Muhammed-S says: May 4, 2015 at 12:40 pm
Hi all,
I am a 25 year old guy from England. I have been with my girlfriend who is Sikh for 6 years. To cut a long story short, we wanted to get married recently, but due to the religious differences it was difficult for us. She has always taught me about Sikhism, I started learning slowly. We came to a conclusion if we wanted to get married I would have to convert. So, now, here I am, I converted in December 2014, I have opened up to my family yet, nor have I been openly practising. We are getting married at the end of 2015, I am going to Gurdwara in a few months to pray with my Girlfriend, her family have been supportive and so has she. My only problem is how will I tell my family? -Muhammed-S
Muhammed-S says: May 7, 2015 at 10:06 am
I have remained & will remain objective. I wouldn’t say its a forced conversion but it’ll make things easier for us if we both followed one religion. She is very devoted to her doctrine and adheres to its principles to the fullest, by extension, I am on the contrary, I have never taken my religion too seriously. I pretty much know everything about Sikhism (basics) – however, I just do not know how I will go about telling my family b/c I know it’ll be very difficult. I will never be too religious, because I am very liberal and rational thinking, I could argue that I also sometimes think from an Atheistic scientific worldview, so adhering to her belief will not be so much of a big deal for me. Having said that, I do appreciate some of the beautiful teachings of Sikhism that I have learned. -Muhammed-S
Muhammed S says: June 13, 2015 at 7:16 am
I converted to Sikhism, and I am the happy I have ever been. I told my parents, my dad didn’t take it too well, my mother was receptive towards it, I told her I will always respect the Islamic religion but I am now a Sikh. It has been very difficult for me, however it has been worth it. Thank you guys for the help. Muhammad-S
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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It is wrong that u comment on others relegion. I say no religion in world is perfect yes brahma tried to rap his own daughter and indra raped ahilya but every Deed has its own fruit,brahma was cursed that he will never be worshipped by other gods and demi gods indra was also cursed. The Hindu religion basicly belives in karma.there is no point of discussion and quarell happening in above chats
I converted to Sikhism, and I am the happy I have ever been. I told my parents, my dad didn’t take it too well, my mother was receptive towards it, I told her I will always respect the Islamic religion but I am now a Sikh. It has been very difficult for me, however it has been worth it. Thank you guys for the help.
So what you like and dislike about Sikhism and Islam?
Dear Muhammed S,
Your story is remarkable and thank you for sharing it. I work for a TV company and we are currently trying to find British interfaith couples who are planning on getting married to talk to us about their relationship. At this stage we are only looking for people to talk to and who may wish to take part in the programme be it anonymously or not anonymously. You can read our post on the website post called ‘Can You Share Your Experience on TV’ – here is a link –
If you want to be in touch there is an email and phone number on the post – I hope to hear from you soon.
Today our freedom and democracy are under threat from the fascistic and murderous 1400-year-old ideology of Islam that seeks to destroy all religions, conquer all nations, subjugate or murder all kafirs who refuse to convert to Islam, and destroy all democratic constitutions and freedoms, replacing them with the totalitarian Sharia Law.
In the face of this grave new threat, new brave defenders of freedom have emerged to defend Western Civilization and preserve democracy and freedom from this new totalitarianism. These freedom fighters are the bravest of the brave. We can call them the magnificent 8: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Brigette Gabriel, Geert Wilder, Pamella Geller, Robert Spencer, and Bill Warner are to name few among those brave new fighters. These brave men and women daily risk their lives in the defence of liberty so that our children, the future generations, can enjoy living their life as free citizens with full equality, and right to ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.
But unlike the great generation of freedom fighters during the Second World War, who enjoyed total support of the grateful masses in America and across Europe, today’s freedom fighters are not seen by many common man and particularly the political and intellectual elite as defenders of freedom and democracy, but as racist and Islamophobes, and threat to the security of the nation.
As a response to the horrendous shooting massacre of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in Paris by Islamic Jihadists for producing satirical drawings of Prophet Muhammad, a group of those freedom defenders assembled in Garland, Texas on May 4, 2015 for an exhibition of Prophet Muhammad’s paintings. Organized by the American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI), led by anti-Jihadist activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, the exhibition came under shooting attack by two American Jihadi foot-soldiers of Islam (See here).
Instead of defending those courageous defenders of freedom, the media elite immediately went on the offensive against them, condemning and disparaging Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer for organizing the event, cleverly stating that while we have the right to freedom of speech, it must be exercised responsibly. In other words, we must limit our freedom of speech that will offend Muslims. Since Muslims feel offended by opposition to their push for introducing totalitarian Sharia Law in Western societies, we must not oppose or speak against it, we must surrender our freedom of speech.
CNN, in a cleverly-contrived article, wrote about the American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI) that “Its name paints an image of a group dedicated to protecting American ideals. But critics call it the opposite – an intolerant hate group opposed to freedom of religion.”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, are basically very good public speakers and ex-Muslims. I saw Nonie speak once and I can tell that whatever she says comes from her background and childhood.
But let us not forget that to each his own, they have their own opinions, which doesn’t mean those opinions are facts and that it’s true. They are funded and backed by an Islamophobic network of people who benefit a lot from spreading Islamophobia. Defenders of freedom and free values, maybe. But it’s really a shame how stupid and gullible some people are to not see this.
Dear Admn.
Thanks for managing this wonderful site to give opportunity to every one to express views and logics. At times, some readers get irritated without submitting analytical views. In cruelty and discriminatory attitude no religion can match with islam.
For long time, no comments have appeared from Satyen, a good writer? Can you throw some information about him/her?
The e-mail address you have provided is wrong, are you fake?
If the email id is fake then how did you receive the comments?
its not like ur krishna who have slept between 1600 girls. .
Mohammed(p.b.u.h) has married only 11 nt like 1600 okay. .so you keep quiet. .
If you dont know any thing means keep quiet
Mohammed, this is a wrong statement “has married only 11”. Can you check your sources (include divorced)? And how many total girls he slept with, including slave girls? Later, we will go into their ages.
// Mohammed, this is a wrong statement “has married only 11″. Can you check your sources (include divorced)?
