Islamization of the world by the year 2201

Here is an article I wrote shortly after 9/11 terrorist attack on World Trade center, NY. It is long and full of factual statistics figures. I hope it is useful in understanding muslim mind.

Islamisation of the world by the year 2201
(July 2002)

Is it possible?

By: Ramesh R. Desai
Statistically, Muslimisation (Muslims being 50% of the world population) is an absolute certainty even prior to year 2501 if the present growth rates of Muslims and non-Muslims continue for that period.

Islam religion and hence Muslim population began around 640 AD and now there are 1,300,000,000 Muslims in this world. This is a historical growth rate of 1.51% per year. The world population now is 6,137,000,000 and the current growth rate of the world population is 1.30% per year (Source: PRB 2001 World Population Data Sheet). At these growth rates, mathematically, it will take 410 years for Muslim population to be 50% of the world population.

In fact, current growth rates of many Muslim countries are much greater than 1.51%.
Attached is an excel spreadsheet which lists 47 countries with Muslim majority and their populations and growth rate statistics. The composite growth rate for these 47 countries is 2.00%. Based 2.00% growth rate of Muslim population v/s 1.3% for the world it will take only 125 years for Muslims to be 50 % of the world population!!!! Therefore if these growth rates continue, mathematically it is a certainty that the world will be muslimised between 125 and 410 years.

(Of course if these growth rates continue the world population in 125 years and 410 years will be 30 billion and 1.22 trillion respectively; Muslim population will be 15 billion and 610 billion for the respective periods. We may say that that is not possible but if someone said the same thing for the world population of 6.1 billion people 400 years ago he would have been laughed out of the court, if he was lucky and beheaded if he was not. In any case if there are going to be factors which will mitigate the population to what we guesstimate to be a “sustainable” level, there is no reason to believe that those factors will affect Muslim and non-Muslim populations differently to change the growth rates and hence percentages. Therefore, in absence of any other information, the above conclusion should stand the scientific scrutiny.)


Islamisation means conversion of a country or a state or a region’s legal system to Islamic (or Quaranic or Sharia) law. Islamisation of the world means 50% of the world population living under Sharia law.

Once a region is muslimised, Muslims demand for a separate country or a region for themselves, e.g. Pakistan and Bangladesh and now a demand for independent Kashmir. Once a country is muslimised, Islamists demand for Islamic or Quranic or Sharia law.
Let us take an example of Pakistan. When it separated from India in 1947 it proclaimed itself a secular state. The Islamists gradually exerted their influence and in 1988 Pakistan became a Sharia law country.

Bangladesh got its independence in 1971 and now it is sliding towards Sharia law. Recent election resulted in a government which needed support of small Islamist parties and within 20 years, I believe, Bangladesh will become a sharia law country.
Similar tendencies are in place in other large Islamic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Nigeria. In all of these countries Islamists are demanding and in my opinion will be successful in making them sharia law countries. The attached statistical sheet shows a few other countries where sharia law is inevitable.

Countries such as Turkey and Egypt are trying hard to keep Islamists at bay but based on Islamist persistence it is doubtful these countries will remain non-sharia for a long time.

In either case, (whether muslimised or Islamised) the Muslim majority decimates the minorities by any and every means. Through physical, social, judicial, financial, legal, extralegal, religious, personal, familial or brute force duress, they either convert or drive out or kill the minorities.

Again let us take the example of Pakistan. In 1947 its population was about 50,000,000 of which minorities constituted about 25% or 12,500,000. If minorities grew at the current world growth rate of 1.3% per year, they should have now numbered 25,000,000. Instead the minority population in Pakistan at present is only 2% or 2,700,000!! In effect, Pakistan converted, drove out or killed 22,300,000 (25,000,000-2,700,000) of non-Muslims in last 55 years. And the world, amnesty international and similar organization does not seem to have any problem with that.

Similarly in Bangladesh non-Muslim population has plummeted from 30% to 10% in the same period and therefore there is elimination of 13,000,000 non-Muslims. Not only that, the same annihilation is going on right now and will not stop until non-Muslims are for all practical purposes wiped out. That means existing 13,000,000 non-Muslims and their progeny will not see the light of the day as non-Muslims.

