Rafi says: July 4, 2015 at 8:45 am
Hello, I’m a Muslim boy just completed engineering and got a job in a reputed MNC. I’m in a relationship with a Hindu girl from past a year. As if now her parents got to know every thing about us and now they are torturing her like different. My parents don’t know anything about it. I’m little afraid of my parents and her parents too.
She does not have a father only survived with mom, sis and aunt. I have clearly told her that it is not necessary to change her to my religion, she is free to practice any religion. We have already have a conversation on bringing up the children in what manner, I have told her she is the mother of children and have full authority to control, mold them in any manner. She also don’t have any problem with my religion.
I have promised her that in my home there will be a separate pooja room for her to practice. I have also told she can do anything when we are in our home (I mean nuclear family) I believe in nuclear family rather than joined family.
Now at present her mom is not allowing her to go to collage, use phone, etc. How can I take further steps regarding this? Please help me. Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon. -Rafi
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Taqiyya in islam and quran is used only when muslim life or islam is threated not to be used beyond this limit never ( go to islamic rules)
second i argree fully with her mom prevention looks like rafi is ether ignorant muslim ( alot in india ) or he is disregarding his islam for his one year love story islam is clear simple and frank relegion what dose it mean that she will stay hindu while you stay muslim leave the girl to see her private life ..it is not the of the world
Dear readers,
In the matter of Rafi, there is no doubt that he is telling lie not to change her religion. Initially such statements are issued by the muslims but later on they change their stand on the ground of Taqiyya.
Taqiyya comes from the Quran in Islam and the word derives from the verb “Ittaqu” which means “protection” in that they deceive, manipulate and fool the enemies or threats against Islam by lying, simulations, deception, manipulation and illusions etc. to protect and promote Islam by preventing Islam’s dirty tricks and intentions to be revealed. This takes place depending on the needs, means or situvasjon one is in to win the war against the enemy on all possible fronts. Since western countries are considered as war zones(Dar al-Harb) and unbelievers is regarded as enemies of Islam then all Western countries and their infidel inhabitants is considered as a constant threat to Islam. This provides license to constant execution of Taqiyya from Muslims in Western countries.
Taqiyya is performed not only as pure lies, deception and false illusion. In the beginning when muslims are few and weak in an state or area it is performed most often as a passive silence from muslims. Passive silence that we can compare with the western proverb. “He who is silent consents” and have great influence when muslims frontline soldiers encourages terrorism, like blowing up themselves and others with boms, while billions of other muslims do not contradict, denounce and demonstrate against this.
To understand the background of al Taqiyya must read this:
Al-taqiyya and dissimulation are words used for a practice of Muslims blatantly lying to non-Muslims. All but some of the most fundamental Muslims consider the act of Al-taqiyya or lying to non-Muslims to be a good work. This is very important when one remembers that, in Islam, salvation is determined by good works. This means that a Muslim lying to a non-Muslim is that Muslim doing a good work to earn salvation. It is almost equivalent to a Christian accepting Jesus as his savior. One of the big differences is that a Christian only needs to accept Jesus as his savior once to become saved forever but a Muslim must do his good works consistently and repeatedly to earn his salvation with the except of the greatest work of dying while fighting non-Muslims.
You are blaming, RSS,VHP and other Hindu organisations?Has any of these organisations any network in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan,
like ISIS, Taliban, Hizbolla, Alquaida,? You are number one bastard enjoying all benefits from India and loyality with terrorists. I am also a muslim women and totally against mentality.
Muslim spokespersons like you employ a peculiar style of deceptive propaganda that so far has caught the media off-guard. It takes advantage of a common assumption among those who have only been exposed to other religions – the assumption that the statements of religious leaders can be taken at face value because religious leaders want people to understand their religion. It takes advantage of non-Muslim ignorance of Islam while at the same time seeking to maintain that ignorance. It takes advantage of people’s tendency to see Islam as a religion in the traditional sense, rather than as a combination of a militant political ideology and a religion. Thus a Muslim religious leader should not be seen in the same way as most religious leaders. He should be viewed as a combination of politician and religious leader. When addressing a non-Muslim audience, he should not be viewed as a typical missionary, but as an astute politician addressing a hostile audience who won’t like all of his policies – he will tell you what you want to hear. Viewing them as a politician can be a difficult task as they often combine this with a hypersensitivity to criticism or direct questioning that a politician could not get away with. ‘How dare you accuse me of lying’ is a powerful challenge coming from a cleric with his ‘religious leader’ hat on, but would be ridiculed if it came from a politician.
Tactics Used by Muslims
Muslims,like Mac, use a number of strategies to either conceal the more barbaric aspects of their religion or to deceive people about Islamic doctrine. The initial deception is semantic. Literally, they say one thing and mean another, the opposite of calling a spade a spade. This typically involves using a dual meaning that is generally only understood by Muslims, or using Arabic terms. The initial deception is followed up with a number of rhetorical techniques that create a barrier to effective communication. These are essentially a form of diversion. While some of these tricks are familiar to a western audience, some are largely unfamiliar and play on Islamic concepts with which the west is unfamiliar.
