Muhammad and My Cat

Commented by MADIHA

Qur’an says in Surah Nisa Ch. 4, Verse 56, that… ‘As to those who reject Our signs, We shall cast them into the hell fire, and as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them fresh skin, so that they shall feel the pain’.

Let me tell you about my cat. I have adopted this animal since he was a kitten. I bought for him all sorts of toys so he would not get bored. I personally played with him even when this meant putting aside my work. I took care of him; fed him with expensive food because he would not eat anything else. I wash him regularly and do everything a responsible owner would do to keep a cat happy. He gets into fights with other cats and sometimes hurts himself. I take him to the vet to make sure his wounds do not become infectious. I have been a good owner to this cat. However this little animal is very ungrateful. He never comes to me when I call him. He does not even turn his head to acknowledge that I exist. He slightly moves one ear when I call his name and then ignores me. But when I sit down to write and don’t want to be disturbed he insists to sit on my lap and even if I put him down ten times he just keeps coming back. It is all about him and what he wants. I leave my work and groom him with a brush to remove his falling hairs. He loves it and purrs loudly and rolls over exposing the parts that he wants me to brush. But as soon as he feels comfortable he starts emitting putrid gasses right under my nose.

I think he does not have any respect for me. I am very much offended by him and his behavior and I am thinking of punishing him. He has been very ungrateful and rude. I think he deserves to die. But I don’t want to kill him just like that. I want to torture him and make him die a very slow and painful death. That is because he is very ungrateful and I am very much offended.

I have thought to crucify him so he can’t move. Then chop his fingers one by one. Then put him over a bonfire and burn all his fur and skin. I will do that very slowly so he suffers a lot. Then I’ll pour on his little body boiling water and watch him scream in pain while he is still tied to the cross and can’t move. Then I’ll leave him for some times to suffer in agony. Then come back and start dismembering him alive. With a pair of scissors, cut first his ears and tail inch by inch so he can suffer a lot and then dismember him live and burn him.

You see, I am very compassionate and merciful. That is what my friends say about me. But I am also very just. Justice must be done and this cat has been ungrateful to me so he must be punished.

I am just kidding. Of course I am not going to hurt my little cat. I love him. I love him particularly because he has independence. He is a lot like me, a freethinker, a free spirit, and just like me, he is not an appeaser. I am not offended by him. I will not be offended no matter what he does. Wouldn’t it be insane to be offended by a cat? There is nothing a cat can do that could offend us humans. Cats are not intelligent and we do not expect much from them. But what if I was serious? Wouldn’t you say that I am a maniac, insane and dangerous? Of course you would. How could even one think of torturing a cat or any animal?

But think about it! Isn’t this exactly how Muhammad described Allah? Do you really believe that the maker of this universe is a psychopath sadist? If these qualities are not befitting for a sane human how can they be befitting for God? Allah, as described by Muhammad is even worse. I could probably torture my cat for a few hours in this sadistic way until he dies and is put out of agony. But the god that Muhammad described will continue torturing humans for eternity. He is far worse than any sadist you can imagine.

Isn’t this an insult to the Creator? Don’t you think that holding such belief is blasphemy? When you talk of hell and eternal punishment for disbelief, you are attributing insanity to God. “Hell” is the most prevalent subject in the Quran. This theme recurs no less than 200 times. The Quran is full of warnings and threats of punishment and gruesome details of divine torture. What does this tell us? It tells us that Muhammad envisioned God as a psychopath sadist. Allah is not God. He is Muhammad’s own alter ego. He is the personification of Muhammad’s narcissistic wet dreams. Muslims do not worship God. By attributing sadistic qualities to Him, they blaspheme Him.

Isn’t this enough to see that Muhammad was a crackpot? Is it possible that the maker of this vast and magnificent universe be so petty and so insane that he could be offended by what we humans think? If a cat can’t offend us no matter how bad he behaves and how ungrateful he becomes, would God, a reality infinitely bigger than us be offended by what we believe? The difference between me and my cat is infinitely less than the difference between God and we humans. If we are not bothered by what a cat does and consider punishing a cat insane, how can we attribute this insanity to God? If we can love an animal unconditionally, without expecting him to thank us why can’t God love his creation unconditionally? Is God less than us humans? How can God be so petulant to punish humans in such a sadistic way for not believing in him? Why is he so desperate to be worshipped? Certainly God can’t be like that. Muhammad lied.