Then what is right admin,
Allah says in the Quran
in surah baqrah chapter 2 v 111
“Produce ur proof,if you are truthfull”
so, produce proof then we will accept
Koran and Hadith are sitting right on this table and have read it from the first line to the last. We also had multiple 1-to-1 discussions with many imams. Probably majority of Muslims have not done so.
Your point “…except The holy Quran” is your own view and belief (My God is better than yours). We know that Muhammad spoke Koran but there is no proof if God said so. Mohammad flew to Jerusalem and visited 7 heavens are interesting stories but only Muhammad knows the truth.
There is no doubt about Muhammad having multiple sex partners (definitely more than 11 as you have stated). Considering he is a holy man for many, we do not find any joy bring such discussion. However you should also respect others belief system and religious figures. It will be a win-win for all if we restrain from thinking bad for others.
Admin says
//Koran and Hadith are sitting right on this table and have read it from the first line to the last. We also had multiple 1-to-1 discussions with many imams. Probably majority of Muslims have not done so.
Ans : Oh, thats what u are quoting from anti islamic sites,always quotes out of context right. .thats what u hav read and learn about islam. .this shows how u r a lier
// We know that Muhammad spoke
Koran but there is no proof if God said so.
Ans : admin Quran itself a proof that its a word of god
Almighty Allah challenges to the people on various places who refuses Quran to be the word of God..
In surah isra chapter 17 v 88
” Say, If mankind and the jinn gathered in order to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they helped one another”
so, produce ur proof we will accept its not a god words
Allah makes challenge easier to you people
In surah hud chapter 11 v 13
” Or do they say, “He invented it”? Say, “Then bring ten surahs like it that have been invented and call upon [for assistance] whomever you can besides Allah , if you should be truthful.”
Produce ur 10 chapter like of it ,not entire quran
Allah challenge more easier
in surah yunus chapter 10 v 38
“Or do they say, “He invented it ? ” Say: “Then bring forth a Surah like it, and call upon (for assistance) whoever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful.”
produce a surah(chapter) like of not 10 surah
Allah challenge much more easier
In surah baqrah chapter 2 v 23
” And if you are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur’an) to Our slave (Muh ammad
Peace be upon him ), then produce a surah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful.”
produce a some what similar chapter like of not entire quran not 10 surah not exactly chapter. . some what similar. .we will accept.
Allah makes challenge even more easier
in surah nisa chapter 4 v 82
“Do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from (any) other than Allah, they would have found within it much
Atleast produce one contradiction..
belive me There are many unbelievers who tried to point out several alleged contradiction in the Quran but all of their attempts were either out of context, mistranslations or misquotations.
and finally Allah says
in surah ankabut chapter 29 v 50-51
“And they say, ‘Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say, ‘The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner.’ Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder for a people who believe.”
// There is no doubt about Muhammad having multiple sex partners
(definitely more than 11 as you have stated).
ans : thats what i asking a proof that what u have claim…produce ur proof if u say correctly.. . i know u dont have evidence to proof ur point is correct. .
Its not like ur krishna who had sex with 1600 girls. . and finally do u want a life story of prophet muhammed(p.b.u.h)
then here it is
Umar ibn Al Khattab (the second caliph after Abu Bakr) states that: I visited Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him), and he was lying on a mat. I sat down and he drew up his lower garment over him and he had nothing (else) over him, and that the mat had left its marks on his sides. I looked with my eyes in the storeroom of Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him). I found only a handful of barley equal to one sa’ and an equal quantity of the leaves of Mimosa Flava placed in the nook of the cell, and a semi-tanned
leather bag hanging (in one side),
and I was moved to tears (on seeing this extremely austere living of the Holy Prophet), and he said:
Ibn Khattab, what wakes you weep? I said: Apostle of Allah, why should I not shed tears? This mat has left its marks on your sides and I do not see in your storeroom (except these few things) that I have seen; Caesar and Chosroes
are leading their lives in plenty whereas you are Allah’s Messenger. His chosen one, and that is your store! He said: Ibn
Khattab, aren’t you satisfied that for us (there should be the prosperity) of the Hereafter, and for them (there should be the prosperity of) this world? I said:
Yes. [Book 009, Number 3507]
Also A’isha reported that the pillow on which Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) reclined was of leather stuffed with palm fibre. (See also Saheeh Bukhari, Volume 8, Book Pertaining to Making the Heart Tender, Hadith number 463)
Nearby, rooms reserved for the Prophet’s household were built of stones and adobe bricks with ceilings of palm leaves. [Bukhari
1/71,555,560; Za’d Al-Ma’ad
So here we observe that the Prophet (peace be upon him) definitely did not live in a palace nor slept on luxurious beds.
Abu Hazim narrated:
I asked Sahl bin Sad, “Did Allah’s Apostle ever eat white flour?” Sahlwsaid, “Allah’s Apostle never saw white flour since Allah sent him as
an Apostle till He took him unto Him.” I asked, “Did the people have (use) sieves during the lifetime of Allah’s Apostle?” Sahl said, “Allah’s Apostle never saw (used) a sieve since Allah sent him as an Apostle until He took him unto Him,” I said, “How could you
eat barley unsifted?” he said, “We used to grind it and then blow off its husk, and after the husk flew away, we used to prepare the dough (bake) and eat it.”
Despite his responsibilities as a prophet, a teacher, a statesman, and a judge, Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to milk his goat, mend his clothes, repair his shoes, help with the household work,
(Musnad Ahmad, Hadith number 23606 and declared authentic by Shaykh Albani in Saheeh Al Jaami’, Hadith number 4937)
Aisha narrated: The Prophet diedwwhile his armor was mortgaged to a Jew for thirty Sa’s (about 90 kilograms) of barley. [Sahih Al- Bukhari HadithHadith 5.743]
Think about it, he is a president. But his household does not eat white flour, but barley. Sometimes he cannot find money even to buy barley and he leaves his armor for a pledge. then how do u think he got sexual pleasure. .where is ur respect for islam?
where is the proof for that u claims muhammed(p.b.u.h) have more than 11??
Mohammed really Profit Mohammed Slept with 11 women he had numerous sex slaves as well and how could u forget that Mohammed raped Aisha when she was 9 he was a rapist btw Krishna is just another god whereas Mohammed claims himself to be a prophet and role model for Muslims
Shagul alias admin
If there is “cruelty in Islam” then according to you majority of the people are becoming cruel and violent as Islam is the fastest growing religion where people from all walks of life are joining in large number day by day to “strengthen cruelty and violance.”
