mac: I Have Girlfriend, She is Hindu

Koran (24:30) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze (click on the photo)
Koran (24:30) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze (click on the photo)
mac says: July 30, 2014 at 2:51 am

i have gf, she is hindu, but i never touched her and i told her what ever we will do is after marriage if marraige is possible at the end, if not then not, she will have her virginity, i will not destroy her virginity, and why would you (Seeba) choose a boyfriend who doesn`t marry you but still enjoys your body, why you choose such dirty boys who don`t respect girls and their pre-marragial status? -mac

mac says: February 15, 2015 at 4:09 am

I don`t hate Hindus, when did I say I hate Hindus, don`t put words in my mouth, and remove this post because I didn`t ask here for help, and what can I do when every now and then I find a Hindu girl staring at me and you know what happens after that. I never looked for any girl, but some how they come in my life and with passage of time they leave.. -mac

Learn more on mac at My Mother Was Brahmin

sarah says: February 13, 2015 at 5:40 am

mac, I would recommend your hindu girlfriend never to marry YOU after going through your opinions. Very sad -Sarah

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  • Aakash Mallik
    May 15, 2015 7:23 am

    Ri8 mac bro……uts simply that they dont see whats wrong with them and they try to point out whats wrong with us……pure illitracy…

    • May 15, 2015 7:35 am

      Aakash, remember it is both ways. If you are not sure what we are talking about, (reply to mac’s e-mail) remind us how many girls Muhammad slept with in his life? Later we will get into their ages, how many in one night and who killed (some of) their husbands.

      Remember Aakash, these religious books are written by man not God. There are problems with ALL faiths. It is religious leaders are making fights between good humans of this world for their survival. So it is our person request not to throw dirt at any faith for advantage of other faith. There is nothing to gain from such trashing. Don’t learn “There is only one God and that is mine!” … that is childish talk.

      • Aakash Mallik
        May 15, 2015 11:10 am

        No never admin….
        It has been my belief and will always be…God is one and we belong to him……
        And he is everybody’s God….I believe in equality…….
        But when other folks try to publicise themselves just by writing rubbish that too on the name of someperson who is neutral all together……Blood is bound to boil….
        Thanku for ur support and ur advice……I wish Kartar and Massey halt their cheap talks….hate speeches and below the belt dirty talks…..that would do the reads a hell lot of good…..

        • Aakash Mallik
          May 15, 2015 11:19 am

          Btw admin…if u are trying to point out to mac bro’s comment which he did to defend me…..i hope u read everything Mr. Kartar wrote about me….. And it was him….who initiated it….. Now my dear admin…..we are noble folks here….humble and educated..
          ….Are we here everyday reading and blogging just to read rubbish about us that come out of no where just coz some dude is frustated over his dog coz the dog peed on his new undergarments…….heck no……we are here to promote interfaith relations…at least i m here for the good cause……i dont desreve such replied alri8….
          If u (Admin) cant help in maintating the dignity of ur bloggers…then i m very sorry to say….u would loose a great deal of readers and bloggers…and ur noble cause may fade away in the dust……

          Peace…….thanks again admin for ur lovely attitude and behaviour…

        • May 18, 2015 9:20 pm


          Question is not “God is one” but which one? When the second commandment (and Koran) states strict wordings against other God(s) or other belief system, which are “other” God(s)? Who decide which believe system is right and which one is wrong? Is Shia or Sunni a true Muslim? Is Jesus or Muhammad giving us true message? Are Jains better than Buddhists, and who decides that? Who?

          How do you support exclusivity thought process? Why not “he is everybody’s God….I believe in equality”? Why not let every one believe what ever they wish to, as far as not hurting others. Do you believe in Islamic superiority/exclusivity?

          • Aakash
            May 18, 2015 10:47 pm

            Let everyone do as they wish and one day we will turn animals… u knw why only human beings are on top of the evolution tree…coz we were gifted with deciplin….
            Nw i must mention…..deciplin is diffrnet from dictatorship……
            And freedom should nt be mistaken for mayhem……
            Freedom can be practiced within the borders of diciplin……..

  • February 28, 2015 2:41 am


    Where is the judgement day for ISIS, Hiz Bolla, Al Quaida etc. groups who are engaged in blood shed, killing, raping, kidnapping? Female lives have been made hell by these groups.

