ISIS is not Islam

isis.jpgahmad noor says: August 25, 2015 at 1:45 am

isis dose not representing islam

islam dogma is represented by 4 schools hanafi-shafii-hanbali- mallicki.
isis dose not follow any of them ..they follow the doctrine of ( alkhawarij) means in english = the outers which also means those who are fighting the muslim govts for trifle reasons
not only govts but also the muslim public the majority of muslims do not agree with this bad understanding of islamic rules my self can not argue with them
but this group was vanished long time ago that is why we suspect that some countries intelligences are behind them ..but their fighers are mostly do not know -Ahmad

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  • August 31, 2015 2:38 am

    The ISIS uses Taqiyya doctrine openly to attract youths and innocents to its fold. It is concept sanctioned in the Koran to expand islamic empire world wide.

    Most westerners are acquainted with lying that characterize many politicians, salesman and folks of low character, generally. But we are not readily willing to accept the concept of lying being associated with a religion. Sadly, taqiyya is integral to Islam. That is what makes its use by Muslims against westerners so effective: We don’t readily realize or admit such practice exists.

    Taqiyya may be employed for any purpose whereby “any end justifies the means.” Taqiyya is closely related to the command of “Kithman”: Hiding the truth; deliberately concealing one’s beliefs.

    Practically, taqiyya is any form of lying, deceit, misleading, half-truths or related practices condoned by Islamic doctrine to further the growth of Islam or to protect the individual from harm. Taqiyya is one of the reasons we are “surprised” by acts of violence or terror from those previously considered to be “moderate” Muslims. See also “sudden Jihad syndrome.” Joel Richardson has wrritten a piece worth reading about “Understanding the Dishonesty and Deceit of Islam.”

    The Taqiyya doctrine is based on the following verse from Qur’an 3:28: “Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them”. Sunni commentator Ibn Kathir explained that “believers that fear for their safety from the unbelievers… are allowed to show friendship to the unbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly”.
    According to the Shia scholar Muhammad Husain Jafari Sahiwal, Shi’ism would not have spread if it wasn’t for taqiyya. (Referring to instances where Shiites have been ruthlessly persecuted by the Sunni political elite, during the Umayyad and Abbasid empires. Today, both Sunni and Shia sects of Islam promote and widely employ taqiyya.

  • Momeen
    August 29, 2015 7:38 am

    The following text is from Mr.Ahmed Noor,

    ahmad noor says: August 25, 2015 at 12:37 am
    “VERSE 9:29 talks about fighting kafirs anywhere being found until they are converted to islam
    This is the general meaning
    But cz you are not muslim ……and you do not like to know any thing about islam ..only false propaganda
    You do not know that this verse 9:29 is not for all non muslim …never
    It is concerned to arab non muslim kafirs in arab peninsula
    That means that the only nation that has to be forced to islam are the arab tribes in al Jazeera
    Out side al Jazeera this verse is not concerned
    I know Arabic language –reading -writing – and speaking ……. unlike you
    Verse 9:111 encourages muslims for jihad against kafirs (arab kafir or non arab kafir ….all)
    Cz by jihad islam is spread and all nations can be in touch with
    (allah has bought from the believers their money and souls for his heavens ..fighting for the sake of his majesty killing and being killed …to the end
    Verse 9:5 say : fight those who are non islam believers and who have a false religion …….
    till they give the the tribute to muslims …or accept islam it is their choice
    But tribute for non muslims is the same as zakh for muslims (poor are excluded)
    I have never found any sex violence or rape or virginity in all these verses
    Are you dreaming Hina ????”

    Mr. Noor, you are not even able to perceive that what you are theoretically preaching, ISIS is pursuing practically, for an entry ticket into the heaven.

    Nailed case of Cognitive Dissonance!

    • ahmad noor
      August 29, 2015 3:01 pm

      these 3 verses of jihad should not be mixed under same understanding arab tribes in al jazeera were a spacial case they should be converted to islam by force and no tribute ..
      jihad out side al jazeera ( all other non muslim non arab nations) they had 3 choices ..islam or war or tribute ..but in all cases they should be dominated by islam ..and the history is the great witness about the mercy of islam ..this is said by european Historians ie ( wal durant )
      isis now is fighting other islamic military organizations in syria
      fighting (ahrar -elsham).. fighting (islamic front) fighting (alfath army ) all are moderate islamic groups while they are busy in fighting the criminal bashar army ….watch syria news
      can you tell me why ..what kind of jihad is this ???
      ok why did they fight (alnusra ) which is a related to (al dhawahiri)
      i even do not understand from where they got new weapons cars money
      unless isis is a shia trick from iran iraq syria govts.
      as ahmad dawood uglu said

      • August 29, 2015 6:55 pm

        This is absolutely true for most Hindu-Muslim marriages, “islam or war or tribute ..but in all cases they should be dominated by islam”.