Pakhi Begum
Yesterday Muslims killed shias , ahmedias after Muslim mulla asked its followers, day after a Hindu was killed in Bangladesh after Muslims planned to kill him to raise voice against govt. And Isis is your muslim, incase you didn’t notice. So ones common sense would ask again why is Muslim and violence together.
Better luck next time pakijaa. And did your brother had sex with you? Is that the reason you are as retard like other of your brothers?
Only a guy like u coukd get down to that standard of language…..not us……..
Thats the sign of hinduism……..raping daughter and other’s wives…..
Aakash, we did not know this “Thats the sign of hinduism……..raping daughter and other’s wives…..”. How do you justify this statement? Is that your parents and Hindu relatives are up to?
You Muslims are so childish, first create two three accounts and then justify each other. Now that you admitted you are a Muslim, disguised as Hindu. It’s one idiot less. 2nd, in Islam marriage to cousin is “allowed” by your Allah, I just said what husband and wife do, sex. How is that bad language? yes was intended to show how “smart” it is to permit cousins/ brothers sister marry among themselves. Because studies has shown people come retard in such marriages. Only Islam can allow such idiotic act.
– from your Islamic genius site, now don’t yell out of context. If you do then you are not Muslims or your Qur’an is wrong or you are lying ( because you are caught again)
Dude….whats ur problem….??
Whr have i said that i am muslim….bt yes i believe in Islam from my heart….
Secondly….Pakhi di is like a sister to me….and i look upto hr with respect……
And thirdly…….this is a real account and my name is Aakash Mallik……and i m officialy hindu…….we got a few malliks who r hindus……try seacrching em out…..
And thanx for ur info on sex and whtever…..
Dude…..neither did i talk directly to u..neither did i start a fight with u….what do u want and what is ur issue man??
Even it was kartar who jumped on me and started a fight…
Indian….i am a neutral person…..ask admin if u dnt believe……the thing is i like Islam…coz i like it. Thats it……nw surely u can have issues with that religion bt that doeant mean u can treat a person like some dog…..
B4 u say sm really ugly stuff….please read about me and my story and knw the sides u r fighting for and fighting against…….
I say this with due respect….and even after reading this….u abuse me….then i would bow down my head and listen to all ur slag language with all my ears……
Thanks for reading……Indain…..and Kartar….
Based on what we read, we do not see inconsistencies in Aakash. He is a Hindu but is impressed by Islam. His dad is a physician (Hindu) and was driven out by Muslims of Bangla Desh. On religion, as far we understood, he is in search of truth. Aakash makes good neutral comments but sometimes makes totally irrational comments (for example: one side he himself is considering religious conversion but he is against conversion for others (read), this is oxymoron).
We request you both to write “clean”. It is only to your own advantage because readers will value your opinion.
Always keep in mind the objective of this web site – “Interfaith Marriage With Equality” and efforts to promote religious pluralism and tolerance. The “equality” is difficult to define and we welcome all views, including disclosure that equality (for others) is not allowed in my faith.
The point is that i consider conversion fr myslf coz like i said…i want less trouble for my girl whom i love a lot…..and for my love…….i am ready to do anything….now the plus point is that i like islam since long……
Now tgere are many who hate islam bt love muslim girls…it is for them that i discourage conversion…..coz forceful conversion is just an insult to a religion….
Agree for forceful conversion is wrong. Lets rest this.
Best wishes for you love. But for now, focus on your education.
We request you not to use bad words here because it does not do any good to any one. You could be much more efficient without dirty words, try!
I don’t know who had sex with whom but I do know that your god brahm had sex with his daughter saraswati.Ask your father to make brahm happy by having sex with your sister i.e his daughter. Also know from him whether he will be like Indra who had raped Ahalya or like Krishna who had molested and raped thousands of women. Please please please enquire and tell me and other readers.
Pakhi Bebum(Reverted Muslim)
On your point, “Please please please enquire and tell me and other readers” can you inquire and let us know how many girls Mohammad slept with (19-30+?), what were their ages, of how many of their husbands were killed by Muhammad? If you do not have guts to answer these questions, then don’t throw dirt at others.
Whenever, you have no reply to justify islamic evils, you are asking the postal address of the learned writers?Why dont you contradict logically for information of other readers. Rather Malik gets boiled up and he attempts to make a cock and bull story. Have you entered with him mutta marriage?
Why is he supporting your cause without substantial reasons or may be your sex agent to bring customers?
Aao Kartar aao…..bus tumhara hi intazaar thaa…..
Well cock and bull story is ur bussiness dude…I talk logic…..i talk truth…
U talk rubish and u know nothing……nvr in my whole time that i have spent on this site i have ever used slangs but the way u mocked me got me boiling up….well had someone else been in my place…the person would have reacted similarly……
And nw u are abusing a sister brother relation by again talking rubbish about me and Pakhi didi…….
Dude see…..i have been in a constant conversation with pakhi didi and i have substanshial proof that she is real and talks for the good of people around her…unlike u who simply critisises and has a mouth full of cheap words that ur mother uses to address u….
“you talk logic” lol…you should be with Rahul Baba to give him complex and a competitor.
And u should be with ur mother…..looking for a donkey to get u married to…….
Hw would u find someone logical if u dont understand any…..
Change yr name to “nt so much of an Indian”
Is your p— comment deleted by Admin. Please refrain from using dirty language. It will discourage other readers from coming here.
What I found from this site, that you belong to Brahmin family, a family known for intellectual, kind hearted and submissive. But the way you joined islam, may be best known to you. Can you please reply:-
1. Are you using burka?
2. Are you victim of FMG?
3. Do you support testimony of women half of the males?
4. If you are subject to tripple oral talak, will you opt for Halala?
5. If your husnband keeps 4 wives including you, how you will react?
6. Do you favour idea of 4 eye witnesses of rapes of female to seek justice?
7. Do you support discriminatory attitude against females in various matters?
8. Do you eat Beef?
9. Did you not give a bad name to your brahmin community by joining islam?
So far as I am concerned I am totally against above evils of islam. My husband is Tamil brahmin, pure vegetarian, very polite and helpful.
Brahmins being intellectual and submissive??
