Malaysian Indian Muslim Girl with a Hindu

Anonymous09 says: September 28, 2018 at 10:54 am

Hi. Im an Indian Muslim and my bf is Hindu and from Malaysia. Our parents accepted our relationships. We are planning to register our marriage in Singapore. As what I learned we can register under civil law marriage. May i know what are the requirements? How much will it cost? Is it illegal if I dont register the marriage in Malaysia? What if my kids born in Singapore? Thank you in advance (:

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Malay-Hindu Relationships, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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    October 17, 2018 10:05 am

    Generally I am asking this hindu sister in polite manner,your boy friends parents are asking you to convert to islam for purpose of marriage because you are hindu.ok,let it be,again I am asking after your marriage if another non-muslim girl comes and approach his parents to marry him and and his parent also agreeing with her,now what can you do? how will you avoid that because allah is giving reward to muslims who makes a non-muslim into muslim.and the same time muslim men have 4 wives at the same time then what will you do? at the same time islamic laws supportive to barbaric,satanic,uncivilized muslim men where muslim women herself cannot do anything,then what can you do?

    after marriage according to barbaric muslim laws kids must be raised into muslim only then what will happen your hindu identity?
    how many hindu women are happy now who have married to muslim women and how many have raised their kids as hindu?

    sorry sister but this is true.

    • Ruchika
      November 1, 2018 5:37 am

      ummmm,i have no idea what he has just said.

      Statement : “allah is giving reward to muslims who makes a non-muslim into muslim”

      well aren’t muslim’s god and hindu’s same type? Don’t hindus do “service to dharma” by converting others to hindu?

      Statement : “the same time muslim men have 4 wives at the same time then what will you do?”

      Actually all messengers of gods say in islam,christian was polygamous. So was ram. Is not that true?

      Having 4 wives? Do these people lack basic IQ?
      If a man has legal 4 wives than the sex ratio of man to woman will have to be 1:4,which country has that number of females? Watching “wonder woman paradise island” lately pal?

      And for more information,according to 1965 census more number of hindus had multiple wives than muslims.
      Basically polygamy started from hinduism.

      Now the logic can be “we should look at present ,not past”
      In that case i would be more concerned as you follow the ritual of having 1 wife and 15999 girlfriend.You know whom i am talking about.Is that legal in hinduism?

      You should come clean first.

      One dumb religion fighting another dumbo in ultimate dumbster fighting championship. ROFL

  • Gokusan
    September 29, 2018 11:51 am

    It seems you are disregarding Islamic law and since you are not malay so no requirement of bumiputera then why call yourself muslim when you will go against the law ,leave your religion and do your wish it will be best for both of you since in both country law and Islamically it is haram and in Islam you will be considered as fornicator , since it is not that important then leave otherwise if you want islamically valid marriage then do nikah. So your wish your life.

    • September 29, 2018 11:55 am

      Dear Gokusan,

      Do a Muslim have choice, liberty and freedom like your mentioned, “leave your religion and do your wish it will be best for both of you”? Is Bukhari 9.84.57 not applicable or a Hadith that other Muslims like you will ignore?

      • Gokusan
        September 30, 2018 8:10 am

        Then read who is considered a apostate , aan apostate is who who goes against his country by helping the enemy of the country . Then the term apostate can be used.

      • Gokusan
        September 30, 2018 9:17 am

        Second thing she clearly choose temptation over destination , then she is already strayed so it is better that way so that her children might not get confused with identity crisis .

        • October 1, 2018 9:39 pm

          “Children get confused” apply to only exclusivist Abrahamic. Jain-Hindu or Hindu-Buddhist children are never confused. They can take to mandir one day, to Agiarashi the second day and to a Buddhist temple the third day. What is there to get confused if there is only ONE God?

          • Gokusan
            October 1, 2018 11:55 pm

            The thing is 1 comes in 100 but 100 does not come into 1.

          • Krish
            October 4, 2018 3:52 am

            Dear Admin,

            Gokusan like mullah (unsaved beard without mustache) are threat for human being. He is active here to counter his fake religious ruled book

          • ahmad noor
            October 20, 2018 1:02 pm

            yes one god who decide one religion not ten religions

      • Ruchika
        November 1, 2018 5:23 am

        Dilip sir, This is the the thing i am worried about.

        Your statement : “Do a Muslim have choice, liberty and freedom like your mentioned, “leave your religion and do your wish it will be best for both of you”?”

        You have mentioned of choice,liberty and freedom regarding a religion that is kind of monarchic(actually all abrahamic religion is ame kind if followed).
        But in return you have failed to show me where it is exactly written in Geeta that hindus have the same choice?
        Because if hindus have that choice how come you define what is evil and what is good?It is relevant to situation.