That man had no understanding of God. How pathetic is this that a billion people follow a pervert psychopath to tell them about God! As a narcissist he thought despotism is the utmost glory. He wanted people submit to him through fear. That is why Allah is a despot. While God can’t be anything but Love.

Imagine you own a vast garden; somewhere in that garden there is an ant colony. You may or may not be aware of its existence. Now imagine one ant tells to other ants that he is your messenger and that you have ordered that all ants must worship you and obey him and that if any ant decides not to obey your messenger, you would one day gather the disbelieving ants and punish them by throwing them in a huge bonfire. This is ridiculous. Why should you care if ants worship you or not? The thought of it is laughable. Yet this is exactly what is happening to us humans. A charlatan like Muhammad proclaimed himself to be the messenger of the owner of this universe, and has managed to fool the gullible people that they should obey him or they will be barbequed in the Landlord’s cosmic bonfire.

This is stupid. This is pathetic indeed. But the tragedy is that today a billion people believe in this charlatan and his sadist deity. There must be a limit to stupidity. Or is there?

If you don’t give a damn about ants worshipping you, why should God care whether we humans worship him or not? Who do you think you are? Have you ever thought about your insignificance in this universe? You are nothing! You and your world do not even count. Do you think that you are so important that the maker of this universe and perhaps billions of other parallel universes depends on you to worship him and if you don’t show him your rear end five times a day he will be so disappointed that he would sadistically burn and dismember you for eternity? The whole concept is just insane. This is the acme of stupidity. And this is the very foundation of Islam. Islam is based on stupidity. It is a shame to be called a Muslim. There is no glory in foolishness. As these truths gets out, and I urge everyone who agrees with me to spread this message, the whole world will come to see Muslims are fools. If you are a Muslim, you and your children will become the laughing stocks of the thinking humanity. You become the butt of jokes, despised and derided. Soon it will be an insult to call one a Muslim just as it is an insult to call one a fascist or a Nazi today. Do not persist in stupidity. Do not make a fool of yourself. The fallacy of Islam is as clear as the sun.

We can forgive the foolish people of the Seventh Century Arabia who fell prey to this charlatan’s lies, but can we forgive educated people today, who still want to be fooled?

If Muslims were capable of rational thinking, only this would have sufficed for them to see that Muhammad was an impostor mad man and not a prophet of God. His imaginary god was his own alter ego, a lot like himself, a sadist, a psychopath. Allah is everything Muhammad wanted to be – a tyrant, one who does whatever he pleases and responds to no authority; one who is worshiped, one who is feared. Being loved and feared is everything a narcissist dreams of. Muhammad invented Allah to live his narcissistic dreams. And one billion followers are unable to see the ploys of one mentally deranged man. This is tragedy. No wonder Muslims live in such a misery. They follow a psychopath as their prophet and worship a sadistic deity – the figment of the mind of that psychopath. How pathetic!

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  • Rabia
    February 18, 2017 6:18 pm

    Madiha, I cannot claim to be an expert but I will give you a brief explanation from the little knowledge I have acquired over the years about Islam.

    Firstly, this kind of language in the Qur’an does not make sense to a modern rational being, precisely for the reasons you’ve mentioned. But it makes a LOT of sense if you knew anything about the nature of the society back in 7th century that Muhammad was born into.

    In the surah you quoted, it says: ‘As to those who reject Our signs, We shall cast them into the hell fire, and as often as their skins are roasted, We shall give them fresh skin, so that they shall feel the pain’

    Violent, isn’t it? Makes you scared to think of what’s in store for anyone who doesn’t follow it.

    7th century Arabia, Mecca in particular, was a very corrupt and morally-bankrupted society which was set in their ways: The Meccans of the time practiced a lot of evil practices; abuse of women/widows and rape was rampant, women were treated as objects and pagan Arabs, who considered a female child inferior and undesirable, would bury female newborn babies alive in an effort to get rid of them. (Sounds familiar? Still happens in Haryana!)