Ummm….how many marriages have u heard of where a scheduled caste is married to a brahmin??? That too with full acceptence……..
Also if an SC marries a Brahmin…..the Brahmin is demoted from his caste to SC…..
Very intellectual and totally submissive…
You are none but admin. Even assuming that you are a real and or genuine person but you have asked me personal questions and therefore I don’t want my answers to be made public and known to others. May I therefore request you to give me your postal address so that I can send the reply directly to you by post.
Pakhi Begum
Dear readers,,
Qur’an 48:11
“The desert Arabs who lagged behind [in fighting] will say to you (Muhammad): ‘We were engaged in (looking after) our flocks and our families.’ We have prepared for them a Blazing Fire!”
Qur’an 48:17
“There is no blame for the blind, nor is it a sin for the lame, nor on one ill if he joins not in the fighting. But he who retreats, (Allah) will punish him with a painful doom.”
Qur’an 4:77
“Have you not seen those to whom it was said: Withhold your hands from fighting, perform the prayer and pay the zakat. But when orders for fighting were issued, a party of them feared men as they ought to have feared Allah. They say: ‘Our Lord, why have You ordained fighting for us, why have You made war compulsory?’”
Qur’an 4:78
“Wherever you are, death will find you, even if you are in towers built up strong and high! If some good befalls, they say, ‘This is from Allah;’ but if evil, they say, ‘This is from you (Muhammad).’ Say: ‘All things are from Allah.’ So what is wrong with these people, that they fail to understand these simple words?”
Qur’an 4:88
“What is the matter with you that you are divided about the Hypocrites? Allah has cast them back (causing their disbelief). Would you guide those whom Allah has thrown out of the Way? For those whom Allah has thrown aside and led astray, never shall they find the Way.”
Qur’an 4:89
“They wish that you would reject Faith, as they have, and thus be on the same footing: Do not be friends with them until they leave their homes in Allah’s Cause. But [and this is a hell of a but…] if they turn back from Islam, becoming renegades, seize them and kill them wherever you find them.”
Qur’an 47:20
“Those who believe say, ‘How is it that no surah was sent down (for us)?’ But when a categorical [decisive or uncompromising] surah is revealed, and fighting and war (Jihad, holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) are ordained, you will see those with diseased hearts looking at you (Muhammad) fainting unto death. Therefore woe unto them!”
Qur’an 47:21
“Were they to obey, showing their obedience in modest speech, after the matter (of preparation for Jihad) had been determined for them, it would have been better. Is it to be expected that if you were put in authority and given command that you would do mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship. Such men are cursed by Allah. He has made them deaf, dumb and blind.”
Qur’an 4:97
“Verily, when angels take the souls of those who die wronging themselves (by staying home), they say: ‘In what (plight or engagement) were you?’ They reply: ‘Weak on the earth.’ Such men will find their abode in Hell, an evil resort!”
Qur’an 4:8
“Except those who are feeble – men, women and children – who cannot devise a plan nor have the means or power. These are those whom Allah is likely to forgive.”
Qur’an 9:16
“Do you think you will get away before Allah knows who among you have striven hard and fought?”
Qur’an 9:38
“Believers, what is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allah (i.e., Jihad) you cling to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? Unless you march, He will afflict and punish you with a painful torture, and put others in your place. But you cannot harm Him in the least.”
Qur’an 9:43
“May Allah forgive you (Muhammad). Why did you grant them leave (for remaining behind; you should have persisted as regards to your order to them to proceed on Jihad), until you had known the liars.”
Qur’an 9:44
“Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day do not ask for an exemption from fighting with your goods and persons. And Allah knows well those who do their duty.”
Qur’an 9:45
“Only those ask for exemption (from Jihad) who believe not in Allah and whose hearts are in doubt, so that they are tossed to and fro. If they had intended to march out to fight, they would certainly have made some preparation and readied their equipment; but Allah was averse to their being sent forth; so He made them lag behind. ‘Sit you among those who sit.’ If they had marched with you, they would not have added to your (strength) but only (made for) discord, spying and sowing sedition. There would have been some in your midst who would have listened to them. But Allah knows well those [peace-loving Muslims] who do wrong and are wicked.”
Qur’an 9:48
“They had plotted sedition before, and upset matters for you until the Decree of Allah [to fight] became manifest, much to their disgust. Among them are many who say: ‘Grant me exemption to stay back at home (exempted from Jihad). And do not tempt me [with promises of booty].’ Have they not fallen into temptation already? Indeed, Hell surrounds them.”
Qur’an 9:67
“The Hypocrites enjoin what is forbidden, and forbid what Islam commands. They withhold their hands (from spending in Allah’s Cause [Jihad]). They have forgotten Allah so He has forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites are oblivious, rebellious and perverse.”
Qur’an 9:68
“Allah has promised the Hypocrites, both men and women, and the disbelievers the Fire of Hell for their abode: Therein shall they dwell. It will suffice them. On them is the curse of Allah, and an enduring punishment, a lasting torment.”
Qur’an 9:74
“The Hypocrites swear by Allah that they said nothing, but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they disbelieved after Surrender (accepting Islam). They meditated a plot (to murder Prophet Muhammad) which they were unable to carry out. The reason for this revenge of theirs was the bounty [of booty] with which Allah and His Messenger had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back, Allah will punish them with a grievous torment in this life and in the Hereafter.”
Qur’an 9:75
“Some of you made a deal with Allah, saying, ‘If You give us booty we shall pay You the tax.’ But when He gave them booty, they became greedy and refused to pay. As a consequence of breaking their promises, Allah filled their hearts with hypocrisy which will last forever.”
Qur’an 9:77
“He punished them by putting hypocrisy in their hearts until the Day whereon they shall meet Him, because they lied to Allah and failed to perform as promised. Allah knows their secrets. Those who slander and taunt the believers who pay the zakat (for Allah’s Cause) voluntarily and throw ridicule on them, scoffing, Allah will throw back their taunts, and they shall have a painful doom. Whether you ask for their forgiveness or not, (their sin is unforgivable). If you ask seventy times for their forgiveness Allah will not forgive them.”