Exploiting Positive Assumptions
One of the most irony-laden discussions with Muslims, like you revolved around the different concepts of lying within Islam. These rule permits Muslims to deceive people, break the law or commit blasphemy under certain circumstances. When asked whether Muslims are given free reign to lie to non-Muslims, several Muslims pointed out that it only applies in certain circumstances, such as war. This was an indirect response that relied heavily on the assumption that we are not at war. One of those Muslims later explained that he believed that the West had been at war with the Muslim world since the 1920’s and that the west had declared and carried out this war. This is a good example of a very subtle deception taking advantage of positive assumptions, in the context of discussing deception itself. This strategy works well when combined with hypersensitivity to discourage people from seeking a more direct response when only an indirect response was given.
Dual Meaning
The first tactic used is to attach a dual meaning to common English words such as war, peace, slave, innocent, rape, domestic violence etc. This is known as “Doublespeak”. This tactic is so successful because it is so different from the typical ‘western propaganda’ approach of inventing new jargon. For example, where a deceptive western leader may talk about ‘collateral damage’ to make civilian deaths in war sound more benign, a deceptive Muslim leader may say ‘no one was murdered’, on the grounds that the killing was legal. In this case, the deception is obvious because most English speaking people understand the subtle difference between murder and kill. However, by carefully controlling how Islamic doctrine is translated into English, Muslim scholars have created a situation where many common words have an entirely different meaning when used in the context of Muslims or Islamic law. This is combined with an insistence that to ‘truly understand’ the Qur’an one must study it in Arabic , thus putting the context or meaning of the words used beyond the reach of most non-Muslims. Thus, Muslims will understand what their leaders are saying, even if most westerners do not. This can be quite blatant manipulation, such as when some UK clerics stated in public that it is wrong to kill innocent people, then said to their followers in private that only Muslims can be considered innocent.
Being so simple, this tactic is most often employed in press releases. As an example, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens appeared to support the fatwa calling for the death of Salman Rushdie during question time after giving a lecture at a western university. The next day he released a statement to the press reassuring the public that he does not support vigilantism. Of course, he was not available to give any further details. Most assumed he did not want Rushdie dead. However, closer inspection appears to show that Cat Stevens did not actually oppose the death penalty for Salman Rushdie. He did think it would be wrong to shoot Salman in the back of the head in some dark alley. Rather, Salman should have been hauled before the relevant cleric, who had already found him guilty, so that he could be stoned to death in an orderly, ‘civilised’ manner.
According to Islam, men have authority over their wives’ (and slaves’) bodies and do not need their consent to have sex with them. However this is not considered rape and Muslims will deny that Islam permits rape. Consider also this classic quote from a Muslim on the forum about domestic violence: “Domestic violence is a disease which must be stamped out of all societies. But it has nothing to do with giving your wife a ‘smack’ when she’s gotten out of control”[10] How they actually define rape and domestic violence is deliberately kept vague, but there is usually a strong implication that an act is only rape or domestic violence if it goes far beyond what Islam permits. Rape and domestic violence are redefined as acts that are forbidden in Islam, allowing Muslims to proclaim that Islam forbids them, thereby giving non-Muslims the false impression that Islam is benign. Furthermore, these ‘transgressions’ are carefully linked to problems considered to be ‘western’, effectively blaming rape and domestic violence on rights and freedoms that the west permits but Islam forbids, while at the same time permitting it under ‘appropriate’ circumstances.
Another common example is the claim that Islam is peace, or is peaceful. The utlimate objective of Islam is indeed a peaceful existence, however this peace is achieved by Islam conquering the world. Until that time, all non-Muslim areas are considered to be at war. Those areas that are ruled by Islam are by definition at peace, even if Shi’ites and Sunnis are blowing up each other’s Mosques. Thus, ‘Islam is peace’ is a technically correct statement about the ‘final solution’ of Islam and about those lands that are ruled by Islam, but is totally deceptive to those who do not already know what it means.
Muslim leaders will claim in public that Australia shares a lot of values in common with Islam, or that Australia is a Muslim nation, or that Australians already practice Muslim values. In private, they will call for the destruction of western decadence. They will express outrage at new citizens being expected to acknowledge the Judeo-Christian tradition as the basis of Australia’s values system. They will claim that Muslims strive to obey local laws, but will also call on other Muslims to reject anything other than Sharia law as heresy. They will claim friendship with non-Muslims, but privately preach that friendship with non-Muslims is wrong and should lead to ostracism. They will claim that Islam is peace, but privately preach that there can be no peace until the entire world has been subjugated to Islamic law. They will make friends with Christians, then preach in private that Christianity is vile. There are even passages in the Qur’an that promote the use of terror. By redefining equality, Muslims will claim that Islam creates equality between the sexes, even though it gives men authority over women and allows them to be beaten until they are ‘green’.
