Islam is an ideology of WAR

Nargis says: April 18, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Dear readers,

Islam is a declaration of war against infidels. Islam is an ideology of WAR. The Koran is a BOOK OF WAR. Allah (the ANTI GOD) is a GOD OF WAR. This war is permanent until all the infidels have converted, paid a submission tax or have been murdered. This is the LAW OF ALLAH AS SET DOWN IN THE KORAN.

As stated previously in this website – Infidels can be murdered by Muslims as a LAW OF Allah (the ANTI GOD). Not only can they all be murdered but the wives and daughters of the murdered infidels can be taken as booty, raped, and then sold as slaves. Their sons can be sold into slavery. If there is any doubt as to the boy’s age of puberty – Muslims can pull down their pants and inspect their genital area for hairs. Even the slightest sign of hair growth means that these young men can be taken and beheaded. As a LAW OF ALLAH (the ANTI GOD), Muslims can then loot and pillage the property of the murdered infidels, and must share the booty obtained from the sale of boys and women and the proceeds of looting with ALLAH. ALL THIS EVIL ARE THE LAWS OF ALLAH (the ANTI GOD) AS SET DOWN IN THE KORAN. Not only that but these righteous Muslims can ascend as martyrs to the evil sexually depraved Islamic Paradise of eternal hard – ons and virgins who re – generate as virgins after each sex act. THIS IS THEIR ETERNAL REWARD FOR OBEYING THE LAWS OF ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.)


“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.” (Blaise Pascal, mathematician, 1670)

By now any sane human being of 21st century should realize that the religion of Islam is the main source of Islamic terrorism happening today around the world. But sadly, majority of gullible people (Muslim and non-Muslims) tend to ask questions: Does Islam have anything to do with Terrorism? More precisely—does the Qur’an anyway responsible for Islamic terrorism, or Islamic suicide bombings? Some hypocritical western educated so called moderate Muslims have now started to blame Hadiths (only) for Islamic terrorism/suicide bombings etc. and they are hypocritically claiming that Quran is totally innocent of this crime. These neo-islamists also claim that for all these Islamic suicide bombings and Islamic terrorism—it is the Sunnah (Ahadiths or traditions left by the Prophet Muhammad) which should be blamed, and not the Holy Quran. In this faulty or erroneous line of thinking they got their illusionary vision that, if hadiths could be dump then Islam will be very peaceful and innocent. This essay will refute their (neo-islamists) dishonest claim about the source of Islamic terrorism.

Background story:

Islam is a cultic (brotherhood or ummatic) religion by nature. The very theme of Islam is: Allah is the sole creator of everything on heaven and Earth and Muslims are His only legitimate and righteous people. All other peoples (Jews, Christians, Hindus etc.) are simply infidels and hated by Allah. A Muslim is a person who gets his/her life’s inspiration primarily from the Qur’an and secondarily from the Hadiths (the Sunna). The devout Muslims believe that all life’s solutions are contained in the Holy Quran and every good Muslim does believe in his heart that the Quran is the immutable divine words of Allah, infallible-unchangeable-eternal book of Allah, and they must follow this (Quran) word by word without question. Following this line of thinking the Muslims believe that anyone who does not agree with them is kaffir and enemy of Islam; hence the enemy of Allah. A Muslim must oppose his/her enemy and kill him/her by any means whenever the opportunity arises.

Historically, Muslims in Arabia always considered their political enemies/rivals as the kaffirs (filthy, unclean, non-believers and deserves death) and always wanted to eliminate them by force. They have also considered it a blessed or holy thing to kill their enemy (kaffirs) which will please Allah and consequently they will be rewarded in this life and hereafter. If we study early Islamic history (the reigns of most Islamic caliphs) we can readily learn that there had been always bloody disputes amongst various Muslim political groups in which tens of thousands of people were slaughtered in the name of their religion. In these political disputes always one group was calling other group kaffirs or enemy of Allah. They tried to justify killing their rivals by Islamic dictums. Even today, the same patterns of religious sectarian killings are going on in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and many other Islamic nations. As always, each party calls them the party of Allah and opposite party is the party of kaffirs who should be killed. In these sectarian killings Muslims always get their inspiration primarily from the Quranic dictums supported by Hadiths. They never get inspiration from anything which is not in the Quran; or they never kill anybody having being inspired only from hadiths. Because Muslims always consider the Quran as the nucleus of their faith and inspiration and hadiths are used only to support Quranic dictums.


Islamic terrorists do kill people by their Islamic fanatical zeal which is the prime source of motivation in their killing spree. And these inspirations always come from Holy Quran. Now, question is: does the Quran contain such verses which can easily inspire/incite devout Muslims to kill people with impunity? Answer is there are plenty of such inciting or inspiring Quranic verses which can turn any simple/innocent minded devout Muslims into a killing monster. In fact, Quran is replete with such horrifically inciting dictums throughout the pages of Quran. The Quran repeatedly promised celestial handsome rewards for those who can kill kaffirs (enemy of Allah and His messenger) and dreadful punishing hellfire for those who refuse to kill kaffirs. The Quran also incites followers to sacrifice their lives in order to kill kaffirs in exchange for a much better and lucrative after life. In this line just one Quranic verse (9:111) is most attractive to those jihadis who are desperately eager to achieve heavenly rearward of 72 virgins. Here is the master piece from Holy Quran:

Quran: 9:111, Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons (lives) and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.

In addition, a strong support and explanation to the verse: 9:111 was given by Merciful Allah by the following:

Quran-4:74- Let those fight in the cause of Allah Who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fighteth in the cause of Allah,- whether he is slain or gets victory (i.e. killed or be killed) – Soon shall We give him a reward of great (value).

Quran-4:95- Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons (sacrifice both life and wealth) than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.

Quran-3:169-: Think not of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead. Nay, they live, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord; (Here Allah is saying that those jihadi who dies [commit suicide] is not dead but he will be living with Allah).
Now, I do not believe that anybody can have slightest doubt that the above clear invitations (from Allah) for the ardent fanatical believers can very easily convince the blind pukka (pure) Muslims to become a time-bomb (suicidal) in order to kill infidels/kaffirs—for the cause of Allah!

The above verses (9:111; 3:169; 4:74; 4:95) are clearly ordering devout Muslims “to kill and be killed”; that is, Allah is teaching Muslims to sacrifice their own lives (to commit suicide) in His cause (Allah’s cause) in order to kill infidels (enemy of Allah).

This single verse (9:111) very precisely justifies suicide bombing—the most lethal, most terrifying, most inhuman and most successful weapon majority Islamic terrorists are using today to kill Allah’s enemies. It is the perfect example (without any ambiguity) of the suicidal method Allah has prescribed for devout Muslims. In the verse above (9:111) Islamic Allah clearly saying that: He (Allah) purchased life and property of believers in exchange of lustful and unimaginable lucrative heavenly pleasures for those who will die (commit suicide) for the cause (killing kaffirs) of Allah. After this, Muslims (ardent followers of the Quran) do not need any more killing instructions for their motivation to kill kaffirs/infidels. For good reason we can sum up that the Islamic God (Allah) is the most dangerous deity having unlimited vengeful, cruel, intolerant, intimidating and war-loving blood thirsty divine entity.

But this is not all! Quran is loaded with numerous (killing) verses ordering the ardent followers to carry out endless killing of infidels/unbelievers until only Muslims remain to inhibit this Earth owned by Islamic Allah. Here are some more examples:

Quran-8:39, And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere (in this earth of Allah).

Quran-9:29, Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth (Islam), even if they are of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Quran-3:85, “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).”

Quran-9:39, Unless ye go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least. [Allah’s hatred to those who are reluctant to join Islamic jihad]

Quran-9:73, O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed.

Quran-8:65: “O Apostle! Rouse the believers to fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred; if a 100 , they will vanquish a 1,000 of the unbelievers..”

Quran-8:66:”….if there are a 100 of you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish 2,00, and if a 1,000 , they will vanquish 2,000 (two thousands) with the leave of Allah…” [This fabulous verse was written in the diary of Muhammad Ata the leader of 9/11 terrorists].

Quran-4:78: “Where ye are, death will find you, even if ye are in Towers, built up strong and tall” (Perhaps Twin towers was meant here?)

Quran-2:193, And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression

Quran-2:216, Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you

Quran-5:33, The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

Quran-4:89— “They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades (change to other religions), seize them and kill them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;-” (Punishment for the apostates).

Quran-9:5, But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.

Quran-9:28, O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. (This verse is a glaring example how much hatreds Islam possess against non-Muslims).

Quran-8:67—“It is not fitting for an Apostle that he should have prisoners of war until He thoroughly subdued the land….” (Allah insisting Prophet to kill all the prisoners, and should not keep any surrendered prisoners alive)

Quran-8:17—It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah said, the killing of surrendered soldiers were done by the wish of Allah)

Quran: 9:23: “O ye who believe! Take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love Infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong”. [Quran is asking Muslims even to go against their own father and brothers in respect of religious faith]

Quran: 3:28: “Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah”

Quran: 5:45: We ordained therein for them: “Life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear. Tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.” (Does this verse sound humane?)

47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), strike off their heads; at length; then when you have made wide Slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives”: thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”

9:123: “Oh ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers and let them find harshness in you.”

2:191- “Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from wherever they drove you out.”

8:12- Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” [Allah is really most merciful]

The Qur’an is full of heinous, inhuman, and utterly dreadful cruel verses. The main themes of Quranic or scriptural instruction are: pursuance by advice, then by intimidation/coercion, then by force (killing, fighting, maiming etc), and in return plenty of heavenly reward from Allah. We can find hundreds of cruel hateful and utterly inhuman verses throughout the Qur’an. The above Qur’anic scriptures incited early Muslim Jihadis of 7th century period to kill thousands of non-Muslims and other infidels. During the early period of Islam, especially during Islamic expeditions by Prophet Muhammad himself while he was in Medina, thousands of infidels were brutally killed (beheaded) by the Jihadis. These same Quranic verses are still inciting devout/fanatical Muslims.

Now, does it take a rocket scientist to understand the source of the fanatical will of those September 11 terrorists? Does it ring the bell from where these Islamic terrorists (all over the world) are getting their inspiration and hope? Will our Islamists still say, “Islam is a religion of peace,” or that “Qur’an is full of kind and compassionate advises?” Quran tells us to: “not to make friendship with Jews and Christians” (5:51), fight them “until they pay the Jizya (a penalty tax for the non-Muslims living under Islamic rules) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (9:29). “kill the disbelievers wherever we find them” (2:191), “murder them and treat them harshly” (9:123), “fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem” (9:5), “ kill and be killed; i.e. commit suicide to kill kaffirs “(9:111).

However, Quran is a holy book which is replete with contradictions also contains rare deceptive verses like the following:

Quran-4:29-30: O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities: But let there be amongst you Traffic and trade by mutual good-will: in Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful! If any do that rancour and injustice,- soon shall We cast them into the Fire: And easy it is for Allah.

Quran-5:32- On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.