Qur’an 9:81
“Those who stayed behind rejoiced in their inaction behind the back of the Messenger. They hated to strive and fight with their goods and lives in the Cause of Allah. They said, ‘Go not forth in the heat.’ Say, ‘The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat.’ If only they could understand! So let them laugh a little, for they will weep much as a reward for what they did. If Allah brings you back (from the campaign) to a party of the hypocrites and they ask to go out to fight, say: ‘You shall never go out to fight with me against a foe. You were content sitting inactive on the first occasion. So sit with the useless men who lag behind.’ Do not pray for any of them (Muhammad) that die, nor stand at his grave. They rejected Allah and disbelieved His Messenger. They died in a state of perverse rebellion.”
Qur’an 9:85
“And let not their wealth or (following in) sons dazzle you or excite your admiration. Allah’s plan is to punish them with these things in this world, and to make sure their souls perish while they are unbelievers. When a surah comes down enjoining them to believe in Allah and to strive hard and fight along with His Messenger, those with wealth and influence among them ask you for exemption from Jihad. They prefer to be with (their women), who remain behind (at home). Their hearts are sealed and so they understand not.”
Qur’an 9:88
“The Messenger and those who believe him, strive hard and fight jihad with their wealth and lives (in Allah’s Cause).”
Qur’an 9:90
“And there were among the wandering desert Arabs men who made excuses and came to claim exemption (from the battle). Those who lied to Allah and His Messenger sat at home. Soon will a grievous torment seize them.”
Qur’an 9:93
“The (complaint) is against those who claim exemption [from fighting] while they are rich. They prefer to stay with the (women) who remain behind (at home). Allah has sealed their hearts. They are content to be useless. Say: ‘Present no excuses: we shall not believe you.’ It is your actions that Allah and His Messenger will observe. They will swear to you by Allah, when you return hoping that you might leave them alone. So turn away from them, for they are unclean, an abomination, and Hell is their dwelling-place, a fitting recompense for them.”
Qur’an 9:97
“The Arabs of the desert are the worst in unbelief and hypocrisy, and most fitted to be in ignorance of the command which Allah hath sent down to His Messenger. Some of the Bedouins look upon their payments (for Allah’s Cause) as a fine and wish disasters to fall on you (so that they might not have to pay). Yet on them be the disaster of evil.”
So finally,it has come to light that Adarsh Malik is a katua, using hindu name and that is why he became intolerant after reading evil practices of islam.
Honourable Massey……i am totally hindu officially….and that is my real name….
So i hope you would care to read before commenting smthing ya…..
And its Aakash…nt Aadrsh…
Btw….It turns out that Mr. Messy is the very fine person whom u should consult if u wanna learn how to use the cheapest of languages….
Katua is the term he used for me who has been circumcised yet bening a hindu..hence this is a clear exaple how inhuman people get to satisfy their personal ego…..
They abuse anyone and everyone without even consulting anyone or anything….and these are the very people who wage wars amonst communities to get rid of their personal frustration and grudge……
Well done people……folks……..behold…….our beloved…….
Massey…….hats off….
Bhai Malik,
I repeat and reiterate that admin is the most notorious person of the century. Massey, Winston, Chand osmani, winston and those who abuse me, you and Mr.Haque are non existent persons. Admin has become annoyed and furious as you have praised me. I challenge this admin through to prove the authenticity of those persons.
Pakhi Begun
Mallik you are Jaichand,
Why are you getting boiled up, why dont you contradict islamic evils, what good things you found in them? Your entire females members have enjoyed mutta marriages from different males atleast 56098000000000000000000000000 times every week and you are product of the same.
Nt intrested to spoil my tongue again…..
Enjoy ur caste system Kartar…….
hahaha enjoy caste system LOL
By the way the information(abusive) terms that u have provided….well
let me do the calculations fr ya Mr.Kartar…..
A week has 7 days……each day has 24×3600 seconds…that sums up to 7x24x3600 secons in a week….nw the number u have provided is smwhr about 10^29 if i have counted it ri8 in my screen…….so if i calculate each sex time comes up to smwhr in the order to 10^(-26)…thats even less than nano seconds….well unless u can fuck satisfy a lady at the speed of light ur numbers are simply irrelevabt and stupid like u….
Nw wht can we expect from an illitrate who has all eyes closed and does not want to absorb anything good…..Most lame person i have ever come accross….
Bastard Mallik,Randi ki aulad,
Religion teaches harmony, love, affection, sympathy, cooperation, understanding, mutual respect of sentiments of every caste religion,community.
How discriminatory attitude islam propagates against females, non belivers,
like (i) treat females sex objects, (ii) keep them in burqa (iii) males allowed to utter tripple talak and bring another wives (iv) female genital mutiliation (v) testimony of females half of males (vi) jazia from non islamic persons (vi) 72 virgins for terrorists (vii) mutta marriages (viii) halala for females (ix) stonning to death only for females (x) sex with dead wife (in some countries) (xi) no voting rights in some countries for females (xii) no driving by females in some countries (xiii) bleeding on wedding night for females and displaying bed sheet of blood stains,
Madarchod are these characteristic of a religion? Which religion has created millions of terrorists in the world now a days? Million of innocents rendered homeless in islamic countries,
Admin: Kartar, you have provided a wrong e-mail address. We have blocked you from accessing this web site till you write us at
Bhosadiwale…..jaa apni maa se pooch tera baap kaun hai…dekhna saali confuse ho jaegi…..kuki jo randi ek maheene me 60 baar chodwati hai wo toh confuse ho hi jaegi ki kisne uski gand maari thee ki tu paida hua….maadhrchod…….apne land ki barfi bana aur bazaar me bech aa kutte……
Saale hindu me caste system ka naam suna hai…….honor killing ka naam suna hai sati pratha ka naam suna hai bhosadi k bandar…..
Kya be..husband dead so simply jump into an inferno??
Ye kaha ka non voilence hai madhrjaat….
Apne cuty me ghoom aa aur dekh k aa ki kitne mandir aur kitne masjid hai….ratio banega…15:1….smjha jhaatu……isse pata chalta hai ki tere jaise gandu log jaha zara si jagah milti hai waha ek patthar laga k mandir khada kr dete hai…..saale tu chirag tale andhera ka best example hai…….do land ki aulad…..khud ko dekh fir dusro ko bolna……lgta hai teri maa ne tujhe itna molest kiya hai ki tu frustate hoga hai aur dosro p apna frsration nikalta hai jhaat saale….aur madhrchod sun mere maa baap hindu hai toh mutta marrige ki baat na kr…illitrate ki aulad….