    Islamic clerics through madarasas and mosques, brain washing innocents. No country is left safe from such elements.

    Islamic clerics teach innocents that 72 virgins are waiting for terrorists if they are killed? Is it a religion? not at all, it is an ideology of criminals against humanity.

  • February 21, 2015 8:56 am

    mac, you never answer on these, “…you know what happens after that?”. NO, we do not know what a “true” Muslim does to Hindu girls, explain to us. Further, how many Hindu girls came to your life so far?

    • admin
      March 4, 2015 8:25 pm

      mac, we are loosing you.

      How many Hindu girls you have dated so far and how many Muslim girls?

      Being a Muslim, do you follow, “Koran (24:30) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze” do you follow this? Alternatively are you playing taqiyya to lure Hindu girl to Islam?

      Are you following your father’s foot-steps of converting a Hindu?

      How your actions different that a LOVE-JIHADI?

      • mac
        March 5, 2015 12:20 am

        Admin asked
        “How many Hindu girls you have dated so far and how many Muslim girls? ”
        –and you will add my answers to `my mother was brahmin` page, its my personal matter, so i refuse to share it with the world.

        “Being a Muslim, do you follow, “Koran (24:30) says Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze” do you follow this? Alternatively are you playing taqiyya to lure Hindu girl to Islam?”
        – listen when i had relation with muslim or non-muslim girl , at that time i didn`t knew a thing about Quran, i didn`t know what`s written in quran, yes now i am following 24:30 and at present I am single but still a hindu girl is trying me..lets see what happens…

        • March 6, 2015 9:09 pm

          You should disclose to her honestly and upfront that the girl will have to be 100% Muslim and 0% Hindu, if that is what you want. If you wait to get into fake love then slowly proselytize (trap) her to convert to Islam, then that is love jihad. No Allah will approve such cheating, and we are sure you will not play such dirty games.

  • February 19, 2015 8:39 pm

    Let us answer to you once and for all for “he (admin) don’t know what will happen to his life”.

    Understand that the J-Day is your faith and not truth. Further, you never know if on the J-Day, Jesus may come with the Father God. They are not going to be favorable to you, anyways!

    The J-Day has not come and WILL NOT come. Mark our words. You will be rotting and kicking in your grave for next 20,000 years waiting for your Allah to show up with your 72 virgins for you. Keep dreaming! Think of Admin that time.

    God is not that fool to admit ALL Sunni Muslims (including Osama Bin Laden) to heaven while ALL Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and atheist to hell simply because they were not Muslims. Why our-Sarah, all Shias, Gandhiji, Mother Teresa, Einstein, Barack Obama, Dalai Lama, SRK, Saif Ali Khan, etc will go to hell, while mac and Mohammed will go to heaven! This is ultimate stupidity.

    If someone tells you give him 5,000 rupees and he will reserve your place in heaven, would you give? Of course not. So wise up my friend!

    Start enjoying your life right now, and right here. This is the heaven and hell. Learn to be happy with the “present” moment. Do good karma without expectations of fruits.

    • February 19, 2015 10:58 pm

      1-> Admin says :
      “Understand that the J-Day is your faith and not truth .”

      Ans : so you want to tell that your religious book is also wrong. .
      Faith is the belive and belive is the truth,
      In this world there are many injustice things are happening in the form of terrorism, rape, murders and so on. ..
      who will give justice to them? are you?
      no admin, our lord who made us he will make justice to all mankind…
      You thought that earth is heaven, but assume if earth is the heaven then why in this world there are many injustice thing like i said before. . hence you are in illogical thinking

      2-> “Further, you never know if on the J-Day, Jesus may come with the Father God. They are not going to be favorable to you,anyways!”

      Ans : Sorry this is the faith of christianity not islam…dont mix christians and muslims. . On the Judgement day, no one is favorable to no one except their aspiration

      3-> “The J-Day has not come and WILL NOT come. Mark our words. You will be rotting and kicking in your grave for next 20,000 years waiting for your Allah to show up with your 72 virgins for you. Keep dreaming! Think of Admin that time.”

