I Don’t Want to be a Muslim

Ali says: February 9, 2017 at 11:23 am

Hi, I am Shia Muslim from Iran and I have lived in Malaysia for almost 8 years. I have been dating a Malaysian Chinese Buddhist and we have lived together almost a year and half, same as so many friends. We also faced to this converting issue. She doesn’t want to convert and i totally understand her.

I have to mention that I am Muslim by document. I am not really practicing my religion, i have my own reason to do so. I tried to find a way to convert out of Islam, because for me it is all important to be with her. My parants support my converting out as they are open-minded people and they have nothing against my idea of changing my religion.

I know her and her family they are very nice people. The only issue here is the “conversion issue” and “ligall marriage in her country.” Now we put a kind of break to our relationship, because still we haven’t find any ways to get ligally married in Malaysia. I really don’t understand why I have no rights to change my religion? I really dont want to be a muslim. I respect all muslims but I just dont want to be one.

So i need to know if there is any chance to ligally married without converting or not? The fact that I am Shia, does it of any help? For sure i am not gonna kill myself niether she does, we hope to find a ligall way to be happy again ? … i hope you can help me –Ali

Admin says:

Dear Ali,

For your privacy and protecting you, we have change your name. We hope you are okay with it.

You have raised a great question–why you don’t have right to decide your faith? The reason is you are a Muslim. All other people have liberty and freedom to choose their faith, including being an atheist. Sometimes other Muslims don’t consider you (Shias) as true Muslims; still you cannot leave Islam. This is an unfair game. People say that there is no compulsion in Islam (Koran 2:256), but apparently it is not true.

View all your documents submitted to Malay government over past 8 years. Is there any place you mentioned you are a Muslim or that your declared religion is debatable? If yes, go out of Malaysia and change your name/religion. After a few years, file for your marriage as non-Muslim to non-Muslim. If not, forget this relationship (again compulsion; against your wish!).

Read detailed laws here. It states, “The Civil Marriage Act of 1976 specifically states on page 11 that “This Act shall not apply to a Muslim”. However, as a point of contention, Muslim in Malaysia has a narrow interpretation. According to the National Fatwa Council and as per the Fatwa decreed in 1996 by the Committee that “Muslims in Malaysia must only follow the teachings of Islam based on the doctrine of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah on creed, religious laws and ethics”, which means other sects ( Shia, Ahmadiyyah, Sufi, Bahai ) are not considered as Muslim as per the decree on the Fatwa Council. So what does that mean to you ?. if your Husband is not a follower of “Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah” then he is considered a Non-Muslim and would be governed under LAW REFORM (MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE) ACT 1976 (For Civil Marriage). In other words you do need need to convert or embrace Islam for the sake of the marriage as there are no legal provision to do so.” However, don’t be hopeful. Let us know what you learned.

Thanks for speaking out against evil practices in Muslim majority countries. Rest of the world is naïve about situation of minorities in Muslim majority nations where laws are created to expand Islam–by hook or by crook.

Such evil practices have silent support of majority moderate-Muslims. For example, let’s take the case of Taslima Nasrin; was there any Muslim in Bangla Desh protested on streets and on airports to support her wish to be an atheist? Did any moderate-Muslim protested against Islamic marriage laws installed in 1984 in Malaysia? Have you heard any Muslim public protests against Saudi laws for restriction on women? Contrary to that, American/European majority moderate-Christians are shouting load and clear in support of migrant and refugee Muslims. Such protests are planned all over the world by non-Muslim moderates against recent changes in America. If non-Muslim-moderates are speaking out for Muslims, why moderate-Muslims are silent for treatment of minorities in Muslim majority nations? When there is any killing in name of Islam, instead of blaming ISIS or terrorist, may be it is time to blame silent-moderate-Muslims.

It is notable that refugees and immigrant Muslims in Christian majority nations demand religious equality but most Muslim majority nations have created laws to marginalize Christians and non-Muslim minorities. (context) This is an unfair game.

We hope moderate Muslims will come out here to make a few statement to support your wishes.

Sharis Laws that all non-Muslims should know, Malaysia Marriage laws, A Hindu cannot marry a Malaysian Muslim, Singapore marriage laws, Indian marriage laws, DON’T Fake-convert (focus on Malaysia laws), Koran on Hindus?, Islamic Nikaah without conversion is not possible, Malaysia Muslim is not allowed Hindu wedding, InterfaithShaadi does not recommend this: I am in Singapore and married to a Muslim without conversion, Malaysia’s Sharia law costs non-Muslims their kids, Registration of marriage for non-Muslims in Malaysia (note: A confirmation letter from the respective government that the applicant is not a Muslim),
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