I Love a Muslim Girl but Hate Islam

N S RAJPUT says: September 14, 2015 at 11:16 pm

I love a muslim girl and she love me a lot but i hate islam ……Islam oupre wale k naam pe logo ko pyar kr ne ke bi sezaa detaa aur khass kr jo islami country h une ke haalt dhak k to muje islam k naam se jada nafrt hone lagi pr jise pyar krta hu ose to paake rhvo ga chy fir kuch b hojay pura islam mre samne aajay to be -NS Rajput

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  • February 5, 2016 7:25 pm

    Islam is not reletion of peace it is a reletion of animals

  • September 16, 2015 6:26 am

    Hi Rajput,

    May be you hate islam because of islamic terrorists involved in bloodshed,violence,killing and rendering millions of muslims in gulf countries.
    What is the view point of your muslim GF? Does she support your ideas?
    Me also muslim, married with a hindu guy, I too hate islamic evils. Will she be so bold to marry you without forcing your conversion, like me.

    • October 18, 2015 3:35 am

      She already say that she will ready to covert in hindo

  • Nusrat Khan
    September 16, 2015 2:48 am

    Rajput .Remove your ignorance and hatred will gone

    • October 18, 2015 3:51 am

      Can u plze say me that whats going in pakisthan iran siriya affganisthan thats all islami state na …..So tell a why i like islam

      • mac
        October 20, 2015 3:19 am

        Some facts about terrorism and peace which none can deny:-

        Number 1 terrorist effected country is Iraq followed by Afghanistan,Pakistan which you rightly mentioned above.

        But we have to look back at history why terrorism started in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soviet Union invaded a calm,peaceful country Afghanistan, then America helped people like Laden and Taliban t fight the Russians, after defeating Russian, laden turned back on America. Similar case with Iraq, it was peaceful,stable country until US invaded Iraq in 2003, so the soul case of Iraq terrorism lies on America where they invaded and killed millions of people, even todays ISIS was supported and funded by USA.

        India ranks 6 at terrorism index after Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Nigeria,Syria and then India.

        Now learn 20+ muslim countries which are better than india:-
        Turkmenistan,Qatar,Oman,Kuwait,Chad,Azerbaijan,Kyrgyzstan,Uzbekistan,Albania,United Arab Emirates,Mauritania,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Guinea,Jordan,Tajikistan,Morocco,Cyprus,Kazakhstan,Niger,Saudi Arabia,Kosovo,Malaysia,Tunisia,Tanzania,Bahrain, Indonesia,Iran,Algeria,Turkey………………these are names of few countries btw.

        and of those countries 4 of them have 0% terrorist attacks namely Turkmenistan,Qatar,Oman,Kuwait
        You can check the list here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Terrorism_Index

        Now Global Peace Index

        Qatar a muslim country ranked 30 in peace index while india ranked 144, india is 114 position behind a arab muslim country, why?

        Check the list here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Peace_Index
        the list is of 2014 where india ranked 143, now in 2015, it ranks 144

        Why India ranks so behind despite being the fact that there is no civil war going on in india like Syria,Iraq.

        I tell you why, it is because of sanghi goons like bajrangdal,rss,vhp who kills people for eating beef, who torture people for carrying cows on their truck, for you it may be sacred world, but for whole world, it is an act of violence and terrorism, now that these killings are going on india every day, 2016 is not far, in 2016 global index, we may see india dropping below 150 in peace index, if not , it will atleast go behind 2-3 position.

        While here in india, hindu youths live in fools world dream, they think their religion is best, their culture is best, their country is best, but fact doesn`t support their claims and thus they get frustrated,angry………

        • FI
          October 20, 2015 4:23 am

          it is because of you ppl….as you ppl are demons according to our bhavisya puran…u cannot live with ur own ppl leave aside others….u will be the cause of ur own destruction….time is coming wait….for the full curve….most of the ppl in the world shall revert back to sanatan dharma very soon…

          • mac
            October 21, 2015 5:42 am

            hahaha 🙂 expected this frustrated reply from you FI, and yet again you provided nothing in favour of your frustrated reply

            It is becasue of you people who burn people alive, even children, see this, latest news, such barbaric acts are done by fringe terrorist groups from muslim or christian community once in a year, while general hindus almost every month in one or another part of India commit such things.