Hypocritical Islamists try to use theses (only) two verses above to make an excuse that Allah forbade suicide killing for Muslims, or killing people. Truly, these verses (4:29-30) above only talking about self-destruction (suicide) for no real purpose other than self depression or pains which sometimes human prefers to end his life in order to get relief from pains. This kind of self-killing is prohibited by any religions, society or creeds and is called self-destruction (suicide) without having any ulterior motive or purpose. But this universal suicide has nothing to do with Allah’s call of “kill and be killed” (Quranic verse-9:111) with the divine purpose (to kill infidels) of serving Allah, as the verse has clearly stated. And the verse (5:32) is purely a deceptive verse used by most hypocrites of Islam to fool the Westerners. This verse was meant to describe historical aspects of Israelites and is nothing to do with the Muslims. Nor does this verse do any abrogation of the hundreds of killing verses came afterwards (while in Medina) to incite random killings (Jihad) of any un-believers by Allah’s soldiers called Muslims. In short holy Quran could be named (undoubtedly) as the supreme manual of intimidation, vengeance, terror, violence, and war against non-Muslims.

Profile of the Islamic Terrorists:

Osama Bin Laden (OBL) and his al-Qaeda jihadis have frequently cited many passages from the Holy Quran to justify their flagrant acts of terrorism around the world. Suicide bombing is the most successful weapon to strike terror in the hearts of the western infidels. In his famous ‘fatwa’ of declared war against Americans in 1998, terrorist leader OBL has repeatedly used jihadi verses from the Quran (mentioned in this essay) to incite his followers to kill Americans/infidels primarily by the act of suicide bombing. All the 9/11 Islamic terrorists left their private notes (especially Muhammad Ata) citing Quranic killing verses and they all committed suicide to kill American infidels (Kaffirs) 100% according to the Quranic verss-9:111. Not a single time have they ever claimed or mentioned any hadiths as the inciting agent of their killing spree. Israel have had captured numerous would be suicide bombers (who’s detonating did not work in their attempt of suicide bombing) with the suicide belt around them, and they all were interviewed by the western reporters in the Israeli prison cell. All most all of them told the reporters—they wanted to die to kill infidels according to the Quranic instructions to achieve heavenly pleasures with 72 virgin houris. None has ever mentioned anything about hadiths or Sharia laws as their instigator.

All the Islamic terrorists arrested by police in Europe (especially in Netherlands such as Van Gogh killing) readily cited the Quran as their teacher to commit terrorism in order to kill infidels. In the train terrorism incident at Madrid (Spain) the Islamic terrorists were all longtime resident of Spain (North American and Syrian born) who admitted to police that they were “inspired by the doctrines (Koran) of Islam” to rise up against their adopted host country to kill 191 Spanish innocent citizen.

Quite obviously, the cause of Islamic fanaticism, zealotry and suicide terrorism is rooted in the Holy Qur’an (9:111; 3:169; 4:74; 4:95). Terrorists like Osama bin Laden and others are the victims of Quranic scriptural immoral teachings. They believe Quran by their hearts and try to follow the Quran in Toto! But the general born Muslims do not follow Quran at all, and that is why they believe in their own peaceful illusionary vision of Islam, which never existed in the history of Islam.

Osama bin Laden is the true Muslim who follows Quran and hadiths in ‘Toto’ and this hero of Muslim interprets Quranic verses and hadiths as per the needs of Islamic Umma, and of course, as per the real spirit of medieval Islam. In fact, gullible Muslims consider OBL as the mirror image of Prophet Muhammd and many things about him (OBL) are 100% compatible with the life and deeds of Islamic prophet Muhammad. That is why true Muslims (Maulanas, Mullahs, Madrassha students [Talibans], all leaders of Islamic political parties) of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and other Muslim countries are supporting Osama and his host, Talibans of Afghanistan. It’s totally irrelevant and useless to claim that Osama, al-Qaeda terrorists and Talibans are not true Muslims, or they are Muslims by their distorted views of Islam! Actually, they are the real Muslims, and they are the Muslims by the book. All others so called progressive Muslims (living in the western comfort) are simply Muslims by virtue of their birth in a Muslim family.

Time has arrived now to identify and intervening the real cause of this ancient medieval stupidity. Real problem is with the ancient Bedouin teachings of Islam (read Qur’an) which are outdated and no longer fitting today’s civilized world. Islamic terrorism is the giant problem of entire mankind today and fanatic Muslims are the zombies at the hands of immoral Quarnic teachings. How can one cure a body by keeping the cancerous lesion inside the body? Nothing can change this precarious situation of Muslims unless we realize the real problem (read Quran) and take care of it. -Nargis

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Bhavna
    June 11, 2013 3:18 am

    I couldn’t agree with this article more! Islam and other Abrahamic religions are narrow-minded, rigid, orthodox, and fundamentalist. They indoctrinate their believers from a young, impressionable age, and go on to breed bigotry and communal animosity. Unlike Hinduism which is more of a faith than a hard and fast religion, Islam outcasts those who do not adhere to its socio-cultural and religious norms. Religions like Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism are more about spirituality, enlightenment and self-awakening, which is why I do not have a problem with them (I am a Hindu agnostic at heart). They instill in us virtues such as non-violence, wisdom and love for the arts (as incarnated by Saraswati), handwork and sincerity (as personified by Karthik), prosperity and optimism (Laxmi), goodwill (Ganesh), feminine power and independence (as embodied by Durga and other shakti Goddessess), brotherhood and familial unity (Rama), discipline and intelligence (Krishna). They are not coercive like Islam, and do not stifle our basic rights and freedoms of expression, thought and belief. As a Hindu, I can follow whichever path I choose to today, for instance, I can abort my child or dress however I may please; if I were a Muslim woman, however, I would be a social pariah if I did the same. Islam marginalizes, oppresses, and silences its women; it is extremely patriarchal. Let’s not forget the manner in which it treats its animals. As an animal lover and vegetarian, I am appalled by the cruel and gory ritual of halal and believe it needs to be put an end to if we are to call ourselves a civilized, ethical society. Islam was written as a means to mobilize a primitive, war mongering race of people, unite them by means of a common cause. Its prophet was backward and barbaric, and wrote the tennets of his religion only to suit his own selfish motives. Pagan religions like Hinduism, on the other hand, are less dangerous as they worship the various facets of nature directly or through idols. Though they are plagued by their own set of problem (like casteism in the case of Hindism), they do not hamper the attainment of knowledge and self-discovery. This is the reason they are flexible and adaptable and have room for improvisation, addition and improvement. Today, if someone were to challenge a Shia tennet on the other hand, they would be faced by a fatwa or stoned to death! Islam is a deadly malady which needs a cure as soon as possible!

    To borrow the insightful words of Schopenhauer who was greatly critical of Islam, “Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.”

  • April 23, 2013 10:49 am

    Hi Admn. and Satyen including muslim sisters,

    I am describing following criminal laws of Koran and Muhammad.

    1. Killing, murder, slaughter of all infidels that have not converted to Islam.

    2. Killing, murder, slaughter of all apostates of Islam.

    3. Islam orders death for Muslims and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.

    4. Muslims deserve death for doing any of the following (Reliance of the Traveler pp. 597—98, o8.7): (1) Reviling Allah or his Messenger; (2) being sarcastic about ‘Allah’s name, His command, His interdiction, His promise, or His threat’; (3) denying any verse of the Quran or ‘anything which by scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it’; (4) holding that ‘any of Allah’s messengers or prophets are liars, or to deny their being sent’; (5) reviling the religion of Islam; (6) being sarcastic about any ruling of the Sacred Law; (7) denying that Allah intended ‘the Prophet’s message . . . to be the religion followed by the entire world.’

    5. Islam allows the ownership of slaves – it is a law of ALLAH.

    6.ALLAH permits the raping of female slaves. Indeed in Islam – rape is not a sexual weapon – it is a weapon of war. Having murdered the woman’s man, Muslims can now – sanctioned by the law of ALLAH complete their final humiliation and domination of her body.

    7.ALLAH sanctions the seizing, looting and pillaging of property of murdered infidels.

    8. ALLAH demands a share of the proceeds realized from the sale of women and children and looted property. It is the law of ALLAH.

    9. ALLAH condemns most Muslim women upon their death to the fires of hell.

    10. The ALLAH depicted in the Koran is no ordinary god. He is the greatest slut master of the entire universe. ALLAH has created a deviant sexual paradise filled with virgins with big breasts and lustrous eyes. These virgins re- generate as virgins every time a believer has sex with them. These righteous Muslim killers and murderers of ALLAH are blessed with eternal erections. They are permitted by ALLAH to engage in all forms of orgies, group sex, and sexual depravity.

    11. ALLAH permits the following crimes to be committed in His name and greater glory. (1) Women and children are enslaved. They can either be sold, or the Muslims may ‘marry’ the women, since their marriages are automatically annulled upon their capture. (2) Muslims may have sex with slave women. Ali, Muhammad’s cousin and son—in—law, did this. (3) Women and children must not be killed during war, unless this happens in a nighttime raid when visibility was low. Not as an act of mercy but as a commercial decision. They are money and sex on the hoof. (4) Old men and monks could be killed. (5) A captured enemy of war could be killed, enslaved, ransomed for money or an exchange, freely released, or beaten. One time Muhammad even tortured a citizen of the city of Khaybar in order to extract information about where the wealth of the city was hidden. (6) Enemy men who converted could keep their property and small children. This law is so excessive that it amounts to forced conversion. Only the strongest of the strong could resist this coercion and remain a non—Muslim. (7) Civilian property may be confiscated. (8) Civilian homes may be destroyed. (9) Civilian fruit trees may be destroyed. (10) Pagan Arabs had to convert or die. This does not allow for the freedom of religion or conscience. (11) People of the Book (Jews and Christians) had three options (Sura 9:29): fight and die; convert and pay a forced ‘charity’ or zakat tax; or keep their Biblical faith and pay a jizya or poll tax. The last two options mean that this immoral money flows into the Islamic treasury, to fund Muhammad’s jihadist army so why would Muhammad receive a revelation from God to dry up this money flow?

    12. ALLAH rewards suicide bombers and other killers and murderers Islamic martyrdom which guarantees Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for Allah.

    13. All unbelievers are to be sentenced to Hell for all eternity.

    14. Murder is only wrong if the victim is a fellow Muslim.

    15. ALLAH teaches that women are fields to be used by men as they will.

    16. ALLAH teaches that women are worth one half of a man.

    17. ALLAH sanctions men to beat their disobedient wives.

    18. ALLAH does not allow Muslims to be friends with the infidels.

    19. ALLAH sanctions that Muslims must disown family members who reject Islam.

    20. Thieves have their hands cut off.

    21. ALLAH ordered that prisoners of war must be killed until all Arabia was conquered for Islam.

    22. ALLAH sent the Angel Gabriel with his merry band of warrior Angels to bring war, death and destruction to the enemies of Islam.

    23. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to marry his adopted son’s wife. This law applied to all Muslim men.

    24. ALLAH created a law abolishing adoption.

    25. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to rape slave women.

    26. ALLAH created a law allowing Muhammad to possess more then 4 wives.

    Of course, these are not the teachings of ALLAH (the ANTI GOD.) These are the teachings of Muhammad. The ALLAH of the Koran never existed. He was created by Muhammad. Muhammad was ALLAH (the ANTI ALLAH.)



