Is this a Hindu wedding?

What are your views on what one author wrote…”Therefore, technically speaking, after conversion to Islam or Christian faith has been performed, the Hindu ceremony is a totally superfluous oxymoron – because it is a ‘Muslim to Muslim’ or ‘Christian to Christian’ wedding performed by a Hindu priest! In such a wedding, do celebrating Hindus know what they are celebrating for?” Is this really a wedding of a Hindu? How would you feel if you are part of such a wedding?

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  • September 3, 2010 11:20 pm

    If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)

  • Sucheta Maheshwari
    January 13, 2010 12:47 am

    In my opinion, any religious wedding ceremony that is performed the last should have the final say, ironically a bit like Islam’s claim itself.

    In case of a Hindu marrying a non-Hindu, the Arya Samaj priests first perform a ‘Shuddhi’ ritual for the non-Hindu to become a Hindu and subsequently the wedding ceremony is performed. This should take care of the non-Hindu’s becoming a Hindu.

    From the Hindu perspective – if the Hindu has been converted to an Abrahamic in an earlier ceremony, let alone fatwa against apostasy, he/she too can be converted back to being a Hindu. But by the above logic of ‘last is final’ this will only be meaningful if the Hindu wedding is the final one.

    In the mentioned scenario of a Hindu marrying an Abrahamic, the modern (spelled unaware) Hindu unfortunately is more likely to think of this as not a strategic but a logistic issue.

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