Most of times, Muslim women speak against condition of Muslim women but rarely a Muslim male speaks out. Here, Imran has a good message to pass to other Muslims. We wish other educated Muslim men will have courage to speak truth.

IMRAN AZAM, Darbhanga, Bihar says: March 16, 2013 at 7:38 am

Our Muslim religion doesn’t give any freedom to girls/woman and they have to live whole life in fear of Talaq. Prophet has given discriminatory messages among man and woman.

In Islam girls have no any respect and used by muslim men only for sex. This is violent face of our Islam. No one has the ability to crush this feeling due to fear. However other religion give respect and freedom to our muslim girls who marry them. That is the cause that literate muslim girls like marry to Hindu and Buddist boy who not only give respect but also promise to alive together till death.

We should make all effort to change our feeling to be liberal in comparison to our prophet. -Imran.

IMRAN AZAM, Darbhanga, Bihar says: March 23, 2013 at 4:20 am

We Indian muslims never support your view. It may be your view only and not for Indian muslims.

We should not forget that our ancestors were hindu who converted in islam. We should respect our ancestors who were hindus only. Our accestors converted into muslim during period of Islamic rullers. I have the proof and name of our ancestors who were hindu. Please be liberal and don’t spread “NAFRAT”. Allah may pardon you. -Imran

Rehana Darbhanga says: March 20, 2013 at 7:21 am

Imran, you are the first liberal muslim boy who felt our pain. I want to met you. You are breave. Allah give you power to fight wrongs of our religion. I become your fan. -Rehana

Anwar Khan, Imrat, Bhopal says: March 26, 2013 at 5:05 am

Masha Allah give us courage to change ourself. Allah has given right of equality and we people has no any right to discriminate among man and woman. You are correct that we should change ourself liberal to end cruelty of our religion. Allah never teach to terror other liberal religions. I also supports that ancestors of Indian muslim were hindu and their blood is running in us. My generation is Jagdish, Lakhan, Rajaram, Hakhruddin, Moisuddin, Asgar and now Anwar Khan. So how can I hate those hindu who converted in Islam during period of Islamic torture. We should first incourage our other muslim bhai to stop NAFRAT and Masha Allah give us great power to lead for liberalisation of Islam. -Anwar

Monu hussain, Bhopal says: April 1, 2013 at 4:29 am
Anwar, Allah has send you to change us and you are real son of Allah.
You and your feelings are great. -Monu

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Jason
    June 26, 2015 7:27 pm

    As you begin to live in the present moment, you will experience a subtle but profound change. Your worrying about the future will cease.

  • mac
    May 30, 2014 8:45 am

    every week two women in sydney converting to islam

  • Amina Khatoon, Patna, Bihar
    April 9, 2013 4:15 am

    Imran you have deeply felt the problems of our muslim sisters. It is 100% fact that one side Talaq is biggest problem in my religion. When Shaitan enter in muslim man only then he say three times TALAQ. So Allas says that one sided TALAQ in islam is illegal. Allah tells that TALAQ is valid only if both husband and wife say three TALAQ simultaneousely. Still if man say TALAQ, TALAQ, TALAQ and his wife hit three times by shoue on his mouth then Talaq automatic returns back indide her husband.So it is request from my sisters that whenever Shauhar say Talaq,talaq,talaq then hit on his mouth my shoue three times and got free from talaq given by Shaitan Husband. By hitting three times by Shoue shaitan go out from that Shauhar and he further never dare to say TALAQ, TALAQ, TALAQ. Allah says that this is the only way to protect our sisters from Shaitan husbands in our religion. This system should be immediately stopped. Sisters are requested to keep shough always with her to teach Shaitan husbands.

  • March 26, 2013 9:49 am

    We are proud of you. You have rightly said, “equality and we people has no any right to discriminate among man and woman” and “we should change ourself liberal to end cruelty of our religion”.

    Please encourage other boys to speak out, we are sure there are millions out there, except they are fearful of others.

  • March 23, 2013 11:27 am

    You are our hero! We wish more liberal Muslim boys will come out and speak their heart. Unfortunately, you are one in million!

    With your statement, “Please be liberal and don’t spread “NAFRAT””, we see Allah in you.

    Please come to guide others here, thanks.

  • March 22, 2013 12:46 pm

    Hi Zunaid,

    I am from Birmingham, UK.In Birmigham an imam was caught having sex with a minor in a mosque. police arrested the imam and remanded him in custody to investigate the matter. It was revealed that he raped so many minor girls and even had anal sex with boys. He made various statements from Koran that he is permitted to have sex with minorJudge did not accept his plea and was awarded rigorous punishment.

    Perhaps Zunaid like persons are like that defending evils of islamic religion all the time. Zunaid also needs anal sex from an Imam. Veena Malik has openly spoken that rape and sexual relations by Imams in madrasas is an open secret in Pakistan.

    • junaid
      March 22, 2013 11:28 pm

      It is only fake information that you are given. sex outside marriage is not allowed those who do sex outside marriage get harsh punishment. They are stoned to death.