  • April 22, 2013 12:15 pm

    A true prophet should possess utmost humility of the biblical prophets, but Muhammad was an utmost arrogant, self-possessed and self-righteous man. Truly Muhammad was nothing but a pretender, seduced by his own rebellious heart…

    There are three legs upon which Islam stands its grounds:
    1.The Koran

    Likewise, let’s take the example of a three-legged milking stool: If one leg is broken off, the whole stool would fall down. Some old farmers from Missouri, USA, will tell you that there is such a thing as ‘one-legged milking stool’! A clever farmer provides the other two legs with his own and the stool works, though there is a constant struggle to stay in balance.

    Once dealt with the counterfeit Koran and the Pagan moon-god of Islam, Allah, we now find that Islam’s milking stool is actually down to one leg. We have seen that Islam is very vulnerable in its puerile and contradictory Koran. Allah also turns out to be a big fraud. Nevertheless, the Mullahs will prop up the Islamic stool by sheer force in the hope that Muhammad will survive our basic scrutiny.

    With a feeble mind’s help, one shall now knock the last leg off of the stool of Islam and see how fragile the structure of Islam really is! I shall avoid stealth; rather, I shall simply quote Muhammad, and give you the known history of the man they call a Prophet. You may then decide if you wish to follow this alleged prophet/messenger of Allah.

    Ahadith will be used heavily since they show the real Muhammad, who is well concealed to students of holy Koran alone. Again, I remind you that ahadith, or sayings of Muhammad, are 100% authoritative and genuine, since the Mullahs effective use them to control and guide the everyday lives of Muslims worldwide.

    Also, to our Muslim readers, please bear with me. I know that many of these sayings in the ahadith have been hidden from you or have been concealed in taqiya, but it is urgent that you see just what kind of a prophet you are following. If you are a devout Muslim, this will be the hardest part for you to hear, but it can also be the way finally to truth so as to liberate yourself from the ‘deceptions of Islam’. May the Truth give you light to know it.

    Muhammad’s Claims for himself as a ‘Prophet’ of God!

    All prophets must establish who they are and where they came from. If they are prophets, they must be very convincing to get attention of potential followers. A prophet, who calls men to himself alone, is called a ‘guru’. A prophet, who calls men to a supreme being, is called a ‘true prophet’, or a “prophet of god” etc.

    Islam’s first pillar is to declare the true faith of Islam. That is done by repeating a single statement, which is: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet of Allah.”

    Is Muhammad a true prophet of God, as he claimed? We shall soon see.

    H. G. Wells says that Muhammad claimed that the prophets before him, particularly Abraham and Jesus, were divine teachers of Allah, but he, Muhammad, was the crowning and final prophet, who completed the line of prophetic succession. The reason Muhammad failed to include Buddha, Krishna, and the Vedas in his list of Allah’s prophets is because he was isolated from the rest of the world by his Arab geography.

    We note that all modern-day prophets made similar and repeated claims of being the last and the best. Montinus (circa 250 AD) claimed to be a Christian prophet; he had quite a following until Christ failed to come back by his man-made schedules. Joseph Smith, who encouraged his men to marry an old maid’s sanitarium, claimed to be the last and the best of the prophets. Charles Taz Russell, a lazy loser of a salesman, founded the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and claimed the same, as did Rajneesh, Jim Jones, Father Divine, and Willy Frampton. (Willy prophesied in the 1960s on Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles something about 35-foot grasshoppers coming to destroy the earth if we didn’t repent. He even had photos of the grasshoppers in a shoe box, which he refused to open?)

    So, here is what Muhammad said about ‘himself’ as we compare him with the prophets and writers of the Bible. The copy of the ahadith I am using is, Al Hadis by Al Haji Maulana Fazlul Karim, The Book House, Lahore, Pakistan, in five volumes. Every ahadith has a reporter, who heard Muhammad say the ahadith. Then at the end of each ahadith there are renowned Muslim scholars, who attest that it was said by Muhammad. This is actually a better authority than that of the Koran, in which only Muhammad speaks, purported as Allah’s words.

  • April 21, 2013 9:18 am

    Hello readers,

    Please spare your time to read following pssages about islamic religion.

    164 Jihad Holy War Verses in the Koran

    [*2.178]…retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the slain… [*2.179] …there is life for you in (the law of) retaliation, O men of understanding, that you may guard yourselves.

    [*2.190] …fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you…[*2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.

    [*2.193]…fight with them…[194]…whoever then acts aggressively against you, inflict injury on him according to the injury he has inflicted on you…

    [*2.216] Fighting is enjoined on you…[*2.217]… fighting in it. Say: Fighting in it is a grave matter…persecution is graver than slaughter… [*2.218]…strove hard in the way of Allah…

    [*2.244] …fight in the way of Allah

    [*3.121]…to lodge the believers in encampments for war…[*3.122] When two parties from among you had determined that they should show cowardice [about Jihad]…[*3.123]…Allah did certainly assist you at [the Battle of] Badr…[*3.124]…[*3.125] Yea! if you remain patient and are on your guard, and they come upon you in a headlong manner, your Lord will assist you with five thousand of the havoc-making angels. [3.126] …victory is only from Allah…

    [*3.140] If a wound has afflicted you (at [the Battle of] Uhud), a wound like it has also afflicted the (unbelieving) people; and We bring these days to men by turns, and that Allah may know those who believe and take witnesses from among you…[3.141] …that He [Allah] may purge those who believe and deprive the unbelievers of blessings. [3.142] Yusuf Ali: Did ye think that ye would enter Heaven without God testing those of you who fought hard (in His Cause) and remained steadfast? [3.143] Pickthall: And verily ye used to wish for death before ye met it (in the field). Now ye have seen it [death] with your eyes!

    [3.146] Yusuf Ali: How many of the prophets fought (in Allah’s way) [Jihad], and with them (fought) large bands of godly men? But they never lost heart if they met with disaster in Allah’s way [lost a battle], nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in.

    [3.152]…you slew them by His [Allah’s] permission [during a Jihad battle]…[3.153] Pickthall: …the messenger, in your rear, was calling you (to fight)…that which ye missed [war spoils]…[3.154]…They say: Had we any hand in the affair, we would not have been slain here [in a Jihad battle]. Say: Had you remained in your houses, those for whom slaughter was ordained [in a Jihad battle] would certainly have gone forth to the places where they would be slain…[*3.155] (As for) those of you who turned back on the day when the two armies met…[3.156] O you who believe! be not like those who disbelieve and say of their brethren when they travel in the earth or engage in fighting: Had they been with us, they would not have died and they would not have been slain…[3.157]…if you are slain in the way of Allah…mercy is better than what they amass [what those who stay home from Jihad receive – no booty on earth and no perks in heaven]. [3.158] …if indeed you die or you are slain, certainly to Allah shall you be gathered together.

    [*3.165]…you [Muslims] had certainly afflicted (the unbelievers) with twice as much [in a Jihad battle]…[*3.166]…when the two armies met ([the Battle of] Uhud)…[*3.167]…Come, fight in Allah’s way, or defend yourselves…If we knew fighting, we would certainly have followed you…

    [*3.169] …reckon not those who are killed in Allah’s way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are provided sustenance from their Lord [meaning they are enjoying their 72 virgins in heaven];

    [3.172] …those who responded (at [the Battle of] Uhud) to the call of Allah and the Apostle after a wound had befallen them…shall have a great reward. [*3.173] Those to whom the people said: Surely men have gathered against you [in battle], therefore fear them, but this increased their faith, and they said: Allah is sufficient for us and most excellent is the Protector.

    [*3.195] …who fought and were slain…I will most certainly make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; a reward from Allah, and with Allah is yet better reward.

    [*4.71] …go forth in detachments or go forth in a body [to war]. [*4.72] …hang back [from Jihad] …not present with them [in Jihad].

    [*4.74] Therefore let those fight in the way of Allah, who sell this world’s life for the hereafter; and whoever fights in the way of Allah, then be he slain or be he victorious, We shall grant him a mighty reward. [*4.75]…fight in the way of Allah… [*4.76] Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Satan. Fight therefore against the friends of the Satan…[*4.77] …when fighting is prescribed for them… Our Lord! why hast Thou ordained fighting for us? …

    [*4.84] Fight then in Allah’s way…rouse the believers to ardor maybe Allah will restrain the fighting of those who disbelieve…

    [*4.89] …take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah’s way; but if they turn back [to their homes], then seize them and kill them wherever you find them… [4.90] Allah has not given you a way against them [Allah supposedly does not allow Muslims to fight people friendly to Muslims]. [*4.91]…seize them and kill them wherever you find them…

    [*4.94]…when you go to war in Allah’s way… [*4.95] …those who strive hard [Jihad] in Allah’s way with their property and their persons are not equal…Allah shall grant to the strivers [i.e., Jihadist] above the holders back a mighty reward.

    [*4.100] …whoever flies in Allah’s way [forsakes his home to fight in Jihad], he will find in the earth many a place of refuge and abundant resources, and whoever goes forth from his house flying to Allah and His Apostle, and then death overtakes him [in Jihad], his reward is indeed with Allah… [4.101] Rodwell: And when ye go forth to war in the land, it shall be no crime in you to cut short your prayers, if ye fear lest the infidels come upon you; Verily, the infidels are your undoubted enemies! [*4.102] …let them take their arms…let them take their precautions and their arms…there is no blame on you, if you are annoyed with rain or if you are sick, that you lay down your arms… [4.103] Khalifa: Once you complete your Contact Prayer (Salat), you shall remember GOD while standing, sitting, or lying down. Once the war is over, you shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat); the Contact Prayers (Salat) are decreed for the believers at specific times. [*4.104] …be not weak hearted in pursuit of the enemy…

    [4.141] Sher Ali: …If you have a victory [in Jihad] from Allah…

    [*5.33] The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned [Pickthall and Yusuf Ali have “exiled” rather than “imprisoned”]

    [*5.35] … strive hard [at Jihad] in His way that you may be successful.

    [5.82] ……you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews [compare with “whenever Jews kindle fire for war, Allah [Muslims] puts it out” (K 005:064)] and those who are polytheists [while they are converted to Islam on pain of death]…

    [8.1] Pickthall: …the spoils of war…The spoils of war belong to Allah and the messenger

    [*8.5] Even as your Lord caused you to go forth from your house with the truth, though a party of the believers were surely averse;

    [*8.7] .. …Allah promised you one of the two (enemy) parties, that it should be yours: Ye wished that the one unarmed should be yours, but Allah willed to justify the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the Unbelievers.

