This concoction, consisting of egg, herbs, sugar, and the blood of the child, would all clog together and form a crust over the sutures or the strips of cloth holding the thorns together. One can only wonder why more girls do not develop infections after this rich culture medium for bacteria has been placed between the legs of these little girls. In order to prevent leg movement, the child’s legs are bound together from the hips down to her toes and the child is then made to lie on her side.
No dressing is used and the legs are kept together for a week after which the leg bindings are slightly loosened and the child allowed taking small steps. The leg bindings will be removed altogether after a further week. To ascertain that the urethra has not been accidentally closed, either by a blood clot or suture, the child is encouraged to urinate a few hours after the operation. Whether sutures or thorns were inserted, these will be removed on the seventh day but only after the operator is satisfied that the two sides of the labia majora have fused together and that the remaining hole for urination is not wider than three to five millimeters in diameter.
De–infibulation at the Time of Marriage
The closure of the introitus must be reopened at the time of marriage so that the woman is able to have sexual intercourse. The opening up of the infibulation occurs as part of a ceremony and in the presence of female members from the bride and groom’s families to verify that the bride is a virgin at the time of marriage. The opening of the infibulation is performed by a senior female member of the community, a TBA, or in a hospital by medical staff. Occasionally, the husband forcibly performs penetration and bursts through the scar of the infibulation.
The Dangers of FGM
FGM puts children at risk of life threatening complications at the time of the procedure as well as health problems that remain with her for life. They may suffer bleeding at the time of the procedure or develop severe infection, both of which can lead to death if not treated promptly. Those who do not develop life-threatening complications will still suffer from severe pain and trauma.
The procedure also permits the transmission of viral infections such as hepatitis which can lead to chronic liver diseases and even HIV. The women may suffer complications such as recurrent infections, pain and obstruction associated with urination and they are at higher risk of painful menstruation and intercourse, pelvic infection and difficulties in becoming pregnant. Retention of urine and recurrent infections often require repeated hospital admissions and some women carry a risk of developing nephritis. The development of cysts and keloids at the site of the scar are very common, often causing embarrassment and marital problems, and usually require surgery for removal.
During pregnancy there are many further complications that may occur as a direct result of the FGM. Labour may become obstructed and if early medical intervention is not provided this may lead to the death of both baby and mother. WHO estimates that many women giving birth die in the process, simply as a result of FGM 19. If the mother and baby survive there is the risk of damage to the vagina leading to the formation of fistulas into the bladder or bowel, which cause constant incontinence as a result of a vessico-vaginal fistula or recto-vaginal fistula. Women in this condition are often rejected by their family and become social outcasts. During the seven years that the Edna Adan Hospital has been functional, the fistulae of over 100 women have been surgically repaired. Apart from the many physical complications, the girls and women experience considerable psychological problems including depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. These psychological problems are exacerbated at the time of marriage and often lead to increased distress and fear of intercourse. If de-infibulation is performed the woman is again exposed to the life threatening complications of sepsis and bleeding, and the transmission of chronic infections such as HIV and Hepatitis and also damage to the urethra if, as is common, the operator makes an error when performing the cut.
Considering the clumsy and un-hygienic conditions under which female genital mutilation is usually performed, complications are frequent and numerous and can be classified in the order in which they are likely to occur.
•Other lacerations: in addition to the intentional cuts on the clitoris, labia minora and majora, there may be accidental lacerations inflicted on the child as a result of her struggles.
These cuts may involve the vagina, urethra, anus and thighs.
As a result, quite a few children are taken to hospitals for the control of hemorrhage, or for the repair of severe lacerations.
Within the first 10 days
•Infection: infection to the wound and septicaemia are often encountered and tetanus is not uncommon.
•Retention of Urine: (5 possible causes) 1.Post-Traumatic Oedema of the vulva resulting from the damages inflicted on the clitoris and labia impedes or obstructs the passage
of urine through the swollen urethra
2.Obstruction of the urethra by a blood clot or by the thorns that were inserted to hold the sides of the labia majora together.