      • Momeen
        August 30, 2015 10:12 pm

        As I’ve already said, the prime‐most faculty to be slaughtered in any cult is, critical thinking. Even now, you are not able to discern that what your’re technically shredding, ISIS is following in toto. Religion should expand the sense of love, not hate.

    • ahmad noor
      September 5, 2015 12:15 am

      isis activities is not my affair ..
      isis is attracting muslim youth
      making use of nonmuslim persecution against muslims ..first
      and second the unfair violence against moderate political islam byb secular muslim govts …
      when you closed all the doors of hope …extremism will be the alternative ..and that is also we do not like

  • August 27, 2015 9:04 am

    Hello every one,

    After a gap, I am posting following text, for information of every one.


    Incest is defined as sexual relations between persons who are so closely related that their marriage is illegal or forbidden by custom. The prohibition of Incest is and has been one of the most common of all cultural taboos – both in the present and past societies. Most societies have laws regarding the prohibition of closely consanguineous marriages. However, it may come as shock for many to learn that in some specific instances, Incest is not a sin and is permitted in Islam.

    The truth about Islam has been one of the world’s best-kept secrets. For centuries, it has been practically impossible to raise any objection against Islam or the character of Muhammad in Muslim majority countries. Any who dare raise objections against Islam would place his or her life in great danger. But things have changed. With the advent of the Internet, it is now impossible for Muslims to keep the dark teachings of Islam a secret. Many who are now enlightened about the truth of Islam are shocked at the true teachings of the Qur’an. And Muslims are unable to silence everyone.

    There are many dishonorable teachings in Islam, but in this article we will discuss only two such teachings. One is Incest and the other is a form of marriage known as Hilla Marriage or Nikah Hilla. Please read this article very carefully and be prepared for some very shocking revelation about the dark teachings of Islam.

    There is a religious ruling in Islam that is taught and upheld by prominent Islamic scholars. This religious ruling reveals the approval of incest within its theology. The approval of this extremely debased practice serves as a character witness of the religion of Islam. In accordance with the most authentic teaching of Islam, a Muslim man is permitted to marry his own biological daughter and consummate the marriage with her if she was conceived illegitimately. In other words, a Muslim man is permitted to marry his own biological daughter if she is born out of wedlock. The foundation for Incest in Islam is laid in the following verse:

    Surah 25:54: It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage: for thy Lord has power over all things. (Yusuf Ali)

    Al-Qurtubi is one of Islam’s premiere commentators. In his Commentary (Tafsir) on Surah 25:54, he quotes Ibn Al-Arabi (1165 C.E. – 1240 C.E.), the most influential author of Islamic history, known to his supporters as al-Shaykh al-Akbar (The Greatest Master). Al-Qurtubi wrote:


    “Lineage and relationship through marriage are two terms that describe the personal relationships that may exist between humans.”

    Ibn Al-Arabi said, “Lineage is an expression referring to the mixture of fluids between a male and a female from a religious legal point of view.

    However, if this union (between male and female) occurs through disobedience (fornication) then the resulting child is not considered a part of a person’s true lineage. That is why a daughter born from adultery is not mentioned in Allah’s saying, ‘Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mothers and daughters’ (Surah 4:23) because she is not considered a daughter according to the most authentic teaching of our (Islamic) scholars and the most authentic teaching of our religion.

    If there is no legal lineage then there is no legal relationship; for adultery does not prohibit (from marriage) the daughter of the mother (you committed adultery with) nor the mother of a woman (you committed adultery with). What is lawfully prohibited is not also prohibited due to sin, for Allah has bestowed lineage and relation through marriage upon His servants and greatly esteemed these relationships. Allah has also established laws identifying what is legal and what is prohibited, which are not equal to each other; therefore falsehood cannot be a part of these laws.” (Tafseer Qurtubi, Surah 25 verse 54; Translated from Al-Azhar’s official website).