    [*8.9] …I will assist you [in Jihad] with a thousand of the angels following one another [see K 008:012]. [8.10] …Allah only gave it as a good news and that your hearts might be at ease thereby; and victory is only from Allah; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    [*8.12] ……make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

    [*8.15] …when you meet those who disbelieve marching for war, then turn not your backs to them. [*8.16] …for the sake of fighting… [*8.17] So you did not slay them, but it was Allah Who slew them, and you did not smite when you smote (the enemy), but it was Allah Who smote [Allah gets the credit for Jihad]…

    [*8.39] Shakir: …fight with them until there is no more persecution and religion should be only for Allah… [8.40] Yusuf Ali: If they [unbelievers] refuse [to stop fighting], be sure that God is your Protector…[8.41] Shakir: …whatever thing [loot] you gain, a fifth of it is for Allah and for the Apostle…the day on which the two parties met [in a Jihad versus anti-Jihad battle]…[*8.42]…Allah might bring about a matter which was to be done, that he who would perish might perish by clear proof [bring success to Muslims engaged in robbing a caravan near Badr against all the odds]…[8.43]…Allah showed them [the Mekkans] to you in your dream as few [fighters]; and if He had shown them [the Mekkans] to you as many [fighters] you would certainly have become weak-hearted [i.e., hearts. See the similar discussion in K 002:249 about how a smaller army can defeat a larger army]…[8.44]…when you met, as few [fighters] in your eyes and He made you to appear little [few fighters] in their eyes, in order that Allah might bring about a matter which was to be done [a Jihad versus anti-Jihad battle brought on by overconfidence in each side]…[*8.45]…when you meet a party [in battle], then be firm…[8.46]…obey Allah and His Apostle and do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts [demoralized] and your power [to execute Jihad] will depart…[8.47]…be not like those [Mekkans] who came forth from their homes [to fight Muslims]…[8.48]…when the two parties [Muslims versus Mekkans] came in sight of each other he [Satan] turned upon his heels…

    Pickthall: [8.57] If thou come on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember. [8.57] Khalifa: When you are betrayed by a group of people, you shall mobilize against them in the same manner. GOD does not love the betrayers. [*8.59] Shakir: …let not those who disbelieve think that they shall come in first; surely they will not escape. [8.60] And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allah’s way [for Jihad]…

    [*8.65] O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand [in other words, “do not understand totalitarian ideologies like Islam”]. [8.66] …if there are a hundred patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand they shall overcome two thousand by Allah’s permission… [*8.67] It is not fit for a prophet that he should take captives unless he has fought and triumphed in the land; you desire the frail goods [i.e., ransom money] of this world… [8.68] …ransom… [*8.69] Eat then of the lawful and good (things) which you have acquired in war [war spoils]… [8.70] O Prophet! say to those of the captives [non-Muslims] who are in your hands: If Allah knows anything good in your hearts, He will give to you better than that which has been taken away from you [in Jihad]…[*8.71] Yusuf Ali: But if they have treacherous designs against thee, (O Apostle!)…He [Allah] given (thee) power over them…[*8.72] Yusuf Ali: Those who …fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of God…[8.73] Yusuf Ali: The Unbelievers are protectors, one of another: Unless ye do this, (protect each other), there would be tumult and oppression on earth, and great mischief. [*8.74] Yusuf Ali:…fight for the Faith…[*8.75] Yusuf Ali: …fight for the Faith…

    [*9.5] …slay the idolaters wherever you find them…take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush…

    [*9.12] …fight the leaders of unbelief…[*9.13] What! will you not fight a people…[*9.14] Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

    [*9.16] ……those of you who have struggled hard [in Jihad]

    [*9.19] …strives hard in Allah’s way?… [*9.20]…strove hard [Jihad] in Allah’s way with their property and their souls…

    [*9.24] …striving in His way [Jihad]:, then wait till Allah brings about His command [to go on Jihad]: … [*9.25] Certainly Allah helped you in many battlefields and on the day of [the Battle of] Hunain, when your great numbers made you vain, … [*9.26] …chastised those who disbelieved [Muhammad gives credit to angels and Allah for the actions of Jihadists]…

    [*9.29] Fight those who do not believe in Allah…nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

    [*9.36] …fight the polytheists all together as they fight you all together…

    [*9.38] …Go forth in Allah’s way [to Jihad]… [*9.39] If you do not go forth [to go on Jihad], He will chastise you with a painful chastisement and bring in your place a people other than you [to go on Jihad]…

    [*9.41] Go forth light [lightly armed] and heavy [heavily armed], and strive hard in Allah’s way [Jihad] with your property and your persons…

    [*9.44] …striving hard with their property and their persons [Jihad] …

    [*9.52]…Allah will afflict you with punishment from Himself or by our hands…

    [*9.73] …strive hard [Jihad] against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be unyielding to them…

    [*9.81] …they were averse from striving in Allah’s way [Jihad] with their property and their persons, and said: Do not go forth [to Jihad] in the heat…

    [*9.83] … shall you fight an enemy with me [in Jihad]…

    [*9.86] …strive hard [in Jihad] along with His Apostle

    [*9.88] …strive hard [in Jihad] with their property and their persons…

    [*9.92] Yusuf Ali: Nor (is there blame) on those who came to thee to be provided with mounts [saddles on which to go to war], and when thou said, “I can find no mounts for you,” they turned back, their eyes streaming with tears of grief that they had no resources wherewith to provide the expenses [to go on Jihad].

    [*9.111] …they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain…

    [*9.120] Yusuf Ali:…whether they suffered thirst, or fatigue, or hunger, in the cause of Allah [while on a march to Jihad], or trod paths to raise the ire of the Unbelievers [invade their territory], or received any injury whatever from an enemy [during a Jihad battle] …

    [*9.122] Pickthall:…the believers should not all go out to fight. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth… [*9.123] …fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness…

    [*16.110] Yusuf Ali:…who thereafter strive and fight for the faith and patiently persevere…

    [*22.39] Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made…

    [22.58] Sher Ali: …those who leave their homes for the cause of Allah, and are then slain or die, Allah will, surely, provide for them a goodly provision…

    [*22.78]…strive hard [in Jihad] in (the way of) Allah, (such) a striving a is due to Him…

    [24.53]…they would certainly go forth [to Jihad (see K 024:055)]…

    [24.55] Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that He will most certainly make them rulers in the earth [as a reward for going on Jihad (see K 024:053)]…

    [25.52] Palmer: …fight strenuously with them in many a strenuous fight.

    [*29.6]…whoever strives hard [in Jihad], he strives only for his own soul…

    [*29.69] …(as for) those who strive hard [in Jihad] for Us…

    [33.15] Pickthall: …they had already sworn unto Allah that they would not turn their backs (to the foe) [in Jihad battle]…

    [*33.18] …they come not to the fight [Jihad] but a little…

    [*33.20] they would not fight save a little [in Jihad].

    [33.23] Pickthall: …Some of them [Jihadists] have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting…

    [*33.25]…Allah sufficed the believers in fighting… [*33.26]…some [Jews] you killed and you took captive another part. [33.27]…He made you heirs to their [Jewish] land and their dwellings and their property, and (to) a land which you have not yet trodden…

    [33.50]…those [captive women] whom your right hand possesses [i.e., by virtue of the sword used in Jihad] out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war…

    [42.39] Sale:…and who, when an injury is done them, avenge themselves…

    [47.4] …when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates…(as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah…

    [*47.20] …fighting [allusion to Jihad] is mentioned therein …

    [47.35] Rodwell: Be not fainthearted then; and invite not the infidels to peace when ye have the upper hand: for God is with you, and will not defraud you of the recompense of your works.

    [48.15] Pickthall: …when you set forth to capture booty…[*48.16]…You shall soon be invited (to fight) against a people possessing mighty prowess; you will fight against them until they submit…[48.17] Pickthall: There is no blame…for the sick (that they go not forth to war). And whoso obeys Allah and His messenger [by going on Jihad], He will make him enter Gardens underneath which rivers flow; and whoso turns back [from Jihad], him will He punish with a painful doom. [48.18] Certainly Allah was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility on them and rewarded them with a near victory, [48.19] And much booty that they will capture. Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. [48.20] Allah promised you many acquisitions which you will take, then He hastened on this one for you and held back the hands of men from you, and that it may be a sign for the believers and that He may guide you on a right path. [48.21] Sale: And [he also promiseth you] other [spoils], which ye have not [yet] been able [to take]: But now hath God encompassed them [for you]; and God is almighty. [*48.22] And if those who disbelieve fight with you, they would certainly turn (their) backs, then they would not find any protector or a helper. [48.23] Such [i.e., the Jihad mentioned the previous verse] has been the course [practice] of Allah that has indeed run before, and you shall not find a change in Allah’s course. [48.24] And He [Allah] it is Who held back…your hands from them [in Jihad] in the valley of Mecca…

    [49.15] Sale: …true believers …employ their substance and their persons in the defense of God’s true religion…

    [*59.2] …the hands of the believers [i.e. Muslims demolished Jewish homes] …

    Pickthall:[*59.5] Whatsoever palm-trees you cut down or left standing on their roots [during a Jihad siege of the Jews at Madina], it was by Allah’s leave, in order that He might confound the evil-livers [Jews]. [*59.6] …that which Allah gave as spoil unto His messenger from them, you urged not any horse or riding-camel for the sake thereof, but Allah gives His messenger lordship over whom He will… [*59.7] That which Allah gives as [war] spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships [Jews], it is for Allah and His messenger…whatsoever [spoils] the messenger gives you, take it…[*59.8] …who seek bounty [war spoils] from Allah…

    [*59.14] They will not fight against you in a body save in fortified towns or from behind walls…

    [*60.9] Allah only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of (your) religion [no fraternizing with the enemy]…

    [*61.4] …Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall.

    [61.11] …struggle hard in Allah’s way [Jihad] with your property and your lives…

    [61.13] …victory [in Jihad] near at hand…

    [63.4] …they think every cry to be against them. They are the enemy, therefore beware of them; may Allah destroy them, whence are they turned back? [This verse speaks of internecine Jihad against Muslims deemed infidels or “hypocrites.”]

    [64.14] …surely from among your wives and your children there is an enemy to you; therefore beware of them [collaborators with the enemy, especially if the women were once war spoils]…

    [66.9] O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard against them…

    [73.20] …others who fight in Allah’s way…

  • April 21, 2013 9:11 am

    Hi Admn. and Satyenji,













    For most of mankind – there is God – the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Glorious Exalted Creator of the Universe, a God of All Peace, Love, Goodness and Mercy – an All Wise, All Loving God for all mankind.


    For Muslims – there is Allah – the ANTI – GOD.

    Allah is the ANTI – GOD worshiped by 1.2 billion Muslims. Allah is the ANTI – GOD of war, murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, rape, slavery, torture, hate, terror, brutality, savagery, maiming, stoning, cutting off limbs, mutilations, looting and pillaging, extortion, sexual depravity, child molestation, intolerance, bigotry, sharia law, oppression and submission of women, inferiority of woman, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, wife beating, honor killings, inequality of infidels,that infidels can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of Allah will ascend to a sexual Paradise of big eyed, big breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity.

    God bless you.


  • April 21, 2013 8:59 am

    Hi readers,

    The Sabeans

    The dominant religion that had grown very powerful just before Muhammad’s time was that of the Sabeans’.

    The Sabeans had an astral religion in which they worshiped the heavenly bodies. The moon was viewed as a male deity and the sun as the female deity. Together they produced other deities such as the stars. The Quran refers to this in Sura 41:37 and elsewhere.

    They used a lunar calendar to regulate their religious rites. For example, a month of fasting was regulated by the phases of the moon.

    The Sabean pagan rite of fasting began with the appearance of a crescent moon and did not cease until the crescent moon reappeared. This would later be adopted as one of the five pillars of Islam.

    All three of these points are dubious. With regard to the first point, there is no proof at all that the Sabeans were the dominant religious group before Muhammad’s time. Robert Morey provides absolutely no proof for this statement of his (like many of the other claims in his book). Morey simply assumes that if he says something definitively enough, the reader will just believe him.