Rather than making a plain English translation available to the general public along with explanations, the Qur’an is made impenetrable by mixing up the verses so that they are out of order and the context is lacking.
Shagul, you copied above writings from this anti-islamic website which is spreading lies among non-muslim http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Deception_of_Non-Muslims
Why will RSS,VHP,Bajrangdal be in Libya,Syria. They are Indian terrorist group and they are doing havoc here in India.
few recent examples:
Instead of such a large cut and paste, summarize it for readers and provide an URL. Thanks.
I posted my comments and those were visible but not now. You have deleted the same, why? Are you favoring Mac, Rafi, Haque, Mohammad, who hails from a group of criminal and anti female community. Through this site, It is our duty to educate the female and other persons, what is the difference between saying and doing in islam.
If you wish to keep such elements happy who are determined to destroy humanity through terrorist activities, that is ok. They are trapping in the name of marriage non muslim girls to increase islamic populations and create havoc in every country in the world. Mac is a person, who was born out of wedlock and sodomized by imam, still he glorifies this antihuanity mind set.
Unrelated large cut and paste will be deleted. Instead summarize the article and provide the URL. We try to save space.
Now prove your statement, “Mac is a person, who was born out of wedlock and sodomized by imam”. See, these type of statement has no value. You will loose your credibility. Instead, stick with facts and be soft.
why you are not blocking him admin. . .
already u know he is a waste copy paster… but yet u are not blocked him
See brother rafi, now you have realized from which community you are going to marry, though all Hindus are like them, but organization like RSS,VHP,Bajrangdal will create trouble for you, also it is duty of you to save your girl from such evil religion. These Human,Chand Osmani, harjeet,etc are all paid workers of fanatic hindu organization. But remember, general Hindus are not like them, so donot make mistake of generalizing all Hindus based on behavior Human,Chand Osmani, harjeet, they behave such way so that you hate Hindus and start hating Hindus, so that they ca justify their existence. My mother was Hindu brahmin too, she converted to islam because she fall in love with islam after learning islam, my maternal hindu grand parents also accepted islam after finding islam through my mom.
Rafi, let us know if we have to change the title of this post from current one being “She Does Not Have to Change Religion”.
Correction of my previous comment.
See brother rafi, now you have realized from which community you are going to marry, though all Hindus are not like them, but organization like RSS,VHP,Bajrangdal will create trouble for you, also it is duty of you to save your girl from such evil religion. These Human,Chand Osmani, harjeet,etc are all paid workers of fanatic hindu organization. But remember, general Hindus are not like them, so donot make mistake of generalizing all Hindus based on behavior Human,Chand Osmani, harjeet, they behave such way so that you hate Hindus and start hating Hindus, so that they can justify their existence. My mother was Hindu brahmin too, she converted to islam because she fall in love with islam after learning islam, my maternal hindu grand parents also accepted islam after finding islam through my mom.
Dear Mac,
Good to learn that your mother was a Brahmin. My respect to her or in Bengali you can say My Pranam….anyway..coming back to point…all religions have some evils associated with them. Time to time people are born who are change-makers, in Hindu society too at the time of Sati Pratha some Bengali Hindu Intellectuals tries to rectify the evils of then Hindu Society (raja ram mohan roy). And regarding inter-caste marraige alongwith religion another most important factor which play vital role is the 7th house of a Native which stands for Marriage. Irrespective of religion if a persons 7th house is badly affected he may face trouble in marraige, and on the contrary if a person’s 7th house is affected by benefic planets he may get blessings from God Himself, irrespective of religion……That is the Thumb Rule….Accept it or not..
Mac and Rafi,
you both are liar,manipulator glorifying evil practices through the doctrine of Taqiyya to adopt deceitful tactices.
Taqiyya: Islamic doctrine of deceit to defend and promote Islam
Taqiyya is “concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.” A one-word translation would be “dissimulation.” [4] Taqiyya is one of the principle tools of “stealth jihad.”
Most westerners are acquainted with lying that characterize many politicians, salesman and folks of low character, generally. But we are not readily willing to accept the concept of lying being associated with a religion. Sadly, taqiyya is integral to Islam. That is what makes its use by Muslims against westerners so effective: We don’t readily realize or admit such practice exists.
Taqiyya may be employed for any purpose whereby “any end justifies the means.” Taqiyya is closely related to the command of “Kithman”: Hiding the truth; deliberately concealing one’s beliefs.
Practically, taqiyya is any form of lying, deceit, misleading, half-truths or related practices condoned by Islamic doctrine to further the growth of Islam or to protect the individual from harm. Taqiyya is one of the reasons we are “surprised” by acts of violence or terror from those previously considered to be “moderate” Muslims. See also “sudden Jihad syndrome.” Joel Richardson has wrritten a piece worth reading about “Understanding the Dishonesty and Deceit of Islam.”