            Two Dalit Children Burnt Alive In Inter-Caste Violence In Haryana Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.in/2015/10/20/dalit-children-haryana_n_8335826.html

            You have caste system and see the result of caste system, you god approved, advocated caste system and see the result of it. Thanks to Muslim and Christian rulers that they came where from outside and ruled this uncivilized country for 1000 years, for which today the people of this land have become much more civilized than those of earlier days, in those earlier golden vedic age, women were burnt alive when thee became widow, caste system was legal and openly acceptable, now in this age, these non-sense vedic things are banned by secular Indian constitution and you are dreaming about return of those backward black days, so shame!! you should be ashamed of yourself but thank god world is not fool now to accept non-sense ideologies, so you keep dreaming, who cares if you live in your wet dream, but world is not going to accept caste system, sati pratha, legal rape etc again.

        • Momeen
          October 21, 2015 6:36 am

          Just stunned by the incredible level of hallucination! This is the lesson for all open-minded people to ponder the capability of the cult!

          The intellectual shd also check on these facts:

          Compared to India:
          Which Islamic country has launched the Moon mission?
          Which Islamic country rents rockets for launching of European satellites?
          Which Islamic country provides equal constitutional rights to minorities?
          Can any Islamaic country accept hindu refugees? But India has accepted thousands of Muslim, Parsi, Buddhist refugees.

          Compared to European nation:
          Which Islamic country has high standards of women, children and labour rights?
          Which Islamic country has produced world class technological innovations?
          Which Islamic country accepts refugees of other faiths?
          Which Islamic country is broadminded enough to let other nationals esp. nonMuslims to become citizens?

          /“we may see india dropping below 150 in peace index, if not , it will atleast go behind 2-3 position”/

          The nation should take note: The Super‐Patriot’s heart is bleeding!

          India’s magnanimity is its carrying off such cunning opportunists as its own!

          /”While here in india, hindu youths live in fools world dream, they think their religion is best, their culture is best, their country is best, but fact doesn`t support their claims and thus they get frustrated,angry………”/

          This fellow should be awarded, ‘Comedian of the century!’

          Mr. Zaid Hamid of India, please continue in your Fool’s Paradise!

          • mac
            October 30, 2015 2:07 am

            ///To the specific question of, how many Islamic countries have accepted refugees of other faiths, the reply was:
            ‘There are many’, but no name was specified in the first part! Now in the second part, suddenly a name has propped up, Palestine!

            Please give the entire details as how many refugees landed, the year… and the links! And the hallucinator continues, “any country in the world”, please mention the other Islamic countries which have absorbed nonMuslim refugees!///

            First and foremost, not a single islamic nation launched war on non-muslim nations, so Muslims donot make non-Muslims refugee by landing bombs on them, Europeans created the problems of Jews and middle eastern countries faced it, you don`t know a single islamic nation which gave refugees, hello mr idiot, entire Israel is an example the nation which was muslim majority pre 1940 turned into muslim minority, now only 14-15% people in Israel are muslim while during 40`s it was 70%.
            Listen from a jews rabbi, the chief rabbi of jews from neywork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osJbnbKGOpg

            //What do you think of everyone? You are the only intellectual and all others are fools? Your write on terrorism index in India as if Islamic fundamentalism has no role in it! Islamic fundamentalism is the rootcause for most of the bombings and shootings that shook India!/// If you consider 26/11 as islamic fundamentalism, then Indian army doing violence in Kashmir can be regarded as hindu fundamentalism, if you don`t understand, i will explain you how, provided you know basic things about Kashmir conflict. And do you think only bombings kill people, do you think only bombings are regarded as terrorism? which islamic fundamentalism is responsible for any big violence that took place in india last year and this year(2014-1015), which islamic fundamentalism was responsible for any big attacks in 2013,2012,2011,2010 and so on….

            ///You’re using ghastly incidents carried out by thugs to portray the country as if its unfit to live in India while state sanctioned barbarism with religious banner does not find a place in your book?!

            A. I’ve already placed for your exclusive attention, the case of 350 lashing of a 74 year old Briton in Saudi Arabia! https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10606

            B. Aasiya Bibi, a Pakistian Christian and a mother of five children is languishing in jail for blasphemy.

            C.Nadiya Mohammed Ali and her seven children jailed for 15 years in Egypt for converting to Christainity

            D. Gangrape victims being awarded 200 lashes and six months jailterm in Saudi Arabia

            E. Stoning to death and chopping of limbs in Saudi, Yemen, Afghanistan…

            The list is infinite!///

            So here you are talking about state sanctioned barbarism, okay, then what about those who get jail for 10 years if they caught eating beef, in india if you slaughter a cow you get 10 years jail, this is worse than saudi lashing Briton 350 lashes, and saudi doesn`t claim itself to be secular country, but india does.