  • junaid
    March 21, 2013 1:26 am

    Yes we should change to fallow true teachings of quran First all the bastards(islamic haters) listen i had already givenexplanation that islam did not permit to beat wife. These bastards are using the quran passage that quran allows man to have 4 wives while not for women. Yes It is given bastards but it depends upon women whether she allows man to havefour wives or not. If a woman knows that a man is already married what is the reason she marries a man who is already married. Now who is responsiblefor polygamy of man it is only women who wants to become 2nd 3rd or 4th wife of a man who is already married.
    These bastards are saying that islam encourages mutta marriage but these bastards do not know that this marriage is already banned in islam. Ok if mutta marriage is happned in some parts of islamic countries but who is responsible. If a women knows that this marriage will last for 4 months or more why she do this marriage and then start saying that islam oppress women. These bastards are saying that muslim girls are not allowed to get education. Bastards tell me where it is written in quran thatwomen should not get education. Instead of it it is given in hadith that it is duty of every muslims to get educated. Now if women are not allowed to get education why you bastards are blaming islam it is there culture not islam. Women do not get education in afghantstan due to terrorist organisation taliban which is creation of america.
    Then start saying islam did not allow women to get educated.
    Bastards are blaming islam that women is sexiual object and sheshould fill sexiual desire of husband at any condition while there is no need of husband to fill sexiual desires of wife but these bastards forget
    …And Women Shall Have Rights Over MenSimilar To Those For Men Over Women.
    ( Surah 2: Ayah 228). If this is allowed what is the need of above ayah in quran. Above ayah of quran gives that rights of women to demand sex from husband as it is given to husband to demand sex from wife.
    Bastards are blaming islam on FGM but these bastards did not that FGM IS NOT ISLAMIC CONCEPTBUT IT IS CULTURE vist
    this site will show that fgm is not islamic

  • March 20, 2013 7:11 am

    Imran your are realy great who accepted truth of Islamic faith.

    • Rehana Darbhanga
      March 20, 2013 7:21 am

      Imran you are first liberal muslim boy who felt our pain. Iwant to met you. You are breave. Allah give you power to fight wrongs of our religion. I become your fan.

    • March 20, 2013 6:40 pm

      We agree, Imran is a hero!

      Why other moderate Muslim BOYS are shying from telling truth? Why they are reading these, but don’t want to write two lines, even under some made up name? This is shame.

      Educated boys know these all well, however it is in their interest not to speak out. They (men) have all fun in Islam in THIS life, like multiple wives, wife beating, talak divorce, wife cannot ask for divorce, etc at the expense of Muslim women.

      Muslim women, can you encourage your Muslim brothers to speak out on this web site?

  • March 20, 2013 1:30 am

    Temporary marriage was not banned at the beginning just as alcohol or slavery was not banned. So if a man came to town where he has no acquaintances, so he ‘marries’ for a fixed time depending on his stay in the town, the woman looks after his provisions and prepares his food, until the verse was revealed: “If you are in desperation and cannot afford a wife then marry a slave as you are all equal in the eys of God. But it is better that you have patience.” 4:25
    [edit]Shia view
    Shi’a believe that Umar ibn al-Khattab abolished it, not the Prophet of Islam.He is accused of publicly confessing to challenging the Prophet by saying: “I forbid you mutah which the Prophet allowed!” [1]
    He did it during the third year of his reign, 15 ah (637 CE), 6 year after the revelation of verse 4:24, in the Hadith of Umar’s speech of forbidding Mut’ah, but since he, according to them, had no authority to do so, Umar’s prohibition seems to have been temporary and applicable to one place, hence must be ignored (Muslim 2801 1, 2).
    However, like with so many narrations there are different versions and so to deduce which narration is closer to the truth, the facts surrounding the incidents need to be considered. Here are some relevant facts regarding the report that Umar removed mutah and publicly accepted to going against the Prophet Muhammad.
    The man who was doing mutah at the time of Umar was Ibn Harith. Ibn Harith was known for the lies he said and was caught lying when he denied making a young slave girl pregnant and then refused to accept the child. When Umar caught him he said that the Prophet had allowed such things.
    When Umar asked for collaboration of what he claimed then both Sunni and Shia sources say that Ali stood on the side against mutah saying: “It was forbidden many times like eating the meat of the donkey!”
    There were no children being born of mutah in the time of the Prophet in Medina once the Nikkah laws were established. As in Arab culture a child is named after the father we dont see any examples of boys who carried the names of their ‘temporary fathers.’ The only one which is mentioned is Zubair and he remained ashamed of it as his conception happened in Mecca when pagan laws were still followed by new converts.
    The Prophet never did it in Mecca or Medina despite facing so many circumstances in which it could have been justified for him to do so.
    When Umar stamped it out there was no opposition. The caliphs to follow did not reinstate it – nor Ali brought it back during his rule as forth caliph. However, when Umar tried to put a maximum ceiling on how much a woman can charge as dowry for marriage then every woman in Medina spoke against him and he had to remove his law.
    Abdullah bin Abbas who came to support Ibn Harith also changed his mind and said it was only allowed by the Prophet in desperation during the transitions from jaliliya to Islam. He compared mutah to eating pig in desperation.
    The story that says that two men were desperate for sex while travelling in the desert wanted to castrate themselves and so the Prophet allowed them to seek a woman for mutah. This story has too many gaps for it to be taken seriously as the story relies on the possibility of finding a young slender beautiful woman sitting along the desert and then agreeing to having sex for an old blanket.
    [edit]formula of al mutah