You have provided a wrong e-mail address.
We have blocked you from accessing this web site till you write us at
We got to clean this web site and will block more irrational/fake people.
Oh my dear admin……Dont forget that Kartar is illitrate….
Usko apni Email ID ki spelling pata hogi tb na wo kuch likh paega….
Aise logo ko internet access kaun deta hai yaar….kuch karo in logo ka…..
Thanku admin for getting rid of a potty mouth….
Pakhi prostitute HARAMJADI, KUTIYA
Can you comment on the following text:-
Quranic verse 9:111 is the most evil, depraved, diabolical, immoral teaching in all of Islam. Indeed in all human history.
In the laws of Allah (the AntiGod) as discussed above and earlier chapters, kafirs are not human beings to Muslims. They have absolutely no humanity. They have no right to life and must be killed by Muslims in Allah’s cause [Jihad] for gaining Paradise. In the holy wars of Allah, for Muslims, it is a holy religious duty to murder kafirs who have grown pubic hair. The kafirs women and children will be enslaved and sold as prophet Muhammad did with the Jews of Banu Quraiza (coming discussion).
Allah takes away from Muslims all rights and ownership of their life. Muslims will engage Allah’s stratagems of wars without any questions asked, and kill and get killed. This is the only mode of actions that will earn them Paradise. Allah is the peerless master of incitement of violence and bloodbath.
This evil Paradise for murderers is an outrageous affront and sin against God. It turns God into a pimp, the great whoremaster of the universe making a mockery of everything God stands for. This obviously is barbaric craziness. Islam’s God – Allah is a depraved, deranged psychopath – the AntiGod. He is commander of mass-murder, rape, enslavement and plunder. His inhuman teachings have inspired the slaughter of an estimated 270,000,000 kafirs, over the last 1400 years, by Muslims in their aim to fulfill the teaching of Quran 9:111 for gaining a place in his whorehouse Paradise. Muslim Jihadists did the same on 9/11 ramming the twin towers in New York City slaughtering 2,976 people. They did the same in the London subway/bus massacres. They did the same in the Mumbai slaughter. Major Hasan did the same at Ft. Hood. You cannot ascend to Paradise by climbing on the corpses of the murdered. Those who kill in the name of and to the greater glory of God will ascend not to Paradise but descend into the fires of hell.
On 9/11 those 19 Muslim Saudi killers who rammed the twin towers in New York City slaughtering human beings were true, good Muslims obeying the teachings of Allah (the AntiGod) and by killing themselves murdering kafirs believed they would ascend to this sexual place of evil. These deaths were ordered by Allah (the AntiGod) in teaching Quran 9:5. Major Hasan who murdered 13 soldiers at Ft. Hood is a true, good Muslim obeying exactly the teachings of the Quran.
Haque, bastard showing yourself as a woman. You mutta product, getting sodomized in madarashas in choldhood to keep bomb in your xxx.
You are son of xx, …
Admin: control your language otherwise you will be blocked form this site.
So far my knowledge goes my mentor never did any Muta. But people say that he had done one and that out of said Muta twin child were born. Now some one told me that those two child are none but you chand. But I firmly believe that you are non existent people. You are admin. Britishers have been driven out and I wonder how a christian fellow get such courage. So you are admin only. To prove me wrong give me postal address.Tomorrow “wiston” will join here
Pakhi Begum
Admin: Pakhi, control your language and stop lying. You are next to be blocked so act now.
Hello Boaster Haque,disguised as Pakhi Begum, a very notorious person,
GOD has never spoken a word of hate. As the essence of pure love, as a being whose very existence is pure love God is totally incapable of hate. If God had just one hateful thought then He would no longer exist.
GOD has never spoken one violent word. If GOD spoke just one word of violence – GOD would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer GOD. GOD is not a violent being. GOD is the very essence of non-violence. If God committed just one act of violence or ordered an act of violence then God would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer God. All words/teachings in any religious book that contain violence are not the word/teachings of GOD but the word/teachings of men.
In order for the Koran to be the word/teachings of God – every word – every teaching must be Perfect – the Perfect words and teachings of a Perfect God. If only one word is not Perfection – if only one teaching is not PERFECTION – MORAL PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God.
Koran 24.20 is not Perfect. It is not PERFECTION. It is a hateful, violent, brutal, heartless, immoral, evil teaching of an immoral, brutal, hateful, violent, heartless, evil ANTI GOD – ALLAH.
Therefore the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God but the words/teachings of ALLAH (The ANTI GOD)- the WORD/TEACHINGS OF MUHAMMAD – who is the ANTI – GOD of ISLAM – THE ANTI RELIGION.
Shenaz the satan,
First tell me which religion do you follow. I will respond to all your points immediately after knowing the same. It may be so that admin is in the disguise of shenaz, osmani, massey and others to criticize and defame Islam and Muslims. Admin and some other readers are allergic to my mentor Mr.Haque as he is a perfect gentleman and true Muslim who has been given Top Islamic Expert Award for the year 2014 by AllExperts.Com, United States of America.
Pakhi Begum
(Article 5 of Series Exposing the Immoral Evil Perfection of Muhammad.
We start each article of this series with the following Fundamental Truth Declaration: For Islam to be true, both Muhammad and his supposed God must be of Moral Perfection as conceived by the human conscience. In fact, the Quran, the holy book of Islam, does claim that Muhammad was the most perfect human being ever created:
“Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of God.” (Quran 33:21)
Therefore, Muhammad is expected to the “Paragon of Moral Perfection” as per Islam’s own claim.
The concept of Jihad is totally unique to Islam. God has decreed that Muslims war through Jihad on non –Muslims until the world is conquered for God. Those Muslims who are slain fighting for God are guaranteed accession to a virgin delight Paradise. (Quran 9:111). Those Muslims who are not slain but who conquer can enjoy the spoils of their conquest sharing in the booty and harvest of sex slaves who they can molest and rape.
All Muslims Must Make Jihad.
What makes Islam so disgustingly evil and all Muslim men so disgustingly evil is that they take God and turn him into a monster to give religious cover to their very great crimes. The very belief that God would decree Jihad as a religious obligation to conquer and kill, pillage and enslave people is the greatest evil Islam has created. Jihad is the paramount evil of Islam second only to Sharia Law.
