She (Muslim) Would Have to Convert to Hinduism

Virat Hindu says: December 31, 2016 at 12:12 pm

I’m an Indian Khatri Hindu who left North America recently. I’m not religious at all, and I’ve even called myself atheist many a times. But being an atheist, I realized that Abrahamic religions tend to have inherent dislike for the other. I have been well aware of what the Quran says about polytheists, idol-worshipers, Christians, Jews, jihad, converting non-Muslim to Islam etc.

I ended up reading the Bhagavad Gita and India’s vast history from the Vedic times to the Marathas and Brits. I’m so ashamed of CBSE for not teaching us such an enormous part of our history. Nevertheless, even after reading a lot, I have not been convinced that God exists and so I call myself a Hindu Atheist. I simply take value out of the Hindu scriptures and keep the Dharmic lessons in my heart.

As it happened to be one fine day, I ran into a Pakistani Muslim girl at university. For the first five months, I was just friends with her. After that, we began opening up to each other. At the beginning, when we were friends, I asked her “What if Justin Bieber wanted to marry you?” (That was her favorite singer). She replied “I can’t marry him because he wouldn’t convert to Islam”. At that point, I was in doubt whether I should take this friendship to the next level.

I just let things be the way they were. That was until we began falling in love. There was a point when we both knew we were in love with each other but did not explicitly declare it. At that point she said, “Would you convert to Islam?”….to which I replied “No, never”. We didn’t talk about religion most of the time. Then after a year we were “officially” dating: she was my girlfriend. All this while, she knew I did not like her religion and I would not convert to Islam but she couldn’t stop increasingly fall in love with me.

We began talking about what it would be like if we married. She kept saying she can only marry a Muslim but she also said “I only want to marry you. I cannot think of anything else”. At this point, I was going to say we can have interfaith marriage, but I PURPOSELY decided not to say that. Because then the pressure to convert for marriage would be on me. And I would never convert to Islam, a political cult. (Remember, I’m a Hindu at heart and an atheist at mind. I could never accept a belief which I find regressive, political and illogical.) So I took the extreme opposite. I told her “You will have to convert to Hinduism if you want to marry me. I will not marry someone from an Abrahamic religion (Islam, Christianity) unless they convert.” This is what I told her though in my mind I was okay with interfaith marriage. But I wanted to put the pressure on her and her family. I am very proud Indian with the Indian flag pinned to my coat right below my collar. I have fought with teachers, professors, bosses, you name it. I once beat up a gora who was harassing an Indian shopkeeper.

When I told my girlfriend she will have to convert, you won’t believe what she said. She said “Hmm, maybe I’ll think about it and my mind will change in the future”. All this while she was firmly sticking to her Muslim belief. My answer? I stuck even more firmly on my belief. I am a big-time Indian patriot and I would let her know time and again. I always told her stories of India and involved Hindu aspects in it. I made it very clear to her through my passion for my country, that I would never change who I am. I was not in North America to take citizenship, I love my Indian Passport. And I am satisfied being a Hindu Atheist, I would never convert to another religion.

She was the love of my life and I was her perfect mate. Still am ;). Three years more and we took this to our parents. I was extremely firm and straight forward. I was open to interfaith marriage but to put the pressure on her family, I told her she would have to convert to Hinduism. I told my parents the same thing and they were surprised cause they knew I wasn’t religious. My girl, she was ready to convert to Hinduism but she said her family would never allow it. I also told her “You will have to take my last name.” because I am proud of my Khatri clan name, we have played a great role in the history of India and Hinduism. She said “Of course I will”. By that time she knew I was super proud of being Indian, being Punjabi, being a Hindu Atheist.

I had put so much pressure on her and there was so much evidence of how proud I am, she gave in. She quarreled with her parents for 4 months but finally they understood. We had an interfaith marriage but my girlfriend (now my wife) took my last name and we had the marriage with Hindu traditions. We are expecting our first child in six months, who will be raised as a Hindu. (Here again there was the issue of raising the child with traditions of both religions but she knew I disliked the quotes from the Quran and she did not really have any valid counter-argument to defend them and she knew it.)

My wife’s family is very happy. My aunt i.e. Her mom even told me “Had we married her to a Muslim, she would have been stuck in the house all her life.” but she’s fulfilling her dream and is soon going to be designated doctor ?

Moral of the story: When someone puts conditions at you, you put even tougher conditions. You need to be “son of the soil” and take pride in who you are. More importantly, you need to know what is happening in the world. Don’t be a victim of Love Jihad, be a Virat Hindu.

