Am I Doing Any Mistake?

Durga says: December 24, 2015 at 8:01 am

Im a hindu women..i have been in relationship with christian..but my family doesnt agree to this..he is not a totally christian..his mother is hindhu..and his father is christian…they celebrates all festivals..and they pray to both gods..but what to do with my family..? I cannot tell the can i tell that this is a complete hindhu i doing any mistake -Durga

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  • Durga
    December 24, 2015 11:33 pm

    No…once upon a time they used to go to church…past from 8 years they have quit going to church..No they pray to both gods…but they never say anyone that they are christians..No as usual in mother in law doesnt speak anything about this matter..she thinks god is one..its your wish to whom you boyfriend used to go church in childhood..but they quit going now..and also i cant tell my family…that my boyfriend’s family pray to jesus..because if my father came to know across the truth…he will definetely send me out of the house…in my family intercaste marriage is not allowed..that too to a half christian..but my boyfriend’s name is also hindhu name only..they will just pray to jesus..but never they go to church..

    • December 25, 2015 12:05 am

      Your case looks simple but we need to make 100% sure for who they are.

      1) How did your father-in-law and mother-in-law got married? By Hindu vivaha or church marriage? This is critical because what does, comes back.

      2) Assuming you will marry him, will that be Hindu wedding or Church wedding?

      3) How old are you? Are you done with you college education? Can you find a job (if don’t have one)? Once you are financially independent, you can handle “he will definetely send me out of the house”. Is the boy well educated?

      Meantime, please read all recommended articles above and also

  • December 24, 2015 11:10 pm

    Hi Durga,

    Muhammed gave you a great advise “yah .. you are doing great mistake.. why u telling lies to your parents. . dont tell lie… tell every thing which is true”

    Before going to the point of how to handle parents (that we will come later), first find some truth. Are they really not Christians as you think? How did your mother-in-law and father-in-law got married? By a Hindu vivaha or in a Church or both? Was your mother-in-law asked to convert to Christianity for the marriage? This is critical so get back to us with this info. Is your Christian boy friend baptized in childhood or as a teen? How often they are going to church? Let us know and we will work with you more. We are waiting.

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