The Taqiyya doctrine is based on the following verse from Qur’an 3:28: “Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them”. Sunni commentator Ibn Kathir explained that “believers that fear for their safety from the unbelievers… are allowed to show friendship to the unbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly”.
According to the Shia scholar Muhammad Husain Jafari Sahiwal, Shi’ism would not have spread if it wasn’t for taqiyya. (Referring to instances where Shiites have been ruthlessly persecuted by the Sunni political elite, during the Umayyad and Abbasid empires.[6] Today, both Sunni and Shia sects of Islam promote and widely employ taqiyya.
The most important duty of any species is the care and protection of its young. The prime duty of mankind is to raise children in a safe environment and properly care and educate them, so that they can progress into responsible adults. There is no worse crime than the sexual abuse and exploitation of children. By sexually abusing a child, you totally destroy the child’s self-esteem, and mentally condemn the child to a life of psychological torment. Their innocence thus spoiled, they become part of the living dead.
Seeking to please the sexual desires of His male Muslims, the Islamic God Allah has revealed verse 65.4 that allows Muslim men to molest baby girls sexually, thus, condemning them to a life of sexual abuse and mental anguish. Quran 65:4:
“And those of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the ‘Iddah (prescribed divorce period), if you have doubts (about their periods), is three months, and for those who have no courses (i.e. they are still immature) their ‘Iddah (prescribed period) is three months likewise, except in case of death]. And for those who are pregnant (whether they are divorced or their husbands are dead), their ‘Iddah (prescribed period) is until they deliver (their burdens) (give birth) and whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.”
This verse sets the prescribed period for divorced women to wait (iddah) before they can remarry. And amongst those divorced women are little girls, who have not yet reached the age of menstruation (see bold section). Since Allah also command Muslims to attack non-Muslims and enslave their women and children, who would be used as sex-slaves, so not only little Muslim girls, but also small girls of infidels are also at risk of sexual abuse at the hands of Muslim Jihadis. Since Muslims believe the teachings and commandments of the Quran are for eternal application, it’s plain and simple to conclude that Islamic God Allah is a patronizer of pedophilia for eternity.
Mac and Rafi,
The logics posted against the comments of human, are not realistic. Your islam says that it is against terrorism, female attrocities, violence and so on.
But what is ground realities that is entirely different. Koran preaches, violence, hatred,killing, murder,keeping sex slaves,wife beating, lying, using decietful tactices to trap non muslim girls. The most miserable condition of females is in muslim community. They are denied education, driving, moving, working and natural justice, even in the case of rape. Only muslim girls of reach families are noramlly pursue higher education otherwise poor girls are trapped for mutta marriages.
Mac is a mutta product, his mother,s vagina got semen from different males, even then he is not ashamed. Maulvi fucked him in the madrasa and he dit not complain against him.Regarding equality of women,the Islamist party of President Mohamed Mursi outlined 10 reasons why Muslim countries should “reject and condemn“ the declaration; The Brotherhood, which helped to elect Morsi to power in June, posted the statement on its website,httttp:/ /www. ikhwanweb.com/
The Muslim Brotherhoodsaid the declaration would give “wives full rights to file legal complaints against husbands accusing them of rape or sexual harassment, obliging competent authorities to deal husbands punishments similar to those prescribed for raping or sexually harassing a stranger, give girls sexual freedom, legalize abortion, provide teenagers with contraceptives, give equality to women in marriage and require men and women to share duties such as child care and chores , equal rightsto homosexuals, and provide protection and respect for prostitutes” and “equal rights to adulterous wives and illegitimate sons resulting from adulterous relationships.”
@ Human, I hope the answer given by Mac is the perfect answer ..!!! You should think and open your mouth. Thanks to Mac.
What equality of female with male counter parts?
1. Male allowed to keep 4 wives, is female allowed to keep 4 husbands?
2. Female to be in burqa, why not male also,
3. Male terrorists allowed to avail sexual pleasure with 72 virgins, why not
4. Male can give oral tripple talak, but not female allowed?
5. Testimony of female half of the male, why?
6. Female must be virgin on the wedding night, why not male? Male needs every time virgin wife?
7. In adultary matters, only females are stonned to death, why not other males who were involved with her?
8, Females are treated as sex objects, being like field to be ploughed in any manner, why not males?
9. Females are disrespected through evil practices like Halala, Mutta, why not males?
1. Male allowed to keep 4 wives, is female allowed to keep 4 husbands?
– How will women keep 4 husband at a time, you fool don`t understand the physics and male and female body, semen is ejaculated in women`s vagina, when 4 men will ejaculate in one vagina, who will decide the biological father of the child?? If you mix milk of four cow in one pot, will you be able to separate them? And DNA test is not natural, every human being is not entitled naturally to highly costly DNA test, where as incase male taking 4 wives, each women will have their baby and they will know who their father is because there will be only one father, you fools don`t understand the nature, islam is the natural religion, it`s rules are natural, naturally in human population, women out number men.