Jai Hind –Virat

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Imran Siddique
    January 11, 2017 8:13 am

    To be honest, the whole article is about anti islam, every religion should be respected whether we agree or don’t agree. From my research, Muslim women can only marry a Muslim, Muslim men can marry Jews and Christians but with set conditions. This is due to believing in one God, sharing the same prophets and respecting their books.

    As a Muslim we believe in one god, (Tawhid) and avoid Shirk, all religions should be respected as my Muslim teaches me. Please lets not believe everything in the media, I am a muslim and I have close sikh friends but ive never heard so much rubbish in life. Only arrogance and foolishness i can seem to gather from the above article. Grow up!

    • January 11, 2017 10:47 pm

      This is admirable, “all religions should be respected as my Muslim teaches me.” Would you respect Christianity believing in Jesus as a SON of Allah (God)?

      • Seema Maheshwari
        January 14, 2017 6:50 pm

        Would a Muslim respect Christianity believing Jesus(pbuh), as a son of Allah? Islam regards Jesus(pbuh), as a Prophet, just like Abraham(pbuh) and Moses(pbuh). Do note that in Islam, when taking the names of ANY prophets, we add ” Peace be upon him”

      • Rabia
        February 26, 2017 8:32 am

        Respecting a religion is one thing, believing in its teachings is another. As a Muslim you can and should respect Christianity but you do not hate to accept Jesus (pbuh) as the Son of God. Similarly, when people from other religions respect Islam or Hinduism, it wouldn’t make them adopt those beliefs themselves – would it? Respect means not insulting.

        • February 26, 2017 6:47 pm

          If Christian is marrying a Muslim, what would they teach their children about Jesus?
          Is Jesus a Son of God?
          Is Virgin Mary virgin?
          Is Joseph Jesus’s father and not God?
          Can the Christian partner teach children what they believe and Muslim what Islam teaches. We are not saying one or the other way, but what is the middle ground for Christian-Muslim parents in their marriage of equality of two faiths?

          • Rabia
            February 27, 2017 3:57 am

            Excellent question, Admin. What would they teach their children about Jesus (pbuh)? It’s up to that specific couple – maybe they will teach children from both religions when it comes to who Jesus was and then when the kids grow up, they will decide which version to believe in. Maybe the child is being raised as Christian, so that’s what he would be taught. It they decide to raise the child as Muslim, that’s what he would be taught.

            But I am gonna have to make a small correction to something you mentioned which needs fact-checking. Islam also believes that Mary was a virgin and gave birth to Jesus (pbuh) miraculously – where does it say in Islamic sources anything about Joseph being the father??? We also have the exact same belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had a miraculous pregnancy. Please quote the source of this allegation about Joseph – someone must have misguided you about what Muslims believe.

            So the Islamic version of the story only differs from the Christian one on the issue of whether Jesus was a prophet of God or the Son of God – to support my explanation above, I am quoting the Qur’an from the chapter 19 entitled Mary: “We sent Our spirit to appear before her in the form of a perfected man. She said ‘I seek the Lord of Mercy’s protection against you: if you have any fear of Him (do not approach)! But he said ‘I am but a Messenger from your Lord, to announce to you the gift of a pure son.’ she said ‘How can I have a son when no man has touched me? I have not been unchaste.’ and he said ‘This is what your Lord said: ‘it is easy for Me – We shall make him a sign to all people, a blessing from Us'”.

          • February 27, 2017 9:08 pm

            Thanks for reminding these 19:18-34, and it ends with 19:35 “God forbid that He Himself should beget a son!” Others similar to this are 4:171, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88), 5:70 and 5:72. We realize that Koran spend enough time convincing readers weakness in churches’ teachings. No wonder why Allah concluded saying not to make friends with Christians and Jew (5:51).

            Still Christianity fundamental belief is that Jesus is a Son of God. If one removes this statement, then one can say Christianity is invalid. Is it?

            Do Christians consider Koranic teachings as 100% truth?

            Probably these conflicting statements by God (or its interpretations) led to many conflicts including millions killed (and will be killed).

  • Seema Maheshwari
    January 7, 2017 7:48 pm

    There are so many things wrong with this article that it’d take pages to address all of them. First and foremost, what does being a proud Indian have to do with anything? Hindus don’t have a monopoly on being proud Indians, regardless of what racists like the RSS, Shiv Sena and the present Indian politicians say. If you are a proud Khatri, Hindu or whatever, why the hell would you want to marry a Muslim? Marry another Khatri. You say that she was the love of your life, but you bullied her into converting. What does “son of the soil”, mean? You are a goonda, who thinks that marrying a Muslim and making her convert was your dharma.
    Interfaith marriage isn’t for the uneducated and close minded and you are a splendid example of both.

