How to become a Jain Legally?

riya says: July 14, 2018 at 8:20 am

i am a buddhist girl but in india we hail from lower caste i am in relationship with a jain boy and i am ready to become a full jain from diet to culture everything. but his parents are still not ready. we are from 10 years in a relationship. we dont wanna elope or marry secretly we need parents concern for this. so please suggest something that we can workout. do also suggest how can i become a jain legally. -Riya

Read: Jain-Hindu Marriages
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  • July 14, 2018 11:23 pm

    Hi Riya,

    This conversion business is something foreign to people from the Dharmic (Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, sikh) faiths. You are free to worship God the way you like. If you see value in teachings of Jainism, start following their practices and start visiting their Derasaras (temple). It is possible some Jain saint can do some rituals to announce you formally that you are a Jain. Jainism is a beautiful religion and respect women. However, conversion will not help your love situation. His parents still may not accept you, even you convert.

    Is he committed for your love? Do you think he may cave in from pressure from his parents and forget you? Is he working and financially independent? After marriage, do you have to live with those Jain parents?

    • Gokusan
      July 15, 2018 4:27 am

      Wow!admin wow you say Islam is anti women given a few verses but you clearly overlook in other cases it seems, the concept of of Jainism that i find particularly good is their approach to environment and ethical treatment although a bit harsh but the concept is good.

      Reply at

      • July 15, 2018 9:39 am

        On “anti women given a few verses but you clearly overlook in other cases it seems”, explain what you found anti-women in Jainism?

        Our major problem with Islam is it is very harsh on nonbelievers in Muhammad/Islam, atheist and LGBT. We cannot believe a religious book keep treating other Godly people so harshly (read bolded … No wonder why there is so much killing in the name of Allah (read Now find the same harsh wordings in Jain books for people of other faiths. Lets compare!

        Jihad Report
        Jul 07, 2018 -Jul 13, 2018

        Attacks 46
        Killed 410
        Injured 419
        Suicide Blasts 6
        Countries 12

        Now fill this in…
        Act by Jains in this World:
        Jul 07, 2018 -Jul 13, 2018

        Attacks ??
        Killed ??
        Injured ??
        Suicide Blasts ??
        Countries ??

        • Gokusan
          July 16, 2018 12:37 pm

          Yeah yeah rant all you want i just commented to see you people’s reaction, Have a great life! take care..

          Reply at

          • July 16, 2018 9:35 pm

            There cannot be any comparison between Jainism and Islam or Lord Mahavir Swami and Muhammad. We do not say who is good or bad, but the difference is very clear.

            As stated above, Muslim have killed millions, are killing every day and will kill billions in name of Allah. This is based on straight guidance from the Koran. Contrary to that, for Jains, even a thought of killing an ant is sin.

            Muhammad was a worrier, looted caravans to support his wars, killed 800 Jews in 627 because he suspected them to spy on him and kept their wives and daughters, and terrorize all others. He also had 11 wives at a time and some 30+ total girls for pleasure. He married 6 year old Ayesha at 53. Now compare Mahavir Swami!!

            On women, we understood that Jainism has very high respect for girls/women. You may say the same for Islam too, however explain us Koran 2:223, 2:228, 2:282, 4:3. 4:11, 4:15, 4:24, 4:34, 4:35, 24:4, 66:5. We will be waiting.

            Reply at

      • krish
        July 16, 2018 1:52 am


        Not only anti-women but also anti-human. Whole world is suffering.

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