//2. Female to be in burqa, why not male also,///
–Both men and women required to cover their body, not just men, haven`t you seen how muslim men and women dress.
3. Male terrorists allowed to avail sexual pleasure with 72 virgins, why not
–This is complete lie, here is the proof from not a muslim, but from an agnostic Jewish women http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab6fdoCkZTA
Logic Behind why men are allowed to take upto 4 wives in Islam while women are allowed to marry only once at a time.
First of all it is not compulsory for muslim men to marry twice.
Islam has five categories of Do’s and Dont’s.
1.Farz i.e compulsory
2.Mustahab i.e recommended or encouraged
3.Mubah i.e permissible
4.Makruh i.e ‘not recommended’ or discouraged
5.Haram i.e prohibited or forbidden
Polygyny falls in the middle category of things that are permissible. It cannot be said that a Muslim who has two, three or four wives is a better Muslim as compared to a Muslim who has only one wife.
By nature males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. During paediatric age however, in childhood itself a female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male child. For this reason, there are more deaths among males as compared to the females during paediatric age.
During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women. More men die due to accidents and diseases than women. The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers.
Now are above things said about men and women ratio can be trusted. For that we have to check facts of world population.
In USA women outnumber men by millions, similar figures in Russia,UK,Germany and other developed countries. Now why I used the term developed countries, because in developed countries female infanticide is almost NIL, where as in underdeveloped or developing countries like India,Pakistan,etc female infanticide is very high, where girl child are killed in womb or after birth. But Islam is completely against female infanticide [Quran 17:31,6:15,6:151, ] and thus you can put forward argument on islamic polygamy citing countries where female infanticide is high.
Of the 2010 Census population, 157.0 million were female (50.8 percent) while 151.8 million were male (49.2 percent).
It means more than 6 million = 60,000,000 women are surely not going to find a match for them who is single. Either they have to marry a man who already has a wife or they indulge in illegal relation very popular in such developed countries i.e. Adultery. But Islam doesn`t allow adultery, adultery is one of the biggest sin in islam. Adulterous men or women are punished by 100 lashes or in some interpretation of hadith, they are punished by death. Suicide,murder are obvious results of adultery(triangular illegal affairs). In such affairs, men is not entitled to take care of her female partner, she has no right in such relationship, she cannot demand right to inheritance, right to take care of her for lifetime. Also that man can have as much relationship as he wants upto 8-18…no limit. But this is not the case with islamic marriage, in islam, man and woman are not allowed to make relationship other than spouse, adultery,fornication are sin in islam, so a devout muslim woman is sure that her husband is not cheating on her and a devout muslim man is sure that her wife is not cheating her. In Islam, a woman knows about her husband relationship, since limited/special polygamy is permitted, so she will be aware of her husband`s any other relationship status, she can then object, in islam, a man is required to take permission from her first wife, so first wife have the power of her husband`s relationship, a woman without islamic nikaah has no such privileges, her husband can spent thousands of night with other women and she can`t even make complain to anyone as adultery is legal, but in islam, adultery is illegal. Polygamy makes it transparent.
Current(on clock
08-07-2015 15:19:51)population of Australia.
Male: 11,786,407(49.8%)
Female: 11,861,969(50.2%)
It means there are 75,562 more women than men.
Current(on clock
08-07-2015 15:26:21)population of Germany.
Male: 39,153,376(49%)
Female: 40,385,173(51%)
It means threre are 2% more women than men, in number it is huge which is 1231797.
Similarly, in France men(48.7%) than women(51.3%)
In U.K women(50.8%) than men(49.2%)
In Russia, women(53.7%) than men(46.3%)
In Canada, women(50.4%) than men(49.6%)
Countries where you will find men are more than women, countries like India, because here female infanticide, female feticide is so high, every year millions of female fetus is aborted in India. In 1990, Amartya Sen writing in the New York Review of Books estimated that there were 100 million fewer women in Asia than would be expected
Watch this two videos and clear what is Islamic polygamy, islam polygamy is not like general polygamy where men invades any home and take 2,3 more women in the name of marriage.
Here are the two videos of above links don`t work
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j2KjNeudGc
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQaPBU5ppsk
//4. Male can give oral tripple talak, but not female allowed?///
–Another lie, in Islam both men and women can divorce each other. The divorce by women is known as `Khula`.
<b.Dr. Zakir Nayak on Islam and divorce.
Dr.Nayak: “The sister has asked a question, that a husband can divorce a woman – She has not asked about Triple ‘Talaq’, that is another answer. But the main question is – A husband can divorce… Can a woman also divorce, or can she give ‘Talaq’?”
—“”A woman cannot give ‘Talaq’ – because ‘Talaq’ is a Arabic word used for divorce, when a man gives to a woman – husband gives to a wife – but a woman can divorce.