    However, the truth is that the Sabeans were but a small minority in Mecca, to the point where just a few generations later the Arab chroniclers weren’t even quite sure who the Sabeans were, a confusion that continues up until this day. Therefore, Robert Morey’s starting point–that the Sabeans constituted the dominant religious group in Mecca at the time of Muhammad–has absolutely no factual basis to it whatsoever.

    What little is known about the religion of the pre-Islamic Arabs is that they were polytheistic and worshiped rocks and idols. Says Professor Jonathan P. Berkey on p.42 The Formation of Islam (emphasis added):

    The dominant religious traditions of pre-Islamic Arabia remained polytheistic, but little can in fact be known with certainty about them. There has been much debate among historians of religion about the origin and character of Arabian religion–for example, whether it represented a “primitive” form of Semitic religion, or instead a degenerate form of the more sophisticated traditions of the Fertile Crescent (paralleling the traditional Muslim account according to which Muhammad’s role was to restore a primitive monotheism associated with Abraham). There are signs of litholatry [the worship of stones] among the Arabs, although by the time of Muhammad most of the various deities had acquired faces and personalities. Several hundred Arabian deities are known from the Muslim sources, the most prominent of which were those identified by the Arabs as the three “daughters of Allah”–Manat, Allat, and al-’Uzza–a trinity which was, according to the later Muslim tradition, accorded a special place among Muhammad’s tribe of Quraysh and their allies around the advent of Islam, and to which prominent (although ambiguous) mention is made in the Koran. Behind the specific deities, the Arabs were also probably aware of Allah. For some he may have represented a remote creator god, possibly related to the Semitic El; some Western scholars have suggested (again, paralleling in a way the traditional Muslim account) that he represents a deus otiosus [a creator god who largely retires from the world and is no longer involved in its daily operation] who had over the centuries been eclipsed by more particularized and localized deities. Allah apparently played little role in religious cult.

    He concludes:

    It is in fact difficult to say much with confidence regarding pre-Islamic Arabian religion.

    Prof. Berkey’s quote is actually sufficient to refute the entire moon-god theory. Let us, however, focus on the following: Morey’s claim that the “dominant religion that had grown very powerful just before Muhammad’s time was that of the Sabeans’…[who] had an astral religion in which they worshiped the heavenly bodies” is not supported by the evidence. Where did Morey get his information that the “Sabean religion” was the predominant religious group before Muhammad’s arrival? In fact, this is completely contrived.

    The pre-Islamic Arabs were polytheistic and worshiped “several hundred Arabian deities.” They started out as stone-worshipers, and these stones eventually developed into anthropomorphic idols. The pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped many different gods. The moon-god was but one of many–and not even the most important of them. As Prof. Paul Fouracre puts it on page 320 of his book The New Cambridge Medieval History, the pre-Islamic Arabs “were animistic and varied; they worshiped stones, trees, and idols.” The fact that the pre-Islamic Arabs worshiped the moon doesn’t mean Allah is the moon-god any more than he is the stone, tree, sun, or star god.

    So, why then did Robert Morey single out the moon, as opposed to stones, trees, the sun, and the stars? Is it not simply to buttress his conspiracy theory? Such is the modus operandi of the conspiracy theorist: facts that support a conspiracy are highlighted and exaggerated, while other facts are minimized or ignored altogether.

    As for what gave him the idea in the first place, Morey most likely noted the crescent symbol often used to represent Islam, and this gave him the idea that Muslims worshiped the moon. The Moozlums use the symbol of the crescent to represent their faith, so they must then worship the moon! Quite simply, the moon-god nonsense is based primarily in this simple, simplistic, and stupid idea–one which I will refute later in this article series.

    I have as of yet completely ignored the white elephant in the room: scholars are unsure whether or not the Sabeans are to be considered synonymous with the Sabians mentioned in the Quran, as the Arabic spelling of the two words differs significantly. What is perfectly clear, however, is that neither the Sabeans or Sabians were the predominant religious group at the time prior to Muhammad’s arrival. Indeed, the early Muslims were themselves unsure who the Sabians mentioned in the Quran refers to, a confusion that hardly would have existed had the Sabeans/Sabians been the predominant religious group prior to the arrival of the Islamic religion.

    Morey’s second point–that the Sabeans/Sabians worshiped the moon–is also questionable. He passes this off as undisputed fact, when in fact scholars–both Islamic and Western–are not exactly sure who or what the Sabeans/Sabians worshiped. This is not surprising, considering that it is not even accepted who exactly the Sabeans/Sabians were!

    As for his third point, Morey tries to invoke the Quran as proof of his argument, saying:

    The Sabeans had an astral religion in which they worshiped the heavenly bodies. The moon was viewed as a male deity and the sun as the female deity. Together they produced other deities such as the stars. The Quran refers to this in Sura 41:37 and elsewhere.

    In fact, verse 41:37 (and the surrounding passage in which it is contained in) says nothing at all about the Sabeans/Sabians. The Sabians are only mentioned three times in the Quran: in verses 2:62, 5:69, and 22:17. In each of these three instances, no mention at all is given of any moon-god. As for 41:37 which Morey mentioned, this verse actually is a slap on the face of the moon-god theory, as it reads:

    And from among [God’s] signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not bow down in worship to the sun or to the moon, but bow down to the God (Allah) who created them, if it is truly Him you serve. (Quran, 41:37)

    How much clearer could the Quran be? This single verse is enough to refute the entire moon-god theory: the Quran, the holy book of Islam, categorically forbids worship of the moon. Although this verse does indicate that moon-worship existed in pre-Islamic Arabia, it should be remembered that (1) the moon was but one of many objects the pagan Arabs worshiped and (2) the Quran categorically rejected and forbade such worship. Allah was not the moon according to Islamic theory; rather, He created the moon, along with the sun, the stars, and everything else.

    * * * * *

    In addition to 41:37 above, there are other verses along the same lines–verses that show clearly that the Quran teaches that the sun and the moon are merely creations of God (Allah) and not God (Allah) the Creator:

    Your Lord is God (Allah), who created the heavens and earth in six Days, then established Himself on the throne; He makes the night cover the day in swift pursuit; He created the sun, moon, and stars to be subservient to His command; all creation and command belong to Him. Exalted be God, Lord of all the worlds! (Quran, 7:54)

    It is He (God) who made the sun a lamp, and the moon a light. (Quran, 10:5)

    It is God (Allah) who raised up the heavens with no visible supports and then established Himself on the throne; He has subjected the sun and the moon each to pursue its course for an appointed time; He regulates all things… (Quran, 13:2)

    It is He (Allah) who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit. (Quran, 21:33)

    Not only does the Quran say that Allah created the moon, but it also says that He will basically destroy it on Judgment Day:

    When is the Day of Resurrection? (Say:) When the eyes are dazzled, and the moon becomes dark, and the sun and the moon are fused together, then on that Day will man exclaim: “Where can I escape?” (Quran, 75:6-10)

    The Hour draws near and the moon is rent asunder. (Quran, 54:1)

    In yet another passage, one of God’s prophets–Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic)–explicitly rejects moon-worship after he notices that the moon sets:

    When the night grew dark over him [Abraham] saw a star and said, ‘This is my Lord,’ but when it set, he said, ‘I do not like things that set.’ And when he saw the moon rising he said, ‘This is my Lord,’ but when it too set, he said, ‘If my Lord does not guide me, I shall be one of those who go astray.’ Then he saw the sun rising and cried, ‘This is my Lord! This is greater.’ But when the sun set, he said, ‘My people, I disown all that you worship beside God (Allah). I have turned my face as a true believer towards Him who created the heavens and the earth. I am not one of the polytheists.’ (Quran, 6:77-78)

    Another one of God’s prophets, Joseph, has a divine dream which involves the moon (along with the stars and the sun) bowing down to him which would make no sense if Muslims understood the moon as God (God does not bow to His creation):

    Joseph said to his father, “Father, I dreamed of eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them all bow down before me.” (Quran, 12:4)

    The moon (along with the earth, the sun, the stars, and everything else in the universe) bows down in worship to God (Allah):

    Do you not see that everything in the heavens and the earth bow down in worship to God (Allah): the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, and the animals? (Quran, 22:18)

    The moon not only submits itself to God, but God made the moon subservient to humankind (and therefore the moon cannot be God, since humans are subservient to God–not the other way around):

    It is God (Allah) who created the heavens and the earth, who has sent down water from the sky and with it brought forth produce to nourish you. He has made ships subservient to you, sailing the sea by His command, and the rivers as well. He made the sun and the moon subservient to you, constant in their courses. He has made the night and the day subservient to you… (Quran, 14:32-33)

    By his command, [God] has made the night and the day, the sun, moon, and stars all subservient to you. (Quran, 16:12)

    The Quran explains that God created the moon to help humans calculate the months of the year and to make a calendar:

    They ask you about the crescent moons. Say: “They are time-marks for the people and help determine the time of Hajj (pilgrimage).” (Quran, 2:189)

    [God] made the sun and the moon for reckoning time. (Quran, 6:96

  • Satyen
    April 20, 2013 6:07 pm

    Through out I have observed the bewildering question from Muslim girls – How to educate the parents about the reality of Islam? Their problem is the parents are NOT going to listen any rational observation against Islam. They fear of hell fire that may come due to their criticism of Islam! Here is one tentative solution though you may have or can have a better solution to this problem.

    First thing is to introduce the biography of Muhammad to your eldre sister or other younger women in your household. You must be very careful in not criticising Muhammad in any way otherwise the effect could be counterproductive. Next introduce it to your mom as she is also a woman. Again, never criticise Muhammad, instead let her know the fcts about them. You can ask your mom what she feels about Muhammad. Slowly introduce it to your aunts and cousins etc. Never pass this information to your family members who are or have been critical to you as they may get a chance to armtwist you. always start with the friendly ones. Similarly, spread it to your other relatives and family friends without speaking out any derogatory remark for Muhammad.

  • Satyen
    April 20, 2013 5:36 pm

    Dear Muslim women/girls,

    People could be bad and good and so could be the religions. Religions shape and influence people’s belief and consequently his/her interaction with the world including human beings. For example a person believing in a religion of non-violence will be encouraged to remain non-violent by and large. Similarly, if his religion teaches him to respect women, he will tend to respect them. The extent of influence of the religion on the person will determine how much the person is following the teachings of his/her religion. There could be some exceptions but by and large, people of a certain religion develop some common charateristics, guided by the tenets of the religion. These could be termed as Group/Mass characteristics that are distinguished from the mass characteristics of other religions. These distinguishing common characteriscs of a religion should be taken as the most important feature of a religion that can help evaluating that particular religion.

    Some of the common characteristics of a religion are not distinguishing features of other religions. For example, Hinduism has a distinguishing feature called pluralism which is not present in other religions. So, it’s Hinduism’s distinguishing feature. It is likely to be reflected in the life of majority of the Hindus. Similarly, other religions have their distinguishing features that is reflected in their respective followers. This common behaviour of the followers of a particular religion is the best criteria to assess the religion. After all, a religion is meant to be practiced, not just to be studied.