    The formula for solemnizing the permanent marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: “Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu x — I give myself to you in marriage for the marriage gift which is x.” (In place of “x” mention the agreed marriage dowry [mahr].) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.” The formula for solemnizing the temporary marriage is as follows: The woman says to the man: ““Zawwaj-tuka nafsi bi mahrin qadruhu (x) li muddati (x) — I give myself to you in marriage for the dowry of (x) for the time period (x).” (In place of first “x” mention the agreed mahr and in place of the second “x” mention the agreed time.) The man immediately says, “Qabiltut tazweej — I accept the marriage.
    [edit]The Conditions of Temporary marriage

    The woman has to say that I have wedded you myself and she must state the time period and the dowry. The man has to say that he accepted the marriage. The time period and the dowry have to be defined. the woman whose marriage was consummated (sexually) must finish her Iddat (period in which the woman can not remarry); in case she wants to marry another person. Its Iddat finishes in two menstrual periods. Therefore, she is legitimately prohibited to remarry before the termination of Iddat. Whereas, if her marriage was not consummated (sexually), she will not observe an Iddat and she has the right to conclude immediately a marriage contract with another man The woman has to be either Muslim or from the People of the Book (Christian or Jew).
    It is allowed to conclude a temporary marriage with a virgin (never married) if she is an adult, since she has the right to wed herself without the permission of her guardian, but other considerations should be taken into account – like bad reputation the girl might acquire or that she might put herself in a dangerous situation, since it is illegal to endanger oneself in Islamic law even if it were in marriage.

    The Nikah al-Mut‘ah is used various ways:
    It is used in modern times when people move from one place to another, such as from one country to another. Thus students, workers, scholars may enter into a contractual marriage under the verse of the Qur’an which allows ones emotional needs and human needs to be fulfilled if they are in another country. It always lead to permanent marriage afterwards.
    It may be used to become mahram (unmarriable) with somebody with whom they do not intend to cohabit or have a married relationship, but with whom they spend a lot of time (for example, share a house). In order to ease the hijab “modest dress” rules, they engage in a nikah al-Mut‘ah, specifying in the marriage contract that no physical contact is allowed.
    Two people who live under the same roof but are not mahram (unmarriable) and must observe hijab may engage in a symbolic nikah al-mut‘ah with the others’ offspring for a few minutes. The Nikahu’l-Mut‘ah does not need to have any practical consequence, but it will make the parent and the offspring’s husband or wife permanently mahram to each other, and thus no longer obliged to observe hijab rules.
    Young unmarried couples may decide to use nikahu l-Mut‘ah as a permissible alternative to entering into a relationship on the premise of future permanent marriage.
    It might also be seen as a cover for legalized prostitution, as the nikahu l-Mut’ah can last for as little as half an hour, and the woman receives financial compensation. In accordance with the Quran she must wait three months (iddah) before the next contract.[2]

    Nikah al-Mut‘ah resembles an ordinary conventional marriage in many, but not all, aspects. It commences in the same way as a Nikah except that a date of expiration for the marriage is added to the marriage contract and the wife’s rights are restricted to some extent. The duration is decided by the couple involved. There are no restrictions on minimum and maximum duration. If the period is longer than what can be reasonably expected to be a lifetime, it will transform into a nikah.
    During the period of the marriage, the couple are considered husband and wife, just as in a permanent marriage. At the expiration, the marriage is voided without undergoing a talaq (divorce). In case of sexual intercourse, the woman must observe the iddah (waiting period) before she can marry anyone else.
    [edit]Differences from permanent marriage
    Nikah Mut’a is referred to as a marriage but since it has no divorce it means that it was more of a contract that dissolves rather than a marriage where divorce tries to deal with issues like children’s welfare, legalities if cruelty or unfairness has happened,possibility of reconciliation etc
    The contract is agreed to be voided after a pre-set time. Hence there are no expectations on either side of any continuation of the relationship.
    The husband may void the Nikahu l-Mut‘ah earlier than agreed. A wife can’t.If he does and they have had sexual intercourse, he must give her full mahr “bride gift”. If they have not had intercourse, he must give her half that amount, though the recommended precaution is that he should give her full mahr. A distinction between a talaq (divorce) in a nikah and voiding a nikahu l-mut‘ah is made in a conversation reported in a hadith collection.[3]
    The couple do not inherit from each other. Since the marriage is not permanent, the couple is not considered a single, merged unit.
    The husband is financially responsible for any children resulting from the marriage. As it is believed that a woman should not be burdened with the responsibility of providing for a family, she is allowed to work and spend her money as she chooses.Hence it is not an equal partnership
    The wife may go out of her home against her husband’s will.In a permanent marriage a wife needs to get approval of the husband.
    The husband need not pay for the wife’s expenses. This complements the above point.
    It is permitted to marry a woman from Ahl al-Kitab “People of the Book” (followers of monotheistic religions). The difference in jurisprudence between different religions is overcome by this rule. It is understood that the Shia Nikah does not have an equivalent form among the People of the Book. Therefore, women who are of the People of the Book are unaccustomed to the special rules of Nikah, for example, the husband’s responsibility for the wife’s expenses or the wife’s not leaving her house against the husband’s wishes. These difference in religious laws make it desirable to wait with the higher level of commitment that Nikah requires until they are overcome, in order to minimize potential friction in family life.
    The wives are not counted toward the maximum of four. Since the husband is not required to support the wife, and the marriage is not permanent, the circumstances leading to the restriction of having no more than four wives does not apply.
    If a child is born then the man has a last say to accept the child to be his or not. If he refuses to acknowledge the child then his word will count and the woman will be lashed 70 times for fornication