      Ans : As i told you before you are in illogical thinking. . and about 72 virgins there are no such words in the quran which says on number “72”. .
      Further on reward on virgins

      Allah mentioned in Quran many things about the Paradise, it doesn’t compare with this, and those women there don’t compare with women here.
      Women there, Allah tells you about them, do not have monthly cycles, they do not eliminate (they do not go to the bathroom). This is not in Paradise, so they are not compared. So, get this mentality straight, get your head straight – don’t compare that to this it’s much better.
      The food there is not like the food here, the digestive system there is not like the one here. What you have there is very real and it never breaks, doesn’t go bad, you don’t go to the doctor.
      And by the way, men you are going to love this. In the Jannah, two things: there’s no “honey do” list
      You know what that is? When you get
      home “Honey would you do this and do that?” that’s “honey do.” So, there’s no “honey do” list and there’s no tool box because you don’t have to fix anything,
      everything is perfect. So, don’t confuse virgin girls in the paradise with the dancing girls here in a bar somewhere. This is totally different, this is not prostitution.

      • February 20, 2015 7:30 am

        Brainless logic: Faith is the belive and belive is the truth.

        If belief is truth, then Christian’s belief is truth too.

        • Mohammed
          February 20, 2015 7:44 am

          So u are beliving that ur religious book is a wrong. . you are not follower of hinduism . .

          According to christianity faith they have several illogical thinkings.. .
          They are not following to the bible.. . They are following to the church teachings
          as bible teaching is different from church teaching

          No where in the bible that Jeasus(p.b.u,h) says he is a god and worship him. .
          They making idol of jeasus(p.b.u.h) which is against on bible

          like same as todays hindus people

          • mac
            March 5, 2015 1:19 am

            admin quoted 4:91 out of context,

            here is the context :

            “Others you will find that wish to gain your confidence
            as well as that of their people: Every time they are
            sent back to temptation, they succumb thereto:
            if they withdraw not from you nor give you
            (guarantees) of peace besides restraining their hands,
            seize them and slay them wherever ye get them: In
            their case We have provided you with a clear
            argument against them.”[The Noble Quran 4:91]
            Explanation:As opposed to the two classes of deserters to whom clemency may be shown,
            there is a class which is treacherous and dangerous and cannot be left alone. They
            try to win your confidence, and are all the time in the confidence of the enemy.
            Every time they get a chance, they succumb to the temptation of double-dealing.
            The best way of dealing with them is to treat them as open enemies. Keep them
            not in your midst. If they give you guarantees of peace and do not actually fight
            against you, well and good. If not, they are deserters actively fighting in the ranks
            of the enemy. They have openly given you proof, and you can fairly seize and slay
            them in war as deserters and enemies.

            Even a better simplified easy English translation of Quran 4:91 which exposes how admin misquoted this verse

            “You will find others who wish to obtain security from you and [to] obtain security from their people. Every time they are returned to [the influence of] disbelief, they fall back into it. So if they do not withdraw from you or offer you peace or restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you overtake them. And those – We have made for you against them a clear authorization.”- Quran 4:91

            Readers can find more info on misquoted verses of Quran quoted by Admin

        • Mohammed
          March 5, 2015 5:53 am


          i think ,Here you want to use your brain, if Quran on 4:91 says
          kill on all hindus or other unbelivers,

          then why it says if one’s kill innocent people you have killed like all humanity, if one’s save from killing its like saving all humanity on

          chapter 5 verse 32
          “whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land
          – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”

          i will quote on mahabarath which double says on killing
          but with out of context like you have quoted on the Quran

          and further mac bro, has explained on you have quoted with

    • February 19, 2015 11:15 pm

      4-> God is not that fool to admit
      ALL Sunni Muslims (including Osama Bin Laden) to heaven while ALL Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Hindus and atheist to hell simply because they were not Muslims. Why our-Sarah, all Shias, Gandhiji, Mother Teresa, Einstein, Barack Obama, Dalai Lama, SRK, Saif Ali Khan, etc will go to hell,
      while mac and Mohammed will go to heaven! This is ultimate stupidity.

      Ans : ah Right, you have camed to the point. .God is not so stupid that he will give heaven for All jews,christians,buddist, hindus etc, because they are worshipping to many gods, many idols etc.. Since their religion book(Bible,Quran,veda) says There is only one God and there is no idol of God. .

      5-> If someone tells you give him
      5,000 rupees and he will reserve your place in heaven, would you give? Of course not. So wise up my friend!
      Start enjoying your life right now, and right here. This is the heaven and hell. Learn to be happy with the “present”
      moment. Do good karma without expectations of fruits.

