Sha says: January 10, 2016 at 11:21 pm
Hi Admin,
I’m Malaysian Muslim girl, and currently having a bf a Hindu from India.
We are planning to register our marriage under Special Marriage Act in India to legalize our marriage. I will be going to India by next month to file the 30 days notice, and the marriage shall be done on April. Then we will apply to convert my tourist visa to x visa.
I’m currently have a doubt regarding this matter:
1. My passport will be expired on Jun 2018, I wonder whether will be able to renew my passport in India, whether they will be any issue?
I hope this can have, because it took almost quite some times for my parents to agree, and now they finally does .
Waiting for the reply. -Sha
admin says: January 11, 2016 at 7:17 am
Why don’t you renew your passport now, one don’t have to wait till it expires!
Did his Hindu parents agreed to accept you (a Muslim)? Have you heard from them (not your bf)?
Are you ever planning to come back to Malaysia to settle? -Admin
Sha says: January 11, 2016 at 6:19 pm
Hi Admin,
yes, I met them personally on May 2015, and his family did come to Malaysia on October 2015 to meet my parents .
If i renew now, i will be compounded up to MYR300 :p . We are planning to settle in India, but first i need to convert my tourist visa to x visa.
My concern is the passport renewal. -Sha
View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
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Stupid islam arrangement
stupid person thinks like this
Stupid islam
Reem can u explain to me about that briefly..if i move to other country and get their citizen can i convert and marry easily
Plz do marry ur hindu bf. Regarding convertion, its left to you.
convertion to what kumar ??????!!!!!!!
Dear sha,
Admin is right about renewing yoir passport now than waiting for it to expire, also if any of your relatives report your marriage to the Malaysian authorities you will be in grave danger. Please do remember that apostasy is punishable by death in Malaysia, I do pray your marriage is successful with your Indian bf but b4 you get into this think if about the future do you wish to settle in india or elsewhere or do want to return to Malaysia at some point, you will not be able tp register your marriage to Hindu in Malaysia or update the same in your passport. If you plan to settle down in India find out the options for acquiring Indian citizenship. Do you plan to continue to follow your faith post marriage or would follow Hinduism, make sure you both are on the same page regarding these smaller issues cos what might seem too small an issue or irrelevant now can blow out of proportion if any of you feel that u hv had to sacrifice too much and it might be a cause for misunderstandings or contant dispute and might even lead to break ur marriage I wud request you to pls take your time talk to ur bf and decide ur future from now. God bless u both….reema
Dear Reema,
Can you explain more on “apostasy is punishable by death in Malaysia”? Is marriage to a Hindu considered apostasy? Is there any case of such trial in Malaysia? We do not know and wish to understand it.
Reema, you have made great points here. Ha, have you been to India? We recommend you go and stay there for 4 months as a guest to his house. Then come back to Msia and think if you really want to marry him. Yes, after marriage, coming back to Msia for good (travel is okay) is almost impossible.
Dear Admin
The Malaysian Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 does not apply to Muslims (section 3). Hence, in Malaysia there is no means for a Muslim to marry a non Muslim under the civil law. In fact, the Muslim who goes through a marriage or even cohabits with a non Muslim runs the risk of falling foul of a number of offences under State Syariah criminal law prohibiting fornication (zina) and close proximity (khalwat)
Dont hv a lot of info but my Malaysian friends told me that even if a Malaysian citizen marries to a non Muslim without converying to Islam anywhere in the world theyan never update their marital status on their passports, if the authorities learn about the marriage the jais would have them arrested when they land in Malaysia and charge them with apostasy and insulting Islam. See the link below its an old article though, it would much easier if she could try to get a different citizenship from a liberal non Muslim country.
Reply at
Superb, can you help us finding more information on this point? We have created a new post on this important point and wish you search and provide more clarity on this point. Thanks!
Dear Sha,
MYR300 is equivalent of US$70 or some Indian Rs. 5000. Yes, it is a lot but the option of having Malaysian valid passport is worth lots more for your security. What if you don’t like in India or something else go wrong there and you wish to return back home? We highly recommend to have that option open.
Are your parents okay you going to Indian and be a part of a “Hindu” Home? How much Islam and Koranic teachings mean to you as a Muslim? Are you okay if one day your children become mostly Hindu and less Muslim? Yes, you are in love but you also need to think of all these other points too.
Our other Muslim consultants on this site will remind you for your duties as a Muslim. Think of all these points to make sure you are on a right track. Best wishes.
Really i do not know what islam means to you sha ..
in all cases we should not sell our religion for love story
Dont you believe in judgment day when you will face your god and ask you about breaking your islamic instructions ????
..just for love story ????
and believe me sha. no court can legalize what Allah decided as illegal
also it is normal that we may meet hindu with good character
and a muslim with bad character (espacially ignorant one )
but this is not the reason to deal with our religion like that