  • March 19, 2013 9:02 am

    Hello dear muslim sister,

    “I wish my husband dies,” as my deep desire, which I think will end my miserable marital situation. I am married to a Moroccan man and has been abused throughout my married life.

    Myabusive relationship has brought her to the point of wishing his husband’s death, but I am unwilling to get out of the marriage for only one reason: financial instability.My husband is the breadwinner since I married him. If I leave the marriage,I will not have anyone to support me ormy children.

    My another sister is in a worse situation; her husband not only verbally abuses her, but also suffers a anal sexual addiction. She also remains in her marriage because she is unable to financially support herself and her children. She says if anyone from her family could buy her an accommodation she would leave her husband the same day.

    When it comes to domestic violence or abusive relationships, the issues of shame and dishonor have often been addressed. However, there are other reasons why women endure:

    Financial Support

    Many Muslim women endure domestic violence because they do not have the financial means to support themselves or their children. In most cases, husbands are the sole breadwinner and the wife becomes highly dependent on him for financial support. She would rather take the abuse than try to become financially independent.

    Lack of Academic Education

    Even in current times, many parents continue to put more emphasis on their sons’ education and undermine that of their daughters. As soon as a good suitor approaches, parents marry their daughters off without taking any future commitments to the completion of her education.

    Complications in Remarrying

    It is a well-known fact that divorced Muslim women have a hard time remarrying, especially if they have children. The fear of living a life without a husband seems more difficult than having one who is abusive.


    Sometimes women with education and financial stability tolerate domestic violence just to maintain the image of being in a stable relationship. In their minds, an unsuccessful marriage is conceived as a failure on their part. Their ego stops them from being known as the “victims” of domestic violence.

    For the Children’s Sake

    At other times women drag along their relationship just so that their children don’t have to grow up in broken homes. They believe a family with a mother and father is better than one with a single parent.

    Should Women Endure?

    No matter what the reason may be, there is no excuse for enduring injustice. Unfortunately, in many cultures, there is so much negativity associated with seeking help through a third party and/or pursuing a divorce, that many women willingly endure domestic violence rather than protect their rights.

    1. Seek Help

    First, let us realize that not every case of domestic violence has to end in divorce. True, there are cases that definitely require a divorce, but there are other cases that can be sorted out without one. One may never know until they seek professional help.

    2. Your Marriage is not SOLELY your Responsibility

    Do not be deceived into thinking that you are the one responsible for disclosing the “secrets” of your marriage by seeking help. You need help, your spouse needs help and your marriage needs help. If your spouse was sick, would you not go to the doctor to help explain his/her situation? Only selective people need to know what is happening in your marriage. Seek help though a professional and through close family members and friends whom you can trust.

    3. Evil Effects on Children

    You will not be putting your children though any “embarrassing” situation should you seek help though a third party. They will, in fact, appreciate any help you can get to resolve the issue, rather than growing up watching their mother being abused by their father.

    In case the solution is a divorce, again it is better for the children to grow up in an outwardly broken home rather than growing up, emotionally traumatized, in an internally broken home, trying to keep it a secret.

    Complications of Remarriage, Financial Instability, and the Muslim Community:

    In cases where the solution is divorce from an abusive relationship, the quandaries of remarriage and financial support need answers. We are not living in the time of the ṣaḥābah, where divorced/widowed women had no difficulty in remarrying. It is not practical for women to live a single life. Even when offering polygamy as a solution, hardly any brothers are willing to marry a divorcee with children.

    Neither are we living in ‘Umar ‘s time, who had set up an excellent support system for single women with no male family member to support them. Many sisters in the US do not work, and solely rely upon the husband for financial support.

    Please do not misunderstand me. I am not suggesting that due to these challenges a destructive marriage needs to drag, rather I am encouraging the Muslim communities to think of solutions for these issues.

    “He [Allāh] will make for him of his matter ease.”

    While we find the practical solutions, let me remind my sisters and brothers who want to leave an abusive marriage to put their trust in Allāh as He instructed us.