3.Accidental suturing of the Urethra itself
4.Over-tight application of the binds that were used to keep the thighs and legs together
5.Psychosomatic urine retention out of fear and pain
•Failure to Infibulate: when the two sides of the labia majora fail to fuse, it necessitates that the child undergoes a repeat operation at
a later date.
At the onset of menstruation
•Dysmeorrhoea: when the post-infibulation vaginal whole is too small there is a constant stagnation of menstrual blood and other vaginal secretions, causing bacteria to spread into the vaginal and uterine cavities. This is likely to increase the risk of chronic pelvic inflammation that might cause the severe abdominal cramps experienced by infibulated females during menstruation
•Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection: because of the flap of skin obstructing the urethra after infibulation, urine does not jet out during micturition. Instead, it hits the flap of skin obstructing the vulva and is then sprayed back into the vagina and then trickles out in drops. This obstruction also prevents proper vaginal hygiene and drainage and causes urinary stasis which is likely to cause recurrent urinary tract infection
•Possible Second FGM: because the small artificial opening that had previously permitted the passage of urine becomes insufficient to permit the drainage of the more viscous consistency of menstrual bleeding, doctors often have to convince the parents of these girls that the small vaginal opening be enlarged to permit the flow of menstrual blood.
This the families resist because they fear that if the opening is too wide it may not be sufficient proof that their daughter is a virgin when her time comes for her to get married.
At the time of Marriage
•De-infibulation: The infibulation opening that had until then permitted the passage of urine and vaginal secretions is no longer able to permit intercourse. This will require that the husband make a forcible penetration to burst the skin obstructing the entrance to the vagina, or the opening will have to be cut open with scissors or a knife to allow the consummation of marriage
•Dyspareunia: the scar tissue that surrounds the vaginal orifice may be rigid and inelastic and can cause pain during sexual intercourse
•Infertility: because of the constant stagnation of menstrual blood and other vaginal secretions that have accumulated in the vaginal cavity, the resulting pelvic inflammation may obstruct the fallopian tubes and block the normal travel of the ovum along the tubes, preventing
it from becoming fertilized by the male spermatozoa
•Vulval keloids and dermal cysts: apart from their unaesthetic appearance, these may interfere with consummation of marriage or with childbirth during delivery
During Pregnancy
•It is not uncommon for an infibulated and pregnant woman to attend the antenatal clinic for follow up of the pregnancy or for a pregnancy related complaint and find that the opening of the infibulation will not admit the introduction of even one finger into the vagina for diagnostic and exploratory purposes. Such women will require a de-infibulation during pregnancy if complications are to be avoided at the time of delivery
During Labour and Delivery
•Caesarian: Some women arrive at the maternity hospital in labour with a very small infibulation opening. If the vagina is seen to be too rigid and scarred, and thought to be a possible cause of severe vaginal lacerations or third degree tears, it is likely that and elective caesarian section will be decided upon. If keloids have formed and are too large, a Caesarian section might be the best option to deliver this woman.
•Prolonged second stage of labour: because the vagina, perineum and the labia have all undergone mutilation that has left extensive scar
formation, the vaginal canal becomes inelastic and the pelvic floor muscles rigid. Thus preventing the normal and gradual dilation of the vagina as well as the descent of the presenting part of the child during the second stage of labour
•Foetal Complications: 1.Large caput formation
2.Excessive molding of the head
3.Intra-cranial hemorrhage
Thanks for reading and please analyse the relevance of the practice.
