Khan: How can I Make My Hindu Boy Friend Muslim?

Rozas khan says: September 5, 2015 at 2:02 am (Edit)

Assalamo alykum m a muslm grl in rlatn wid hndu boy I want to knw dat hw cn I mk him muslm I want dat he hmself shd love islam n bcm a muslm…so plz sugst me hw cn I hlp him to b a part of dis true relign n mk hm blv dat al othr rlgns r fk…..I wanna let hm knw d imptnc of islm n wnt hm to turn into a muslm nt by forcng him bt by his own wil so plz sugst mw sum ways so dat I cn do dis nd he is havng one brothr n his parnts I toooo want dat his parnts shd turn into muslm hw cn I do al dis I want al three of dm to qubool islam plz sugst me some ways dat hw cn I mk dm.blv dat d only true islam I knw dy al r folwng hinduism dnc birth so it vil b nt easy bt I am ready to do it at any cost plzzz hlp me -Khan

Mohammed says: September 5, 2015 at 3:21 am


Take to your bf to this forum, invite him to this blog. .
now admin will tell you are a love jihadi bla bla. .only to convert islam you are loving him. .

before admin will tell some thing i want to tell you that in Islam..
A muslim boy or girl cannot marry a non muslim according to Quran and sharia..
but you can invite to islam in an islamic way without any intention of torture or forcing as you already said “you do not want to force him”
what you will do if that boy didnt want to agree to accept islam. . do you still want to marry him? -Muhammad

khan says: September 6, 2015 at 12:19 am

If he dsnt convrt to muslm in that case I am not going to marry him n rest I lv on allaha he knws wat is btr for me….nothing is more important than my relign I hv fth in allaha I blv hm bt Ion othr side its impossible for me to connect with another guy or to marry sum1 cz I lv hm so m nt gong to spl my n dat guys lyf if my prnts vil frc me…..I vil jst focus on my carrer dats it -Khan

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • kisna
    September 28, 2015 1:55 am

    hahahaha , this is what u call love …………….i can’t say about others ……..but what i think is in every religion good and evil exist,

    those who want to snach identity of others are evil
    AND there nothing like LOVE JIHAD ……….people fall in love not on the basis of hindu or muslim ….even nations bountries can’t limit the boundries of love.

    one of my brother marries a muslim girl…… one in our family allowded him , but he goes against the will of family now he is married to her he is still hindu and she is still muslim , after few years of marriage everyone accept them……..bcas they trust in love

    ask your allah ……………is it neccesary to make ur groom muslim , if u both r in love ………now all stupids evils , kamine , in both sides either hindu gurus or muslim maulana ……they will give u a strong brain washing lecture and then u will say yes they are r8t ………….hey grow up thats not what god says.

    u said u trust in allah ………..i ask u who he is ……..and who is our shiva ……….they are the same …………the one who created the world , but we call him wid diffent names ………………why to fight over his names and custom ……………………………don’t u think its unethical………..and only uneducated people fight over such issues ,,,,,,,only those people raise such issue who are making market of gods for making money

    • Mohammed
      September 28, 2015 2:06 am

      find out real god and his origin

      and ask questions by your self
      1.who created you and this nature?
      2.why you exist in this world?
      3.when u going to die after that where u will be exist?

      • September 28, 2015 2:58 pm

        Does not that mean we have to accept all that Mohammad taught you. Every one has their own belief and are following, so what is wrong with that?

        • Mohammed
          September 28, 2015 5:42 pm

          check and tell me wheather every one belive is right or wrong

          here question is about right or wrong

          for eg : if i belief 2+2=5 which is wrong in actual and some one comes and tell no its wrong, the answer is not 5 its 4 and he proves 2+2=4 then i want to accept 4 not 5

          like if religion gets false you want to accept true religion…
          this is what we are coming to say..

  • Kafir
    September 21, 2015 6:25 am

    First every body realize that Islam is the religion of anarchy and terrorism, then decide. As early you leave the religion, the world would be saved a little bit because It is the enemy of human civilization.

  • September 17, 2015 6:22 am

    Ms Khan,

    Perhaps you wish to convert him just to please your society. If it is so, why did you love him? It will be better for you not to force him to convert. Let him continue his own faith which will also be better for you as Hindu religion gives lots of freedom to woman, does not believe in discrimination like in islam. You will not require to wear burqa and get restricted your movement.
    Have good sense to honor his sentiments too or else part your ways and seek who could be following you like a lamb.

  • September 11, 2015 2:46 pm

    i hav also same problem..he want to convert infact he loves islam .evn prayz namaz.. do good deeds..he is a good boy indeed.his mother n sis is against ..they also respect me bt dnt want him to convrt

    Reply at

  • Pritam M
    September 7, 2015 8:17 am

    Hi Ms.Khan

    I am at your side. There are ways to convert person from one religion to another.
    But, the question arise why should he accept ISLAM. As well you want his parents too accept Islam.