        Example : Having extra marital sex invokes death penalty in Islam,forbidden in Judaism and Christianity(according to their holy book).
        Is it bad in hindu dharma too?
        –>If it is then how come you criticize other religion saying you have “liberty” when your own religion say “it is bad”
        –>If it is not bad then you need to answer,is it allowed in hinduism to have extra marital sex based on two person’s consent?

        That is the game sir. You actually can’t depend on one factor here to give you solid result.

        This game is far beyond than you think it is. You are using, which is not mentioned in your holy book as “ticket of freedom” when i see it as unable to handle real time problem.
        I have shown you that hindu girl having freedom is a balant lie and myth when hindus cloak themselves in disguise of freedom and then keep girls under “paramparas”

        Another example is If i ask is homosexuality good/bad/ok in hinduism there is 150 crore opinion of 150 crore people.
        Then if you say then is it good/bad/ok any of hindu god/goddess were homo,then here starts “jai shree ram” (I apologize for the example,i was simply trying to state a situation to understand it’s real time simulation,if anyone’s feelings is hurt i sincerely apologize for that as it is not my intention.)

        When you are invoking the “freedom” card you need to be aware of the sharp edges that comes with the card sir.

        How long do you think hindus keep doing tail riding?What will be your answer regarding this dilip sir? Asking me if i would call saudi monarchists as fascists?

        economictimes . indiatimes . c0m / news / politics-and-nation / rbi-head-should-work-with-govt-or-quit-says-rss-official/articleshow/ 66456147 . cms

        • November 3, 2018 5:04 pm

          Dear Ruchika,
          Are you saying that women in Muslim and Hindu societies have similar liberties, overall and around the world?
          Are you saying women have same liberties in Pakistan and India?
          Are you saying Indian women/girls from Muslim and Hindu societies have same education and liberties?
          Are you saying women in Islam and Hindu faiths have similar liberty to date who they want and marry interfaith if they wish?
          Homosexuality, good or bad, now Indians have liberties; how about in Islamic countries? Why government and religious institutions have to decide individual’s choices?
          How do you justify public beating for close proximity of a boy and a girl from one of the most liberal Muslim countries (view

          • Ruchika
            November 7, 2018 10:56 am

            Same typical response sir. This is not what i expected 🙂

            Your statement : “Are you saying that women in Muslim and Hindu societies have similar liberties, overall and

            around the world?”

            Very clever question. But not clever enough who plays with binary digits of 1 and 0.

            similar liberties? Are you saying that because you follow some definition of liberty others should do that too?

            Does not that contradict with very basics of liberty,a community has the liberty to choose what rule it will set

            for themselves?

            Woman of muslim community forced to wear cloth. Woman in hindu community are forced to protect their “cultures”

            or parampara by their man every household. In india man is the head of home. Do you disagree with that?

            I heard you live in U.S .Some of it’s symptoms are showing sir.

            Your statement : “Are you saying women have same liberties in Pakistan and India?”

            Are you saying women have same liberties in india just like woman in Europe?

            Your statement : “Are you saying Indian women/girls from Muslim and Hindu societies have same education and


            Are you saying Indian women/girls from hindu societies and European woman/girls have same education and


            Your statement : “Are you saying women in Islam and Hindu faiths have similar liberty to date who they want and

            marry interfaith if they wish?”

            Are you saying that women in hindu faiths have liberty to date who they want and marry interfaith if they wish?
            Can you please show me the Geeta verses that authorizes it?
            Or you are simply double using the incompetence of another holy book as a trump card of freedom?

            I am very willing to see the verses from Geeta that permits it.Then we will dig further about it.

            It is extremely extremely funny that instead of showing the barometer of comparison with the same types of

            community that you are claiming to be in,you are showing me something that is irrelevant. You should not tell me

            about what muslim community does. Why? Because they do not. What you are doing is “tail riding” . Whenever you

            are on verge of facing criticism you are showing “they did it too” .b
            You keep telling one thing over and over again which doesn’t change meaning to any extent of what you have said

            in first time.
            Let me clearly clarify it for you.

            You are criticizing them -> because they do not give freedom -> I ask you do you give? -> You ask me do they give


            Strange!!You have already said they don’t. That is why you criticized them in first place. Otherwise you would

            not have criticize them. You are going in circle over and over and over again.

            The point here is ,they don’t give freedom. You are criticizing them.Ok.
            Then i am asking you so you are criticizing them do you give your woman freedom?
            You are not answering that. Instead you are going to first point again asking me “do they have same liberty”?
            What rubbish!! Why they would give “same” liberty?They are free to choose whatever divine bullsh*t they believe

            It is like saying if you let your woman drive Lamborghini,they will have to do same. Letting drive corolla will

            not do.
            That is what is happening here.