All the Muslims will only be happy if they follow only Allah and the real Quran that is embedded in everybody’s heart/mind. All the superstitious practices are due to only one reason – slavery to Muhammad in the name of Allah. Why care about Muhammad if we have surrendered to Allah? Muhammad never came against women repression, in fact he himself accepted women captured from the wars. How can you accept this person as the liberator of womenfolk? He never came forthright against the practices of circumcision or Female genital mutilation. Some of the Muslim women are happy to hear that it’s only a noble act not a requirement in Islam! Do you think it’s a noble act? I consider it as a heinous act of crime. Any book or person saying it as a noble act is a sadist, not a noble person. By the way there are numerous acts of cruelty in Islam and need of the hour is to come against them openly. At least start saying fearlessly spade a spade. I don’t care who is hurt with in this process because he is himself/herself inflicting unbearable bodily injury to someone.
To summarize, please come forthright against all the scholars, Imamms, Hadiths or Muhammad if they favor any bodily injury in the name of religion/Allah. Allah is sensible enough to give us what is required for us. Pray to Allah and those who love His creation.
Female genital mutilation or male circumcision is a crime against Allah as it deforms the body given by Allah and causes excruciating pain to the victims. It’s not religion and just a savage practice which must be banned immediately with exemplary punishment to the perpetrators. Just talking and writing won’t do. All the readers must swear in the name of Allah that they will try their level best to stop both of the practices within their their families and friends. You can do the followings:
Don’t let these practices happen to your children, brothers and sisters. Resist to the best of your capacity. Consider it as a crime and you can even take the help of court/police. It’s funny that people are inflicted with immense pain in the name of religion.
Hello readers,
Following important facts:-
Muhammad’s 16 Wives:
1. Khadija
2. Sawda
3. Aesha
4. Omm Salama
5. Halsa
6. Zaynab (of Jahsh)
7. Jowayriyi
8. Omm Habiba
9. Safiya
10. Maymuna (of Hareth)
11. Fatema
12. Hend
13. Asma (of Saba)
14. Zaynab (of Khozayma)
15. Habla
16. Asma (of Noman)
Muhammad’s 2 concubines/slaves:
Mary (the Christian)
Muhammad’s 4 devoted followers who who “gave” themselves to satisfy Muhammad’s sexual desires.
Omm Sharik
Zaynab (a third one)
Zaynab of Jahsh was originally Muhammad’s adopted son Zaid’s wife. The fact that Muhammad took her for himself has been problematic to many people, Muslims included. (God does not break His Own Word and He never changes His mind. Now read Sura 33:36-38).
(The vindicated prophet Moses taught under the Old Testament, that a minister could only marry a virgin or the widow of a minister (Leviticus 21:13-15). The vindicated prophet Jesus taught under the New Testament that an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher can marry only a virgin in the faith — because he is a type of Christ Who is uniting only with virgins to the Word.
Every prophet from Adam taught that any woman who has more than one living husband is an adulteress, and her subsequent husband is in adultery with her first husband as polygamy was legal only for the man — Genesis 3:16; Romans 7:1-3).
Aesha was only eight or nine years old when Muhammad took her to his bed. According to Hadith, she was still playing with her dolls. This facet of Muhammad’s sexual appetite is particularly distressing to Westerners.
While in Islamic countries an eight-or-nine-year-old girl can be given in marriage to an adult male, in the West, most people would shudder to think of an eight-or-nine-year-old girl being given in marriage to anyone. (Although it is condoned by the Jew’s Talmud).
This aspect of Muhammad’s personal life is something that many scholars pass over once again because they do not want to hurt the feelings of Muslims. Yet, history cannot be rewritten to avoid confronting the facts that Muhammad had unnatural desires for little girls.
Finally, Mary, the Coptic Christian, refused to marry Muhammad because she would not renounce Christianity and embrace Islam. She bravely chose to remain a slave rather than convert.
The documentation for all the women in Muhammad’s harem is so vast and has been presented so many times by able scholars that only the blind reject it
ya he only married once and the rest are false stories about what mohmmed u talking about there are lots of them around call Muhammad let me ask u why is there only one grave stone of wife? because he married once, rest ur just believing every thing ur told on websites what do u know?
Dear readers,
Iwould like to point an inhuman practice of female genital mutiliation (FGM) practiced in Pakistan.