    Well Islam is old and good religion as like Hindu, i to follow some rule of Islam “Which I like” being Hindu but is still love my religion.

    Love is not belong to any religion, it is a faith. That why we all keep love next to the god.
    Would you compare mother love as Islam, christian, Hindu etc. No na.

    I want to ask you a question.
    Did he ask you to convert into Hinduism :. I beat he will not, Becoz there is no such concept in Hinduism of conversion. But he will not accept your proposal.
    Hinduism is set of believe, and there is no restriction of to follow.
    Thats why many people like Hinduism and they like follow it.

    If you really love him don’t ask him to convert, he to will not ask to live your practice.

    • Mohammed
      September 7, 2015 10:21 am

      Every thing doesnt belong to humanity. . we want to think beyond humanity
      Love is just a feeling and every thing doesnot belong to love
      Religion is a way of life and path that leads to creator who have created us. .
      Today there are many Religion exist in the world but you want to search which is correct religion that meant correct path leads to creator.
      first is creator who created us, other will come next

      Here khan belives Islam is a right religion to human and she want others whom she loves ie, that guy and his family to join in right religion
      now tell me is this wrong to you?

      // Hinduism is set of believe, and there is no restriction of to follow.Thats why many people like Hinduismand they like follow it.//

      There too restrictions in hinduism. . iam asking you question
      if there is no restriction to follow then how will you compare good with bad?

      • MB
        September 9, 2015 10:56 am

        What?? Dude, love and religion are totally different. If you cannot love someone for who he or she is then stop calling it love. Its a deal that you and that girl is trying to come up with.

        If you love me you will have to accept my religion = bull shit

      • MB
        September 9, 2015 10:56 am

        What?? Dude, love and religion are totally different. If you cannot love someone for who he or she is then stop calling it love. Its a deal that you and that girl are trying to come up with.

        If you love me you will have to accept my religion = bull shit

        • ahmad noor
          September 11, 2015 2:53 am

          this is how you see ..but it is wrong
          1- no body force any one to marry any muslim
          2- in case any nonmuslim dose cz of love ..he must know that he is putting his muslim partner against his islam
          3- so either nonmuslim sacrifice his love or sacrifice his riligion
          to exploit muslim ignorane by any false justificatios to marry him/her
          (humanity- equality- freedom- god is same for all….are bull shit)

      • September 9, 2015 9:30 pm


        Humanity is what Angela Merkel and other Christian Germans following by accepting 800,000 MUSLIM refugees.

        Religion is what Saudi Arabia following by not accepting even 1 Muslim refugee, not even ONE!!!!!!! Shame on Saudis.

        • ahmad noor
          September 11, 2015 10:56 am

          first the foreign policy of saudia arabia is secular 100%
          you asked me before about saudia ..but my freinds advised me not to reply .. but here i say it clearly
          it is very easy to show you that saudia foreign policy even against islam
          but all what is happening now in europe is very suspicious cz before that all europian countries were very strict about even one refugee
          how come that they accept 800000 (almost sunni syrian)in one time
          and most of them from western syria (hums and damascus) be evaccuated for future alawi state at the cost the (story of israel and lebanon is repeated ) but now alwi version

          • September 12, 2015 8:13 am

            Why Saudis are against Islam, explain?
            Why Christians accepting 800,000 Sunnis in Germany? They are feeding them and not providing them housing and may be jobs. Why?

            Is this not humanity? ..or is it Germany’s stupidity?

            Did you considered going there (a golden opportunity)? Many Pakistani and Indian Muslims would also like to be a refugee, if easy to get into Germany with royal treatment!

          • Momeen
            September 18, 2015 8:29 am

            With this much humanity overflowing you and your Saudi Ummah will definitely step into Paradise whereas the kafir Europeans who have given asylum knowing fully well of the future menace will burn in hell!

            Compassion is a concept which only Muslims can teach the world!!

    • ahmad noor
      September 11, 2015 2:42 am

      If you really love him ask him to convert to islam to save him from
      ever lasting in hell ..this life is nothing compared to the next life
      no need to learn any about mother love ..
      family relation in islam is incomparable with any other one
      mother care is priority in islam

  • Jacob
    September 7, 2015 12:20 am

    I don’t know what the admin is going to say. But you are not in love with this boy and you should not mess with his life. Go marry someone your parents ask you to.

    If you knew what love is you would not have even raised this stupid question.

