Iranian Muslim girl in love with Christian Indian

a.a says: January 8, 2014 at 8:12 am

hi dear admin and sarah

i am also iranian girl and i fall in love with one christian indian boy.

we were in relation for one year and after one year he come meet me and my family. as u told, my familly also rejected me and him have relation any more. and we decicded to finish but still we could not. now three years we r togethere but still we r togethere and my baba completley me and him in relation. i decide to go in india but he started to get down in his health and job. he was working in qatar and after now for 7 month he resigned from his job to start new project in dubai but that project completly canceld and he is now jobless and he got stress and become sick. but still i m with him. but we have alottttt problems together… so first i decide go indian and know his familly and his culture for 6 month after decide for marry or not. of course he was in iran for for 5 years and now he undrestand and speaks persion very well…. but this is not enough for my fathere and our marriage… -AA

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • March 8, 2015 10:43 pm

    This is a stupid mentality.
    I am in a relationship with an Iranian Shia lady and we have had a civil wedding. She does attend church services with me and we are also planning a church wedding soon. She is very happy to be free of her Shia imposed restrictions in Iran and has her wings in India.

    Reply at

  • January 25, 2014 12:48 am

    I am Syed MUhammad Faisal live in Karachi Pakisran Seprate single

  • January 8, 2014 9:15 pm

    Dear AA,

    There is lots more to deal in interfaith marriages. How are you planning to get married? By Islamic Nikaah or in his Christian church. As you know, both are exclusivist religions and thus who will give up his/her birth faith? How are you planning to raise children? What will you teach to your children for who is Jesus – a Son of God or just one of apostles?

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