Kerala Hindu with a Tamil CSI-Christian

CSIabin says: May 31, 2016 at 4:45 am

hi admin,
i am a kerala hindu guy and my girl is tamil christian CSI, conditions in my family seems to be pretty ok as far a i tried to convince them. but still some problems in her family, her parents are not yet been convinced. i dont have no idea about csi people rather than the informations from my girl. would you suggest some tips to convince them -Abin

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  • abin
    May 31, 2016 8:21 pm

    Hi admin,
    i am glad that you responed.i too had been thinking about converting into csi.what all are the procedures for the that there any problem while its been an kerala-tamil manner.

    • June 1, 2016 6:41 am

      Did she asked you to convert?
      After marriage, are you planning to live with your parents as a joint family?

      What does the conversion mean to you? After conversion, are you ready to dump Hinduism 100%, meaning never to enter a temple and follow only CSI-Christian teachings for your life? Have you read the bible? If it was not this girl, would you still want to be the CSI-Christian? If this girl was a Muslim, would you convert to Islam? If this girl was a Sikh, would you convert to Sikh or still to CSI-Christian?

      • abin
        June 1, 2016 8:33 am

        hi admin,
        no she didnt asked me to convert.i dont belive in casteism or reliogionism.i just made that choice of convertion is to make the things little bit easier in her home.and yeah ofcourse if my girl was muslim or sikh,i would preffered for the convertion.i just want to be with her,i dont wanna miss her.

        • admin
          June 1, 2016 9:44 pm

          If you don’t believe in “casteism or religionism”, then don’t convert. Follow Jesus but not the church. Churches are separating people into sinners (non-baptized) and good people, this is casteism. A child born with sin, why type of logic is that? And just by taking a dip in water, one can wash off all sins, this is blind religionism. Why are you getting into that you don’t believe in?

          After marriage, is she going to live with your family?

          • abin
            June 1, 2016 10:10 pm

            hi admin,
            i just dont have any other choice for convincing her parents thats y i am converting.whatever their religious beliefs are i respect them but i dont belive in it.

          • June 2, 2016 8:53 pm

            Married life is very long and both have to make many adjustments through the life. Do not jump into with blind-love till you are convinced. Doing something (conversion) to please her parents is not “the end of issues,” but “beginning of issues.” You are not solving all life problems by 2 hours of conversion ritual but opening a big box of new issue for your new life.

            You said “i respect them but i dont belive in it” but why would you do something that you don’t believe in? You are ready to convert because of your desire to enjoy her fully, but 6 months after your marriage, reality will hit you when she is not a novelty any more. You will get so bored in to their church sitting 2 hours listening to their intolerant teachings but you will have to go for your life. Also you will have to pay them lots of money (3-12% of your gross income) to be part of their church, go visit the church to find facts. Why would you fake-convert? Why make lies and deceptions a foundation of your married life? What happened to your “honesty” that you learned whole your life?

            Are you planning to live with your parents after marriage? Are your parents Hindu? This is a critical question, so get back to us.

  • May 31, 2016 5:37 pm

    Hi Abin,

    Assume it is Church of South India and not Christian Solidarity International, correct us.

    Do you know that Christians, Jews and Muslims pray to the same God, but with different names and consider Hindu praying to wrong Gods? Do you know that there are some 36,000 denominations of Christianity? Do you know that her parents will be nervous if she picked a Catholic, Protestant or a Mormon Christian? Her parents want her to marry only to a CSI, and not other Jesus believers? For them it is not about Jesus, but the church.

    The tip is simple. Just convert to the CSI-Christian. Are you ready to convert and join the CSI church? Let us know and we will talk more.

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