Malaysian Christian Boy in Love with a Muslim Girl

Gerald says: July 28, 2015 at 1:07 am

Hi I’m a Malaysian Christian boy and my girl is a Malaysian Muslim girl.both of us are planning to get married and both of us got no problem with our religion but the problem is our parents,her parents will only allow us to get married if I convert to Islam and my parents got no problem with me get married to her but they don’t want me to convert.. I just don’t want to hurt my parents and the same goes for her is there anything that we can do.please I really need some guidance.. -Gerald

Also read: Love with a Malaysian Muslim, Malaysian Marriage Laws, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Sharia: a video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • John
    November 7, 2015 8:48 am

    I have the same problem. Well, Almost the same…
    I have a relationship with a malay girl for Almost 3 years. Im from Europe. She s muslim and i am Christian. For me there is no problem bcz i can marry with who i want, doesnt matter What religion.
    I Really get along with her parents.
    But get married there is out of the question i guess. And i Really dont want that our childeren are beeing raised by one Religion. Every religion has the same value. I really regret that a religion ask converting.

  • October 24, 2015 5:46 am

    hi admin,
    my bf and i been in a relationship for 3 years now. both of us are malaysian. i am a muslim and he is a catholic christian. we really want to be together. we tried and been searching for solution in our case. we went to churches and mosque and found dead end to solve this. both mentioned that he needs to convert in order to marry me. he had been counselling by 2 fathers of his church because he loves me and i love him too. both of us tried to break our relationship but it is too strong. and we end up getting back together within a week. Both of us working in malaysia and wish not to leave this country.

    His family and i have a good relationship but his mom still didn’t know about us. But i know his mom know about us. in the same time, i think his mom is trying to introduce him to few of christian girls. As for me, i just have few bad experience with malay guys. Hence, that’s the reason why i don’t believe in malay guys anymore. My family knows about my bf, as a very close friend. but i can tell that my mom know, but she never pressure me. because of past relationship.

    I’ve been thinking about RCIA (to convert to be a christian). But he is too scared that i will be punished by malaysian law by doing it. what he wants is a church wedding, thats why i am thinking about converting. all i want is just to be with him. to me, religion is ruled by ONE god. it just the mainstream are different. So, doesn’t really matter to me. I pray in my own way. Not the religion way, but my own way.

    We searched and found few options but cannot decide which one will works for both of us.
    1. Eloped –> get married in some other country such as singapore. come back to malaysia and live as single? how about when we decide that we want to expand the family?

    2. Tell both our moms, the actual things that going on and pray for the best. I actually know the answer for this. Both of our moms most probably want conversion. (If we tell his mom about us, worst case scenario, his mom would be having heart attack. stupid idea is kidnapping his mom and bring her to nearest hospital, you know, just in case. to make thing even worst, his mom most probably forced him to marry other christian girl. As for my mom, her things is simple, my bf needs to convert.)

    3. ask my bf to fake-convert to muslim and marry me (without his mom knowing) and (secretly) re-convert back to christian. I would take the class and get baptised and do church wedding. Can the civil wedding be done in singapore and later we have a church wedding in malaysia?

    I desperately need help and advice as both of us really loves each other soo much and we want this to work out.

    Reply at

  • Gerald
    August 1, 2015 4:30 pm

    Hi,dear admin,
    Thank you for ur response,I am planning to work in Singapore after 2 years time is it possible for me to get PR there and get married to her there and is there any place where I can get a Muslim marriage certificate and register it in Malaysia.
    Thank you.

    • August 1, 2015 6:18 pm

      On “Muslim marriage certificate and register it in Malaysia”, unfortunately, the Nikaah (Muslim marriage) requires conversion. Muhammad thought about all these long before and thus has made smart rules. Do not plan to fake-convert, because you must decide if you are a Muslim or Christian. You cannot be both! This interfaith marriage with Muslim is a trap to convert rest of Malaysia to Islam, and you are a victim (lets see how it goes!).

  • August 1, 2015 8:23 am

    Dear Gerald,
    This is a very fair request that you don’t want to fake convert where you do not have faith in it. Unfortunately, reality of life is different. Marrying a Muslim in Malaysia by non-Muslim is difficult or almost impossible. Malay Sharia laws are very strict and favoring only Muslims. Your marriage with a Muslim cannot be registered there easily. Further, your children will have to be announced Muslim in their ID cards.

    You could go to Singapore and get married there and then come back to Malaysia as married couple, but it will create complexities later if you wish to register your marriage later in Malaysia. Read all recommended articles and let us know what else we could tell you.

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