Malaysian Chinese Girl with Pakistani Muslim

Jann says: June 20, 2016 at 3:04 am

I am a malaysian chinese non Muslim girl, and my boy friend is a pakistani muslim, we prepare to get marriage in Malaysia, is it possible to register our marriage without my conversion into Muslim. If the Sharia law apply to foreigner as well in our country? if I not mistaken sharia law only apply to Malaysian muslim, right? if it is true, in what procedure we need to go through in order to legalize our marriage reistration, Thank you. -Jann

Sharis Laws that all non-Muslims should know, Malaysia Marriage laws, A Hindu cannot marry a Malaysian Muslim, Singapore marriage laws, Indian marriage laws, DON’T Fake-convert (focus on Malaysia laws), Koran on Hindus?, Islamic Nikaah without conversion is not possible, InterfaithShaadi does not recommend this: I am in Singapore and married to a Muslim without conversion,
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  • February 1, 2017 9:00 am

    Me from pakistan butt my gf from malaysian chines we can married or not buz my gf not want to convert in muslim she allready have kids butt allready devorce …plzz help me here how can i get marry with she i not want to leave she ………

    Reply at

    • koh
      May 1, 2017 9:41 am

      very easy solution, you leave your muslim religion and follow your girldfriend religion. As you know muslim don’t have freedom of religion. So think of your future generation, did you want them to have no freedom like you. You may consider to change your islam religion in other country if in Malaysia is very difficult to do so.

  • Lhwang Dorjee
    June 30, 2016 7:38 am

    Marriage with Pakistani and that too Muslim! My goodness, you must be out of your mind!

  • June 20, 2016 8:21 pm

    Hi YC, can you share your understanding of M.sia’s laws to Jenn, thanks.

    Dear Jenn,

    One option is to ask him to convert to Buddhism and change his name. Somehow manage to change all his documents to the new name. This way Malay government has no interest in Buddhist-Chinese marriage. At least let him taste him the pain of conversion. Let us know what he says.

    Remember there are: 1) national laws and also 2) laws created by Muhammad (Koran). You may look at laws critically and find some loopholes in it but we recommend keeping a big picture in mind.

    First, read all Malay laws here. As far we understood, a foreigner can marry as they wish, as far the intent is not to settle in Malaysia. Probably they will not register your marriage to a Muslim and give that Pakistani Muslim boy friend permanent residency based on your marriage. Please search and confirm.

    Lets assume you managed to get married and based on that he become a citizen of Malaysia. Now the government can say that he is a Malay married to a non-Muslim and that is illegal. Later, you will have children. What will it say in their MyKad for their religion? If the father is a Malaysian Muslim, children (and wife) must be Muslims.

    For a Muslim to marry a non-Muslim is not allowed as per Koran 2:221. Even you get married, Koran 60:11 instructs to divorce the non-believer. You will have always a threat of him divorcing (after he gets is permanent residency in Malaysia) you unless you convert. Remember, he is from Pakistan where the society is very conservative and learned not to tolerate non-Muslims. How will you get adjusted to his family? Have you talked to them about your plan to get married in court? Get back to us and we will discuss more, thanks.

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