Although these examples are of recent years this by no means is a recent phenomenon. In 14th century Indonesia was largely a Buddhist and Hindu nation. In about 400 years it became a 90% Muslim country. Similar examples abound in other parts of the world.
Once a nation is muslimised or Islamised one can be rest assured the minority population only goes down and therefore the attached list contain many Muslim countries showing more than 90% Muslim population. One can also be rest assured that due to horrendous apostasy and other sharia laws non-Muslims are not going to go there to settle anytime soon. At the same time where Muslims are minority, their population continues to grow at faster rate than the host country. In 1947 India had 10% Muslims; now they constitute 15% of the population. Similar increases are observed in the US and most if not all European countries.

The reason for this inexorable march towards Islamisation is the quaranic order for all Muslims to establish one and only one nation under the rule of Allah on this earth if not the universe. Christianity is also a monotheist religion but Christians have well developed and learned the concept of separation of church and state while that concept is totally foreign to Islam. True, some people say that Islam is a religion of tolerance but those who do not, i.e. the Islamic fundamentalists, seem to have much more power and control over the large Muslim population. So-called moderate Muslims either do not have enough power or guts or ability or willingness to oppose the fundamentalists. That may be due to constant threats of punishments or fatwahs from these fundamentalists. Or it may be due to the fact that in their hearts (of moderates) they too believe in one nation under Allah and they either acquiesce fundamentalist activities and/or covertly support them. In any case the moderate voice is totally silenced and the march towards Islam continues to go on.

This process of Islamisation is very methodical, organized, well funded, persistent, deliberate, determined and widely distributed. Please read the article “Creating An Islamic State”. Also no part of the world, including the USA is immune to this Islamisation planning process. Please read the article “How to make America an Islamic Nation” described in the website America and Islam;
Based on these observations the world between 125 years and 410 years from now will most likely will be islamised by 2201 AD.

What are non-Muslims to do?

In my opinion the recent terrorist activities are nothing but further manifestation or extension of Islamic fundamentalism. There have been extensive discussions and proposed solutions for this menace.

One popular suggestion is to bring vibrant democracy to these nations. But the practice proves otherwise. Pakistan started out with democracy and is now an Islamist state during both the military and democratic rules. Bangladesh, Malaysia, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, etc. are democratic and are sliding towards sharia law. In fact look at the attached statistics and you will quickly observe that most of the sharia law countries are democracies.

Another notion is that increased living standards in these countries would reduce fundamentalism. Again the reality is starkly different. A recent study shows that most of the terrorists/fundamentalists come from either rich or middle class families, a la Bin Laden. Also Saudi Arabia, a very rich country seems to be awash with fundamentalists.
Yet another notion is that higher education will help stem the tide and yet the reality is otherwise. Most of the terrorists are well educated.

In fact, in recent times greater democracy, abundant wealth and higher education seem to accelerate this inexorable propagation of fundamentalism. Tremendous wealth of Saudi Arabia has very successfully exported its brand of fundamentalism to many parts of the world including some remote ones. Western education and technologies are very successfully used by Islamists to further their goal of world domination in all parts of the world. Thus billions of dollars spent for these so-called remedies to stem the Islamist tide may have exactly opposite effect and may fan the fire of Islamist expansionism.

Is democracy with separation of church and state the solution? Or is it internal reform of Islam, i.e. abandon the idea of one Islamic nation under Allah, respect other religions and live peacefully with other people? Or will it have to be a forcible containment and/or reduction of Islamisation? I guess the solution may be combination all of the above alternatives.


This hypothesis is obviously dependent upon a big if, if the present population and Islamisation trends continue. My opinion is that these trends will continues unless they are opposed with new deliberation, dedication and determination. The world better find a solution (s) to this phenomenon. The alternative is unthinkable.

Following is a list of websites that were used to prepare this article:; List of current Organization of Islamic Countries; Report 2000 on religious freedom in the world.; The Muslim World; Countries of the World;America and Islam
Read also Creating An Islamic State

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  • March 12, 2018 5:02 am

    I had replied to Mr. Mayank Sharma and Mr. Bhattacharjee about the supremacist thuggery of upper caste Hindus in the blog:

    This post attempts to explain on how Hindus’ cruel caste system tramples on the dignity, equality and justice of their own brethren.

    Hindus are going in droves to Abrahamic faiths in India. Though there are incriminating evidences as how these faiths lure Dharmic faith followers, Hindus themselves should share equal blame.

    All faiths are treated on par in Hinduism but can you say about this for all castes?! Hindus can consider Muslims, Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Bahais and all other faith-followers as their own but can’t think of their own brothers as their equals!
    Segregation on the basis of birth tarnishes the very basis of piety. You hold your caste placard, regard those wonderful people as lower human beings and this is called spirituality?! Dehumanize them and then you expect them to cling on to your faith?!! Do some soul-searching, please!