            Your statement : “Homosexuality, good or bad, now Indians have liberties; how about in Islamic countries? Why

            government and religious institutions have to decide individual’s choices?”

            Very funny logic sir. This goes straightly against the values you are preaching. I have seen several comments

            here preaching hinduism being philosophy.
            Now indian have liberties, Court has decided it. Now will you say the holy book of hinduism or it’s philosophy is

            incompetent about this?Should it be declared as one?

            The “individual choice” must have limit,because otherwise it will impact country. Individual is part of a system.
            If you believe in individuals then why there is laws? Are you saying you only want laws when you need protection?

            Your statement : “How do you justify public beating for close proximity of a boy and a girl from one of the most

            liberal Muslim countries”

            How do you justify brutally beating woman in front of public for exactly same reason you have stated above.(Did

            not keep the link,search it in TOI,2 of them happened in last month.woman got brutally thrashed in public when

            others were watching)

            You want to criticize others but you yourself want to escape it.
            You are saying they are doing it “TOO””
            So if they face criticism why you keep using “too” as defensive shield?

            Are you saying that it is someone from hinduism who should choose what woman of muslim/christian community should

            do in the name of liberty?
            Don’t you think that by that comparison what you are really doing is virtually challenging others to do what you

            do as you are setting yours as an example?

            I noticed,you simply avoided any kind of criticism i made about hinduism,and you tried to cover it up by showing

            what others are doing.That is ridiculous.
            Last but not least, don’t you agree your philosophy or religion whatever you call is also a big failure?
            Because everything you just accused others of,is exactly what your philosophy/religion is incompetent to deal with.

            And when people is taking the decision in their own hand , you are hailing it as a big success of that philosophy.

            That’s how literature works. Mathematical logistics requires you have to prove it in chain from both part.

          • November 9, 2018 7:53 pm

            Again a long assay so it take time to read. You claim to be a scientist and wish to discuss based on data. What kind of point are you planning to prove by comparing European (well educated and wealthy society) vs. Indian women? Is it not apple to orange comparison? If one wants a good comparison, it should be like kind–Pakistan vs India or Indian X faith vs Indian Y faith.

            On “what your philosophy/religion is incompetent to deal with”, is your philosophy/religion competent? What religion/philosophy do you follow or promoting? Are you saying Hinduism is incompetent while Islam and Christianity are superior faiths or are you saying all faiths are equality incompetent (sorry we are not clear of your messages)?

    • Krish
      October 4, 2018 3:50 am


      If she chooses temptation rather than destination, then it is her own matter of choice? who are you the hell muslim who are doing nasty and dirty things. Do you know socres of muslims are becoming atheist silently? you are so hatred and third grade muslim peoples.

      • Gokusan
        October 4, 2018 3:14 pm

        Krish bro the thing is I am here to provide the message of my pathway, take it or not it is their decision at least I have conveyed my message to them. The thing is bro according to PEW by 2050 there will be 5 million net gain of muslims converts.

        • Krish
          October 22, 2018 6:29 am


          your pathway??? what path?? a hatred path. A religion is curse for earth. A religion spreading hatred and never seen GOD. Even your muhhamad never seen GOD, a fake prophet. We hindu dont believe messenger of GOD.Secondly 30 muslims countries almost dying. check google how they are dying and why? the answer is ISLAM…. A dying religion.

  • September 29, 2018 11:41 am

    Dear An09,

    We honor your and your parents wishes not to force convert someone. We wish the rest of world learn from you. We believe in interfaith marriage with equality where two parties share and respect each other’s faith with equality. This is good but you are dealing with irrational Malaysian laws.

    What is the religion stated on your MyKad?

    You are okay as far as you are settled in Singapore and visiting Malaysia once a while. However, it will be an issue if you plan to settle in Malaysia. Your government will not approve your marriage and may put you in trouble under the Khalwat law. Read details below and get back to us what we can help you.

    Singapore secular laws
    Shariat laws
    Malaysian Marriage Laws:
    A marriage registered under the laws of a foreign country must be re-registered at the Malaysian Representative Office within 6 months of the date of marriage. If a couple having married outside Malaysia will not be able to register their Muslim to non-Muslim marriage in Malaysia and their children will not have benefit of Malaysian citizenship (read). If the Muslim/non-Muslim couple married overseas and comes to Malaysia, and someone called the authorities on them, the Syariah Authority will likely arrest the Muslim partner for zina and khalwat (since the marriage is not recognized in Malaysia; read).

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