Making my child a Hindu a mistake?

disturbed says: May 11, 2013 at 2:37 pm

I am a Muslim girl from India, I love a Hindu boy and we both want to marry each other, he loves me a lot and cares about me too, but after marriage he wants me to convert to Hindu religion because of this Indian society, as medium class society of India will not accept this, they will pass taunts to you and see you in some other way and also for our child’s future like he should not face any problem in society because of our inter religion marriage.

Inert religion marriages are accepted in high class society but the fact is it is not accepted in middle class families in India. But I have faith in Muslim culture I can’t leave it but will follow Hindu culture too. I want to ask that I being a Muslim from my heart and teaching my children about Hindu culture will it be right for me, because I don’t want to leave that guy I love him so much and I am not finding any other way.

And for my Muslim brothers and sisters by making my child a Hindu am I doing a mistake. But I am not having any other option. Plz help me…. -Disturbed

Admin says:

Dear Disturbed and Confused,

First read all that we have said below. Read experiences of other Muslim girls here. Also soon other Muslim sisters will come here to guide you. Soon you will not be a confused or disturbed.

First tell your bf NO for “he wants me to convert to Hindu religion”. Tell him that Hinduism does not ask others to convert and why he is asking for it? Tell him that you wish to follow both faiths, and children will be Hindu and Muslim both.

If you are worrying about following Koran, Muhammad, and worrying about the Judgment Day, then don’t marry this Hindu. Find other Muslim boy who is performing namaz five times in a day and be one of his four wives. Read what Koran is saying for Hindus, why will you want to marry a Hindu?

If you are not a religions fanatic Muslim, then follow Allah instead of Muhammad. Do that is right to do in this world. Marry your lover , accept his culture and be part of his religious activities (but don’t convert). That does not mean you give up your culture and identity. Teach children from both Koran and Geeta. Your children will not be Hindus or Muslims, but they will be good citizens of mother India. Be happy and make others happy.

You said some of these are not possible because you are a middle class. If so, wait for 2-3 years before getting married. Meantime, get good education and find a paid job. That will be a secret to you success. Best wishes. -Admin.

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • July 16, 2013 5:00 am

    I am a Hindu boy, born in RSS activist family and I am also RSS activist. During my engineering I meet a girl, She is Muslim (Tabliq muslim). After 4 years of refusing feelings, We finally accepted that we love each other and living apart is painful and like a punishment. We decided to take a chance. From start we know that We both hate each other’s religion. but when we are together we never raise religious issues. next 4 years were most beautiful, blossom of love were upon us.
    Then comes trouble. My parents arranged my marriage with Hindu girl. I told my love about the end of relationship, As we know from start that one day this is going to happen, after much of pain we accept the reality, We separate.

    On the eve of engagement, I realized that I can’t love other girl. I cancelled the marriage, In mean time my love also find a suitable muslim bf, who knows her past with me. He accepted her.

    One day we (me n my muslim gf) luckly meet each other, I realized that she is not happy, its just a passing everyday without any hope or happiness. We both feel we should spend time together last time to have a memories on which we can live further life. But now time had changed we were not a happy go lucky collage guys, We had some goals in life. . we realized that religion, family, children, there marriage, financial status have there own locus. Especially families, as she n I both have younger sisters who are unmarried.
    So once again we decide to buried our love.

    Now I once again found that, I can’t love other girl, Even I try, I can’t kiss other girl because i am burning inside for my true love.
    Six months past, I called her every single day, she cut my phone each time. Yesterday I called her, She said ‘Don’t wait for me’. But now I know She is in same situation as i am. We both know no one is going to change religion, 1951’s special marraige act is there for us.

    10 years had passed now, When I first saw her and actually fall in love at first sight.

    Reply at

  • May 26, 2013 10:17 am

    Dear Admn.

    GIG is a shameless woman, converted to islam for sexual purpose from different locations like vagina, anus and mouth.

    She is the blot on the name of mankind. Let her enjoy her sexual desire with thousands of talibanies.

    • May 26, 2013 1:46 pm

      Sorry, we do not feel the way you see it.

      GIG is an intelligent woman and probably done enough research on Islam and now enjoy it. So be it. We wish her the best.

      People’s faith changes over years or even several times in one life. That is why it is good that there are many religions.