      Ans : If some one gives you a gift and you will reward them with atleast with the word of thanks. . of course yes !
      So our lord says worship to your lord i will reward you a paradise..
      So belive and worship on one God and do good deeds. .

  • February 18, 2015 10:29 pm

    All blogger should note this.

    This person is blocked from using InterfaithShaadi for ever….

    That person has written blog in the names of Sarah and Rakesh at the same time. This is an illegal activity. Further, we suspect he/she has provided wrong e-mail address.

  • Mohammed
    February 18, 2015 10:16 am

    Mac bro never says hinduism is worst and even though i also didnt tell like that one. .

    you have said
    “Even Koran, gives the same message. The Muhammad’s God/ ideologies is/are the only truth and Christianity is
    invalid (God cannot have a Son) and don’t make friends with Jews and
    Christians. Hinduism (idol worshipers) is absolutely out and to be eradicated!”

    you are quoting is out of context..
    are you mean God have children or father or mother?
    even though veda, bible and Quran tells the same thing that God has no father,no mother and no son, then y u r blaming to our prophet muhammed[p.b.u.h] . . He(p.b.u.h) never wrote any Quran.. its total came from the God and further you have told quran gives the message for no idol worship. veda tells the same message no idol worship. .

  • February 18, 2015 7:28 am

    Hi mac,

    You must be a handsome man! You said, “now and then I find a Hindu girl staring at me”. We are not clear for “and you know what happens after that”. NO, we do not know what a “true” Muslim does to Hindu girls.

    You said, “some how they come in my life”. How many Hindu girls came to your life so far? What happened to your love with the original girl (i have gf) that you mentioned? Is the love is still on or you already dumped her? Is it because she refused to convert to Islam?

  • Chand Osmani
    February 18, 2015 6:37 am

    Time and again, it has been narrated that Mac is a mutta product. He has various times accepted that his fore fathers were Hindus and his mother was trapped by muslim guys and she had to enter various contract marriages and he was born.

    He is useless fellow, some time writing as Mac and some time as Mohammad. May be Haque also.

    Readers should not believe on his texts. He is copy and paste master with a notorious family background.

    • February 18, 2015 7:12 am

      Show us proof for “Mac is a mutta product… she had to enter various contract marriages..” By your writing it 20 times does not make it truth. It is wrong. It is not good to accuse someone like that. Please stick to information exchange with the objective of helping youths in love, please.

      • Mohammed
        February 18, 2015 10:04 am

        Thanks admin,

        now u have camed on the right track.. keep on going

  • Sarah
    February 17, 2015 8:29 am

    FIBBER! Mac, it seems as if you are determined to prove your religion the best and Hinduism the worst. Well, you’ll be never successful in doing that. I’m sure if you were brought up in Hinduism, you would be praising it. It’s called the oldest religion and it is too a pure, dominant one. well well, you would never understand that.

    • February 18, 2015 7:20 am

      This is absolutely true and even mac will agree to it, “determined to prove your religion the best and Hinduism the worst”.

      Even Koran, gives the same message. The Muhammad’s God/ideologies is/are the only truth and Christianity is invalid (God cannot have a Son) and don’t make friends with Jews and Christians. Hinduism (idol-worshipers) is absolutely out and to be eradicated!

      Sarah, please read Koran and let us know what you think. Would you be comfortable if your children are reciting these verses every day?

      • Mohammed
        February 18, 2015 10:17 am

        Mac bro never says hinduism is worst and even though i also didnt tell like that one. .

        you have said
        “Even Koran, gives the same message. The Muhammad’s God/ ideologies is/are the only truth and Christianity is
        invalid (God cannot have a Son) and don’t make friends with Jews and
        Christians. Hinduism (idol worshipers) is absolutely out and to be eradicated!”

        you are quoting is out of context..
        are you mean God have children or father or mother?
        even though veda, bible and Quran tells the same thing that God has no father,no mother and no son, then y u r blaming to our prophet muhammed[p.b.u.h] . . He(p.b.u.h) never wrote any Quran.. its total came from the God and further you have told quran gives the message for no idol worship. veda tells the same message no idol worship. .

  • XSarah -originally posted as Sarah!
    February 17, 2015 6:30 am

    Dear Mac,

    lYING IS ALLOWED IN ISLAM. Certainly you hate Hinduism, though you and your predecessors have been hindus for centuries. Being a new convertee, you are propagating islamic teachings.