    Let us analyze this Islamic ruling very carefully. According “to the most authentic teaching of Islamic scholars and the most authentic teaching of Islam,” a daughter born out of wedlock is not considered as the daughter of the man. Therefore, it becomes permissible for him to marry her. The above Islamic ruling clearly states that “the resulting child is not considered a part of a person’s true lineage.” As a result, the daughter is regarded the same as any other unrelated woman. As such, Islam does not prohibit the marriage between the father and his own biological daughter who is born through fornication or adultery.

    And the above Islamic ruling also adds that according to “the most authentic teaching of Islam, if there is no legal lineage then there is no legal relationship; for adultery does not prohibit from marriage the daughter of the mother you committed adultery with.” And to drive home the point, the ruling states, “What is lawfully prohibited is not also prohibited due to sin, for Allah has bestowed lineage and relation through marriage.” In others words, while Islam prohibits marriages between a man and his daughter if she is conceived in marriage, it does not prohibit marriages between a father and his own daughter if she is conceived out of wedlock.

    According to Islam’s logic, it is like saying that it is wrong to drive recklessly and kill someone only if you possess a valid driving license. However, it is perfectly all right to drive dangerously and kill someone if you do not possess a valid driving license. Not having a driving license, somehow justifies your driving dangerously. Similarly, not having a legal marital status (marriage license) somehow justifies incest in Islam.

    How can one illegal act (adultery) make another illegal act (incest) lawful? How can the sin of adultery (zina) nullify the sin of incest and make it an acceptable act? Can two wrongs (adultery and incest) make a right? And the second wrong that is permitted in Islam with the blessing of Allah is incest between a father and his daughter. How does having a daughter from an adulterous relationship make her sexually permissible for the father when she is in every sense his very own flesh and blood? No matter how she is conceived, she still remains his biological child and should be sexually off limits to him. This is a gross violation of the divine standard of morality. Just think, will the true God permit incest intentionally?

    Surah 4:23 speaks about the various type of marriage relationships that are forbidden in Islam. However, the list of does notinclude the incestuous marriage between a father and his illegitimate daughter. Many of the great scholars of Islam acknowledge the permissibility of this incestuous marriage in the Qur’an. Al-Qurtubi confirms this point in his Commentary on Surah 4:23:

    Al-Qurtubi’s Commentary (Tafsir) on Surah 4:23:

    “The scholars have differed on the issue of prohibition of sexual intercourse with someone born out of adultery. The majority of knowledgeable scholars have said that if a man commits adultery with a woman, that act does not prohibit him from marrying her. Likewise, a man’s wife is not prohibited from him if he commits adultery with her mother or her daughter. It is sufficient for him to receive the punitive judgment (based on Sharia), and then he may have intercourse with his wife. If a man commits adultery with a woman then desired to marry her mother or her daughter, they are not prohibited from him because of this act.”

    “Another group said (such a marriage) is prohibited for him. This opinion was reported by Amran Ibn Husain, as well as Al-Shu’bi and Atta’, Al Hassan, Sufyan Al–Thuri, Ahmad, Ishaq and those of opinion. It was reported by Malik that adultery prohibits (a man’s relationship with both) the mother and the daughter and this act (of adultery) has the same prohibitions that a legal marriage has. This is also the saying of the people of Iraq. However, the (only) correct portion of Malik’s saying is that adultery produces no regulations. For Allah, exalted and glorified, said in Surah 4:23, “Your wives’ mothers,” but did not say, “He who committed adultery with his wives’ mothers, nor his daughter whom he conceived through adultery.” This is the saying of Al-Shafi’i and Abu Thuri…”

    “Abdul Malik Ibn Al-Maj-shun said such a marriage (between a man and the daughter he conceived through adultery) is permissible; which is the correct understanding of Allah’s saying in Surah 25:54, “It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established relationships of lineage and marriage,” referring to an approved legal marriage. This will be explained in Surah 25…”(Tafsiral-Qurtubi, Translated from the official website of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Islamic Affairs).

    The above Tafsir clearly states that “a marriage between a man and the daughter he conceived through adultery is permissible; which is the correct understanding of Allah’s saying in Surah 25:54.” The reason for these Islamic scholars to strongly support a practice that is morally and ethically wrong is primarily because of the Qur’an’s insistence that lineage and relationship are only recognized through “legal marriage.”