    Of course, as per Islam, one other major sin was being committed: Idol worship. Since Muslims believe that the Kabah was originally built by Adam, the first man & prophet as per the Abrahamic religions, having Meccan idols of different tribes in that sacred place was a big insult to the invisible, all-pervasive one-God of Judaism/Christianity.

    In my humble opinion, the use of such language in the Qur’an was done as a way to convince the Meccans to mend their ways and to listen to the signs and messages of God. I actually have an Arab friend who later became an atheist, and he said something interesting one day: he said that while he no longer believed that Qur’an was the ultimate word of God, as Muslims believe, he was still happy that Prophet Muhammad wrote it because, quoting him, “it put an end to some evil practices, and if such a strong language with threats was not used, people would not have taken it seriously – they needed to see the stick and fear punishment to actually change their ways.”

    Many Muslims -unlike what you suggest- are capable of rational thinking, and I hope I’ve given you a somewhat rational explanation – obviously I didn’t write the Qur’an so I cannot tell you anything more than my & my friend’s hypothesis.

    Lastly, yo wrote “If you don’t give a damn about ants worshipping you, why should God care whether we humans worship him or not?” Humans need God, God doesn’t need humans – if we believe in God as a powerful all-pervasive universal power, how does it take away from his power and magnanimity whether someone prays or not? BUT we as humans need that prayer to be strong, to establish our spiritual connection with the Almighty (I am not speaking about the Islamic prayer of namaz, this is a general statement for all religions.

    The basic message of Islam and the Qur’an is the same as all other religious texts: be good, do charity, don’t spread evil, don’t lust after others’ wives (basically 10 commandments of Moses + a little more added in)

    So yea, seeing your bum up in the air 5 times a day will not help you gain God’s grace if you are a bad evil person.

    • February 18, 2017 9:05 pm

      Hi Rabia, on “… he was still happy that Prophet Muhammad wrote it,” is Koran 100% truth and given by Allah or the Koran should be taken with a grain of salt because it is mixed up with what was going on at that time in Arabia?

      Is 4:56 not applicable today? Can we delete from our copy of Koran?

      Can people in love ignore Koran 24:30 but must follow 2:221?

      • Rabia
        February 19, 2017 1:15 pm

        Admin, the official opinion of most/all Muslims is that you
        Cannot delete anything from the Qur’an because it is a revelation, God’s ultimate word as revealed though prophet Muhammad. So deleting 4:56 or 2:221 or any other verse is out of question.

        A recent Islamic scholar (a female) I interviewed for my book gave some insightful information regarding the issues you are raising; (I’d rather save all this for the book so won’t be going into detail here) – so you’ll have to wait a little till I can give an answer.

        My personal opinion is that all religious books need to be understood within the context of their society’s times & the era in which they were written. Many things written in the Qur’an were specifically targeting the Meccan society of 7th century so you cannot – well, should not – try to impose what’s cultural about Arab society to the religion. Many practices like FGM have absolutely NO basis in the Islamic faith; they are cultural pre-Islamic traditions that unfortunately have been adopted in some Muslim-majority countries.

        • February 19, 2017 4:50 pm


          As we said earlier, we two have many exactly same core beliefs. Further we agree 100% to “all religious books need to be understood within the context of their society’s times & the era in which they were written.” However, if you put these words or “Prophet Muhammad wrote it” in your book, your own people will be after you. It is certainly difficult to express yourself and please others. It will be even more difficult for you as a Muslim, especially if you are trying to prove you are a “true” Muslim.

          We are certainly waiting for your book. However, expect us to be loud and clear against the “fake” conversion practice. Lets see how you explain in your book (ignore 24:30 but follow 2:221). We hope we have prepared you to address it in your book.

          • February 20, 2017 9:21 am

            I wish I didn’t have to prove to anyone what my faith is, Admin. While I consider myself a Muslim, I don’t know what others will have to say about this. Who is a “true Muslim” anyway, as in, who gets to decide who is a true Muslim?

            Mac, Muhammad, me… we are all Muslims.

            We just view things differently, have our own interpretations of what Islam is.