    “And whoever fears Allāh – He will make for him a way out And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allāh – then He is sufficient for him.” (Al-Ṭalāq: 2-3)

    It is interesting that Sūrat’l-Ṭalāq (divorce) is full of verses reminding us about putting tawakkul in Allāh and solely relying on Him for support. There are several reminders in this surah that Allāh will bring ease and Allāh will not overburden a soul, subhanAllāh.

    Tie your Camel

    When a family member was getting married, her husband-to-be, who is a very practicing brother māshā’Allāh, did not deem it necessary for his wife to complete her education. Though her parents wanted her to, they didn’t want to miss the good proposal either. The suitor promised that he will provide his best for her as long as he lives, and in case anything was to happen to him, then his wife should put tawakkul in Allāh and make the best of her situation.

    Alhamdullilah the need never arose and the parents didn’t have to regret their decision. But, there are other cases where the husband turns out to be a very different person than what he had appeared initially. Daughters have to make the “best of their situation”.

    I believe the necessity of educating our daughters (not to mention the importance of education itself) is vital, especially in our times. I am a proponent of early marriages, but I also believe that a higher education for our daughters is “tying your camel’s rope”. Allāh knows best.

    Parents will have to come up with ways to support both early marriage and education without one becoming a hindrance to the other.

    May Allāh protect Muslim families, bless their marriages with love and harmony, and protect our children and bless them with salih spouses, āmīn ya rabb.

    Despite know all these facts, still indecisive to leave such cruel husbands? Please suggest and guide.

    Mumtaz says: March 19, 2013 at 8:51 am
    In Arab and Islamic countries, domestic violence is not yet considered a major concern despite its increasing frequency and serious consequences. Surveys in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Tunisia show that at least one out of three women is beaten by her husband. The indifference to this type of violence stems from attitudes that domestic violence is a private matter and, usually, a justifiable response to misbehaviour on the part of the wife. Selective excerpts from the Koran are used to prove that men who beat their wives are following God’s commandments. These religious justifications, plus the importance of preserving the honour of the family, lead abusers, victims, police and health care professionals to join in a conspiracy of silence rather than disclosing these offences. However, a fair reading of the Koran shows that wife abuse, like genital mutilation and “honour killings” are a result of culture rather than religion.

    Mumtaz says: March 19, 2013 at 8:49 am
    It is the extreme, sensational cases that make it to the front pages of the newspaper. We were all horrified when we heard of Nazish Noorani, a young mother killed by her abusive husband. What we don’t hear are the voices of the abused behind the closed doors of many homes across social, economic, ethnic, racial and gender lines. They exist in our community just as they exist in the non-Muslim communities. We see these men in our masjids, their wives suffering in silence at our picnics and our dinner parties. Domestic violence is, again, a human problem, much like sexual harassment.

    By definition, domestic violence is a pattern of abuse – physical, sexual, financial, spiritual, emotional and verbal, including disparagement, blame, being ostracized, isolated and condemned. Domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Not one incident but a pattern. Men are victims too, 835,000 a year in the US alone, of physical, emotional and financial abuse.

    Many cultures think it is the man’s God-given right to hit a woman. According to Change from within: Muslim perspectives about Domestic Violence, even the term Domestic Violence is looked upon as suspect by many Muslims because it is reminiscent of “western feminists ideals and doesn’t occur in traditional Islamic texts”. Another reason that many do not publicly bring this issue up is because it re-enforces the stereotype that Islam is a violent religion. Others do not want to pry into ‘private lives’ except to tsk tsk over the plight of another.

    In abusive situations where women are the victims, the ones who do gather the courage to tell are told by their families to go back to their abusers for the sake of family, honor, name, children, to be patient and forgive her spouse after the abuse. Cultural narratives often define why many women do not seek help – i.e. thinking that your husband is Majazi Khuda, a metaphorical God – especially in the South Asian culture. What is that? That is not Islam. That is Jahiliyyah (ignorance). Growing up, I heard that term, on the television as well as socially, enough times to think that it was a part of the dīn. So to me, it is not surprising that 85% of the women who did seek shelter in the U.S. from abusive marriages were immigrants (according to a survey of shelters by Peaceful Families project.) But this could also be because they could not afford to fly back to their countries of origin or did not have the same support system that indigenous Muslims may have.

    Not all Muslim men who abuse their wives do it because they believe it is their Islamic right – many are not religious nor do they think religion is part of the equation. What is especially troubling is when men who are aspiring to piety and learning about the dīn, engage in violence at home and think it is justified in the religion. These attitudes are disseminated by preachers who spew misogynistic statements like some women can only be controlled through striking or telling men that their wives are dirty beings from the dunya. They make religion hell for women and anyone who speaks out against this is deemed anti-Islamic. How do you think a man will act when he goes home after listening to one of these sermons? We need to think. People are leaving the religion because of how some Muslims treat women, using ‘Islam’ as a weapon.

    Have you ever heard in the sīrah of the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), the Mercy to the World, that he ever struck anyone, wife, child, servant, ever? If you aspire to follow his Sunnah, be a husband like him. He was the living embodiment of the Qur’ān. We also know that this issue is dealt in Islam under the broader umbrella of prohibition of oppression and abuse. Allāh hates oppression, so we should hold on to our spouses in goodness, lifting each other spiritually or let them go.