There are 5 types of divorce, in Islam –
1.The first type is by unilateral… by unilateral agreement, between the husband and wife – Both may say… ‘Okay, we are not compatible… let us part’.
2.The second type, is by the unilateral will of the husband, that is called a ‘Talaq’, in which, he has to forgo his ‘Meher’. If he has not paid it, he has to pay it to her… and including the gifts, he has given to her.
3.Third type, is by the unilateral will of the wife – I repeat, by the unilateral will of the wife… if she mentions it in her marriage contract. If she mentions it in her Nikah-Nama… in her marriage contract, that she has the right to give unilateral divorce, she can give it – It is call as ‘Isma’. I have never heard of anyone speaking of an ‘Isma’ – It is called as ‘Isma’ – Even a woman can give divorce, ‘Isma’.
4.Third category is, if the husband ill-treats her, or not give her equal rights, she has the right to go to a Kazi, and nullify the marriage – It is called as ‘Nikah-e-Fask’. In this, according to the Kazi, he may ask the husband to give the full ‘Meher’, or part of the ‘Meher’, depending upon the Kazi.
5.And the last is ‘Kulah’– that even though the husband may be a very good husband, the wife has got no complaints against the husband, but for personal reasons, she does not like the husband – she has… she can request the husband, to divorce her – and that is called as ‘Kulah’. But very few people talk about women giving divorce, to the men. Some of the Ulemas have categorized these 5 types of divorce, into 2 or 3 different categories, but broadly there are 5 types of divorce, in Islam. Hope that answers the question.””
Anti-Islamist, anti-Muslim propagandist like Human(i call him in-human) knows clearly that general Muslims are not educated about islam properly, so they try to take advantage, the above 10 questions aka lies put by him is the perfect example of it. I request muslim to read Quran, read other islamic books and to educate yourself.
///5. Testimony of female half of the male, why?///
First of all, let me make it clear, there is no testimony of women in any other religion. Islam is the only religion which acknowledges the testimony of female. It`s a different matter whether testimony is half or testimony is full. So first ask you God why he didn`t allow testimony of female in your religion and then talk about others.
It is secular laws that gave equal right of testimony to men and women not any religion like Hinduism or Christianity.
The truth of the matter is that the Qur’an has mentioned the need for having witnesses for various purposes on a number of occasions. See, for instance, 2:282, 4:15, 24:4, 65:2, 24:6. It is only in the case of the first verse i.e. 2:282 that there is a need mentioned to have two female witnesses in case a male witness wasn’t available. In the rest of the verses (except for the last verse i.e. 24:6, which I’ll discuss shortly) there is no mention of the gender of the witnesses. Those who hold the popular point of view believe that since the formula of two women equivalent to one male witness was clarified in verse 2:282, that formula should be deemed to be applicable in all other verses as well. However, if it could be shown that the verse 2:282 is talking of a situation which is a special case. The number of women witnesses needed is debated in different Islamic schools of law. Hanafi’s and Hanbali’s see even one woman enough. According to Maliki’s two women are required. As for Shafii’s, they see that 4 women are needed.
So how you jump to women testimony is half, by only one school of thought rejecting other two. I salute your irrationality.
Only one verse which is on special case talks about 1 man and 1 woman, and if not 1 man, than 2 women, the special case is during financial matter, while during other cases, testimony of men and women are equal, even in one case, testimony of 4 men is equal to 1 women, does that mean islam consider men one fourth of women, if not, then why you always cry that islam consider women half than men?
///6. Female must be virgin on the wedding night, why not male? Male needs every time virgin wife?////
Another lie, no truth at all, hey you kafir, when did you speak truth in your life, when was the last time that you spoke truth, no wonder why Allah addressed people like you as kafir,deceiver. Don`t you have any work other than spreading falsehood???
I rest this case on muslim women.
In Islam, both men and women are needed to be virgin, if anyone comes unchaste before marriage, he/she must ask forgiveness from Allah and then he/she become chaste again and can marry chaste women/men.
prophet muhammad(peace be upon him) first wife was widowed, widowed means she was already married and had kids, that means she was not virgin, then how come prophet married her?
Prophet Muhammad`s(peace be upon him) most of the wives were divorced/widowed, only Ayesha was virgin.
@ human, I give you an guarantee that Islam is the only religion which gives equality and independence to women’s or girls. I merely accept that women cannot give talak but she is the only one who enjoys more than a man and keeps man in limits. I can give example of real true stories which I have come across where man is ruled out. Studies tells that’s Muslim married couple enjoy their life more than any other couple of different community..
Yup I do believe in all those things which u told..!!! @ admin..!! I can tell you that I’m a Muslim and I don’t know where I have put up in my community and religion. All I know is I want her.. No matter what happens. I’m not afraid of parents but instead I’m afraid of this society which is so cruel. if parents supports us then keeping in mind about society they may tell NO. I’m not running we are just making our self comfortable in such a place were people don’t point out fingers on us and also on parents.