    An added reason for these scholars to condone such a perverted view to the extent of even accepting incest is mainly because of the Qur’an’s insufficiency to provide specific details on a given subject. In other words, anything that is not forbidden by Allah in the Qur’an is permissible for Muslims. Note again the commentary by al-Qurtubi on Surah 4:23:

    For Allah, exalted and glorified, said in Surah 4:23, “Your wives’ mothers,” But did not say, “He who committed adultery with his wives’ mothers, nor his daughter whom he conceived through adultery.”

    Thus, it can be noted that this particular form of incest is sanctioned in Islam for two reasons. Firstly, it is because Allah does not recognize the lineage of the daughter who is born out of wedlock. Secondly, it is because Allah did not specifically forbid this form of incestuous marriage in the Qur’an. As a result, a man’s daughter becomes permissible to him if he is not married to her mother at the time of her conception. Another renowned scholar of Islam also confirms this judicial ruling in Islam.

    Al-Fiqh Ala al Madahib al Arba’a by Sheikh Abdurehman Jazri, Volume 4, page 40:

    “It is permissible for a man to marry his daughter who is born through adultery.”

    “The one (girl) who is born through adultery does not become mahram (to her father) as the Shafiee say, because she is not considered as daughter since there is no inheritance between them.”

    In the legal terminology of Islamic Sharia, “mahram” is an unmarriageable kin with whom sexual intercourse would be considered incestuous. However, since a daughter born from adultery is not a daughter in Islam, she “does not become mahram (forbidden) to her father.” As such, the father can marry her. Hence, the deplorable practice of incest becomes acceptable in Islam in this instance. The unacceptable becomes acceptable. The vulgarity of Allah is too shocking even for some Muslims who find it difficult to accept this evil teaching.

    The great majority of Muslim scholars have enacted laws based on the Qur’an, which allow a man to marry his very own daughter if she is born out of wedlock – even when he is fully aware that she is his own flesh and blood. In other words he can knowingly marry his daughter because Islam “does not prohibit from marriage the daughter of the mother you committed adultery with.” Thus, Islam permits a man’s illegitimate daughter to become his legitimate wife.

    Look carefully at the wordings in the Islamic ruling. It says, “It is permissible for a man to marry his daughter who is born through adultery.” It recognizes the fact that she is “his daughter” and yet permits the incestuous marriage between a father and his daughter. Can any sane person accept this insanity? Any human being with even a minute trace of decency will understand that although adultery is wrong, it does not change the fact that the child is still his biological daughter. If a man is not even supposed to marry his step-daughter, how much so if she is his very own flesh and blood? The depth of this immoral law is immense. To say it is shocking is an understatement.

    Granted, a man and a woman sinned by committing adultery, but to make the daughter of this union permissible for the father to marry is disgustingly sinful. This particular form of sin permitted by Islam goes against the very order of nature. When Islam says that the child “is not considered a daughter,” it is punishing the child for the sins of the parents. The fact that most fathers under such circumstances will not live by this Islamic ruling shows that even adulterers have a better moral standard than Allah. One might sin in a moment of weakness but Islam’s sins are deliberate and grossly wicked. Islam once again proves its satanic nature not only by sanctioning incest but by also punishing the innocent.

    Blind faith is dangerous. It snatches one’s rationality and sense of right and wrong. It keeps sane people in the darkness of their religious dungeon. And Islam is one of the darkest dungeons. The biggest problem with Muslims is their wishful ignorance of their own faith which they blindly cherish.

    Islam redefines incest just as it redefines everything else. Thus, in the Islamic framework it is not considered incestuous for a man to have sexual relations with his blood daughter who is conceived from an adulterous relationship. She is not regarded as his daughter, even though biologically this cannot be denied. Muslims are taught to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil about the evil teachings of Islam.

    As explicitly stated in the Commentary of al-Qurtubi, Allah failed to expressly state a written law prohibiting sexual relations with the daughter born to the woman with whom adultery was committed. As a result, incest becomes permissible in Islam. Of course, even without a written code, our God-given moral sense of right and wrong teaches us that incest is wrong, no matter what the circumstances might be. This sense is universal and constitutes the natural law of mankind.

    However, Jehovah God did not leave matters to chance. Unlike Allah, Jehovah God lovingly provided clear and comprehensive instructions in the Holy Bible for his worshippers to follow.

