Sammy says: September 28, 2014 at 12:34 am
Hai. I am a Malaysian Hindu girl. and my boyfriend is a Bangladeshi Muslim guy. We are in a relationship for the past 4 years and would like to get marry in Malasyia without conversion. Can I get marry to him since he is foreigner in Malaysia? Because the syariah law is only applied to those who are born as a muslim in this country if I am not mistake. please guide me how can I get marry to him without convert and even if we get marry is there will be any kind of problem which we have to face in the future? seriously need your advise and guidance. respond to me. -Sammy
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Malaysian Muslim marriage, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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I am a Hindu girl from India and I love a Muslim Bangladeshi boy…. I want marry him, I want to know that after weeding their will be any problem
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Dont destroy your life to be a muslim. Marriage will give you some happy ness for some yrs but not entire your life. But judgement and right decision will give you happy in your entire life. You have some responsibility for the nation, for your parent, friend and relatvies as well as society. Before you proceed, you should know about the cruelty of Islam. You dont know when you will get triple talaq or HALALA etc.. So talk to your family and my personal suggestion is to avoid muslim guy. Also be happy with your freedom as being a HINDU.
I am a Hindhu men from Bangladesh. His family may alow at first but you will force at a time to be Muslim. Basically Bangladeshi guys are honest and loyal. Muslim or Hindu both are very good minded. But in case of religious view they are sensitive. So be careful to marry a Muslim boy from Bangladesh or other country. It’s all of your choice I just suggestyou.
I respect yuo and you are very perfect.. Never beleieve muslims be a p[resident of India or not
Hi Sammy,
I’m also fall in love with a Bangladeshi guy.
May I know you already know the procedure of marriage with Bangladeshi? Can you share with me?
What permit he using when staying in Malaysia? Student permit?Working permit(general or pefersional )?
Hi there, let me tell u something.. im in loved with bangladeshi muslim guy too. Generally, bangladeshi people very concern about their religion. So, my advise is once u decided to marry him better convert urself into muslim because end of the day u both going to live together until the end. So get ready for it and dont worry if u r man perfectly a good man he wont ever stopping u from attending hindu funerals! Religion doesnt matter when it come to love
congrats and best of luck
So are you ready to be a true Muslim for the marriage? Are you in Malaysia?
Read about Hindu’s rights about funeral in a Muslim country ..,-Hindu-Malaysian-national-hero-4986.html
Let us know are you okay if this happens to you, especially when you are no more?
You are smart, educated and intelligent. We love to work with you over next 2-3 years and will wait to hear form you right here. We are not here to decide for you but to make you think, that’s all. We will be happy with what ever your decision. Best wishes.
Hai Admin,
He is okay with my decision and he is also supportive towards my decision to not convert. We have discussed over the issue and made up our mind to not convert into the religion. Recently I have introduced him to my family and my family members also accepts him. His family also okay with our relationship. Now I just want to know even though our both families are accepted our relations but then will the law allow us to get marry and stay in MALAYSIA?
You are lucky that your family accepted him as muslim, few hindu families are like this
But i doubt about his family, whether they are not practising muslim or they may change color after marriage, hindu is not a problem, problem is polytheism(shirik), so if you are not a mushrik then there will be no collison else god knows
Sammy, mac is an honest Muslim. Be careful for “they may change color after marriage”.
Tell us who told you, “His family also okay with our relationship.” Is that he is telling you or you have met them and they confirmed that they (Muslims) are willing to accept a “Hindu” daughter-in-law? Read Akansha to Nusrat, make sure that is not your case.
ohohoho now you twisitng my words, a person cannot be muslim untill he/she is honest(may be i gave wrong information in this site unknowingly but i said that if anyone point out i will appologise), but intentionally i never gave wrong information,advise to anyone whether he/she is muslim/hindu/christian
1.if she is truly educated and believes in one god then no problem.
2. if she believes in multiple/false gods and his family don`t care what quran says then no problem.
3. if she beileves in multiple/false gods and his family do have little faith in quran and came accross the verse which talks not to marry a polytheist then their will be problem.
4. if the boy don`t beileve in quran then their is no problem.
5. if the boy and his family beileves in quran and don`t know what is written in it then there is no problem but if they came across those verse then their will be huge problem.
So sister you make sure that whether you are polytheist(beileves in multiple gods/false gods), whether they beileve in quran or not and if they know this verse , so my suggestion is you show this verse to your bf and ask him what it means to him, coz he may oneday after marriage come to you and will request you to convert and again conversion without will is against islam, so there will be problems after problem.
Quran [2:221] And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.
hai admin.
We have discussed about this with his family over the phone and I am going to visit them on this coming January. I have prepared myself to face them and I hope they will accept me as their daughter in law. If I couldn’t find any other way out I will leave Malaysia and settle at any other country.
On your point, “We have discussed about this with his family over the phone”, did you made it clear that you ARE A HINDU, and will remain that way till your death? If that is your wish, be honest and tell them now. Don’t lie or give confusing/misleading/vague message.
A lesson for life, always promise less but provide more later.
In fact my mother has asked me to convert to Islam if I want to marry him. But I don’t want to convert to Islam and I wish to remain as a Hindu believer. If I get convert to Islam I wont be able to attend my parents cremation after died. There are so many things which I cant /couldn’t do after I get convert. That’s the reason why I don’t want to convert. My boy friend is very supportive and we have known each other for the pass 4 years+. He has never forced me to convert and I hope that he will do the same even I get marry to him in the future.
