One cannot Marry a Hindu after Baptism

Emima says: May 31, 2017 at 9:02 pm

My name is emima

I am a Christian ano I am loving a hindu guy it’s only 7 months that we got committed now I am in a great confusion because my guy is very good and perfect in everything but he is Hindu. Some plp tells me he is very good never miss him in ur life but some tells we cannot marry a hindu guy when u have taken baptism. Yes I have taken a baptism now can u plz help me in giving a suggestion. Is it a sin r not r can I marry him or not and one more thing my mom is completly into God she will never accept this. Someone plz help me in giving a solution
Thank you, –Emima

Emima says: June 1, 2017 at 7:57 pm

No I don’t belive in Hindu religion on sinners and more over I already said him that I cannot do idol worship coz I know that is d only one God hates d most and yes if in case if I marry him I’ll be staying with his family. Because his loves his parents just lik me and he is the only son to his parents. Now I am in situation where I m very much confused. I said him only if u get converted tgis marriage will happen but he is not ready to get converted and he is also telling that after marriage u can go to church be the way how you are I’ll not restrict u , but that is impossible coz even their parents should agree for that, so I have given him a last chance that is I have asked him to com and spk to my mom directly and he said ok. So plz help me can I share this to mom r no coz obviously when we share it the trust which they kept on us will be no more plz give me a solution. I don’t have peace of mind plz help me –Emima

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity,
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  • Mary Monika
    August 4, 2017 12:18 am

    Thank you emmima . I am in the very exact situation. I was just searching if there is any one in world facing like me. The requests of yours and the responses. . Thank you so much. I’m now in a forward look to gradually make my Hindu bf understand my prospect and forcibly avoid his contact. Please pray for me. Thank you so much .

    • August 4, 2017 10:08 pm

      Hi Mary,

      Are you hoping the Hindu will convert for the marriage? After marriage, do you have to mingle with his Hindu family? If religion is important, why not to marry a guy from your own church?

  • Gracia
    June 30, 2017 11:32 am

    Dear Emmima.
    Save ur soul. Drop this guy. Guys don’t follow anything what they say before marriage. Once you get married , ur problems will be same like other arranged marriages plus religious problems. He will be very happy till u have a baby. Then he will join hands with his parents and force you to bring up the child in his religion. You being a believer , will definitely not accept that. Then both of u will turn into rivals.
    He will ask you to keep the verities of bindhi’s they have. Then during festivals u have lock your self in the bedroom . Everyday you have to bare their pooja . For everything they do in temples – starting from piercing ear to many more. Everyday will become a hell. More than that you will loose your dearest friend. So I would suggest you be good friends forever and not become enemies by getting married.

    • Ratan
      August 31, 2017 1:06 am

      Hi emima,listen if u cant bear his daliy pooja but he wil bear u while ur studying bible front of him.if he agree about ur bible si u should also agree his pooja..NO ONE SEES GOD..u didnt even see JESUS.he didnt even see HINDU GOD..chrtistian follow moon on chritmas day..n we hindu same belive moon as god creatiin

  • Rabia
    June 12, 2017 3:24 pm

    Hello ladies,
    My humble advice would be to think about the following 2 points:
    – Hinduism is generally not very compatible with Christianity; in Judaism, christianity and Islam, there is a common belief which condemns associating partners with God (what you call Jesus), but Hinduism is quite different on this topic.
    If you were dating a Muslim or a Jew, you may find some common ground but when trying to integrate into a Hindu family, there will definitely be issues. I can assure you of this from personal experience.

    2) one of my friends who used to be in an interfaith relationship (religious Muslim girl) recently told me that she changed her mind a lot in the last few years, “does some’a religion matter anymore when picking a life partner? Shouldn’t it be more about compatibility as two people?”

    I partially agree with her that you may find your soulmate in someone from a completely different religion / culture (like I did) But do be aware of future problems you may have, especially in discussing things with your inlaws or how children will be raised etc.

    It’s best to discuss these above mentioned things in detail and ask God for help and guidance on your dilemma – He will hopefully send you both a sign to decide what’s right for your case.

  • Nagesh
    June 8, 2017 3:21 am

    I think that there are two types of people’s,good people and bad people. first I want to say that admin is bad people because he is deciding people in religion and that religion is stupid thing.Real religion is ‘humanity’.World is facing big trouble from this religion.If u r rich,u can marry anyone,if u r poor u will face problem.
    so believe in humanity and always live like human being.

    • Admin
      June 8, 2017 5:53 pm

      Interesting… if that is what you think… that we are for religions and not humanity.

  • Rabia
    June 2, 2017 6:38 am

    Dear Emima,

    One of my husband’s cousins (a practicing Hindu) fell in love with and married a Catholic girl. It was easier to convince the girl’s Christian family than the boy’s Hindu family, but eventually they came around and their wedding happened in church and also with a Hindu pundit walking around the fire.