Instead of blaming parents and society, first focus what do YOU believe in.
You said you believe that Koran is 100% truth and you believe one day Allah will Judge you against the Koranic teachings. Now tell us… :
1) Even Allah is VERY clear by saying Koran (24:30) Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze, why are you looking eye to eye to this Hindu girl?
2) Even Allah said “”You shall not marry Mushrik women (idolatresses or who ascribe God’s attributes to other than Allah) unless they embrace the Faith. A believing slave woman is better than a Mushrik woman although she may please you” Koran 2:221, why are you ready to marry a “Hindu”?
3) Even Allah does not like you praying to “other” gods, why are you going to Hindu temples and in the future will allow your Hindu wife to perform pooja to Hindu Gods in your own home?
Do you feel Koran is not worth following but your girl friend is? Do you believe these 3 are not what Allah said but Muhammad made it up? How would you explain it all to Allah on the J-Day? You said, “in such a place where people don’t point out fingers on us”, but you know that Allah is watching you! Are you ready for Hell Fire on the J-Day, a small sacrifice for your girl friend?
We understand your short term objective “All I know is I want her. No matter what happens” but what is your long-term plan? We do not feel fooling around with this Hindu girl for additional 3 years is a good strategy. Later, are you hoping that she will convert to Islam?
Why not make up your mind now? Why not be honest.
Mac also had a Hindu girl friend but he gave her up after realizing that is it non-Islamic act. Like him you have to decide if Islam is important for you or your love?
If the matter is education then there are so many families in Hindu that they don’t allow their female child to go for school or collage because they have an ultimate goal of saying, Y do u wnt to study at last you need to end up in kitchen. I can quote you some hindu-hindu love marriage which has gone hell at present because her husband does not support. The girl who used to be very happy before marriage has ruin her life. I don’t know about other boys but I have supported her in every aspect of her life till now if it is also against me. The only reason is love. But till now I have never stopped her for doing anything which she likes.
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In islam females are not treated equally and they have no independence to move freely or pursue higher education including job. Sense of insecurity also prevails, as you are allowed to keep 4 wives and give talak any moment. Wife cannot give talak easily, for you it is a matter of just 2 seconds orally.
And thereafter, if talak is given by mistake, and husband agrees to take her back, she is required to under halala practices, an indirect way of prostitution.
Under pressure of islamic community, muslim guys change colors and start misbehaving wife.
Some Facts Vs Myths.
It is true that many muslim women are deprived of higher education despite being will, while it is true for Hindus,Christians and to any particular women, in countries like Pakistan,Afghanistan women are very less educated, anti-Islamist hater like Human take this as example and bash other Muslims, while fact is that millions of women whether hindu or Muslims are deprived of education,food,etc. Pakistan and Afghanistan are civil war effected countries, in civil war effected christian African countries, women are also very low educated like in Congo,Ethiopia,Eritrea, like during war in Europe, there women were very less educated, but India is not going through civil war, i leave it to Human to find the genuine cause behind it.
MYTHS: Muslim women are uneducated.
Literacy rate among women(15-24 yrs) during 2008-2012 in Muslim countries as per UNICEF.
Indonesia – 98.8%
Kuwait – 98.7%
Malaysia – 98.5%
Iran – 98.5%
Qatar – 98.3%
Turkey – 97.9%
Saudi Arabia – 97%
United Arab Emirates(UAE) – 97%
Bangladesh – 80.4%
India – 74.4%
Now question is why India being so advanced country is so behind education. India is only above Pakistan(61.5%). Anti-Islamist, Muslim haters will point to Pakistan to prove Islam is against women education, they will point to fatwas of Boko-haram,Taliban to generalize case, what if we generalize Hindus by those panchayats?
Source: http://data.unicef.org/
What interesting is that even Bangladesh is above India on women education. I wish that both India and Pakistan improve condition of their women and take that figure at least above 80%, i mean we expect a country like India to score 99% on women education,atleast way some Hindus talk about women issue, but in reality hindu women live miserable life in rural parts of India, these internet aryas live in places like Mumbai,Delhi,etc like cities and pass comments on muslim women seeing pictures of war effected areas like Pakistan,Afghanistan,Iraq,etc. India has all the capability to grant huge funds for women education, but i have heard right wing Hindu fanatic idiot party BJP has cut down budget on education, so whatever congress achieved in all these years will also be brought down by this idiot fanatic party.
To Rafi: Leave Islam and convert to Hinduism, all your problem will be solved in this life, what is the point in cheating? That i will go to Mandir but won`t do what she does. What does that imply? Is it respect, No , certainly not, it is mocking, nothing else. So better leave Islam, take any Hindu name,(your in laws will be pleased) and live a happy,blissful life here.