      Relating to GIG, only thing we regret that she explored Islam because of love with a boy. Before settling for Islam, we think, she did not read Bible and Buddhist books, and thus did not gave a fair chance to other faiths (or other Gods!!).

      Now once GIG’s mind is locked into one, she cannot see beauty in others. May be after 10 years, she may think it different way, or not.

      So far GIG is happy in her life, others should not have any reason to complain.

  • May 25, 2013 5:30 am

    Sorry, correction here?

    Without insisting me to convert.

  • May 25, 2013 5:20 am

    Hello every,

    Nice to some interesting blogs on this site.
    I am Gazala, 29 years old, a muslim girl originally from Iran and presently working at Vitoria Airport in Spain. I am in a deep love with a Hindu boy,(29-1/2 yrs) who is also working in the same airport, one level higher to my grade. My parents wants me to marry a muslim boy, but I have straightaway rejected their offer. Being financially independent and settled in Europe only my decision shall prevail. Due to various islamic evils that I have witnessed in my nearest and dearest relatives and friends, I have decided to marry my Hindu BF only.

    He is supportive,intelligent and very committed and loyal towards everlasting relationships, with insisting me to convert.

    I have seen on this blog various such matters and wonderful pieces of advice very logically.

  • May 24, 2013 8:56 am

    Hello Admn.

    How GIG can understand the spritual philosphy of Hindu religion.
    Her mind set does not want to listen against Islamic evils, thought she might suffer sooner or later. Just to defend her ego, she beats only around the bush. So many evils which have hurt millions of humans in this earth, but even then she does not accept.

  • GodIsGreat
    May 20, 2013 12:18 pm

    Dear admin,
    I am losing you here. I don’t get what you are saying by ganesh visarjan and keeping God’s message. Kaaba is not a God like Ganesh and if Ganesh is God why are you calling him a tool? And Islam isn’t claiming that its tools are better than others!?! its just inviting people to see the truth and use their own intellect. And you don’t need to worry about my daughters, no matter how many children I have they will have a clear concept of God and why we are on this earth. They won’t ask me questions like why we have so many Gods and why is some God better than other which I am certain even adult Hindus won’t have a sensible answer to except saying “there are different ways to reach God”
    If your children ask you such a question I suggest you to say there are diff ways to reach God but ultimately God is just “ONE”!!! Best of luck to you to explain that

    • May 20, 2013 10:14 pm

      Dear GiG,
      Marble-Ganesh-statue, marble-Kaaba-cube and wood-cross are not Gods, but are focus points to reach to the ONE God. Mind of an average person is always wavering, and that is why religions have provided tools to help focus.

      An enlightened Hindu does not need neither a temple nor a murti, but could do meditation and make direct connection with Allah. Swami Vivekananda did not believe in idol worshipping, but you and your mother do need help. Your mother used those murtis tools and, likewise, you need the Kaaba tool; there is no difference between you two.

      If you feel you are enlightened, then you do not need Shahadah, Kaaba or stories about Muhammad’s glories. You directly focus on Allah, simple as is.

      • GodIsGreat
        May 21, 2013 12:30 am

        It really is sad that you cannot see a difference, for you may be Ganesh is only a “tool” to meditate but majority of Hindus will differ. And the Ka’aba as I explained before is not a tool to concentrate. if it were there would be miniature Ka’aba in every mosque and people would be facing those miniature Ka’abas’ and not the real one, whether you understand or not I have done my part,but alas God only guides who he wills and ultimately its you who needs help

        • May 21, 2013 1:03 am

          We are glad that you are here to help us. If billions of people pray to one Kaaba or every one has a photo of Kaaba in their home, still it is black cube that help them focus. Hindus could make one big Ganesh and every one pray only to the one and only Ganesh, that does not change the story.

          • GodIsGreat
            May 21, 2013 1:16 am

            Again I will keep repeating Billions of people DON’T PRAY to Ka’aba they just face the Ka’aba to assure equality and uniformity amoung the whole muslimcommunity but praying to Ganesh idol is different, its worshipped in every home and is not for concentration like you said but Ganesh is considered as one of the deities

  • sandhya ram
    May 17, 2013 3:19 pm

    The Hindu Woman:

    1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.
    2. She has no property or inheritance rights.

