Marthomite Boy with non-Practicing Catholic

AB says: November 10, 2018 at 10:06 pm

I am a marthomite boy getting married to a non practicing Catholic girl. I am a church goer (also a son a marthoma priest which makes things more complicated.) My partner is not a church goer. The church will play a role in my life but not in hers. I don’t have any intention of forcing my faith or practices on her. I believe faith to be an individual choice and journey. In order to balance our differing beliefs we intend to have a non religious court marriage and a marthoma wedding.

A few questions I had: how difficult is it for her to get the required documents from her Catholic church. Considering the fact that she does not go to church. She has her baptism certificate.

Also how difficult is it to have a court marriage first and then have a church wedding. Will marthoma churches allow a church wedding after a court wedding.

P. S this is a great service you guys are providing. Let me know if I can be of any help to this community.

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • November 10, 2018 10:20 pm

    Hi AB,

    Are you going to get married by the Special Marriage Act 1954? Great idea. Keep conflicting ideologies out and let your love rule. Read all laws here

    How can you have a marthoma wedding without her converting to Marthoma? Is she willing to convert to Marthoma (and a new baptism)? For conversion, we don’t think she has to ask the Catholic church.

    On “Will marthoma churches allow a church wedding after a court wedding”, if you ask, they will want a rose garden. It is you who have to decide, tell them–take it or leave it. Otherwise, there is no end to expectations of the church (his or yours). You should know it all well from you father.

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