No not now may be after 2 or 3 year, when she finishes her studies. I’m working with such a firm which has branches all over the globe, hence I’ll take transfer from my place to other place(western Places). We are in our home land only. When she finishes her studies I can do some thing and get her a Job in my company only where it will be easy to survive. But we won’t leave our place just like that with out informing, we will inform our parents or relatives that we have got a job opportunity in western place and we are going for our good career. In this way we can also be happy and our parents think we have gone for job. Later on after some time, let us call our respective parents and have a marriage ceremony in our job place( Western place). I think instead of staying in India and getting discrimination we can go directly to aboard and get married.
Hi Rafi,
This local place, Western Place, India, … we see lots of loose ends. Anyways, we don’t have to know your locality.
We do not understand your strategy to run away and do things behind parents. Are you scared of facing your parents? Are you trying to please every one; your girl on one side and your parents and Islam on the other?
We have also one question for you … do you consider yourself a Muslim? Do you believe in Koran as 100% truth? Do you (once a while) pray in the direction of Saudi Arabia? Do you believe in the Judgment Day?
Thank you @ Admin.. Seems like every thing is OK now .. She is going to collage. Thank god. Finally met her.
On the above comment, I would like to tell openly to my parents but if they oppose me and pressure me to do some thing else. And most important my parents may force her parents to marry her and give off some one, I’m afraid. I’m thinking to go along like this and give her some time to complete her studies and immediately take her abroad. What do you think Mr.admin.
What do you mean by “take her abroad”? Where? Where are you guys now? What will you do abroad that you cannot do in your current country?
Do not underestimate your parents. Once they hear that you are in love with a Hindu, they will (almost certain) will pressure you to convert her to Islam. They will want Nikaah (means conversion). What will you do then? PLEASE, clarify this point first. You must know where you (and your parents) stand.
@ Human, that is what love is ?? I don’t know y? people have so much grudge on Muslim boys! All Muslim boys are not the same. And I have full hope on me that I wont change. people who tell they will change are the one who changes first like chamelion. Most important I give most important to love rather than sexual desire. I don’t care if we don’t have a romance life, but if she with me that’s enough. I request you please take your words back. We are together form past 1 year and we are in our limits. I have given her all needed things and supported her in any situation. I know very well that I’m not like that kind of Muslim boys who cheat, my blood does not have that teaching, I don’t care people telling Muslim boys are bad, because I know what kind of love I have towards her. I need her very badly.
We have high respect for all what you believe in and said here. It is wrong to stereotype someone based on some limited other experiences. All faiths have problems, so why to blame some individual for his/her faith?
We are sorry that this is an open forum and people will throw dirt at you without understanding you. Again, in life, you will have to learn to focus on what you are doing and ignore barking dogs on street (as far as they are on leash!!). Remember, you will hear harsh words from both Muslims and Hindu sides, but if you are firm, you will be able to manage it.
We have seen many great Muslims like you on this web site, read on them here Seema, Salman, Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Shamim. This will be even more easy if you are in the West.
We highly request you to inform to your parents and see how are you going to manage pressure from them. If they are in agreement with your plans, then you could be more aggressive pursuing for your Hindu girl friend. Let us know what they have to say.
Right now, you are showing a submisive attitude not to convert. But when she marries pressure will mount on you or you may change colors like chamelion start putting pressure on her to accept islamic practices.
It is the general tendency of you muslim guys to trap non muslim girls for sexual pleasure, multiplication of your population. There is no gurantee that you will be with her for life long. No body knows when you will bring another 3 wives or divorce her with oral talak. There is no respect for women in islam. All sorts of restrictions and discriminatory practices are adopted against them.
Above is your assessment for Rafi, but we feel it different way.
I have recently got graduated from engineering, and now step into earning world. I want to become some thing in life and then approach parents regarding this. If I have not achieved some thing in my life then they may over rule me. If I have gone to some position then they may keep their mouth shut and listen to my command. That’s the reason I have told yet. I’m waiting for that instance .
Hi Rafi,
This must be very hard. Even you are ready to do every thing to accommodate her but people are stereotyping you. We assume you as an honest and sincere for your love, unfortunately her family is reading too much from the media.
Can you explain why you have not informed to your parents? Are you planning to go against their wishes? Alternatively, do you assume they will agree to all that you are wishing to do. We highly recommend you first to talk to your parents before promising her a rose garden.
One other critical question … are you a “Muslim”? If answer is YES, please read https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10068 and let us know what do you think of that guidance.
Rafi, lets talk more soon!
Hello, Thanks for replying, I have read the link which you have attached to your respond. As far as possible I don’t eat non veg much except chicken. And she is also the same. I won’t tell I didn’t have beef, I have had very long back and now I’m not able to have non veg properly due to some medical issues. I have once asked my mom whether a Muslim can visit temple? in her reply she told yes !! you can visit but make sure you don’t involve in those activities. Hence I have gone to many temple with her but never been a part of those rituals just I’ll he aside of her and observe things around. Wedding we have planned to do it simple in court. so we don’t have any plans to do wedding in our traditional. we both are very rational thinkers we have come across these question which u are asking and we both have agreed to respect our religion.