    3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.

    4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.

    5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today’s law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other “holy” ways (see below).

    6. She cannot remarry.

    7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children’s marriage!)

    8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.

    The Muslim Woman:

    1.The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.
    2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.

    3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken.

    4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way around as is practiced by some ignorant Muslims).

    5. A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.

    6.Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping in society.

    7. A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.

    What right do the Hindus have to criticize the Muslims? Have you ever heard of a Muslim burning his wife? In parts of India women die daily of dowry deaths – Hindu women being burnt by the husband or in-laws. The Brahmins are trying to claim that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. I ask you again. “Do the Hindus respect their women?”

    You be the judge.

    Experience of a Converted Hindu Woman
    My Experiences and How I Find that Islam does not Oppress Women
    by by Sister Noor

    I came from a purely Hindu family where we were always taught to regard ourselves (i.e. women) as beings who were eventually to be married off and have children and serve the husband – whether he was kind or not. Other than this I found that there were a lot of things which really oppressed women, such as:
    * If a woman was widowed, she would always have to wear a white sari (costume), eat vegetarian meals, cut her hair short, and never re-marry. The bride always had to pay the dowry (bridal money) to the husband’s family. And the husband could ask for anything, irrespective of whether the bride would have difficulty giving it.
    * Not only that, if after marriage she was not able to pay the full dowry she would be both emotionally and physically tortured, and could end up being a victim of “kitchen death” where the husband, or both the mother-in-law and the husband try to set fire to the wife while she is cooking or is in the kitchen, and try to make it look like an accidental death. More and more of these instances are taking place. The daughter of a friend of my own father’s had the same fate last year!

    * In addition to all this, men in Hinduism are treated literally as among the gods. In one of the religious Hindu celebrations, unmarried girls pray for and worship an idol representing a particular god (Shira) so that they may have husbands like him. Even my own mother had asked me to do this. This made me see that the Hindu religion which is based on superstitions and things that have no manifest proof , but were merely traditions which oppressed women could not be right.

    Subsequently, when I came to England to study, I thought that at least this is a country which gives equal rights to men and women, and does not oppress them. We all have the freedom to do as we like, I thought. Well, as I started to meet people and make new friends, learn about this new society, and go to all the places my friends went to in order to “socialise” (bars, dance halls, etc.). I realised that this “equality” was not so true in practice as it was in theory.
    Outwardly, women were seen to be given equal rights in education, work, and so forth, but in reality women were still oppressed in a different, more subtle way. When I went with my friends to those places they hung out at, I found everybody interested to talk to me and I thought that was normal. But it was only later that I realised how naïve I was, and recognised what these people were really looking for. I soon began to feel uncomfortable, as if I was not myself: I had to dress in a certain way so that people would like me, and had to talk in a certain way to please them. I soon found that I was feeling more and more uncomfortable, less and less myself, yet I could not get out. Everybody was saying they were enjoying themselves, but I don’t call this enjoying.

    I think women in this way of life are oppressed; they have to dress in a certain way in order to please and appear more appealing, and also talk in a certain way so people like them. During this time I had not thought about Islam, even though I had some Muslim acquaintances. But I felt I really had to do something, to find something that I would be happy and secure with, and would feel respected with. Something to believe in that is the right belief, because everybody has a belief that they live according to. If having fun by getting off with other people is someone’s belief, they do this. If making money is someone’s belief, they do everything to achieve this. If they believe drinking is one way to enjoy life then they do it. But I feel all this leads to nowhere; no one is truly satisfied, and the respect women are looking for is diminishing in this way.

    In these days of so called “society of equal rights”, you are expected to have a boyfriend (or you’re weird!) and to not be a virgin. So this is a form of oppression even though some women do not realise it. When I came to Islam, it was obvious that I had finally found permanent security. A religion, a belief that was so complete and clear in every aspect of life. Many people have a misconception that Islam is an oppressive religion, where women are covered from head to toe, and are not allowed any freedom or rights. In fact, women in Islam are given more rights, and have been for the past 1400 years, compared to the only-recently rights given to non-Muslim women in some western and some other societies. But there are, even now, societies where women are still oppressed, as I mentioned earlier in relation to Hindu women.