            Who decides who is the “true” Muslim/Christian/Jew? We don’t have a court to do this, the court will be Allah who decides all this once we die 🙂 To me, the Wahhabis have it interpreted all wrong, and to them people like me must be sinners who don’t understand Islam properly.

            And to be honest, what matters is that Allah knows what’s in your heart and whether or not you are a Muslim. You cannot excommunicate anyone from Islam – this isn’t how it works in our religion. Unless someone comes out and says “I am no longer Muslim”, only then do you say they are no longer Muslim. They can be a flawed Muslim, but you cannot issue random fatwas against people and declare them infidels. I say this but so many Imams and Shaikhs have taken the liberty to do so and targeted the moderates – you once asked why more people are not going to mosques and trying to challenge the radical elements in the religion – they are scared for their lives, Admin! And that’s a very legitimate concern. Still, I feel something needs to be done.

            Honestly, so many Shia and Sunni scholars have spoken out against terrorism – prominent scholars from many countries. Do you know what has happened to them? They have been murdered.

            God help us all…

            Reply at

  • pn pandey
    February 18, 2017 12:08 pm

    Muhammad jaise xx k janam se pahle muslim kya the?
    Khaskar ke india me to muslim hai hi na hi. Sare converted hai.xx are us samay to jabran tumhe convert kiya gaya par ab to tumhe apne religion me lautna chahie.Aaj to muslim pure world k lie sardard ban gaye hai.yadi ye duniya me n rahe to duniya ko aatankwaad se chhutkara mil jaye.

    • Rabia
      February 18, 2017 6:02 pm

      Aap thoda izzat se baat kijiye, kisiko insult karne ki koi zaroorat nahin hain. Ghar wapsi ka bahut shoq hai aapko, toh aap uske bareme baat kar sakhte hain, par nahin, aapko saare Muslims ko “aatankwaadi” bulana hai, Prophet Muhammad ko insults dena hai because you are so full of hate!

      Aghar saare Muslims aatankwaade hote na, aapki khoobsurat desh mein ek bhi Hindu/Christian/Jain/Sikh nahin bachte aur iss duniya mein koi non-Muslim nahin rehti, aap sabh mar chuke hote. Thoda aqal lagake soch lijiye – kyun hum sabh aap sabh ko nahin maarte hain? WHY??? BECAUSE IT IS HARAM, and terrorists do not have a religion – their mazhab is terrorism!

      You are entitled to your opinion but the Interfaith shaadi forum is not a place for you to express your hate. Admin, I hope you find this comment inappropriate and flag it accordingly – honestly I don’t know why these people are wasting their time here. This is not the place to throw out curses and insults at each other’s religions and prophets/gods. It’s ok to disagree but writing the curse in Hindi doesn’t change from the fact that it’s an insult. Honestly, this forum is so filled with hateful comments and insults that you couldn’t remove all of them if you wanted to.

      • February 18, 2017 8:22 pm

        We have removed bad words and only kept his message (hope!).

  • hera
    August 8, 2015 12:32 am

    Dear Madiha,
    Better think to which religion you belong…be careful of what you saying…there is no place for a prostitute like you in this secular country…

    • Krish
      August 15, 2017 6:47 am

      Hena.. Prostitute has life and respect.. Islam does not allow prostitute because of 4 ore more wives. Remember in rational point of view, prostitute saves many women with respect to thier financial and save many women from being rapped by man. Please revert your cheap language..