We heard you that you wish to remain a Hindu forever. We also heard your wish, “I hope that he will do the same even I get marry to him in the future”. How do you know how he will turn out 5-10 years down in life? This is very difficult to predict today, however we give you two tips to truly understand him today:
1) He (Muslim) appears to be a progressive thinker and open minded. He appears to be truly respecting you as a Hindu. Further, he is not a religious fanatic but a pluralist. …. Okay, then ask him (a hypothetical question) will he support his Muslim (cousin) sister if she is in love with a Hindu? Let us know what he says.
2) Even you don’t mean it, but to know the truth, tell him and his family that your children will be both, 50% Hindu and 50% Muslims. They will have names non-Hindu and non-Arabic. Like Barak Obama, they will decide their religious faith at their adult age of 21. Let us know what they say. We are waiting.
You are a fake mulsim for sure.. None of the earth will say I cant attend to marry my parents cremation, so you are fake…
Hi Sammy,
This is what Malaysian marriage law states, “Procedures Between Muslim and Non-Muslim: A non-Muslim must convert from his/ her religion to Islam in order for him/ her to marry a Muslim. He/ she must refer to the State Religious Department or seek help from an Imam at the nearest mosque in the area. After which, the same marriage procedures for Muslims apply.” If you wish to legally register your marriage in Malaysia, you conversion to Islam is a must.
mac and we will strongly recommend for you not to FAKE-convert to Islam just to get married. This will have grave consequences after marriage.
Let us know what else we could guide you for?
Sammy, You don’t know Muslims of Bangladesh. I am an Ex Bangladeshi & know them much more than others. They are very sweet before marriage but few days after marriage they will come out from their shell and force you to convert in Islam. Don’t dream to see a Bangladesh Muslim as a good man. Be aware of Muslims otherwise you will repent for whole life when nothing would be remained for rectification. Before taking the decission of your whole life event, think thousands times.
same goes for hindus, many muslim girl`s life ruined after marriage as they were forced to put bindi and other hindu religious stuff, they were not allowed to fast in the month of ramzan, they were not allowed to perform namaz , not allowed to celebrate bakra eid, and were forced to do many anti-islamic things like sleeping while legs facing towards west(towards mecca)..many muslim girls get sodomised by their husband which is again an anti-islamic act and the list goes on, so stop generalising, do you know what happened with Bill Maher who loves generalising everything with muslim and islam, watch this Bill Maher Destroyed Again And Again By Reza Aslan , so think twice before generalising
So called islamic critics(i call them liars), click this and know the fact
All I want is a marriage without conversion to Islam. Because I have my own beliefs on God. And what is the point if I just get marry to the guy whom I love just for the sake of religion? I just don’t get it. Why they have created such a rule? The only problem between us is the religion. If I have no choice means I will consult with him and with our family members to get marry and settle our lives somewhere else out of Malaysia. Anyway thanks for the brief explanation Mac.
You objective is “All I want is a marriage without conversion to Islam”. However, let us tell you that in probably 99% cases, this is impossible. Prove us wrong and we will be more than happy. If you don’t get converted for marriage, then as soon he gets his PR, then he will pressure you for conversion or give you talaak. Again, we really hope he is different. Best wishes.
Sammy, you said, “I have my own beliefs on God”. That means you are unbeliever as far as Muhammad and Islam are concerned. That means you are a kafir or unbeliever. Read what Koran has to say for unbelievers.
May be they are. but I believe this one is not in that category. I know most of them are doing like that to get PR status in Malaysia. I have known a few of them. A friend of mine also get marry to a local malay muslim guy. She has converted to Islam and try to adapt the new religion. She went for the classes,prayers and so on. At the end of the day she gave up. Because she has her own beliefs on her religion (Christian). So she continued her self as a Christian. She went to Church, attend the prayers and even all her kids also following the Christian religion. At first the husband didn’t allow the changes. But then he made up his mind that she still believes in her religion and it is pointless to force her to become a Muslim.
*All her children’s got Muslim name on their IC and they all practice Christianity except the Malay Muslim father.
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We (we assume mac too) beg you not to FAKE-convert like your Christian friend did. Why will you lie to Malay government, Imam, Muslim community and to Allah? A married life based on lies and deception will have severe consequences later. Why will you not have guts to be truthful?
Convert to Islam only truly if you believe in Muhammad’s ideologies. Convert to Islam only if you truly believe all other faiths (except Muhammad’s) will lead to Hell Fire. Mac will tell you why you should convert to Islam.
Sammy, Don’t be influenced by Mac like people. Their only one point program– How to convert non Muslims in to Islam by any means. They always encourage Love Jihad. That means converting any one by pretention of love. If the guy loves you so much, tell him to convert to Hinduism which is their ancestor’s religion. If he refuses, that will indicate that his love for religion is much more than love to you. At that condition, why should you marry him ? Plan your life with adequate maturity, so that you may not repent for rest of the life.
Hello Sammy,
Thank you for reaching out. Hindu-Muslim marriages are always complex. Before we go on specific of Malaysia laws, can you tell us what is your reservation not converting to Islam? Is that boy okay you not converting to Islam? Please get back to us, thanks.
Please cont,me xxxx