    Muslim women have the right to inheritance. They have the right to run their own trade and business. They have the full right to ownership, property, disposal over their wealth to which the husband has no right. They have the right to education, a right to refuse marriage as long as this refusal is according to reasonable and justifiable grounds. The Qur’an itself, which is the Word of God, contains many verses commanding men to be kind to their wives and stressing the rights of women. Islam gives the right set of rules, because they are NOT made by men, but made by God; hence it is a perfect religion.

    Quite often Muslim women are asked why they are covered from head to toe, and are told that this is oppression – it is not. In Islam, marriage is an important part of life, the making of the society. Therefore, a woman should not go around showing herself to everybody, only for her husband. Even the man is not allowed to show certain parts of his body to none but his wife. In addition, God has commanded Muslim women to cover themselves for their modesty:

    “O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) over their bodies (when outdoors). That is most convenient that they could be known as such (i.e. decent and chaste) and not molested.” (Qur’an 33:59)
    If we look around at any other society, we find that in the majority of cases women are attacked and molested because of how they are dressed. Another point I’d like to comment on is that the rules and regulation laid down in Islam by God do not apply just to women but to men also. There is no intermingling and free-running between men and women for the benefit of both. Whatever God commands is right, wholesome, pure and beneficial to mankind; there is no doubt about that. A verse in the Qur’an explains this concept clearly:

    “Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and protect their private parts (i.e. from indecency, illegal sexual acts, etc.); that will make for greater purity for them. And God is well aware of what they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and protect their private parts (from indecency, illegal sexual intercourse, etc.); and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments . . . ” (Qur’an, Surah Al-Nur 24:31)
    When I put on my hijab (veil), I was really happy to do it. In fact, I really want to do it. When I put on the hijab, I felt a great sense of satisfaction and happiness. Satisfied that I had obeyed God’s command. And happy with the good and blessings that come with it. I have felt secure and protected. In fact people respect me more for it. I could really see the difference in behaviour towards me.

    Finally, I’d like to say that I had accepted Islam not blindly, or under any compulsion. In the Qur’an itself there is a verse which says “Let there be no compulsion in religion”. I accepted Islam with conviction. I have seen, been there, done that, and seen both sides of the story. I know and have experienced what the other side is like, and I know that I have done the right thing. Islam does not oppress women, but rather Islam liberates them and gives them the respect they deserve. Islam is the religion God has chosen for the whole of mankind. Those who accept it are truly liberated from the chains and shackles of mankind whose ruling and legislating necessitates nothing but the oppression of one group by another and the exploitation and oppression of one sex by the other. This is not the case of Islam which truly liberated women and gave them an individuality not given by any other authority.

  • Satyen
    May 14, 2013 2:03 pm

    Dear disturbed,

    If you have love for the Muslim culture, you should detach from the Hindu guy as it’s not possible for a Muslim guy to follow Hindu culture simultaneously. Can water and mercury mix up ? There are so many disimilarities between these two cultures that you will find it hard to reconcile it. Moreover, the problem will spiral further once you will have children. To understand my point, start listing the cultural practices and see how apart they are. A few examples are given below:

    Hindus pray in front of idols
    Hindus won’t circumscise their children
    Hindus won’t like burqa/naqab/hizab etc. for their girls
    Hindus won’t eat halaal meat in general and beef in particular
    Hindus touch the feet of their elders against the Muslim culture
    Hindus sing and dance against the Muslim culture

  • Anas Khan
    May 14, 2013 3:41 am


    i love a girl, she is hindu. She loves me too.
    our relationship is for a year or more.
    Is it right if we marry without our parents consent.
    As they will not be agree, i am sure.

    Any suggestion.

    • May 14, 2013 9:59 am

      Anas Khan,
      First find out who you are and what do you want. We highly recommend that you read this article

      Also be honest and ask your gf to come on this site and ask her to read

      After that, take a piece of paper and you both write down what do you want. Get back to us after it and we will help you how to deal with parents.