  • fatma
    September 24, 2014 11:51 pm

    madiha bibi jesa k tmahari maan hindu thi ishaq ma uss ne muslim se shadi ki aur dil se muslim ni hvi aur isi tra tmaray under b hinduism k jerms a gaiy.aur tmaray father aur tmari family b tmari mother k hindu hone ki wjja se islam ki pabandi ma strict ne islam ki aik negative pic dekhi aur yahan tk tm ne islam ko chor ne itni quranic verses likhi hain iss ka mtlb tm ne quran ko parha hai bht gor se but wo kehte hain na k jissay allah hidayat de wo hi seeday rastay pe a skta hai.hakeekt ye hai k islam mohabbat ka deen hai islam ne aurton ko izzat di jo aj iss tra hr jga pe izzat k sath khari hain wrna hinduism ma jo aurat ka mukam kia hai?aur hmaray piaray nabi hazrat MUHAMMAD k bare ma aisi galt baten likhte hve tme sharm ni ay.tmaray hath toot jain.jahannam ma jao aur udar tm se ye sari bkwas k bare pucha jaiy ga phir jwab hinduism ma aurat ko prda mna hai?kia wahan joot bolne ki azadi hai?tm saray hindu apne bagwan k agay sir kiun jukatay ho?sirf iss lie na k wo tme maaf kre.agr bgwan ne saza deni hi ni to phir uss k agay b hath kiun jortay ho?azadi se phiro bagwan ki puja ki b kia zrurat hai.islam ma quaran ma jo b btaya gya wo aj k zmanay ma scintifically approve hai k aisa ho ga.islam aik sacha deen hai MUHAMMAD ALLAH K SACHAY nabi hain.ham un k mannay walay hain.ALLAH se dua allah hme mout tk issi deen pe qaim rakhay.ameen.muslims buray ho sktay un ma apni khawahshon ki wja se khrabian ho skti hain jesa k ap k father,ap ko milne wala molvi jo males ki brtri chahtay hain.but islam galt ni quran galt ni aur na hmaary nabi hazrat muhammad ne kuch galt aik muslim hun.ALLAH ka shukar hmari zindgi ma to ap jesay koi log ni aye jinho ne islam ko aisay bna k paish kia ho.8 behn bhai hain sb mashaalah well educated hain jobs kr rahay.koi pabandi ni hai.islam ma hai apni maan ki god se le kr qabar tk ilam hasil kro.ap k father ne ap ko mna un ki apni opinion ho gi islam ma aisa kuch ni hai.ap plz islam quran aur MUHAMMAD ko bura keh k muslims ka dil na dikhao aur na apni akhrat brbad pna knowledge bht km honay ki wja se ziada behass ni kr skti but ab ma full try krun gi k apne mazhab k bare ma ziada parhun ta k agr zrurat parhay to tm jesay logon ko jwab de skoon.

  • December 11, 2013 8:20 am

    When a rational and justified criticism is done about the islam, the answers which come out are full of anger and revenge. Sometimes in a better way, that is to pray for mercy to their allah for the kafirs and by an expectation that they will follow a foolish philosophy like islam. There is no proper answer to them in fact. The philosophy of islam is so shallow and sometimes idiotic that any intelligent free thinker cannot accept this. Compare the thoughts about the religion with Hindu Shastras and Koran. You will find a heaven and hell difference. Of course the hell is islam. It is very shameful fact that round about one billion believers follow this irrational, merciless, foolish religion(!). One another example can be given about the Muslims are, flock of sheep. They follow the stupid practice like it and follow their despot prophetwithout any honest question. It can be only hoped that they will come out of this slavery. After all, they are human beings.

