Jain-Hindu Marriage

Samir Singh Bhandari (Jain) says: March 2, 2014 at 2:09 am

Buddhism and Hinduism are original branches of Jainism.

Jai Jinendra!
Jainism existed much before Hinduism and Buddhism. Jains believe that Jainism is an eternal religion and that is factually now backed by old and most advanced/recent researches by specialized Indian and western historians that show Jainism might have even existed 5 lakh years back. It easily proves that both Buddhism and Jainism were actually branches of Jainism, where Buddhism is quite similar to Jainism in many respects. Moreover, Hinduism might have been a mixture of local and some Jain beliefs.

Even a common man who understands and read religions to get educated knows that Jainism is a religion where Jains do not believe in this kind of binary or black and white classification (see syadavada). Human beings are human beings, pure and simple and religion is a way for them organize their thoughts and actions, nothing more. Jainism means Kshraminic way of life and that was extremely tough to follow and thus some Jains came out with a concept which was very parallel to Jainism; which is called as Buddism and later after some more period, some more Jains even discovered easy way to avoid hard and tough Kshraminic way of Jainism and thus this easy concept let them even eat stuff like dry fruits etc in fast etc and it is also called Brahminism way or Brahminic culture and in modern day world also known as Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma.

Jainism is the oldest and eternal religion of world with no start date and which will never end; thus please stop fighting with each other about origins and branches of respective school of thoughts which you are naming as religions. Let us all live in peace with harmony and non violence; which is the essence of Jainism and humanity and do not try to malign each other with any hidden agenda.

Buddism and Hinduism came out of Jainism but they all give good messages and we should read and absorb those messages and likewise Sikhism also give good messages of love, compassion and brotherhood. I also salute Christianity as most of the westerners follow Christianity and most of the westerners are progressive and with open mind, so it tells everything about Christianity.

It will take a long time to discuss the essence of Jainism. But the main differences between Jainism and Hinduism are:
1) Jain don’t consider some one has created or can destroy Universe.
2) There is no concept of Brahma, vishnu, shiva (the three main gods) in Jainism.
3) Jains consider 24 “Tirthankars” as their supreme gods. They have taken birth as human being and then attain “Moksha” by virtue of their leaving wordly possession and “tap” , and not by worshiping any dietary.
4) The scared books of Hindus (like Gita, Puran etc) are totally different from that of Jain sacred books (Jinvani etc).
5) The main teachings of Jainism are vastly different from other religion.
6) The “Dev” in Hindus or angels in Muslims and Christianity, who lives in heaven, are immortals. While in Jainism they are mortal and die like any living being.
7) The philosophy of worship i.e. is also different. Worshiping in Hinduism believes in surrender to some higher entity, while Worshiping in Jainism is merely instrumental in self-realization. Emphasis is more on securing samyaktva i.e. rationality rather than ritualistic worship.
There are hundred of more differences between Jains and other religions. And that’s why, even Osho has said that Jainism is Unique and different than any other religion.


Warm Regards to All,
Jainam Jayati Shasanam!

More information: Jain-Hindu Marriage Situations, Jain-Hindu Relationships, Muslim-Jain Relationships.
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  • rajwardhan
    August 27, 2016 11:59 pm

    don’t misguide peoples. bullshit you are saying jainism easisted 5 lakhs year ogo whaaaaat’s the f***. you are saying hinduism is fake are you gone mad???? do yo know oldest human civilization haddappa on which mohanjodaro film is recently made there you can see that at that time the peoples of the oldest human civilizations are hindus. acctually jain people are hindus who departed because of voilence in hinduism such as killing animals. the main aim of jainism is non-voilence. lord budhdha was the was the 9th incarnation of lord vishnu. also your theory of thirthankars is purely bullshit. the fact is that your ancient munies copied hinduism in their own way to misguide peoples. 100 crore are hindus and 40 lacks are jain followers in india and you are saying jainism is true and old lol. please think before you write. hinduism is actually not a relegion it is the way of living life. all are hindus. hindu religion doesn’t insult or derespect others like you. thats the reason today muslim sikhs jains budhdhs all other religions are living peacefully in hindustan. this is not possible in any other country. you should leave the fake roots of your copied religion and should become hindu in your lifespan. last think don’t call any religion fake. first respect other religion. you are saying you are a jain follower but you didn’t learned the first thing to respect other. keep in mind if you will respect others then only there will be non-violence. also for hindu-jain marriage it is not mandatory to change religions. why a jain should become hindu to marry a hindu???? love is eternal. it is supreme. i am sorry for my bad word in the begining but your last words increased my anger. my wife is a jain and i am a hindu we respect each other. and we are a known happy couple in our society.

    • abhijeet
      September 24, 2017 1:26 am

      m in relation from last 6 years she is jain but the problem is her father is not ina condition to understand anything she is even scared to talk to her father regarding me its killing me each and every day m blank and feeling lost what m going to do in case if she get married to someone else

      • September 24, 2017 4:19 pm

        If she is not willing to stand for you with her parents, it will be difficult. It’s her choice.

    • Rajmann P S
      January 27, 2019 6:12 am

      Greets to you! I’m a film Director in Tamil cinema..Can i discuss with you about
      Hindu-Jain marriage?

  • Piyush Parmar
    March 20, 2014 1:43 am

    Hello All,

    I have a question, I am Hindu and I am awaiting for divorce, I am in love with a girl and we want to get marry but my x-wife is not giving me divorce, so what will be the solution ?

    Shall I accept the Islam and can get marry to my loved one ?

    Please guide me and suggest me all,

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