    So, over the period, the study of the behaviour of majority of the followers will give us a reliable idea what a religion is. Now let’s apply this criteria on Islam. We will limit our discussion related to the women and their interaction with the males of other religions as this is relevant to the subject matter of this site. I request all the women to reflect on this and come to a conclusion so that other women could be benefited by it and decide their fate in right direction. Don’t shy away from it and enlighten yourself and others as it has been the discussion of centuries and has influnced your lives to the extent that it cannot be described in words.

    As far as my observations are concerned, I have mentioned them several times about the distinguishing characteristics of Islam. The Islamic history of 1400 years along with its 1.5 billion strong population provides us with enough data to analyze the Islam’s mass behaviour. No one can rationally say that the Muslim masses have been anti-Islamic. The reason is, if they are anti-Islamic, they are kafirs/apostates but they are still considered Muslims by all and sundry Muslims. I don’t remember to have heard any fatwa or declaration from any Imam that majority of the Muslims are kafirs and are going to hell. Then the question is why Muslims speak against the Muslims themselves in non-Islamic countries and in Islamic countries as well?

    In general the Muslims are repressive community. There must be someone to be repressed. When they are in majority, they repress the non-Muslims and slowly the non-Muslims come to insignificant numbers. Thereafter, they start repressing the minority sect of Islam. For example Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran, Bangladesh used to have non-Muslim population. Today they are non-significant except in Bangladesh. Pakistan used to have 10-12% Hindus about 60 years ago which has come down to 1-2%! Similarly, in Bnagladesh, the Hindus population has come down from 30% to 8% within the same period! So, having forcefully converting the Hindus, Pakistani Muslims have decimated the Ahmadias!. Now having got rid of them, the Shias are their next target and so forth. Similar is the story in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. This is one of the distinguishing features of Islam. But the noteworthy thing is the way of repression. The first point of attack are the women!

    It doesn’t matter who is the enemy of the Muslims, their target were/are the women for dual roles – for pleasure and bearing the Muslims of their sect.

  • April 20, 2013 5:01 am

    To understand Islam, you must understand the harsh circumstances into which the religion was born. The Arabian Peninsula at the time of Muhammad (b.570 AD) was a barren and desolate region with a scorching sun and oppressive heat by day, and a chilling cold at night. There was little vegetative growth, and the nomadic inhabitants lived between jagged rocks and sifting sand dunes.

    While Europe and much of the Middle East was transitioning from the Roman to the Byzantine Empire, with roads, irrigation canals, aqueducts, and a culture that included philosophical discourse and theater, the Arabians lived short and brutal lives in warring tribes with very little to offer the rest of the world beyond their own harsh existence.

    This explains the inherent hostility in the Qur’an to music and art, which some extremists, such as the Taliban, take quite literally. The religion does not encourage the pursuit of knowledge outside of itself, and it has sometimes been referred to as “the religion which has produced nothing but religion

    from Oriana Fallaci, The Rage and the Pride)

    The inhospitable climate protected the peninsula from conquest and cultural influence, although the Persians did manage to impose a written language along the coastal edges of the region, which is the origin of Arabic. No foreign army felt that sheep and goats were worth taking from the desert fighters and the area was remarkably isolated. The renaissance of knowledge that the rest of the world had been experiencing since the Greek revival was largely missed out on by the Arabs, whose entire energies were devoted to daily survival against the ruthless environment and other tribes.

    For these people, morality was dictated merely by necessity, and obligations did not extend beyond one’s tribe. This is a critical basis for the development of the Islamic attitude toward those outside the faith, including the moral principle that the ethics of any act are determined only by whether or not it benefits Muslims.

    There were pagan traditions in Arabia, particularly among those based in the trading centers, such as Mecca and Medina. Kaaba, the cube-like structure at Mecca that houses a black rock, was worshipped by certain tribes with a circling ritual that was later borrowed by Muhammad’s followers (there were at five other such structures in Arabia at the time). Likewise, Allah was the name that had been given to the moon god, many centuries before Muhammad’s time.

    Muhammad later created Islam based on these crude pagan practices as well as basic theological elements of Christianity and Judaism according to his own (often inaccurate) understanding. His erroneous interpretation of Christianity, for example, is often attributed to an early experience with fringe cults in the Palestinian region (then known as Syria).

    Early Life at Mecca

    Muhammad was born around 570 AD in Mecca. He grew up poor and orphaned on the margins of society, which was controlled by tribal chiefs and trading merchants. He worked for his uncle, Abu Talib, as a camel herder. Although his uncle had some standing in the community, Muhammad himself did not rise above his lowly station until he was 25, when he met and married a wealthy widow who was 15 years older.

    His wife’s business gave him opportunity to travel and acquire knowledge that was not quite as accessible to the local population. He would later use this to his advantage by

    incorporating it into his “revelations” from Allah, particularly the tales from other religion.

    Having now attained a comfortable lifestyle and the idle time that wealth affords, Muhammad would wander off occasionally for periods of meditation and contemplation. One day, at the age of 40, he told his wife that he had been visited by the angel Gabriel. Thus began a series of revelations which lasted almost until his death 23 years later. The Qur’an is based on the oral traditions of these revelations. The Hadith is a collection of narrations of the life and deeds of Muhammad. The Sira is his recorded biography. The Sunnah is the said to be his way of life.

    With his wife’s influence and support, Muhammad began trying to convert those around him to his new religion – an amalgamation of Judeo-Christian theology and pagan tradition that grew more sophisticated over time. In the beginning, he did his best to compromise his teachings with the predominant beliefs of the community’s elders, such as combining all 300 of their idols under the name “Allah.”

    Preaching and Persecution at Mecca

    According to Muslim historians, the Meccans did not mind Muhammad preaching his religion, nor did they feel threatened by it. This changed only after the self-proclaimed prophet began attacking the local religion, including the customs and ancestors of the people (Ishaq 167). This was enough to stir up the resentment of the influential leaders of Mecca, who then mocked his humble background against his pretentious claims.

    Still, Mecca at the time was a tolerant society. Muhammad was allowed to attack the local customs for thirteen years, even though the town’s economy depended on the annual pilgrimage attended by visiting pagans.

    At first, Muhammad was only successful with friends and family. After thirteen years, “the street preacher” could boast only about 70 determined followers, who called themselves called Muslims.

    Relations with the Meccans turned particularly sour after an episode known as “the Satanic Verses,” in which Muhammad agreed to recognize the local gods in addition to Allah. This delighted the Meccans, who generously extended their welcome. But Muhammad soon changed his mind after seeing his own people begin to lose faith in him. He claimed that Satan had spoken through him, and he rescinded recognition of

    the Meccan gods (Tabari 1192).

    The locals intensified their mockery of Muslims and made life difficult for them. Although Muslims today often use the word “persecution” to describe this ordeal (justifiably, in some cases), it is important to note that the earliest and most reliable biographers (Ishaq and Tabari) do not record the death of a single Muslim at the hands of a Meccan during this period.

    This fact is a source of embarrassment to Muslims, since Muhammad was the first to use deadly force… and at a later time, when it was unnecessary. As such, sympathetic narratives of the early Meccan years usually exaggerate the struggle of the Muslims with claims that they were “under constant torture.” This is highly unlikely, however, since the only Muslim to die was an older woman who “fell prematurely” from stress, not physical torture (Muhammad’s own daughter would die in the same fashion from harassment by Muslims soon after his death).

    Modern storytellers and filmmakers (such as those behind 1976’s The Message) have been known to invent fictional victims of Meccan murder, either to dramatize their own tale or to provide justification for what followed. But, in fact, the only Muslim whose life was truly in danger was that of Muhammad – after 13 years of being allowed to mock the local religion.

    The Hijra – Flight from Mecca to Medina

    The death of his uncle, Abu Talib, in 619 left Muhammad without a protector against the Meccan leaders, who were losing patience with him. The true agitator in this situation, however, is quite clearly Muhammad himself, as even Muslim historians note. Note this account of what happened at Abu Talib’s deathbed, as the Meccans implored him one last time for peace with his nephew:

    Abu Sufyan, with other sundry notables, went to Abu Talib and said: “You know the trouble that exists between us and your nephew, so call him and let us make an agreement that he will leave us alone and we will leave him alone; let him have his religion and we will have ours.” (Ishaq 278)

    Muhammad rejected the offer of peaceful co-existence. His new religion was obviously intended to dominate all others, not be on equal standing with them.

    His search for political alliance led him to make a treaty of war against the Meccans with the people of Medina, another Arab town to the north (Ishaq 299-301). This was too much for the Meccans to take, and so they finally sought to capture Muhammad and put him to death.

    Although this sounds harsh against Western standards, it is important to note the contrast between their reaction and that of Muhammad, when he had the opportunity to deal with perceived treachery in Medina at a later date.

    The Meccans limited their aggression to Muhammad himself. This is quite clear from the episode in which Muhammad escapes his home by using his son-in-law, Ali, to trick his would-be assassins into thinking that they had him cornered (Ishaq 326). No harm was done to Ali or his wife, both of whom remained in the city for several days to complete Muhammad’s business transactions.

    Compare this to the episode of the Banu Qurayza (detailed below), in which Muhammad slaughtered an entire tribe of people based on their leader having switched loyalties in a conflict in which they didn’t even participate.

    The year that Muhammad fled Mecca for Medina was 622, which marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar.

    Medina and the Origin of Jihad

    Stinging from the rejection of his own town and tribe, it was at Medina that Muhammad’s message began to become more intolerant and ruthless – particularly as he gained power.

    To fund his quest for control, Muhammad directed his followers to raid Meccan caravans in the holy months, when the victims would least expect it. Revelations were conveniently provided to him, which allowed his people to murder innocent drivers and steal in his service. The people around him gradually developed a lust for things that could be taken in battle, including material comforts and captured women and children.

    Often the people captured in battle would be brought before the self-proclaimed prophet, where they would plead for their lives, arguing, for example, that they would never have treated the Muslims that way. The Hadith are quite clear in portraying Muhammad as largely unmoved by their pleas, and ordering their deaths anyway, often by horrible means. In one case, he orders a man slain, telling him that “hell-fire” will take care of the poor fellow’s orphaned daughter.

    The raids on caravans preceded the first major battle involving a Muslim army, the Battle of Badr. This was the spot where the Meccans had sent their own army to protect their caravans from Muslim raiders. Although, Muslims today like to claim that they only attack in self-defense, this was clearly not the case in Muhammad’s time. In fact, he had to compel his reluctant warriors with promises of paradise and assurances that their religion was more important than the lives of others.

    The Consolidation of Power

    Muhammad defeated the Meccan army at Badr, which emboldened him to begin dividing and conquering the three local Jewish tribes at Median, which had made the mistake of accepting his presence but rejecting his claims to prophethood. These were the Banu Qaynuqa, the Banu Nadir, and the Banu Quyrayza. How each of these tribes met their fate is insightful into the Muslim mindset, which employs an inherent double standard in relations with those outside the faith.

    To try and gain their favor, Muhammad briefly preached that Christians and Jews could attain salvation through their own faith. In fact, he changed his followers’ direction for prayer from Mecca to Jerusalem, which prompted the Jews’ tolerance of him while he worked surreptitiously for the power to dominate them. These earlier concessions and teachings were later revoked by Muhammad, since the Jews ultimately refused his religion. The rare early verses of tolerance in the Qur’an are abrogated by later verses such as 9:29.