    Leviticus 18:6-18: “No-one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am Jehovah your God. 7 ‘Do not dishonour your father by having sexual relations with your mother. She is your mother; do not have relations with her. 8 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your father’s wife; that would dishonour your father. 9 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere. 10 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter; that would dishonour you. 11 ‘Do not have sexual relations with the daughter of your father’s wife, born to your father; she is your sister. 12 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your father’s sister; she is your father’s close relative. 13 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your mother’s sister, because she is your mother’s close relative. 14 ‘Do not dishonour your father’s brother by approaching his wife to have sexual relations; she is your aunt. 15 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife; do not have relations with her. 16 ‘Do not have sexual relations with your brother’s wife; that would dishonour your brother. 17 ‘Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sexual relations with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter; they are her close relatives. That is wickedness. 18 ‘Do not take your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living.”

    Leviticus 18:29-30: “In case anyone does any of all these detestable things, then the persons doing them must be cut off from among their people. 30 And you must keep your obligation to me not to carry on any of the detestable customs that have been carried on before you, that you may not make yourselves unclean by them. I am Jehovah your God.”

    Leviticus 18:17 clearly states, “Do not have sexual relations with both a woman and her daughter.” And Jehovah gives us the reason why it is forbidden. He says, “That is wickedness.” Jehovah made it emphatically clear that it is strictly forbidden for a man to have sexual relationship with “a woman and her daughter.” If a man is forbidden to have sexual relation with the daughter of the woman (who is not even his own flesh and blood) on account of their mother-daughter relationship, how much more so if she happens to be his own biological daughter. Yet, this is allowed in Islam.

    In the first place, according to the laws of Jehovah, sexual relationship outside the sacred marriage union is strictly forbidden. The strict obedience of this law will prevent the conceiving of any children out of the sacred union of marriage. Please read the following divine commandments in the Holy Bible:

    Leviticus 18:20: “Do not have sexual relations with your neighbor’s wife and defile yourself with her.”

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10: Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who have sex with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom.

    Ephesians 5:3-5: Do not let fornication, perversion of any kind, or greediness not even be mentioned among you. This is not appropriate behavior for God’s holy people. Neither should there be shameful conduct nor foolish talking nor obscene jesting, things which are inappropriate, but rather the giving of thanks. For you know this, recognizing it for yourselves, that no fornicator or unclean person or greedy person—which means being an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and of God.

    No matter how a man begets a child, whether as a result of fornication, adultery or marriage, it is still his child and therefore to engage in sexual relations with one’s own daughter is incest. This wicked teaching gives us one of the strongest reasons to reject Islam. This article exemplifies the perverted nature of Islam and shows how vastly superior the Holy Bible is in comparison to the Qur’an in terms of morality and ethics. Sexual intercourse between a father and daughter, a mother and son, or a brother and sister is universally forbidden. Yet, as the evidences provided in this article show, marriage between a father and his biological daughter is permitted in the Qur’an.

    If Muslims accept Allah as the true God and Islam as a true religion and Muhammad as a true prophet, then they must also accept this wicked teaching. They must accept incest. Can Muslims really accept a religion that punishes an innocent child for the sins of the parents? In the following Hadith, Muhammad expressed this wicked proclamation against an innocent child.

    Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 29, Hadith 3952:

    Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet said: The child of adultery is worst of the three.

    Can you accept this insanity? How can an innocent child be considered as a greater sinner than the parents who brought the child into the world through adultery? This is Islam for you. The acceptability of incest in Islam may come as a shock for Muslims who are not familiar with the teachings of their own religion. We hope this article will serve as a wake-up call for them. We will now discuss a form of marriage in Islam that becomes necessary for the wife when a Muslim husband divorces her hastily in a moment of anger.

  • fi
    August 27, 2015 4:22 am

    What is the full form of ISIS?

  • Kumar
    August 26, 2015 8:28 am


    this post almost killed me.

  • August 26, 2015 8:24 am


    Why do you always boast about Mohd.Zia Ul Haque, a notorious person, just boaster and manipulator? No doubt you are not Pakhi but Mohd Zia Ul Haque,
    HIMSELF, some time writing as Pakhi and some time as Rina, a criminal associate,knowing nothing realistically about any fact. REMEMBER

    Islamic State or Isis have emerged as the most recent form of radical jihadism and we in the west feel bewildered by their ferocity and brutality, especially towards minorities. First, the Iraqi Christians, then the Yazidis – hundreds of them being forced to either convert or be killed.