    • Artee
      January 13, 2017 5:44 am

      Dear seema,

      I see you have used the word ‘goonda’ – what does that mean if it’s used for a muslim guy?


      • Seema Maheshwari
        January 14, 2017 6:39 pm

        Good try Aartee. Did you really think that I consider only Hindus to be goondas? If a Muslim man wanted to marry a Hindu woman, so he could convert her for Islam, he too would be a goonda. Goondas come in all colors, races and religions. Since women have equal rights, we too can be goondas.

        • human first
          January 16, 2017 11:35 am

          not sure why you are saying good try. i just asked because i was curious about the definition. someone used that word for a muslim guy i know once. i didnt understand what goonda meant at that time n had been racking my brain. i thought goonda meant thug n now i understand tge other meaning. anyway thank u

  • samreen
    January 5, 2017 8:06 am

    just a small question

    you loved her ?
    you believed in interfaith marriage
    trust me at no point i felt you were in love with her
    ofcourse she must be a bautiful one for you
    loving her would have meant loving her religion too
    you seem to be a way more religious than what you pretend to be a fake atheist

  • Sahil Khan
    January 4, 2017 7:30 am

    hahah big liar.. ja gandu koi aur jagah nhi mili.. bulla khatri.. bada bada fek raha hy lol

  • Ahmad noor
    January 1, 2017 1:25 am

    VIRAT so many points looks like you jumped over and tried not to clarified
    1ST there is no inconsistency or conflict between being muslim and being indian at the same time unless you think that tens of millions of indian muslims are not indians or you try to show yourself that you do not know that pakistanis are also of indian origins….only idiots will believe that claim
    An other point is that no one atheist in this world (supposed not caring so for religion ) insists on changing his lover religion to his own one the same religion which he dose not respecT….Only idiot will believe that claim
    i confess that you are a good tricky planner when stopped talking about relegion enough time to make her falling in love with you deeper and deeper to put her in the non return point … by sexual relation and emotional love same time …but let me ask you a question this behavior is man behavior it respective behavior is this jai india behavior ????? wow
    may be you are lucky that your lover is not aware of islam same as her parents because her parents still thought that also there is an inconsistency between islam and being a female doctors they did not know that there are millions of female doctors in the islamic countries ..and you are very happy for that
    Even taliban established a medical collage for female so i do not know whether those parents are living in an another planets ….
    only one truth i have got from your case …is that there is no limit of (heating islam) in your heart ..after that you showed your issue the way liked

  • December 31, 2016 1:39 pm

    Dear Virat,

    This is a reverse Jihad, a very rare case on this web site. Most cases we see where the Muslim is firm and the Hindu finally cave in. We have leaned that, unfortunately, the most rigid and irrational wins (even true in your case). It should not be that way, but is a fact of life. We recommend interfaith marriage with equality, 50%-50%, and people love to respect each other’s faith and feelings. May be we are idealist and not realist.

    Does she has faith in Islam? Does she believe (not what she suppose to) that Koran is God’s words and Muhammad is the ultimate apostle? How will she face Allah on the Judgment Day?

    Is she a “true” Muslim or just wishes to make her parents and community happy?

    We have observe that girls tend to be submissive and converts. Even Kareena Kapoor decided to have her son’s name Taimur Ali Khan. Muhammad knew it very well and that is why he designed Islam by saying the Muslim girl cannot marry even People of Book, but only to Muslim; while Muslim guy can marry Christian and Jew.

    Is this true, “My wife’s (Pakistani) family is very happy”?

    Which country are you in? It is difficult to manage such life in India and forget about Pakistan. We hope we are wrong!

    • Seema Maheshwari
      January 14, 2017 6:45 pm

      Ha Ha, using Kareena Kapoor as an example. Bollywood prostitutes itself for money and fame and Kareena became a begum, just as Sharmila. You should ask my ex brother in law, Pankaj kapoor, why he let his son Shahid, have a Muslim name.

      • Hanna Khan (former Momeen):
        February 25, 2017 7:12 am

        I’m shocked by the argument. Bollywood Pr…….? It exposes people’s mentality; why should you stop with cine-field? Are there not other professions where women are forced to offer sexual favours for early rise? Even in those conditions these women scorch their own body and soul for money and are million times better than the political and priest-class who leech on regional and religious fanaticism.

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