  • October 9, 2013 10:23 am

    It is worthless to single out only the irrational material and judge any religion on the basis of that. If we go on doing such exercises, there will remain not a single religion bereft of vagueness. All religious texts contain such kind of stuff which is really hard to digest today. This does not mean that these texts are meaningless and useless. Have you observed that people do not speak truth just for the sake of truth, people do not hurl abuses because it is obnoxious thing to do, people do not steal because it is unkind to deprive someone of something, people do not pray just for the sake of prayer and so on, but on the contrary, they do so because religious texts say so. People can even violate the laws of the land but most of them will hesitate to deviate from the injunctions prescribed in sacred religious texts. Why is it so ? Only because reverence of God and fear of divine punishment . You can condemn something written in these texts but you can ignore the potency of religion and it’s positive effect on human minds. It is due to the influence of religions that a large chunk of humanity observes morality and good conduct. This cannot be done through any number of rules , laws and policing. It is due to the potency of religion that a handful of persons are ready to go to any extremes be they bad or good. So fear of God is more than the fear of law of the land. Just shun all bias and think that if all religious texts were bereft of any touch of God, what effect of these would have been on human minds ? Could the people have followed those instructions, injunctions and commandments so easily ? Perhaps not, because no matter we scoff at the idea of God, this wonderful idea has played a significant role in moulding personalities that we extoll even today. If some people have gone astray on account of incorrect interpretation of religious texts or blind following of some of the injunctions, it is , nonetheless, a solace that such persons can be counted on fingers and they are an insignificant chunk of a vast humanity. There are some more reasons of a constant belief in God like non-comprehension of this whole edifice that we call nature, our existence, matter of life and death. Science tells about processes of creation but is not able to confront the real creators of this wonderful universe. Since some persons get fascinated by this bewildering phenomenon no end and some people get tormented by the questions related to this whole set up, they rush towards religions and try to comprehend the great and mysterious entity that we call God. For a moment , granted that a particular religion tells something inappropriate, can this be the reason alone to discard it altogether and malign it no end ? If a person falls sick, should the doctor kill him as a remedy. No, rather the doctor should treat him and enable him to recover fast. So, any attempt to deny a religion in toto is akin to live in a fool’s paradise. Rather, we must spread the light of wisdom in a subtle manner so as not to offend the sensibilities of any religious community. It is a history that once heretics were burnt to death in Europe but the same Europe is breathing a vibrant and free air today and is open to receive admiration and criticism with an equal zeal. How it happened ? Just think over it, it is only because persons inhabiting in it made persistent efforts to stroke the rational side of minds of the people and the result is for all to see. If some people assume an illustration of God in a religion as not convincing and appropriate, they should come up with their own for all humanity to see and judge. On the contrary, if some people think it appropriate to deny God, they may be allowed to do so with full freedom of expression. In this way, both points of view will be available to the common people to see and judge and then choose the best suited to their wisdom. One person delves deep and finds that there exists God and he is then not afraid of other point of view at all, he does not fancy that everyone should follow him blindly because he has firm faith in his own wisdom and he also respects the wisdom of an atheist in denying the existence of God. Also he is not averse to go through the nitty gritty of all that an atheist professes and only after having fully satisfied from all quarters does he come around his solid conviction. If atheists follow the same tolerant and free outlook, their belief then will be a real belief, a real atheism. Unfortunately, this does not happen. The faithful is dead serious that all non believers and atheists will suffer an eternal hell on account of their belief ( disbelief !) and the atheists are convinced that all faithfuls are fools and pursuing a mirage and there is no such entity that we call God and no real places like hell, paradise, eternal life etc. etc. Both relish the I’ll will, malice, animosity, hatred and criticism of each other’s belief or disbelief and this is really unfortunate and cannot be called a right pursuit, free exercise of mind and thorough and unbiased scrutiny. It is very curious to known that some very high religious minded persons who we call enlightened ones are deemed as some kinds of patients by a section of scientific community. Isn’t this strange that while some people extoll those persons and even go to the extent of worshipping them while some deem them as lunatics. What is the reality ? This aspect must be scrutinized no end by the scientific community and the religious people as well. The humanity has a right to know the truth behind all this. The search of God is in reality is a search of truth and so all the religious people should have the guts to confront truth by all means even to the point of observing their belief stark naked. On the other hand, scientific community must be prepared to welcome the turn if it goes in favor of faithfuls and they should not hesitate to announce it from their roof top. This is all the more important as both faithfuls and rationalists assume their respective beliefs as truths, so truths should be allowed to surface with all dignity and awe ! To be fair, I did no like the title of the above post, it would be better if the writer uses unprovocative language and puts up his point of view in a polite manner. Sometimes it is not the stuff that matters more but the way how it is put across. Nonetheless, I appreciate the essence of the post.

  • Bhavna
    June 11, 2013 7:35 am

    Allah is a draconian despot and Muhammad his right hand man.
    Oh how I pity the poor people who fall prey to their concocted lies and deceit!

    October 16, 2012 1:37 pm

    Ye saale sab CHINALON ko paida hue so paida hue hy, isiliye ISLAM k bare me bura kahrage hy

    • B person
      October 16, 2012 3:15 pm

      Chinal sali muslim hote huye sach bolti hai, lol 🙂 abe unpad padhna ata hai kya ? Teri jaat wali bahen ne he likha hai.

  • sam
    February 21, 2012 6:55 am

    ask some muslim molvi they will give you the answer everybody will taste death they will know ( kafirs are blind )

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