Jain in Love with a Rajput Hindu

Meera says: April 30, 2018 at 1:12 am

I belong to a Jain family. I love my family like no one else does and would never want to hurt them. I am in a relationship with a Rajput boy. I love him a lot, but I told him that I might leave him if my parents ask me to. I am not that courageous. My father is very strict. I made a lot of promises and I’ll take his stand. But what if still I am left with no choice but to forcefully marry a guy of my father’s choice? How will I live without him? Can I not take my own decisions? I just don’t know what to do.

We both love each other a lot. We don’t decide whom to love, love just happens. I tried to suppress my feelings in the beginning, but I couldn’t. I would leave that guy and he unfortunately knows this, but will I be able to live, will I be able to see someone else in his place just because of caste issues when I know we don’t lag in any other aspect, when I know we both are best for each other and are sure about each other?
Can you please say something on it? -Meera

More information: Jain-Hindu Marriage Situations, Jain-Hindu Relationships, Muslim-Jain Relationships.
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  • Hamara bharat
    August 18, 2022 12:36 am

    Marry him. Rajputs are known for bravery. He’s not a muslim

  • Human
    August 18, 2022 12:34 am

    Marry him. He’s not a muslim. Atleast rajputs are known for their bravery.

  • krish
    May 6, 2018 5:48 am

    Hello Meera,

    Admin is rightly said. Please strict to your education as it is your first priority.

    Thanks GOD is that your love is belongs to a Rajput (Hindu) and they are really hero for our nation coz they fought against barbaric unhygienic dirty looter, mafia tribal muslim invaders bravely. . You are one of the lucky person. Also Majority of Rajput are also vegetarian and I dont think it is a difficult to marry him. Please talk details with your parent and try to convince.
    Best of Luck.

  • shafiya
    May 1, 2018 8:45 pm

    i will agree with admin here. before taking any decision please see if your boy friend is on your side. you have not mentioned your age so i assume you both are major. financial stablity is necessary to live.
    are you sure that his parents are agree on your relation? it is always better to have at least one set of parents on your side. take your decision wisely.
    as you are jain i suppose you dont eat onions, garlic so you might have to cook food which consist of those if you marry a non jain.

  • May 1, 2018 7:30 pm

    Hi Meera,

    Your parents will not agree even you found a Jain guy. It is not about your choice but they wish to decide what is right and wrong for you. This is called growing pain. Sometimes, the baby bird has to decide it is a time to leave mother’s next and go free in the world!

    Before you fly away, are you sure this is a right guy for you? Are his parents agreed to your relationship? Are you done with your studies? Are you financially stable (meaning having a job)? If you are still a student, we recommend you stay in friendship (not physical!) with the guy but focus on studies now.

    Later, tell your parents you wishes. Let them boil over all issues. Convince them he is a right guy for you. After a year or two, they may soften down and allow you to marry the guy. It will be win-win for all.

    Let us know what you wish to do?

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