    • mohammed aleem uddin
      March 19, 2014 11:35 pm

      convert her to Muslim teach her the Islam tell her the truth of quran and sun-nah. never guide her false of Islam which you thinks seems her to help her in converting Islam just tell her truth of Islam ……. but u did a mistake Islam doesn’t allow a boy or girl to love b4 marriage…. but almighty is merciful ask maafi from Allah do touba……… and try to convince her parents as much as u can because they too have the right on their children, Islam never teach force convert remember pray Allah ask his help…. surely you will get ur love…. remember convert her to Islam and marry

  • May 13, 2013 10:24 am

    Hello GIG,

    You are probably in India, that is why you are able to enjoy several benefits of legislation and avoid cruelties of islamic countries.
    What are your view points on the following matters:-

    (i) Mutta marriages,
    (ii) Halala practices,
    (iii) Proving verginity on the wedding night
    (iv) Sex with dead wife,
    (v) Female genital mutiliation,


    • mohammed aleem uddin
      March 19, 2014 11:52 pm

      gurnam who told you muttaih is practised in islam, it is done by shia (rabzi) Iranian people. not by ahle sunnat ul jamat Muslim…. and in Islam who recite kalma other then this ALLAH IS ONE AND MOHAMMED MUSTAFA SALALAHU WAALIHE SALAM ( PEACE BE UP ON HIM)is the last messenger of islam from allah, is not considered as muslim……and shia people recite different kalma and they cant considered as Muslim…. your third question.. PROOF VIRGINITY ON WEDDING NIGHT…..this is also base less in fact on first night if bride couldn’t able to get normal than bride groom should nt insist her for intercourse he should give her time as mush she want…..4th one…… who told u about sex with dead wife……….. brother before making any allegation make it sure please i request….
      female circumcision is completely not true off course some has to done that is completely different from circumcision which i cant explain you here………. please GURNAM before making any allegation make it confirm…… and to know the Islam don’t look at Muslim go through Islam every religion has wrong believers for that certain people you cant considered whole religion is wrong………..

  • May 12, 2013 4:09 am

    Hi disturbed,

    What I could guess from the life story, there is some thing still missing in your both understanding. Why did you love him knowing that he is Hindu? Regarding conversion, Hinduism is a liberal religion, they find presence of God in both living and non-living things. Better cleared your observation from him and get the matter resolved otherwise there is no point to continue relations?

    Are you working girl or not? please indicate,
    I am muslim girl from Pakistan and workig in Bollywood industry. I find Hindu guys are far more intelligent and liberal than muslim guys.
    Moreover you may be required to prove virginity on the wedding night, if you marry a muslim guy? Do you accept this practice and would you tolerate, your muslim husband keeping another 3 wives ?

    Make a critical analysis and come to a conclusion.


    • zahid
      May 12, 2013 5:53 am

      You r not muslim if you hate Islam and donot call youself muslim from pakistan

  • May 12, 2013 3:11 am

    Dear god is gr8…u honestly r nothing! U have not achieved peace in life. People can get caught up in problems n others can guide them with solutions. But hopeless r those who r like you. Forget about hinduism and islam…first try n be a balanced soul. A true follower of god is he who keeps at bay from effescting others mind. He is neutral. A human like you who can follow nothing with balance. You first need to be a good human. Religion will follow u.

    • GodIsGreat
      May 12, 2013 3:17 am

      Dear Diya,

      If you would see the responses on this site you wouldn’t even use the world neutral ever. My goal is just to make everyone see the truth that people here are hiding behind stereotypes and cliches. You don’t even know me so please refrain from making personal comments about balance, peace etc and anyways my reply was for admin, I don’t know ehy you took it upon yourself to answer what I have asked the admin

  • May 12, 2013 3:02 am

    My dearest! May be my knowledge of the vedas n shastras will guide u. If someone tells you to convert to HINDUISM then he needs to understand that in hinduism there is no conversion. Anyone who considers the brahamman as a manifestation of the all mighty, lives a life on ahimsa and respects every creature from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope is a HINDU. The garuda puran (the book which has all the sins along with corresponding punishments) clearly states that forced faith or pulling away someone from his “isht” will have the severest punishment, such person will not get moksha. U have to understand that hinduism professes ahinsha and if u convert someone, u kill their soul. Thus convertion is not even a part of hinduism. Your BF dznt even know his religion. YOU MUST NEVER follow something that comes from ur heart! And conversion to hinduism is not possible coz th concept of conversion is anti-hinduism!