    It will be very difficult for any religious parent to accept their child’s boyfriend/girlfriend from another religion. But what matters more is your happiness and if you think your mother can understand that, maybe it’s best to open up to her.

    You also need to make sure you can trust and depend on your Indian boyfriend. Men make a lot of promises before marriage, but after marriage some of those promises are not kept (I have seen it with my friends and their husbands)

    Just think about all these things first.

  • June 1, 2017 2:19 pm

    Hi Emima,
    The best solution is to forget him and marry someone from you church.

    Interfaith marriage is for people who wish to share & respect two faith with equality. If you are a progressive thinker (like Jesus), we can help you.

    Tell us if:
    1) Do you believe Hindus are sinners?
    2) After marriage are you going to live in a joint family with his Hindu parents (or in close relationships with them)?

    • Emima
      June 1, 2017 7:57 pm

      No I don’t belive in Hindu religion on sinners and more over I already said him that I cannot do idol worship coz I know that is d only one God hates d most and yes if in case if I marry him I’ll be staying with his family . Because his loves his parents just lik me and he is the only son to his parents. Now I am in situation where I m very much confused . I said him only if u get converted tgis marriage will happen but he is not ready to get converted and he is also telling that after marriage u can go to church be the way how you are I’ll not restrict u , but that is impossible coz even their parents should agree for that , so I have given him a last chance that is I have asked him to com and spk to my mom directly and he said ok . So plz help me can I share this to mom r no coz obviously when we share it the trust which they kept on us will be no more plz give me a solution . I don’t have peace of mind plz help me

      • June 1, 2017 10:27 pm

        Dear Emama,

        Please clarify “I don’t belive in Hindu religion on sinners”, do you mean Hindus who pray to “other” Gods are sinners or not? You know your jealous God don’t like the “other” gods, why will you wish to associate with such people?

        Do not rush to reach out to your parents but first understand who is God, religions and these mandirs and churches. We love your Jesus but not the church. If you follow Jesus’ progressive teachings, yes a very happy married life is possible in those Hindus’ home. But if you believe in your church, they will tell you that those Hindus are born sinners, pray to wrong gods, has to be baptized and bring to your churches (not mandirs any more). The church would say the same to any one from any one of other 36000 Christian denominations, to Muslims and Sikhs. Why? Because it is in the best interest of your church. If your objective is to please the church, go marry someone from your church.

        Now it is time to be liberated from the clutches of the church and follow Jesus’ direct teaching of “Love thy neighbors.” Jesus never said about the “other” god or about “idol” worship. Confirm if that is true or not.

        What is idol-worship? Read our article here. Christians also use idols (two pieces of wood or statue of Mary), is it not?

        What if he lies and take a fake-dip in the baptism bath? Will that 10 minutes of ritual make him a better human being? What if he revert back to his practices in his home right after the dip?

        How can you ask him to convert to something he is not? What if he asks you to convert to Hindu today, how would you feel? Why not let a rose be rose and carnation be carnation?

        Think one day you will be in their Hindu home, surrounded by all sinner Hindus and practicing Hindu ways of worshipping, celebrating Diwali and Holi, are you going to sit in your bed room till they are done with all these? Are you going to teach your children to not to associate with all these sinners and sinner practices in their own home?

        We feel if baptism is important to you, dump him now. If humanity and love is important for you, then go marry those Godly people and enjoy all festivals and practices and enjoy your happy and every lasting marriage. It’s time to make up your own mind what is important for you. Best wishes.

        • Emima immanueal
          June 2, 2017 10:02 am

          Hi all,

          Thanku so much for all of urs suggestions I’ll decide something very soon and I’ll be back to guys soon. I am happy if I marry him and even if I don’t coz if i dont marry him it means I am sacrificing something for my God and my mom . Because more than anything gif is very much important. Plp may change at any time but God’s love towards us is always true and no one can love us as how God loves

          • Sharon
            June 11, 2017 10:25 am

            Hi emmima

            I’m exactly in the same position as you are in….. I love my JESUS n follow him madly… n I don’t know how but I got attracted to a guy who used to sing JESUS songs and all… later got to know he is a Hindu and I still liked him n eventually fell in love for his nature true n honest behaviour. He loves me a lot where even he dole to his parents and they accepted men even allowed me to continue my religion but should even follow their traditions as I he is the only son for their entire family. My mom is against it but still she is quiet about the topic n left it to GOD . I’m totally confused as to marry him or no. Many say he is the best person n I am lucky to get and some say will you go against the religion. I left it to JESUS. But I’m depressed a lot as I cannot ignore this situation. Kindly advise

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