(Muslim bf) becomes demanding and authoritative

Alisha says: June 21, 2013 3:07 PM

I am a Hindu girl. and I AM IN LOVE With a Muslim guy. i am just 18, but sill i feel at times i took a wrong decision. yes he is secular and every thing.. but there are times when he becomes demanding and authoritative.

Marriage for me as something to be thought of 10 years later. yet i really think (as of now) its better to find someone of the same religion. there are issues which needs to be addressed. like eating habits, clothing, culture and thought process. its quite different from my upbringing. I come of a liberal Hindu family and my parents have always treated me as an individual, supporting me and all. I am pursuing my medical degree. but my guy mostly is okay to be with but at times the face that i see scares me.

trust me, no matter how much we plead about love and all , a few things wont change anything, and please find someone of the same community. -Alisha

Admin says:

Hi Alisha,

We love to interact with intellectual like you. Further, you did a very smart thing and reached out to us. We will work with you over years to help you achieve interfaith marriage with equality.

You have raised a good point and wrote “yes he is secular and every thing”, is he really? At age 18 something, it is fashionable to talk secular. However 6 months before planned marriage, all of a sudden the hell will get loose on you. Please read two documents with him side-by-side:Koran on Hindus? and Hindu Girl – Muslim Boy Relationship.

Find out if he is ready to marry you (we know you are not ready for it now, but ask to learn of facts):
1) a marriage without Islamic Nikaah (and conversion),
2) willing to have children non-Muslim names,
3) no circumcision for male children, and
4) raise children secular (not Muslim) way?
It is possible that he may make many false promises and secular talks, but just before marriage, all of a sudden he will come and will say, “I don’t care for all these, but do these for my father.” For this reason, meet his parents and tell them you believe in no BBS.

Let us remind you that pre-marital sex will make you weak.

You are raised in an independent India and your parents have taught you to be strong and truthful. Then tell us why “he becomes demanding and authoritative” and “the face that i see scares me”? Who is he to scare you or expect you to be submissive? Sooner than later, talk to your parents about him.

We hope to hear from you and work with you. Best wishes for your medical education. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • sara
    July 6, 2013 8:57 am


  • sara
    July 5, 2013 10:38 am

    can any tell me what does baptism mean?

  • June 24, 2013 4:47 am


    Be aware of such cheaters and trappers whose aim to enjoy sexual pleasure with innocent girls.

    Break all interaction with him.

  • Tito
    June 23, 2013 2:24 pm

    My area is muslim majority but i being hindu n well built no muslin rat comes to me to ask questions when i fuck the muslim girls here.One time some guy came to me to stay away from a muslim gal whom i used to bed for 4 months n i kicked their sorry ass with my boot.Then because i am associated with bajrang dal they are now afraid of me after gujrat 2002.we will fuck the mohammed n his daughters at will .

  • June 23, 2013 10:08 am

    Dear Alisha.,

    You should be thankful to your parents who are supporting you to puruse medical profession. What they will feel that you are associated with a person of criminal idelogy, who trap inncent girls just for sex and conversion.

    You will never be happy with him, rather you may be stonned to death if ever you attempted to come back to your own religion. Your genital will be mutiliated and you have to prove virginity on the wedding night.

    In your own interest, I shall advise you to get rid of himself and have no association with him directly or indirectly, emotionally he may black you or demanding at times. If you ever lost your virginity, you will carry a bad name to your parents and you will kill your soul and repent whole life.

  • sameer
    June 23, 2013 9:29 am

    Dump him, he is not Muslim if he dates you, if he is still with you he must be looking for pleasure only. That’s why Muslims dates non Muslim girl but marry Muslim girl only. Or demand girl to marry (after having sex during. Dating period) after conversion, which she had to, coz of sex earlier… That’s the reason they keep girls under lock and key. And are always jealous with others. Well I do the same

    • June 23, 2013 10:19 am

      Sameer, a good message. What do you mean by “I do the same”?

  • Satyen
    June 22, 2013 5:27 pm

    Dear Muslim Sisters/Mothers,

    Thanks for taking the cudgels against the followers of Muhammad who have been committing so much attrocities on you for the last 1400 years. Many of you have been instrumental in exposing the Islamic evil practices, hitherto carefully concealed by the male followers of Muhammad.

    You have immense power, enought to protect yourself. You just need to recognise your strength and thwart away the injustice done to you in the name of religion spread by a saddist and a lecherous person who proclaimed to be the spokesperson of Allah. How can Allah be so unkind to his own creation, the women and the non-Muslims? Allah is an ocean of compassion and all powerful and doesn’t need any crutches of self proclained male prophets. If there are to be prophets, why none of the females were born as prophets?

    You females are the mothers of our civilization and the teachers of love and compassion. All these so called prophets and their followers have been nourished by you. Yet these marauders have inflicted so much sufferings on you in the name of Allah! I am waiting for the day when you all will be freed and worshipped as the Goddesses. I am so proud to be a part of the civilization that has taught me to worship even young girls (twice a year during Navratri festivals of Hinduism). This is one of my most favourite festivals reminding me of the debt I owe to the womenfolk, irrespective of belonging to any religion. Religions cannot separate a brother/sister from a sister and a child from his/her mother.

    Keep up the untiring spirit within you to rescue yourself from the evil practices forced on you. You are your own rescuers and you can do it. Take help of like minded people and Allah will help you in this righteous war against slavery in the garb of religion.

    The God may bestow his blessings on you all!

  • Satyen
    June 22, 2013 4:58 pm

    Dear Alisha,

    Today most of the people of the civilized world are having a wrong notion that all the religions are essentially the same and profess basically the same values. This has caused and is still causing the great misery among the people. In future, it will lead to even the catastrophic consequences as some of the evil ideologies in the garb of Islam have found their way into religious discourses. Irony is that the so called secular forces are enamoured of these evil ideologies of Islam and accept them as religious rituals/practices and consider them as the preactitioners’ social/religious rights.

    It should be understood very clearly that Secularism and Islam are opposite to each other. How can secularism and Islam co-exist? I am sorry for Alisha for her present state and understanding of Islam vs secularism. The most threatening weapon os Islam is TAQIYA (deception) that enables a Muslim to lood like not only a secularist but also as a broad minded person respecting other religions. However, with all this external goody goody behaviour, his real intention is to convert the non-Muslims to Islam!

    To summarize the above message is to bear in mind that a person could either be a follower of Muhammad or a humanist. A follower of Muhammad can never be a humanist as Muhammad himself was not a Humanist. It was he who is said to have not only introduced but also practiced many of the evil practices of Islam such as polygamy, abduction of women in the wars, marrying a granddaughter like child of 6 at his ripe age of 54 years (in all about 10 marriages in his last 10 years of life between the ages of 50 and 62), married his own daughter-in-law, celebrated his wedding with widows of his enemies the same day he killed their husbands and fathers/brothers! Not only this, it was Muhammad who advised women to allow the ogling guys to suckle the women in order to protect themselves!

    It’s time people should be aware of the true Islam by unveiling its cover of Taqia to save the humanity in general and the women including the Muslim women in particular.

  • June 22, 2013 11:58 am

    Dear Alisha,

    You are innocent and he is trapping you just for sex purpose.
    Islam is not a religion but a crimincal ideology to commit attrocities on women.

    Get rid of him ASAP and concentrate on your medical education.
    God bless you

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