    It’s extremely easy to find Bibles and Qurans in lower caste people’s houses than to find Gita. Christian and Islamic missionaries are forcing their Holy Books on this targeted population’s hands. Would you let them even to touch Gita? How many of these people even would have seen their Holy Books? Human mind always wants to connect with the Supernatural Power. You deny them the mystique experience and they will surrender to those who are ready to offer that divine magic feel, simple!

    Pinning blame on others for how they are encroaching on your population is the easier part. Your inhuman class mentality is the primary cause for the oppressed people to move to greener pastures is the tougher part! Caste Hindus at one point of time are ready to accept Abrahamic son/ daughter-in-law but can never agree to a lower caste Hindu/ Period!

    Christians and Muslims help people via various charities/ zakah. Most of the time they end up serving their own population but that does help the suffering lot, however selfish their intentions might be! Hindus may deposit lakhs and crores to temple donations but do not recognize that helping the starving population is the best way to reach God. How many well-to-do Hindu families distribute rice, wheat, dal, oil, sugar, vegetables and other needed items to the poverty-ridden families at least during Diwali?

    Introspection by Hindu leaders to address the issues only can help Hinduism to treat its own sons equally else just whine and whimper when these people move to those faiths which promise them of an equal pedestal!

    Reply at

    • krish
      May 4, 2018 5:45 am

      Is Islam starting to lose respect from non-Muslims?

      An ex-mulsim point of view:

      I am an ex-muslim agnostic in Indonesia so I guess I’m qualified to answer. Before I answer, I’ll have you know that I spent 1 hour before I wrote this anonymous answer for writing an answer with my real account. But then I remembered how violent and self-centered Muslims in Indonesia can be. So I changed to anonymous for the sake of my well-being and so that I can write the truth.

      YES, non-muslim lose respect for Islam. It’s not just me, other people from other religions do too. Why is that?

      (Reminder: This answer will contain a little bit of my rage as an ex-muslim, so filter the facts and emotion. But you will find my answer truthful as I leave Islam not because of lack in learning. But because I learn too much to know that it’s bad fundamentally.)

      Muslims are selfish. For the Muslims, it is “us” vs “them”. That’s why tragedies like 212 demonstration happened. It’s the true face of Islam. There’s only Muslim leader for Muslim people. They rather have corrupted Muslim as a leader than a non-Muslim, hoping that Allah will change them to be a good Muslim. If non-muslim lead, then they will be a threat for the religion as they can impose law that hurt the Muslim. That’s how their logic works, what a load of BS.

      People will force Islam to you around here. I have a girlfriend, she lives in Banjarmasin, a fairly religious city. She’s there for studying to be a doctor in a university. My girlfriend is still a muslim, but she doesn’t like wearing hijab. Guess what happened to her? She’s threatened that if she doesn’t wear hijab in classes soon, her scores would plummet. She asks the professors and assistant about why she should wear hijab. They said that it would make practicing more sterile as her hair is covered up. Sooo, everyone should wear hijab in the lab? Nope, just the muslim. Non-muslim may just not use hijab. SO WHAT’S THE POINT OF USING IT IN THE FIST PLACE IF NOT EVERYONE IS USING IT!? Oh wow, now religious clothing will make you a better doctor and make you cleaner. I’d never knew that. If you are studying in one of the top state universities you’ll see religion shoving everywhere. For example, reading verses before events. Why only from Quran? Why don’t we read other books also?

      Muslim will hate anyone that has a different view than themselves, even other muslims. Habib Riziq is clearly a threat for Indonesian tolerance and integrity? “No, he is not. He is our leader, deal with it. We are just doing what we are supposed to do based on our books. Fuck you guys, you will go to hell anyway. Only we will go to heaven.” “Oh you’re muslim and you hate Habib Riziq? What a kafir you are, he is fighting for our ummah and you are not grateful.” If you guys always wonder why FPI always have support, well, Muslims are silently supporting them. Because they are beneficial for the ummah. For Islam victory.

      They despise people from other religion. I come from a religious Islamic middle-class family, trust me I know what I’m talking about. What you see about Rina Rose and Asmirandah is just the tip of the iceberg. They are some extreme cases that made it to the public.