    We learn from our shuyūkh, who learned from scholars who have given up their lives for the dīn, sacrificing 20 or more years before making tafsīr of the Qur’ān, that laymen, both Muslim and non-Muslim, who bring up the verses in the Qur’ān suggesting that Islam condones domestic violence, need a reality check. Ibn Ashur, the Grand Mufti of the Zaytuna in Tunisia in his tafsīr (Tafsīr al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir) says that men should be punished by authorities when they have lost control of their hawwas and hit their wives, when they commit domestic violence, when they use a verse from the Qur’ān as a means to justify their anger, their rage. According to Ibn Ashur, it is the greatest irony that the verse in the Qur’ān which came down to eliminate domestic violence is used to propagate domestic violence.

    Renowned scholars say that any woman who is suffering from domestic abuse should go to the proper authorities and report her husband because he is committing a sin. If the Muslims won’t help her then she can go to anybody else who will grant her sanctuary. In our dīn, even animals have rights and no one can humiliate or torture them so what about the daughters of Adam, the best of creation?

    What should we do as a community?

    We need to ask ourselves: do we know what to do if we are faced with such a situation?

    What would we do personally if someone who was in an abusive relationship ever approached us for help? How can we be resources to our abused sisters? One of the many things that you can do is join our Khutbah about Domestic Violence Drive – commit your local masjid or mussalla Friday khuṭbah to this topic to spread awareness and start discussions in our communities. Conversations need to take place at the community level urging counseling, psychological and spiritual, for abusers and the abused.

    We need to ask ourselves: do our masājid have counselors or ties to domestic violence shelters? For example, in a survey conducted by Peaceful Families most DV shelters have on average 35 mosques in the vicinity but only 12% have any ties to the shelter. Only 6% of imams have any domestic violence training.

    We need preachers like imām Khalid Latif, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, imām Zaid Shakir, Maulana Tariq Jameel, and Shaykh Abdullah Hasan, Brother Dawud Walid who frequently speak about this topic and have the knowledge to address this issue. Our own Shaykh Yahya has a post coming soon on the Sunnahs of Love. (Click on the links to hear their views on domestic violence and how to treat your spouses).

    We need parents who raise sons who know how to treat women like the Prophet Muḥammad (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) treated the women in his family and teach our daughters to model that tranquility in their own relationships. We need teachers and counselors who can talk to young men and women about how to manage their relationships in ways that please our Creator and who teach young women to respect themselves and recognize signs of abuse. We need doctors and lawyers in our communities who can speak and educate their patients and clients. We need safe homes in our communities where victims/survivors can go. We need unique solutions that include community-based accountability because we cannot always rely on the police because of the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and racist policies practiced by the authorities.

    We cannot let traumatized men and women suffer in silence wondering: Who would speak to me, for me? This is our tradition; this our duty.

    reply at

  • March 19, 2013 8:43 am

    to share this documentory that gives us a disturbing insight into the reality of Iran’s Mut’ah (prostitution) rings. It follows the stories of two Irani women who have fallen victim to the vicious cycle of living life as a Mut’ah prostitute.This really made me feel sick, how can we allow these things. I however take it with pinch of salt we all know Mu’ta is practiced in Iran.

    In such a society where they teach women to rely on men for everything, when those men happen to be drug addict or losers, the women find herself with kids to look for and no education neither chances.

    It is not a matter of religion, it is a convergence of facts and it is the same over the world.

    Except in Iran there are, compared to Canada or U.K, not the same wealth, neither public institutions. Unfortunately, when the government is uncapable, he throws it on religion.

    This film was very hard hitting, it makes you think that as western women we moan about things that dose not really matter like are hipe being to big, looking older then are years and so many other trivial things, when we seen videos like this were women can not walk outside there back gates with out fear ,who can not speak with out freedome.

    Terrible ,freedome to all women every were, not to be better then man but for us all to be the same in this life.

    Mut’ah was originally a practice done as temporary marriage. This was commonly found throughout the Arabian peninsula during what is called Jahaliyyah, or pre-Islamic times.

    And as it is reported on the Authority of Imam Ali (ra):

    The Messenger of Allah had forbidden Mutah on the day of Khaybar and had forbidden the eating of the meat of domestic camels. [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizy, Ibn Majah, Nasa`i, Tahawy, Shafii, Bayhaqy, and Hazimy]

    Today Mut’ah has been revived, but in a form which is vile and unjust. It resembles more of modern day prostitution in which a man can pay to be with a woman for as much as 15 minutes, 15 days, 15 weeks, 15 months, or 15 years…whatever it is that he prefers.

    In Iran the Shia Regime has allowed this practice and is even encouraged by the Shia religious leaders. After the revolution in Iran, the amount of Mut’ah practices rose over 600%. Women are smuggled all around the world from Iran, to Iraq, to Turkey, to Pakistan, to Afghanistan, and in some cases even to Europe.

    Women are often kidnapped or tricked into becoming Mut’ah prostitutes at a very young age and some families even force their daughters to perform the practice in order to earn an extra income.