There are 164 unholy jihad verses in the
Each word of these verses and all the Quranic verses are from God transmitted via Angel Gabriel to Muhammad. But to be the word of God every word of these teachings must be Moral Perfection. There cannot be one word of violence, fighting, hate etc. When you read each of these verses not one of them is from God. They are filled with immoral evil. They are from the brain and mouth
of Muhammad who fabricated the entire Quran.
Quran 2:191 “And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.”
There is nothing more nonsensical then ideas like this, which prophet Muhammad (AKA Allah), the purported messenger of Allah, used to cause great human tragedies, such as to murder, torture or banish those who opposed his rule. “Kill them”, “slay them” is immoral. Can you imagine God speaking these words to Angel Gabriel. This is such a fraud. “Persecution is severer then slaughter” . These are not the words of God but of a psychotic. But ALL Muslims must believe that this verse and the entire Quran is from God. Therefore all of them are evil.
What we have next is Muhammad acting on his own Quranic teachings that he created. For Muhammad to be Moral Perfection every Hadith must be Moral Perfection. His entire Sunna must be Moral Perfection. A prophet cannot be Moral Perfection and be a commander ordering or leading armies into battle, committing acts of violence. Just one immoral Hadith and Muhammad is not Moral Perfection and ALL Islam is fraudulent.
Bukhari:Book 1:Volume 2:Hadith 25: Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle was asked, “What is the best deed?” He replied, “To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, “What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, “To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah’s Cause…).”
Bukhari 1:35Narrated Abu Huraira:The Prophet said, “The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah’s cause and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain behind any sariya going for Jihad and I would have loved to be martyred in Allah’s cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive, and then again martyred in His cause.”
But when is this Jihad to take place? Is it for a specific time or is it a continual requirement?
This we can find in Sahih Hadith too:
Bukhari Vol.4 Bk.52 No.196 Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah ‘s Apostle said,” I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ and whoever says, ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah,’ his life and property will be saved by me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah…”
The above hadith clearly states that Muhammad has been ordered to fight with the non-Muslims until they convert to Islam, it doesn’t say that Muhammad has been ordered to fight with them as they were going to attack him. So it is very clear that Jihad is not any kind of defensive war, it’s a war to attack the non-Muslims and force them to convert to Islam.
Ishaq: 307 “The ‘Spoils of War’ Surah came down from Allah to His Prophet concerning the distribution of the booty when the Muslims showed their evil nature. Allah took it out of their hands and gave it to the Apostle.”
Bukhari V1B7N1331 “The Prophet said, ‘I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me. 1. Allah made me victorious by awe by His terrorizing my enemies. 2. The earth has been made for me. 3. Booty has been made lawful for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me. 4. I have been given the right of intercession. 5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind.’”
Following are the divine laws of Allah (the AntiGod) inviting Muslims to enjoy booty of Banu Qurayza Jews sanctioned for them. Below are some examples how Quran openly supported Islamic jihadi’s immoral acts:
Quran-8:1— “They ask thee concerning (things taken as) spoils of war (booty). Say: “(such) spoils are at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger: So fear Allah, and keep straight the relations between yourselves: Obey Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe.”
Quran-8:41— “And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah, – and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer, – if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Testing, – the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For Allah hath power over all things.”
According to verse 8:41, a fifth share of the booty was taken by Muhammad some of which was distributed to near kin, etc. as stipulated in the verse. However, this distribution was at Muhammad’s discretion. The booty included the captives, who were made slaves. After the first successful campaign, the Battle of Badr, Muhammad released the captives who were not ransomed by the Meccans. This clemency had been opposed by some Muslim leaders like Umar who wanted them executed. However, in later battles the general rule was that the men who refused to convert were executed while women and children where taken into slavery.
Quran-8:69—“But (now) enjoy what ye took in war (booty), lawful and good; but fear God…” (Allah encouraging Muslims to accept booty spoils of war) Had there not been a previous sanction from God, you would have been sternly punished for what you have taken. Therefore, enjoy the good and lawful things which you have gained in war, and fear God.”
Quran-33:27- “And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (before). And Allah has power over all things.” [Merciful Allah asked Prophet Muhammad to confiscate entire properties of the surrendered Jews]
Can you imagine God teaching “And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land ..”
Thou shalt steal.
Take all the property of the kafirs, steal it all, it’s yours – looting, pillaging as holy duties of God.
All the booty received through all the teachings of the Quran from the sale of boys and women into slavery, and looting and pillaging the property of murdered kafirs were distributed as per instructions of Quran 8:41 – 1/5 went to Allah (the AntiGod) and of course his valiant partner in crime – Muhammad – leaving the remaining 80% to be divided among the murderous bandits. In this way, the prophet was able to raise an army, equip and finance his wars of conquest and extermination. Raping slaves, selling women and children, killing people for their property and sharing the proceeds with God is evil incarnate – these laws of God – are so morally outrageous – that too claim that these teachings in the Quran are the word of God – is the greatest sin that Muslims have committed against God. Again – the Quran is an evil book and an obscenity against God.
Of course, God in his infinite wisdom created a SPECIAL LAW OF GOD SOLELY FOR MUHAMMAD – that allowed his prophet to keep 100% of the booty if no fighting was involved. (Quran 59.5). One must obey Muhammad’s decision (blindly and totally.) This is utter self serving nonsense.
i Have proven that the Quran, Allah AKA Muhammad and Muhammad AKA Allah were the immoral perfection of evil. There fore Islam is a fraud.
You are Mohammad Haque, a self appreciater and boaster.
How can a God be so cruel to nominate a rapist and murderer his messenger.
Can a God nominate a rapist who did not spare his grand daughter like chid to rape?
Chand the frustrated woman,
Do you know that your so called bhagwan brahm had rapoed his own daughter saraswati who is worshiped by millions of hindus around the world and that Indra had raped Ahalya wife of gautam. Be a perfect hindu and allow your daughter to be raped by her father and allow your husband to rape other women like Indra. I know you are a prostitute and mud from your home has heavy demand as it is required to make idols. Don’t eradicate prostitution from the society or else there will be a problem to make idols. Advise your daughter that after being raped by her father she should be a prostitute or else where from mud will come to make idols.