            The gangrape victim in saudi arabia was not punished for being gang raped, but for breaking saudi rules of gender mixing, you like always fabricate things to make your case, but do i support what saudis did, no, i don`t, and i am not a saudi citizen, i myself criticize bad things of saudi as well as india and about anybody, but when i criticize india, some people`s butt get seriously hurt like you,jainab as you think india is perfect heaven and Muslims are always wrong, while i never made a case that Muslims are always right and non-Muslims are always wrong, and that is the truth, but for haters like you, only Muslims are wring and you guys are right, and when you can`t defend your such hatred towards muslim community, you start bashing me, since you can debunk to what i say, so you guys only make assumption after assumption about me.

            Above few mentioned few incident from some muslim countries, but you don`t have to go far, in india, Muslims are even jailed for 10 years for no reason at all, you think i am crazy talking bullshit, you may things so, but i have proof to show you if needed

  • ahmad noor
    September 16, 2015 2:47 am

    we need to put our nerves in a refrigerator ..to participate in this website !!!!!!!!!

    • September 16, 2015 8:28 pm

      There is clearly a different world out side the Middle East. People have liberty to say and feel what ever they wish. There is no one to give them 100 lashes to make such statements.

      • ahmad noor
        September 20, 2015 2:43 am

        with all my respect ..admin it is not like that
        there will be a lot of muslims going to hell on judgment day
        why ? cz they are criminals or disobying islamic orders even treating nonmuslims unfairly
        being a muslim ..should be followed by well behaving and good deeds accompained by performing muslim duties
        but all those bad muslims in mid east and north africa who know already their bad future after death never replaced their religion
        they see islamic duties as only restrictions and hard on them ..nobody taught them islam on childhood ..
        but even though still they have good impression about islam …believe me admin all anti islam converting is ,,simply taking revenge of the religion cz of muslim misbehavior
        so maney muslims are showing bad picture about their religion

    • Momeen
      September 19, 2015 4:08 am

      “how come that they accept 800000 (almost sunni syrian)in one time
      and most of them from western syria (hums and damascus)..to be evaccuated for future alawi state at the cost the (story of israel and lebanon is repeated ) but now alwi version” / HEART REFRIGERATED

      “that is why for example rape in muslim societies is less than other countries
      same as stealing or murdering crimes”/ MIND REFRIGERATED

      “You do not know that this verse 9:29 is not for all non muslim …never
      It is concerned to arab non muslim kafirs in arab peninsula
      That means that the only nation that has to be forced to islam are the arab tribes in al Jazeera
      Out side al Jazeera this verse is not concerned”
      “but yes non muslim can not be a president or vice president or minister of defence or interiors or putting him in a position affecting muslims negatively…this is our right …”/ SOUL REFRIGERATED


    • October 18, 2015 3:39 am

      I am directly say that i will hate islam

      • Mohammed
        October 18, 2015 10:24 am

        why u hate islam? if u hate islam why u love muslim girl.?
        what is the reason?

        admin now tell us this is the love jihad or not?

        • October 19, 2015 9:00 pm

          People are so ignorant about married life. How can one hate Islam and marry to a Muslim (unless the girl is not believing in Islam)?

          Rajuput, did you talk to her parents about your plans? When are you going to talk to them?

          • Mohammed
            October 20, 2015 1:55 am

            many people like him,kumar etc. .are doing these. . . They want to marry muslim girl but hating her religion..
            Their main aim is to convert religion to hinduism. . So this is called Love jihad according to you admin

  • September 15, 2015 7:22 am

    You are a non-starter. How can you hate her faith but love her? Does she hate her faith? To marry a Muslim, you must covert to Islam, are you ready? Please talk to her parents first.

    • October 18, 2015 3:32 am

      Why i will convert in hindo to islam bcze she will join my famly not i am

      • October 18, 2015 3:45 am

        I am an hindu boy which love every human and respect but …..At time of islam i just oppose that

        • Mohammed
          October 18, 2015 10:19 am

          why u opposed? what is the reason behind?
          share your thaughts to us with open mind

          • FI
            October 20, 2015 4:19 am

            because something mysterious was written in Bhavisya Puran,which was written 5000+ yrs ago…pls check

      • October 19, 2015 8:46 pm

        A good point but Muslim parents will not allow her to convert to Hinduism.

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