Is It Necessary For the Mother to Be Christian to Make the Kid Christian?

vanitha says: April 14, 2015 at 9:39 am

Am facing a similar problem but I have not married yet. I know my boyfriend since school.he proposed me 3 yrs back. I said I wouldn’t convert to Christian and nobody should force me to do it. He said OK for everything.I introduced him to my family and my family accepted him even after knowing that he is a Christian as he was a good guy. He loves me too much and even I do. he discussed with his family about the marriage. They are completely opposing until I get convert. my parents r also not OK with me getting convert.

We go to church as we accept all religion as one. But now a days he has completely changed. He is not talking to me and he says he should marry me but should live our lives without interfering in each others wishes. He doesn’t want to have kids as they will be religion less. He wants to marry me just for namesake.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t like the concept of conversion I respect all religion.I told him to make kids to Christian. He says both parent has to be a Christian to make the kid Christian.

Am totally confused and in too much grief as I can’t imagine of loosing him. Please somebody help as what I should do.
Is it necessary for the mother to be a Christian to make the kid Christian? Please help. -vanitha

Pandora says: April 17, 2015 at 9:21 pm

From what I have heard, you don’t need to have both parents to make a child Christian. Some churches may baptize the baby, of which the child may confirm baptism in adulthood as a Christian and others may have a baby dedication where parents pledge to do their best to share Christian values to the child.

Is he dwelling onto the 2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be yoked with unbelievers…” This verse is always used when Christians are in a relationship with non-believers so not sure if they are peer-pressuring him with this? -Pandora

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  • Pandora
    April 17, 2015 9:21 pm

    From what I have heard, you don’t need to have both parents to make a child Christian. Some churches may baptize the baby, of which the child may confirm baptism in adulthood as a Christian and others may have a baby dedication where parents pledge to do their best to share Christian values to the child.

    Is he dwelling onto the 2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be yoked with unbelievers…” This verse is always used when Christians are in a relationship with non-believers so not sure if they are peer-pressuring him with this?

  • April 16, 2015 12:45 pm

    Dear Vanitha,

    We are 100% with you on the conversion business. Stay firm that here will not be any conversion. This fake-conversion will create major problems in life later on. His church will not accept this deal, tell them – hell with you guys. Go get married by the Special Marriage Act. If he truly lovers you, he will ultimately accept it.

    For now, do not commit anything for children. This is a myth that children will be confused in two faiths. Barack Obama was not, why your children will be? View this video and let us know what do you think.

    Lets talk more later.

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