Malay Muslim wishes to convert to Hinduism

Karim says: April 25, 2018 at 3:14 am
Hi Admin,

I am a malaysian muslim guy wanted to marry my chinese girlfriend. Is there any way we can get married? I wanted to convert to hinduism. Is that possible? Can i get converted in singapore or india?

Can both of us marry in singapore or india? -Karin

Karim says: April 25, 2018 at 10:54 pm

Hi admin, thanks a lot for the ideas. The answer for the last question will answer both of your questions, my father(passed away) was a hindu, my mother is a muslim. My father converted to islam to get married. But they didnt raise me as a muslim child. My father’s side relatives (hindus) n includibg my father himself raised me up with hinduism toughts. N now im a hindu guy with a islam mykad. Thanks.

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Malay-Hindu Relationships, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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  • April 25, 2018 7:05 pm

    You can marry any place, Malaysia, Singapore or India. Read more here.

    In Malaysia, the Chinese girl will have to convert to Islam.
    In Singapore and India, you can have civil wedding where there is no need for conversion.
    If you wish to settle in India, there is no need for you to convert.

    Tell us why you picked Hinduism to convert? Your girl friend may be Buddhist, why not that?

    Why you don’t like your own faith, Islam, and wish to revert to other faiths?

    • Karim
      April 25, 2018 10:54 pm

      Hi admin, thanks a lot for the ideas. The answer for the last question will answer both of your questions, my father(passed away) was a hindu, my mother is a muslim. My father converted to islam to get married. But they didnt raise me as a muslim child. My father’s side relatives (hindus) n includibg my father himself raised me up with hinduism toughts. N now im a hindu guy with a islam mykad. Thanks.

      • April 26, 2018 7:59 pm

        Hi Karim,
        Get connected with Sue at, a very similar story.

        It is so unfortunate that Islam is imposed on your throat, even you don’t want it. If you express your wishes (to be a Hindu) you will be punished for apostasy. What a barbaric practice and barbaric ideologies? Refugees and immigrant Muslims in the West are demanding equality from Christian majority nations but as soon as Muslims have majority, Christians and other minorities will be marginalized. One day France will also have same Sharia laws.

        your father fake converted to islam. Now your girl friend will have to fake convert to Islam to marry you in Malaysia. This will keep going for next 1000 generations (hindu with an islam mykad), even none of you wish to be a Muslim. We find it funny what other Muslims come and tell us Islam has full liberty; what liberty?

        We just feel like crying! You are trapped by Islam. You are innocent victims.

        You can get converted out of Islam any place but how will you get your MyKad get changed?

        How are you going to marry your Chinese girl without conversion?

        Get out of that hell Islamic country and enjoy liberty and freedom as a Hindu.

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