    Islamm permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.” Muslim clerics say that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know.

    Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die.

    Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

    Muslims are permitted to lie: (1) to save their lives, (2) to reconcile a husband and wife, (3) to persuade a woman into a bedroom and (4) to facilitate one on his journey. Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.

    Mohammed gave permission for a follower to lie in order to kill a Jewish poet who had offended Mohammed. I could provide many examples of permissible lying from the Koran and Hadith and will do so when my critics accuse me of hatred and bigotry because of this column. My motives are not important but the truth is. However, many unprincipled people do not consider truth important. It is political correctness that sits on the throne to be worshiped.

    Muslims may appear very sincere; in fact, they are sincere, when they lie for their own protection or in the cause of Islam. They have permission to lie. Yes, Christians have also lied but never are they given permission to lie. However, a Muslim has no guilt since the Koran and Hadith permit his deception.

    • February 18, 2015 10:18 pm



      You have used “SARAH” and “RAKESH” names to post your comments, at the same time. This is illegal activity and not fair to Sarah and Rakesh. Most probably, you have also provided wrong e-mail addresses.

      If you wish to reopen access to this web site, write to us at and tell us which city are you writing from. Sorry!

  • February 13, 2015 9:53 pm

    Hi mac,

    Congratulations, that must be exciting to get in love. Considering you really hate Hindus, can you tell us why you have a Hindu girl friend?

    Sorry we did not realized till Sarah bring it to our notice, thanks Sarah!

    • mac
      February 15, 2015 4:09 am

      I don`t hate Hindus, when did I say I hate Hindus, don`t put words in my mouth, and remove this post because I didn`t ask here for help, and what can I do when every now and then I find a Hindu girl staring at me and you know what happens after that. I never looked for any girl, but some how they come in my life and with passage of time they leave..

      • Mohammed
        February 15, 2015 6:25 am

        Admin got mad and he is trying to make fool for others with the use of mac bro’s life..
        but truth is always truth whether admin accept or not…
        This shows that admin is not giving suggestions on equality. .he always wants others to go into deep darkness for preparing hell(fire)

      • sarah
        February 15, 2015 9:03 am

        If you don’t hate hindus, at least you hate hinduism

        • February 15, 2015 12:28 pm

          Thanks Sarah for the correction.

        • mac
          February 16, 2015 9:24 pm

          Yes you are right, I don`t hate Hindus, I love them, I hate the ideologies which promote rape,women oppression,injustice,etc

          • Sarah
            February 17, 2015 8:17 am

            Hinduism naver supports rape….mind your language. I’m a hindu girl who is brought up in a healthy atmosphere with no restrictions and full respect. I’m treated as important as my brothers. Our grand parents and elderly have always taught us to respect women.

      • February 15, 2015 12:32 pm

        mac, are you still in love with that Hindu girl? Is she willing to convert to Islam?

        • Aakash Mallik
          April 30, 2015 8:31 am

          Good points covered mac bro……impressive counter…

          • Aakash Mallik
            May 1, 2015 11:15 am

            Sahi baat hai bhaijaan mac…..

          • mac
            May 15, 2015 6:53 am

            Aakash bhai not only this, Hinduism allows lying in order to rape any women, i didn`t expose it so that Hindus don`t get humiliated, but since Kartar is abusing you, calling you rape product etc , that is why I have decided to expose it once again.

            Hindu gods allows lying on five occasions especially while enjoying a woman

            ”King! there is no sin in speaking untruth at the time of indulging in sexual pleasures, on the occasion of marriage, when life is in danger, wealth is at stake, and in joke. Lying on these five occasions is venal.” Matysa Purana 31.16

            ”In a situation of peril to life and in marriage, falsehood becomes utterable. In a situation involving the loss of one’s entire property, falsehood becomes utterable. On an occasion of marriage, or of enjoying a woman, or when life is in danger, or when one’s entire property is about to be taken away, or for the sake of a Brahmana, falsehood may be uttered. These five kinds of falsehood have been declared to be sinless. On these occasions falsehood would become truth and truth would become falsehood.” Mahabharata 8.69

            “O Ram, that it is not sinful to lie on the occasion of a joke, in respect of women sought to be enjoyed, on occasions of marriage, in peril of immediate death and of the loss of one’s whole fortune. Lying is excusable on these five occasions.” Mahabharata 1.82

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