      In their daily life, at least the muslims around me which consists of people from Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan, it’s normal to despise people from other religions. Remarks like “Oh, he is a christian” or “Why did he go out of Islam? He is stupid.” followed with a spadeful look isn’t rare sight.

  • Hanah Khan
    March 7, 2018 6:28 am

    The article deals with hard facts.

    World matters:

    The entire West merrily lectured India to show restraint until Islamists treated them with the same ‘affection’ on 9/11 and made them to understand the true nature of Islamism. UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Austria opened their borders: in a matter of decades we can see Europe’s decadence‒ they’ve just mightily underestimated the debauchery of the cult-enslaved population.

    Brick by brick you built the humane, liberal and equal nation and you can see it being devastated by Sharia!

    Any faith which forces its followers to recruit is a cult: Christianity and Islam are cults; while Christianity had visionary leaders who have channelized it into a constructive entity Islam had successively given rise only to utterly destructive maniacs as leaders and hence today, Islam has become a tsunami-sized devastative cult.

    Any change on the ground situation can happen one and only if Saudi Arabia shows some mercy and reforms Islam from the scratch.

    Specifics on India:

    * India is the biggest victim of the cult of Islam: the range of ravage caused to India’s indigenous faiths, culture and heritage by the advent of Islam in India is immeasurable. India lost its bulk of the population, land and culture to an Arabian cult which only had/has hate for nonbelievers in general and polytheists in particular. Jizya, dawah, Rape, sex slavery, one-sided proselytizing and blasphemy rules, death for apostasy were forced upon a population which embraced all faiths equally. As a result, millions got converted, bloody partition followed and even today India’s converted sons are carrying the sickle to slaughter the mother‒ power of a destructive cult!

    Note that, Pakistan and Bangladesh carry Hindu ancestry but today have almost erased their own heritage: persecution of Hindus and other minorities and desecration of thousands of temples in these nations were the barbarities carried out by non-Arab Muslim converts with Hindu roots. Every form of art which as Hindus, their forefathers patronized is now declared ‘haraam’ and these neoMuslims have burned and buried their innate talent in lieu with the Saudi culture.

    Now the Muslims of the entire subcontinent are vying to enter heaven by establishing supremacy, destroying peace and crushing justice‒ be in Muslim-majority Pakistan and Bangladesh or Muslim-minority India.

    We’ll have a look at Gandhi’s advise to the Hindus:

    “Hindus should not harbor anger in their hearts against Muslims even if the latter wanted to destroy them. Even if the Muslims want to kill us all we should face death bravely. If they established their rule after killing Hindus we would be ushering in a new world by sacrificing our lives. None should fear death. Birth and death are inevitable for every human being. Why should we then rejoice or grieve? If we die with a smile we shall enter into a new life, we shall be ushering in a new India ”
    CWMG Vol. 94 page 249/ Prayer meeting, April 6, 1947, New Delhi

    “There is nothing brave about dying while killing. It is an illusion of bravery. The true martyr is one who lays down his life without killing. You may turn around and ask whether all Hindus and Sikhs should die. Yes, I would say. Such martyrdom will not be in vain. You may compliment me or curse me for talking in this manner; but I shall only say what I feel in my heart”.
    Prarthana Pravachan: CWMG,Part I,Vol. 87

    Would Gandhi have advised the Muslims in the same breath: “Muslims should not harbor anger in their hearts against Hindus even if the latter wanted to destroy them. Even if the Hindus want to kill Muslims, they should face death bravely….”?
    A visionary is the one who could comprehend the gravity of the menace! Well….

    And Gandhi’s gift to India: an incomplete partition and an India carrying a cult-drugged, stabbing population on its back! With Kashmir burning with Islamic indoctrination, West Bengal and Kerala already toeing the Kashmiri line, every state of India facing various levels of threats from Islamic organizations, Bangladeshi Muslims infiltration into India‒ it’s just a matter of a century for another partition!

    So what can the world do?

    The only course of action is to force Saudi Arabia to remove the venomous tenets and reform the cult, else be strong enough to close the borders for Muslims. Otherwise the entire non-Muslim nations with even minimum Muslim population will become another India,which was broken, broken and riding towards another break.

    And Muslims will ensure that the entire world gets scorched by the Islamic inferno‒ thanks to the Saudi Arabian swamp-cult called Islam!

    • March 7, 2018 6:57 pm

      Wow! Never learned that Gandhi said these. No wonder our own mac indicated that Gandhi will go to heaven!

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