Pakhi Begum
Pakhi Begum, facts which goes agains your’s interes are false. Muslims can not accept the truth. Realy feel for you. Why don’t you return back to Hinduism ?
We have changed Muhammed to Muhammed-S. We hope that is okay for you because we have very active another Mohammed and it could confuse readers between you two (big difference between two; one is a book-worm and another agnostic!!). If you have any other user name suggestion, let us know.
According to you this website is for interfaith marriage only.If it is so then how and why have you allowed Sekhar to write such objectionable thing.
I want to say that Koran and hadis are not useful for now a day, becoz one who wrote , was iliterere , he didn’t know ABC .
Holy Quran was not written by Holy Prophet(S.W.A). It contains ALLAH’s words. Hadish Sharif contains the words and advise of Holy Prophet(S.W,A). Now I challenge you and all your allies to show any wrong thing there. I think you call yourself a hindu. Do you know that your “educated” Brahm had raped his own daughter sarawati who is worshiped by millions illiterate hindus wherea another “highly educated Bhagwan” Indra had raped Ahalya the wife of Gautam?
Holy Quran was not written by Holy Prophet(S.W.A). It contains ALLAH’s words. Hadish Sharif contains the words and advise of Holy Prophet(S.W,A). Now I challenge you and all your allies to show any wrong thing there. I think you call yourself a hindu. Do you know that your “educated” Brahm had raped his own daughter sarawati who is worshiped by millions illiterate hindus wherea another “highly educated Bhagwan” Indra had raped Ahalya the wife of Gautam?
hi communal and illiterate sekhar,
Read my comments and express your opinion possitivrly
Pakhi Begum, only fools like you believe that .
Yes, you are absolutely correct. I wholely support your views.Islam is the religion of uncivilised , uneducated savage Arabian tribes. Now, it is creating millions of terrors and making the world hell. Inspite that some fools claim that Islam is the religion of peace. I don’t know when these people will learn the truth.
Hi Muhammed-S,
Interfaith marriages are always difficult to manage but if one makes fully “informed” decision, it will go a long way. Your immediate goal may be to get married, but long-term goal should be to live a very happy married life for next 75+ years to come.
You are already 25 (and apparently well educated) thus mature. Further, you live in the West (and financially independent) and thus could do that you wish to with minimal social pressure.
We wish to talk a lot with you but will start slowly. Also others will add their views. Instead of getting upset at some of comments, remain objective and learn from all.
You have raised a big question, “how will I tell my family?” Before we answer it, first you have to know what you are getting into. Once you are clear for yourself, rest will fall in place.
Can you shed more on your statement, “if we wanted to get married I would have to convert”, why? Why you cannot be what you are and she remain what she is? Did you converted just for the sake of marriage (fake-conversion)?
Muslims here say Islam and Sikhism have many similarities, that both believe in one God and do not believe in idol worshipping. But that does not mean religions are interchangeable. As a (former) Muslim, do you believe in Allah, Koran, Mohammad and Mecca praying? Do you fear for what will come on the Judgment Day? Let us know what all these mean to you.
Sikhs have Sikh names (not Arabic like Mohammed), pray at Gurudwara (not in mosque), follow Gurus (not Muhammad), have their own holidays, follow different ‘book”, no circumcision, different clothing/hair style, etc. Are you accepting all these for your new life? Are you comfortable teaching all Sikh things to your children?
Please get back with some of these points and we will continue more. After all, it is your life and your decision. We will be waiting.
I have remained & will remain objective. I wouldn’t say its a forced conversion but it’ll make things easier for us if we both followed one religion. She is very devoted to her doctrine and adheres to its principles to the fullest, by extension, I am on the contrary, I have never taken my religion too seriously. I pretty much know everything about Sikhism (basics) – however, I just do not know how I will go about telling my family b/c I know it’ll be very difficult. I will never be too religious, because I am very liberal and rational thinking, I could argue that I also sometimes think from an Atheistic scientific worldview, so adhering to her belief will not be so much of a big deal for me. Having said that, I do appreciate some of the beautiful teachings of Sikhism I have learned.
One more time, let us remind you to be objective while at this web site (and same for your life). If you stay cool and calm and reply to all without being emotional, there is no down side to you personally but to gain free knowledge. However, if you get upset and lose your sleep with people’s nasty comments on your choices for life, only you will be a looser. This is also a good advice, in general, to all readers and in most situations.
One advantage with this “open” site compared to some close group site is you will have views from both and all sides. You are smart enough to take that you wish and leave rest for others.
On your point, “beautiful teachings of Sikhism I have learned”, also know that all religions (including Islam) have great messages. We do not have any issue with the God (even atheist) belief but certainly issues with the pandits/imams/priests trying to promote their intolerant views for others.
In our experience, interfaith marriages work best for people who believe like you “liberal and rational thinking, I could argue that I also sometimes think from an Atheistic scientific worldview”. We hope your girl friend is also carrying the same type of belief, more or less.
Now on your main question, “I just do not know how I will go about telling my family b/c I know it’ll be very difficult”. Yes, it will be difficult but it would be true even you had selected a Shia (or Sunni or same type but from a different country) girl. Parents have to know that they don’t own their child but the child has take birth out of them. After nesting period, the young adult bird has to fly away from the mother’s nest, this is a law of nature.
Best for you would be to ultimately (not in short run) keep your parents happy and still go for your love. For this reason, get into very healthy and open discussion with your parents. Never get angry or into heated discussion. Remain cool and calm. Use your ears more than mouth. It may take up to 2 years for parents to start bending their views. We will work on it step wise.
One thing your patents will never accept that you are no more a Muslim any more. This hurts to any parent. For this reason, be like Salman Khan (and mac and Muhammed), always say you are both. Be a pluralist. Tell your parents that you are not removing God/Allah but adding new (concept) ones.
With your parents, take your girl friend to a Mosque and give them opportunity to explain Islam to her. After several meetings, slowly parents may soften their views. Let us know how it goes.
Our main message is to live your life with interfaith marriage with EQUALITY (read Salman-Amrita). Love and respect all.
Are our views/thoughts logical?
This is a made up story by admin. Absolutely false and frivolous.
Pakhi Begum