    • truth
      May 12, 2013 9:28 am

      ” Hinduism does not Allow conversion” is MIS- CONCEPTION. Hinduisms does support believers ( conversion in normal terms). All you need to do is renounce you current religion and start following Rama. That’s it for legal reasons you can visit local court for procedures. But short answer is its Possible to convert to Hinduism.

    • June 3, 2013 5:41 am

      Dear sister, if u really love Hindu guy then dont bother about shackles of religion as even if you convert to hindu..still u will follow the same God,as not many know that even Hindu religious books like Vedas talk about one supreme khuda, at the end its ur choice.

      • Tenali
        June 3, 2013 9:27 am

        Excellent view Brother! Religion need not be the criterion for finding spouse. I wish every one in the world holds such enlightened views.

  • GodIsGreat
    May 12, 2013 2:46 am

    And no muslim who knows the importance and meanings of the most importan verses in Quran will think of following any other cultural activities.
    I am a convert and believe me before converting this was one of my thoughts that I wish I could follow my Hindu roots too but everthing just starts getting clear and the truth comes to the fore. Thanks

    • GodIsGreat
      May 12, 2013 2:47 am

      I was more than happy to leave my cultural activities because they didnt make any sense to me. Sense and intellect must prevail

    • truth
      May 12, 2013 9:35 am

      What a fake lame story, I bet you can’t remember the “cultural activities” you are referring to. you know I have seen so many of you fakers I can catch them right when they tell it. You are fake as your allah.

      • GodIsGreat
        May 19, 2013 8:30 am

        Hahah, your calling me fake doesn’t make me fake. I’ll tell you all the cultural practices. Let’s start with Ganesh chaturthi…
        1) I used to keep shraavan fasts on every mondays and also refrain from eating non veg
        2) for 11 days ganesh sits at my maternal uncles home and we go for every pooja and also the visarjan. Plus visits to siddhi vinayak throughout the year
        3) My mother is a devout follower of swami samarth baba, I too was following him
        4) Every year would go to pray in front of the Holi fire for Holika devi
        5) Diwali is a grand affair at our place, with sweets and all but most importantly laxmi pujan where we all gathered to pray
        6) Celebrated Dusshera, shopped specially on akshay trithiya
        7) Kept fasts on angarika cause it comes only twice a year
        8)Refrained from eating non veg on tuesdays and thursdays

        But after learning about Islam I came to know, you dont need to go to a temple 30 kms away from your house to worship God, you don’t need to pray to different idols for different problems (like my mom believes in swami samarth because he keeps her safe in journeys etc and worships laxmi so she would shower us with wealth)
        Allah(The One and Only God) who created such an amazing universe for us is sufficient for that, he manages the affairs of even the smallest of insects, why won’t he guide us? Hope you get it NOW Mr truth

        • May 19, 2013 9:07 pm

          Dear GIG,

          You have jumped from a frying pan (Hinduism) to fire (Islam)! We do not see any difference, it is only your faith, not a logic.

          You said, “you dont need to go to a temple”, but Muslim have to go to Mosque on Friday and pray five times a day at exact time. If God is every where and will be there, then why time is important for namaz at exact times? Why the direction of Saudi Arabia important? Why visit of Kaaba idol is important?

          You said, “like my mom believes in swami …..”, but now you are doing the same thing again. Now you believe in Swami Muhammad, why is the difference?

          You said, “worships laxmi so she would shower us with wealth”, but now you worship Muhammad’s Allah because you wish to go to heaven in the AFTER life. There is no proof of after life, other than your faith!

          You said, “Allah(The One and Only God)” read our reply here…

          • GodIsGreat
            May 20, 2013 2:34 am

            Dear admin,

            You keep saying you have read the Quran from start to end but you don’t even know the basic functionalities of Islam. I urge you to read it again with all your sense.
            Allah has made humans equal and there in commanded even the little functionalities to be equal. So all muslims face the Ka’aba which means they are united and equal no inferiors or no superiors (otherwise for example may be the rich would be facing the sun and praying and poor against the sun). Praying in congregration in the mosque is important so that all the people whether a billionaire or a beggar who gather there know that they are “EQUAL” in front of Allah and pray shoulder to shoulder
            And again I am saying as any muslim would say I am praying only to Allah not worshipping Muhammad(saw), Muhammad(saw) is a guidance whom we should look upto to follow Islam properly, because simple logic, unless you use an example you would not understand a concept(eg: maths problems)
            Hope I answered your doubt 🙂

          • GodIsGreat
            May 20, 2013 2:37 am

            And for praying five times according to the prescribed way is so that you remember your Creator everyday for few minutes not just in times of despair and hardships, also its not compulsary to pray on time if you won’t be able to but its important you pray. According to God its only for your good, if only you knew!!