    The Shia hadith (teachings & sayings) proclaim heretical statements of disbelief when speaking on the subject of Mut’ah. As it says in the Shia hadith:

    One who engages in Mutah once in his lifetime reaches the status of Imam Al-Hussain. One who engages in it twice becomes equal in status to Imam Al-Hasan. The one who performs it three times reaches the position of Imam Ali. And he who practices it four times acquires the level and position of the Prophet Muhammad. (Furoo al-Kafi)

  • March 17, 2013 11:06 am

    Hi Imran,

    Millions of thanks for pointing out realities of islamic religion against females.

    My sincere thanks to Admn.Sir also for making a separate blog for such an important issues.

    Maulviies and Imams have distorted the islamic relgion against women who are not allowed to have even fresh air to breath.

    God bless you always.

  • March 17, 2013 2:52 am

    Hi Readers,

    A great irony of the age is that the seemingly most diehard proponents of freedom—the useful idiots of our time—are the most dangerous unwitting accomplices of liberty’s enemy—Islam. Keep in mind that the very name “Islam” is a derivation of “taslim,” the Arabic word for “surrender,” surrender to the will and dictates of Allah as revealed by Muhammad and recorded in the Quran.

    This non-negotiable surrender to Islam requires the individual as well as the society to disenfranchise themselves of many of the fundamental and deeply cherished human rights. Below is a brief presentation of what this surrender to Islam entails and why it is imperative that all freedom-loving people arise and defeat the menace of Islamofascism.

    Amendment I of the Bill of Rights enshrines some of the most cherished ideals of freedom-loving people:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Islam considers itself the three branches of government. It enacts laws as it sees fit, adjudicates laws, and executes as it deems. Islam is anathema to the provisions of the First Amendment and much more.

    * Islam proclaims itself as the only legitimate religion for the entire world, grudgingly granting minor recognition to Judaism and Christianity from whom it has liberally plagiarized many of its dogma. Jews and Christians are allowed to live under the rule of Islam as dhimmis and must pay a special religious tax of jazyyeh. Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Baha’is, members of other religions, agnostics, or atheists are not even allowed to live practicing their belief or disbelief.

    * Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “people of the book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerating and welcoming non-Moslem lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “people of the book” to numberless subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution. Moslems in non-Moslem lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Moslem who leaves Islam is judged as apostate and automatically condemned to death.

    * Freedom of speech is just about non-existent in Islam. The word is Allah’s, his chosen divines such as Ayatollahs and Imams are the only ones who are to make pronouncements squarely-based on Allah’s word, the Quran. Any expression in the least at deviance from the Quran, the Hadith and the edicts of Islamic high divines is heresy and severely punishable. Hence, stifling of free expression is the major mechanism by which the Islamic clergy retain power and prevent constructive change in Islamic societies.

    * Freedom of the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is complete.

    * Peaceful assembly of the people is not allowed. The backward oppressive Islamic societies inflict great hardship on the citizenry and any assembly of the victims presents a threat to the suffocating rule. Islamic governments routinely prevent peaceful assemblies from taking place. Failing to do so, they unleash their hired thugs, the police and even the military against any assemblage no matter how peaceful and how legitimate is its grievance. The Islamic Republic of Iran which is vying with Saudi Arabia as the leader of true Islamic rule, routinely attacks any and all gatherings of its people, arrests them, imprisons them without due process, tortures them, and even executes them in secret dungeons. Journalists, academics, unionists, students, teachers, women rights groups who dare to petition the government for redress are labeled subversive and are severely punished.

    Maltreatment of religious minorities and the non-religious is criminal indeed. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, for instance, the government has launched a

    systematic program of genocide against its largest religious minority—the Baha’is. The government is gathering a comprehensive list of Baha’is, their occupations, locations, properties and the like—action reminiscent of the Nazis. The government is banning Baha’i students from post high-school education unless they recant their religion, deprives them of engaging in numerous forms of occupations and trades, denies them from holding worship gatherings, razes their holy places and much more. The Islamic Republic of Iran is not satisfied with its cruel treatment of the living Baha’is and has launched a war on their dead by bulldozing Baha’i cemeteries in several cities. Thus is the rule of fundamental Islamism that is awaiting the complacent and snoozing world.

    * Oppression of women in general is tragic indeed. Men are allowed to have as many as four wives simultaneously and as many concubines as they wish or can afford. Men can easily divorce their wives and automatically have the custody of the children, if they so decide. Women have subservient status to men in all areas of the law. Equality under the law has no meaning in Islam. Just one example of the dreadful way of treating women in Islam is a case of a Saudi woman who was gang-raped. The Islamic court convicted the woman to prison term and lashes for having committed the “sin” of riding in a car with a male who was not her relative. This is a standard form of Islamic Shariah justice—a savage heritage of barbarism that ruled the Arabian Peninsula some centuries ago.

    * Islam has a solution for every “problem.” It deals with homosexuals, for instance, by hanging them en mass and gloating about it, even though homosexuality is just as prevalent in Islamic lands as anywhere else. Recently an Ayatollah made a ruling on homosexuals. He said that they should be hanged and tortured before they are hanged. In Islam the rulings of high-ranking clergy constitute the law and are binding.