In Pakistan, the act of FGM is practiced amongst in almost areas and communities – one example being the Bohra Muslims. There are roughly about 100,000 Bohra Muslims in the country, mostly in the southern regions of Pakistan, such as Sindh. In recent years, due to a rise in strict sect religious compliance by the Bohra Muslims, the practice of FGM has increased. Unless the Bohra chief, known as Dai, issues a decree to forbid the act, the practice will remain firmly rooted in the people’s culture and will continue to be practiced.
Countless news reports from all over the world have provided sound proof to support the immense damage that FGM can cause.
Take, for instance, the news report about a girl who went through the traumatic ordeal of FGM at the age of six – a fact uncovered at age 12, when doctors were investigating what they thought was a cyst. However, the girl had become infertile due to years of menstrual blood being blocked, prevented from leaving her body due to the stitching of her vaginal opening.
Another report mentioned a story of a woman who went for a check-up. The midwife was examining her and suddenly ran out of the room, retching and crying after she saw the state of the patient’s genitals.
It is not just the young women of Pakistan but also British girls of Pakistani origin who are subjected to this procedure. Young British girls pack their bags with their favourite outfits, books and toys and jump with joy at the thought of six weeks of holiday with their relatives. However, many young girls are unaware that their parents are taking them to Pakistan to carry out the FGM procedure.
What clerics say
Since the State of Pakistan is an Islamic country, let’s take a look at what Islam says about the practice.
To begin with, the Holy Quran does not bear even a single mention of female circumcision. In addition to this, there is no Hadith that mandates this practice. However, some have argued that one Hadith, although not requiring it, appears to accept the practice:
“Circumcision is a commendable act for men (Sunnah) and is an honourable thing for women” (Makromah).
This Hadith is criticised on the grounds that a distinction is made between male circumcision, which is described in a stronger way, whilst a weaker explanation is offered for female circumcision, which is not required religiously.
But ask yourself: how is cutting or partially/completely removing parts of the female genitalia an honourable thing for women? What is it that makes it honourable? Is it the pain or the abnormal sight of a mutilated body?
The glaring fact is that this practice leads to a tremendous amount of pain, infections, a battle with child birth, infertility in women, and in severe cases, even death.
Sheikh Talib, Dean of the Faculty of Shariah of Al Azhar, has said:
“all practices of female circumcision and mutilation are crimes and have no relationship with Islam.”
This statement is supported by the fact that the procedure of FGM pre-dates the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the beginning of Islam.
FGM is not something that “purifies” a woman or preserves their virginity. It is a practice that mutilates a woman’s body and damages her in the most appalling of ways. Parents who hold their daughters’ arms and legs down, forcing them to go through this terrible crime, are not maintaining their family’s honour. They are, in fact, severely reducing the chances of their daughter’s bearing children. They are, thus, eliminating opportunities that may bless them with future generations and eventually, they will have no trace of themselves on earth.
Dear sisters,
Islam is full of criminal laws as under.
1. Killing, murder, slaughter of all infidels that have not converted to Islam.
2. Killing, murder, slaughter of all apostates of Islam.
3. Islam orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
4. Muslims deserve death for doing any of the following (Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597—98, o8.7): (1) Reviling Allah or his Messenger; (2) being sarcastic about ‘Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the Quran or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of Islam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended ‘the Prophet’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’
5. Islam allows the ownership of slaves – it is a law of ALLAH.
6.ALLAH permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in Islam – rape is not a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of ALLAH complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.
7.ALLAH sanctions the seizing, looting and pillaging of property of murdered infidels.
8. ALLAH demands a share of the proceeds realized from the sale of women and children and looted property. It is the law of ALLAH.
9. ALLAH condemns most Muslim women upon their death to the fires of hell.
10. The ALLAH depicted in the Koran is no ordinary god. He is the greatest slut master of the entire universe. ALLAH has created a deviant sexual paradise filled with virgins with big breasts and lustrous eyes. These virgins re- generate as virgins every time a believer has sex with them. These righteous Muslim killers and murderers of ALLAH are blessed with eternal erections. They are permitted by ALLAH to engage in all forms of orgies, group sex, and sexual depravity.