    The recent beheading of the American journalist James Foley is only one act of defiance towards US airstrikes, with threats of more reprisals. With Al-Qaida, Boko Haram and now Isis – never has it been easier to instil fear, it seems, into the most powerful nations in the world.

    In the UK, the fear that Isis have attracted hundreds of British men to fight in the region has reignited the question of integration and radicalisation among younger British Muslims. But perhaps what is more chilling this time is the way many of these men, who have gone over to fight, have unflinchingly assumed the role of thug and tyrant given the first opportunity.

    Their narrative may well be wrapped up in the familiar language of jihad and “fighting in the cause of Allah”, but it amounts to little more than destruction of anything and anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    Then there is the other problem: our own language and how we speak of these warring factions. We call them Sunni extremists as if they are a unified body of people made respectable through an affiliation with mainstream Islam; they are in fact marauding and warring groups, even if some were formerly Iraqi soldiers and can now commandeer heavy weaponry.

    What, for instance, does a caliphate mean today, if anything? It is spoken of as an ideal Islamic polity, even though most young Muslims, especially in the west, have little knowledge of the word’s history and political complexity.

    We don’t have the vocabulary to explain the political, religious and ideological mess that has engulfed so much of the Islamic world. But our language tries to categorise the rise of this group and its destructive mission as inextricably tied to the sectarian conflicts in Syria and Iraq.

    Here, we are in danger of focusing only on Isis, when it is quite likely that another group, perhaps a splinter group even more ferocious, might spawn from this current spate of violence. Sunni, Shia? Take your pick.

    There is something else about Isis that has emerged as different from other extremist groups and that is their treatment of women and girls. Male violence against women is nothing new and unfortunately knows neither racial nor cultural boundaries. But the manner in which Isis are reported to be treating captured women and young girls speaks of another era.

    There are allegations of women being sold into slavery or repeatedly and barbarically raped and even if some claims are exaggerated, there are too many terrible truths. Women, especially young Yazidi women, are being told to convert to Islam so as to marry Isis fighters. The mantra is that the caliphate needs new converts and children to spread; women can provide both.

    This lethal mix of violence and sexual power, this deeply flawed view of manhood – is this what young British Muslims are drawn to? When religious narrative can justify this kind of oppression and moral blindness, everything suddenly seems simple and the cause appears even more worthy. Instead of oppression, they see honour; instead of killing, they see victory. Women who are victims of the Isis advance are losing their brothers, sons and fathers. You lose much in war but you can still hold on to your dignity. When women lose this, they might as well have lost everything.

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to explain why the wars of the Middle East appeal to some British youth. It can’t be reduced to an Islam/west debate as the Isis advance wants to wipe out the Shia as well as other minorities; Muslims killing other Muslims for the sake of “pure” Islam is sadly nothing new.

    Many young men see war as a drug, all powerful and mindblowing, with the thrill of donning a uniform and carrying guns. But we are no nearer to understanding the appeal of a nihilistic rhetoric among middle-class, educated young men other than it may be a way of unleashing all kinds of psychological frustrations.

    This is not a failure of integration; there is a deeper malaise than that tapping into a sense of emotional unfulfilment when you have everything. I asked my 18-year-old son last week why he thought that some Muslim men would be drawn towards groups such as Isis. He said: “You don’t suddenly turn; you already have the desire in you, however deep down, through your upbringing. A lot of it comes from home.”

    • Pakhi Begum
      August 26, 2015 11:25 am

      Massey the bastard,
      I am Pakhi. If you the son of a bitch have any doubt then let me know your postal address I will make myself present there. Bastard, You christians are opportunists. Your and forefathers converted to Christian only to get something from Christian Britishers who were killed and/or driven out from India jointly by Muslims and Hindus. I wish you should be killed by ISIS. I don’t support ISIS but always rejoice when I find ungrateful Christians are killed by them or any body whosoever it is.
      Pakhi Begum

  • Momeen
    August 25, 2015 10:36 pm
  • August 25, 2015 10:09 pm

    Why you did not cover Jafari who comprised of 23%?