    * Not only Islam does not allow freedom of assembly and the press, it is intrusively restrictive in every aspects of a person’s life. The way women should dress, the haircut of men, the music people are allowed, movies to watch, television programs to view, and even parties in the privacy of their home are subject to the ridiculous monitoring of moral police. Islam is hell-bent on outward morality and puritanical conduct while it is rotten to the core just below the pretentious surface.

    * Islam segregates by gender many public places and events such as beaches, sporting venues, public transportations, and even building elevators. Families are often prevented from attending a sporting event together or swimming together at a beach.

    * Egypt, the crown of the Arab-Islam world, demands that citizens declare Islam or only one of the two other religions, Jewish and Christianity, as their religion in order to receive the government-issued identity cards. ID cards are required for jobs, healthcare, education, a marriage license and a host of other things. If you are an agnostic, an atheist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baha’i, you are forced to perjure yourself to receive the indispensable ID card. In a real sense, Islam the pretender of high moral ground compels people to lie in order to receive what is their birthright as citizens.

    I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for a number of years. The Islamic treasury flush with oil extortion money together with the help of useful idiots is having the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism; it is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. We need to act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

  • March 17, 2013 2:44 am

    Egyptian Muslim butcher slaughtered his wife, skinned and deboned her, then chopped her up in pieces that he sold in his store for $62/pound.

    …The man even advertised the ‘daily special’ as ‘homegrown goat meat’. An Egyptian butcher loved his trade so much he chopped up his wife, rolled up her meat in neat hand-sized portions and sold those over the counter to his unsuspecting ‘endearing’ customers. A horrible fight between the butcher and his wife led to the man committing this most gruesome act. But one customer with a more ‘refined’ set of taste buds wasn’t convinced it was goat meat he was eating at dinner time. The man notified local police who had the meat examined at a laboratory where it was concluded that meat in question didn’t come from a goat but was in fact human flesh.

    The butcher was arrested. He confessed to killing and butchering his wife. An investigation of his shop led police to the cooler, where they found one of the women’s hips and what was left of the ‘roulades’. As his defense, the Butcher told authorities that he had killed his wife because she refused to listen to him.

  • Satyen
    March 16, 2013 6:43 pm

    A wonderful site developed by a woman over a period of 15 years! I recommend everybody to visit the site. This doesn’t mean the visitors have to take the words granted without verifying them.

  • Satyen
    March 16, 2013 6:40 pm

    All Muslims,

    Islam means surrender. But the moot question is, surrender to whom? Surrender to Muhammad or surrender to Allah? No body has seen Allah after Muhammad and just believed his words without any verification! Muhammad made Allah his own captive and made people believe that his own words are that of Allah. Is it not befooling the masses? Just think about it.

    Please free up Allah from Muhammad’s prison.

  • idiotmuslimtroll
    March 16, 2013 5:45 pm

    If you say that you are 1st-not Muslim coz anyone against Islamic rule( and Muslims practice) is enemy of islam

    2- acc to Qur’an enemy of islam must be killed, another funny rule- from religion of peace.

    3- if you want to really help humans and Muslims first stop following rules that cause, invokes issues with other religions people, automatically peace will exist- all this is not possible coz if you are not following those rules you are bad follower, in extreme cases your mullah will order to kill u, only was out is you accept other really peaceful religion, now your Islam says to kill who go out of Islam, so its like you are Muslim, you die but can’t go out 🙂 so you tell me what your Islamic mullahs suggest for your thoughts. They won’t even accept ” whatever you say” as its against Islamic rules….

  • Satyen
    March 16, 2013 5:11 pm


    I congratulate to be the rescuer of Muslim girls/women including your own sisters, mother/aunts and others. People like you are far better than the so called prophet! Just a suggestion to you to as a food for thought. Do you think that Allah/God can be so partisan against the women/girls? After all what’s their fault to be maltreated? Moreover, why the Allah is so much concerned about arousing the sexual activities of the males and give them 72 women(hoors) in the paradise, apart from numerous girls during the life time on the earth?

    In fact the God/Allah is ocean of compassion and all his creation including the males and the females are dear to Him. It’s the so called self proclaimed prophet i.e. Muhammad who painted Allah in such as way as to fulfill his own desires. Never Allah conversed to anyone, only Muhammad acted as the Allah’s spokesman and passed his own message to the masses! This gave rise to the ideology that brought about agonies to the women folk i.e. our mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and others!

    Now is the time to come together with the women folk and uproot this terrible ideology invented by the malicious Muhammad in the name of religion and Allah. Let’s stop this cult and save the future generations of our daughters and grand daughters. Unfortunately, the male Muslims don’t think that their attitude towards the women will go against their own daughters and grand daughters! Now it’s time to turn this attitude for ever for the well being of not only other’s women but also to our own women whom we would like to see breathing in fresh air.

    Humanity will ever thank you.

  • March 16, 2013 2:24 pm

    Thanks for speaking out. We hope other Muslim boys will have courage to speak out truth. If not, educated Muslim women will run away from Islam and will be a loss to all Muslims.

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