11. ALLAH permits the following crimes to be committed in His name and greater glory. (1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. (2) Muslims may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son—in—law, did this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. Not as an act of mercy but as a commercial decision. They are money and sex on the hoof. (4) Old men and monks could be killed. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. (6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. (10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience. (11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. The last two options mean that this immoral money flows into the Islamic treasury, to fund Muhammad’s jihadist army so why would Muhammad receive a revelation from God to dry up this money flow?
12. ALLAH rewards suicide bombers and other killers and murderers Islamic martyrdom which guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah.
13. All unbelievers are to be sentenced to Hell for all eternity.
14. Murder is only wrong if the victim is a fellow Muslim.
15. ALLAH teaches that women are fields to be used by men as they will.
16. ALLAH teaches that women are worth one half of a man.
17. ALLAH sanctions men to beat their disobedient wives.
18. ALLAH does not allow Muslims to be friends with the infidels.
19. ALLAH sanctions that Muslims must disown family members who reject Islam.
20. Thieves have their hands cut off.
21. ALLAH ordered that prisoners of war must be killed until all Arabia was conquered for Islam.
22. ALLAH sent the Angel Gabriel with his merry band of warrior Angels to bring war, death and destruction to the enemies of Islam.
23. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to marry his adopted son’s wife. This law applied to all Muslim men.
24. ALLAH created a law abolishing adoption.
25. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to rape slave women.
26. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to possess more then 4 wives.
Of course, these are not the teachings of ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.) These are the teachings of Muhammad. The ALLAH of the Koran never existed. He was created by Muhammad. Muhammad was ALLAH (the ANTI ALLAH.)
Thanks Saima and Fiza. You are Real role model from Islamic world who has accepted the fact reality.
ya there are country laws and islam laws and people disown them self u got problem with that who does the gas attack to kill there wives? hindus do
Satyen says:
June 22, 2013 at 5:34 pm
The message of God without any crutches of self proclaimed prophets at Times Square:
Dear Muslim Sisters/Mothers,
Thanks for taking the cudgels against the followers of Muhammad who have been committing so much attrocities on you for the last 1400 years. Many of you have been instrumental in exposing the Islamic evil practices, hitherto carefully concealed by the male followers of Muhammad.
You have immense power, enought to protect yourself. You just need to recognise your strength and thwart away the injustice done to you in the name of religion spread by a saddist and a lecherous person who proclaimed to be the spokesperson of Allah. How can Allah be so unkind to his own creation, the women and the non-Muslims? Allah is an ocean of compassion and all powerful and doesn’t need any crutches of self proclained male prophets. If there are to be prophets, why none of the females were born as prophets?
You females are the mothers of our civilization and the teachers of love and compassion. All these so called prophets and their followers have been nourished by you. Yet these marauders have inflicted so much sufferings on you in the name of Allah! I am waiting for the day when you all will be freed and worshipped as the Goddesses. I am so proud to be a part of the civilization that has taught me to worship even young girls (twice a year during Navratri festivals of Hinduism). This is one of my most favourite festivals reminding me of the debt I owe to the womenfolk, irrespective of belonging to any religion. Religions cannot separate a brother/sister from a sister and a child from his/her mother.
Keep up the untiring spirit within you to rescue yourself from the evil practices forced on you. You are your own rescuers and you can do it. Take help of like minded people and Allah will help you in this righteous war against slavery in the garb of religion.
The God may bestow his blessings on you all!
Hi Saima,
You are a role model of muslim female community to educate and rise to the occasion to fight islamic evil practices.
Hearty congratulations.
Dear Saima,
Thank you for sharing your views. We hope you will come here to guide other youths.
Tell us how did you got married… Islamic Nikaah (after his conversion), a marriage in Gurudwara or in a British court?