    Today, the five schools of Islamic thought accepted by all Muslims are the Ja‘fari, comprising 23% of the Muslims; the Hanafi, comprising 31% of the Muslims; the Maliki, comprising 25% of the Muslims; the Shafi΄i, comprising 16% of the Muslims; and the Hanbali, comprising 4% of the Muslims. The remaining small percentage follow other minority schools, such as the Zaydi and the Isma΄ili.(source)

    • Pakhi Begum
      August 26, 2015 10:46 pm

      Will you please clarify where from you have got the statistics and how can you be sure of the authenticity of the same.
      Pakhi Begum

    • ahmad noor
      August 29, 2015 2:57 am

      no body knows that shia is not islamic doctrine or islamic school ..that means shia belongs to an other category the real difinition of shia is that it is an other religion separated from original islam much difference between islamic doctrine or schools and …an other religion claiming islam trying to destroy islam
      by the way jafari is a false name of shia jafar did not live in al kufa ( the oriogin of shia R ) he lived and died in al madienah it is somthing ridiculous that all those who claim meeting him 9putting the bases of shia R )are from kufa liers ..these informations cost ihsan ilahi zahir the paki.scholar his life in 1986 i am trying to summarise
      as it is a long story

    • ahmad noor
      August 29, 2015 3:53 am

      BTW shia percentage never exceeds 8% all around islamic world and inshallah this will also get reduced in future ..i am sure

      • Momeen
        August 30, 2015 10:21 pm

        My earlier response to you in the blog:

        You could not even tolerate the other sect, when will you learn to accept other faith followers as equal humans? The sufferings in the Middle East is because of the intolerance that’s fed into them from infancy; when you could not adjust with your own extended clan, what broad-mindedness could be expected from you?

  • Pakhi Begum
    August 25, 2015 12:53 pm

    According world’s one of the famous Islamic Experts Md.Zia-ul-Haque (who has been given the Award of Top Islamic Expert,2014 by AllExperts.Com USA) ISIS is not at all an Islamic organization though their leaders and volunteers are taking and having Islamic names. Its founder leader is a Jew by birth and is having number of non Muslim wives. Mr.Haque, in the past, had made it clear that terrorists and terrorism do not have any place in Islam. In his opinion all the terrorist organizations like ISIS, Boko Haram, Jamatud Dawa, Jamaatul Mujahedin and ……. should be effaced, liquidated and crushed forthwith.
    Pakhi Begum

  • August 25, 2015 8:10 am


    You are not correct to say that ISIS is not a islam.Even their name starts with Islam. I would like to define ideology of this group.

    ISIS is a Salafist-jihadi Islamic organization, part of the Sunni Islamic extremist faction which seeks to restore early Islam’s days of glory through jihad, a holy war directed against internal and external enemies. The Salafist movement perceives the time of the Prophet Muhammad as ideal and the first Caliphs who succeeded him as role models (the Arabic word Salaf means ancestor or first generation). The modern Salafist movement began in Egypt, a result of the desire to purify Islam of its flaws and return to what was perceived as the Golden Age of Islam.

    Initially, the Salafist movement focused on religious studies and the winning of hearts and minds (da‘wah) as a way of creating an Islamic society and a state ruled by Islamic law. However, within the Salafi movement an extremist faction called Salafiyya Jihadiyya (i.e., jihadi Salafism) developed, from which Al-Qaeda and the global jihad organizations, including ISIS, have emerged. An ideologically important contribution to the development of the movement was made by Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966), an Egyptian ideologue whose ideas inspired the establishment of Islamic organizations that supported violent struggle (including the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, led by Ayman al-Zawahiri, Bin Laden’s successor as leader of Al-Qaeda).

    From a Salafist-jihadi perspective, Muslims must strive to disseminate and implement Islam in all areas of life by liberating the lands of Islam from other cultures (especially Western culture) through jihad (holy war), which is perceived as the personal duty (fard ‘ayn) of every Muslim. Thus Muslim must fight the enemies of Islam through violent and uncompromising military struggle. Moreover, according to the Salafist-jihadi perception, the enemies of Islam are not only external (mainly the US and the West), but also Arab regimes that cooperate with the West or secular Arab regimes that are considered “infidel.” Therefore, according to Salafist jihadists, Islamic religious law justifies overthrowing them.

    The borders of the Islamic Caliphate established by ISIS: vision and reality

    The return to the Golden Age of Islam, according to ISIS, takes place through the reestablishment of an Islamic Caliphate, based on the Salafist-jihadi interpretation of Islamic religious law (the sharia). The Caliphate State, whose establishment was declared by ISIS, currently includes large parts of Iraq and Syria, from the outskirts of Baghdad to the outskirts of Aleppo. However, ISIS seeks to expand its self-declared Caliphate State to the rest of Iraq and Syria, topple the regimes in Baghdad and Damascus, and subsequently spread from there to the rest of the region, most of it included in Greater Syria (Bilad al-Sham) according to ISIS: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, and even Kuwait (See map).