    The Qaynuqawere driven from their homes and land on the pretext that one of their own had harassed a Muslim woman. Although the offender was killed prior to this by a Muslim, the Muslim was also killed by Jews in retaliation for the first murder.

    After laying siege to the entire community and defeating the tribe, Muhammad wanted to put every male member to death, but was talked out of it by an associate – something that Allah later “rebuked” him over. The Qaynuqa were forced into exile and the Muslims took their possessions and property, making it their own. Muhammad personally reserved a fifth of the ill-gotten gain for himself.

    The episode helped ingrain within Islam the immature principle of group identity, whereby any member of a religion or social unit outside of Islam is just as guilty as any of their peers who insult or harm a Muslim – and just as deserving of punishment. Muhammad’s punishments usually did not fit the crime.

    Members of the second tribe, the Banu Nadir, were accused of plotting to kill Muhammad, even though no one lost their life. For this, Muhammad laid siege to their community, forcing the people to surrender. Like the Qaynuqa, these original inhabitants of Medina were then banished from their homes and land by the Muslim newcomers, who again took as much as they could for themselves.

    In a critical example of how deception is sanctioned under Islam, a surviving contingent of the Banu Nadir (under Usayr ibn Zarim) was tricked into leaving their fortress by promise of peace talks. The contingent of Muslims sent by Muhammad to escort them, however, easily slaughtered them once the victims let down their guard .

    The Qurayza Massacre

    By the time the Banu Qurayza met their fate, Muhammad was wealthy and powerful from his defeat of the other two tribes.

    The Jews of the Banu Qurayza tasted Muhammad’s wrath after a portion half-heartedly sided with Meccan armies during a siege of Medina (the Battle of the Trench). More than likely, those who did were trying to preempt Muhammad’s designs against them after seeing what he had done to the other Jews.

    Although they later surrendered peacefully to the Muslims, Muhammad determined to have every man of the tribe executed, along with every boy that had reached the initial stages of puberty (between the ages of 12 and 14). He had a ditch dug outside of the town and had the victims brought in several groups. Each person would be forced to kneel, and their head would be cut off and then dumped along with the body into the trench.

    Between 700 and 900 men and boys were slaughtered by the Muslims after their surrender.

    The surviving children of the men became slaves of the Muslims, and their widows became the sex slaves of their own killers. This included the Jewish girl, Reihana, who became one of Muhammad’s personal concubines the very night that her husband was killed. The prophet of Islam apparently “enjoyed her pleasures” (ie. raped her) even as the execution of her people was taking place.

    Women were much like any other possession taken in battle, to be done with however their captors pleased. Muhammad ordered that a fifth be reserved for him, many of who became his sex slaves, in addition to his twelve wives. Some of these he doled out to others.

    At one point following a battle, Muhammad providedinstructions on how women should be raped after capture, telling his men not to worry about coitus interruptus, since “Allah has written whom he is going to create.”

    Following the battle against the Hunain, late in his life, Muhammad’s men were reluctant to rape the captured women in front of their husbands (who were apparently still alive to witness the abomination), but Allah came to the rescue with a handy “revelation” that allowed this. (This is the origin of Sura 4:24 according to Abu Dawud 2150).

    The Origin of Islamic Imperialism

    The tribes around the Muslims began to convert to Islam out of self-preservation. Those that didn’t were gradually defeated in battle in a pattern that became the blueprint for the successful establishment of Islam as a world religion. Typically, the enemy’s trust would be gained by non-intrusive measures in which the Muslims would insert themselves into the foreign community while professing their respect for local traditions and political structures. As they began to gain power, however, they would divide loyalties and exercise violence to acquire local hegemony.

    The excuse for military campaign began to shrink to the point that it hardly existed at all. Muhammad told his followers that Muslims were meant to rule over other people, and this seemed to be the drivingforce behind Jihad.

    This is demonstrated most plainly by the brutal conquest of the people of Khaybar, a peaceful farming community that was not at war with the Muslims. Muhammad marched against them anyway, taking them by surprise and easily defeating them. He had many of the men killed, simply for defending their town, and enslaved the women and children.

    Muhammad suspected that the town’s treasurer was holding out and had his men barbarically torturethe poor fellow by building a fire on his chest until he revealed the location of hidden treasure. Afterwards, the prophet of Islam beheaded the man and “married” his wife on the same day that she became a widow (she was forced to first pass through the hands of one of his lieutenants). Given that the woman’s father was also killed by Muhammad, it isn’t much of a stretch to say that true love had very little to do with this “marriage.”

    A Life of Hedonism and Narcissism

    Muhammad’s personal life became the picture of hedonism and excess, all justified by frequent “revelations.”

    The man, who earlier in his career had justified his claims as a prophet by sayingthat he “asked for no reward” from others, reversed course and began to demand a fifth of all booty taken from conquered tribes. According to his biographers, he became fatfrom living off this enormous share of ill-gotten gain.

    In the span of a dozen years, he married eleven women and had access to an array of sex slaves. When he wanted a woman, even if she were the wife of another man, his own daughter-in-law, or a child as young as 6, he was able to justify his lust and inevitable consummation with an appeal to Allah’s revealed will for his sex life- which was then preserved forever in the Qur’an, to be faithfully memorized by future generations for him whom it has no possible relevance.

    (For the Muslim faithful, it must surely be a source of embarrassment that Allah evidently had more interest in Muhammad’s personal sex life than he did about tolerance. There are also far more open-ended verses that advocate “fighting in the cause of Allah” than in showing love for all people. Allah encourages sex with slaves as well)

    Muhammad also had personal critics executed, including poets. One of these was a mother of five children, who was stabbed to death by Muhammad’s envoy after a suckling infant was removed from her breast. Other innocent people were killed merely because they were of a different religion).

    The double standards of Islam that are so recognizable today were ingrained by the prophet of Islam during his lifetime. An example would be the death of Um Kirfa, a middle-aged woman who had the bad fortune to be the aunt of a tribal leader who raided one of Muhammad’s caravans (in the same fashion that Muhammad raided others).

    Missing the apparent irony, Muhammad did not take kindly to having done to him what he had been doing to non-Muslims. He had the woman’s legs tied separately to two camels, then set the camels off in opposite directions, tearing the woman’s body in two. He also killed her two young sons – presumably in gruesome fashion – as well.

    Today’s Muslims inherent this legacy of self-interest and disregard for those outside the faith. They may or may not agree with terrorist attacks on non-Muslims, but they are nearly united in their belief that the victims have no right to strike back, even if it is in self-defense.

    The Taking of Mecca

    Though many of the Arab and Jewish tribes were eliminated and absorbed through military victory and forced conversion, the city of Mecca required a different sort of strategy.

    In 628, six years after fleeing, Muhammad’s followers were allowed to re-enter the city under an agreement whereby he set aside his title as “Prophet of Allah.” This was a temporary ploy that enabled him to gain a political foothold in the city through the same “fifth column” activities that are still used today by organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which use their host’s language of religious tolerance to disguise an ulterior agenda that includes systematic discrimination against non-Muslims.

    Many of his followers were disappointed that Muhammad had made concessions to the Meccans, not understanding how it actually fit perfectly with his ultimate agenda of domination. It was during this time that he led the campaign against the Khaybar, to assuage their lust for blood and looting.

    Technically, Muhammad was the first to break the treatywith the Meccans when he violated the portion of it that restricted him from accepting members of the other tribe into his camp. Although he had no personal obligation to it himself, the prophet of Islam held the other party to the letter of the law, particularly after he amassed the power to conquer in overwhelming fashion.

    The excuse that Muhammad eventually used to march his armies into Mecca was provided when a tribe allied to the Meccans conducted a raid on a tribe allied with the Medinans. Although a true man of peace would have heeded the fact that his enemy did not want war, and used non-violent means to resolve the tension while respecting sovereignty, Muhammad merely wanted power and vengeance.

    This became the pattern of Islam’s dramatic expanse following Muhammad’s death. Muslims would conquer a region and sign “peace treaties” with new neighbors. Then, when they were confident in their military strength, the Muslims would look for an excuse to provoke a conflict and renew aggression.

    Following Mecca’s surrender, Muhammad put to death those who had previously insulted him. One of the persons sentenced was his former scribe, who had written revelations that Muhammad said were from Allah. The scribe had previously recommended changes to the wording that Muhammad offered (based on some of the bad grammar and ineloquent language of Allah) and the “prophet” agreed. This caused the scribe to apostatize based on his belief that real revelations should have been immutable.

    Although the scribe escaped death by “converting to Islam” at the point of a sword, others weren’t so lucky. One was a slave girl who was executed on Muhammad’s order because she had written songs mocking him.

    In what would also become the model for future Muslim military conquests, those Meccans who would not convert to Islam were required to pay a tax (the jizya) and accept third-class status. Not surprisingly, almost the entire city – which had previously rejected his message – immediately “converted” to Islam once Muhammad came back with a sword in this hand.

    To this day, people of other religions are barred even from entering Mecca, the city where Muhammad was free to preach in contradiction to the established religion. Islam is far less tolerant even than the more primitive faiths that it supplanted. A person preaching the original Arab polytheism on the streets of Mecca today would be quickly executed.

    Jihad and Jizya

    Tellingly, some of the most violent verses in the Qur’an were handed down following Muhammad’s ascension to power, when there was no threat to the Muslim people. The 9th Sura of the Qur’an exhorts Muslims to Jihad and dominance over other religions:

    “Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.” (9:29)

    The verse that follows curses Christians and Jews by name and says “May Allah destroy them” (as with other sections of the Qur’an, it is unclear whether it is Allah or Muhammad speaking).

    Muhammad ordered 30,000 men to march on Christian lands (which were Byzantine at the time). It is possible that he believed false rumors of an army amassed against him, but there is absolutely no evidence of such a force having been assembled. Instead, Muhammad subjugated the local people and extorted “protection” money from them – something that has come to be known as the jizya(a tax that non-Muslims pay to Muslims).

    Another episode from this period that offers insight into the legacy of Muhammad is the forced conversion of the al-Harith, one of the last Arab tribes to hold out against Muslim hegemony. Muhammad gave the chief of the tribe three days to accept Islam before sending his army to destroy them.

    Not surprisingly, the entire people immediately accepted the Religion of Peace!

    The Legacy of Islamic Imperialism

    Muhammad died of a fever at the age of 63, with his violent religion now firmly rooted in the Arab lands. Through his teachings, his followers viewed worldly life as a constant physical battle between the House of Peace (Dar al-Salaam) and the House of War (Dar al-Harb).

    Over the next fourteen centuries, the bloody legacy of this extraordinary individual would be a constant challenge to those living on the borders of the religion’s hegemony. The violence that Muslim armies would visit on people across North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and into Asia as far as the Indian subcontinent is a tribute to a founder who condoned subjugation, rape, murder and forced conversion in the cause of the spread of his religion.

    In Muhammad’s words: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: ‘None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.’ And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them…” (Bukhari 8:387)

    It is certainly the basis not just for modern day terror campaigns against Western infidels (and Hindus and Buddhists) but also the broad apathy that Muslims across the world have to the violence, which is an obvious enabler.

