Does He Loves Me or His Religion?

lovejihad2Ankita says: July 30, 2016

Hello Daksha, Based on your posts it clearly indicates the guy’s first love is Islam and then you. You should stay away from him and learn to let it go. I know it is very actually extremely hard when a girl is in love wit someone. I am going to share my personal experience with a Muslim guy where I almost got ready for marriage to him.

We were in love for more than 6 years we met in engineering college. We were classmates and were in love with each other. He was from a rich family of builders. Until we cleared off our MBA everything was fine.

Problems stared when the word marriage came to our relationship. He started me honeycombing with his religion and made me come to Islamic holy sites. When he introduced me to his family his mother didn’t liked me and said when I will convert to Islam. After I talked to my parents they were ready for me to go with him along with Islamic conversion. Our marriage was fixed about 2 months from then. Her mother then stared meeting me and told be that I have to stop driving any vehicle and quit my job and focus on my future children. I was completely shocked by this statement. I was a school topper. A well educated engineer and a topper of the univ from where I cleared by MBA.

It as not easy for me to leave the job and my lifestyle. Actually I was not even ready for it. The job I was doing pays much more than my partner as well as I love my job. I talked about this to my boyfriend and he also told me to quit the job as working women aren’t good mother. I quietly left him and came to my room. And internal voices of my soul started me questioning whether the boy who I know for almost 6 years loves me or his religion or family.

I then texted him that I won’t be quitting my job and will continue to drive as it is a part of my lifestyle. He replied that it not possible and it will be a big problem. I took sometime and asked him to leave his religion for me and convert to any religion or become an aethist so no one has to compromise and we can live happily. The reply from him was very rude you can imagine it. I don’t have say much!

I now live with my family they have found a good man within our community he is very sweet and understands my lifestyle and is willing to compromise with me so we can live happily forever.

My advise to any girl in relationship with other faith person is to test whether the guy loves you more or less than his religion.

There is no religion of love one must not leave his/her religion in order to marry him/her.

Your parents are your well wishers. Sometimes they are wrong sometimes they are right it is you who should decide whether they are right or wrong. If you always keep the word wrong on your mind that doesn’t mean they are wrong.

Diksha I hope you understand as a girl and a sister of you I think you should move on the guy is much more focused to his religion and your conversion rather than respecting your thoughts. -Ankita

Admin says:


First, we request to send your boy friend’s mother a BIG THANK YOU card. She is the one who has saved your life. She is honest and truthful, while your boy friend knew all these 6 years that you MUST have to convert Islam but he always lied and deceived you. His mother is a true Muslim that we respect her for her honesty, while your boy friend is a lier and a love-Jihadi, nothing more.

Think if your potential mother-in-law was not honest and you are already married to him after converting to Islam? The divorce are very expensive. Further, it is lots complicated for a Muslim wife to ask for a divorce while husband can simple say talaak, talaak, talaak and done deal! Further, after divorce, you MUST marry to another Muslim (or the Hindu lover boy has to convert to Islam; many complex Indian laws apply for how you marry). If ever, you think of becoming a Hindu, the punishment is DEATH (Muhammad instructed to Kill who desert Islam; Bukhari 9.84.57).

We are surprised your parents are not aware of what it means to be a Muslim and gave you a permission to (fake) convert? This is the most sad part of your story. Ask your parents to view this video and read this Koran. After knowing these, will they allow their second daughter to date a Muslim?

We are happy that you have a happy married life now (because of his honest mother and not because of your ignorant parents).

Please come to this site to educate other youths in blind love. -Admin

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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1 Comment

  • Riya Roy(formerly known as Ridha Sayed)
    August 4, 2016 4:59 am

    This is a fake story.

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