    • ahmad noor
      September 7, 2015 3:57 am

      also you not know the true love ………..
      the true love is not only to live happily with your partner
      the true love is to wish the best life to him
      the best life not only laughing ..jumping ..enjoying..
      the best life is how to live straight with god principles and values
      i know that you do not like what i say …..but i hve to say it anyway

      • July 22, 2016 1:34 pm

        How hypocrite can you sound.who gave you right to decide which is best religion. The girl could fall in love with a non-muslim guy where were her religious believes at that particular time? And why do you think about Muslims only the guy is not a dead thing that you can use to please your stupid logics. He is a living human being with emotions like all normal human beings. You are blinded by your faith do not mess the life of the guy. if religion is more important to you them marry a muslim guy buy mentally harrasing him to convert even if you succeed in your evil plan you will destroy the family of the guy by forcing your religion on him. If you cannot dare to challenge bigatory of your faith do not fall in love with non-muslims (I believe that will also be sin in Islam) and do not spoil the life of the guy and hurt his parents. Sick bigots like you do not deserve real love. Amazed to see love with terms and conditions..

    • MB
      September 9, 2015 10:59 am

      Support you Jacob …. there is ‘love jihad’ going on here.

  • Kafir
    September 6, 2015 9:07 pm

    According to our social custom, Girls follow the faith of the husband. Then you should to accept Hinduism as your religion. Moreover Hinduism is your forefather’s religion. Let you be converted to Hinduism.If your religion comes before your love, why you are acting with the boy.People do everything for love and you are doing everything for your religion. Actually you don’t love the boy. Leave him.

    • ahmad noor
      September 7, 2015 12:12 am

      forefather,s religion is not the reference of true or nontrue religion
      it a matter of mind convince not properties inherited from dead parents …by the way all muslim nations now were pagan or christian as per their previous religions before

      • Momeen
        September 18, 2015 8:11 am

        “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached”

        Pope Benedict XVI, Regensburg address, University of Regensburg, Germany.
        12 September 2006

        • ahmad noor
          September 25, 2015 2:37 am

          we gave nonmuslims 3 choices 1-islam 2-tribute 3-war
          as this the real true allah religion to all humanity
          i challenge you if you can compare any other religion with islam
          no way
          today all nations get taxes for any income
          in islam zakah on muslim …tribute on nonmuslims ..samewise
          poor never pay for both …

          • Momeen
            September 25, 2015 6:51 am

            So you’ve agreed what the Pope said: “the command to spread by the sword the faith he preached”

            Each and every statement is fascist but a cult‐enslaved mind can never understand the supremacy, trampling of justice and totalitarianism in your declarations.

            You’ve every right to continue with your hallucination of your Paradise!!

  • September 5, 2015 4:48 pm

    Miss Khan, we have the same question like Muhammad, “what you will do if that boy didnt want to agree to accept islam”?

    • September 6, 2015 12:19 am

      If he dsnt convrt to muslm in dat cse m nt gong to mary hm n rest I lv on allaha he knws wat is btr for me….notng is more imptnt dn my rlgn I hv fth in allaha I blv hm bt Ion othr side its imposbl for me to cnnct wid anothr guy or to mary sum1 cz I lv hm so m nt gong to spl my n dat guys lyf if my prnts vil frc me…..I vil jst focus on my carrer dats it

      • Mohammed
        September 6, 2015 12:39 am

        Then why u have loved him?
        is islam permit this to you?
        first love him and then invite to convert. .if say no, move away from them. . is this permit in islam?
        No sister. . absoulety not.. persons like you the whole community get bad name

        If you love Allah(s.w.t) and have faith then you wont look at him because

        Allah says in the Quran
        in surah Noor 24 v 31
        “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modest”

      • September 6, 2015 11:46 am

        Muhammed is right that you should not have even looked at other guy. You have already committed sin according to Muhammad.

        If religion is important, then you should start visiting your mosque and marry to a guy who is performing namaz five times/day and 7 days a week. Even he is not educated, that should not matter but important for you should be that he is Muslim.

        Let that rose be rose, don’t convert to carnation. You cannot make that Hindu a true Muslim, so leave him alone. Don’t be a love-jihadi?

        • Mohammed
          September 6, 2015 3:29 pm

          who told u muslims are uneducated?

          many muslims are there who are educated. .

          • MB
            September 9, 2015 11:07 am

            You proved yourself that muslims are uneducated.

            Go through what the admin wrote, “Even he is not educated, that should not matter but important for you should be that he is Muslim.”, let me highlight it again “Even he is not educated,…”. Now ask anyone who knows english, what the admin meant.

      • ahmad noor
        September 6, 2015 11:59 pm

        assalamu alykum ..allah bless you sister
        first just tell him that islam is the true religion ..the simple religion
        second tell him that (la ilaha illa allah ) means to believe that allah is the unique creator of this world so allah is the only god who deserves worship and obeying as these are his right for creating us and livelihood and believe that muhammad is meesnger of allah who guided us to allah thruogh sunna
        tell him that this life whatever be long is very short and temporary
        compared with everlasting life after death which will be eithre in paradise for good believing and deed or hell for non believing and bad deed

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