Should Muslim Convert to Christian for Marriage?

Shebby says: May 11, 2019 at 3:28 am

I am Indian muslim wanna get to marriage usa christian woman in india but we wanna marriage in church. Help where should I go to get marriage in church in india. should I convert myself muslim to Christian first. -Shebby

Admin says:

Dear Shebby,

We are glad you reached out to us for guidance. Our recommendation is to get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954, unless you do not like Islam any more and always wished to be a true Christian. We highly recommend not to fake convert unless you have faith in Jesus. Is that the girl insisting for a Church wedding?

Tell us why you want marriage in a church when you have other options? Most likely, the church will want baptism and/or write a prenuptial that children will be raised only in Christian faith. After the marriage, the church will register your marriage to Indian government with the Christian Marriage Act. This means your marriage/divorce will be dictated by that law. Read Indian marriage laws. Decide if this is really you want?

Are you willing to teach your children that Jesus is a Son of Allah? However, quite contrary to that belief, Koran teaches to have faith only in Allah. According to the Koran, Jesus, the son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle. Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! Further, those who say, “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood. As an intellectual, think what are you doing?

Expecting others to convert for marriage is a very orthodox intolerant thinking and has no place in todays’ tolerant world. If she wants to marry a Christian, why she dated a Muslim?

We believe… let the rose be rose and don’t convert the rose to a carnation. You are a Muslim and should remain so till your death. Likewise, she is a Christian and should remain so till her death. Teach your children both faiths and let them decide their own faith as an adult. What is wrong with this ideology?

We hope you are not marrying her to go to the USA. Marry her only if you have true love for her.

We highly recommend each others to truly respect each other the way you are. In this thinking, there is no place for expecting each others to convert for marriage. We wish you the best. -Admin

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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