    As Indonesian cleric, Abu Bakar Bashir recently put it, “If the West wants to have peace, then they have to accept Islamic

  • April 19, 2013 10:43 am

    Hi every body

    Following is the list of evils of islam.

    1.Muhammad was a pedophile 2.Muhammad had sex with a 6 year old child Aisha 3. Muhammad had sex with his adopted son Zaid’s wife and his daughter in law Zainab 4. Muhammad was a murderer 5. Muhammad beheaded 900 Jews from Banu Tribe. 6. Muhammad was a slave trader 7. Muhammad killed Maria’s parents and took her as slave 8. Quaran is filled with hatered towards non Muslims. 9. Quaran discriminate against the women 10. Quaran encourge muslims to kill people who worship statues 11. Quaran allows men to marry four women at a time 12. Quaran encourage Muslims to kill the apostates. 13. Quaran allows muslims to lie the non Muslims 14. Quaran forbid muslims to trust and make non Muslim friends 15. Quaran contains the verses of Muhammad’s sex life 16. Quaran discriminates against the homosexuals. 17. Muhammad hated and killed the black dogs. 18. Muhammad hated the donkey. 19. Quaran encourage the evil sacrifice of Cow on Eid 20. Islam is the evil religion and Muhammad was the prophet of Shaitan.

    21. Muhammad married old rich widow khadiza for money and her merchant business. 22. Muhammad learnt torah & bible in Syria on merchant tour 23. Muhammad currupt the bible by mixing indegenous arab religion and practices 24. Muhammad hated the arts and destroyed the statues sacred for indegenous arabs 25. Muhammad broke the law of four marriage of Quaran and kept slave women. 26. Muhammad asked his wives for veil as he was impotent 27. Quaran encourage husbands to beat their mature wives coz islam believes women are inferior to men 28. Muhammad thigh Aisha at 6 till she reach 9 and Islam allows child marriage 29. Muhammad hated the pigs 30. Muhammad believed that Allah converted Jews into pigs. 31. Muhammad thought Camel urine was a drink 32. Muhammad killed the husbands and parents of his widow wives 33.Islam is against the Music and pictures 34. Quaran encourage muslims to fight and kill for the cause of Islam 35. Quaran lust muslims,the sex market paradise of 72 virgins to convert and kill non Muslims 36.
    Muhammad raped Rayhana bint Amr and Safiyya bint Huayay after he had murdered and enslaved their families.

    37,Quaran discriminates against the women.
    38.Quaran goes against science and evolution on so many occasions.
    39.Muhammad had a lover named Zahir,Muhammad had gay sex with Omar and Zahir.
    40.Muhammad slept with a dead women in her grave.
    41.Quaran forbids muslims to use tissue paper.
    42.Muhammad used to pee sit down
    43.Islam encourage Muslims to hate pigs.
    44.Islam forbids muslims to ask questions b’out wrong evil Islam.
    45.Islam encourage the inbreeding and incest.
    46.Islam discriminates against black africans,Muhammad kept black slaves in droves.

    47.Quaran encourages slavery which makes it unsuitable book for modern 21st century

  • April 19, 2013 10:28 am

    I am longing for the day that humanity becomes united and we embrace each other as brothers and sisters. However, religion is often the cause of disunity and Islam is the greatest obstacle. But its end is nigh.

    Many modernist Muslims have become desperate and to save their faith, they blame the Mullahs and believers for not practicing the “true Islam”. That is whitewashing the truth. Such posture may be politically correct but is intellectually dishonest. We have to expose Islam and show that the tree is rotten from its roots.

    Look around yourself! See those Iranians who have rejected Islam now love the entire world, and see how they respect the rights of the people who have different beliefs. See how they respect the Baha’is, the Zoroastrians, the Christians, the Jews, the Hindus, the agnostics and the atheists, the very people that they hated while they were blindly following the Messenger of hate. By rejecting Islam they have set themselves free of their religious hate. Now they see themselves as humans and feel united with the rest of humanity. All the prejudices and religious hate is gone. Then look at those who are still caught in the claws of Islam. See how they spew venom at everybody. If we get rid of Islam, we will get rid of our hate against each other and we can be a united nation again and build a hate-free world.

    Our responsibility is to expose Islam. We have to aim at the heart of this beast. Don’t buy the western cliché that people’s beliefs are sacred. That is a fallacy. People are sacred, their beliefs are not. If a belief preaches hate that belief is not sacred. It should not be respected but denounced and repudiated. You have to fight it even if its followers are offended. Nazism was never a sacred belief, even if millions of Germans believed in it. Pay Muslims with their own coins. Muhammad desecrated the holy places of the pagans of his time and demolished their idols. Let us pay them back in kind and demolish their idols. Albeit, unlike Muhammad who used sword and spilled blood of innocent people, we use our keyboards and love them.

    When Gandhi praised Muhammad, he either did not know the truth about Islam or as a politician he could not say the truth, which would have fueled the animosity between the Muslims and the Hindus. As a Hindu it was not his business to criticize Islam anyway. But we know the truth and we are children born in Islam. It is our responsibility to open the eyes of our fellow countrymen and women and save our motherland from this monster.

    The fight against Islam should not stop once we eliminate the barbaric regime of Iran. At that time we have to intensify our fight. The Muslims will do all the tricks in the book to stop us. They would ask us to leave them alone. They would plead, “to you your religion, to me mine”. But we should not give them any truce. We should use all the media in our disposition, we should write as many books as we can, we should spread knowledge as much as we can until Islam is eradicated completely.

    Islam is a religion of Ignorance. It thrives through ignorance. When you fight the ignorance, Islam will die. Islam is the religion of darkness; the light of knowledge will dissipate it.

    The first step is to establish our freedom and the freedom of speech. Then, it is possible to eliminate Islam in one decade. Few will remain but they will be ashamed to declare their religion publicly. The Mosques will be deserted and many of them will be converted to museums, libraries and music halls for our kids to practice and perform. They will be the most beautiful libraries in the world. Finally our majestic Iranian architecture will be in the service of our culture, knowledge and art.

    Hundreds of books and articles will be printed refuting Islam and the Muslim scholars will be challenged to answer them. The weakness of Islam will be exposed and its death will be ascertained. Just as the Islamic fanaticism from Iran spread to the neighboring countries, the massive denouncing of Islam will also affect the intellectuals in the entire Islamic world. The scholars in other Islamic countries will start to debate. For the first time the Muslims will see the real face of Islam. People will grasp the power and rule of the Mullah and religious authorities will end. Islamic countries will compare the progress of other non-Islamic countries to their own and see how Islam has hold them back from progress and has reduced them to poverty. Within a generation (less than 30 years) Islam will be a dead corpse. There will be nothing left of it except a sore memory and a bad name.

    This is the greatest change that is going to take place in our (Islamic) world in the coming decades. It will be the renascence of the Islamic countries. The intellectuals and the freethinkers of this world have a tremendous responsibility. It is up to them to make sure that this renascence is not derailed by violence. The renascence must take place in our minds and social clashes must be completely avoided.

    Islam teaches violence. Muslims would seek every opportunity to use violence and defend their religion by violence. They will call for Jihad. They will use terrorism. This is the way that Islam has grown and this is the way that it has maintained its grip for 1400 years. Islam’s strength is in violence. Violence is the method of choice for Muslims. It is encouraged in Quran and the Mullahs will call for it again. We should not let that happen. We should not give them this victory. We should avoid situations where they may be tempted to use violence. We have to avoid personal confrontations. The clashes are the clashes of ideas. We fight against Islam, not Muslims.

    Islam must be attacked from two fronts. One is Muhammad himself, his immoral character is an eloquent proof that this man could not possibly qualify to be a messenger of God. His weak moral fiber must be exposed. There are plenty of Sahih hadiths that reveal the less-than-holy personality and conduct of the messenger of Allah. The second front is Quran. We have to make everyone see the errors and the absurdities of this book. No one can ever write a book more damaging to Islam than Quran. The Masses of Muslims who read that book daily, do not understand it and are unaware of its barbaric nature. Those who know it are vaccinated against reason. They have taken small doses of this poison every day for so long that now they are immune to any logical and rational thinking. They see with their own eyes the fallacies of Quran, its errors and its barbarism, but are unmoved, unaffected, untouched. It is inconceivable that any human being with a grain of conscience read the absurdities of Quran and not be aghast.

    Once this ideological revolution takes place among Muslims, the effects of that will reverberate in other parts of the world and the thinkers of other religions will see the absurdities of their own Faiths and will come down hard at the irrational beliefs of their own fathers. Fundamentalism in one religion feeds the fundamentalism in other religions. It is as if there is a competition and people of all religions vie with each other to be more fanatical. When the Taliban issued the Fatwa that the Hindus in Afghanistan should wear distinctive badges, immediately a terrorist Hindu group that calls itself Hindu Unity issued a warning that they will start killing the innocent Muslims in India if Hindus is Afghanistan are harmed. This senseless competition has brought the world to the verge of a catastrophe of unimaginable consequences.

    However, the reverse of that is also true. Once the bigot fundamentalists of other religions see Islam is dying and it is under attack by the intellectuals of its own; once they see that Muslims themselves have risen to slay this beast, they will have no reason to exist. To fight with other fundamentalist is the raison d’ etre of the fundamentalists of any religion. When there is no one to fight with, there is no reason to be.

    Once I was active in an Internet based discussion group, a Hindu used to come and read my anti-Islamic material to use as ammunition against his Muslim opponents. One day he sent me a surprisingly refreshing email. He thanked me for opening his eyes. He said that my criticism of Islam has made him question his own religion and made him see that there are similar flaws in it too. He confessed that he is no more a Hindu but a Humanist. It’s important to note that I had never said a word against Hinduism and I don’t know much about it. Isn’t it wonderful? By fighting the dogmatism and superstitions of our own beliefs we are fighting against dogmatism in general and we are bringing about the world unity! 🙂

    This is an exciting time to be alive. You and I and ordinary people like us, can actually change the course of history. We can kill the monster of religious hate, liberate its victims and not only usher them into a new age of enlightenment but ease the tension between Muslims and the rest of the world and establish universal peace in this planet.

    Peace, love and unity will reign in this world when we eliminate hate and ignorance. Islam is the biggest source of hate.

  • April 19, 2013 10:22 am

    The islam is an incurable decease indeed.
    They are people who have a very change look at life.
    Muslims don’t respect other cultures, they also do not respect there superiors, us.
    Muslims, and espessialy arabic muslims only care about there own people, they are racists who hate other races.
    Also the ones that live in are country, and spread there decease into our nations, our people.
    This is a virus, like amadeus said, and a strong one to.
    European studies learned that if it goes on like this for decades further, half of europe will be a muslim.
    This is partially caused by the number of kids they make, they often have very big familys, 4-6 children is normal for them, and white Christian family’s do not give birth to so much children any more.
    That is one of the reasons why the population of muslims grow so fast.
    These people, with the kind of believes they have, have to be stopped by any means necessary.
    Because if there population in Europe is to high to stop, they will get there Jihad in western civilitation, and if we can’t stop it, we will have a shariah here.
    Nostradamus predicted a war from muslims against our society in 2011, which will reach it’s climax in 2014, when terrorist are going to attack the Vaticaan.
    And then the pope is going to declare war against all muslims, and a place where much muslims go will be destroyed..
    I can’t wait to see it happen

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