          • May 20, 2013 9:57 am

            You said praying for 5 times make you disciplined and “simple logic, unless you use an example you would not understand a concept(eg: maths problems)”, this is true for every religions. There is one God, different people use different tools, that all. Every one claims that my tools are better than others. Hindus use Ganesh to help focus on the God, and to make that point, in the end they do the Ganesh Vishrgan (removing the idol, but keeping God’s message). Again, the statue of Ganesh is a tool, like Kaaba, no difference.

            One day, you daughters will tell that my mother and my biological father we following some Swami Muhammad. We pray that Allah to give you lots of daughters. Please keep in touch!

          • May 20, 2013 10:11 am

            You said, “Allah has made humans equal”, that is not true. Muhammad told to kill or brutally treat all non-believer humans. So there are good people like you and other Muslims, and there are others who are sinners, like your parents, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, etc.

        • truth
          May 19, 2013 10:05 pm

          All this is fake, this standard templates answers can be found anywhere on Islamic sites, with fake conversion stories. So final verdict – you and you story is fake, no doubt about it. You Muslims ate spineless creature that does not believe in truth, you follow devil not god, which god will differentiate humans based on belief, just you Allah, the most violent devil of yours, deeds you show is sufficient for showing what is Islam. I await some more of your *proof*.

          • GodIsGreat
            May 20, 2013 2:42 am

            Hi truth,
            You are really ridiculous. You can see idea of templates in some Islamic posts of mine but not in the hunderds of anti Islamic posts on this site.
            And you say diffeirentiating humans on belief then what else should they be differentiated on? Whether they come from the feet of Brahma(Shudras) or the head of Brahma(Brahmins) or whether they worship the Holy Spirit, God or Jesus Christ.

            Verse 109
            Say, “O disbelievers, [1] I do not worship that which you worship,
            [2] nor do you worship the One whom I worship.
            [3] And neither I am going to worship that which you have worshipped, [4] nor will you worship the One whom I worship.
            [5] For you is your faith, and for me, my faith.”

          • Truth
            June 3, 2013 6:22 pm

            @GIG- you quoting quranic verse proves you are a fake ! So chill we know who is what.

        • mohammed aleem uddin
          March 20, 2014 12:03 am

          brother who ever you are you did the best of best all the worldly activities….. i congrats you but my brother never leave your parents obey them respect them until and unless they ask you to do against Islam,, in fact Islam say don’t streak them back even though they ask u to do against Islam after all they are your parents try to convince them and always dua for them from Allah……… but never hurt your parents. once again congrats and try to learn Islam from quran and sun-nah not from any mullah peer fakir………… may allah help u in every walk of your life……..

  • GodIsGreat
    May 12, 2013 2:43 am


    I was really impressed by this reply until I came across you advicing her to marry a muslim guy with four wives!!! What a stereotype 🙁
    And regarding what Quran says about Hindus, The Quran doesn’t say anything about Hindus but talks about disbelievers, polytheists (even Christians are polytheists because they believe in the trinity).

    And let me make it clear to you that disbelievers are not all non muslims, but actually those who reject the truth even after it has come to them so if some Hindu dies a hindu without getting a message of Islam he won’t be punished by God because he never got to see the truth but on the Judgement Day his deeds will matter.
    InshaAllah may everyone be guided to the right path

    • May 12, 2013 10:42 pm

      Dear GIG,
      Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Barak Obama and Manmohan Singh are/were exposed to teachings of Islam but decided to follow a different religion. Are they going to get the Hell Fire?

      • mohammed aleem uddin
        March 20, 2014 12:08 am

        administration Allah knows better of these people.. off course they did best job in their lives, but Allah knows best of them about me and about you….. you try to learn Islam from quran and sunnah you will understand what is Islam not from net or from any Muslim like me also………. Allah HIDAYAT DE app ku.

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