    However, ISIS’s ambitions extend beyond the areas of Greater Syria. According to its vision, the Caliphate in Greater Syria will be the core of an extensive Islamic Caliphate. It will include the countries of the Middle East; North Africa; parts of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan (Khorasan); European countries that were conquered from the Muslims in the past (Spain, the Balkans); and other Muslim countries (Turkey, the Caucasus).

    Following are three maps of the Caliphate State posted on ISIS and jihadi forums:

    The Caliphate State with its present borders.
    The area of Greater Syria (Bilad al-Sham) to be controlled by ISIS in the future.
    The Caliphate State with its extensive borders, from West Africa to Central Asia (including some areas in Europe).

    • ahmad noor
      August 29, 2015 3:47 am

      look chand and do not mix are writing about very critical topic so speaking generally ..never helps to reach the truth
      To get back the islamic golden age is not a sin or a crime or adream
      we believe that islam can solve the great problems facing the humanity nowadays ..including indian society ( but this is not our topic here )
      our topic is the way to serve our religion and how to forward it to humanity ..and do not tell me that the world now is a paradise without religion
      -most of religious muslims believe in islamic upbringing (that is what we need now ) and believe that it is not reasonable to fight all those who are persecuting or oppressing muslims as now we do not have the power to stand against USA and NATO ,forces what happened to afganistan and iraq are clear examples ..our islamic duty now is not to fight as al qaeda dose we believe that alqaeda activities harmed islam much more than they expected
      (muslim brothers) are representing such policy in all islamic countries will never believe that they have a great popularity in most of their countries ..they believed in peaceful islamic activites they paticipated in democratic elections every where but secular muslim govts stand against them violently ..
      look what happened in egypt ..mursi won ..but the army now is dominating using the bloodiest methods against them the same story happened in algeria in 1992 and turky 2 two times
      then you can imagine who is the terrorist ..
      about sayd qutub ..this man criticised the military secular dominating dectations all around islamic countries and criticised also
      the carelerss islamic govts of saudi arabia at that time but he did not call for any military action against them or called them kafir
      if alqaeda has an extreme understanding that you have to fight all and face all whatever the results be this is not his mistake
      but yes alqaeda believe in jihad now against all nonmuslim who oppress muslims and they are within the islamic 4 schools
      unlike isis who are very rude even against muslims who has different opinions about jihad
      but i am asking a question ..till now no body answered me
      what is the percentage of alqaeda or isis to the total population of muslims ..or even to the religious muslims

  • August 25, 2015 7:51 am

    Explain what dogma Islam follow and what are differences between 4 dogmas you mentioned. Which one is followed by Saudi and Iran?

    • ahmad noor
      August 29, 2015 3:15 pm

      simply islam is to follow quran rules and sunna as a source of legislation (all sunna is what the prophet decided and did ) this base is agreed by all muslims except shia who replaced it by following their clamed 12 imam (without proving how they became imams and how can they prove that the novels told by them are true )
      the result is that we got a catholic pope islam

      • August 29, 2015 6:52 pm

        Agree to Ayatollah as a Catholic Pope of Islam analogy. However, you must know that, in others eyes, Muhammad is an immortal-Pope of Islam. As you said, “all sunna is what the prophet decided and did” some 1400 years ago. Islam is certainly a ONE-man-religion. Tell us, if one removes Muhammad, what is left in Islam?

        • ahmad noor
          August 29, 2015 10:32 pm

          in all religions if we believe that he is a true prophet and a messenger of god iot is normally that we follow him in an absolute obying
          this is indisputable…
          or else islam will be a religion of no religion standards
          look at the chaos in shia religion ..this is the result

          • August 30, 2015 8:18 am

            How can you talk about other faiths by saying, “in all religions if we believe that he is a true prophet and a messenger of god”? Who gave you that authority? Did you talk to them? Muhammad was not there when Judaism and Hinduism’s books were written. See, we told you are idolizing one man just too much. Instead if you focus on Allah, you will have all answers.

          • ahmad noor
            September 5, 2015 12:22 am

            (in all religion) is a mistake i did not mean it …sorry
            may be this is a print mistake

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